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this is the state that they will give us it's like a piece of swiss cheese really who among you would accept a similar state in similar conditions the palestinians had wanted to get the security council to vote on the trump plan isolating the united states but washington full back in recent days to new series the current arab member of the security council in the chair for the meeting of a deputy ambassador that's because their ambassador who'd been working on a draft resolution with the palestinians was fired last week under a u.s. pressure. after the security council meeting a bizarre media event president abbas with former israeli prime minister ehud olmert the president made it clear olmert was the kind of man he could do business with even though the former prime minister jailed for corruption has been in office for a decade president abbas left without taking any questions olmert stayed with the palestinians might have preferred he didn't he said he wouldn't criticize the trump plan even suggesting it could be a good starting point for negotiations there is here a commitment for 2 state solution. in the plane of president trump and they think that this is something that must be further those use in order to establish the necessary framework for negotiations the palestinians didn't get the security council vote they wanted and the israeli figure they invited to help make their case didn't in fact back their position this isn't today that pushes the palestinian cause forward jamesburg 0 at the united nations turkey's president is promising swift revenge against the syrian government that's after 5 turkish soldiers were killed on monday turkish backed rebels are reinforcing positions and it lead province after the syrian army continued to advance this image of the. order that the syrian regime got what it deserved but that's not enough it will pay a heavy price for attacking turkey's soldiers i will announce the actions to be taken about the syrian issue after i meet with my parliamentary group tomorrow china has confirmed another $94.00 deaths from corona virus that brings the total to more than $1100.00 people the world health organization says it remains seriously concerned but this outbreak is testing as in many ways it's a test of political solidarity. whether the world can come together to fight a common enemy that does not respect borders or ideologies. it's a test of financial solidarity with or the world will invest now in fighting this outbreak or pay more to do with it is going sequences and it said test of scientific solidarity t. will the world come together to find shared answers to shared problems polls have just closed in new hampshire in the 1st primary of the us presidential race there are 11 democratic candidates but a judge now only came ahead last week in the iowa caucus bernie sanders is projected to be ahead this time around all 4 prosecutors investigating a close ally of president donald trump have quit the case after the u.s. justice department overrule the sentencing recommendation roger stone was convicted on 7 counts of lying to the u.s. congress obstruction and witness tampering those are the headlines the news continues here on al-jazeera after in search of india's sole. the rule order. i'm in northern india on the banks of the ganges in the holy city of arnason. this is one of the oldest inhabited places on earth and like rome or jerusalem it serves as a kind of cosmic center for india's 1000000000 hindu those. behind this image of religious harmony india faces a crisis minorities including over $200000000.00 muslims an underlying current of violence among brutality and death at the hands of hindu hardliners. and it mirrors the rise of the so-called hindutva or hindu nationalist politics and of india's ruling the heart of the party the b j p along with its leader in their modi. if. they said. look this be. low. because. this is a deeply religious country in the middle of a battle for his soul and it is no surprise that it was this place that the hindu nationalist leader in the rain drew modi chose as his election battle the republic saying it's powerful symbolism in a new time. my name is out there i'm a writer and a columnist. i live in new york but was raised in new delhi the capital of india by my indian mother my strange father was a politician from pakistan despite this mixed heritage and passionate about india the country i love and will always consider to be home. but in a recent article i wrote criticising prime minister modi for his policies on muslims and other minorities political leaders attacked me as a foreigner wrongly calling me a muslim and a pakistani i'm neither with no right to interfere in indian affairs. with minorities under attack and criticism of the prime minister now seen as an affront to the nation itself freedom of speech is becoming a dangerous thing i've returned home to see for myself what life is like for india's minorities in this land of one and a quarter of a 1000000000 people living in the city that their doubt be in the museum and that when they see an armful of the village that is a drug not the money. i'll meet with the unfortunate victims of violence on the streets bonds one that only the bus had to out of the top thrown on a park or the no school or the school johnson mob. i'll meet with the vigilantes who go out at night to hunt down costs much less than. what a booklet out yet. is easy either for you want the us in the gotta see the farmer to appear to be that i'll hear from hindus who support the modi government's pro hindu agenda hindu is making up to get back that but places off his ancestors. and from those who don't. are hindu too or is actually reducing the great philosophical majesty of the hindu faith into. something more like the team identity of the british football the only thing. that i want to prove once and for all is india the inclusive secular country i grew up in say for muslims and other minorities or is it on a journey to become a hindu dominated nation. and one that's a danger to itself. that. we're approaching one of the most historically contentious places in india to see a white mosque that that was built by the emperor or is a cape sits on the bones of an old temple which was really the holy of holies and pathetic it was hinduism is most important temple because that the 17th century mughal ruler or in say it had destroyed building this began the mosque on its ruins a smaller version of the temple dedicated to the hindu dead the ship was built in the shadow of the mosque that sits on the bones of the original town. you can see the temple with its gold spire really they will break it up for the fact that the sanctum sanctorum of the city had been torn down and destroyed. in destroying the holiest temple or example dealt hindus a humiliating blow one that still keenly felt today. muslim invaders came here. not only to rule this place but to make conversion at the largest they killed laxalt people being destroyed left lakhs of temples here simply to build mosque or that place saw day they will feel ashamed of themselves. came there. and it was considered as sick as much for muslims and jerusalem for the. christians why this temple was removed these were removed simply to hold. this violent history has local muslims fearing the mosque may be attacked but centuries on why are muslims and their landmarks under threat now. in recent years a wave of hindu hardliners have attacked religious minorities many muslims. it's a form of mob violence known as cow vigilanteism aimed at the trade in cattle. cows a sacred to hindus but india is a major beef and leather export are the sale slaughter and consumption of cows mainly by muslims in the low cost puts them at augsburg hindus who take offense. these competent lanty are patrolling the state border between drug just on how they are not in northwest india they're on the trail of col smugglers. over there because we shot. all of them will be going to be honest in the body to give. me. a yes you did with a little bit. different states have different laws on cow trading and slaughter which traffickers take advantage of. this is a known smuggling point in recent months the vigilantes have intercepted several trucks here with cows on board. level which was not a book for adults yet or just to give the current economy rambling is said go to the point of no good look in the home of be of a struggle out there handle what that will jump the studies on the sauce and jumped at you want to say or jump the gun what is crewman not going to get quote got cut out of that i'm good at shutting it and go to excess like i mean when he put it. in july 28th teen rock work on a muslim cattle trader was attacked by a car vigilantes as he led a small herd of cows along the route track. a few hours later he was dead. i've travelled to rocker's village in noon in the state of hardy honor to meet his family. lawyer. a sorcerer in the. cinema there on down not i think up to the honey kauai. really begin again with mark group of mine. and i think he would you recommend the wops the guy let. the water out there time. this time bond someone that only the boss had thought of the top phone on a pocket of no school or the school johnson model was no move bought a 100 deals could do to get to sleep in a lot of other conte you know i'm not one to go on. and i will not let the in a bucket of dealing warmer and. when i guess it but they are going to hear. that. the owner neighbor says kumaritashvili a car from 205 if your car keys even over to. it was as a rock but. that was gone the cliff was an empty. one with just an owner firing the why. the number one job of it going to work up us it was time to talk our walk up ask them a part of the was a most. recognizable. whoppers mccarver authentic benevolence. so this is. the most wanted out i was sad about the last thing. on many of us who like the guy the. book is our big room right. jim but really sad to go back a very sad to have a woman at the fair go around legan with her all tied up in mosul money going to. help guide america come over from within the muslim on one american born in. the us a muslim on. this one on a 2 year old really put it this gun that easily. drag around to other men to show you know but the actual. birth our chore. the region launches we matter took us through what happened to iraq but. they claim he was attempting to smuggle cows across the state border between rogers town and her yana they told us in rajasthan the trade in cows for meat is fast trip to the neighboring harry and. they took us to the field where akbar was attacked. yes he did say you want the. little farmer to pity because i want to see the little thing. was i want to go. sell some of them to. you so i'll only say you will become real mad if i sleep over an old guy we absolutely will and i will eat out and say the only 1000 no luck yes luck a little luck on your body. this picture of rock was taken by vigilante before the police took him away he was in police custody for over 3 hours when they delivered him to a community health center he was dead. get on the gun because guess it would be it but you never did the. job of a took charge of the job or the jacket it was because of. a good school because of a political monies. that. rocked or it was just one of dozens of muslim men attacked in the last 3 years for trading in. the new khan was a cattle trader who's lynched as he transported cows to the town of barrel or in the state of roger stand in northwestern india. that. he and a few others were dragged from the vehicles where they were beaten by a mob. that. all of our gods live in fact it is what. it comes considered separate by and tired of saying. it is not a method of eating habits it is a method of expecting the faith the respect in the loft i cannot ask for. pics meet in muslim countries. why they can ask for beef in india. protection is. right from the beginning a duty of in those of this country and free i have god lord soft whites to see. 6 men were put on trial for the murder of pellew hun all of them were acquitted due to insufficient evidence. following stays elections in 2018 the congress party replaced the b.g.p. and rogers time they passed an anti lynching law and launched an appeal against the judgment. clues to go to put in northern india i'm curious to hear the views of traders at this catholic market. you're going to see about which we are going to push past a plant that is not really a sign me going down yet recently i guess you believe it is the game. is on the market it's neither. of you design a bit of time and then. some shoppers and money doesn't come. down on the machine that i'm going to get you know what i'm going to let you know now i'm going to dinner going to them some put them out of them which here. let's go here from where i am all the time. ones of the. the mill going down low and i you know what i what i'm going to but i need to. put up a heavy i'm going to forget that i'm your bottom if you want your best people going to get. a good year. in the muslim guy sagal yeah going to go up with him out in the stand make it sound sauce and when i guess i can when i get to say mills you look at somebody they just have to tell. ya it sometimes a more they just sort of got a gypsy in the muslim. that was really fascinating because the college only in hinduism suddenly the whole cattle trade has been weaponized they were recounting incidents throughout the country where cattle has been used to target muslims finally when i said to my you afraid this is just this terrible fear among the community and we don't know what the future will look like that if it continues in this way it could be a really terrible and very disruptive future between 2 communities that have lived next door. each other for centuries. i was struck by the fears the cattle traders were confiding in me. i wondered how ordinary hindu saw things. b.j. bionic it more the i think about the will get me to meet them albert you know so yeah i'm going to get back some of the fact that i am not on the fundamental but because of some of the out of the no way am i going to assume in your music you said guy simmons was a monocle boy cut the name ali moore if you. can wish him good looking into that i'd be the middle ages and have image of getting a man a good man and given him an a go have is a very different picture from what we've been hearing from muslims and it's very convincing but they have. predacious india's most populous state there are 44000000 muslims amongst its population of over 230000000. its chief minister is your view that a prominent figure in 112 hindu nationalist politics to many he's a divisive figure and he's behind the youth movement accused of involvement in communal violence he maintains that today's problems are the result of hundreds of years of conflict. in a 2015 speech he reportedly said it was his intention to place statues of hindu gods in every mosque. i wanted to talk to him. about his views on muslims and the beef and cattle trade. he declined my interview request with his biographer and political analyst shantou gupta is willing to talk to us. a kind of clash of civilizations a civilization which came from outside it brokered temples bonder lebanese destroyed your social education systems india is still coming thumbstick if he wants to see historical justice done on behalf of the hindus what would that justice look like what would he like to see how the drug deal which the b.g.p. the present i think they would want the ancient indian knowledge to be respected 2nd is not celebrating these kind of harsh rulers and what they did with 6 everyone most leg headscarves. there it's almost like i come to your house and destroy the whole house and you name your house after my name this kind of history could all over the world but you do have a dog like it or any of it i've never seen i've never quite a lot. in the cattle market in mira i stopped at the teahouse with the owners a former slaughterhouse worker. on the. line about the zone i'm trying to move my mom can. get a sandwich wonder a cow get it i would never done that to the words other than you were you don't make love get i'm huge i can look on it must be much good if you're. on the company we're. all going to form or give each of them a stampede. because they. yeah. so 1st poor man. would say there's a little oh you'll be so god you tell us they are going to thank it with him gone keep out of. what i am going to hang em at the gate on a horse point on a key question is going to. achieve much of that it doesn't want anything to do. with. the meat of our life and he didn't really thought it was god or. for that matter how the. op was mic i'm going to say. that this is the mother. of the pose of a minister together smith was cutting the budget will camilla. suddenly all of the law you know is roaming around in you. you're going to was going to be a go we want to. go with thank you but i mean any other muslim honor it could be cynical to full sail and they cannot be 200 a day maybe it's good i. don't want to get their political been going to them even if we want to get a. little good but we should release of the mafia because in the. old malaysia we could have a good one you could you. know this could be able to but when you take the day from one. of the things that mean it just. gets on the song once i saw that magnets on gin up pretty good sign you didn't believe i'm about a body i think is good at all but again but as it was a lot of making good reading to get you to look at us hearts that that are about to go suppose it could be for. the much michael bit of the good with the sort of life to be about. in a country like india. it's often hard to know for sure if this is the whole story but it's clear that people feel that they are being persecuted. bomb of this they are going sorry is one of many casualties of the yogi government amount of business reduced depending re overnight thousands like him have been affected in the state of what the for the and even before this festival of the there is a sense of fear and trepidation. but hardliners be the vigilantes or politicians i know many obsessed with protecting. one day i might be covering politics and the next i might hear her voice protesting from serbia to hungary the what's most important to me is talking to people understanding what they are going through so that i can convey the headlines in the most human way possible. here and i just you know we believe everyone has a story worth hearing. and in doha the top stories and al-jazeera palestine's leader has rejected the u.s. president's proposed middle east plan at the u.n. security council last what abbas says trump's proposal will bring neither peace nor stability to the region. this is the summary of the project that was presented to us this is the state that they will give us it's like a swiss cheese really who among you will accept a similar state and similar conditions this deal ladies and gentlemen includes instructions and the entrenchment of occupation and annexation by military force and the strengthening of the apartheid regime. early results are coming in from new hampshire in the 1st primary of the us presidential race there are 11 democratic candidates bernie sanders is projected to be in the lead under yang has pulled out of the race no democrat has become the party's presidential nominee without finishing 1st or 2nd in new hampshire china has confirmed another $94.00 deaths from coronavirus bringing the total death toll to more than $1100.00 people the world health organization is calling for urgency and unity but this outbreak is testing as in many ways it's a test of political solidarity whether the world can come together to fight a common enemy that does not respect borders or ideology. it's a test of for financial solidarity with or the world will invest now in fighting this outbreak or to pay more lead to deal with it is going sequences and it said test of scientific solidarity. we'll there will come together to find shared answers to shared problems turkey's president is promising swift revenge against the syrian government that's after 5 turkish soldiers were killed on monday turkish bagged rebels are reinforcing positions in a province after the syrian army continued to advance sudan's government says it's agreed to hand over war crimes suspects to the international criminal court former president omar bashir is wanted by the i.c.c. but it's not clear if he is part of the handover those are the headlines the news continues here on al-jazeera after in search of india's sole orphanage. i'm not the star see you i'm in india on a journey of discovery i want to know once i'm full is india the inclusive secular country i grew up came safe for muslims and other minorities or is it on a cost to become a hindu dominated nation 5. c 5. 5 c 5. i've come to see budget conscious choice on a so-called anti love jihad warrior his movement claims to be walking muslim men who pretend to be hindus so as to seduce new girls and force them to convert to islam. was not our own i think you know what i mean i had a soft time with him on the look in maybe he wanted to call both of his time like a man he said don't i'll be out of book a boycott of the job should not be up me should i give up that members in one. minute even if i may buy that was developed as well among the us military but the good side effect a bit of good if i got to be going to make a song was just sort of it because of it would tell me that they are not true well don't know the only and without them i'll be in the game to fight it out and i'm going to get the book i'm going to get that good job he had a lot of any candidate can do him any good that i wasn't jumping on the alcohol we're going to get cancer but i'm not going to get 100 so i think you have broken the i.p.o. guess is that you go in with a almost civil began focusing on only with one of the and i'm not here home particularly if you know me don't tell me that you know he's at the meeting i mean if i was a little late i can really make a good one yelling at him because i'd like to feel i'm going to leave i'll get him about the go the way to go. you'll eventually. be given what you want to let me get with you are you would you go to a movie moment imagine what i'm going to. look young of a movie that may have been muzzled an illusion. if you will by a disguised name and most of the cases like a name like the monkey your lovely visit does not spell you id and what a muslim it war and war in the world and then you might be hurt and you can work in the process in the process to get a high c. if you know. we're going to go off. right right right the stream of god but. that's that is loved. one might be forgiven for dismissing the anti love jihad these as being paranoid but it ought to pradesh the chief minister yogi. has endorsed their activities adding fuel to the fire. the night he got a 1000000 on the media the accent or you can hear me but i'm going to be meeting no need to dissuade him but my don't want to but want to give up national would give me leave to give up meat got a little bit too long and bloody got to do the mistake people did you might do in front of the late monday morning and then when he would do the job with billy. give you don't think i'm one of the only legal human. it's a numbers game and you will find it fun to fight at the side if we don't already know the moment we shouldn't be. just now coming from driving but. jonica newby ya know what that am began without a model yet you know from our book on how the 1000000 actually come hard indeed. i mean my would get that money would not be able to. i was made very very uncomfortable in my own experience he seemed in many ways like a local lunatic things that he talks about love. he said that he wanted to turn in indian muslims the way it was done we could china these things have have had a broad currency in the last 5 years under the more the government will eventually under the chief minister ship of yogi a degenerate so this is this is kind of a real apprehension in me about whether i'm recording a kind of opinion that has truthfully duty on the ground or whether i'm giving the microphone to a complete lunatic. which isn't in dispute is the anger felt by him but why do so many like him hold such extreme views among frequently cited reasons other historical actions of some of india's muslim rulers the moguls. prominent among them are the emperor of barber who founded the mogul empire along with the 17th century ruler or exist. or is it ruthlessly put sick and other minority leaders to the sort. he was piously orthodox imposing islamic law throughout his kingdom destroying cherished hindu temples and try and and building mosques in their place including it veyron a-c. the holy of holies the kashi vision our temple. some dispute his legacy but or exubera means a hated figure for him that for ideologues to seize on. it's easy to struggle with this complexity of land on lehrer of history to help me navigate this i've travelled in this capital new delhi to the 3 luxury naren munder which was. built in the 1930 s. . i'm here to discuss this complex history with psychotherapist rajat mitra his recent book the infidel next door argues that unless it is resolved good from the past to be carried through to succeeding generations we've had in the early ninety's. the destruction of fathers mosque the place where romney was born and we have a movement for the rebuilding of the temple so what is your feeling about what should happen in these sites. i think these are walks of we would call sacred spaces i think one of the deepest grief that the present can do for society has is about the desecration and destruction on their temples right there on mehmood attached to that. that is a big displacement of structure displacement taking place in our society so historical memories are becoming very much alive in india right now those memories have not gone and 500 years this still remain as strong as they were 500 years ago hindus to me are not aggressive people for what has happened is of their own in centuries of denial of their anger what they have gone through and i feel that in the present of their anger as i understood it will lead to a lot of the me you not afraid that that that bringing up memory especially when people are using memory and quite strategic political ways memory exists already exists in the collective in the society it does not that i'm bringing up the issue is to understand each other the issues to 3rd down and show that yes this is what happened with an acknowledged that like to quote for instance vs and i fall in this the past must be acknowledged but the past also must be seen as jed's that if one stays mired in the past you can't really move forward so i don't see the past as. i would see the past as very much a lie it takes. in the form of memories inside those both individual and collective hatred is nothing but anger stored inside it is important to understand that anger and that anger is acknowledged is dissolved. so i really like meeting roger i found super interesting and educated and thoughtful and i find this idea of transgenerational historical justice and memory fascinating i guess my concern is how people can be held responsible for the crimes of the past and they think even should be. mitra came across a sincere in his call for india's 200000000 muslims to somehow accept blame for the actions of previous generations even if achieving it in practice seems on walkable . but under the v. j.p. the state is imposing its own forms of historical redress. so i'm trying to find or is a road on google maps because i grew up among these streets but if you type in orange they broke you get docked a.p.j. abdul kalam. and the reason for that is that arms it was a mughal emperor from the 17th century known for his severity and for his cruelty and the b j p has taken it upon itself to be an arbiter of who is a good muslim and who is a bad most and they've decided that orange is a very bad muslim and dr a.p.j. abdul kalam who is the father of india's nuclear program is a very good in those. groups . i grew up with the belief that in this inquest is the blending of india's unique religious and cultural traditions i what makes the country so inherently rich an example of this legacy is due to language a form of hindi infused through the centuries with potion and arabic influence i'm in delhi's old city to visit a friend he's a poet and he has a story to tell about how the language along with the culture is some to threaten. us allow it kwong duffus. the christian. thinking of the. suffering more rather body is a poet and translator and he used to teach me where. we're going to go and sample a typical old delhi breakfast show that part of it's kind of built into the ground and so it's cooked overnight and then ari and so we put sprinkle a bit of lemon on but there's a green chiles engine just. very very hot in that evolution you should be. too so looking good. but while sitting up on you it will not get up and that. 'd they cook who could make it it would do this. but i don't believe that even. then i would hear and look into it but not all of this surface up i had to put on a shed just because saddam out to 2000 and. 67 man. goes out goes up you must go which subclass i'll get as well as if it was that . up a job other became too. much on the job guess addict that i was for a lot of time. it. would be to do that need to. be out of the. banking body and of these that. in order to get them and believe in it you must live and you. know limply the one that. goes like you do that you will be the fundamentally you to be mom. it's going to sound just it will do q. to you. just be but. by the yob and. headed with the. help of. the news. that come with. the one of us that. will do that it will be good for the world it. is the by the by jack. would be good if you took to better than it was and even that you would do beautifully got me will. got them all but true as it will be to be killed to give it up without working to get out of it. what caused the decline was start to shift or do became some of the language of pakistan and india became the language here and people started to to draw away from the moon to. be at night with population even food changes being india and india from the start of the 20th century. in 1000 no 6 the all india muslim league was established its eventual aim was to press for political independence for muslims and among hindus there was a growing sense men's team following centuries of mogo. and bush issued by the 1920s a hindu cultural organization the russia swayamsevak sangh or the r.s.s. emerged its aim was to promote his new culture and identity dr hill gave out who started out as this he thought what is the cause of liberty for the last 400 years and saw. he thought he mediately found that lack of them and lack of character it was the main cause of the other one was. the r.s.s. went on to become the world's biggest civil society organization it's also seen by many as a far right nationalist paramilitary group since independence it's been banned 3 times. it's widely accepted that the b j p and hindu nationalist politics or hindutva emanate from the r.s.s. the hindu tour is actually reducing the great philosophical majesty of the hindu faith into something more like the team identity of the british football hooligan it's hindus as a social identity my team is better than the other guy's team and of the other good challenges that we had among the indian national a so-called are saying the bet is a territory call india and our constitution and our nation to it is for everyone on it wrong standing in the 2 acolytes. a territory doesn't make a nation a people make a nation and the people of the indian nation other hindu people therefore india must be a hindu russia a nation of foreign by the hindus and everybody was not a hindu can only be here as a guest or an interloper that's essentially the choice available to not him. this conversation about what india is was at the core of the debates of the independence movement in the mid 20th century. this was the scene in karachi at the meeting of the constituent assembly yack what could an independent india be secular or divided into 2 states hindu and muslim and this latter was referred to as the 2 nation theory and in the end independence from britain. led to the creation of 2 separate countries india and pakistan. later accompanied by lady mountbatten the viceroy came to launch the dominion of pakistan. one set of people saying that religion should be the determinant of nationhood that was the idea of pakistan and they created a country for india's muslims on the basis that their religion determine the nationhood whereas the other set of people said no religion cannot determine the shouldn't we have fought for the rights of everybody and we're going to create a free country for everybody right from the very start that foundational difference defined the difference between the idea of india and the idea of pakistan and the idea of india i'm describing has been followed by every other political party in the last 70 years by the b.g.p. and its ally the ships in. the ruling party jumped a party or b j p was born in the 1980 s. and it's him or hindu nationalist politics see 6 jans and buddhist as being indian religions but considers islam and christianity as invaders from outside. this brand of identity politics has seen a rise steadily to power a rise that has come at the expense of muslims and others. the b.g.p. has actually busily said we don't you know we don't care we will not put up a single muslim candide it. anywhere in the country and we will still come to with it with a significant majority and they succeed in doing that and it is the social and political construction of the muslim as the in the and the enemy within which is being. that they get this political success but it it destroys the very idea of india for which. he and others forte because the idea of india simply was this would be a cunt. matter which god you worship or if you bush or feel good you would be a full eclipse of good. luck now the capital city of the state of what the president bush i'm here to be j.p. rally it's about one of the parties pavement subject the disputed territory of jumbling kashmir. to the tough capital. that's not the. bottom of. the name on the bound is not a sham facade mcconnachie the hero of india's independence movement and the founder of a party that later became part of the b j p yeah but i think it in the movies not something that got. you so there's a myth i don't think so for a couple of in a minute look i've made a lot of guys out of a lot of got i not tell you about it think i. should be and has been a flashpoint between india and pakistan since partition when the 2 countries broke free of british rule in 1947 the muslim majority state of jump when kush mir was left in limbo it's him tomorrow. favored ascension to india rather than joining with pakistan. the conflict that ensued between both countries ended in 1943 the state was divided between the 2 nations and a un resolution right now called for a plebiscite for the people of kashmir to decide on which nation to join. the plebiscite never took place and both countries still lay claim to the whole of just one kashmir fighting wars and regular scum interests to this day. mean formally exceeded to india and was given special status and autonomy in an act known as article $317.00 something which the b j p has a longstanding desire to remove. $152900.00 the special status of kashmir is revoked its statehood abolished and all india north come into force across the indian part of the state goes into lockdown with the media and telecommunications blackout prominent politicians such as former chief minister. are placed under house arrest. the lockdown in kashmir means we can't be there to film but i've secured an exclusive interview with her. she's managed to get use of a phone and it's on the social media messaging out this has transformed. so i feel that you know if you need to decrease shoojit. mehbooba how will the people of kashmir respond. he's. also going to try. and. find other ways he stripped off what you would yes you know it. already started the process. in the seems to suggest it is and what does it mean for kashmir now the people of kashmir on leadership who are aligned with india it. seems that. in choosing. or is india's only muslim majority state joint the indian union $147.00 by an instrument of accession which gave it a special status today in the building behind us the parliament of india that special status is being on down. the. that. and that bad people to come by to look into this to build on the limit of what i do not only do not to bottle up. but i thought of it both to get yelled at those that told on me good enough for you that like an unknown again discuss like that but then just said it's gotta love it when i got to love them it's got a $1000000.00 but a lot of. them will do all the city the never got the lot is that. we have here a largely client media that will support that use because as far as prime minister narendra modi goes he has thrown red meat to his base which will help him elect more but as far as kashmir goes it's special say this is abolished and today india moves one step closer to becoming a purely the new nation. in the next episode i delved deeply into the hands of an os next generation a computer. now. muslim would say. if. the politics of division have pushed india into the grip of a historical reckoning i am afraid to be crossing on to my next. grade where do these ideas come from the tragedy of more lives how much you try to sanitize getting to school a happy family or the only book joining me on dish now see you on the final part of my journey when i can become a target of the hindu 1st policy in search of india's soul on al-jazeera. we got some very heavy rain moving across the u.s. at the moment through the tape south lot is to say some flooding just out of that a society of texas pushing across into louisiana mississippi saying some very heavy rain pushing up towards tennessee and kentucky eleanore the flank of the system there's a fair amount of snow at a low make its way further east which and more threats as we go through wednesday bushnell's of the border because see some snowfall labyrinths we want to area acrobat pushing through new england as we go on through the 2nd half of the way still a bit of wet weather down towards the deep south towards the panhandle dry weather coming back in behind cold enough in dallas still struggling to get into what double figures for the west it is generate dry now wintry mix across the pacific northwest into weapons as columbia well with some sunshine phineas on a shot across the caribbean meanwhile quite a brisk wind having said that likely will drive some showers into the leeward since we go through wednesday may want to choose showers pushing a little further west as we go on through the course of thursday temperatures typically getting up to around 32 decrease there as you can see a for kingston should be largely dry for these tsunamis as we go on through thursday so looking good in pop by this ridge down the 27. i'm a drawing attention to increasing conflict libya mox 9 years since the revolution the cool down long time dictator one look at the al-jazeera explains the complexities of libya's civil. potential political solution special come on al-jazeera. hold. oh. this is al-jazeera. hello i'm rob matheson and this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes polls close in the u.s. state of new hampshire results could make all break a presidential challenge for democratic party candidates. prosecutors investigating a close ally of the u.s. president quits after the justice department scales back their sentencing recommendation. the palestinian president tells the u.n. security council that donald trump's middle east plan would end hopes of a palestinian.

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Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , United States , Kush Mir , North West Frontier , Pakistan , United Kingdom , New Delhi , Delhi , India , Kashmir , Jammu And Kashmir , China , Syria , Russia , Sudan , Iowa , Libya , Hampshire , New Khan , Sindh , Switzerland , Karachi , New York , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , New Hampshire , Texas , Kentucky , Togo , Mississippi , Tennessee , Iraq , Hungary , Dallas , Turkey , Rajasthan , Palestine , America , Turkish , Pakistani , Britain , British , Swiss , Syrian , Israeli , Palestinian , American , Mahmoud Abbas , Ali Moore , Rajat Mitra , Omar Bashir , Bernie Sanders ,

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