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Monitor and track down as many people around the country as possible to know their whereabouts to know their Health Status and weve seen this Remarkable Campaign step up in the epicenter of the virus this week what the government has started to do as starting what they pulled a sort of no household Left Behind Campaign the getting teams of people together tens of thousands of people have been mobilized government Workers Communist Party members people neighborhood and Community Volunteers and in teams theyre going household to household door to door knocking on the door doing Health Checks getting peoples contact data if anybody has symptoms theyre sent to hospitals for testing and they continuing to report all of this information and already in the dental compounds are in lockdown so you can actually leave the compound outside the restricted the times or the outside these restricted measures unless you have a very good reason so thats one example of what the government is trying to do theyre trying to send a clear message to the people in china that you know weve had this this virus its been 3 weeks that will happen and who may have been in lockdown but the trying to say that theyre not relaxing and actually by contrast theyre actually stepping up the screening and stepping up these measures to make sure that every case is identified so the World Health Organization says the virus is less deadly than previous outbreaks like saws but its more infectious it says 80 percent of those who can trying to let me have my symptoms and recover. The data also appeared to show a decline in new cases this trend must be interpreted very cautiously trend is going to change as new populations are affected its too early to tell if this report to decline will continue every scenario is still on the table but it also appears that quoted 9 din is not as diddly as a record and i viruses including service and murders more than 80 per cent of patients have mild disease and will recover meanwhile if the matter is that some u. S. Citizens evacuated from a cruise ship quarantine in japan were infected before they boarded the planes flew them home the symptoms were confirmed as they were on the way to the airport all those evacuated are now under quarantine. The European Union set to launch new c. N. N. Our patrol is in the mediterranean to try to stop more weapons reaching libya a decision aiming to uphold the barely recognize u. N. Arms embargo on his months of negotiations as may have been fighting between saudi troops and travel forces in the east of yemen it happened in our mara province near the amount of border saudi troops attempted to storm the town of sharm but were repelled helicopters and Armored Vehicles were deployed as part of the assault this region has largely escaped the worst of the fighting but some go for the rest of the country since 2015 the un says 900000 civilians are fled fighting in northwestern syria since the beginning of december and calling it a horrifying new level of humanitarian crisis a Syrian Government offensive to retake the last rebel held areas has created the biggest single civilian displacement during a 9 year war. Flooding in the u. S. State of mississippi has forced hundreds of people from their homes weeks of heavy rain pushed the river in the state capital jackson to its highest level in 37 years about a 1000 homes have been flooded and roads and other infrastructure damaged the river appears to have peaked though evacuees are being warned to stay away until they get the all clear. Those were the headlines the news continues after aljazeera world statement thats what. In the 1980 s. The Israeli Government an Intelligence Agency mossad began monitoring the activities of a palestinian man who started what they saw as a radical new movement his name was dr. Founded Islamic Jihad which was responsible for several attacks in the 1980 s. And ninetys making sure cocky a wanted man. Its always the question what are the motives that israel is considering when deciding to kill someone. Now if you would see if you would if you would ask the political live in their will on so no no this is not about revenge this is only. Nuking towards the future and not back to the past. Everyone who has jewish blood on his hands is a limited legitimacy target for red sheet and the judgment target forces and nation now from being a legitimate target being killed is a huge gap which involve professional capabilities operational considerations the divinity of intelligence and of course the political live oak decision in authorise nation. But from their point of view everyone who is involved impugning jews should be assessed and you can it is the revenge as. Mossad is the Israeli National Intelligence Agency the equivalent of the american cia and the british am i 6. It was formally set up in 1949 and 2 years later reorganized to report directly to the office of the Prime Minister. Israel perceives itself a surrounded by hostile neighbors and at the constant risk of internal and external attack. Someone is known to have carried out the extra judicial killing of many figures seen as a threat hence many of its victims have been arabs and particularly palestinians like fati chicago. This is the story of Islamic Jihad. Its founder doctor. And the controversial way he met his death in a street in multan in 1905. Is a very famous figure in pristina this true. And a very very famous figure one of the most wanted terrorist in the history of is really counterterrorism war. He was considered to be a religious post also in a parade or thora t. In palestine palestinian territories in gaza and in the west bank and he started to norwich attacks against Israeli Settlers against Israeli Soldiers from that point on until. The assassination of the palestinian Islamic Jihad q one of the most important be real law less terrorist organizations that work against israel. Sure car keys refugee family had fled to guards or in 1948 and after becoming a math teacher he moved to egypt to study medicine. Already a member of the Muslim Brotherhood he continued to embrace their policy of reforming politics by creating a society governed by islamic laws and morals. But the Muslim Brotherhood did not believe the time was right for military action against israeli occupation. Began fundamentally to disagree and so he left to form his own organization. He founded palestinian Islamic Jihad in 1901 jihad meaning struggle in arabic. It was the 1st Islamic Resistance group to be founded within gaza and the occupied west bank. Its stated aim was to fight the existence of israel and establish an Islamic Palestinian state within the pre 948. 00 boundaries of palestine. It rejected the political process and advocated violent means if necessary. Come up with the year after obama you know or come up with arc they are at the. 30 year left in the list let me encounter what i mean there had to well with the early obama because the. Women matter be men of god and who are more now most of them islam than were up there or why how are the 3 the real islam. Because of oil at the asia one nurse was a ham abaya he only of the muslim ear. The man in that bed at the door that i love free of the water. Yeah i need to. Dump them at the slimier for you welcome them i can you fuckin with that in missouri hell make a new leaf in there somewhere matt islamia most of them issue and you didnt know and then mike and i thought back on. How well only been at machete or. When that. Day. At the top of the head must have for the scene of this let me as a banana have it all for survival this way or coming out after the way that out how bad that when i have to blather about the most when im a celeb and all for the stay in the elk of the americas here live on my list let me or my ears of any quantity or the s. S. A. List there me one sub i love to hear for the theme and the level are raw and for the theme not of the mass bay that a man will have with a man of the bottle. And Islamic Jihad began its armed operations against israeli targets in 1984. Its activities led to chicago his frequent interrogation by the israeli army and a 986. 00 he was sentenced to 4 Years Imprisonment plus a further 5 years of suspended sentence. But shikaki continued to try and coordinate operations and recruit new cells from within prison. Islamic jihads name is well known but its always been quite a small organization. Couldnt go to see it going must. Not a member then a little bit the blame all must sort out. Lawmen the email him on. Another comment about him going she hears more may be in limbo ship island by mark. Mershon him by ensign what sort. Of a big ship am same only me if shyly year lag early months after philistine me a yellow then other young heart there are suckers but its not a sham it out for me folly food is slimy to goa. Then 2 crucial events took place within months of each other that shaped the course of chicagos future and of palestinian opposition to israeli occupation. First in october 1 9876 members of Islamic Jihad tunneled out of the sariah prison in gaza under scaped. The israelis responded to this unusual Security Breach by tracking the 6 to the shoe joey area of gaza city. A fierce battle broke out and 4 of the Islamic Jihad men were killed. The other 2 killed of the Israeli Military police chief in gaza and. All those still in jail chicago he was interrogated about these events which would go on to have far reaching consequences. How the law many are obama. The how one feels must be a sort of her what had minimal if in the slowly in. The if you if we were dowdy what about her man as male and the far at the head the 30 im in the market today your market main at the surface and its in our dr what he and me there have imma. Miss and in the fog. The 1st palestinian intifada meaning uprising broke out on the 8th of december 987. 00 in the gaza strip. Islamic jihad supported and played a prominent role in the mass protest movement which lasted nearly 4 years across gaza and the occupied west bank. A further group also emerged from the Muslim Brotherhood at this time calling itself the Islamic Resistance movement hamas. Meanwhile shikaki spoke of being inspired by one of the earliest Palestinian Resistance figures of the 1920 s. Is a dean son. And who feel. Free to see it or feel for him. And. For mccormack for this the near field for the city and. The world for the sabrina and. The. When im. In. The new year will i will be here will i let me let this man well at that. Or not. With. But it is our submarine budget the many unhappy. Feet on the malka below mature but the whole film ashore by the d. M. Can have. Their look and a bit ahead legally can we let me jump cause they did but they. Wouldnt leave eric and about the kid in his back up the ladder. For us. Here a lot they had the feel devil is ahead for the 70 year. Old one who are mobile as you heard a philistine about the and stupidly. Just turn it. Up now and. Look at me. As the intifada spread and gathered momentum it represented an increasing threat and fall in the side of the Israeli Military and intelligence services. The imprisonment of a leading Palestinian Resistance figure didnt seem to have stemmed his influence. And this brought about the 2nd key event for 40 should come. In watch in retrospect looks like an old decision the israelis decided to release him only 2 years into his 4 year jail sentence they deported him to South Lebanon where its reported he was in touch with the shia Islamic Group hezbollah and possibly with the iranian contacts. Scott was going in and out of jail in of the in and out of the interrogations tools of the she met the Israeli Internal Secret Service for very long time until israel made the critical i would say even to the extent of strategically iraq and decided to expel. Now the reason why israel did that was of course to get rid of the risk but the outcome was a much empowered because in lebanon they were given the hospice the funding the financing the training and the overall support. Of the union evolutionary got. A cocky stay in lebanon was relatively short on a 989 he moved to syria. In damascus he would seek a close working relationship with the government of syrian president hafez assad. He was pushing at an open door. As quota or youre done bid and then i wonder much i dont get the kind of a hollow. Out of. The mitchell cut out the get a story or present a come look or just an i want to know from jump what about woodward for sortie it was over 30 if not ill call it was he a cop on piano sort of. A look at us what are you im just here to do it for the shopping. Often but i. Thought of that to continue to fear good hasnt figured out why has it nigel hasnt got im not rich so much could lift when im in the book of job if you dont get a job. Or why you know who would like to go wash the declaw for difficult a couple of must be a sort of medium. Was ahead muscle young. Would often call for but that he gonna cut out of goodness or youre his other work at least a job a job. But loved for 3 were. Your primo look at every sort of. Chicago based himself and his organization here in the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp in damascus. Islamic jihad was growing into what the israelis considered to be the most extreme Palestinian Group. One experienced european commentator later described it as perhaps the fi assist of all israels modern day enemies. Just. As easy as next seen. Chicago he was certainly deeply opposed to the mainstream Peace Process as well as to the agreement brokered secretly by norwegian diplomats between israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and p. L. O. Leader Yasser Arafat. The oslo accords. Normas who were problem agreed on the other side of the truth come out on a movie you know about what others say and. Problem of the read but i know that also there are bodily. Are you going to suffer a loss and you took a few words or a message and that he was a look at. One place we have all possible to call the oftenest and for the 2nd there has. To be. Be it enough knowledge this myth of lashon possible son to suffer from this then the kunduz could not hold over the shop a daughter but is with us as his alarm for the whole. We do must obey god that the skill has at it enough. This is. The magic. Where you know. Now why you know what. Went down on one hand we do now know why baton rouge. Cofounder. Of going to help move that. Chicago he was opposed to the oslo accords because he didnt want any kind of compromise with israel. Islamic jihad conducted several attacks during 994. 00 in response to them mainly in tandem with hamas. In the meantime he began planning a major attack for the start of 1995. He recruited to sell in the occupied west bank which sheen tended should carry out a double bombing in israel. It involved 2 members of the cell and muscle car and seller shaka disguising themselves as Israeli Soldiers and going to a strategically important crossroads between tel aviv and haifa. It was called beit leads junction. And on sundays it was full of Israeli Soldiers and reservists traveling back to duty after the weekend. The attack was planned for 930 on the morning of the 22nd of january 995. A shot that they should have its a book you cannot us subatomic between us and we will simple come look to see what should be. There were 2 suicide explosions 3 minutes apart. The 1st bomber in military uniform walked into the assembled soldiers and detonated his explosive belt. Then a 2nd bomber blew himself up at the same spot as rescuers arrived at the scene of the 1st. An estimated 21 Israeli Soldiers were killed in the 2 explosions along with the bombers. Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed full responsibility for the 2 attacks which were the 1st suicide bombings by 40 Chicago Group the mom took them all for this to mean well its really. Bad or slow but. As a wise man. But that hed kind of family and im really. More generally had a fast getting back at. Us getting him back. Yet i just. Bought and the matter was i want to aila. What with the early. Start there i had yes this fema sure yet had the alarm any kind of feel they had comes at the scene. Janet min there lamb yet and when murphy messy a little jet famous he had the perfect record of him as a little on for sunny and how that had the family of the thought may and betty white im really you know for that command betty. Prime minister Yitzhak Rabin wint to be pleased to view the situation he saw the bodies he saw the protesters. Who were demonstrating against. He is all i would say control of the situation. Demanding him to do something. That he came back to television the ministry of defense. Riddled with anger. He called in the chief of the mossad. They should be. In ordered. Fatness cauchy to be killed immediately. Signed. With us. The assad regime sheet maci used as a nation order against a push. The bait lead attack seem to harden israeli resolve to deal with chicago and Islamic Jihad and the challenge from assad would be how to do so washi kalki lived in syria under the apparent protection of its president hafez assad. Water an essential resource for all humankind across europe pressure to recognise water as a human right and put its management back into public hands is increasing i think that the European Commission would be very very true there is water privatisation on anybody seriously. Those people who see every 2 years something to invest a profit of the 1. 00 up to the last drop on aljazeera. Ruins that speak of a rich history and the ones ranged from this palace more than 600 years ago this is the old town the change of the door to the sacred value of the past and to the century of much beach ancient traditions are still being embraced here today that may change less than 2 kilometers away bulldozers are never the ground for a controversial new airport thats expected to shuttle millions of tourists to Historic Sites the airport should then be in the sacred valley to share his culture and traditions for thailand but the big powers want it because its the door to much of each. Kind of who is poor is divided down and i would be in favor of an airport if more people come and make business with us but only if it will preserve our environment and our ruins some farmers like it look east they believe their lives may change it will Bring Development to our community and country. Australia is on the president of fire season has killed more than a 1000000000 animals. Want to one east investigates a wild one from urgency. On aljazeera. Aljazeera where every. Hello im daryn jordan in doha with the top stories on aljazeera the death toll from the corona virus in china has now passed 1800 dr who by province the epicenter of the outbreak reported 93 new deaths the head of a Major Hospital in the capital who has died after contracting the virus katrina you is in beijing she says the government has begun an operation to determine the Health Status of every person and we have city the government is trying to do this week is not every single door if youre not answering the door the government or the worker will check your electricity meter to see if somebody is indeed living then theyll try to track you down theyll make calls to your family to your neighbors they will see you social media and all that and also Surveillance Systems to try to track your whereabouts and this is to make sure that they know that they know about every single krone virus case that no case of the virus goes unreported the World Health Organization says the virus is less deadly than previous outbreaks like sas but its more infectious and says 80 percent of those who confronted let me have mild symptoms and recover its a matter of some u. S. Citizens who were evacuated from a cruise ship quarantined in japan were infected even before they boarded the planes that flew them home the symptoms were confirmed as they made their way to the airport that he used to launch new c. N. N. Patrols in the east mediterranean to try to stop more weapons reaching libya the decision aiming to uphold the barely recognized u. N. Arms embargo follows months of negotiations. Theres been heavy fighting between saudi troops and federal forces in yemens al mar province in the east of that neither a money boat or saudi troops attempted to storm the town of shah but have been repelled its region of yemen has largely escaped the worst of the fighting and some gulf the rest of the country since 2015. And the u. N. Says 900000 civilians of fled from the fighting in northwestern syria since the beginning of december its calling it a horrifying new level of humanitarian crisis a government offensive to capture rebel held areas as creating the biggest single civilian displacement during the 9 year war and flooding in the u. S. State of mississippi has forced hundreds of people from their homes weeks of heavy rain pushed a river in the state capital jackson to its highest level in 37 years the river appears to have peaked but evacuees are being warned to stay away for now. Those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera aljazeera world stage and thats watching. In january 995 the armed Palestinian Group Islamic Jihad carried out a Suicide Attack on a bus station between tel of even haifa killing 21 Israeli Soldiers. Theres no definitive account of events but Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin reportedly ordered messiah to kill the groups leader dr hartley should kalki immediately. According to israeli journalist Ronen Bergman the mission was given to key dont the Messiah Department thought to be responsible for executing opponents bergmann says that there were both practical difficulties and political sensitivities with targeting shikaki in damascus because of his protection by syrian president hafez assad. When Prime Minister rabin sought to confront the skokie. Mossad was able to locate fortress gucky in the massacres he was operating under the hospice of. President late president. Assad of as a last stand and he was his his private home and his headquarters were situated in the moscows from where he. Commanded his operatives in the west bank and in the gaza strip mossad suggested to premise to rob him to take him out in the mosques and thereby exploding his car shooting him which was a no less priority because shootings there risky for the shooter for the sniper or poisoning him. However there were operational. Risks because the mask was a very risky arena full sun to work and it was clear that if someone in the standard someone tried to hit fattish gucky who is a respectable guest of Syrian Intelligence immediately Syrian Intelligence was shut down the borders the seaports the airports in it with their it would be very hard for the assassins to get out and in the sense in being caught in the mess of course the outcome is only death the 2nd one was political the chief of military Intelligence Brigadier general who recently. Object and anything of that sort of operation happening in syria because of the political secret negotiations that were happening in their time between israel and syria so if if if the syrians would discover that we have human one of the guests this would be seen as the blunt of the nation of syrian sovereignity and could jeopardize the continuation of the secret talks and the political talks the peace talks with you. A Murder Mission in syria was therefore impossible. But Mossad Agents are nevertheless reported to have entered the country and located should count. They established that his personal security was poor and that virtually anyone could set up a meeting with him in damascus. Finding him did not seem to be the problem at this in the commish vitiates made about. Im a dog im a gear the inside information well being format only shows we believe l. Or she is really. So he sucks. So we stop and. The i have. Been. Really. Even more out of the. Belly. Of the. You are. Within a few months masada said to have penetrated shikar kids in a circle and to have brought in one of its agents from cyprus. Hes thought to have covertly worked his way into shikaki office gained his trust and become one of his closest associates. Salis job from assad in cyprus have been to monitor the activities of p. L. O. Students then. Hes thought to have become one of the key players in the plot to assassinate dr farty shikaki maybe you could say anyone in your there and youre there show you of a much more. Lots of honest emissions recovery scene should send me a ship. In one guinea buner seem. Very male of a kid i mean sure lots of when youre new to me day before. Theres a mushroom its a more simple sheaves big awfully seen and surface affection your mere inside information and especially because they seem to you along at a machine shift him. Leash of bats and made out as a baby with a much to look im willing to look at mimi to me that you know her not to night were not nicole is a woman gain or c. Poor polish ashleigh surely goal should be so for the injuries of india and china where the dublin book. Israel military intelligence was able to intercept much of these communications. I would say that. He was not paying enough attention from his point of view nuff attention intention to feel security let. Me in with it how that waffle earlier with. The mayor didnt have the. More. Fun ily. He had the had the fit and the whole head off. In the high enough for that. Poppy. Most sun appears to have monitored shikaki for several months. His movements to tehran damascus beirut and libya which have been reported back to television. Some reports say that one pointing june 995. 00 he dont got so close to him he was within the sniper range. But they didnt pull the trigger. Other unforeseen factors came into play. They did not succeed they got very very very close to 40 skulking fattish cauchy didnt even know how close i view of snipers and mossad the sessions were to him. In 1905. But it failed due to a professional circumstances that were not anticipated by the intelligence. In september 9095 libyan president more mud gadhafi angered by Yasser Arafat signing the oslo accords with israel announced he was going to expel the estimated 30000 palestinians living in his country causing widespread protests and a humanitarian crisis. Palestinians appealed to gadhafi for restraint and in october gadhafi issued an invitation for a palestinian delegation to visit tripoli. That delegation comprised abu mussab. From a party calling itself into father leading p f l p figure. And 40 shikaki representing Islamic Jihad. For the stinney and moshe dayan and who do believe. Are there out of what felicity can. That there was a. Year out of the. Closet and the more for the. Buried and the. More. Their fear. The call it for us than winning for the possible and uncle. Who do it here and. For the one theres a month lost in. The. Wealth of the in the whole for us than in. The one in the house of mr. I dont feel had i will they say. There was an International Embargo on flying in libya. And space at the time so she called he had to fly from damascus to the closest location to libya. Multum. He would then finish his journey by sea. This would have been the opportunity must sign and was waiting for. It gave them the chance to get to chicago outside syria. Key dawn was a step ahead of him and got to mull to before he did. On the 4th of october 995. 00 shikaki also arrived in melter from damascus and went immediately to the port to sail to tripoli. But he dont buy that its time they would wait for chicago his return trip. Meanwhile shikaki arrived in libya and made for sirte to meet gaddafi. Shaved off at the shelf for your local for. The present it can treat them can look at the future but on that one is that you are with a whole lot of the. Good and if youre reeling from this that the image of the him would leave your car where the body would have a good. Kind. But then become us all because jerry. Lewis would have been. Another theres a limited 100 motion were not used. To be. In and hed go and look at what came up. Shikaki stayed in libya for 3 weeks and then planned his return to damascus again via multiple. Other hours are going to show you do it or forget the look. And then put it the more often soft. Youre gonna have to die would all pretty good to witness the loss of your name as a about the tortoise im going to model design for twins. And the under bush phenomenon law for muscle island where job mom people one other note on 3. From about to go to from a lot more to the hotel once the other model from the finish up to. Bed is the most of the sun when if you must model in a multiple of 2 or. 5 on the country or aboard the. Harmony or to put on a me on the water at that moment. Well meaning woman you know are you on the is the judge your record at the or as i would not say that they would come out on that no one is a judge earlier days that do it as i would ask them to come up with you well ive done the mood in the food for also saw. My few Police Officer the other the. Shikaki arrived in mulder on the 26th of october 995. 00. Kid on was everywhere especially at the port. But she khaki traveled on a libyan passport under the alias abraham ill show we. He was hard but not impossible for a kid on to identify. He planned to fly to damascus the next day and so checked into the Diplomat Hotel under his alias ill show we show at 10 20 in the morning. To the molteno she was simply a traveling libyan businessman. Blood morning he stayed in his room for about an hour but at 11 went out to a travel agent to book his ticket to damascus for the next day. But when he returned to the Diplomat Hotel he had company. They were waiting for some time that hes alone in the street and then your ma motorcycle was driving next to him slowly. 2 people wearing black helmets on the motorcycle the guy behind pulled out a gun shot fired up a few times his left dead a few bullets were shot in order to make sure that hes that verify who is is that in the immediately that just the assassins were. Thinking aboard a ship or a rubber boat and into an israeli submarine and sent back to the was on. Our neck. That did it there we are doing this to us are not enough at the moment. That all. Fumed they know theres a little bear so were not. Mean the out at him in order to make it. In this our lobby at the. Start or stay no. Investment. Oh nick. You do in homicide bomber we have it in clear. The. Us would you feel. It be stored on the spot i dont. Avoid a young kid that can spout out the at close range if you demanded mean distante. Norman meant with one millimeter part of a little kid with your spot at the back to get the paramount you could buy them the little. That i was. 9 millimeter short in was out which might 9 millimeter but a bell on type. O. Almighty become ent in more. Money so i. You feel at short range they are extremely efficient. Up there. Are looking now got see arent now got on to the beyond the 10 miles outside it off they dont have a very little purse or law. But a lower lead going to monk a minister of israel multi you are all in the terror the. Leader told you what islamic dont matter dark kidney awfully can america there is the us liam of fame and other business men libya educating can we had a leak in your off askin for israel or a little miller with. The shooting seemed to go exactly as mossad had planned. As in syria she cant keep personal security in multan had been nonexistent especially for such a wanted man. There were reports at the time possibly from the multis police of some kind of libyan involvement the libyan intelligence may have tipped off my side about shikaki travel plans and hotel stay. But even those who worked on the case at the time are reluctant to make a definitive judgment. In a t. V. Set you know. Israeli on e. O. Or the. Misfortune to be on. Eilish can m. She inform only in the jihad islamic world. Can probably make bottom a god duffy of the. 2 would be likin em. Said if it is a get it about anything but all money stashed in a screw the law we had well as the whore. Was often enough in an polity of the gleeful that. Philip finn fillmore to investigate siani. Not a bill from my liver but yes a lot show more shimmery duffy she got. Your holy the verse. Beth let the holy chill free. Lovin super commie done me actually. Ill call it to us not the shell im a boy it know a. Very very male and the books you. Encounter. Danny. Only. Assess if you have well what. The beer was as well as the money and the more we any more that a myth and since again it would have been bad if i definitely. Knew for the multiple. Camera work and then did that. And yet the. More war better model for that they can afford we will can be assured that the white. Collar stinney and Islamic Jihad survived shikaki is death has continued its campaign and has claimed responsibility for over 30 suicide bombings of both military and civilian targets. Continues to be supported by palestinians angry at Israeli Security measures perceived intransigence over peace talks and illegal settlements in the occupied west bank indeed israels very existence. In conclusion both use iraq beyond Ronen Bergman seen clear that your car keys death was a mossad assassination under such it should be added to the list of the agencies extra judicial killings. Are you. Ok or should the notion. Of bell based game a somewhat. In a finite. To me more day even though not to merely go ship of it all a bit of peace i heard there be so elevation inshallah its been kibera kenya the air share came sun not come along. So here we go a bit mission ahead let that be a lot better that there was a ledge you had a slummy and a ship should develop into a super say a human or the ordinary and you mean built that goof our mission mush duck and emphatic. Zhan a day or so a pear shape it looked philistine need a bit only 28 and a bit there only not is she has she should or made it shall not no longer she had fell asleep. Bikie fact was a lot of my vacuum is one i will cause i committed. Its a very interesting story about the war between perpetrators people who i think would be seen by palestinians as palestinian heroes. But unseen from the. From the israeli point of view and no less than pure evil people who took a firm stand in the palestinian struggle people who killed many israelis and the efforts that israel was ready to devote in order to stop these people in some cases like in the case of phantom scrapie to kill them theres also the question. Was that effect meaning the killing of focus gucky did it change anything. Just is big news in libya but staging car and bike drugs here comes with its own particular risks or cloak couldnt take part in the 26 because we were fighting a war inside the search aljazeera world troubles to the Libyan Desert to see how school told for we its come to be a Unifying Force you know war chill country video a rugby football. 0. Out coverage of africa is what im most proud of every time i travel day whether its east or west africa people stop me and tell me how much they appreciate our coverage and our focus is not just on the suffering but also on the more after lifting and Inspiring Stories people trust on just you have to tell them whats happening at communities in a clear and unbiased way and of an african i couldnt be more proud to be automated. Hello again welcome back to in a National Weather forecast well here across a live on we are going to sing some Better Weather conditions as one system pulls away tuesday not a bad day across much of the area now we are going to see some clouds along out in the region but it is going to be on wednesday in the eastern part of the med we are going to get a little bit more rain in the forecast anywhere from beirut all the way down here to jerusalem as well as temperatures coming down so interest only 10 degrees through there baghdad a warm day at 23 but speaking of the heat across the gulf we are talking about temperatures into the high twentys so for dubai 29 degrees is expected high but for quite city were going to get to 30 here on wednesday so rising to 30 coming back to about 26 as we go towards thursday well down here towards madagascar of course we have seen plenty of rain with a cycle and that made its way across the island over the next few days the rain is going to continue were going to see most of the heavy rain over here towards the western part of the island but down here toward south africa notice this line of rain that is something we are going to be watching a lot of Severe Weather on that line over the next day wednesday a better day as that system makes its way a little bit more towards the north a weaker cells of thunderstorms but down here towards cape town it is going to be a lot of sun in the forecast we do expect to see attempt of 33. 00 in johannesburg at 26. 00 degrees for you. Thanks not to mention lines to some friends because behind something millions of tax plans because the tax plans never go away is a new one blown every single day and it is an Urgent National necessity that it will be fischler quest the accusation of the support mechanism we created together because i happen to live in greece somehow im a sinner im a bad person. Thats machine on aljazeera. And also column entry election that will intensify rivalries within its political establishment but tough to escalate to change something bigger if i continue to protest the results point to a new direction for next years president ial elections join us for coverage from prague as they wont vote on aljazeera. Whether online like brother grow up and get one of the worst graphics are going through media about the president or if you join us on sound there is a difference in diversity and inclusion and they were see sometimes isnt always sincere basis is a dialogue sanctions on the ways in which they were applied to iran are an act of war fair everyone has a voice we as a society that is simply to get timidly to just sit down and listen and join the global conversation amount is iraq. And. Al jazeera. And. The world. The director of the hospital the at the center of the china corona Virus Outbreak dies from the illness highlighting the dangerous facing health workers. Elaborate shall carry this is al jazeera life and also coming up their opinion says it. And for so broken arms embargo in libya with sea and air patrols and efforts to end the civil war. The life will suit his Prime Minister goes on trial for the murder of his 1st wife in the case dividing the South African country. And the worst flooding in 40 years hits the u. K. After 2 major storms move through

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