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a u.s. senate clears donald trump of the impeachment trial against him but democrats are promising further investigations about peter stand with your school to lympics organize and save the law in france and north korea amid questions on whole coronavirus march the games plus. barcelona really you know misuse days of the club on numbers. thank you for joining us we begin this news hour with rising tensions between israelis and palestinians which have led to a spate of violent incidents within the past 24 hours for palestinians have been shot dead and several israeli soldiers have been injured they have been clashes in several cities in the occupied west bank between palestinians and the israeli army the military is also searching for a suspect. involved in a car ramming attack in jerusalem that wounded 12 soldiers we have harry fawcett watching developments in west jerusalem will be speaking to him in just a moment but 1st anita abraham who is in ramallah in the occupied west bank need to attend situation in the occupied west bank what these clashes between palestinians and israeli soldiers. well in the early hours of the morning the israeli forces has raided the city of jeannine north of the occupied west bank to demolish the house of the palestinian prisoner so usually this is the time when clashes erupt and confrontations between the armed soldiers and the palestinian protesters now this has led to the death of a 19 year old palestinian whose funeral has occurred in the town after his death now a 2nd palestinian has also died but as we've seen from the surveillance footage from the cameras he was standing he's a policeman he was standing in a police station and appeared to be that he was just looking and not doing anything from the surveillance camera he's a father of 2 and his family lives in jordan and it's yet to be seen whether they will be allowed to attend his funeral that is it is scheduled tomorrow in the occupied west bank now in other news the israeli army has raided several other towns and villages they say they are looking for a palestinian that they believe has conducted the shooting attack west of from one law that left one israeli soldier who wouldn't it now all in all we're talking about 88 palestinians who were injured by israeli fire this is the source of the number we got from the medical sources so this happened after several confrontations have that up to it in several cities in the occupied west bank we're talking about a day at the probably the deadliest we've seen in a while the timing of this is interesting because it comes more than a week after the u.s. president announced his right hand for the mideast peace but at the moment it seems to be that the these are separated incidents aren't there neda thank you for that need to abraham live for us in speak to harry faucet in west jerusalem harry a spate of incidents in the last 24 hours what's the reason behind the spike in violence and what are these really authorities saying. well as far as the the reasoning a lot of people are pointing to the fact that it is just 9 days after the revelation or the unveiling of the u.s. peace plan there had been talk about possible violent reaction to it or an escalation of tensions at least of course it's difficult to draw a direct line but that's certainly the message coming from the palestinian president mahmoud abbas his office saying that that the trump plan has created this escalation in tensions we've seen a couple of incidents in jerusalem in occupied east jerusalem earlier in the afternoon there was a palestinian citizen of israel from haifa in the north of israel he got very close to an army checkpoint israeli security forces checkpoint just outside the locks a mosque compound and known as the temple mount to jews he pulled a gun out of his pocket shot out a group of israeli forces there injuring one likely he himself was shot and killed and that came just a few hours after something that's a place in the early hours of this morning as you said in your introduction a suspected ramming attack on a group of israeli soldiers who were on their way to a swearing in ceremony at the western wall this was in west jerusalem the driver got away one soldier seriously injured 12 injured in total the car discovered in beit jalla in the occupied west bank and there were raids and searches in bethlehem with some confrontations with palestinians resulting from that the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu said the terror will not overwhelm us he has postponed a speech that he was due to give about an hour ago and just what we were hearing from the dow there we got confirmed from the israeli army that they're sending a combat battalion into the occupied west bank after what they say was a situational assessment that nearly a 1000 extra troops so it does seem that the israeli security forces are preparing . potentially more violence in the coming days and harry thank you for that update harry fosset live for us in west jerusalem. in other world news a chinese city at the center of the coronavirus emergency is running out of hospital beds says the toll of dead and infected continues to roll 73 more deaths were recorded on wednesday the highest in one day bringing the total in china to more than $562.00 people have died outside the country most of the people infected are in the epicenter a province there reports that china may delay its biggest political meeting the national people's congress when thousands of representatives are due to gather in beijing that comes a day after chinese president xi jinping met his cambodian counterpart and thanked him for his support in the fight against the virus evacuations of foreigners from one han continues australia has just sent 36 of its nationals to a remote island to be quarantined after the every 10 star clock has the latest from hong kong. medical workers in china a stepping up their efforts to stop the rapid rise of corona virus infections spreading countrywide since wednesday more than 3 and a half 1000 new cases have been officially confirmed in china taking the total count to 28000 including a newborn baby who by province where the virus was 1st detected remains in lockdown . in provinces reporting the highest rates of infection supplies are being delivered by all forms of transport in japan this cruise ship is in quarantine after 20 passages were confirmed to have the virus there in hospital receiving treatment the rest of the passengers are confined to the ship. to fit you know. there are 4 people who are japanese nationals of the others 2 are from the united states 2 from canada one from new zealand and one from taiwan in hong kong more than 3600 people on the world dreamz cruise ship had been put into quarantine after passengers on the previous voyage tested positive for the virus the ship's medical team is carrying out mandatory temperature checks on passages oh a cruise ships will be banned from docking in hong kong from saturday and the government eclairs further restrictions on arrivals taiwan is also banning chris shipped in a bid to stop the virus spreading hong kong has partially closed its borders with mainland china the bridge linking hong kong with macau and ju high remains open so as hong kong airport one of the busiest in asia from saturday all travelers crossing from the mainland to the city will be quarantined for 14 days indonesia has announced it too will stop all arrivals from china the world health organization is sending a quarter of a 1000000 testing kits to affected countries to try to curb the outbreak but a shortage of protective gear for doctors and nurses as well as medical supplies is stifling efforts to treat those already infected and stop the global spread of the corona virus sarah clarke al-jazeera hong kong. now indonesia is one of the few countries in its region yet to report a case of the corona virus on sunday 243 people were evacuated from one hon and are in quarantine on a remote airforce base but as jessica washington reports from now to another plan has cost panic among some red. since. the impact of the corona virus outbreak is being felt all over the world even on one of indonesia's most remote archipelagos internees are airlifted from china's hu bay province where the corona virus outbreak began have been brought here to not tuna they're in quarantine at the local military base. and i doubt we considered several places but we had to consider the runway for the plane to land and the facilities so in the end we decided not to know was the best place. this is the town closest to the quarantine facility just a few kilometers away from the military base decorations for lunar new year a still up but the mood is far from festive. many here are angry they weren't told about the quarantine planned. we didn't know what was happening no one gave us any information all my neighbors were confused. the town is quieter than usual that's because many residents left when they heard the news fearing for their own safety. oh i left a few days ago and then they came back because i had to feed my chickens but i'm still afraid of the virus the evacuees are in quarantine here and not enough for 2 weeks in total that's the incubate period off the virus but if any of them show symptoms of the corona virus all of them will have to quarantine extended. the indonesian government says it needed to act quickly and that meant there wasn't time to inform the islanders beforehand now government employees are going door to door telling residents there's nothing to fear because the evacuees won't leave the military base. as the initial panic comes down the local education board revoked its decision to suspend classes because of the quarantine trying to restore some sense of normalcy in the midst of a global health crisis jessica washington al-jazeera matter. derek gatherer is a violet just at lancaster university he told my colleague martin dennis said there's been some surprise that the relatively low number of deaths when we 1st discovered the virus and discovered it was a relative of sars we feared something rather worse because sars is a very dangerous virus was a very dangerous virus back in 2003 with a very high fatality rate the fatality rate for this particular viruses are only 2 percent mark but we have to be careful with that statistic because that's 2 percent of the confront cases and in order to become a confirmed case you have to usually find yourself in hospital and that probably means that you've got pneumonia already and our are already in a fairly severe condition so it's not to 2 percent rest of the general population and have we seen this outbreak of the new coronavirus peak yet it's difficult to say because we don't know whether the containment measures will eventually work or not responded to viruses are extremely difficult to contain we have epidemics of flu every winter and occasionally have flu pandemics and it's generally believed that containing influenza this is impossible that you just have to wait and influenza epidemic or pandemic wash over the population so what we're trying to do here is to contain a large scale disparate tree virus outbreak which is going to be very difficult if you'd asked me that question of a week ago i would have said the very small chance that we could continue this in china but a week has passed and it seems that although we still have a good handful of travel related cases appearing around the world that the majority of infections are confined to one city who be proven so it may be that this is just working but it's of still a little bit early to see. rebels in syria supported by turkish artillery have pushed back government forces from a key town in a province turkey's president warned syria's government not to continue their offensive into the last rebel held region hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced by the fighting al jazeera cinema is in syria at one of the camps people have fled to she says the conditions there are awful and you can't begin to rebuild beginning from long although after terrorists are at guard with your incredible an intense. advance from the south to the north and this camp called. camp in florida was like that literally violently rolled and finally internal and displaced people by themselves i am told by the early camp administrators that they began with 250 families during a lot in the last quite 6 months like nick lane and in the last couple of. the number of the families have been increased in 750 and really look parents are over the very crowded in compound there are 2 family 3 families and they should mean one hen where white families live together the little unbelievable and they're you know living in water so. you know it is unbelievable you have to stay with your eyes to understand what's going on but people are suffering about that model not from air strikes but because of the guard conditions and other things. more demonstrations are expected in iraqi capital baghdad in other cities across the country after weeks of political deadlock an anti-government protests on wednesday at least 10 people were killed and more than 100 injured in a southern city of not josh supporters a shia cleric attacked a protest camp souter has a different time supported and posed the movement's imran khan has more on the protests from baghdad it. seems that there is a crack between those movements though what we're hearing from people very close to the total sort of also from political analysts is that going to also the eyes actually got a mission to try and open and all of the bridges to be central baghdad leading to where i'm still right now which is tucker a square it was all of the protesters to be pushed into tucker a square and he's also replicating distrust a-g. within the solving problems as well that's why we saw his followers he will just go in to niger where 10 people were killed now the reason for this is that whatever also has actually put his support behind the iraqi government and behind the security forces he says that the rich load needs to come back to iraq but he also has a very different agenda to the protesters the protesters who've been here since october with a very clear agenda they want a complete overhaul of the government system and then to corruption a new government elections but what we're told also there actually was is an end to the u.s. presence diplomatic and military in iraq and those 2 things all very different people are really worried about here is that in total so to will try and co-opt the protesters and try to force them to back his agenda. plenty more ahead on this news hour including still at naga heads the african union is taking on the contentious renaissance down disputes. with the us we look back on the life and career of hollywood legend kirk douglas who has died at the age of 103 and the race for the playoffs heats up in the n.b.a. as miami take on the clip this eater has the action coming up makes it. to the u.s. now and after days of delays and technical problems the preliminary results from iowa's democratic caucuses have 2 presidential contenders very tight while early counting had peace bloody judge sightly ahead of bernie sanders the gap has narrowed significantly with nearly all resource counted 40 workers are scrambling to verify the remainder new hampshire is to hold the 1st democratic primary election on tuesday meanwhile u.s. president donald trump has been acquitted in his senate impeachment trial he was charged with abusing presidential powers and obstruction of congress one republican broke ranks but it wasn't enough to see trump removed from office democrats are vowing to press ahead with more investigations reports from washington. it is therefore the outcome was as expected donald trump be and he is hereby acquitted of the charges in said articles donald trump only the 3rd u.s. president to be impeached now also the 3rd u.s. president to be acquitted the white house called it full of vindication and exoneration mr romney all but one republican senator voted not guilty on both articles of impeachment the lone defector was mitt romney the utah senator who in 2012 with the republican presidential nominee my faith is at the heart of who i am romney said in an emotional floor speech his conscience was more important than party loyalty he voted guilty on abuse of power what he did was not perfect no it was a flagrant assault on our electoral rights our national security and our fundamental values a few other republicans said they believe what trump did was wrong but didn't rise to remove all from office others blasted the democrats' efforts to remove the 45th us president i worry about the future of the presidency after what's happened here ladies and gentlemen you will come to regret this whole process all the democrats voted to convict trump on both charges they voice disappointment after his acquittal but did not admit defeat may yet face further investigation in the democrat controlled house and make no mistake about it the drip drip drip of evidence is going to keep coming out with each new revelation the message to the house of representatives don't do this again. now with the impeachment officially behind him from conspiring to for the november election whether all this has helped him or hurt him as a candidate is the big question castro al-jazeera washington. and president trump has appeared publicly for the 1st time since being acquitted he displayed 2 newspaper headlines after arriving at an event hosted by congress and he took aim at mitt romney weeks ago and again yesterday courageous republican politicians and leaders had the wisdom fortitude and strength to do what everyone knows was right. i don't like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong nor do i like people who say i pray for you when they know that that's not so. let's speak to our white house correspondent kimberly hawk now company the president didn't name romney specifically but i guess it's not really a surprise that he want to talk a mile for his fault. yeah he's lashing not just a member of his own republican party senator mitt romney but also the democrats and specifically house speaker nancy pelosi where the tensions between the 2 has really have really heightened in recent days the president is certainly doing a victory lap he as he approached the prayer breakfast breakfast before speaking held up a newspaper with the headline acquitted he certainly not in any way being contrite as we saw with bill clinton after his acquittal in the u.s. senate is a sharp contrast in fact the u.s. president is going back and going after all of those that he feels have harmed him this sensually the president not only attacking his political opponents for what they did to him personally but also what he says they've done to his family as everybody knows my family our great country and your president have been put through a terrible ordeal. by some very dishonest and corrupt people they have done everything possible to destroy us and boy so doing very badly hurt our nation. so in contrast to the previous impeachment of bill clinton where he the day after work to try and unite the country in a bipartisan manner we don't expect those same comments when the u.s. president donald trump speaks from the east room in the next couple of hours in fact we expect just the opposite his press secretary stephanie grisham has already been previewing the remarks that the president will be talking about those who he feels have hurt him politically and we also expect that there are going to be deep divisions on the campaign trail moving forward towards election day in november already we are hearing talk from republicans that they plan to call for further investigations potentially of the former vice president joe biden and his son hunter biden so this ukraine scandal not going away democrats saying that they are still seeking testimony potentially from the former national security advisor john bolton sort appears both sides still have their sharpened spears out for one another the ultimate decision of course coming with the voting public that will take place november of 2020. may be over but the politics are not company often lifeless at the white house thank you when i saw speak to paris to nara who is a member of the donald j. trump for president advisory board is live from washington d.c. thank you very much for being with us on al-jazeera mr denies can be said that the conventional wisdom regarding the claims clinton impeachment 20 years ago was that it was a grave political mistake for the republicans at the time because clinton wants acquitted emerged the stronger do you think the democrats have now fallen into the same trap as the republicans back in 1009. oh i think that that analysis a spot on i don't think the democrats to of today learn the lessons of what happened 20 years ago with president clinton because remember under clinton's impeachment which was a much different trial fair trial then what president trump received but at the same time president clinton's polling numbers were very strong his approval numbers were very strong but at the but also when it came down to that election the republicans in congress back then lost the house and democrats came into power and i believe that the same very will happen with the democrats and speaker pelosi being fired once again from her position i think of the house with republicans coming in because the country's upset but president trying didn't emerge from this impeachment saga and touch still poll show that iran half of americans wanted him removed from office 69000000 americans voted for the senators who supported the president seemed pietschmann and the country seems split down in the middle on the president so can we really expect you know the republicans to take the house in november. i think if you look at the enthusiasm that is shown on the republican side that how this impeachment hearing has invigorated the base of how the president is expanding his base of support $15000000.00 i believe was raised by the republican national committee in 24 hours that for speak for those who put up the original impeachment articles and i think after that you can look at gallup just came out with a significant poll saying the president's poll numbers are up to about 49 percent and there's a whole host of different indexes that show that the president is doing well but based upon rallies size rally crowd sizes fundraising met a superior and the enthusiasm gap that is there the democrats are in disarray the republicans are united and unite around this president right a united while the name on everyone's lips right now in this impeachment vote is mitt romney and there are questions about the unity within the republican party because romney became the 1st senator to vote to remove a president of his own party when he voted to convict the president on one count what is the republican party's official position on this and what can we expect is the president going to put all this behind in or will he seek retribution. i think the president to stay focused on doing what he's been doing which is putting america 1st and leading the save the union address which one of the best ones i've ever heard of my lifetime was about america's comeback and so the republican national committee the chairwoman has said that she disagrees with senator romney but she stands in the republican party stands behind this president and the utah republican party said that they disagreed with their senator and they stand with president trump so the republican party is a 100 percent united with president trump because we understand what he is doing we understand the impact that he's having in the time that he was impeached in the house and that sham charade you saw the president get through the u.s. in ca china phase one trade deal as well as the possibility of a peace plan please pick a peace plan but tween is one palace that believes and as we know has been rejected i've been raising our strong and let me just let me just ask you one last question before we let you go i mean you talk about the president in a strong position and leading and going forward but i skim it he said you know when clinton was there he 20 years ago after his impeachment he called for unity but we're not hearing that from the president right now judging from what we heard of the breakfast specious morning he seems to be more combative the never is that really the right way forward well i think if you listen to his state of the union address you could see how he talked about the things that he wants to do if you listen to the if you saw the results that came out legislatively they were done in a bipartisan manner the future act which support h.b.c. use us in these are things that happen in a bipartisan manner and the president has an agenda items reducing prescription drugs infrastructure the 2nd chance actually part 2 there is think that he wants to do that has to be done that are part of the way that he is willing to work to get a good deal for the american people is he willing to work with the democrats speech that he just gave. if they're willing to work with him to get the dot to get the job done yes and you can see that he's willing because he's done so when it comes the bipartisan legislation which he signed into law which is making the country better under his minute under his leadership all right we'll leave it there thank you so much for talking but it's very interesting looking at there looking at thank you thank you parents do not joining us from washington thank you for your time we appreciate it thank you are still ahead on this news hour people are struggling to put food on the table in lebanon s'pore a city and there's little faith in the new government's ability to help last i mean in ireland where record numbers of families are now living in emergency accommodation the country's housing crisis is central in this year's general election and by a new unit take a step closer to adding that collection of trophy using germany peterhead reaction coming up and to stay with us for back up to. that's where most of the arabian peninsula is quite where the nile the winds turning around to a southerly so the warm up in places like doha for example probably 25 in a dusty southerly this is during friday but obviously something rather more drastic going to do also in turkey in particular the snow heading across and i think it'll be over a veyron again during friday all the coasts of the levant and inland blue denotes rain in the air as a cool strong winds into lebanon syria that's course can make it feel pretty unpleasant it lasts right until the hottest him from damascus is about 10 degrees the stars to forgive east turkey in northern syria those in iraq and it runs into iran as well by which time the thing which has changed. and surprisingly most of those after is quite with the exception that with the stuff you know in egypt tensions are the highest on the western side so dakar chart for example and he significant rain is just a matter of few showers we've seen world series yet here recently we've seen rather more of like victoria downs for rwanda as well there's no obvious sign of the seas the right time being is taking a step backwards producing shows for actually anyway even in south africa again. in india identity politics on the rise what we're seeing is the construction of partitions in hearts and loads of musical across the country and there's a dockside in detroit is you do see the grit from his office pool now i just talked to him the fish into something more like the team i didn't see of the british today i meet with victims of violence and discover what life is like for minorities in the country join me on my journey in search of india's soul on al-jazeera. from passion into transformative science that brings about change al-jazeera goes on a journey with 5 scientists who are determined to use scientific knowledge to say that humankind may have been our sanctuary we can monitor them and record their job or the photos from behavior to figure out how they're adapting to their new environment women make science coming soon on al-jazeera. we. you're watching the news on al-jazeera with me for the battle at reminder of our top stories israel's army is sending a combat battalions into the occupied west bank after a spate of violent incidents in the past 24 hours or palestinians have been shot dead in separate incidents last several israeli soldiers were injured in a car ramming attack in jerusalem. china is struggling to cope with the corona virus outbreak it's seen a spike in deaths with $73.00 in a single day and there are reports that beijing may delay its biggest political meeting of the year and u.s. president donald trump has appear publicly for the 1st time since being acquitted in the senate impeachment trial he accused democrats of being corrupt 10 took aim at mitt romney the only republican who voted for his conviction. foreign ministers from the african union are meeting in ethiopia's capital ahead of a leaders' summit starting on sunday high on the agenda is a dispute between egypt sudan anything or ethiopia's grand renaissance down several attempts to resolve the crisis have so far failed mom involved reports. little small shortage of issues to debate of the african union summits even the whole scam through ethiopia has its own dispute with neighbors while the construction of its multi-billion dollar hydropower over the blue nile river continues it remains on odds with egypt over some major aspects of the project. egypt initially opposed the giant dam it self now it's up opposing the plan for the filling of the lake that's going to hold up to 74000000000 cubic meters of the rivers waters if they're filling spreads over 3 years as ethiopia once egypt expects to face probably the biggest manmade reduction in its share of the nile waters in recorded history in 2015 if the o.p.'s sudan and egypt signed the declaration of principles aiming to resolve the dispute and getting rid of a colonial era treaty which gave egypt a lion's share of the nile but disagreements over technical details continue to prevent its implementation as the dam construction neared completion egypt pressed for international mediation against the wishes of ethiopia however the 3 parties finally agreed to us arbitration last year they held several rounds of talks in washington coming close to signing a final agreement in january but after visiting the dam on saturday if you open a prime minister ahmed told parliament he'd asked for more time to study the draft agreement oh no it's almost my despite great efforts by the us president the us treasury secretary and the world bank to overcome the obstacles we still need to negotiate this matter further during the negotiations the downstream countries changed their position from rejecting building the dam to how to operate the dam and the water flows we will continue to benefit from our resources without harming anyone. if your peers says it has every right to utilise the blue nile waters that originated from its territory for both farming and the production of hydro power the dam is designed to produce up to $6000.00 megawatts but egypt believes any dramatic change in the water flows as the dam is filled will cause a crisis on its territory. sudan for which the nile passes seems the least concerned despite warnings by some of it syria experts of a potentially negative impact on its water supplies it's not clear what progress the e.u. leaders can achieve during the 2 days of talks while eyes are still on washington and lincoln in the hopes of the parties will sign an agreement some 101 our desire not to list so took away a police fear that the 1st lady may avoid facing murder charges if she's allowed to travel to neighboring south africa my asya to bonnie's charge for her alleged role in the killing of the prime minister's 1st wife in 2017 by sight of bonnie turned herself into police after weeks on the run a warrant for arrest issued after she failed to turn up for questioning a month ago prime minister thomas to bonnie says she plans to resign he plans to resign following pressure from his party over the investigation from a to miller is in johannesburg she says the scandal has been a major blow to the prime minister's credibility. the current wife of the prime minister time to bonnie is out on bail in a suit to their work concerns from the police that she was a flight to us despite that the judge presiding over the case did grant a bail and they've even been questions raised around that and the judge's ties to the prime minister tom to bonnie they have been questions around that judge previously also previously accused of misconduct and that judges relationship and has also been criticized by the all pursue to convention the party in power and the one that tom to bonnie belongs to the story goes back all the way to 2017 when a rather was killed at that time police say that they thought perhaps an armed gang was behind the killing killing it was they then emerge that. time to bond his current wife was then questioned in fact tom to bonnie himself was also questioned he's not facing any charges but since then messiah has been charged with murder as well as attempted murder because the companion the friend of the polo was with her at the time and she was injured in that shooting and now people across the country are concerned about the political ramifications that add some marchers pushing for the prime minister to step down because the story of the scandal has certainly affected his credibility. lebanon's government has approved a rescue plan to pull the country out of its worst economic crisis in decades which has driven months of mass protests the plan includes restructuring the public sector and seeking help from foreign donors but it's unlikely the satisfy people living in the country's poorest city who remain skeptical the government can help lift them out of poverty. forced from tripoli. poverty is visible on every corner of this neighborhood of tripoli. the impact of lebanon's west economic crisis in decades is felt the lowest here because we spoke to people from different communities that forced bits to be over sectarian divisions only just a few years ago now they stand side by side in protest against the government. whether this man tells us the ceilings of houses are crumbling and buildings are unsafe. every family here is suffering one way or another his elderly neighbor shouts from his balcony that he has nothing to his name. in another part of tripoli regie has just a few cents left his last meal was a loaf of bread shared with his family of 3 of. the mother. but she says they have nothing to eat and. this woman tells me she lost 4 children in the civil war she too can barely make ends meet she's not the only one we've only been here for a few hours and we're already hearing all sorts of stories of poverty and we've actually been stopped a number of times by people wanting to show us the harsh conditions that they're living in as you can see just behind me there now there's no jobs no medication and what's even food for some and they are asking the same questions over and over again where are the politicians and why is the government not helping them the new government says fixing the economy is a priority the world bank has warned that poverty will rise by a further 50 percent if the financial crisis continues many families are relying entirely on charity and. we're serving society as much as we can but the absence of the government is having a huge effect we're seeing it in this economic crisis is bigger than any of us in the the whole of the dog of mother angry frustrated and desperate this father and son tell us they too are struggling. to make them and understand when i'm at home without a job what can i do i'm forced to protest why should i trust this new government when even the international community is cautious unemployment in tripoli has reached nearly 60 percent many children aren't attending schools and with an influx of hundreds of thousands of syrian and palestinian refugees the newly elected mayor of tripoli says his city is at breaking point that all that and a couple of the a pub on monday we're trying our best to help people as much as we can but we're limited by the government as i mean. it's a problem that i hope to get any decision approved 1st by the interior ministry before we can implement anything we've not much left to lose people here are keeping the government movement alive they say they feel neglected and they're demanding change so the height of. tripoli. spain's prime minister and the regional president have met in an attempt to improve relations as well sanchez travel to barcelona for talks with kim tara it was no breakthrough in the stalemate on castle on independence but the leaders set a timetable for more discussions such as this government has repeatedly said a referendum is out of the question as it would violate the spanish constitution now ireland is one of the fastest growing economies in europe but the sudden boom after years of economic austerity has left the country with a critical shortage of affordable housing that's led to a shop increase in homelessness crisis is a defining issue ahead of this weekend's general election a report. lifting the little islands housing crisis that left this family homeless forced to live with friends or relatives or in particular areas short term housing the result of sky high red so the market against them the main challenge was people not wanting a single mother with 3 children because maybe single mothers are trouble or why are the single you know i did walk the streets the law and i often. just days where i just felt despair charities have intervened where the government has and the family now has a long term home and a place to grow. ready ready ready this charity is inundated with desperate calls some from entire families affected from their homes you have children with. a record number of babies and now being born into homelessness currently we have nearly $4000.00 children who are homeless time includes only 2000 families it's a disgrace that there are so many children homeless but it's just a reality of the homes crisis in our love the moment it was hit hard by the economic crash in 2008 the house building stalled since then wages have increased rents and house prices have risen by a bigger margin it's left an entire generation struggling to afford rents that are higher in dublin and tokyo sydney and singapore meanwhile house prices have soared as social housing is scarce on the outskirts of dublin a new suburbs emerging from wasteland built by an american property giant to attract large investors this is a tree but in a nearby development this 3 bedroom apartment costs more than $3000.00 above well beyond the reach of many we need something in the order of 35000 houses a year we're only delivering 2025 so the main political parties at the moment are promising 406-088-0000 extension 0 units every over the course of the next government whereas i think they perhaps might need to look and see how feasible those numbers are it is a critical issue in this year's election all parties agree that rents need to be lower and they need to be more houses but they can't agree on how much to intervene in the lucrative private markets the government of prime minister leo veronica is having to account for its time in office opinion polls are predicting a shift away from the main. centrist party spirit galen feet a full he willed it power for generations towards left wing thing during the conflict and all that oil and the policy was regarded as the political wing of the republican paramilitary group the ira it's put housing at the heart of its campaign . charities of all politicians to find a robust solution to the housing crisis the consequences of inaction clear or families tonight the basic right of a secure place to live. we've palca doublet. a record breaking female astronauts has returned to earth touching down in kazakhstan early american christina cox departed the international space station on a russian so use capsule along with 2 other crewmembers kong shot of the space flight record for female astronauts by spending $328.00 days on board she also met the 1st only female space swack last year the hollywood is mourning the death of aunt to kirk douglas was died at the age of 103 douglas starred in more than 80 movies becoming one of the most celebrated actors of the film industries golden age he was nominated 3 times for the best actor oscar and received an honorary academy award in 1906 nora birdman name looks back at his life and career. kirk douglas graced the silver screen for more than 7 decades. he burst onto the scene in 1960 next veteran movie star barbara stanwyck and strangely out of the 4 people douglas quickly established himself as a star and leading man in his own right earning his 1st oscar nomination in 1950 playing a boxer in the champion. 2 more. followed over the next decade the truck occupation won for playing a producer in 1952 the bad and the beautiful how do you know how i feel about and another in 1956 playing tortured artist vincent van gogh in lust for life well i think son i want to make you feel it revolving giving off like douglas is most iconic role came in 1960 playing spartacus a slave leading a revolt in ancient rome he also produced the film and helped end hollywood's communist blacklists by insisting right to dalton trumbo receive on screen credit blacklisted hollywood writers had been working under pseudonyms and had their names officially on projects. courtesy system that we're talking from one of the greatest writers of his own generation and that's that was really important douglas later became patriarch of an acting did a city son michael followed him into business becoming an oscar winning actor and producer. in 2003 the path along with michael son cameron appears in the film it runs in the family. the veteran actor was a prolific author as well penning a halt dozen books including his $988.00 autobiography the rockman son. despite suffering a debilitating stroke in 1905 douglas continued the film in 96 at the age of 18 the act of finally won his fuss academy award and. andrew knight i love all of you and i thank all of you still ahead on. it as a sporting clothing out of. turn into a scuba ball back. hullo . the all. the. sports they speak for thank you very much tokyo 2020 organizers say they are no plans to postpone or cancel the olympics or paralympics coronavirus the games c.e.o. seemed to backtrack a day after he said he was seriously worried that the spread of the virus would dampen enthusiasm for sport's biggest event which is less than 6 months away but the man in charge of the paralympics believes it's no cause for alarm yet with the advice from the world health organization they've clearly said there's no pandemic they have today they'll come out with a great phrase which is called an info demick which they say zees is speculation that is driving fear and one thing i'm noticing at the moment is fear is spreading far quicker than the virus and it's important that we qualify. spanish champions barcelona going to be a copper del ray match on thursday amid what is potentially the biggest crisis in years it involves a very public falling out between club record school really in el messi and the sporting director eric abbey del messi has criticized for claiming a lack of effort from players helped get former coach of nest of over the sect it's led to fears messi could leave for free at the end of the season after 16 years in the boss of 1st team. also in european cup competitions brian muni down through to the poor the finals of the german cup thomas mueller out of them to fall into the. union berlin avoided an upset against 4th division virtue robert and dish hitting long range when it's about the going to be decided for the course is for the 1st time trying to move. an english f.a. cup talk them forth from behind to beat southampton 32 brazilian lucas muar with the pick of the goals to take them into the last 16. bangladesh caps and the moment no hock says security concerns on not on their minds as they go into their one off test with pakistan in probably pindi the tourists most experienced batsman mushfiqur him refused to travel bangladesh on the 2nd team to a pakistan since they resumed home matches after 10 years at neutral venues we don't think about security concerns. you know one of the best bad you don't have phalluses sometimes be difficult but at this other hence you can see there is a good opportunity for new players so we look for it is a good opportunity to look at new players as well in the n.b.a. a frantic end to the game between the toronto raptors and indiana pacers saw the raptors clinch a franchise record 12 straight when the reigning champions were trailing the pacers with just over a minutes of playing pascal c.x. family intercepted the indiana often to get to answer a few feet from. the 50 seconds left sujit buckle sense of the rafters crowding into raptures inch heels. victor. was unable to back it for the paces on the buzzer final score to answer 119 indiana 118 raptors now safety. yellow clippers kept on the trail of glaciers at the top of the western conference that's just. the slam dunk showcase in the miami heat there are . 3 pointers here of the day for george with 23 points to his winning 128100 and even though. there were 10000 reasons to celebrate for one clip was found on wednesday. the better haul for a cool show proving profitable rooting him still fails in the move 1st for. a new super bowl champions have been celebrating with a victory parade through kansas city the chiefs beat the san francisco 49 is on sunday and has joanna explains it was a party at being a long time coming. but i was. the last time the chiefs and their fans celebrated like this was 50 years ago and an uncommon snowstorm did nothing to freeze out the hundreds of thousands who lined the route. the chiefs called their way back 283120 victory over the 49 ers on sunday skipping not only the vince lombardi trophy but also the m.v.p. award for quarterback patrick mahoney. was series a mere $33.00 we do we're. with your injuries i mean my knee was in the side of my lower then we still went back and we were in a super bowl where that's. going to load good what do we do we. just. one drunk fan took that party a little too far when he went on a joy ride along the super bowl parade route police safely bringing the car to a dramatic stop as they arrest both the driver and passenger at gunpoint non-fans watch from the sidelines. god the drama was a side note on a day filled with celebration and the team's traditions. for decades they've been banging their drama head of each home game now finally got to do it as n.f.l. champions joined against roster al-jazeera. the future of 7 time world moto g.p. champion valentino rossi is still very much up in the air as a yamaha launched the 2020 season in malaysia on thursday rossi who is now 40 years old is in the last year of his contract and the team have already signed a rising star fabio cannavaro for 2021 to ride alongside the maverick thing alice rossi has won a record $89.00 races in his career but is without a victory since 2017 years expected to confirm his plans by the middle of this season we thought about talking about 2020 in many olympic athletes are putting their final preparations together while most will be aiming to medal in effort from south sudan already knows what he'll get out of the games 1500 meter run abraham majok is one of a handful of competitors from his country who has been invited to train in japan and he has been struck by the welcome he's had from locals. sometimes you get when you know go to a foreign country you know sometimes you may have telling just what went ok me i got to live there love the dependence before how it's really more than the norm or olympic of my own understanding is a game of peace i need toppings because the world is that peace and no us an athlete from a country that is still not having a 4th and i have come this we haven't seen the advantages of these and when i get back the missing is the importance of peace and that's the biggest message over saying to my people ok i'll be back again a little later with another sports news update but for now that's all i have to say thank you very much for that speech and that's it for this news hour plenty more coming up very shortly here on al-jazeera in the meantime check out our web site al-jazeera. examining the impact of today's headlines you use the misinformation i've used the term by setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions how unique a lovin is this in terms of modern american history when it comes to racism you have the makings of a neofascist moment international filmmakers and world class journalists bringing programs to inspire you. on al-jazeera. the island of sardinia a famously a delay khalid a spot. less well known as a proving grounds for. investigating claims that years of military training and un's testing triggered cancer and birth defects amid the local population of. secret sodomy and people in power on al-jazeera. every attack in europe creates fear and division amongst its citizens where stories of loss go on told. a sweeping association of islam with violence leaves erupt in muslims facing the stark reality of being ostracized by the very communities in which they live love and moon the tragic loss of life twice a victor and on al-jazeera. revealing eco friendly solutions to comeback threats to our planet on al-jazeera. israel says it's sending an extra $1000.00 troops into the occupied west bank after a series of violent incidents raises tensions between israelis and palestinians. you're watching al-jazeera live from doha with me for the back to go also ahead the world health organization says the number of new cases of coronavirus has dropped for the 1st time in china. plus thousands of syrians feed fighting in the province as government forces try to retake the last rebel held territory. and u.s. president donald trump comes out swinging against the democrats.

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