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Are some of indias most watched news actors plus the New Territory government in manila having gone after news websites it doesnt like now targeting the countrys biggest broadcaster 2 weeks ago when we 1st examined the official chinese response to the corona Virus Outbreak beijing was in damage control mode the government had been slow to respond its Media Outlets had downplayed the seriousness of the threat and lives were lost as a result one of those deaths a doctor in the frontline city of hahn has caused collective outrage online when he was amongst the 1st to raise the alarm he was then taken into custody and forced to confess to wrongdoing rumormongering for doing his job essentially it is rare for the chinese to openly criticize their government rarer still when those criticisms on social media are not instantly deleted by censors however for a brief period of time thats what was happening online for chinese jerk. Lists there was a temporary window that opened for some hard hitting investigative reporting it appears that window has closed again the term the china watchers are now using to describe approach to the coronavirus story is inherently oxymoronic they call it managed transparency or a starting point this week as ground 0 the city of. Of all the casualties of this coronavirus none has made more news in china than dr levy when. On december 30th leave used a closed messaging group to tell colleagues of the seriousness of the strain he said he did not intend the message to be shared which it was he was then taken into custody and forced to apologize for spreading rumors leak contracted the virus coming on february 7th and unleashing a wave of fury online the likes of which the chinese authorities seldom see or tolerate loads of china watchers. Never see this coming we already know that the public was angry about the handling of the fire and probably about the covering up of facts but we wouldnt expect this kind of outpouring of anger towards the government why people remarkably they also. I was afraid. Of chinas equivalent of today and then that hash tag was more than 1800000 times before when there are so many people feel so strongly about his that it would be wise for the authorities to really just life a lot of comments. To shoot. At the state media did you report on his death but the language they use are mostly focusing on you know we have so much respect for this doctor for what he did as a doctor. Not for what he did as a whistleblower. Just that you. Thats the shes a cook you dont you dont think. That since she was. There focusing on one part they want people to focus on about dr leon but not really on the part that people care about mostly about the freedom of speech citizens have taken the coronavirus story into their own hands and devices that is the biggest single change since the sars coronavirus story of 2003 the chinese had Internet Access back then but social media was not anything like the news source it is today chen cio she a lawyer turned blogger has documented the hospitals are loaded with patients friend ben whos in the clothing business posted images of body bags destined for the crematorium. Margolin and then had his phone camera rolling when the authorities came calling all and only the normal would you know where. Most are now as you want to be in custody. But there are another 50000000 people under quarantine and they have a lot of time to tell their story so the social media role in covering this crisis has been truly unprecedented its been the 1st epidemic the 1st major disease in china thats been true televised so whether youre stuck at home alone. Not seeing your relatives or not being able to buy groceries if youre a doctor fighting the disease in a hospital thats overcrowded or if youre patient was struggling to get into the hospital were seeing the stories through social media anybody whos far away from one including International Observers have been able to witness and even feel what its like to participate demick thats something that i think is truly moving its emotional but it also puts a lot of pressure on state authorities at the local and central level to react to beat this disease and to bring people together. It also exposes the countrys primary news channels which for weeks were providing far less information than social media was. Domestic news outlets especially National Channels and newspapers have been state controlled ever since the communists took power more than 70 years ago there have been some temporary openings for more adventurous reporting most recently during the time of the olympics in 2008 those freedoms were already d disappearing by 2012 when she jinping took power by 2016 the president was touring the Media Outlets demanding in his words their absolute loyalty to the party in thought politics and action on the coverage of the coronavirus that is what the president dr lucian hosts an Opinion Program at the state funded channel. Theres a fundamental. Premise thats wrong with this question saying that. Might have a different agenda in not reporting the truth of the story basically when c. C. T. V. In your way interviewed one of the experts in china on fighting the virus on the 20th of january and what mr jones told. And. That is when the public was alerted to the potential scale to potential severity of this epidemic so i dont think it is anywhere the state media there were suppressing the severity of the situation. But the internet you know my ocean refers to on january 20th came more than 3 weeks after dr lee when liang had put the word out it was old news there has been some 1st rate journalism produced by chinese news outlets just not on National Television and not for long. That citation media group specializes in periodicals and online content the economy. Magazine has called the rarest of things in china a courageous media outlet pursuing the truth in the face of intimidation they produce probably the best garbage about corner bars so far so the heart of this like for parts coverage about the bars reveals how the bars and forgetting and how the government probably has covered the facts about their paris and he made the reporting of that paris meeting public crisis. That was quite remarkable. Because usually they would be subject to having. But the freedom in had to do that reporting would prove temporary by early february the window for most of that kind of journalism had slammed shut the Chinese Media have since shifted their focus to the Positive Side of the story doctors officials and aid workers all described what terms the standard for that kind of message or the emphasis on the collective response over the search for accountability is set by state controlled channels like c g t n and the c. C. T. V. Almost every report you open chinese news portals you see the most the positive reports celebrating the heroes of the virus the medical profession or is the official fighting with the public itself. You know. Here we are you know together in every chinese person has to fight and were there for the nation and of course president seeking self has appeared in the limelight of the media for the 1st sign since the outbreak of the crisis. So if you visit a local residential area in beijing he was wearing a mask and he was talking to the local people and people are responding very actively in high spirit i would say and i you know that piece of video i noticed was watched almost 15. In times and got over 200000 thumbs up so i think people in general responded well to his message that he is there you know with the people being with the masses and showing his leadership. This hospital in beijing and video chatting with doctors from holland once you we have to know a stat has never sent a food on so far but what we really want is to really know what the Central Government has in plan to really cure the disease to really address the issue really responds to peoples demands for freedom of speech but i think questions day probably will never get answered. Were discussing another media story thats come across our radar this week with maria ressa a filipino journalist who runs one of the countrys most popular news websites rapper maria thanks for joining us here at the listening post today as always nice to see you this past week the solicitor general in manila moved to shut down the countrys leading broadcast news outlet a. B. S. C. B. S. Which like your rappler has been a vocal critic of president to territory socalled war on drugs can you walk us through the case that the prosecutors are making against a b s c b all right here the the basis of it the office of the solicitor general says that theres this obscure legal term quo were on tow that they should never have been given a franchise in the 1st place because of violations. Because they charge for television and then the 2nd one is because they have something similar to what rappler has philippine depositary receipts that allow foreign control. Both of those have been taken up in different ways and have been shown by legal experts to be flawed can you give us a little more detail on these p. D. Hours because i know a lot of people who. From outside the philippines find them a little bit tongue found it so media in the philippines has to be 100 percent filipino owned but to deal with this because its not just media other Companies Like Telecommunications Infrastructure they have Foreign Ownership restrictions to be able to have Foreign Investors a vehicle called p. D. Arse philippine depositary receipts was created and is constitutionally recognized a p. B. R. Does not give ownership over a share it doesnt give a vote it doesnt give any kind of control what it does do is foreign investor can come in and have economic returns you beat the case one reason for that was that your foreign investor peer or maybe are divested himself of the shares and i understand donated his shares to the peano charities do you see any kind of possibility that a. B. S. C b and could end up with a similar outcome approach i think we have to hold the line p d rs are legal in fact in our court of appeals case the court of appeals said they are legal thats not how you beat the case is it we havent beaten the case yet in 2018 i had 11 cases and investigations against me and rappler in 2019 i had to post bail 8 times to be free so least these cases are still ongoing we did not get around it by having Pierre Omidyar donate this is something that that they did because they wanted to remove in their mind remove they did this independently of rappler but i continue to challenge is this is a point of law so do terror taste starts with the media but you told me that you are seeing signs that this government is now going further looking at other institutions and trying to perhaps capture some of them is is there any coincidence that he started with the media not at all you go back to 1970 s. And then you go back. Again to 986 anytime someone wants to take control of government the 1st step is to control the media thats the 1st step of Ferdinand Marcos in 1972 he shut down a. B. S. C. B. S. And controlled it took it over in 1986 the people power revolt that that got rid of mark the 1st step was to take over the Television Networks this is the 21st century version of that but whats so interesting is you dont even have to declare martial law to try to control media you have you hang a damocles sword over owners their families you threaten them with legal cases and you can control them this way maria ressa thanks for talking to us again today best of luck with your case thanks. Indias news landscape is unique the country has almost 400 news channels broadcasting 247 in 22 official languages over the past decade indians of witness the rise of a new breed of news anchor brash aggressive on apologetically nationalist they trade in conflict fear and spectacle its a formula that tends to pay off in the ratings and online a prime practitioner of this new style is are not goswami of republic t. V. Goswami has an enormous following particularly among supporters of Prime Minister Narendra Modis d j p government and he has plenty of critics who call his coverage of issues pertaining to Indian Muslims partisan and divisive they say that hes abandoned journalism altogether the listening posts i mean actually ravi now on a broadcaster who courts controversy and has pioneered an aggressive high decibel brand of nationalistic News Coverage in india you should be a lot of people like you should be. Silent when there is a camera around you know something. That bombards the indian airwaves is among the loudest most controversial voices again speak to the new i dont know what do you want about it i dont want doing to your body. So it was something of an exclusive. And indeed comedian could not come tweeted a video of im not being im kind of true sticky quiet. Calm had caught me on a flight their interaction was not pleasant. So i was like no other day i should go and. He said im going to one and then he said he doesnt want to talk to me he doesnt wondering. And then i. Were theres hope evolution and then i said i will do exactly what his reporters were. Able to. Articulate what you believe. That were due for which i am not sorry at all because he had gotten. Confronting someone in midair sticking a camera in their face peppering them with questions is unconventional and bordering on. Me had reason to be aggrieved except that this is a tactic his own reporters use lets play the interview. Just like i was i mean. This is all right mr dog. What cannot manage to do with that one act and i would call it a performance rather is to bring our attention back to how utterly ugly it is im not saying it was an unpleasant but it was a democratic activists and lee doing what arnold was funny does dean in day out every man even 10 people think and question how we have normalised this and i think hes done a good job when our not does his primetime show you know scream he does have his perilous saw this time around it was you know based on his own medicine our hold close even our no 4th last several years so. He hasnt screamed at me. The swami is the face of republican a channel in which he holds a majority stake his core owner is a parliamentarian and a member of indias ruling party the right wing b. G. P. The channel was launched 3 years into the movie governments 1st term in 2017 when course what he told his audience what it would be getting i have a nash and i want to. Mash. It. John who saw me wraps himself in the flag whether hes covering pakistan the indian army. And any story involving Prime Minister not in there more than. A fight with the boss. When the baggage are known as happens and the Prime Minister who hardly gives interviews and never holds press conferences has sat down with me for them one on one. With. A movie has also attended the annual events hosted by the channel the socalled republic summits. You can go on as unapologetic in their support of what the us fox news in the us is put its backing of donald trump the relationship however goes back further than that for 10 years up until 2016 swami was the editor in chief of another channel times now where he honed his act into what it is today i remember swami really burst onto the sea during the 2000 dead in the back i remember watching him back then when i was a journalism student. And this was completely new for india back then and very and. So now was army kind of took on that space of the aggressive fox news ish and uncle and from there only very successfully tapped the middle class range or angle against politicians against corruption or republic levy is referred to as the box of india but there is a large sum. A population in india that love to water probably people are not good for me so are we going to the entire population of water yes there have been instances where the repertoire has been problematic at this moment we see a trend unfortunately in india where the media just goes berserk we need to take a call and see if we need to take a backseat and just report this report thats what we heard we did question an interview with Arnab Goswami for the strip or we were told neither he nor anyone at republic would engage with the foreign media and their quote lopsided approach that response is consistent with these frequent on air critiques of Media Outlets both in india and abroad for their reporting on indian issues that he dismisses as wrongheaded and weak. Who swami issues those judgments from his anchor desk. Which proudly lie about kashmir where he beats panelists and peddles hashtags that range from the provocative to the insanely illegal landscape which t. V. Is selfregulated holding the public or any channel to account is near impossible in fact last year when the National Broadcasting Standards Association a group comprised of representatives from indian channels issued an edict that the public and an apology for an ethics violation of the channel didnt just dismiss the order it spearheaded the formation of a new selfregulatory body the News Broadcasters Federation the president of the federation. Swamis high decibel aggressive style has inspired many others from. Command on times now to me steve kind of news 18 and do because on a channel called. I think what he is normalised in propaganda masquerading as journalism themed things that he is saying on primetime is also then circulate. On whatsapp and circulated on social media there is a section public that is only receiving them and obviously i mean to some extent you can blame them for believing that there must be some truth to it if not the whole truth i think whats very with people like me is that he can go on a news channel and time his people his and he national the despicable words and the Anti National conduct of people like you now more not be on the right see things like we dont need to get about human rights and or grand people as terrorists. Get out of my career i dont know where we will have Democratic Institutions that have. Such misinformation and such hateful propaganda and when you dont have that you essentially have. Journalists like this who can really tell a peoples perception and spread mass propaganda. With politics and media are increasingly polarized around the world. Has become the normal t. V. Hosts do it on the air people do to each other online and in a comedian felt it was the only way to take on a news anchor. The consequences of trolling arent felt equally the canal camera the pushback to his ambush of course romney was led by the countrys minister of aviation his tweet commending one Indian Airline for putting karma on a 6 month no fly list resulted in 3 other airlines following suit for camera though the focus of the entire incident demeans Arnab Goswami. All i know is there anyone. Here to show up. And then detained you very well. And that. Meeting that he said going to this to. Realize what they went to. Work. And back. Door open your mouth. Why are you all useful for no money. And finally a Hashtag Campaign created to combat not the coronavirus itself but some of the side effects that the pandemic has had on peoples fears some of which can be distinctly racist i am not a virus is trending in lots of different languages on twitter the threads are packed with stories of people who live in europe who may have asian features even though some of them have never been to asia being given away too much personal space by white people in germany and all on channel funded by Public Television theyre a channel called front has produced a video called when panic leads to racism it plays the story for laughs that makes a serious point or 2 its a virus not the plague and racism can be contagious well see you next time youre at the listening post. How do you. Not everything is not run out and understand there are limits. And. I. Think. The media. That im. Endlessly. Man on about at the end of. The whos. Here in this maybe half hour on the stand i know you find a corner and he has any. Typos in. The 1st. In mind. And can without. We understand the differences and similarities have cultures across the wound. So no matter what you see how does iraq bring you the news and Current Affairs that matter to you. How does iraq. Hello im daryn jordan doha the program out of the top stories here on aljazeera efforts to restore peace in libya have suffered another setback the un recognized government has pulled out of ceasefire talks in geneva thats after the port in the capital tripoli was targeted by forces loyal to warlord holly for have tar last month have to have refused to sign a cease fire deal brokered by russia and turkey are diplomatic editor james bays reports now from geneva the port in the libyan capital tripoli under attack general half his forces carried out the rocket strikes about the same time the talks were resuming in geneva and immediately put the fate of the peace efforts

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