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this outbreak we know that there was an alleged cover up of how serious this was because allegedly some officials were. reluctant to reveal any negative news ahead of some major communist party meetings in march we also know that the one sitting there said he was actually blocked awaiting on telling the public more about this illness because he was receiving clearance from above so it is very significant that they replaced. the young who is the top official and we will may well see dismissals over the next few days now they want the 1st to be dismissed over this week we did see other minor officials being sacked including some officials at a local level and then we saw some 2 senior health officials also being sacked and in a way this also is about the government trying to appease the public there's been mounting criticism of how this outbreak was handled that more could have been done especially that some doctors who are trying to sound the alarm about the outbreak in earlier in january they were actually silenced for trying to do so so there's a lot of public anger here so it seems like she didn't think and and his team are trying to move to a piece of that that anger and control the situation and also we do know that. there are the top officials and who knew rouhani were also replaced by people who are seen as loyalists if you like of xi jinping and people who also have the a lot of experience in maintaining security and stability so what that also gives us a little bit of insight as to what beijing's concerns are at the moment in who pay problems. turkey has sent more reinforcements to its observation post in northern syria as tensions with government forces there continue to escalate syria's ally russia accuses anger of aggravating the situation in the last rebel held region by having its military on the ground italy's former deputy prime minister could soon be put on trial over a ban he imposed on migrants italian senate has stripped. munity so he can be prosecuted for refusing a rescue boat with migrants to dock last year. my children have the right to know that their father is often away from home not because he's kidnapping human beings but because he is defending the borders and security of his country that was his duty it was not his right it was his duty i think i have defended my homeland i did not ask for a prize because i received a salary for that but if there must be a trial so be it. u.s. attorney general william barr has agreed to testify before the house judiciary committee to answer questions regarding the former white house adviser roger stone stone was sentenced to prison for lying to congress but the justice department plans to reduce that and us democrats vying to challenge donald trump the next presidential election have now turned their attention to nevada and south carolina following the new hampshire primary bernie sanders narrowly beat booted judge in tuesday's vote on amy close our surged into 3rd place elizabeth warren came in 4th from the former vice president joe biden trailed in 5th the former l.a. lakers basketball player kobe bryant and his daughter have been buried death certificates reveal the 2 were laid to rest on friday they were among 9 people who died when their chopper went down near los angeles 2 weeks ago a public memorial service is planned at the lakers home arena in the staples center on february the 24th those are the headlines on al-jazeera in search of india sole is coming up next thanks for watching. war. i'm in northern india on the banks of the ganges in the holy city of are not seen. this is one of the oldest inhabited places on earth and like rome or jerusalem it serves as a kind of cosmic center for india's 1000000000 hindu those. behind this image of religious harmony india faces a crisis minorities including over $200000000.00 muslims an underlying current of violence brutality and death at the hands of hindu hardline. i don't mirrors the rise of the so-called hindutva or hindu nationalist politics and of india's ruling the heart of the party the b j p along with its leader in the modi. it's not. so. simple to speak. because. this is a deeply religious country in the middle of a battle for his soul and it is no surprise that it was this place that the hindu nationalist leader in the rain chose as his election battle republic saying it's powerful symbolism in a new time. my name is out there i'm a writer and a columnist. i live in new york but was raised in new delhi the capital of india by my indian mother my strange father was a politician from pakistan despite this mixed heritage and passionate about india the country i love and will always consider to be home. but in a recent article i wrote criticising prime minister modi for his policies on muslims and other minorities political leaders attacked me as a foreigner wrongly calling me a muslim and a pakistani i'm neither with no right to interfere in indian affairs. with minorities under attack and criticism of the prime minister now seen as an affront to the nation itself freedom of speech is becoming a dangerous thing i've returned home to see for myself what life is like for india's minorities in this land of one and a quarter of a 1000000000 people that. live at the dow the in the middle man that when they see them all of them but it just isn't long enough the money. i'll meet with the unfortunately terms of violence on the streets bonds have been the only of us had a lot of the tough tone on the park or the no school or no school johnson mob. i'll meet with the vigilantes who go out at night to hunt down cow smugglers. classical which would not have put that out yet. it's easy either for you want the us and you gotta see the farmer to be that i hear from hindus who support the modi government's pro hindu agenda hindu is making up to get back but its place is off his ancestors. and from those who don't. or hindu to her is actually reducing the great philosophical majesty of the hindu faith into. something more like the team identity of the british football league. and i want to know once and for all is india the inclusive secular country i grew up in safe for muslims and other minorities or is it on a journey to become a hindu dominated nation. and one that's a danger to itself. that. we're approaching one of the most historically contentious places in india to see a white mosque that that was built by the emperor or is a cape sits on the bones of an old temple which was really the holy of holies and pathetic it was hinduism is most important temple the kashi vishwa not that the 17th century mughal ruler or unsaved had destroyed building this began the mosque on its ruins a smaller version of the temple dedicated to the hindu dead sea ship was built in the shadow of the mosque that sits on the bones of the original town. you can see the temple with its gold. really they will break it up for the fact that the sanctum sanctorum of the city had been torn down and destroyed. in destroying the holiest temple all example had dealt hindus a humiliating blow one that still keenly felt today. muslim invaders game here. not only to rule this place but to make conversion at the largest they killed laxalt people did destroy it left lakhs of temples here simply to build mosques or that place. they will feel ashamed of themselves. came there. and it was considered as sick as much for muslims and jerusalem for the. christians why this temple was removed these were removed simply to hold. this violent history has local muslims fearing the mosque may be attacked but centuries on why are muslims and their landmarks under threat now. in recent years a wave of hindu hardliners have attacked religious minorities many muslims. it's a form of mob violence known as cow vigilanteism aimed at the trade in cattle. cows a sacred to hindus but india is a major beef and love for export or the sale slaughter and consumption of cows mainly by muslims in the low cost puts them at augsburg hindus who take offense. these competent lanty are patrolling the state border between drug just on how they are now in northwest india. they're on the trail of car smuggling. all over the recovery shop. will be going to china is going the body will get to give. a yes you did with a little bit. different states have different laws on cow trading and slaughter which traffickers take advantage of. this is a known smuggling point in recent months the vigilantes have intercepted several trucks here with cows on board. level which was a lot of what yet or jessica is the current economy rambling she is said go to go on an appointment to get. the hum of b. have responded i think what that will jump that is studies going the. jumped out at you want to say or jump the gun what is crewman not going to get quite got cut out of the that i'm good at shutting it i'll go to excess like i mean we putting it. in july 28th teen rock work on a muslim cattle trader was attacked by car vigilantes as he led a small herd of cows along the route track. a few hours later he was dead. i've travelled to rocker's village in noon in the state of hardy honor to meet his family. lost. a source. in the. cinema and their home down lets out think up to the honey kauai. we're going to get acquainted with mark group of mine. and i think he would you recommend the wops a guy lead. out of the water out there time. this time bond someone that only the boss had thought of the top phone on a pocket of no school or to school john some on his level move bought a car dealers could do to get to sleep in a lot of other conte you know i'm not one to go on top. again. and i will not let the in a bucket of dealing warming. in jail or going to hear the america that i was a little. excited to own or know since i was a new school martha having their car from 2 or 5 of your car keys even over to one little guy said. it's a bill of. life. it was as a rock but. that was. on the cliff was an empty. one with the sun on a fire in the wind capacity. the number a jot of it going to work up us it was time to talk our walk up ask the captain a part of the was a most. recognizable. whoppers mccarver than it been of a list. so this is. the most wanted out i was sad about the last thing. on many of us tonight guy the. book is out big room and i thought. gee but really sad to go back a very sad to have a woman at the fair go around legan with her all tied up in mosul money going to. guide america come over from within the muslim on one american born in. riyadh. this one on a. put it this gun that easily. do i grant you are going to show you know but yet you know. more tower jorma. the geometry is we matter took us through what happened to iraq but. they claim he was attempting to smuggle cows across the state border between rogers town and her yana they told us in rajasthan the trade in cows for meat is fast trip to the neighboring harry and. they took us to the field where akbar was attacked. yes he that they you want the. little farmer to pretty good one to feed the little thing. was i want to go. through some of that under. the sun on land if you will become over an old guy we absolutely will and i will eat out and say the only 1000 no luck yes luck a little luck on the body. this picture of rock was taken by vigilante before the police took him away he was in police custody for over 3 hours when they delivered him to a community health center he was dead. get on the gun because guess it would be it but you never did the. job was took started in java to calculate that it was because of. making a school calculus because of a political monies. that. rock but it was just one of dozens of muslim men attacked in the last 3 years for trading in. the yukon was a cattle trader who's lynched as he transported cows to the town of the hare or in the state of raw just on in northwestern india. that. he and a few others were dragged from the vehicles where they were beaten by a mob. that. all of our gods live in fact it is one thing. if constancy does set cleared by and tired of saying. it is not a matter of eating habits it is a method of expecting the faith the respect in the law fled i cannot ask for. pics meet in muslim countries. why they can ask for beef in india. protection is. right from the beginning a duty of in those of this country and free i have god lord soft whites to see. 6 men were put on trial for the murder of pellew hun all of them were acquitted due to insufficient evidence. following stays elections in 2018 the congress party replaced the b.g.p. in rogers time they passed an anti lynching law and launched an appeal against the judgment. clues to go to put in northern india i'm curious to hear the views of traders at this cattle market. could you see about which way are people going to push that he's not going down yet where is he i guess is the big game. is on the market is neither. of you is going to because i'm going to get some kind of guy doesn't come or he will knock. down the machine that i'm sure not to do you know what i'm going to get a no no no money in going to come out of them switching here. let's go be a number i'm all the time. i'll double ones of the. same no going down low and i you know what i don't know but i need to. put up a heavy i'm going to forget that i'm here i mean if you want you've got less people going to get. a good year. in the muslim guy sagal yeah going to go up with him out in the stands. sausan when i guess i can when i get to say mills you look at somebody just like your sister. sometimes say more that you sort of got a huge upset in the muslim. that was really fascinating because the college only in hinduism suddenly the whole cattle trade has been weaponized they were recounting incidents throughout the country where cattle has been used to target most. finally when i said to my you afraid this is just this terrible fear among the community and we don't know what the future will look like that if it continues in this way it could be a really terrible and very disruptive future between 2 communities that have lived next door. to each other for centuries. i was struck by the fuse the cattle traders were confiding in me. i wondered how ordinary hindu saw things. b.j. bionic it more the i think about the would be to it then albert yes and yes i'm going to get back some of the best i could not on the fundamental but of the good of some of the out of the no way am i going to assume in your music you said i said it was a non of the boy cut the name ali moore if you. can wish them good looking at the through the middle ages and how they were to get a man a good man and given to him in a go it is a very different picture from what we've been hearing the most and it's very convincing but they have. predation india's most populous state there are 44000000 muslims amongst its population of over 230000000. its chief minister is your view that a prominent figure in 112 hindu nationalist politics to many he's a divisive figure and he's behind a youth movement accused of involvement in communal violence he maintains that today's problems are the result of hundreds of years of conflict. in a 2015 speech he reportedly said it was his intention to place statues of hindu gods in every mosque. i wanted to talk to him. about his views on muslims and the beef and cattle trade. he declined my interview request with his biographer and political analyst shantanu gupta is willing to talk to us. kind of clash of civilizations a civilization which came from outside it brokered temples bonder lebanese destroyed your social education systems india is still coming thumbstick if he wants to see historical justice done on behalf of the hindus what would that justice look like what would he like to see how the drug which the b.g.p. the present i think they would want the ancient indian knowledge to be respected 2nd is not celebrating these kind of harsh rulers and what they did with 6 everyone knows leg headscarves. there it's almost like i come to your house and destroy your whole house and you name your house after money this kind of history could all over the world what do you do have it all by hitler or any of it i've never seen i've never quite a lot. in the cattle market in mira i stopped in the teahouse where the owners of former slaughterhouse workers. time some of my mom can. get a sandwich wonder how good it was never done to the words other than you were you don't muslim good i'm your tank you look on it must be weak you see much good if you're. on the company you. are going to formal give you the same piece. because the. thank you. so 1st put out my hand. there's a little bit oh you'll be so god if you tell us they are going to thank it was gone keep sort of. what i am going to mean i am of the get on a horse point on it he was just going to. achieve a lot of. money and he just did it. with. a bit of a life and he did it but i thought it was god or. that is how the. op was make i'm going to say. god is in this time of. the bosom of the minister together this move was part of the budget will camilla or to one of the suddenly all of the law you know is roman on to you. you're going to was going to be had no women is that. it would take about a. little under to be cynical to fully say ok yes i'm open. to have a good day maybe it's good i. don't want to pull the plug of i'm going to lead and then you know many people want to get a. little bit but we should release of you by the mahdi if you can be anybody from the old molay because you could have a good one you could you. know this could be able to get one. from one of the things and he didn't just. guess on the song once i saw that megatron gin up pretty good sign you didn't believe i'm about a body i think good at all but again but as it was a lot of making it we begin to feel a little put us hearts that that out of those post could be from. the much michael bit of the good with the sort of life to be about. in a country like india. it's often hard to know for sure if this is the whole story but it's clear that people feel that they are being persecuted. bomb a dish they are going sorry is one of many casualties of the yogi government amount of business reduced depending re overnight thousands like him have been affected in the state of the british and even before this festival of the there is a sense of fear and trepidation. but hardliners be there vigilantes or politicians among many obsessed with protecting cows. i. find that. just. because. the controversial leader of this letter had his cock he is one of most one internists street is really coming to terms with his alleged extra judicial killings oh yes rape tell each side says because in the best news the outcome is only death if someone tried to punish got the media the tsunami television was shut down bulldozed. to kill him in damascus al-jazeera. this is al-jazeera i'm to you know obligato with a check on your world headlines china has removed the highest ranking official in a province the epicenter of the corona virus outbreak it comes after who bay announced more than 14800 new cases on wednesday up from just 1600 the day before as well as 242 more deaths. turkey has sent more reinforcements to its observation post in northern syria as tensions with government forces there continue to escalate syria's ally russia accuses anchor of aggravating the situation in the last rebel held region by having its military on the ground in these former deputy prime minister could soon be put on trial over a ban he imposed on migrants the italian senate has strict mateo salvini has parliamentary immunity so he can be prosecuted for refusing a rescue boat with migrants to dock last year. my children have the right to know that their father is often away from home not because he's kidnapping human beings but because he is defending the borders and security of his country that was his duty it was not his right it was his duty i think i have defended my homeland i did not ask for a prize because i received a salary for that but if there must be a trial so be it u.s. attorney general william barr has agreed to testify before the house judiciary committee to answer questions regarding the former white house adviser roger stone stone was sentenced to prison for lying to congress but the justice department plans to reduce that and us democrats vying to challenge donald trump in the next presidential election have now turned their attention to nevada and south carolina following the new hampshire primary bernie sanders narrowly beat pete booted judge in tuesday's votes well amy close our surged into 3rd place elizabeth warren came in 4th for the former vice president joe biden trailing in 5th the u.s. president has brushed off a decision by the philippines to withdraw from a decade's old military pact donald trump says it will save the u.s. a lot of money. the former l.a. lakers basketball player kobe bryant and his daughter have been byrd's death certificates reveal folks who were laid to rest on friday they were among 9 people who died when their helicopter crashed near l.a. 2 weeks ago those are the headlines it's back to in search of india so it's next on al-jazeera. it's i'm not the star see you i'm in india on a journey of discovery i want to know once i'm full is india the inclusive secular country i grew up here safe for muslims and other minorities or is it on a path to become a hindu dominated nation 5 'd. i've come to see budget conscious choice han a so-called anti love jihad warrior his movement claims to be walking muslim men who pretend to be hindus so as to seduce new girls and force them to convert to islam. is not just on i've you know where i mean i have a soft time with him on the look you make if he wanted to call both of us i'm like a man he said don't talk i'll be out book a book about the job should not be up me should i give up that it was a one. man i had been and i mean about it was developed as well among them about the good side effect a bit of good if i got but i've been going to make a song was just so perfect because i mean it would just mean they are not true the only and without them i'll be in the game to fight it out and i'm going to get the book i'm going to get i get that good job we had a lot of anything they can do in bendigo that i wasn't dumping on the alcohol we're going to get the harmful cancer but i'm not going to get one as i think young men don't got the i guess is the one with the almost yes evil began focusing on only with one of the and i'm learning here hold particularly if you know me don't tell me that you know he said i mean it i mean if i was a little late if i can really make a good one year later because i'd like to feel i'm going to look at i'll get him about it and they go the way they go. you'll eventually make. money we don't know what you want to let me get with you are you would you go to a movie moment imagine what i'm going to. have a movie that may have been muzzled illusion. if you will by a disguised name and most of the cases like a name like the one to your lovely visit does not spell you id and what a muslim it war and war in the world and then you might be hurt and you can work in the process in the process to get a high c. if you know. we're going to go off into the right right right stream of god but just love that's that this love child. one might be forgiven for dismissing the anti love jihad these as being paranoid but it ought to pradesh the chief minister yogi. has endorsed their activities adding fuel to the fire. the night he got a 1000000 on the media the accent or you can hear me but i have a meeting no need for the swim but my don't want to but want to give up national would give me leave to give up meat got a little bit too long and bloody got to do lovers getting people behind you might do in front of the middle of the lake monday morning and that would be when you were just like billy. you don't think i'm one of the only legal human it's a numbers game and you will find it funny when we fight at the side if we don't already know the moment we shot at the. fish you. just have to be the right thing but. jonica newby ya know what that hamburg going without a model. you know mouthful coming up now for a 1000000 actually coming to you licking i mean my would get my movement i got them hopping a little bit. i was made very very uncomfortable in my own experience he seemed in many ways like a local lunatic things that he talks about love. he said that he wanted to turn in indian muslims the way it was done we could china these things have have had a broad currency in the last 5 years under the more the government live actually under the chief minister ship of yogi a degenerate so this is this is kind of a real apprehension in me about whether i'm recording a kind of opinion that has truthfully ditty on the ground or whether i'm giving the microphone to a complete lunatic. which isn't in dispute is the anger felt by him but why do so many like him hold such extreme views among frequently cited reasons other historical actions of some of india's muslim rulers the moguls. prominent among them are the emperor of barber who founded the mogul empire along with the 17th century ruler or exist. or is it ruthlessly put sick and other minority leaders to the sort. he was piously orthodox imposing islamic law throughout his kingdom destroying cherished hindu temples and try and and building mosques in their place including it veyron i see the holy of holies the kashi vision our temple. some dispute his legacy but orange saber means a hated figure for him but for ideologues to seize on. it's easy to struggle with this complexity of land on lehrer of history to help me navigate this i've travelled in this capital new delhi to the 3 luxury naren munder which was. built in the 1930 s. . i'm here to discuss this complex history with psycho therapist rajat mitra his recent book the infidel next door argues that unless it is resolved what from the past can be carried through to succeeding generations we've had in the early ninety's. the destruction of fathers mosque the place where romney was born and we have a movement for the rebuilding of the temple so what is your feeling about what should happen in these sites. i think these are walked the would call sacred spaces i think one of the deepest grief that the present the new facility has is about the desecration and destruction on their temples right there are mehmood attached to that. there is a big displacement of structure displacement taking place in our society so historical memories are becoming very much alive in india right now those memories have not gone and 500 years this still remain as strong as they were 500 years ago hindus to me are not aggressive people for what has happened is of their own in centuries of denial of their anger what they have gone through and i feel that in the present of their anger as i understood it will lead to a lot of the me you not afraid that that that bringing up memory especially when people are using memory and quite strategic political ways memory exists already exists in the collective in the society it is not that i'm bringing it up the issue is to understand each other the issues to 3rd down and show that yes this is what happened with an acknowledge that like to quote for instance we have and i fall in this the past must be acknowledged but the past also must be seen as jed's that if one stays mired in the past you can't really move forward show or i can see the past as. i would see the past as very much alive. in the form of memories inside those both individual and collective hatred is nothing but anger stored inside it is important to understand that anger and that anger is acknowledged is dissolved. so i really like meeting roger i found super interesting and educated and thoughtful and i find this idea of transgenerational historical justice and memory fascinating i guess my concern is how people can be held responsible for the crimes of the past and they think even should be. mitra came across a sincere in his call for in just 200000000 muslims to somehow accept blame for the actions of previous generations even if the cheating it in practice seems on walkable. but under the v. j.p. the state is imposing its own forms of historical redress. so i'm trying to find always a road on google map because i grew up among these streets but if you type in orange they broke you get docked a.p.j. abdul kalam. and the reason for that is that arms it was a mughal emperor from the 17th century known for his severity and for his cruelty and the b j p has taken it upon itself to be an arbiter of who is a good muslim and who is a bad most and they've decided that orange is a very bad muslim and dr a.p.j. abdul kalam who is the father of india's nuclear program is a very good. i grew up with the belief that in this inquest to assume the blending of india's unique religious and cultural traditions i what makes the country so inherently rich an example of this legacy is due to language a form of hindi infused through the centuries with potion and arabic influence i'm in delhi's old city to visit a friend he's a poet and he has a story to tell about how the language along with the culture is on the threat. us allowed late quang. the christian idea. of the. suffering or rather body is a poet and translator and he used to teach me where. we're going to go and sample a typical old delhi breakfast show that part of it's kind of built into the ground and so it's cooked overnight and then out and so we put sprinkle a bit of lemon on but there's a green chiles engine just. very very hot you know how to evaluate it you should be. do so looking good. but while sitting up on you it will not get up and that. would make it it would do this. by looking at it but. then i would hear and look into it but not feel all of this surface up i had to put on a shirt just because saddam at 50 to. 67 man. goes out goes look up you must go which that's not so good as well as good as that. up a job to. do john the job gets a dick that goes for what it done. it. would be to do that need. to be out of the. bank anybody and of these that. in order to get them and believe in it you must have and you. know limply the bond that. goes like you do that you will feel about a 1000000. it's going to sound just it will do keep you. posted but. by the yob and. headed with it. you'll need help with. the news. that come with the. we don't know the one about that. is that it will be good for the world it. is the by the by jack. would be good if you look to better than that. and even though i think we do believe we got me will . india's got the most true says it will be too but it will be good enough about what you get out of it. what caused the decline was start to shift or do became sort of the language of pakistan and india became the language here and people started to to draw away from the move to. vietnam which population even food changes being india and india from the start of the 20th century. in 1000 no 6 the all india muslim league was established its eventual aim was to press for political independence for muslims and among hindus there was a growing sense men's team following centuries of mogul. and british by the $120.00 s. the hindu cultural organization the russia swayamsevak sangh or the r.s.s. emerged its aim was to promote hindu culture and identity dr hill gave us who started out as this he taught what is the cause of liberty for the last 400 years and saw. he thought he mediately found that lack off back to europe ism and lack of character it was the main cause of the motherhood leave. the r.s.s. went on to become the world's biggest civil society organization it's also seen by many as a far right nationalist paramilitary group since independence it's been banned 3 times. it's widely accepted that the b.g.p. and hindu nationalist politics or hindutva emanate from the r.s.s. the hindu tour is actually reducing the grit philosophical majesty of the hindu faith into something more like the team identity of the british football hooligan it's hindus as a social identity my team is better than the other guy's team and of the other good challenges that we had among the indian national a so-called are saying the bet is a territory call india and our constitution and our nation to it is for everyone on it wrong simply hindered by acolytes. a territory doesn't make a nation a people make a nation and the people of the indian nation other hindu people therefore india must be a hindu russia a nation of for and by the hindus and everybody was not a hindu can only be here as a guest or an interloper that's essentially the choice available to not him. this conversation about what india is was at the core of the debates of the independence movement in the mid 20th century. this was the scene in karate at the meeting of the constituent assembly yack what could an independent india be secular or divided into 2 states hindu and muslim and this latter was referred to as the 2 nation theory and in the end independence from britain. led to the creation of 2 separate countries india and pakistan. later accompanied by lady mountbatten the viceroy came to launch the dominion of pakistan. one set of people saying that religion should be the determinant of nationhood that was the idea of pakistan and they created a country for india's muslims on the basis that their religion determine the nationhood whereas the other set of people said no religion cannot determine the shouldn't we have fought for the rights of everybody and we're going to create a free country for everybody right from the very start that foundational difference defined the difference between the idea of india and the idea of pakistan and the idea of india i'm describing has been followed by every other political party in the last 70 years by the b.g.p. and its ally the ships in. the ruling party jumped a party or b j p was born in the 1980 s. and it's him or hindu nationalist politics sees 6 jans and buddhists as being indian religions but considers islam and christianity as invaders from outside. this brand of identity politics has seen a rise steadily to power a rise that has come at the expense of muslims and others. the b.g.p. has actually visited he said we don't you know we don't care we will not put up a single muslim candide it. anywhere in the country and we will still come to with it with a significant majority and they succeed in doing that and it is the social and political construction of the muslim as the in the and the enemy within which is being. that they get this political success but it it destroys the very idea of india for which. he and others forte because the idea of india simply was this would be a cunt. now after which gore do you worship or if you bush or feel good 'd you would feel for the eclipse a good. luck now the capital city of the state of what the president bush i'm here to be j.p. rally it's about one of the parties pavement subject the disputed territory of jumble in kashmir. tough tough capital. that's up. by looking at. the name on the banner is that a sham facade mcconnachie the hero of india's independence movement and the founder of a party that later became part of the b j p given i think it in the deep south america. is that there's a myth i don't think so for a commitment to look i've made a lot of guys out of i don't got i not tell you about it think i. should be a has been a flashpoint between india and pakistan since partition when the 2 countries broke free of british rule in 1947 the muslim majority state of john when kashmir was left in limbo it's him tomorrow. favored ascension to india rather than joining with pakistan. the conflict that ensued between both countries ended in 1943 the state was divided between the 2 nations and a un resolution right now called for a plebiscite for the people of kashmir to decide on which nation to join. the plebiscite never took place and both countries still lay claim to the whole of just one kashmir fighting wars and regular scum interests to this day. mean formally exceeded to india and was given special status and autonomy in an act known as article $317.00 something which the b j p has a longstanding desire to remove. $152900.00 the special status of kashmir is revoked its statehood abolished and all india north come into force across the indian populous state goes into lockdown with the media and telecommunications blackout prominent politicians such as former chief minister. are placed under house arrest. the lock down and push me here means we can't be there to film but i've secured an exclusive interview with her. she's managed to get use of a phone and it's on a social media messaging out this has transformed into. so i feel that you know if you need to decrease shoojit. how will the people of kashmir respond. it's also going to try. and. find other ways to be stripped off what you were yes you know it. all started the process. in the seems to say could. and what does it mean for kashmir now the people of kashmir on leadership who are aligned with the. country it. seems that. in choosing. schnoor is india's only muslim majority state joint the indian union $147.00 by an instrument of accession which gave it a special status today in the building behind us the parliament of india that special status is being on down. the m h. m. m. m. and that patty public can fight to look beyond this to the bottom of the film but i do not only do not to bottle up the interests of the i thought that it bother to get yelled at or that told on me because then it's a year that like an unknown again discuss why that got there just a little gotta love it when it got picked up plenty love the little guy i'm a little got a lot of a little piece of me i'm not in the mood to do all the city i'm michel. martin. we have here a largely client media that will support that use because as far as prime minister narendra modi goes he has thrown red meat to his base which will help him elect more but as far as kashmir goes it's special say this is abolished and today india moves one step closer to becoming a purely hindu nation. in the next episode i delved deeply into him and i asked what do next generation make of it all. now. muslim would say. if. you. the politics of division have pushed india into the grip of a historical reckoning i am afraid to be present in my next. grade where do these ideas come from the tragedy of more lives and how much you try to send it. to me because the world a happy family or the only people join me on this down here on the final part of my journey when i can become a target of the hindu flounced policy in search of india saw on al-jazeera. how i was still looking at some rather when she weather across northern parts of the middle east at the moment turkey still saying outbreaks of snow snow across the far north of syria and all the parts of iraq pushing across into iran but further south is starting to warm up i'm pleased to say 19 celsius the top temperature here in doha on thursday so it could well touch 21 this week i wanted to fried and hopefully we get into the mid twenty's once again as we go on through the weekend glossy dry as you can see as we make our way into the weekend but still the possibility of want to shout over towards the caspian sea what it's a shot was to around the pm highlands we got a fair bit of cloud showing up here and that will bring some wetter weather in soon ethiopia pushing across into the tropical belts of africa as we would expect to see so some showers there into southern parts of kenya pushing down into tanzania some lively ones here rwanda also seeing some a rather rather heavy rain as we go on through the next hour send that wet weather stretching as well across into northern parts of angola but i suspect the wettest weather that's going to be over towards zimbabwe northern pass' in bob way into zambia seeing some very heavy rain as we go on through thursday and lots of little further north which as we go through friday to the south of that is fine dry and warm. a unique kid endangered biodiversity lives in the heart of one of the back to produce tropical jungles there was a lot of misinformation about the animals that we have here and now they're probably urges becoming vice others of conservation in their communities algis their journeys deep into the rain forest to follow a scientist i'm tired teams are fight to save the flora and fauna so precious in the region women make science ecuador's hidden treasure on al-jazeera. we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world so no matter how you take a al-jazeera read the news and current affairs that matter to. countersteering . the. china slacks to top officials as the number of coronavirus cases surge used to more than 14000 in a single day. hello and welcome to al-jazeera live from doha i'm martine that is also coming up a cruise ship that was turned away by several asian countries because of coronavirus finally and because of cambodia. turkey sends in more reinforcements to northern syria as the conflict now draws in the u.s. or since.

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