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you've heard about it trolls thoughts fake news their algorithms at work behind each of these algorithms that a clean developed and designed to push specific types of content to us content that says click me. mexico is probably not the 1st place that comes to mind when you think of online manipulation sure it's happening everywhere but the countries we often hear the most about are the usa and russia. mexico however has been a testing ground for some of the most insidious online tactics we've seen unleashed around the world. there's a blogger turned activist called alberto a school zia here in mexico city who i'm on my way to meet now alberto has been deeply involved in investigating political bots trolls and artificial trends in mexico since 2010 he's received significant blowback because of his work death threats have forced him to leave the country 5 times. is more important to me he called. the most biased possible advantage. of what. the north was the draw. the sun in vietnam in tokyo. yes and which is and. george will give us windows to them we're going to the most $2000000.00 the current us the tweet at a time when facebook come in and instagram gets a dollar of the us dollars dollars but deals at the top of the money pool are like i'm not so sure. there's only a little studio where i can then which will enable it get in there i'm watching fluency one of the most effective and powerful tools for those who want to push an agenda online is the draft now bots are essentially just pieces of software algorithms that run whatever tasks you set them and a lot of the internet runs of them however they've also become synonymous with fake social media accounts pushing political agendas or generating artificial likes shares or followers the days of these fully automated spam bots a mostly over their actions were simply too obvious making them easy to detect by filters which meant they got purged and easy to spot by uses which meant they go to go. so now literally armies of people a paid to act like dogs they're also called trolls dicks i also learned or don't know spin to me but it's honest and i'll handle the addict i'm in there and there's a successor to what's going to start me on his acquaintance. telephone. percent of quintus the truth that. they are offering you a dex and this is the number of accounts that. warrant in one hour do can be able to bring topic in this quantity of guns. decks are the secret tools used by marketing agencies publicity manages political parties and governments to boost topics and people online or to divert and distract from unfavorable attention the advantage of having nice human blood says that while they behave more human on line so the chances of them being eliminated are dismissed a lot. however alerter says activity even if done by humans has an miscible characteristic and doses. of what's in there are known to more. than a conversation. about race as they are not of the form a sort of money comes. from the going to. be most grandmas from the. south and they don't under. a lot as of what's full of programmers or more sort of thrones. continues. it's just going to. be neck and then on the former squad. and the. goal here i mean. all is done and what they live for. us. so when they heard. from elections 2 big news events to political debates decks pile on and drive online chat and their alarmingly successful in skewing conversations and narratives a study by the oxford internet institute shows that between 20172018 the number of countries where organized social media manipulation of cars increased from 28 to 48 the biggest drivers of organized online manipulation around the world political parties the realisation many of them have had is that instead of trying to since the social media platforms it's much more effective to simply flood them with bots junk news and decide for the nation samantha bradshaw was one of the researchers who worked on the report the advertisers have used these platforms to reach new audiences and new markets but now we're seeing political parties learn these platforms can also be used to sway public opinion and so instead of selling us these goods they're they're selling us world leaders or political ideologies by using the advertising infrastructure and the algorithms to slowly start nudging her stock. opinions about politics we're seeing the shift away from purely automated accounts to more human operators who are finding actual real people for hire to work on political campaigns to work with more repressive governments to target people online with this kind of speech to ultimately suppress their participation in politics and public discussion and. a lot of people don't necessarily participate in political discussions online anymore i even find myself withdrawing a little bit from commenting on politics just because of the enormous reaction that you can get and it's hard to know whether or not these are real people. genuinely. these views or whether they're just a paid troll sitting far off country somewhere just desiring to make me feel this way and to make me withdraw from participating in these discussions online dickson the exists to do so well because cliques have become the defector currency of the online world will become accustomed to the fact that for years the algorithms behind facebook twitter instagram and the others have rewarded big numbers mostly it was comments. and mills use the rewards of groups and the lack of regulation meant that if you want to have an impact clicks a what you need to go out. to dry for clicks isn't restricted to governments political movements or marketing agencies they're in it to shape perceptions many others are in it for the money but how do you make money online engagement the hot and science of keeping people flocked it's what keeps the online money machine chinee and so algorithms have been programmed to push content that gets kind gauge when algorithms don't necessarily determine the veracity of content they're often more concerned with the by reality of it so if more people are engaging with a certain topic the algorithms might say like this might matter to you as well that could be you know the new avengers movie could be a new viral video about cats but it could also be something of importance such as you know a new breaking news story and this is where we see doctors trying to manipulate the popularity metric and that's why we get descent from ation stories spreading like wildfire because if there are a bunch of fake accounts online engaging with a fake breaking news story that might get pushed into the news feeds of real users . as him and real people will start interacting and sharing these distant permeation stories further and further. on up to yes. i'm on my way now to a cut plan in central mexico in august 2 10182 men ricardo flores was beaten and burned to death there because people thought that they were child snatches warnings on facebook twitter and whatsapp had gone viral with the news that gangs of kidnappers had been picking up children and selling their organs the news wasn't true but the stereo led to the most brutal form of violence. of their life but it's on us because several one in us. he says must also does that get us it broadly must go to the various alice and sort of the local phrase walk. on the ice and well most a this several more said i mean will. they actually have like me the link when they say she's voting or staying there are going to be important i look and that the month before they're going to get out also spiritual so they could get a bit of sun of strength to get us where most everyone i suspect other sort of more mature than consent and we can. have a video camera was a bad thing you have already gathered. on the day of the attack 22 year old when he's 43 year old. traveling together. they made a pit stop to buy a drink it happened to be near a school and with suspicion of child kidnappings in the area they became fatal targets to a mob galvanized by online. i met would resign. and i'll go to sister in law. or. apple with. a longing yes. but our nala gone but. by no means understand the where this. happened say. but i'm not. out of this up and say but on one more thing where us. army said it's not a battle. over. fact that's. for process. and they're not sent there by law or secondly so possibly even more shocking than the impact of this fake news is the motivation for it often ideology only plays a small part in a scam that's really all about money. the money we're talking isn't small change in mexico a website can earn around a $1000.00 u.s. dollars for every 1000000 page views every time a person lands on a page the advertising algorithm kicks in and the website starts. creating a website isn't difficult and most times a single group of the administrators will have several on the go at once generating around $2.00 to $5000.00 a month it doesn't matter if the content is real or not as long as readers flock to the site then making a buck. how do you get people to your website well that's with facebook comes in with over 2000000000 uses it's one of the most powerful distribution tools for sharing content yes you do you. have it out but of course it is literally meant in africa news because bulletin set in motion is there to us and there are going to me and there are mistakes with the guy so use him in the middle corners in the. last meal or medicine to spur him as a facebook get a person in the this is be the list with him but it's a little notice of locals you know mentor the lynch i mean to us in this accustomed you let on a little more of that style in this but it's in the way like it's a competitor no problem unless you're not going to sort of a duel in german to simply let them you know more to see intent or something of that place but a fellow by his can see i'm simply going to frighten us. but i had a clue to put a canary in the way in which social media platforms to distribute all kinds of fake news or dissent from a show and about politics or conspiracy theories about politics or any any other aspects of life is really really important because most people today use these platforms to find news and information and it's often a trusted source of news and information not as much as traditional t.v. or mainstream media but it's trusted in the sense that it's our friends and our family who are sharing this content and we tend to trust information that comes from people who are like minded there's all kinds of research from the field of psychology that you know talks about confirmation bias and that's why facebook can be such a powerful pop forum for spreading falsehoods about politics because we do inherently trust this information a little bit more than than other kinds of information getting facebook on the record isn't easy. the company is battling a lot of justifiably bad press around the world but listeria the strategic manager of the music facebook mexico did agree to meet without. him but see less important than the spectacle of men who want that those to be on your side no they are other than that it's the people there. the former focus will focus on other sources going to the platform i can look at him because then i use them to provide them with under the single a name of the movie was their story so i will source is who sets it up that is a quote that's francis the most the most and forgot the chalk and they're calm but they important they last quintets files as a facebook closest to my looks like thought it was that was kind of him putting a look at him in systemic. is what only a dad is a continual bit of water logged off. the site you'll hear my most trusting because some of it was not a must call me that yes. most of the law he yelled procure a little bit more but at the back of the court there are a staggering. luis's facebook's it's a pain he gave us lots of millions of fake accounts taken down and thousands of millions of spam posts cleaned off the site by artificial intelligence algorithms sweeping. the training algorithms to recognize misinformation is incredibly complicated no wilder of them can easily determine what's true or false after all there are cases where even human stone agree so in an effort to curb the spread of misinformation the company has begun to collaborate with external factors. the number one project book again the most important mother infant got or the steps are you that most clinics parables been forgot or if you could maybe because they're going to because you're. doing other things that accompany your vendor that appropriate but the form of facebook and i don't maybe flag in your news feed if it has been disputed by an independent 3rd party fact checker outside of facebook exists here you'll see that. it's called the needle so here we go here for a moment. more you see the list of sort us going to say that you know he is this he look at if you go fight so bored with a guy was. that he can see if you see he looked a little here and wished that i. called them you know put this he had with the sites he. was up for you in putting him through all. this little purpose why do you get more than they use is that. good videos from whole see him do it you know now you see this woman. you see this woman died is it the. other that it is you are this is this equipped to deal with this received a little huddle structure most of the responses that we've seen from the platforms just far have gone to tweaking their algorithms to how downgrades and certain kinds of this information from being shared online we're seeing companies like facebook or google work with fact checkers or invest in media literacy programs so that citizens can be a little bit more educated about how to find and challenge the information that they find and discover online i don't think a lot of the changes have really addressed the heart of the issue in the real nuts and bolts of why dissent from ation goes viral in the 1st place going back to their business models and going back to the algorithms and the way that they still incentivize certain kinds of content to go viral. is there is real systemic challenges in the way that these platforms are governed and operated operated and there hasn't been enough attention or rethinking about how these structure or is actually are contributing to the problem. facebook says avoiding misuse of it services is a big priority i contacted twitter in mexico as well and they said the same thing but for someone who is not just seen the misinformation was online but actually food in them these if it's by the social media platforms a little more than window dressing the former assistant to the left in this bluegrass it's going to look what distant in them which up but it's true in the lessons that have made us you know going to soon the sun is still got so little for this in this at the one already i'm. normally didn't. attend leprosy on the left and there's an eskimo your little smith to go that is some of. it's a part of the cup it's in the end but also looking in the gospel i mean up with them which obviously you're going to get are several which particularly if you know live reports. with billions of pieces of content being uploaded to the internet every single day it's no surprise that tackling online manipulation is such a challenge digital deception is now a global game so no matter how many searches a lot of small tweaks to the algorithm that might happen nothing's going to actually change until after clicks a scene is more than just insurance and revenue generators in an internet environment where engagement and clicks and viral 80 s what drives the spread of content i don't think it's fair to cut users off the hook in this problem because democracy is something that's hard work at something that we as citizens have to work towards and invest time and to find accurate information and not something that's easy you know the real power in the internet is that it can bring us together and we we've seen not time and time again so going back to that more often mystic view of what the internet can and could be for a democratic society and political participation and i think it's something we need to remind ourselves of and work towards as individuals. so i was going to go home to. thinking about some of these big questions around social media democracy and what it means to be not only a user of technology but a citizen in our digital public sphere the 1st thing i would do is request all of the data about me from these big social media platforms from facebook from twitter from google it's really important that we have an insight into actually how vast this data collection system is and how intricate and how details this kind of information can actually be about us and i think that's one of the 1st real eye opening things users are are shocked by the fact that these platforms might have conversation and your private message as the fact that they might have even accessed the phone number is on your found if you installed the facebook app these are these are really big question and underlying all of the questions around social media democracy is are our rights of privacy and what that actually means in the digital age if. you could have one said we since used. to be so most. we got was a little disposed to see their you communion crucial. role. these 2 we enlist the call did you. see this. they must see how well your book because he that must seattle where the the express he worked out a set of skills he. really says he made us get. maybe a little so you'll have to go when you go out. and you have this little thing says he. gets fame which is part of. the god yeah. but. i look. back you know. this is the same in a canyon i want to. look at me and we. know complete a familiar. on the. border and on the top of just a matter of. the sort of. going just going circles down the list on. you know. you have this 1000000 go. on us but. i thought i must look good without a net if not a personas some person that's going to do this. waltz for mustard on a scale in the cement and see i'm pretty lonely on the left but some of the. look about him that simple. the politics of division have pushed india into the grip of a historical reckoning i am afraid to be closing on the minorities mean to me i'm afraid but where do these ideas come from the tragedy of more human lives how much we've tried to send a close getting into school or a happy family or the multiple of them join me on fish now see you on the final part of my journey when i jus become a target of the hindu 1st policy in such of india seoul on al-jazeera i'm a dr attention to increasing conflict in libya months 9 years since the revolution the fall down long time dictator moammar gadhafi al jazeera explains the complexities of libya's civil war and potential political solution special coverage on al-jazeera. life begins. thousands of babies every year in the united states. it also ends on the same day. the baby is african-american. this is twice as likely to happen why. rewind america's infant mortality on al-jazeera. al-jazeera. every. this is al-jazeera. hello i'm rob matheson and this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes the palestinian president tells the u.n. security council that donald trump's middle east peace plan looks like swiss cheese as israel questions his stand you president the battle is serious about the glaciations it wouldn't be healed to be would be enjoy the limb in washington on. a short lived victory for syrian rebels against government forces as they show they won't.

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