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so the congress of the senate taken a recess there briefly after we heard there from mitch mcconnell the republican who's the senate majority leader outlining why he believes president should be acquitted he said that this was an incoherent case and he said that had to be a part of an impeachment it will end today we heard previously from democrat chuck schumer the senate minority leader who said that the president was clearly guilty on abuse of power and obstruction of congress and this is the day when the senators will be outlining which way they're going to vote in what is expected to be an acquittal let's bring in. live for us on capitol hill as who we've heard from all these senators what their views are and now it's that we will waiting for that moment are they going to recess take us through what's going to happen next. that's right so now very soon we're expecting the chief justice john roberts to reconvene the court of impeachment i haven't the same room where we see these speeches unfold and then very quickly we expect for these 2 articles of impeachment to be brought up on both still see 2 different votes there will be each the names of each senators will be called out and the likelihood of acquittal is extremely high in fact that's that's the only possibility we're expecting at this point because all but one republican senator have said on the record they plan to the point the president of both of these articles and that is more than enough numbers to have trump remain in office a lone voice of dissent among the republican caucus caucus is mitt romney the senator from utah who was himself the presidential nominee of the republican party just in 2012 not that long ago but an indication of just how far president trump has stretched this party in redefining what it is to be republican mitt romney then alone at the center from his caucus he just. on the floor same the whole intends to vote to convict on the one count of abuse of power of trump he said that democrats prove their case that trump indeed solicited election interference from ukraine by pressuring for investigations into his political opponent joe biden which trump did says romney out of political and personal interests not the interests of the united states and he gave a very emotional speech explaining his thought process in which he said that he values the oath that he took to be an impartial juror in this process it's the same oath that all 100 senators took and he said that he was putting his conscience above party loyalty voting to convict on abuse of power because it's something that he wants his children and his children's children to know about him and he also said that he expects to get a lot of pushback from this decision he said he we expect to be the it minutely announced and in fact just minutes after making this public announcement we saw the president's son donald trump jr on twitter immediately attacking romney calling for him to be expelled from the republican party saying mitt romney is forever bitter that he will never be president of the united states so expect a lot of more similar responses from the president's supporters going forward as we expect his in that it will. heidi thank you very much indeed and so to you but there's the images from the senate listen in again as they reconvene once on pain of imprisonment while the senate of the united states is sitting for the trial of the articles of impeachment exhibited by the house of representatives against donald john trump president of the united states. as a reminder to everyone in the chamber as well as those in the galleries demonstrations of approval or disapproval are prohibited. the majority leader is recognized and should just as the senate is now ready to vote on the articles of impeachment and after that is done we will adjourn the court of impeachment the clerk will now read the 1st article of impeachment article one abuse of power the constitution provides that the house of representatives quote shall have the power sole power of impeachment unquote and that the removed from office and peach meant for and conviction of treason bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors close quote and his conduct of the office of president of the united states and in violation of his constitutional oath face the lead to execute the office of president of the united states and to the best of his ability preserve protect and defend the constitution of the united states and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed donald j. trump has abused the powers of the presidency and that using the powers of his i office president trump solicited the interference of a foreign government ukraine in the 2020 united states presidential election he did so through a scheme or course of conduct. that included soliciting the government of ukraine to publicly announce investigations that would benefit his reelection harm the election prospects of a political tone and and influence the 2020 united states presidential election to his advantage president trump also sought to pressure the government of ukraine to take these steps by conditioning official united states government acts of significant value to ukraine on its public announcement of the investigations president trump engaged in the scheme or course of conduct for corrupt purposes and pursuit of personal political benefit in doing so president trop use the powers of the presidency and a manner that compromised the national security of the united states and undermine the integrity of the united states democratic process he thus ignored and entered the interest of the nation president trump in gauging the scheme or course of conduct to the following means one president trump acting both directly and through his agents within and outside the united states government corruptly solicited the government of ukraine to publicly announce investigations into a political opponent former vice president joseph r. biden jr and be discredited theory promoted by russia alleging that ukraine rather than russia interfered in the 2016 united states presidential election 2 with the same corrupt motives president trump acting both directly and through his agents within the outside of the united states government conditioned to official acts on the public announcements that he had requested a release of $391000000.00 of united states taxpayer funds that congress had appropriated on a bipartisan basis for the purpose of providing vital military and security assistance to ukraine to oppose russian aggression and which president trump had ordered suspended and be a head of state meeting at the white house which the president of ukraine sought to demonstrate continued united states support for the government of ukraine in the face of russian aggression. 3 faced with the public revelation of his actions president trap ultimately released the military and security assistance to the government of ukraine and has persisted in openly and corruptly urging and soliciting ukraine to undertake investigations for his personal political benefit these actions were consistent with president trumps previous invitations of foreign interference in united states elections and all of this president trump abuse the powers of the presidency by ignoring and ensuring national security and other vital national interests to obtain an improper personal political benefit he has also betrayed the nation by abusing his high office to enlist a foreign power and corrupting democratic elections where for president trump bisect conduct has demonstrated that he will remain a threat to national security and the constitution if allowed to remain in office and has acted in a manner grossly incompatible with self governance and the rule of law president trumped us warrants impeachment and trial removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor trust or profit and that under the united states each senator when his or her name is called will stand in his or her place and vote guilty or not guilty as required by rule $23.00 of the senate rules on impeachment article one section 3 clause 6 of the constitution regarding the vote required for conviction on impeachment provides that no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of 2 thirds of the mets members present the question is on the 1st article of impeachment senators how say you is the respondent donald john trump guilty or not guilty a roll call vote is required the clerk will call the role mr alexander. mr alexander not guilty miss baldwin miss baldwin guilty mr bronson. mr brough so not guilty mr bennett mr bennett guilty mrs blackburn mrs black burn not guilty mr blumenthal mr blumenthal guilty mr blunt mr blunt not guilty mr booker mr booker guilty mr bowser mr bozeman not guilty mr braun. mr braun not guilty mr brown mr brown guilty mr byrd mr burr not guilty ms campbell ms cantwell guilty mrs captor. mrs cap not guilty mr carden mr carden guilty mr carper mr carper guilty mr casey mr casey guilty mr cassidy. mr cassidy not guilty miss collins miss collins not guilty mr coons. mr and. mr corning mr cornyn not guilty miss cortez masto. we scorches most guilty mr khan so the senate is voting the 1st charge of abuse of power let's bring in castrate recently i 1st saw on capitol hill so the members tony as far as i can figure out is not a 10 yes. crew guilty and 10 or 11 now not guilty and this is building up quite quickly to the crucial figure that will need isn't it not just today that's right in that figure on that not guilty i would be so ready for that would officially acquit president of this 1st article of the peach of impeachment abuse of power why that is the magic number here is because the bar for a conviction for an up for a guilty finding in an impeachment trial is so high it is a 2 thirds majority much more than a simple half and that's why $34.00 is that magic number here which i believe we will be fastly approaching and the result here not a surprise at all because of course republicans have the majority in this chamber and all but one have said they do intend to vote not guilty on this article. and in terms of the the the next votes that for some reason it runs along similar course. that's right in the following vote will be on the 2nd article of impeachment which is obstruction of congress and we expect that vote to be completely down partisan lines the one republican senator who has said he's sort of in the middle here or is mitt romney he's expected to vote guilty on abuse of power but not guilty on obstruction of congress why has this allegation of the web struction charge has to do with democrats saying that president trying to refuse to allow witnesses and documents to be turned over during the investigative phase. this impeachment process republicans say that if they if democrats really wanted it that evidence and witnesses they should have taken all of that court's democrats did not say that's because courts would have taken too long but that did expose them to some weakness in their argument and that appears to be one of the reasons that republicans have all said that they will vote not guilty on obstruction of of congress which again is will not become pure not come as a surprise either and this the whole thing on both sides is being framed as a stretch to the institutions and it both sides are taking that line for different reasons really. that's right what has been so notable throughout these weeks and more and is that there are so vastly different interpretations of what really are the same set of facts here it's almost like you're you're seeing the call this the color of the sky is seized differently by members of these 2 parties but both have agrees that this is going to be a damaging moment for the u.s. constitution we're coming up now to mitch mcconnell who just said not guilty very soon you'll hear that 34th vote from an entire republican senator let's listen to. mr merkley. merkley guilty mr moran mr maroon not guilty miss murkowski which murkowski not guilty mr murphy mr murphy guilty mrs marne mrs murray guilty mr pole mr pawle not guilty mr producer. mr perdue not guilty mr peters so he passed a certain $934.00 not guilty cast for president trump so he is for me acquitted about 1st charge of abuse of power let's bring in heidi jocasta. struve you know that's right and that was the definitive vote from senator jerry moran of kansas now this is obviously not a surprise given that you need that 2 thirds bar to vote guilty on any article of impeachment and there's also it's also not surprising because the context of all of this morning is that this was so much worse than just a question of whether or not president trump is guilty of these charges in fact we just heard mitt romney that soul republican who voted guilty on the use of power the calculation though for senator romney's republican colleagues wasn't just that if democrats proved their case back there's been a handful of moderate republican senators who say they believe the democrats case and they thought what trump did was wrong and inappropriate the bigger question is though it was whether that was worthy of removing him from office was unlike any other trial in a criminal justice system in the united states an impeachment trial is political and there is only one punishment that the constitution allows for a guilty finding which is removed from office and so while these senators have acknowledged that some of them have acknowledged that president trump deed likely did and was proven to have done what democrats excuse it was not enough for them to pull the trigger on removing him from office which again is the only punishment that is allowed for it in each moment trial and that is why you know this bar for moving the all the the president was so high odds against the democrats case has always been so high and after this vote has been called expect the same outcome for that 2nd article of impeachment attraction of justice to be an acquittal as well as listening to those final votes sworn. and sworn in guilty mr white house mr white house guilty mr wicker mr wicker not guilty mr wyden mr wyden guilty mr young mr young not guilty in this article of impeachment 48 senators have pronounced donald john trump president of the united states guilty as charged $52.00 senators have pronounced him not guilty as charged 2 thirds of the senators present not having pronounced him guilty the senate a judges that there was an trump president of the united states is not guilty as charged in the 1st article of impeachment the clerk will read the 2nd article of impeachment. article 2 obstruction of congress the constitution provides that the house of representatives shall have the sole power of impeachment and that the president shall be removed from office on impeachment for and conviction of treason bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors in his conduct of the office of the president of the united states and in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of president of the united states and to the best of his ability preserve protect and defend the constitution of the united states and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed donald j. trump has directed the unprecedented categorical and indiscriminate defiance of subpoenas issued by the house of representatives pursuant to its sole power of impeachment president trump has abused the powers of the presidency in a manner offensive to and subversive of the constitution in that the house of representatives has engaged in an impeachment inquiry focused on president trumps corrupt solicitation of the government of ukraine to interfere in the 2020 united states presidential election as part of this impeachment inquiry the committees undertaking the investigation serve subpoenas seeking documents and testimony deemed by. executive branch agencies and offices and current and former officials. in response without lawful cause or excuse president trump directed executive branch agencies offices and officials not to comply with those subpoenas president trump thus interpose the powers of the presidency against the lawful subpoenas of the house of representatives and assume to himself functions and judgments necessary to the exercise of the sole power of impeachment bested by the constitution in the house of representatives. president trump abused the powers of his high office to the following means one directing the white house to defy a lawful subpoena by withholding the production of documents saw there and by the committees to directing other executive branch agencies and offices to defy lawful subpoenas and withhold the production of documents and records from the committees and response to which the department of state office of management and budget department of energy and department of defense refused to produce a single document or record 3 directing current and former executive branch officials not to cooperate with the committees in response to which night administration officials to fide subpoenas for testimony namely john michael mick mulvaney robert b. blair john a eisenberg michael ellis christian wells griffith russell t. wagner michael duffy brian mccormick and t. alric rectal these actions were consistent with president trump's previous efforts to undermine united states government investigations into foreign interference in united states elections through these actions president trump sought to era gave him self the right to determine the propriety scope and nature of an impeachment inquiry into his own conduct as well as the universe and unilateral parag would have to deny any and all information to the house of representatives in the exercise of its sole power of impeachment in the history of the republic no president has ever ordered the complete defiance of an impeachment inquiry or sought to obstruct and impede so comprehensively the ability of the house of representatives to investigate high crimes and misdemeanors this abuse of office serve to cover up the president's own repeated misconduct and to seize and control the power of impeachment and thus to nullify a vital constitutional safeguard vested soley in the house of representatives and all of the. president trump has acted in a manner contrary to his trust as president and subversive of the constitutional government to the great prejudice of the cause of law and justice and to the man if this injury of the people of the united states wherefore president trump by such conduct has demonstrated that he will remain a threat to the constitution if allowed to remain in office and has acted in a manner grossly incompatible with self governance and the rule of law president trump thus warrants impeachment and trial removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor trust or profit under the united states the question is on the 2nd article of impeachment senators how say you is the respondent donald john trump guilty or not guilty the clerk will call the roll mr alexander. not guilty ms baldwin guilty. mr burr. so here is the crucial of impeachment being those you don't know by the senators in the roll call that we're hearing at the moment let's bring back in 100 you guys just on capitol hill so he was acquitted on the 1st charge of abuse of power now it's the obstruction of congress issue and and all of that with the backdrop of hugely divisive partisan bickering in the run up to an election in 2028. absolutely no doubt that following this 2nd vote which will again result in an acquittal president trump it will be using this in each moment as a springboard toward november when he will be up to be when his fate will be ultimately decided by the americans voters whether or not he remains in office for a 2nd term and already looking forward to that we've seen democrats saying that although this impeachment effort has failed there will be officially have failed upon the calling out of this 2nd piece of articles both democrats have said they will continue to investigate the president in the house of representatives perhaps even getting those same witnesses who they sailed to get to testify in that trial in the piece for trial we may still hear from them in the hearings in public hearings before the house of representatives will like john bolton said it wants a former national security adviser so this is certainly not the end of the narrative i'm sure will continue to be talking about president transfer and ukraine for many days and weeks and months going forward all the way up until the november elections and that is when the big question of how this all will have impacted presidents of the president is doing campaigning that that's when that question will finally be answered because there are some analysts who have said you know that this still the impeachment will only. served to embolden the president's supporters to galvanize them more they're made on more turnout it means boost his chances of winning reelection on democrats saying that they hope to just airing this public information that apparently has even convinced some republican senators not enough to push most of them toward a guilty if i don't but enough to convince them that what the president did was wrong and inappropriate there is democrats are hoping that those same arguments can be made to the american voter who may then vote to honor him from office by not awarding him a 2nd term 100 s.f. time being thank you very much for coming in al anbar news a former u.s. special pitchman counsel in the house of representatives he joins us live from washington d.c. thank you very much for being with this a lot of this has been framed as on both sides as damaging to the institution of even the senate and the impeachment issue itself do you think that this trial this acquittal will change future potential impeachment not guilty mr inhofe i think the answer to that is yes this could be the death knell of an huntsman as a viable power bestowed by the constitutional the congress. these charges against president trump were more serious than any that it ever been brought before i mean for just compare it with the charges against president clinton was close for his inappropriate wrongful dalliance with an underling turn that was enough to do it. not to convict this was so much more serious i mean really what could be more serious than the president for his own political purposes involving a beleaguered ally fighting the russians and withholding desperately needed support mark that the congress had already voted if that's not enough. it's what could be you know short of blatant treason so i think there's a problem no matter is from an impeachment in the white house this has been written out of the constitution. i don't barn for the time being thank you much less listening again to the critical point to where they're going to reach 34 not guilty ms murkowski not guilty mr murphy guilty mrs murray guilty mr pole not guilty mr purdue so we passed now your point of 30 votes which is the cutoff point which means that you'll president trying to put been found not guilty on the 2nd article impeachment obstruction really congress. mr rich not guilty mr roberts not guilty mr romney not guilty ms rosen guilty mr rounds and let's bring back a. little just to listen in there just to hear the mitt romney vote there because i'm not the 1st challenge of abuse of power mitt romney was the only republican to go against the party and vote that the president was guilty on the 2nd one of the congress he's gone with a not guilty how significant do you think it is that mitt romney has has made a stand in that way. not guilty mr scott well i think it's a profiling courage i mean he would pay in some circles at least a political price for having stood up and voted his conscience rather than what was convenient or. driven by loyalty to the president the don't don't forget there's not a lot lot of love lost between mitt romney and donald trump and but i don't think this was a matter of personal pique i think came really believes that the case on article one was made as well he should because the evidence certainly supports it and you know he is a religious man a man who. i think in this case voted his contribution and the hats off to him i want to thank you very much we'll keep it that we can't just for the moment but let's go back into the last few votes a 2nd article of impeachment in president trump's. co and having him in the senate not guilty mr wyden guilty mr young not guilty on this article of impeachment 47 senators have pronounced donald john trump president of the united states guilty as charged 53 senators have pronounced him not guilty as charged 2 thirds of the senators present not having pronounced him guilty the senate a judges that respondent donald john trump president of the united states is not guilty as charged in the 2nd article of impeachment. the presiding officer directs judgment to be entered in accordance with the judgment of the senate as follows. the senate having tried donald john trump president of the united states upon 2 articles of impeachment exhibited against him by the house of representatives and 2 thirds of the senators present not having found him guilty of the charges contained therein it is therefore ordered and adjudged that the said donald john trump be and he is here by acquitted of the charges in said articles as chief justice the majority leader is recognized son in order to the desk clerk will report ordered that the secretary be directed to communicate to the secretary of state as provided by rule $23.00 of the rules of procedure and practice in senate when sitting on impeachment trials and also to the house of representatives the judgment of the senate in the case of donald john trump and transmit a certified copy of the judgment to each without objection the order will be entered as chief justice the majority leader is wrecked before this process fully concludes i want to very quickly acknowledge a few of the people who helped the senate fulfill our duty these past weeks 1st and foremost and all my colleagues join me in thanking truth justice roberts for presiding over the senate trial with a clear head study had and the forbearance of those rare occasion demands. elaborate we know full well that his presence as our presiding officer came in addition to not a. day job across the street so the senate dives to achieve justice and to help them perform as unique role like his predecessor chief justice rehnquist the senate will be awarding truth justice roberts the golden gavel. to commemorate his time presiding over this body we typically wore this to new senators after about 100 hours in the chair but i think we're going to greta chief justice has put in his due and then some. pages deliberately go you very much of course there are countless other professionals whose efforts were central more thorough thanks to all for next week all of those teams from the secretary of the sun itself goes to the parliamentarian for the sergeant at arms jane and beyond. to single out now 1st the 2 different classes of. who participated in this trial their flip work and pleasure going to take up the floor running ocurred class surveyed received little andover and historic moment of to president trump was acquitted on both impeachment charges by those votes in the senate this is the 3rd such trial of a president in american history to spring and castro has been following this whole impeachment procedure and trial how do you know it's been an extraordinary few weeks aspersion few months and now at the end of it in an acquittal and it was a surprise. not a surprise at all in fact president trump was the 3rd u.s. president to be impeached and now he is the 3rd u.s. president to also be acquitted the bar for removal from office set by the u.s. constitution so high has to be a 2 thirds majority in the senate that the final vote tally was far below that we saw almost down partisan lines on both the abuse of power and on obstruction of congress the lone republican who voted a guilty on abuse of power mitt romney a senator from utah who was the republican presidential nominee not so long ago just in 2012 only defector from his party who voted guilty on abuse of power saying that he wanted to state for history and for the record and for his grandchildren that he followed his conscience rather than party loyalties but again of course the vote of romney as well as the vote of every single democrat in the senate chamber who voted to convict on those charges simply not enough to overcome that 2 thirds hurdle that a conviction would have required because of course a conviction the only possible remedies that is available in an impeachment trial is removal from office a guilty. verdict is at the very next moment removal from office and the calculation of the senators who served as jurors in this trial was not simply whether or not president trump did what the prosecutors accused him of whether or not he solicited for interference from ukraine to help his own reelection efforts in fact several republicans said they believe he did and that it was wrong no the bigger calculation here that this entire time has been whether or not that rises to the level of them teach middle whether it is free just enough to remove the sitting president from the u.s. which has never happened before in u.s. history and the answer to that question is resoundingly no how does your question thank you very much let's bring in alan barn u.s. special patient council to the house of representatives thanks for being with us and watching this historic moment in spite of all this in the acquittal on both those charges there's some talk that democrats may still try to subpoena john bolton in congress what kind of context might that be in and is that do you think a sensible move for the democrats to try to continue with this issue or should they be moving on with your work at least. first of all i think that it is important that the democrats continue to push and i think they will and eventually you know these various committees have inherent investigative powers bestowed on them so they're there is no problem with them doing that and i think that the republicans may be celebrating too soon with regard to this victory 1st of all the polls showed that 75 percent of the american people thought that witnesses should be called just the republicans block that specially great 2nd even on the on the issue of guilt it was 5050 well that's hardly. a vote of confidence in the president so i think the democrats. should continue to pound away with regard to trump's misconduct thank you and i think eventually it will work to their benefit in november yes america you mentioned the polish but there's some suggestion that seems to be coming out of this strong there is approval rating apparently higher than it was before it all started to keep the front row. for the moment you know it's gotten a bump but i think what you're going to see between now and november trump you're unleashed is kerry i believe he will be over the top in his statements his attacks his rationalizations for what he thinks he is a title to do and i believe that it will certainly majority work in terms of his base but i think a lot of american people are going to be very perturbed and not willing to accept that as acceptable conduct in the president of the united states because one of the senate has. said to his speech in the chamber floor we should be ashamed by the rank partisanship that's been on display here i hope we finally found bottom do you think they have or do you think that the parson ship will will will get with us from now how much further can it go i mean it's really about as partisan as can get the only breaking of ranks was senator romney for which i think he deserves a great deal of credit but it could hardly be more partisan what you know look the evidence was clear as to what trump did and the fact that the republican majority just turned their backs on it and stayed in line like the stepford wives they could not be more partisan. i mean in terms of the democrats that what what do you think they could focus on now that isn't the whole trump issue i mean is that is there a road towards the 20 twentieth's action in some ways reduced in that they spent all this time focusing on trump and impeachment and they haven't necessarily been talking about the other issues well i think there's plenty of time to talk about many issues i think the the trouble with the democrats is they don't have a clear front runner. who will carry the democratic banner into november now there is a process that's underway to accomplish that but it's sort of a melee and that does not bode well for the democrats they're going to have to decide which direction are they going to go there is a hard right there are well not a hard right hard left and. they may go with that they may reject it but there's no clarity at this point as to what the democratic standard bearer what his but his or her policies will be and i think that's got to be sorted out before the democrats can really put up a serious challenge to the president i think is beatable but you need a you need a candidate around which the democrats can rally on environ thank you very much indeed. fractional know how the events of boss today's are going down with american but just christensen to me joins us from new hope pennsylvania christian attitude. yeah you know i've been talking to a lot of voters here today and the one thing you hear from everyone is that they're just tired of impeachment they're tired of the partisanship they're tired of president chops tweeds they're tired of democrats name calling they just want this process to be over with now if you talk to mainstream democrats they still believe that the congress had little choice but to impeach the president and so of course they're disappointed with today's result but we came here to new hope pennsylvania because this is a swing district in a swing state pennsylvania was crucial to president trumps election in 2016 it's likely to be crucial to his reelection in 2020 he won a year beating out hillary clinton with just a little less than one percent of the electorate. of an advantage here so it was a very very close race and when you get to those voters who are in that swing field you know the people that voted for trump were largely working class voters who in previous elections had gone democrat but were feeling left behind by prosperity in this country and when you find those people and you talk to them the one thing i heard over and over again was we don't know who to trust we don't know which side to trust but you also start to get the sense that this could work in the president's favor let's let our viewers listen to some of the conversations that i had earlier i believe the impeachment was called for. and it's unfortunate that the witnesses were not allowed to testify and but i do believe it's really important to try to bring the country together a little bit instead. further dividing it and you know the republicans say that that you know impeaching trump would further divide the country but letting him get away with what he's gotten away with it divides the country also if he keeps door to door right now as far as the economy. and trying to help or country vote for him again. to really stop some of the silliness that he does and concentrate on his job so i don't think. the charges that they put together were worthy impeaching the president. could you vote for him yes i would and i voted for clinton the last time. and one conversation i had really sticks with me a local shop keeper he didn't want to go on camera he told me he didn't vote for president chomp in 2016 that he's undecided going forward but he appreciated what president trump has done for the economy and that he followed through on his election promises on immigration and he said that. that. a sorry distraction there so he was not decided he was not in favor of chumpy didn't think he was a nice guy but he thought that what this all showed him is that maybe you can't be a nice guy in politics and get anything done christensen amy thank you very much indeed and that's to take you live to the u.s. senate now where the minority. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell is giving a news conference niceness will be remembered has been said numerous times as speaker said. roughly a year ago you shouldn't go forward with impeachment. that was not a bipartisan. i watched very carefully over the years our leadership positions of overlap and even before then we were working together on appropriation bills back in the early days. i'm pretty sure she didn't want to do this. but the fact that she was pulled into this direction. or against what appeared to be our political ends thanks year ago. underscores that this was a purely political exercise now. having been dragged into something she instinctively felt was a mistake. then the 2nd impulse was let's get this over with as quickly as possible . get her out of here. get over the other body and let them deal with it. so that's why you had an abbreviated truncated rush job over in the house. but even during that abbreviated period. it was pretty clear that they amassed a significant body of evidence from witnesses which you heard them argue about over here frequently. and they provided with us in the house record testimony from 13 witnesses depositions from 17 witnesses then of course we had added on top of that 180 questions. that we will be witness to $193.00 witnesses video clips and $28000.00 pages. of evidence. so. i asked my staff to count up the number of times we heard from the house managers during their presentation how many times it was already proven. there were 60 times 60. in which house managers said during their presentation to us. that the case was either proven or proof. 60 jobs there were $33.00 more times. when one or more of the house managers early evidence was overwhelming. so we're. rehearsing more of the arguments again this acquittal is only just happened but mitch mcconnell wanted to put his spin on how things went to spring in part because he's not just in washington d.c. patty before we move on to the kind of the aftermath of we had any reaction from president trump yet. well we know that people in the white house were watching the vote with the volume up our producer at the white house there what they call lower press where sometimes the media can listen into what the press officials are doing so they were watching the vote i think they were surprised possibly by mitt romney's decision the press was supposed to be able to see the president that happened and all of a sudden event was closed to the press so the big question is are we going to hear from the president so of course every journalist is looking on twitter for that alert that the president is taking to twitter or is he going to come out and talk to the cameras we don't have what they call a lid of the white house yet which means it is possible that we'll hear something either from staff or from the president himself we have heard from his campaign and basically what you would expect what they've been saying this whole time they say that the president now has been been vindicated that the democrats knew they couldn't beat him at the ballot box so they impeached him they went on to say that this is the president's campaign will only get bigger and stronger as a result of this in their words nonsense and say the impeachment hoax will go down as the worst miscalculation in american political history so try to send the message that the president has been acquitted and i think what you're seeing now is with mitch mcconnell they're trying to set the narrative that the house didn't do its job and they're trying not to focus on the fact that in the history of this country there have been 15 impeachments trials in the senate this will be the 1st one since the founding of the country where witnesses were not called to testify so what you'll see right now is the republicans coming out and say no there were there was no need for witnesses the democrats didn't do their job in the democrats are going to continue to hound that this in fact was a cover up by the broader senate that's what they'll say and actually given all the bitterness that there's been we've you know even in the state of the union we saw nancy pelosi tearing up the speech of trump off to he apparently hadn't shake a hand in all this all this business in the background what just what are these acquittals mean for the for the presidential election this year. well the bottom line is we don't know so let's think about this the house still has the power to investigate and this is something new for this white house their 1st 2 years they had pretty much a blank check without any congressional oversight so the congress swung at the democrats wanted the president impeached him didn't get him removed from office they're not done they still have the power of the subpoena so of course the big question is john bolton former national security advisor he said he would listen to a subpoena in the senate so now the house could possibly subpoena him and say well what's different it's the house or the senate and even if he says no i'm not going to talk he's a book coming out in march so everything he knows and his lawyer has said he knows things that no one in the public knows yet that book could be explosive the other question is mitt romney now he has broken with the president this is the 1st time in the history of the country that we've seen a member of the senate vote to remove a president of his own political party and this could have a broader context on the election so just keep in mind more information is going to come out more people are going to write books more whistleblowers or could come forward so then this could become a campaign issue because by making sure that every senator had to go on the floor and basically say what they wanted to say about this they're now on camera that's going to be in political ads so we don't know if this is going to cost democrats or it's going to cost republicans because we don't yet know what's going to come out but we do know that more is definitely going to come out betty cohen thank you very much indeed for. my we're going to zoom in on the news not one person has died after a plane carrying 177 people skidded off the runway at one of the stumbles main airport. the turkish authorities say at least 157 people have been injured after the boeing 737 crashed into a field and broke into pieces passengers had to be evacuated through cracks in the plane or they were traveling from the city of izmir hashim. is in istanbul with more dramatic pictures indeed from that plane crash and the investigators are trying now to find out what exactly happened the moment the plane was trying to touch down because what happened with a serious of spectacular events the plane veered of the runway burst into flames and then broke into pieces now they are trying to find out whether this was due to mechanical problems or weather conditions there were strong winds at the very moment when the plane was trying to touch down. good. port now as you said people miraculously escaped alive but the majority were sent to the hospital to be treated the other 2 pilots are reported to be in serious condition so it's been and this is by the way not the 1st time that the company was involved in a similar incident in the last month a pegasus plane. slid of the runway here at the same airport which is this a big hug ocean portland or but with no cuz all whatsoever are started out as a rescue mission on a mountainside in eastern turkey has turned into a frantic search for the rescuers themselves at least 33 people were killed when an avalanche swept on to a road near the city of van rescue workers are among the dead they were searching for victims of another avalanche which killed 5 people on tuesday. on kong's leader kerry lamb has announced that from saturday anyone arriving from mainland china will be quarantined for 14 days to stop the spread of the corona virus the world health organization says it will send a multinational team to china soon to help combat the coronavirus it's a building for $675000000.00 to help fight fight the virus our message to the international community is invest today or pay more later inversed today or pay more later. 675000000 years dollars is a lot of money but it's my choice less than the bill we will face if we do not invest in preparedness now during the window of opportunity that we have. a palestinian teenager has been killed by israeli fire during protests in the occupied west bank 17 year old mohamed el how dad was demonstrating in the city of hebron against donald trump's proposed middle east plan and israeli military says its troops opened fire after palestinian through a 5 bomb the shooting comes hours after israel struck hamas targets in gaza in response to rockets fired to 2 worlds israeli communities overnight. and a quick reminder you can always catch up with all the stories we're covering by checking out our website the despatches al jazeera dot com more of course on the impeachment story. that's a familiar tale if this news out of the back with more news in just a few minutes. tensions could cut global economic growth by north point 8 percent we bring you the stories and developments that are rapidly changing the world we live in to what extent will china be a drag on the global economy in 2020 counting the cost on al-jazeera. trouble began at the end of the country's civil war when most people started returning home from refugee camps. i am a more who was struck and killed during a demonstration in 2017 is buried right here in the middle of the street as a sign of resistance to the mining companies and government are set in your own this time the accusations of abuse and displacement between the community the mining companies and the government has now escalated to west africa's regional courts the community has taken its case before west africa's regional court because they say the people have little for use in the justice system. every attack in europe creates fear and division amongst its citizens. stories of loss go on told. a sweeping association of islam with violence leaves erupt in muslims facing the stock reality of being ostracized by the very communities in which they live love and moon the tragic loss of life twice a victim and on al-jazeera. because context these are the same storytelling around the biggest issues but had to do you should do it again. not guilty the senate clears president donald trump of abuse of power and obstruction of congress with all but one republican senator voting to acquit him. zira live from london also coming up. one day and $157.00 injured after a plane skids off a runway at istanbul airport and breaks into pieces. desperate scenes on the other side of turkey as a secondary launch buries rescuers searching for victims of a 1st. and home call knocks down a cruise ship to stop the coronavirus spreading and says it will impose a 14 day.

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