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Since the beginning of the year. Im actually i guess the chief Law Enforcement officer of the country a group of us federal judges condemn a President Trumpet using him up overstepping his legal boundaries. Began in libya where efforts to bring peace have suffered yet another setback internationally recognized government has suspended involvement and talks in geneva after war Khalifa Haftar forces attacked the capital sport at least 3 people were killed in that assault that port is a main entry point by sea for supplies to libya after its forces say their target was an arms depot has been trying to capture the capital since april cheerful his government is now insisting the peace talks cannot continue until the world firmly responds to what it calls violations of diplomatic editor james bays reports. The port in the libyan capital tripoli under attack general half his forces carried out the rocket strikes about the same time the talks were resuming in geneva and immediately put the fate of the peace efforts in jeopardy its now 10 months since general haftar appended the international communitys peace plans by ordering an offensive to try and seize tripoli the operation launched defiantly just hours after he met u. N. Secretary general antonio good terrorist who was visiting libya at the time in the months since the death toll has mounted as weapons have continued to pour into the country despite the latest attacks when he spoke to reporters the secretary generals envoy was determined to push the diplomatic momentum forward is your plan back on track my plan is not back on track my plan has never left the track it is being implemented was patience and determination this by the many of the key you need a ceasefire before next week i better have a ceasefire in order to implement all the rest but this is not the precondition but hours later sporadic indiscriminate attacks on tripoli continued the government to fire is issued this statement. There were renewed violations of the truce with the targeting of civilian facilities this time the tripoli seaport which is the life of archery for many libyan cities where they get basic medical and Food Supplies in this context when ounce the suspension of ongoing talks in geneva the president ial Council Reaffirms that without a permanent ceasefire there is no point in any negotiations the u. N. Is now left struggling to see if it can save the geneva process wider talks involving all the political factions in libya would use take place next week once again or day shifts military action by general haftar has derailed peace efforts james bays out 0 geneva top diplomats involved in the talks have reacted with dismay to the sudden turn of events i only saw this i hope of course said then and these talks we check she will resume as is as quickly as possible said i mean the what is just started to engage in the military committee which is the most important thing for the ceasefire and there are some positive for the political to look to to stop the sometime in the near future to serve the there was the hope that step in the will be done but duty. Had time to slide from shipley with the latest developments so what what is the feeling there and aaa now that this is just broken down so suddenly so dramatically. Will. There is generally a state of panic fear and frustration after this Dangerous Development to that happened last night and yesterday in the capital tripoli people are worried that heavy fighting my train you at any time and people in density Populated Areas in near and in the city center there why would that. Tack on the port in the capital tripoli. This could be the beginning get to other at tax in the residential areas so yesterday we were hearing good sounds of heavy explosions as have that as forces were targeting get the port but being why and all the institutions in the west of the country under the government of National Award they say that they cannot proceed in any peace talks a less have to those forces that stop targeting get the city as you know that the government of National Board has issued a statement suspending its participation in the military track talks that was due to be healed today again in geneva the High State Council here in the capital tripoli all saw stated that it cannot proceed in any peace talks unless have to us forces. Pulled out from southern tripoli you know that this is. The the United Nations support the mission in libya. Trying to deal with this issue but meanwhile the institutions under the government of national called here in tripoli say that. They have the resources to pull out from southern tripoli and to deescalate and to stop targeting this is hilarious and state facilities is a predicate for any peace talks to continue ok but with abdel wahab live with the latest in tripoli thank you. After spending weeks in quarantine on a cruise ship in japan hundreds of people have now been allowed to leave the initial round of coronavirus quarantine is over and some of the people deemed healthy are leaving the vessel but there are still a large number of people on board and theres questions about how effective the quarantine was after the virus spread to over 500 passengers meanwhile hong kong s. Recorded its 2nd death from the virus is a 6 person to have died outside Mainland China so that brings the total number of deaths to 2010 out of 75000. 00 and the actions thats a mortality rate of under 3 percent making it 20 times more deadly than the common flu on tuesday china report of the lowest daily rise of new cases since the end of january so in a moment we will go to hong kong where adrian brown is standing by live on more on the 2nd death their 1st go to rob mcbride who is at the port and yokohama so there are some people that are leaving but there is a vast majority are not leaving that vessel rob. Thats right it is a very mixed picture here the finally we are seeing the start of this disembarkation process after this very controversial period of quarantine is the end of the 14 days set as the quarantine period and as you mentioned several 100 people by the end of today wednesday due to have left the vessel weve been seeing a lot of activity down here on the yokohama waterfront a steady procession of taxis buses sometimes larger and more organized convoys of several coaches with Police Escorts in some cases leaving the port area going to various transport hubs these are people who have been given a clean bill of health they have had been tested for the coronavirus the test to come back negative they have been told by the japanese authorities they are cleared to leave here and go home if they are japanese citizens that is what they are doing but theyve been told by the authorities here to quarantine themselves at least for several days and the authorities here will check up on them to see whether. Any symptoms of fever occurring so it does bring into question just the value of this whole quarantine exercise and of course many foreign governments do not show much confidence in this exercise at all the number of countries among them the United States australia they are saying they dont want to see citizens come home straight away they want to leave it to weeks and if they do come home then they face the prospect of spending another time in quarantine and there are a lot of concerns here that over the past week especially weve seen this big spike in new infections several 100 people becoming infected and concerns have been raised today wednesday here in japan with a an Infectious Disease expert from one of the local universities here going on social media and talking about a visit to this ill fated ship describing conditions below deck which he says were simply chaotic. I never had to fear getting infection myself for you will know South Carolina because i know how to protect myself but inside. And with or scared i was scared of getting caught between 1000 because there was no way to tell where the pharisees no green zone no red. Everywhere could have and everybody was not careful about a. Single professional Infection Control person in the ship. Now this whole process is expected to take several days ago to remember there are still 3 several 1000 passengers and crew on board and of course some of those are still have the symptoms of still carrying this coronavirus is not quite clear exactly what will happen to them and this is the weve been watching the healthy passengers being leaving through this gate weve also during the day been at another gate from this port area where weve seen at least 3 or 4 ambulances leaving with their sirens blaring driven by white clad ambulance people with face mask on presumably taking more people who have been getting sick and from this vessel ok robin private the latest from yokohama port rob thank you as i said our adrian brown is in hong kong so adrian as we just mentioned theres been another person who has died from krajina bias in hong kong what else can you tell us about. He s 3 shall we have our 2nd death here in hong kong a 70 year old man who crossed over to the mainland on january the 22nd just before the Lunar New Year holiday he started to feel seriously on well last week he was an admitted to hospital his condition worsened substantially earlier this week and that he died on wednesday morning now Officials Say he did have an underlying condition as was the case with the 1st man who died here in hong kong nearly 2 weeks ago we have 62 confirmed infections here in hong kong so far but across the border on the mainland state t. V. Has been showing more pictures of a hospital being expanded now the officials in china say that they are going to build not just 2 hospitals they were completed recently but 10 more are also going to be build over the coming weeks we have Something Like 25000 Health Workers now in who by the province and also more soldiers were arriving in the province on wednesday to bolster that effort so state t. V. Is really accentuating the positive stressing that so far 14000 people have so far recovered from the virus the recovery rate in who play province so is still about 15 percent whereas in the rest of china its about 40 percent so a big gap between those 2 recovery rates because overall in china as you mentioned earlier we have more than 2000 deaths and more than 75000 infections but the rate of infections has fallen for the 2nd day in a row to where things stand with the government the government is getting pressure from a couple of groups there are people that want folks that are on that that cruise ship that rob was talking about they want their people evacuated from there theres people in Mainland China that when i go home to hong kong hows the government handling all this pressure. Well the Hong Kong Government is really being accused of doing too little too late as you rightly mention there are people currently stranded in who by province got it right across who by the province who have been trying to get out for the past month but its very difficult for the government to help those people because of course there are severe traffic and travel restrictions in force but it does say its trying to do what it can to get more than 300. 00 hong kong citizens of board the diamond princess back to hong kong it has sent a team of about 50 officials to yokohama theyve gone with special protective clothing they say theyre going to screen everyone who is allowed on board one of the specially chartered hong kong flights and then those people once they get back to hong kong will be screened again and then placed into quarantine for at least 2 weeks but there are 52 people on board that vessel from hong kong who have been infected and of course theyre going to have to remain in china for several in japan for several more weeks until of course their cases of finally cleared up if theyre cleared up at the edge rambam at the latest from Hong Kong Adrian thank you. Still ahead on aljazeera by the president ial election in afghanistan the winner is finally declared. Choosing between a more than 50 year old dynasty or a new leader for one togo get ready to go. Hello and welcome to International Weather forecast once again i moved to the right hand side of the screen to show you low pressure systems moving in towards the u. K. And iceland indeed a very severe storm once again like to bring some blizzard conditions up into southeastern parts of ice and over the next 24 hours a more very heavy rain across parts of our and into the u. K. Giving some flooding weve got flooding further south weve got at least half a dozen Severe Weather warnings in force across parts of england and wales many more general flood warnings weve got course the conditions of this across europe at the moment for the most part little bit of snow across the Alpine Regions temperatures still pretty decent would be caressed there at 10 degrees but this weather system will eventually push in across some of the coastal regions of the north see some snow pushing into southern parts of scandinavia and so were like you see some heavy falls occurring here clear weather following on behind the low pressure across the aegean sea as well given some severe storms pretty hot weather across central parts of africa temperatures generally here about 2 degrees above average not continue to head on through into thursday still this cool breeze coming off the Mediterranean Sea temperatures along the coast struggling with a high of just 16 degrees in benghazi. Where theyre on line like probably would be one of the worst around the Mainstream Media about being not always. You join us on sat there is a difference between diversity and inclusion and overseas sometimes isnt always sincere based is a dialogue sanctions on the ways in which theyre applied to iran are an act of warfare everyone has a voice we as a society that is so quick to get to blame need to just sit down and listen join the global conversation on aljazeera. Watching aljazeera lets recap the top stories right now libya should recognize government has suspended involvement in ceasefire talks in geneva after warlord gleeful huffed arse forces attacked the capitals port dribblers government says the world must firmly respond to tar. After spending weeks in quarantine on a cruise ship in japan hundreds of diamonds as passengers have finally been allowed to leave more than 2000 passengers and crew remain on board. U. S. Attorney general bill barr supporter to be considering stepping town over conflicts with president ronald trump and says the u. S. Justice department is locked in a dispute with an association of charges over the handling of the trial of trumps former adviser roger stone is among several former trump aides record of an investigation into russias interference in the 2016 election write us correspondent kimberly halcomb reports less than 2 weeks after being acquitted by the u. S. Senate of abusing his president ial powers donald trump is once again facing similar accusations as he fights his own department of justice somebody has to stick up for the people tropp is being criticized for intervening in a case involving a close friend and political ally roger stone convicted last year of lying to Congressional Committee investigating whether trust Political Campaign colluded with Russia Federal prosecutors recommended stone go to jail for at least 7 years truck tweeted the recommendation was a miscarriage of justice that same day his attorney general william barr downgraded the recommendation prompting for federal lawyers to quit the case complicating things further bar took the unusual step of admitting publicly that trumps tweets dont help if i do make his job harder i do agree with that i think thats true now. As Trump Defends bar and lashes out at federal judges and prosecutors a Group Representing the judges is accusing trump of overstepping the legal boundaries of the presidency with unprecedented involvement in politically sensitive judicial cases their actions Trump Defense im allowed to be totally involved im actually i guess the chief Law Enforcement officer of the country but ive chosen not to be involved in reality it is the attorney general that is the chief Law Enforcement officer in the u. S. Not the president but that hasnt stopped trump from undoing other sentences through a series of pardons for high profile individuals including convicted Financier Michael Milken former new York City Police commissioner Bernard Kerik and even former democratic illinois governor Rod Blagojevich convicted for trying to sell former president Barack Obamas Vacant Senate seat once Obama Took Office and President Trump says he may continue to try and influence the legal case involving his friend roger stone stone sentencing is set for thursday and trump hasnt ruled out pardoning kim kimberly help at aljazeera the white house afghanistans president has won another term it was a player the winner of last septembers disputed Election Results have been delayed for 5 months because of attacks at polling stations allegations of vote rigging and technical problems are a challenge for ports. Since september afghanistans Election Commission has been sifting complaints and contested votes trying to work out whether ashraf ghani has the 50 percent plus one vote needed to avoid a runoff he does its finally announced but only just but that she has said all had to open according to the constitution we declared mr ashraf ghani who recovered 923592 votes which is equal to 50. 64 percent of the countrys total vote in the election as the president elect of the government of the Islamic Republic of afghanistan. The incumbent is naturally celebrating. The matter. But im dedicating this victory of the people to the people and as the 1st servants with our united seem we will always safeguard the rights of the Afghan People but although the decision puts months of electoral uncertainty to rest it opens a new chapter of danger just like when gandhi was ruled the winner in 2014 his main rival Abdullah Abdullah is calling the result illegitimate thats. The result they announced today was the result of election of a coup against democracy the betrayal of the will of the people and we considered it to be illegal. In 2014 the u. S. Brokered a power sharing agreement with garni president and of diller chief executive. This time around the u. S. Is doing deals with the taliban there near an agreement in doha which could be announced soon if an initial reduction in violence is successfully observed the u. S. Wants to bring its troops home. With the taliban also says gone these reelection is illegal and contravenes the Peace Process will reach alans aljazeera. Ukraines president says heavy fighting in the eastern donbass region wont hamper efforts to end the conflict but russian back separatist the flare up has left one ukrainian soldier dead and several others wounded as the worst spell of violence in the region since peace talks were held in december sides are blaming each other. On a 1000000 we have a powerful army provocations happen but the army responded firmly the situation is completely under control so we are confident that this provocation will not change the course towards ending the conflict as one can only sit at the negotiation type with a strong army the course forward is to go ahead and stop the war and reach peace they even says nearly 300 civilians have been killed in a northwest syria since the beginning of the year as the government tries to recapture the last rebel stronghold. In the. United nations says schools hospitals and camps for the internally displaced have been hit it says the russian backed government offensive is cruel beyond belief and his call for the immediate creation of humanitarian corridors to allow civilians to escape the sheer quantity of attacks on these hospitals medical facilities schools. Would suggest to the macondo will be accidental. And adam minimum even if they were accidental it shows lack of proportionality necessity caution and so on. All of which can contribute to something being an attribute it to is a war crime its cruel beyond belief that civilians mostly women and children living under scraps of plastic sheeting in freezing conditions are being bombed. Reports on the plight of those displaced by these attacks from the turkey syria border. Is one of hundreds of thousands of internally displaced syrians she fled her village of a bull murky in the east of when it was taken over by Government Forces the building is unfinished and the family has little for nature cannot afford to buy a stove to heat the place. And we pray someone will defend us please help us they kill our children they target cause schools we cannot send our children to schools anymore they are bombing the area nonstop its insane as Government Forces close in football has already backed the tractor outside hes ready if the situation gets worse. I have seen hopeless faces crying out of fear and humiliation i am asking the arabs in the muslims where are you why are you silent come here and see the women and children living in the open people are on the run they leave it live hoping for a better place sam and his family have just arrived from mata norman the rebel stronghold south of. The city was recaptured by the syrian army 2 weeks ago shelling a flare many civilians escaped. On one day we counted 400. 00 rockets fired at the city in addition to airstrikes many were killed we fled under the cover of darkness it was so chaotic when you were looking for loved ones whom theyve lost track of during the escape this is how more than and the outskirts of aleppo look like. Long lines of syrians piled on tracks their destination is the border with turkey they join hundreds of thousands of people who have gathered in small areas and empty fields hoping. To cross into turkey if Syrian Government troops continue their advance the battle for it live might turn into the worst confrontations is the start of the conflict 9 years ago the syrian army is determined the bubbles must surround but defiant civilians have nowhere to go and if it falls into the hands of the government theyre likely to pay a price the millions who live in the province lost friend near the border with turkey will have to abandon the dream theyve carried for many years a syria without bashar assad has to. Deliver on turkeys border with syria voters and her go head to the polls this week and theyre facing a big choice just to keep a dynasty that has rolled a tiny west african nation for more than half a century or choose a new leader and the 1st of a series of stories on the boat many tourists went to a maid to find out what matters to people there. What is at this Nutritional Supplement plant race to be orders. But no matter how hard they work they can only meet 15 percent of customer demands because the plant lacks the capacity to handle large orders young entrepreneurs like. I could strain birdlike of funds and government support. The best improvement there monday. We want the government to act on 2 parameters to create a bank to support young entrepreneurs and to invest more in skilled use instead of wasting resources trying to appease every unemployed person this way the skilled individuals can set up businesses to employ young people but reviving the economy is not the only concern for 2 goalies in these elections. In rural areas where most of the population lives about 60 percent of the people like access to electricity and clean water. There is widespread poverty among the population there is little or no Economic Empowerment for the poor some voters want to change to the current regime to them it will mean Economic Freedom togo is rich and as the president himself acknowledged resources are currently controlled by a few individuals this is unacceptable. Campaign rallies on the way as Political Parties try to convince the voters to support its members of the i said before being in power here since 967 many im sure change in the ongoing assembly will make any difference but president for now simba supporters believe he provides the security and stability of the forward needs but the opposition insists only it can grow the economy and bring prosperity to trouble. But many voters are less confident of a quick fix to the economy and their living conditions. Im not going to vote because a call go in queue up to cast my ballot for change that never comes when i know my vote will make a difference maybe ill change my mind for now shes passing up the thrill of casting off post by lot and like many others think the politicians are out of tune with a. Comment you greece. Are stuck here in the us are the headlines right now libyas un recognized government has suspended involvement in ceasefire talks in geneva after a war or says attacked the capitals port japanese government says the world must respond to tar at least 3 people were killed in that assault. After spending weeks in quarantine on a cruise ship in japan hundreds of diamond princess passengers have finally been allowed to leave but its more than 2000 passengers and crew remain on board an Infectious Disease expert who visited the diamond princess during its quarantine period describe the conditions on board i never have had fear of getting infection myself for you will have a south. Because i know how to protect myself but you say pieces that i went out with scared i was so scared of getting caught between 19 because there was no way to toe with the power of seas no green zone no red some everywhere could have virus and everybody was not careful about a. Single professional Infection Control personally senatorship as attorney general bill barr supporter to be considering stepping down over conflicts with president onil trump it comes as the u. S. Justice department is locked in a dispute with a group of judges over the handling of the trial of President Trumps former advisor roger stone was among several former trump aides who were caught up in the investigation into russias interference in the 2016 election ukraines president says heavy fighting in the eastern donbass region will not hamper efforts to end the conflict with russian backed separatists the flare up has left one ukrainian soldier dead and several others wounded thats the worst spell of violence in the region sense peace talks were held in december both sides are blaming each other. The u. N. Says nearly 300. 00 civilians have been killed in northwest syria since the beginning of the year almost half of them died in attacks by the government with Russian Support the government has been trying to capture of that last rebel stronghold. So the headlines keep it here on aljazeera more news to come in the meantime the strangeness of that. Coverage of africa is what im most proud of every time i travel whether its east to west or people stop me and tell me how much they appreciate our country and our focus is not just on their suffering but also on the more uplifting and Inspiring Stories people trust entrepreneurs to tell them whats happening in their communities in kiev and unbiased and thats an african i couldnt be more proud to be. Everyone im josh rushing to were going to me ok today less than 2 percent of farmers in the United States are black but that hasnt always been the case so what happened and what is their future hold share your thoughts with us on twitter or in our live chat and you too could be on the story. You know a century ago africanamerican families owned one of the countrys farmland thats about 15000000 acres but theyve long

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