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south korean don comedy makes movie history becoming like the film to win the oscar for best picture. turkey says syrian government shelling has killed 5 of its soldiers and the syrian government forces attacked a turkish military post earlier whole position forces began an offensive to push government troops out of sight to keep footage shows the rebels and the province with near the supplied turkish vehicles turkey's director of communications says the country has retaliated against the attack and it tweet he went on to say the turkish armed forces are tirelessly serve the cause of peace and stability around the world who continue to crush anyone who dares to target our flag to reassure our friends to strike fear into the hearts of our enemy. simcoe shoulder was inside syria the barba how a crossing not far from the border with turkey sam how serious an escalation is this what more can you tell us. welcome probably this escalation is the highest escalation that has ever happened between damascus and ankara in the 9 year long syrian civil war for the 1st time they have they have clashed you know syrian army clashing with the turkish army is syrian turkish convoys being hit directly by the syrian army like last weekend today is actually a benchmark especially for the turkish military as they have tonight's military base which turkish army to call for from the syrian army last weekend turned out to be its new military observer mission post it was attacked by the syrian army and turkey has retaliated which ended up with 5 soldiers being killed and $500.00 almost 2 hours ago the villain did and that soldiers were just evacuated right by us from bubble to the turkish side by the way a delegation from russia was in ankara turkish capital today they were having their 2nd meeting with the turkish officials to find their way out in that the escalation zone and and the humanitarian crisis along with stopping the military tension but it was it is already finished and it seems the 2nd meeting is also fruit juice like the previous one which took place 2 days ago everybody expects are gone and put in shall meet and talk together about this issue but the tension is high and for now it seems to be continuing thank you so much for that sin and cos live from the baha'i crossing thank you. how the visuals in china have reported the biggest single day increase in deaths from the corona virus since the outbreak began $97.00 more deaths have been reported in the country bringing the global total to 910 millions of people were expected to go back to work on monday as an extension to the lunar new year holiday and it is katrina a year reports from beijing many people stayed at home. street is usually bustling with crowds but this week it's living up to its name the lunar new year holiday has ended but fears of the corona virus are keeping many businesses closed . his store is one of the few that are open that customers are scarce but he still careful about who he allows inside delivery men are kept at a distance. how you would hire should come to your entire door that deliver driver has been to too many places and has had contact with too many people so i need to be around workers like him. those staying indoors rely on these drivers for food and assess it is but the threat of the virus is taking its toll you know you threw it away and of course i am scared this virus is very serious but what can i do i have to keep this all i can do now is wearing the mask and gloves. millions of workers have yet to return to the city those who have missed telephone or she's which provinces they have traveled from. beijing's usually crowded subway is operating at half capacity those not wearing masks are being turned away before entering residential compounds or office buildings people must 1st have their temperature checked now. those fun the temperature is higher than 37.5 degrees celsius let's go directly to a hospital to be tested. in hot the epicenter of the outbreak streets remain deserted residents are allowed to leave home only to collect food and supplies. but elsewhere scenes are so quiet. unverified videos of people being forced from their homes into quarantine vans are circulating on chinese social media the world health organization has called for calm it sent a team to china to observe the government's response and he will be bringing some of the world class epidemiologist from the w.h.o. that will be able to really understand the transmission dynamics going on understand the severity of illness understand the challenges that china is facing with this outbreak and it will really give the world hopefully a good glimpse of what going on in china medical experts say the majority of coronavirus cases are mild but many in china are not taking any chances. al-jazeera beijing adrian brown joins us now live from hong kong adrian choosing thing as appeared on state t.v. a somewhat rare occurrence since the outbreak began what does he have to say that's right we haven't seen much of president xi jinping during the past couple of weeks that changed on monday when state television broadcast pictures of him visiting a district of beijing he met neighborhood representatives volunteers and medical workers and there he was wearing a surgical face mask i think that's possibly the 1st time we've seen the chinese president wearing a face mask he also had his temperature taken this was president xi jinping doing his best to burnish his man of the people image he also came to deliver a message he said that together the chinese people the country can overcome this virus if they work together. and we must fight the battle for total warfare on the people's war against the epidemic with full confidence we must have the confidence that we will definitely win. president xi jinping also wanted to deliver another reassuring message today and that was on jobs he said that the government would prevent large scale job losses that's because of course china's economy has been battered by this far as thousands of factories across the country are now standing idle it's a reminder that the world depends on china for so much but so much of what is producing simply isn't leaving the country and this one of the world's largest car producers in japan announced it was shutting production of one of its major plants the problem is the supply chain just last week a south korean car manufacturer said it was having to hold production because it couldn't get the parts it needed from china it's bad now it's going to get much worse thank you for that update there that say adrian brown live from hong kong meanwhile the number of confirmed cases on a cruise ship in japan has almost doubled if they 66 more people were found to have the virus on the quarantined vessel brings the number of cases onboard to 130 more than 3 and a half 1000 people have been stuck on the cruise line a since it was put under quarantine a week ago and leaders from across africa have concluded 2 days of talks on how to bring security to the continent this year's african union summit is focused on curbing regional violence so countries can embrace development and boost their economies of the hours of meetings the a used peace and security council called on the international community to stop outside interference in libya. we want. to be fully respected. we want to marry you and. to libya also to be strictly respected. and we want. all external interventions and interferences in libyan affairs a marvellous been following the summit and he says delegates came out of meetings with a very strong message for the international community they sounded the alarm bells with regards to the side that's they said that's 3 countries are threatened completely threatened and they can they can be destroyed by what's happening particularly particularly work in a fossil right now 600 villages have been deserted. 600000 people have been displaced in in that country because of the recent actions of the armed groups they said that these armed groups have become more equipped more skilled they have more the zeal your so now and they have more numbers to do what they are doing mali or so is threatened is threatened they said that the sun help countries the g 5 help coalition of countries who have forces in that region should not be let down they have to have more help and the key the key components that they have focused on is the funds they said that the african union secure peace and security a fund has has had only 150 millions for the last few years. at its disposal now more countries have contributed or pledges to contribute during these meetings $10000000.00 more have been pledged in this meeting has also said that it will contribute $1000000000.00 but there has been a while since they did not come over to to make good on those promises so libya also has been mentioned the african union wants to join in the efforts there is now war between the african union and the united nations in the respect they are going to contribute in the peace keeping and the peace observation after a cease fire is signed in libya. still ahead on al-jazeera her. hair is welcomed by fame made an offer to head to south beach to mainstream center by. donald trump his new budget proposal but not a lot like his presidential campaign promises a budget that could be dead on arrival in congress. hello we've got some dry weather pushing into japan for the time being but some places of rain sleet and snow clearing away from honshu from the cot i brought the skies coming back in behind still a few wintry flurries there for tuesday but to the south of that slushy settled and sunny there we go so what's the weather meanwhile across central and southern parts of china that could be the driving force as we go through the next couple days the rank gathers that they could play very big downpours possibility of some localized flooding and that wetter weather will make its way across south korea towards q sure into southern parts of honshu for wednesday not a bad day in tokyo actually temperatures here around 14 celsius in the sunshine meanwhile sunshine in showers set cross southeast asia a few of those showers still affecting southern parts of china a few of those showers affected the philippines but the the west the weather certainly further south not out across borders we'll see some rather wet weather there into indonesia pushing over towards pop in new guinea and more of the same as we go on through way to say the showers do slide their way up the. southern parts of thailand generally try but wanted to share was certainly a possibility here and wanted to show was a possibility into southeastern parts of india over the next couple of days also into sri lanka to the north of that is dry. from fossil fuels to modern day renewables as societies develop the energy demands increase requiring innovative solutions to meet such demands as a global power development of investment company nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against these demands we provide business growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and environmentally sound energy solutions for future generations the breastpin pioneering future energy. you're watching al-jazeera a reminder of our top stories this hour turkey says syrian government forces have killed 5 of its soldiers and northwestern if the syrian government troops attacked them military posts there earlier syrian opposition forces began a military offensive to push out regime troops. the global death toll from the corona virus outbreak has reached $910.00 china announced $907.00 more deaths on sunday the biggest single day increase since the epidemic began a team of w.h.o. experts is heading to china to investigate. the african union's peace and security council has called on the international community to stop outside interference in libya the conflict there and in the sal region was at the top of the agenda of the 2 day summit. a vote counting is continuing for a 2nd day in ireland to stop ireland rather to start a general election so it's in support for leftwing shin fein has put it ahead of the 2 dominant center right parties for the 1st time leader mary lou mcdonald has called it a revolution in irish politics no one party will win enough seats to form a government leave bachar is covering developments in dublin he says finn ago party leader of russia is facing calls to step down. in a gale of course the disastrous result they have been in power for the past 9 years and its leader leo is already facing calls to step down as prime ministers in order to allow the party to lick its wounds as it were and work out how to possibly weather this storm going forward and claw back support in any kind of future election but the biggest gains of course now sinn fein probably surprised themselves considering the fact that they only put forward 42 candidates across the country so they knew full well even if they want all of those seats they would never be able to form a government on their own you need 80 seats to be able to do that so of course now the difficult process of coalition begins coalition building begins. a feeling of ruled out possibly working with the shin fein they are 2 diametrically opposed opposite ends of the political spectrum you know for. a little bit warmer in terms of the words that they've been sharing with sinn fein machine fame feel pretty much emboldened i think by these figures so far could well try to reach out to some of the smaller parties and wait it out until possibly a future election where they may well stand to win it but a huge huge advance push in framing this year's election. it is an election year in the united states stunnel trump is running for a 2nd term and is set to unveil unveiled to congress his blueprint for the us budget in 2021 proposing a 4.8 trillion dollar plan that's the largest in federal history he wants to raise military spending by 2 and a half $1000000000.00 to $740000000000.00 and reduce foreign aid from 55000000000 dollars to 44000000000 dollars the commerce department budget gets cut by 37 percent and the environment protection agency by 27 percent the state department will also lose 21 percent the center for disease control and prevention 9 and. education 8 he wants an extra $2000000000.00 for the border war with mexico much less than the $8600000000.00 he asked for last year when i watch house correspondent kimberly helka joins us now live from washington d.c. kimberly what does this tell us about how trying priorities should be secure a 2nd tim well it lays out this administration's priorities that's exactly what this is it's really more of a political document then an actual budget because the final budget will not resemble this wish list in any form or fashion because there is a process that this needs to go through what's leaves the white house it goes to the u.s. congress we know that the house of representatives controlled by democrats is unlikely to approve this in its current form if you're a member of this is the same body in the same house that just to pitch this president so likely the final budget is going to look very different you laid out really well in terms of the priorities there are going to be big boost in defense spending lots of cuts in the areas of social spending and that's why democrats are really criticizing the fact that they believe that this document put forward by the president essentially something that favors the wealthy not entirely true but certainly a fair criticism when you look at those priorities one thing that is helping some of the rural voters in the united states is a proposal to put in place internet spending there are many areas of the united states that do not have internet which means that many working class americans can't get a bank account other sort of things that keep them kind of on the margins of society why is the president looking at the rural voter they helped him win his election in 2016 it will help them win reelection if that happens in 2020 and people say i was interested to see as well that the requested funding for that border wall has been significantly downgraded. yeah the interest in the border wall is enormous because this is a campaign promise that donald trump made in 2016 hasn't really been able to deliver on he's taking another pass at trying to get the filing once again this is all about keeping a campaign promise thank you so much for that that this can really help get there live from washington d.c. . the woman designated to replace german chancellor angela merkel has unexpectedly quit as leader of the governing c.d.u. party. bar is stepping down amid a crisis over a decision by regional representatives to vote alongside the far right steve that broke a longstanding agreement among mainstream parties to shun far right groups the c.d.u. must now alexis a new chief to take it into the general election next year let's cross now to dominate cain who's live in berlin dominic how significant a development is this. pretty significant on the face of it because the leader of the largest party in this country the leader of the largest party in parliament having to metaphorically for her sort of all because as you were saying of what happened in the state of the ring year the state where her local party the members of her party in that parliament in that state parliament voted for a liberal candidate as prime minister last week but in doing so they did so alongside members of parliament from the alternative for germany now that breaks a taboo mainstream parties very clearly for pretty much since the f.t. the alternative for germany party lurch to the far right ever since then the mainstream parties have ruled out any kind of cooperation with that party anywhere in germany whether federally or at the state level now the interesting thing is and a great come come by our house quit she won't that that's resignation won't take effect until the summer when she is replaced as you say when she an election is held to replace the interesting thing is she's saying defiantly her party must not work with the far right nor with the far left and remember in the state in question during year there was a far left government has which has just been ousted the point for her party though is who is that next leader going to be because clearly it's not going to be angle americal who stays as chancellor of germany until the autumn of next year but the party has to work out what direction they want to go in and more crucially perhaps who will take them in whichever direction they turn well that's my next question dominic are there any names being thrown about as to who may be the replacement. well the interesting thing also if we step back just from the cd you just for a 2nd right now no one is clear about who will lead any of the mainstream parties as the what they call in german the shits and counted out the lead candidate the person who would be nominated as chancellor if that party got close to winning a majority or being able to build a coalition none of the parties know right now who that person would be and so it means there's a great deal of inertia as it were a power vacuum some people say you have angle americal as this as it were political colossus hooper strides germany and whose authority remains mandate as chancellor remains for now but then all the parties wondering well what should they do next for the christian democrats will they're the party who traditionally has what you might call a pull a plurality in other words it gets more seats than all other parties but never a majority as it were so for them this is a really important question many people saying perhaps the man who came seconds to integrate come come come by in december of 2018 melts a man who was once friendly with angela merkel but was ousted by him sidelined by him many years ago he came back and ran a very close 2nd to muskrat this is crap karrenbauer people say maybe him but if they go if the city you goes with him his brand of conservatism is much more to the right than the center which is what i got americal and calabar have been the vanguard of for so long so that would be a real change and then aside from him well there are a few other names in the in the contest as it were at least in terms of what part what's the analysts are saying but right now many people say might it be fruitless mts think that that's dominic came there live from berlin. movie history has been made at the 92nd academy awards the film from south korea won the biggest prize of the night this picture for its satirical look at class divisions there is rob reynolds has more from hollywood. and the oscar goes to. parasite i am knight of triumph for south korean cinema and director bond june home for the 1st time in the oscars 92 year history a film in a language other than english one the top award surprising many critics and so-called hollywood insiders. honks critically acclaimed story of wealth class power and deceit swept best director best screenplay and best international feature film in addition to best picture. thank you i read it during country next morning thank you. renee zellweger the star of judy won the best actress award for brilliant and emotional portrayal of one of hollywood's late stars judy garland misguide you were certainly among the heroes he knights into phyla. as widely predicted joaquin phoenix won the best actor award for his electrifying portrayal of poverty despair and mental illness in joker he made a plea for social justice animal rights and low for the planet whether we're talking about gender inequality or racism or career rights or indigenous rights or animal rights we're talking about the fight against injustice we're talking about the fight against the belief that one nation one people one race one gender or one species has the right to dominate control and use and exploit another with impunity brad pitt was selected as best supporting actor for once upon a time in hollywood and laura dern won her 1st oscar for best supporting actress in a marriage story this is the best birthday present ever only one person of color was nominated for an acting award cynthia error in harry and she didn't win. there was. it's criticism of the lack of racial and gender diversity an exception is st louis superman the 1st oscar nominated film commissioned in produced by al jazeera as program series witness which has an african american as its lead character to indian american filmmakers and to producers from malaysia not felt like you know at this my time to stand the broadcast which for the 2nd year in a row was presented without a host seemed flat and sluggish at times perhaps a reflection of the uncertain times we live in but after all diversion and distraction is what the movies are all about and so the show must go on rob reynolds al-jazeera hollywood. black correspondent rob mcbride has been speaking to people in south korea's capital seoul about what they make of parasite success. parasite is a biting satire on life in south korea right now of that has obviously resonated with a global audience it tells the story of a family of have nots who were desperately poor and he managed to trick their way into the service of a much wealthier family of halves it starts as a slightly quirky strange comedy but quickly descends into a very. dark fable it was when it was released here in south korea very quickly a commercial and critical success that went on to win a 1st international recognition with a palm door at the cannes film festival and then a golden globe but certainly this oscar win puts it now in a league of it. i was thrilled at the 1st time so i recommend to my friend a friend and so yeah it was a really amazing phenomenon and you went back for time yeah. a society shouldn't differentiate between the haves and the have nots people should be able to live together. how did. it's a great honor for the korean film industry i'm sure that other directors will be inspired by this and will be able to create movies that are recognized around the world. for the director and now oscar winning director bunn joined her this is his 7th movie 2 previous films have had some international success but nothing like this for him the cost and the rest of the people who made this movie life will never be the same again. and as rob mentioned al jazeera was also up for an oscar for best documentary short subject it just missed out he spoke to our nominees for the film saying there was a man. never could we have thought that we'd come this far so hopefully this is the 1st of many many more such things to come the film is about bruce franks jr who in 2014 was a battle rapper community a community leader and then when michael brown was killed in ferguson missouri he was politically awakened and bruce decided to run for political office so our film follows bruce as he's trying to get a bill passed on or his late brother who died from gun violence and so that's kind of a plot but it gets into all these deeper issues about mental health about the value of african-american life in the united states and you know the father's relationship with his son too probably they were most proud of is the team behind the film and how we all came together and how we come from different backgrounds different countries different religions races all of that and came together bruce brought us together to tell his story and so we're so incredibly proud of the work that witness and al-jazeera english has been doing for over a decade and it's about time this is just the beginning so just watch out they'll be many many more al jazeera english unwitnessed business films that will come to this platform. is there and these are the top stories turkey says syrian government forces have killed 5 of its soldiers a northwest and it syrian government troops attacked their military post there turkey says it's for telling i should syrian opposition forces began a military offensive to push out regime troops. the global death toll from the corona virus outbreak has reached $910.00 china announced $97.00 more deaths on sunday the biggest single day increase since the epidemic began a team of w.h.o. experts is heading to china to investigate chinese president xi jinping has appeared on state television for the 1st time several days where is reaffirmed china's commitment to containing the corona virus outbreak. we must fight the battle to total warfare and the people's war against the epidemic with full confidence we must have the confidence that we will definitely win. leaders from across africa have concluded 2 days of talks on how to bring security to the continent the conflict in libya and in the sahara region was at the top of the agenda of the 2 day summit the a use peace and security council has called on the international community to stop outside interference in libya we want this initial force to be fully respected. we want the un member who remains to libya to be. distracted and. all external interventions. to appearances. affairs vote counting is continuing for a 2nd day in ireland's historic general election a surgeon support for left wing shin fame is put ahead of the true dominant center right parties for the 1st time the woman designated to replace german chancellor angela merkel has unexpectedly quit as leader of the governing c.d.u. party on gedcom carmelo is stepping down amid a crisis over a decision by regional representatives to vote alongside the far right team the c.d.u. must now elect a new chief to take it into the general election next year. as the news that continues here off to talk to al jazeera. americans live side by side in 2 parallel universes the truck parts of america are getting in trouble here there is a poll out a few weeks ago that you had almost 30 percent americans believing they were on the cusp of civil war both sides accuse each other of doing things that are so blatantly wrong the bottom line on u.s. politics and policies and their effect on the world. to see. every civilization sees itself as the same to rip the world and writes its history as the central drama of human history the words of samuel huntington in the clash of civilization. and it's precisely poor understanding. to understand others cultures at the world uses polarized as the ideal of living is part of a global village the slowly fading away allowing the rise of nationalism. so can we improve relations and cooperation among nations and peoples across societies cultures and religions. or is the clash of civilizations inevitable.

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