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After several days of declining figures the number of new corona virus infections in china has risen again only 2000 more people were reported infected on sunday it comes as hundreds of people are being evacuated from the diamond princess cruise ship in japan the bessel holds the largest concentration of cases outside Mainland China american australian and new zealand citizens are being flown home and will be quarantined on arrival the virus has now claimed 1007 170. 00 lives on chinas mainland forcing some cities to tighten controls even even further south than the city with more than 2500. 00 cases of the virus has gone into a complete lockdown at an hong kong theres been reports of panic buying and one and students Armed Robbers still hundreds of toilet paper rolls trying to you this is live from beijing so katrina in some instances the numbers are jumping in certain other places are going down can you put this all in some perspective for us. Thats right so over the past 24 hours we saw 2000 new cases of the the coronavirus now according to government figures only 118 or so of those cases were cases outside of her bay province so although these numbers i can see continuing to rise inside of her elsewhere in china it seems like theyre dropping which is good news although we do have to take that with a grain of salt these are official figures we dont know if that captures everyone but it does seem to be positive but at the same time its monday here in china its a new working week and millions of people are expected to go back into the cities means people are expected to start leaving their homes if theyve been in self or indeed leaving the herbes getting on trains and planes and this of course presents a new challenge due to the authorities and because of this were seeing more measures put in place in beijing and shanghai for example if youve come back to the city from elsewhere in china or from overseas you must report to the authorities and youre supposed to put yourself into a cell for and youre supposed to stay home for 2 weeks and not go out unless you have a very good reason to go out and around the city the very strict monitoring of peoples movements everywhere you go theres temperature checks if you go into a shop or a restaurant they take your details that going into residential compounds is a little tight controls and in who by itself as you mentioned earlier there are still about 60000000 or so people in lockdown and its getting stricter in some cities or some residential compounds have sealed off the residential compound literally blocking any extra doors that they only have one entrance for people to enter and leave and people are told that they can only leave under if they have a very very good reason and the idea is to keep those who are safe and healthy away from those who may be infected but this is still in there still wall like measures in place and the government has indeed called this a peoples war theyve sent 1700 new military officials to want to help to help with. Deal with the outbreak to help with the the hospitals help with just sticks and things around but still we have in the country a lot of simmering frustration and anger as well around the fact that the government was too slow to act perhaps to contain this outbreak in the 1st place. Katrina do you live for us in beijing katrina thank you. Chinas government is working to limit the Economic Impact of the virus tax incentives are being rolled out to help encourage companies to return to work millions of workers have been off the job for weeks now as the government tries to limit the spread of the virus. 50 percent of our employees have returned to work bringing our Production Capacity to 50 percent we predict all of our workers went back on their post by the end of february and a Production Capacity will return to normal the governments also rolled out some measures to help enterprises and insure their normal operation so were encouraged and feel confident. The ask more now on the evacuation of u. S. Citizens from a cruise ship in japan. 2 flights which which took off wildly will had 2 and a half or space in california one to texas 300. 00 of the 400. 00 americans on board this is the latest figures we have all 44. 00 showed symptoms of the coronavirus they will be they will be staying in japanese hospitals now the rest will head to these and 4 spaces where they will be put into a 40 day quarantine before they are before the release of the show any signs or symptoms obviously were told they will be taken to a suitable off base facility meanwhile 100. 00 americans chose to stay on board the ship despite this being the center of coronavirus outbreak they felt as well as we can hear some of the reasons well look i mean wed rather not go on a pretty cold windowless call group plane all the way to the u. S. I need to be put into quarantine on that was. On the cruise line however theres some strict rules for them to actually we understand they will only be let off the ship on february the 19th we understand but they wont be allowed into the u. S. Until march the 4th but as far as this larger issue of the coronavirus in the u. S. Should you be scared it doesnt seem to be. An intense stage of tool really i think the main concern right now actually is among americans were getting reports of slowdown in businesses and chinatowns in new york chicago los angeles this just this country has a long history of xenophobia against Asian Americans and were seeing Community Leaders local leaders that look this isnt some ethnically. Ethnically based virus this is you know. Everyone should just stay come. At least 5 people have been killed by a car bomb in a turkish controlled town and syria 5 others were injured when it detonated in the town. Near the Turkish Border dozens of civilians have been killed by a number of car bombs since Turkish Backed forces drove out the kurdish wife and she fighters in october turkish state media have blamed the attack on the y peachey syrian state media reporting and the Government Forces have recaptured parts of aleppo province which was once controlled by rebels present forces have made significant gains over the past several days seizing the strategic m 5 highway which links aleppo with the major syrian cities turkey which backs a section of the opposition is trying to stop those advances and rebels who have left those areas in aleppo and neighboring it led now see and increased involvement as the only way to regain lost ground reports some attack on turkeys border with syria. These are finances from the National Liberation front a Rebel Alliance backed by turkey outgunned and outnumbered the fight is secret behind a new directive embankment on the other side of Government Troops are stepping up the campaign. Thought more about the major cities we are consolidating our defense lines setting up small flexible command centers where most of the factions are coordinating their operations and our enemies to drag Government Forces into our own areas fighting has surged over the last few days president Bashar Al Assads forces have regained control of many areas in and. Their advance infuriated turkey which accuses him of violating the terms of a cease fire agreement turkey signed with russia and iran 2 years ago. Has sent more troops into it and expanded its military outposts despite that damascus insists its campaign wont stop turkeys growing involvement in the syrian conflict is welcomed by the rebels who see it as an opportunity for a counter offensive. We are still fighting to prevent assads army and the militias backing him from destroying our villages and evicting civilians the morale of our fight is high and we are all determined to defeat assad the rebels have been weakened by internal fighting and divisions the National Liberation front is one among many things operating in rebel held territory. Is the most powerful its an alliance of many groups with a strong presence in it live. Joins us now from turkeys border with serious art and tell us more about. The ground that it seems the government is making. The got the rebels suffered another major setback in the province of aleppo now that theyve lost some of their strongholds in dayton. And none of these were some of the 1st areas the controlled back in 2012 and this is quite a significant setback for the rebels and the Government Forces are on the offensive and the continue to further expand that influence on the outskirts of aleppo the aim. These to move forward to words the northern and western parts of the problems that would link them up and that is going to be the main target for the Syrian Government in the near future they do understand that it librium is the last rebel stronghold and if the can defeat them and retake it would be the beginning of the end of the Syrian Opposition. So of course all of this means hundreds of thousands of people continue to be displaced what is the latest for what the kit civilians are going through. What tension is on the rise as we speak now im standing on the border with syria i can i can hear artillery shelling if its its quite a fast moving situation on the ground in the Syrian Government is on the move and this is creating a huge problem for the Syrian Opposition but also for the civilians who are trapped on those areas were talking about almost 200000 civilians who were forced out of their villages over the last few days into the almost 1000000 refugees trapped on the border with turkey and this people have nowhere to go this is going to be extremely different delicate scenario in the past the used to move from the villages to rebel held territory but this time theres no such thing as a rebel held territory if the rebels lose and these people have been asking the International Community for help they dont have blankets they dont have stoves they dont have clothes they dont have food and they live in makeshift tents across the border with turkey the problem is formal or just logistical perspective you cant move to those areas because the fighting is underway precisely of those areas in the southern west the northern parts of aleppo and also on the outskirts of it it is a very delicate situation for the International Committee the biggest concern if the fighting continues over the last few days we could be bracing for the worst humanitarian crisis in syria since the start of the conflict 9 years ago ok. Turkey syria border thank you. Demonstrations in the iraqi capital baghdad turned violent on sunday dozens of protesters fought with police who used smoke bombs to disperse the crowds or testers say their tents were set on fire by Security Forces the night before iraqs Human Rights Commission says nearly 550 people have been killed since antigovernment demonstrations began back in october theres anger over corruption and poor Government Services so at on al jazeera feeling forgotten the appeal for help or afghan refugees and pakistan. Storm Dennis Dennis causes havoc across the u. K. And western europe. Hello and welcome to International Weather forecast behind me you can see the swirling mass of cloud which is associated with storm Dennis Dennis has proved to be the 2nd strongest storm on record in the north atlantic still were getting very very strong winds coming in from the west very heavy rain across the u. K. Weve had a lot of flooding here and river levels are going to continue to rise and its still going to be an issue meanwhile out towards the east weve got very mild weather conditions indeed in rumania 15 degrees should be about 4 degrees this time of year or so there should be just above freezing but very mild air pushing in but this weather front will be pushing on itll give some snow over the alps but as it goes on through a cold front so were going to see temperatures forming back there was so back at 8 degrees at that stage for much of the u. K. Its still going to be windy still going to be sharing will still be more trouble disruption but things will begin to quieten down as we get through into the working week for the south much of europe looking dry and fine is also fine across the bulk of northern and central parts of after some very warm weather here in de protect across the Central African republic sectional temperatures can trusting with the cool air coming in from the north along the coast of libya and so were expecting maximum temperature in benghazi of just 16 degrees. Of. Capturing a moment in time. Snapshots of how the lives. Of the stories. Providing tips into someone elses work out the. Do. For. Inspiring documentaries from impassioned filmmakers. Like you witness on aljazeera. Youre watching out 0 these are the top stories right now the number of new Coronavirus Infections in china has risen again after several days of decline only 2000 more people were reported to be infected on sunday with the death toll rising to 1770 hundreds of people are being evacuated from the diamond princess cruise ship and japan australian american and new zealand citizens are being flown home and will be quarantined on arrival syrian state media says Government Forces have seized most of aleppo province russian airstrikes assisted in that push turkish delegation is set to resume talks in moscow on monday to discuss the escalation in the area. One of the uns top representatives on libya says the weapons and bargo in the country has become a joke on sunday Foreign Ministers from around the world met on the sidelines of a Security Summit in munich to discuss the conflict theyve agreed to end foreign interference in the civil war and stop the flow of weapons gauche ations between the un recognized government and more logically for who launched a military offensive to capture the capital tripoli are due to resume on tuesday but its been 9 years since the revolution that toppled longtime leader more markets off a power vacuum since then has for the Current Crisis and residents say they have nothing to celebrate after coming under constant attacks from forces. Who were forced to leave their homes arent sure if they can ever return. Bill to neglected for almost a decade these tomorrows on feet for habitation. 100 families who have fled fighting on the outskirts of libyas capital shelter here and now this tiny room is with a hoodie and her 2 children have lived for the last 3 months theres no electricity or Running Water samir a says his son used to be top of his clients at school but the school was closed because of the fighting. She described what happened when she tried to return to her home with her daughter to collect more of their belongings. I swear the horror that this little girl has seen no other child has witnessed in all of libya the whole building in front of us collapsed the bombs were coming from all sides our home was completely destroyed we could have been killed. The nation says that more than 150000 people have been forced to flee their homes since general haftar started is offensive only to tripoli in april more than 600 people have been killed or injured now many libyans will be celebrating the anniversary of a revolution that overthrew farmall gadhafi at the same time as the country is ensuring what many describe a civil war. International efforts to pull just cease fire the failed renegade general hurley for half the citys offensive against the un backed government based in tripoli will continue. Families attend an event organized by Government Forces to honor their sons killed defending the capital muhammad shock on says he still dreams of peace and a unified libya well not a measure of when i heard my son had been killed i was shocked but i hope god willing that he just like so many others who died for this country will be deemed a martyr and in next years revolution anniversary will be better and all libyans can celebrate one unified libya where we and generations to come come across. Back in their tiny cold room in the town samir a says thousands of families like us have nothing to celebrate those that feel the children that there are so many tragedies huge problems and theres people suffering even more than us i dont have any hope left there is no security to why and what all the celebrated another generation too young to understand can only wait for the peace and prosperity that was promised to their parents almost a decade ago. Tripoli. Pakistan and the Un Refugee Agency are holding a conference to highlight the challenges facing afghan refugees its estimated more than 2000000 are sheltering in pakistan some of them displaced since the 1979 soviet invasion ongoing violence makes returning home dangerous but a Repatriation Program is set to resume next month in Refugee Agency says millions remain displaced from the time of the soviet invasion most are either end pakistan or iran but since 2002 where than 4000000 afghans have chosen to return home under a voluntary repatriate Repatriation Program the largest the Un Refugee Agency has carried out pakistan is hosting a conference to share the Lessons Learned and to encourage other countries to share the cost of hosting afghan refugees travel to a refugee camp near the pakistani city of shower and sent us this report. The United Nations High Commission for refugees and the government of progress on aids or staying a conference that really highlight the plight of the of one refugee and mark over 40 years of their president and focused on progress on it also confronted red problem love for tone it warns the International Community to dig deeper into their pockets to help the plight of the aid of one who have an uncertain fate however the other one refugee say they warn more help in order to be able to go back to their country but that cannot happen unless their experience and i were honest on something that has proved to be elusive margit so it is possible he became refugees due to the conflict in afghanistan but there is no end to it for how long will we be living like this we have no future our kids have no future and even the International Community has forgotten us sadly we are left at the mercy of god the United Nations and the International Community has acknowledged that pakistan has done enough for the refugees the un secretary general spot to patients in the International Conference is a recognition of pakistans exemplary compassion generosity and the results in hosting of gone refugees for the past 4 decades and now its search for peace and stability in afghanistan it will also be an opportunity to attend a signal to the global International Community that did much do more to help august on and to help the people to repair trade back today a country pakistan for 4 decades has been not just a generous host has always given shared with afghan refugees brothers and sisters across the border to Host Communities in a manner that is exemplary units and the International Community not only in terms of sharing the. But and supporting pakistan and the host country and the Host Communities with accommodating refugees but equal or if not more stringent focused effort has to be made within afghanistan with the Afghan Government to create an environment which provides solutions for refugees that refuse can go back in safety and dignity no one and to manage no one knowing how long the other one refugee would really have to live with one 3rd india and pakistan they were 3rd only need help of the International Community and the government tried to find a solution to their problem india has rejected an offer by the un chief to mediate in the kashmir dispute in delhi says its a bilateral issue secretarygeneral and tell you the terrorist made the offer during a visit to pakistan as it has been lobbying to fair pressure on india after it withdrew kashmirs autonomy last year and then deeply concerned about the increase in tensions that we have witnessed last year i have repeatedly stressed the importance of exercising maximum restraint and taking steps to deescalate the smilie thirdly invertible while regulating my offer to exist size my good offices should both sides us. The dialogue remains the only tools of getting to be since the believe. And the Supreme Court has ruled that women in the army must be given the same Career Opportunities as men it means female officers can now apply for permanent commissions which opens up command roles but its not yet clear if women will now be able to take part in active combat and court they and the in government argued that many male soldiers would not accept female superiors judges says it was an insult to question the ability and achievements of women and the army. The warring sides in yemen have a great on a detailed plan to carry out whats expected to be the biggest ever prisoner swap its a step towards fulfilling a deal brokered in 2018 which when the who the rebels and yemens backed yemen saudi backed government that is up to 15000. 00 detainees will be released the 2 sides drawn up a list of names which theyve agreed to exchange immediately the timing of the prisoner swap that has not been confirmed but the u. N. Special envoy to yemen is urging parties to move forward urgently General Motors is pulling out of Australia New Zealand and thailand as part of its years long Global Restructuring across all 3 countries the company employs almost 2 and a half 1000 people the company is expected to wind down operations in all 3 countries by next year and there are plans to make similar changes in japan russia and europe General Motors says its focusing on more lucrative markets and north america and china regrettably despite the tireless work of many good people the Business Case could not meet jims investment thresholds. Factors working against further investment holden included the highly fragmented domestic markets for the raw and drove product. The economics of supporting the brand. And obviously getting to an appropriate level of return on our investment. This state is in angola for the 2nd part of his 3 country tour of africa is meeting the president and foreign minister to discuss anticorruption efforts that follows a visit to senegal where he discussed trade and security with president macky sall then ago the leaders and i also talked about islamist terrorism which endangers 350000000 people right here in west africa. It threatens americans too. We are counting on sitting on it is an important ally in this fight and i shared our friends that the u. S. Will keep up this fight as well. In addition we discussed how United States you could do your training in supporting senator lees peacekeepers in the region plays a ghost story to have made a record seizure of almost 6 tons of cocaine a drug was found hidden in briefcases on a container ship about to sail to rotterdam in the netherlands place arrest in a container truck driver. At least one person has died a storm dennis swept across the United Kingdom eyelets battled strong winds as they struggle to land at Londons Heathrow airport look at this flooding forced hundreds from their homes in wales and the midlands more than 500. 00 flood warnings were issued across the u. K. People in france are feeling the full force of dennis whipped up the sea inundated coastal areas of brittany flood warnings are in place elsewhere 60000. 00 homeowners are without power in northwest france. Artificial intelligence gene editing lab grown food are these coming technologies threats or opportunities major exhibition at the Philadelphia Museum of art is grappling with that question its called designs for a different future and ask our bellies and reports its meant to provoke people into imagining a future much different than the reality of today. Its an Art Exhibition not about the past not about the present but about imagining the future of everything like this 25 collaged passports proposing a system to allow people to temporarily exchange citizenship a critique of a world where goods and services freely cross borders where humans often cant its one of more than 75 exhibits by designers tackling issues of the future and the human condition at a major new exhibition at the pill adelphia museum of art it is a vast show that tries to ask a lot of questions without necessarily giving answers. When you come to an exhibition about the future you might expect to see things like this robots and there is one this is corey that looks at the interaction between robots and humans and Artificial Intelligence but this exhibition is also about a lot more these faces were created from d. N. A. Extracted from discarded cigarette ends and gum on the streets the designer using the Genetic Information to render the portraits. There are several pieces related to food like these 2 salmon a larger genetically modified one next to a smaller organic one and a replica of steaks grown out of human cells from hospital waste both provocative ideas reflecting a future where food resources are strained the idea is to make people think about food as a cornerstone of human civilization and think about what will happen to food and the future of human diet as we start thinking about the big challenges that are lying ahead like Climate Change diversity loss and environmental pollution einstein once said he never thinks of the future because it will come fast enough in this exhibit designers are the ones bringing bare ideas for the future and not telling people what to think rather what to think about gabriels onto. The road delphia. Take at the headlines right now on aljazeera hundreds of people are being evacuated from the diamond princess cruise ship and japan america australia and new zealand citizens are being flown home and will be quarantined on arrival and we actually have live pictures of the plane carrying the americans there landing at a 4 Travis Air Force base in california and again these people will be quarantined when they get off that plane and while in china the number of new corona virus infections has risen again after several days of decline nearly 2000 more people were reported to be in fact that on sunday with the death toll rising to 1770 katrina you has more from beijing. These numbers i can see continuing to rise inside of who may elsewhere in china that it seems like theyre dropping which is good news although we do have to take that with a grain of salt these are official figures we dont know if that captures everyone but it does seem to be positive but at the same time its monday here in china its a new working week and millions of people are expected to go back into the cities means people are expected to start leaving their homes if theyve been in self or indeed leaving their homes getting on trains and planes and this of course presents a new challenge due to the authorities syrian state media says Government Forces have seized most of aleppo province russian airstrikes assisted in that push the turkish delegation is set to resume talks in moscow on monday to discuss the escalation in the area demonstrations in the iraqi capital baghdad turned violent on sunday dozens of protesters fought with police used smoke bombs to disperse crowds of testers say their tents were set on fire by Security Forces the night before iraqs Human Rights Commission says nearly 550 people have been killed since antigovernment demonstrations began in october and the Supreme Court has role that women in the army must be given the same Career Opportunities as men and means female officers can now apply for permanent commissions which opens up command roles but its not clear if women will be able to take part in active combat and one of the uns top representatives on libya says the weapons and cargo in the country has become a show on sunday Foreign Ministers from around the world met on the sidelines of a Security Summit in munich to discuss the conflict. As that headline skit on aljazeera and that story is next. Here on the parliamentary election it will intensify rivalries within its political establishment but back to escalating tensions with the u. S. I continue to protest the results come to a new direction for next years president ial election join us for coverage from prague as it wont go on aljazeera. The west is winning the words of the u. S. Secretary of state taking aim at china and russia might pump a 0 also sought to reassure european allies concerned by president trumps policies part is the u. S. Stance on Global Politics really that positive for the western powers or is it undermining their alliance this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program im peter dalby Transatlantic Relations are not what they once were neither is the relationship indeed between france and germany and european leaders are concerned by the u. S. President donald trumps

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