a case over a block vote and the u.n. releases a list of more than a 100 companies it accuses of violating palestinians human rights by having business ties to illegal israeli settlements. hello there's been a massive surge in the number of coronavirus cases that's hours after china had talked of a drop in numbers who were a province the epicenter of the outbreak confirmed more than 14800 new cases late on wednesday that's up from just 1600 the day before and officials also announced 242 more deaths there are now at least 60000 cases worldwide in 26 different countries or earlier the world health organization said reports of cases of corona virus in china have stabilized must be treated with extreme caution the u.n. agency says it's too early to tell when the outbreak would end. we need to focus on the task the task is to contain the virus to detect cases treat the cases if we keep doing those things yes we may see a drop in the number of cases but i think it's way too early to try and predict the beginning the middle or the end of this epidemic right now. and the cruise ship turned away by 5 ports because of fears some passengers have the virus has now arrived in cambodia it's carrying 2200 or let's bring in katrina you for an update she's joining us from beijing so we're seeing a huge jump in numbers katrina just after we saw a new case is starting to stabilize what's behind the increase. that's why we're still trying to get some more information but what we're hearing from the chinese government is that a change in the way this this krone virus has been diagnosed is behind this huge jump in numbers now over the past few weeks we had heard numerous problems with these testing kits which we have been released as the main way to test actually they were the only way to test the corona virus 1st of all the what that many to go around is many that were needed and secondly when they were problems with the validity of these tests people saying that they were coming up with false negatives and some people some reports saying that there were even people who had to be tested 4 to 5 times before getting an accurate positive test results so what we've been hearing is that the government has now changed the way coronavirus will curve in 1000 is being diagnosed essentially giving doctors on the ground more discretion as to how they test they don't have to rely solely on this one testing kit they can now do things like c.t. scans they can use lung x. rays for example so that seems to be the major reason behind this massive jump in numbers of course it is a huge concern we just heard this week from experts and experts named none shann who was who made his name helping to contain the sars outbreak in 2003 who actually said he expected that this virus would be under control by the end of march and it's many people now are cynical as to whether that will happen and certainly people are starting to react in around the world hong kong for example has extended the days that people are going to be kept away from school i think schools are not going to reopen until mid march at least and united and american airlines have also said that they're canceling their china flights through through april so definitely no sign of this this virus being contain anytime soon and the government is also. rolling out a raft of new measures to help contain the economic fallout specifically from the virus so what more can you tell us about these measures. that's right so china today is it's a very strange time in china it is one of the most the most populated country on earth but it seems to have come to a standstill at least if you come to this these chinese cities 80 chinese cities are partially locked down people's movements heavily restricted and all over china people be encouraged to stay indoors as much as possible people have been cited to go back to work this week but very very slowly many factories many of the businesses remain closed and this is having a massive impact on china's economy and from what we're seeing in state mean in various reports the government is concerned that these measures some of them may be too heavy handed in any overreacting kind of measures may be weighing on the economy too much and we've actually seen xi jinping come out and say to local officials not to be overly restrictive with these measures and it seems to imply that the chinese government sees this outbreak yes as a huge problem but one that will possibly tension the economic fallout from this outbreak could be more devastating to the leadership so they've announced this week that arias measures various investments will be made bank loan banks will be encouraged to to give more loans to businesses businesses will receive a temporary delays in being able to pay and having to pay their insurance for the start their rents for example and the government has said that they will make the economic adjustments and i'm sure we'll see more measures being rolled out in the weeks and months to come following this outbreak thank you for that update from beijing bill rowlinson is a professor of religious at the university of new south wales and he hopes that the surge of new cases can be put to better testing methods. i think the several reasons why you can see increases increase what we call last time and simply you are doing more testing you looking for more and you seeing more i think secondly a number of cases that wouldn't have been identified previously perhaps they were less severe and finally of course the the explanation that we don't want to see which is there is increased transmission and increased cases of like to see testing and diagnosis being at the forefront so we're very sure about what the cases are one of the issues has been that with this what virus we're now calling covert 19 is that there's been a range of of illness from really very minor illness through to very severe illness and even death as we've seen so i think it's important that we we have testing and we are being certain of that diagnostics of course what we'd like to see is that then translates into what we call social distancing which is effectively isolating people or self isolating on the basis of the having the diagnosis for 14 days so they don't transmit and certainly in other settings like coronavirus we've seen that con of intervention be very effective and so i'd like to see that happening and in fact certainly where i am in a stride that's been the focus of what we've been doing. turkey has sent more reinforcements to its observation points posts in northern syria as tension with government forces continues to escalate president george of tiber is warning he will strike back if syrian forces an adlib province attacked turkish troops syria's ally russia accuses ankara of making the situation in the last rebel held region worse by having its military on the ground now a confrontation between american troops and government supporters in northern syria has led to the death of one civilian has somehow but it has more from istanbul. the russian patrol in north east syria near the after u.s. troops in the area. why are killing one civilian. the u.s. issued a statement saying they came under attack and had to open fire the incident is now under investigation. 2 that attack came on the same day turkey's president issued a warning to the syrian government and its russian allies. all of them of the president was up to her and has given damascus and till the end of february to pull out beyond turkish observation posts it. says if talks with russia failed to stop syrian troops targeting turkish forces will respond harshly she was very strong the color we are determined to remove the syrian regime to beyond the boundaries of the thought she agreement that is behind our observation post by the end of february we will do whatever is necessary without hesitation without wavering on land and by air. damascus has dismissed the comments saying turkey is out of touch with reality but despite his anger and frustration president is still hoping he would be able to narrow differences with russian president vladimir putin the 2 signed agreements into $1018.00 which allowed for save lives and respect of the rebels movements the deals also prevent a syrian president bashar assad from launching a military campaign to take over the last stronghold of the rebels as turkish russian relations remain strained the u.s. has stepped in during a meeting with turkish officials u.s. syria ovoid james jeffrey delivered a sharp rebuke of russia iran and the syrian government which the us blamed for the escalation. as tension mounts turkey is sending more troops into it live more out opposed to the 12 already established after that agreement with russia and iran 2 years ago. the syrian government has been increasing its offensive in the north taking over highways and towns from rebels but is can only do this with a close support of russia's military and it's up to the russians and to the turks to decide what happens in syria next. is the board italy's former deputy prime minister. trial for kidnapping over a ban he imposed on migrants the senate has listed his immunity so he can be prosecuted over his decision to hold more than $100.00 people aboard a coast guard ship last year jonah reports. as italy's interior minister matteo salvini had promised his rightwing support base that he would reduce immigration across the mediterranean from libya. so in july last year when he refused to allow $131.00 migrants to disembark in sicily south beenie was keeping his word but prosecutors say he was also breaking the law and a vote that has narrowly gone against him in the italian senate means his immunity as a former minister is lifted and a trial can go ahead. the migrants spent 6 more days aboard the bruno gregory to rescue ship or salvini waited for other european nations to take them in italy he'd insisted would no longer shoulder the migrant burden alone now at a sensitive time in italian politics with regional elections due on sunday sell beanie may try to turn the possibility of legal action to his advantage. my children have the right to know that their father is often away from home not because he's spending time kidnapping human beings but because he is defending the borders and security of his country and that this was his precise duty it was not his right it was his duty. this is a kind of historic thing in italy. to do the same thing so when he was under trial he was accusing. the judges and the prosecutors trying to boost his popularity this way depicting cell there's a victim of the system what selvin e did could have fateful consequences for the far right politician who hopes one day to be prime minister charges of illegally detaining migrants on the gregory ready kidnapping in other words could result in a jail sentence of up to 15 years a conviction would in cell beanies political career journal how al-jazeera. still ahead on al-jazeera democrats voice their el train after trunks close friend and ally roger stone gets a reduced presence and. why one of the world's of us had in the spotlight in a korean courtroom. but . how i was still looking at some very lively well. across the southeastern corner of the u.s. a lot of clouds showing up through the deep south over towards the mid atlantic states has quite a temperature contrast in play at the moment minus 18 there for winnipeg 17 celsius there in atlanta so a big contrast in those temperatures lively outbreaks of friday further flooding sunny a possibility we have seen some flooding into the southeastern corner this west the weather that's going to continue making its way further responses guys do come back in behind in the stars to quieten down start to lose that temperature contrast minus 6 in winnipeg warming up nicely here plus 9 there for atlanta so a little cold will freshen off a little bit they'll be some wintry weather over the rockies over towards the pacific northwest some clouds spilling it here north of the border basi could see some outbreaks of rain sleet and snow over the next couple of days meanwhile it's largely dry as logic watch across the caribbean we've got a few showers just around the lesser antilles just around really would be want to see showers that was just was trinidad and tobago georgia the showers limited to push their way into the western side of the region will see some what the weather coming through here and just notice some rather heavy rain for a time for southern parts of mexico. americans live side by side in 2 parallel universes the truck parts of america are getting in trouble there is a poll out a few weeks ago that you had almost 30 percent americans believing they were on the cusp of civil war both sides accuse each other of doing things that are so blatantly wrong the bottom line on u.s. politics and policies and their effect on the world. to account as we examine. the war on al-jazeera. allover again the top stories on al-jazeera there's been a significant surge in the number of corona virus cases in china as a province the epicenter of the outbreak it confirmed more than 14800 new cases on wednesday that's up from just 1600 the day before as well as 242 more deaths. turkey has sent more reinforcements to its observation post in northern syria as tensions with government forces there continue to escalate syria's ally russia accuses anger of aggravating the situation in the last rebel held region by having its military on the ground. italy's former deputy prime minister could soon be put on trial for kidnapping over a band he imposed on migrants the italian senate has stripped matel yourself ves parliamentary immunity and be prosecuted for refusing a rescue boat with migrants to dock last year. now the u.s. attorney general has agreed to testify before the house judiciary committee about president donald trump's close ally roger stone the veteran political consultant who was sentenced to prison for lying to congress but the justice department now says that should be reduced our white house correspondent kimberly halakhah reports are not backing down i want to thank the justice department u.s. president donald trump is praising his attorney general william barr after bars justice department took the unusual step of recommending a reduced sentence for trump ally and close friend roger stone. government prosecutors had requested stone serve almost a decade in jail after being found guilty last november of lying to congress during its broader investigation into whether trump's presidential campaign had colluded with russia you have murders and drug addicts in a get 9 years 9 years for doing something that nobody can define what he did trump weighed in on twitter calling the potential sentence horrible and very unfair and a miscarriage of justice that's when the justice department changed its recommendation to less jail time prompting 4 justice department prosecutors to quit the case in protest now there are questions about whether trump may pardon stone i don't want to say that yet democrats are calling for an independent investigation into the stone case they allege the president who was last week acquitted in the senate for abuse of power is acting with impunity they point to trump's firing of white house officials who testified against him during the impeachment inquiry as further evidence of the abuse of presidential power left to his own devices president trump would turn america into a banana republic where the dictator can do what ever he wants and the justice to. is the president's personal law firm as outrage builds an online petition with tens of thousands of names is also calling for the justice department's internal watchdog to review the protocols were followed in the stone case go through your attorney but such criticism is unlikely to hurt trump among his supporters that's because donald trump promised on the campaign trail to drain the swamp essentially pushing back on the so-called washington establishment that includes judges and prosecutors that the president believes are out to get him and his conservative allies can really help get al-jazeera the white house well u.s. democrats find to be the presidential challenger to donald trump have turned their attention to nevada and south carolina following the new hampshire primary the vermont senator bernie sanders narrowly beat. votes while senator amy close are surged into 3rd place elizabeth warren came in 4th while the former vice president joe biden trailed in 5th on the next votes in the state by state battle will take place later this month how this thing ins have welcomed a united nations report listing companies with business ties to illegal israeli settlements in the occupied west bank the u.n. says it's identified more than $100.00 firms including the u.s. based home runs in company air b.n. b. israel has described publication 'd as shameful or a burden many reports. look up into the hills of much of the occupied west bank there are illegal settlements block after block these are home to more than 600000 israeli settlers on palestinian land while international law stipulates they're illegal the un has gone a step further and listed companies with ties to settlements in the end from an initial $321.00 companies whose names are submitted to us and whose activities we reviewed the report identifies 112 companies. it's important to know that it is not some claim a blacklist nor does it qualify any company's activities as illegal that would be a separate and highly complicated terminations and is something which ultimately could only be decided on a case by case basis through a competent judicial process this list's includes well known international companies such as a p m b although the report doesn't state that the company's activities are illegal israeli politicians say they may now be targeted by the activist group boycott divestment and sanctions palestinian say this list to prove useful we need to war with the with the office of high commission not the high commissioner because he has to do a bit this list any willy we need to work with the states with countries toward be a little since abilities and hold and as you move their responsibilities to talk to these companies telling them that what they are doing is illegal in the statement it's ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu said the u.n. human rights council is a biased and influential body instead of dealing with human rights this body is trying to blacken israel's name we reject any such attempt in the strongest terms and it discussed the proposed u.s. peace plan released last month through palestinian condemnation for agreeing to let israel maintain control of the settlements most countries and the u.n. view illegal israeli settlements as one of the most contentious issues in the conflict israel nel says considering an excessive palestinian say they won't ever allow that to happen nor about manly al-jazeera. u.s. president has brushed off a decision by the philippines to withdraw from a decades old military pact donald trump said it will save the u.s. a lot of money for the peons announced this week it will pull out of the agreement by the end of the year it allows us troops to take part in military exercises on the philippine president ordering of the territory is criticized it since he took office but senator is in the philippines say it will undermine security and foster aggression in the south china sea. warranting government protests are expected in guinea on thursday against the referendum to change the constitution opposition parties are threatened to boycott the votes they fear president's office condo will use the changes to extend his mandates more than 30 people have died since demonstrations began in october where he'll mom and house war. scuffles broke out once again on the streets of guinea's capital as a national strike became the latest weapon to be used against president alpha condé protesters in conakry have been demanding revoke his plans to seek the term led by a coalition of opposition groups calling itself the national front for the defense of the constitution people threw rocks and barricaded roads. white police fired tear gas and used slingshots to try to push the crowds back. we've put as you can see very strong security measures since midnight from the 8th november bridge to cut been learned covering every kilometer with the help of other security departments the situation is under control. the riots resulted in many shops being closed residents say the protests are affecting daily life says that when i come out to do business if there is peace it's better for there's no peace in the country i have 2 children to feed it's not. we have very tired there's no business and no money all shops are closed most shops are becoming empty without food our children are not going to school we want peace. demonstrations began after president condé and nouns plans for constitutional reforms last october. current constitution and allows a maximum of 25 year presidential terms but condé wants to extend that he 1st came to power in 2010 and his mandate should end in december. the government will hold a referendum in march on removing the 2 term restriction but opposition parties say they will boycott the vote and continue to rally until the decision is called off mohammed al jazeera. mexico says the number of migrants awaiting the outcome of their u.s. immigration cases has fallen from 50000 to about 2500 migrant crossings at the shared border with the u.s. has dropped by 75 percent since the start of last year the trumpet ministration has been sending many central american and cuban migrants to mexico the policy has been a key element of trans purse to curb ways of migrants seeking asylum arielle roo is an associate policy analyst at the migration policy institute and he says migrants in northern mexico are not given the protection they need while waiting for their asylum cases to process what we've heard a lot from the advocates and others on the ground is that the conditions on the northern border northern parts of mexico are actually quite dangerous for the migrants waiting there and many of them for the last few months have been seeking to return voluntarily to their countries now that may be a smaller share over the total flow of people under this program policy it's also very possible that migrants because they are tired of waiting in mexico may have otherwise tried to enter the country through other illegal points of entry one of the key things that there are poor highlights is that the vulnerability of the migrants again that they're experiencing in mexico makes it more difficult for them to actually wait to see their case while they wait to hear from the united states to do something that's compelling factors and we've seen this program in the between of last year try to grow and become a larger permanent policy mexico has had this concerns for a while and they have they have said to increase their own protections for these migrants but the evidence would show that are you suggesting that some of these migrants are not still have been a part the protections they need for them to actually follow up to their cases before they tried to see if they can enter the united states. it's a song that became an internet sensation and triggered a lengthy legal battle and now copyright lawyers in south korea are waiting for a court to decide who owns the rights to baby shark from sole bright house. it is the annoyingly catchy ditty that became a global phenomenon and got stuck on repeat in millions of heads over and over but just spawned a slew of spinoff parodies. even finding its way into street protests for its south korean producers baby shark has been up and. i believe baby shark is one of the top intellectual properties dominating all media these days is a great present and blessing for us. but not their intellectual property according to the creator read this song. sounds familiar produced in 2011 by u.s. musician johnny only it predates the south korean version and his lawyers are now baring their teeth claiming plagiarism rejecting the defense that baby shark is actually based on an old campfire song that no one owns we originally and ever deeper to to the public domain song and we think that they copied our originality. and there seems no stopping that baby shark juggernaut. the latest spin off baby shark and fellow animation pink funk go on a space romp it's a single long movie and yes guess what they're singing to. try to find anyone who doesn't know it's. on. when the case was 1st brought last some of the district court ruled that careers copyright commission get involved to study the 2 versions side by side and give its opinion since then the commission has due to flee and probably painfully being listening go over and over to the do do do do do pray be sure. when the court hears the commission's decision it could have big implications in the world of copyright i think it's a very. interesting case in korean copyright and or international copyright law as well but will do nothing for the estimated $4000000.00 of us on this planet to have heard it and might never be the same again robert fried al jazeera so. hello again the headlines on al-jazeera china has removed the communist party chief of province the that's where the epicenter of the corona virus outbreak is it was confirmed after her baby announced more than 14800 new cases on wednesday from just 1600 the day before as well as 242 more deaths katrina you has more from beijing. what we're hearing from the chinese government is that a change in the way this this krone virus has been diagnosed is behind this huge jump in numbers now over the past few weeks we had heard numerous problems with these testing kits which we had been released as the main way to test actually they were the only way to test the corona virus 1st of all though what that many to go around is many that we needed and secondly when they were problems with the validity of these tests people saying that they were coming up with false negatives and some people some reports saying that there were even people who had to be tested 4 to 5 times before getting an accurate positive test results turkey has sent more reinforcements to its observation post in northern syria as tensions with government forces there continue to escalate syria's ally russia accuses anchor of aggravating the situation in the last rebel held region by having its military on the ground. italy's former deputy prime minister could soon be put on trial for kidnapping over a ban he imposed on migrants the italian senate has struck me as problem entry immunity so he can be prosecuted for refusing a rescue boat with migrants to dock last year the u.s. attorney general william barr has agreed to testify before the house judiciary committee to answer questions regarding the former white house adviser roger stone democrats have criticized for in the department of justice for overruling federal prosecutors roger stone was sentenced to prison for lying to congress but the justice department said it would really reduce the. u.s. president has brushed off a decision by the philippines to withdraw from a decades old military pact by the end of the year trump said it will save the u.s. a lot of money. up to date are the headlines on al-jazeera the bottom line is coming up next thanks for watching let me draw your attention to increasing conflict libya 9 years since the revolution the long time dictator one look at the coaches iraq explains the complexities of libya's civil. potential political solution special come on al jazeera hi i'm steve clements and i have a question has the coronavirus gotten out of hand in china and spread so far and so fast that it just can't be contained how vulnerable are we to global pandemics let's get to the bottom line. by the time we all heard of a mysterious new virus spreading in china the panic could spread worldwide with scientists rushing to figure it out millions of chinese citizens are under quarantine factories there are shut down in the virus has popped up in 26 countries as we speak it's killed more than a 1000 people and infected more than 40000 a whole cruise ship is quarantined off of yokohama japan right now and people are pleading to get off that ship so what's next and how.

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