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A stray hes banking on to help fuel its economy while other countries look to renewable its. China is reporting a slowdown in the number of new cases of corona virus for the 3rd successive day the World Health Organization though says its impossible to predict which direction the epidemic will take 142 deaths were reported on sunday along with 2000 more infections world wide its nearly 1700 have dies i was recorded its 1st fatality while an elderly chinese tourist and france became the 1st to die in europe u. S. Citizens on board a quarantined ship quarantined cruise ship docked in japan are being evacuated as after 70 more confirmed cases of corona virus were reported on the diamond princess bringing the total number of infections to 355 well john hendren is in washington d. C. With more on whats next for those american passenger. For the 400 americans who are going to be taking these charter flights theyll go back but many of them are upset because theyre going to have to spend 2 weeks in quarantine at one of 2 military bases in california and in texas they would have been out of that quarantine on the boat itself in 3 days but the American Government along with the canadian government and others have decided that they need to quarantine those people longer and theyre going to be theyre going to be screened before they get on their flight anybody showing symptoms will not be allowed theyll be treated in japan they will be allowed to go home for the others are going after spent 2 weeks at a military base on the way they were told that from sunday night to monday the americans will be sent on charter flights they were told that these are converted cargo flights so they have to dress warmly bring their own food because its a coldplay not your usual flight home and many of those people are unhappy at the time they spent on those boats many of them in windowless and on that boat rather many of them in windowless cabins and now to have to go home and to be quarantined there as well many of them are very unhappy with that but the u. S. Government says it has to do that the canadian government is also quarantining people for 14 days at a military base after they come. And hong kong has anger over the governments decision to open treatment clinics and densely packed areas residents say they want to consult at the clinics may threaten their Health Care Clock was that the protest. Weve had a couple of 100 people in the calderon area which is where we are now this is a protest open eyes by the community against the governments decision to set up these coronavirus tripping clinics across hong kong now weve had protests on saturday but had protests again on sunday weve got 5 across the city and today you know this particular one the complaint is that this sign the government failed to consult the local community before they announce his decision carry land made this announcement this week they werent aware of this particular decision until that announcement was made theyre also saying that so many of these coronavirus tripping clinics in these areas such as high density aires theres a risk of a potential Community Outbreak as a result there where we are weve got schools weve got markets i was the large number of high rise buildings thats quite a low put a poor district and so a lot of these buildings are are filled with elderly people and the concern with the neighborhood here in the people here at this protest this as a result they believe the risk of an outbreak in the krajina virus infection is high now also weve had a number of our flags prodemocracy flags and hong kong independence flags being raised at this particular rally other softer noon it appears the prodemocracy groups movement and the Antigovernment Movement seem to be moving also they are joining hands with these communities to try and push back the government on the decision to set up these coronavirus treatment clinics across the city. The recent publication of a speech by chinas president is raising questions about why the public wasnt alerted about the outbreak sooner adrian brown explains why. Chinas president xi jinping knew about the operator of the corona virus in early january that was 2 weeks before the government confirmed the 1st person to person transmission of the virus and more than a week before dr levy was silenced by the government for alerting colleagues the president delivered a speech to the Politburo Standing Committee chinas most powerful political body that was on february the 3rd but details were only be least. By state media this weekend those details amount to an official timeline of what the president knew and when on january the 20th she says he issued special instructions to try to contain the outbreak 3 days later the city of woo han was locked down a measure praised by the World Health Organization some analysts say chinas leader appears to be covering his back after mounting criticism that he didnt respond fast enough on one hand. Chinese leaders who would like to demonstrate that it had not the late in reacting in taking action to contain the epidemic that it had not tried to conceal the facts from the public but then are obviously the cover up conspiracy is very much in the minds of Chinese People president xi also accused Regional Communist Party leaders of not carrying out orders from the government in beijing and vowed to punish incompetent administrator this is the greatest crisis to come from president xi jinping since he came to power more than 8 years ago because it indicates the top leadership were aware of the potential for verity of a virus weeks before the public were told of those dangers at beijings new International Airport the Economic Impact from the virus is clear with few Airlines Flying to china one of the worlds busiest travel hubs is at a virtual standstill. Desolate scenes too across the border in hong kong on a sunday the citys world famous harbor side would normally be teeming with tourists but this weekend just 3000 visitors arrived deepening the sense of isolation here as well adrian brown aljazeera hong kong and un envoy to libya says the weapons and bongo there has become a joke Foreign Ministers discussed the issue at a Security Summit in munich they agreed not to interfere in libya but many of them have been deeply involved in the conflict and diplomatic editor james bass has more. This was diplomacy is groundhog day Foreign Ministers and other representatives from 13 countries repeating the same thing their leaders said exactly 4 weeks ago that is summit in berlin. But despite their words arms have continued to flow to both sides in libya and showing what some might call great hypocrisy the countries who are breaching the embargo are actually all among those here mr foreign minister you talk about a deplorable breach of the arms embargo we know who is breaching the arms embargo they were in the room with you what did you say to them now when all of those who continue to breach the embargo need to know that they will be detected and they will be named we will discuss that with the e. U. Council on Foreign Affairs tomorrow and we will discuss the contribution the e. U. Can make the arms embargo has become a joke and so it you know we all need to step up here and. It is complicated because there are violations that are happening on land sea and air and that all needs to be monitored and there needs to be accountability ultimately attention will now move to geneva the other problem apart from the breaches of the arms embargo is the lack of a ceasefire talks at the uns European Headquarters between representatives of general haftar and those of the internationally recognized government resume on choose day the un have ambitious plans to keep the diplomatic momentum moving they put in a diary a date of the 26th of february for talks with all the libyan Political Parties and then the plan is for elections brokered by the un that if there is a ceasefire and that remains a very big if james pays out jazeera munich. The war in syria has also been high on the agenda at the Munich Security Conference to these foreign minister has told his russian counterpart that Regime Forces must halt the offensive and if that province the Syrian Government is advancing on the last rebel held province and just killed a number of turkish soldiers during the offensive turkey has said that it would take necessary steps if diplomatic efforts with russia fail it would say the u. S. And its delegation you meet with the russian delegation tomorrow in moscow prior to the summit with Sergey Lavrov to be aggression and it live should stop and the permanent cease fires should be established delegations will evaluate in 6 years tomorrow in moscow gunshots have been heard and tear gas is filled the streets of central baghdad as dozens of protesters force with police or used smoke bombs to disperse the crowds on sunday for a test is say that tense was set on fire by Security Forces overnight iraqs a Human Rights Commission says nearly 550 iraqis have been killed since antigovernment demonstrations began in october earlier 3 missiles landed near the u. S. Embassy in baghdad as a 4th missile exploded close to the office of the Popular Mobilisation forces its a Paramilitary Group backed by iran no casualties have been reports its. Sudans ousted president omar bashir has appeared in court for the 1st airing on allegations of war crimes in the darfur region the conflict there began in 2003 when mainly known arab rebels rose up against bushs government this hearing is separate from the charges bashir faces at the International Criminal court in the hague. Again or is an International Criminal lawyer and counsel for victims of the International Criminal court he says security is one of the reasons why the trials arent held in the countries where hostilities happened. Its not clear exactly whats going to happen from here on and so is the prosecutor of the i. C. C. Fighting about souter has already raised the possibility of a trial before sudanese courts in sudan thats what she raised as a possibility with the Un Security Council in december the principal obligation to carry out an investigation and prosecution does rest with sudan but there will be a very big question mark as to whether sudan is not just able but also willing to carry out a full and proper investigation of prosecuting prosecution into the full range of the crimes at issue it concerns of fast company of ethnic cleansing and genocide in darfur so it remains to be seen whether it sudan is is willing to do that within its own courts could a trial take place safely in khartoum thats a big question and if justice in this case is really to be delivered close to where the victims live well then arguably it should not take place in khartoum which should be in darfur under the security situation in dar for in visit the holding of the trial there probably not so these are these are some of the issues so the the security is often one of the main reasons why these trials are not actually held in the country where the hostilities are taking place still had on aljazeera and saudi arabia heads back after one of its jets were shot down by the on the ground again. Which others are u. S. Democrats hoping to win the white house try their luck and once they get. The amulet. Hello winter continues in the north of syria in turkey and beyond the cloud in the case is something that is stop tickly fish is not especially when the all of that is cold but we have got cold rain or snow with a bit of high is drifting across through Northern Iraq and into iran and south of all that the clouds more just died out support for future house or iraq the picture on mondays a fairly dry one but its not finished the still on shore breeze fall advances there got showers or overcast weather was some writers thought that war in jerusalem did better in beirut than his plus one indicating this is not because he was obviously and for the south in doha 27 is very pleasantly will compare to it say a week ago now the cold air thats been coming out of Eastern Europe has been affecting fall last week or 2 on and off the temperatures in both egypt and libya last repeatable 18 us one about 22 bass fishing in the bitter cold side and 16 in benghazi definitely say the sas thats been particularly warm down through southern chad and to see temperatures near record values but apart from the dust in the air theres nothing in the sky its Just Sunshine and warmth on surprising me. From fossil fuels to modern day renewables as societies develop the energy demands increase requiring Innovative Solutions to meet such demands as a Global Power Development of Investment Company nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against the stimulus we provide Business Growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and environmentally sound Energy Solutions for future generations the breastpin i am hearing future energy. Youre watching aljazeera the top stories this hour hundreds of u. S. Citizens quarantined on a cruise ship tokyo are being flown back home but theyre facing a period of further isolation and theyre back. The u. N. Envoy is describing the arms embargo on libya as a joke Foreign Ministers discussed the issue in munich they agreed not to interfere but many of them have been deeply involved the call. Sudans ousted president of al bashir has appeared in court for a hearing on war crimes allegations in the dark for breaching the conflict there began in 2003 when rebels or is up against his government. Saudi embassy Coalition Air strikes have killed at least 31 civilians a northern given the u. N. Humanitarian chief for yemen calls the attacks shocking happened after who the rebels claimed responsibility for shooting down a saudi war plane. Reports from the capital sana this is the moment Yemens Houthi user say they shot down a Saudi Air Force fighter jet the group aired this video on saturday the saudi u. A. E. Qualis and confirmed to one of its planes it went down you know joe from governorates in the countrys north east. The what these also broadcast what it says is the aftermath so how did it it was strikes in the area full of which the who these claim were retaliatory that the saudi quality released a statement saying there was a possibility of what it calls Collateral Damage to civilians this show you that the us and our forces has been able after they have shut down. Several of the. American drones over the skies of yemen in the last 50 months now it seems to me that they are able to slow down this fight that get on they can say that if they start at this stage this means that we are going to end that a new stage of the war the who these claimed the plane was downed with then its the missile some another say that if thats true it would be a very Significant Development and yemens long running war this is a big deal knowing that already their partners the iraqis you know how for all practical purposes withdrawn left and now the saudis are there and incapable of finishing the war and settling cable of winning the war and now perhaps with this game changer beginning to lose the war. More than 191000 people are being killed and another 3000000 displaced by the fighting millions more have been brutes to the brain to famine struck room agreement of 20000 raised troops for peaceful settlement suppose there is been news sign of that. If its confirmed now these have new weapon in there that could change the direction. Whatever happens its billions whos in the middle who continue to pay the price. So no. U. S. Secretary of state might pump aoe is in senegal on his 1st official trip to africa since taking office and senegalese president saleh dakar a short while ago they discussed increasing trade ties and developing offshore gas i also pledged u. S. Support for senegal and its fight against armed groups in the region senegals leaders and i also talked about islamist terrorism which endangers 350000000 people right here in west africa. It threatens americans too. We are counting on set it on it is an important ally in this fight and i shared our friends that the u. S. Will keep up this fight as well. In addition we discussed how United States can continue training in supporting senegalese peacekeepers in the region their success up in transition the gambia to a democracy is a historic legacy. Nicolas sarkozy in dakar hes been speaking to experts concerned about u. S. Troop withdrawal from the reach him. This press conference was really no surprise for any people who are observing the United States and their involvement in africa many people wondering what is it all about because 2 years ago the National Security advisor at the time john bolton announced a pullout of american troops in the region but at the same time within the last 2 years attacks from groups like the Islamic State in the greater so higher end before her has doubled just yesterday in mali 22 people were killed in the village of go by the border. Really an uptick of violence so a lot of people here wondering why is the United States pulling out in this region in joining us is how about from the open society of democracies in west africa to perhaps answer this question how will be effect how will this affect the west africa region this pullout of west of american troops from this region renos a key role is that us its the United States plays an entity jones went on so into done surveyance and tending. So it would be a peachy to have the u. S. Pullout from a city gen we see heightening off attacks more countries being on the brink off collapsing you know. Miley oh hes already a serious case and he sent this into a few months of looking up my ass so interested in nigeria. Attacking civilians and being a grant didnt say it so us one expecting to play you know even to be go to an insult board stability and peace into teaching. Nearly 40 people have been killed in a Road Accident in the democratic republic of congo and they say the crash happened in a busy just tricked of the capital kinshasa militancy services are at the same. Democratic Party Candidates for the white house to travel to las vegas in the hope of finding political fall to include former frontrunner and Vice President joe biden whos fallen behind in the race to replace donald trump content as a campaigning in nevada before next weekends nominating contest the voting for the caucuses began on saturday river president who is owned by the n. R. A. Where the president s own by the government of fractures and i promise you president not president to live a breath and me im going to do everything i can to go after those government. In order to win in november were going to have to have strong support from the Africanamerican Community the Latino Community Asian Community and the native American Community we cannot take these communities for granted anymore the danger is real our democracy hangs in the balance we can get to me we can back up or we can get in the fight me im in the fight well Peter Mathews is a professor of Political Science at Cypress College she says its do or die for biden. Joe biden that was his major base of support the are feeling very he has to hold on to them and yet their main quest was they want someone who can be trump and yet joe biden has not won a primary yet or a caucus and thus putting a dent in his african record support because you know they are having doubts about him being able to win thats a real problem its a do or die contest right now not the counting of the as it should be just fine in the vatican as it was 4 years ago because of the process and procedure and i believe it will be this kind of problem like in iowa and so very exciting to see what will happen with these contenders that the numbers are shifting so quickly and bernie has a pretty solid lead over here and well see if he can hang on to it though thats the real thing hes done no major outreach toward the latino voters in the africanamerican voters much more than 2016 and that has paid off actually in latino voters want the issues that hes for universals you know single payer medicare for all that appeals to them because many of them are not insured or fully insured the same thing with education tuitions for education is very good for all working class people and many of them are in the working class as are the africanamerican people who need to have as are all the other people working class whites they want to have guaranteed medicare for all and also tuition Free Education sound is offering that and seems to me thats really attracting a lot of people the publication of graphic images of the body of a young woman murdered in mexico has provoked activists highline taught that calling an epidemic of violence against women. Reports from the mexican capital. Hundreds of women continue to demonstrate on the streets of mexico city. Im. Their anger ignited by the case of 25 year old ischemia brutally murdered by her boyfriend on february 9th. The National Palace was one of the targets of the crowns he said the government hasnt done enough to address the issue of violence against women its estimated that 10 women are killed in mexico every day. When i last been there so when i meant they were going to go im sure people will say look at these crazy women spray painting this historic door from the revolution but what they should do is read what weve written how many women have been killed how many have been raped how many are being discriminated thats what really matters. Theres also been a backlash against mexican media after photos of mutilated body be published. And. Im asking the members of the press before you publish a photograph before you write a story think think this could have been your sister is keeping your daughter that this could be your mother. More than 1000 cases of femicide were recorded across mexico in 2900. Womens rights advocates are demanding that all murders of women be automatically investigated as femicide when the to investigate something you see deal when a murder is investigated as a femicide it automatically sets off a series of protocols recognised internationally through this documentation a statistic is generated making it possible to recognise the scope of the problem so Public Policy can be developed. Outside the Apartment Building where indeed the ischemia was killed neighbors joined demonstrators in a vigil for all victims of gender based violence while it was the death of anybody that has come to you that support these latest demonstrations protests against gender based violence are becoming louder and more frequent in mexico more than 20 different organizations have signed an open letter against gender violence in mexico. With emotions still running high more demonstrations or expected when will it happen mexico city. A volcano in mexico is living up to its reputation as one of the worlds most active. Area which means smoking mountain has erupted twice within 24 hours so far no reports of injuries or damage from the lava flows or ash clouds have been reported 25000000. 00 mexicans live within 100 kilometers including in the capital of mexico city making a major eruption particularly dangerous. Police in costa rica have seized almost 6 tons of cocaine in the countrys largest ever hole the drugs were discovered on a vessel bound for rotterdam the netherlands they had been hidden within briefcases and placed inside containers on board the ship Police Arrested the driver of the truck which carried the containers to the pores of the go ahead for a new coal mine is dividing opinion in australia catastrophic bushfires have increased debate about fossil fuels and Climate Change but the new mine provides jobs and strengthens a strategy is position as the Worlds Largest coal exporter brian has the story from queensland. Claremont population 3001 of australias mining heartlands most of the work here is a cult following and they keep all wilkes Motel Business going as well possibly 70 percent of their of have business would be call related in one way or another whether it be the shoe salesman or the the shampoo sidles men feel salzman claremonts the closest town to the controversial kamaka mine and its still 160 kilometers away. The mines are owned by the Indian Company adani and got the go ahead from the government last year after more than a decade theyve been holed up so the environmental approvals and funding problems for the mines be scaled back from its initial plans however it will still be among a strain his biggest exposing at least 10000000. 00 tonnes of coal a year this is the workers camp for the mine which is under construction just a few kilometers away we werent allowed to film inside and wouldnt talk to us on camera for this story the mine lies here in the galilee basin which is home to one of the biggest coal deposits in the world there are fears the mind could push an endangered bird species towards extinction while the land also holds spiritual significance to some indigenous groups adani will be the 1st mine in the basin and thats made it a flashpoint for protests its madness to actually lead it to that its got this far in the stein age with what we know about Climate Change and. One of the biggest new deposits because it had this shouldnt happen in the Mining Industry and the role of fossil fuels in the Climate Crisis have been in the spotlight in australia after months of devastating bushfires and he has a drought a strike is the worlds biggest exposures call and the governments being accused of not doing enough to reduce emissions or protect the planet. Their generation called mana and local union chief steve smyth says he. Open to change but its got to be realistic if they expect mourners in their families and communities come along on this journey and im going to provide something more than what they were born there which is rhetoric and words and the fact that people are not convinced that renew the renewable sector can be avoid the siren call the employment so im going job security and a future for about them and they could be a down the mine could be exporting its 1st call is soon as next year in the meantime astray remains deeply divided over where the mines are purely sources of money and opportunity all scars on the landscape that take more than i provide. Brian al jazeera queensland australia. Result is there and these are the top stories hundreds of u. S. Citizens quarantined on a cruise ship near tokyo are being allowed to leave the facing a period of further isolation once theyre back home in the United States there are 355 confirmed cases of corona virus on the diamond princess the largest concentration of coronavirus cases outside of china john hendren has more. The 400 americans who are going to be taking these charter flights theyll go back but many of them are upset because theyre going to have to spend 2 weeks in quarantine at one of 2 military bases in california and in texas they would have been out of that quarantine on the boat itself in 3 days but the American Government along with the canadian government and others have decided that they need to quarantine those people longer and theyre going to be there to be screened before they get on their flight anybody showing symptoms will not be allowed theyll be treated in japan they wont be allowed to go home at least 3 civilians have been killed and 7 others injured by a car bomb and the Syrian Border town of tal. And also about turkey launched a military operation to take control of the city from kurdish fighters and u. N. Envoy is describing the arms embargo on libya as a joke Foreign Ministers discussed the issue in munich they dont tend to fare but many have been deeply involved in the conflicts. The truce is holding only by a thread with numerous over 150 violations reported and it is the libyan people that continue to suffer the most the Economic Situation continues to deteriorate exacerbated by the oil blockade and the looming banking crisis. Sudans ousted president Obama Al Bashir has appeared in court of allegations of war crimes hes accused of ordering his horses to commit atrocities in darfur the herring is separate from the challenges the shift thanks is at the i. C. C. Saudi Coalition Air strikes have killed 31 civilians in northern yemen happened after who the rebels shot down a saudi warplanes inside story thats coming up next with us. The west is winning the words of the u. S. Secretary of state taking aim at china and russia mike peo also sought to reassure european allies concerned by president prompts policies but is the u. S. Stance on Global Politics believes that positive for the western powers poll is it undermining their alliance this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program im peter dalby Transatlantic Relations are not what they once were neither is the relationship indeed between france and germany and european leaders are concerned by the u. S. President Donald Trumps america

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