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disease that in addition to the epidemic of diseases we often have an epitome of information and this is what we call in for demick and it's really an e.p. dimmick of rumors of false information that is circulating at the same time and every outbreak as it's in food and mick and sue we have realized over time that this in for them it could be really. a call for a good response and home for effective implementation of countermeasures. candidates for the democratic nomination to be u.s. president are still waiting for the results of the iowa caucuses after technical glitches in the voting process to judge claim victory despite the absence of official results are bernie sanders and former vice president joe biden said they done well the state is the 1st in the country to outline its choices for this year's vote but democrats say the hitch is not the result of a hack but it's given president trump a republican the chance to call it a disaster. devastated parents have been gathering at a primary school in kenya where 14 students were killed in a stampede police say 39 other peoples were hurt as they rushed out of a 3rd floor classroom and down a stairway on monday afternoon officers say they do not know what caused the crash in the town of kakamega but have ruled out a scare. well half a 1000000 syrians have fled the ongoing fighting in the province in just the last 2 months you know nation says another 280000 or imminent risk of being displaced if hostilities continue displaced syrians are pushing towards turkey to escape a sudden and fast moving advance by government forces on the last rebel held stronghold in italy. in just 2 months more than 520000 people have been displaced from their homes the vast majority of them being women and children many of the displaced have left with nothing but the clothes on their backs what they could pile onto ramshackle the cause and the urgently need shelter food water and sanitation support health support emergency education and not least protection. an additional $280000.00 people from urban centers on the m 4 in 5 a highway axis that runs through the area are at imminent risk of displacement if ongoing military operations continue it comes as u.s. action general says that the risk of conflicts across the world escalating has increased antonio terrorist made the comment in a speech laying out the un's priorities for 2020 which he says include battling climate change and inequality i've spoken recently about winds of hope but today a wind of madness is sweeping the globe from libya to yemen to syria and beyond escalation is back arms are flowing and the offensives are increasing all situations are different but there is a feeling of good owing is the believes the and hair trigger tensions which makes every sink far more unpredictable and uncontrollable with a hardened risk of miscalculation clashes have broken out in the iraqi capital baghdad as protesters rallied against the newly appointed prime minister demonstrators marched to denounce the appointment of mohamed allowing followers of a populist cleric mattera souter who supports allawi pushed back against the protesters hoping to disperse them and our use of pointed out among so squabbling between lawmakers over a successor to i don't know of the lady who resigned in november following mass unrest there stay with us al jazeera world is next mixing arabic and western music thanks for watching scene of it. yes yes and this is i believe over so last. year i looked at what city you listen to me i'll see that you. see mancini musician performer vision week from his face on the east coast of the united states shying chairs traditional arabic music with performers searching to create a different sound. it's a style that has attracted followers across the world. cut it to see how fugitive musician marry he built it and the only true club. hot. and then for many in a way much akin one of the kind i therefore all want more of. what in. wallace thought of that i lay. in my seat quite a lot of. because they are moving too young mattie kind of canadian and in his small sleeve as a swell jimmy lee b. had the usual michelle it who are kind of very bad and i walk on most of us you know what i bet that the laws if i loaned a word of the year or sunday on the whole city of hasn't it on. was sent in by but that the last one you know when i worked at a command. i know not only to you. and i was like a sim on going on little bizarre and i want to last a kind i had but ha ha frank again my sick man do lean wombats if you need neck icing and it's the middle come seemed to stop i'm seein. him no big the shelby it was in the ticket very rarely. malone. no did did bob out to live over that's most of em in. a new small. kind of. like the woman i love the idea get a look. at my walking from a steamy here here i locked in a week. in an estimate be having it a lot and could hear me in a honey i mean freaky pocket fear conservatoire and we'll see if the female you pay for. but that desk is coming in will see how to be. one of the horses are at his command in delhi for morsi in de mint in there is clearly instantly all women. fear that means jam out colombia fi manhattan new york who are amongst the elderly in manhattan school of music a wonder said manhattan we'll see. how the mic jala away with them any of that and i iced for a minute at the bon beckons fuel at them feeling the will mostly a lot of me yani can't and will see a lot of you to the fee. that he had. oh really some in my club were lucky and i love most oh well. our love was the one was set in most of the americans fuel ate them feed the animals he caught it all to assist their own foot cause a lot of p.t.s.d. was many of these things are gone from for the cause in the seal cause she'll feel something he kind of they bought on the highs if he and. me must have been full of feed and in 3 hours if you knew every move made using agent that means that as you . meet at death were not raised up on the wings to eat that there's always ma i will shut it off and most that can be as you thought eve and every cancer can cause be pulled and while most of the awful daddy for a lot of the. vietnam for it's and that. able to do isis's for the tiny little smile for the cloak of pumped up. enough home comp that i can in no inventors have that officer coming while bob bishop in the old week is gone one mommas the community men there i don't know anything if you cry kind of tore you tend heene will see it. wobble so you can be reform is a field of form while the little sick lobby one will see the good and as. the other. the. both of them so clean and leave it cut up play in home and then had it been for cash if you can will see. in the storable cicotte and how that autonomy or giving mature. enough someone most of them fiachra seeking futile halmos of them got this. one on the on your side looking a few high command before me the hard money be shaky at the nasa budget done more for that of the singapore a lot of the. i believe that the arts especially music and poetry and song. you are the heartbeat of the arab world of arab culture and if you don't understand that i mean you're not getting the whole picture and the world needs to hear that as far as seimone goes he is the consummate teacher and performer and composer to be able to share those skills you need the right setting. that all who are both on you can fuel not about the most of the. other says my berklee college of music. because you got them so can you fly on a boat for. all of them will see to them while they're in no you don't know on them mostly hook i happened to go to a concert where simone sheen was performing he was playing violin and mostly a little bit rude but mostly violin and i heard him play and i knew what i wanted to do with the string department at berklee i wanted string playing as it exists around the world which is mostly improvisational shyness not all but mostly even classical music has improvisation in its roots not so much now but it used him so when i heard simone play and i understood that this was the vision i wanted for the string department i started to pursue him to see if i could get him to come to. the be. above. i have to confess when i took this job 14 years ago i didn't know what a canoe and was and i met this young man who played canoe now and he told me all about it and i was fascinated by it he was a student and then i started noticing more people playing mood more people playing various percussionist dramas from the arab world and realize something was happening and independently i had known about some own shaheen and in fact had helped encourage him to come teach here but i didn't really know about similar scene i just knew he was a really good musician and a really good person but i didn't realize that the 2 were connected is when simone came here that all these amazing musicians started coming to us from all over all over the the middle east and he's been an enormous magnet for talented students and he's strong enough and capable enough that he can teach he can help a canoe and player he can help a nude player he can help a violinist so he's he's like a swiss army knife full of talent and and magnetism. part of what i try to focus on in my playing is bringing traditional music to a wider global audience hi lucy music is you know very deep in esoteric and has all these layers but it's pretty much reserved to the to the so i come to berklee college of music and i start spending a lot of time with simone and seeing how he's kind of created a community in a world outside of the region that he's from in the style there's a place this is it really it's very inspiring. if you've got to be able to listen to what ought to quit no. member to hold. the auditions. see. for several years see mancini has looked to palestine the land office to seek out the next generation off musical talent sometimes auditioning them online. instead. yeah. no i mean for you the same with my. big. yes. about 4 or 5 years ago we started to open up opportunities for students to audition with us online because we know that you know the world's a big place and we can't be everywhere all of the time and it gives us the opportunity to reach that young musician see what they were doing from a. instrumental in performance perspective. and give them an opportunity for consideration through the process and we found tremendous musicians through the online audition process that have come to berkeley and have successfully graduated . at berkeley at this point you know that otherwise we would not have found so i think it's a very valuable process here you want to. sat there the. other piece or something that you were ready. the real good. the new the real really good who live there. the of. the year. i think there is something very important. about auditioning students in their own culture and seeing. musicians in their most natural state if you will. and they're most comfortable straight doing what they do that. it's really beautiful to find. musicians or musician that are where you get. the. the. the energy of my time letitia a lot of wrong on in their philosophy and will on them a lot of the houses i have that are not busy at all today for the theme be air mossad good connection did you did man get asked for most of the lead in chemical or today he cannot it was still a conservatoire award was to what jenny. that as them see it off am 102 see the fear from within chiffon and with us i just mean little by the nurse madinah no additions in the midst of his image and he ordered them without auditions when i bought it on a bit lee by then. had to shut down and when i can leave when i bought it or was it out of the and then why didn't philistines it took off the mind when a lot of thought of others. for another 4 nerd no money none for. my final non of the league gnomes a lot of the. i am one brought to the college the tradition of arabic music we had some here but not much and certainly not at the depth and the high level that that simone brings to his music making and berklee students are very focused on improvisation but they knew nothing about improvisation and arabic music would go on. what do you want to know or. how about if you do the little one and you do both. the. good. the only a. few had of all sort of law then mostly in the community and lived 20 than one move on the field or in the area. i mean medium by law and somebody would physically shop he was a simple see if the lot of them 5 but nothing will see can lead one to be my fish have them a for many more that bother ducky is one where like in a few muffle my heart i know we here must and never know how to moni from the sea cough and the bottle air breathy in there in the sea of cause i know my daddy. and mommy and when i can get the eyeball and boy jimmy did then along. the eliot. in part true and musical retreat the sounds of the middle east come to literally just. because the winters on the city have been at retreat away is the top most of the jamia height on me that african must come out of the 2nd book a fair use walk. in an increasingly globalized and interconnected world where digital communication technology is growing digital platforms contribute to making change and expanding civic space consequently activists face harassment states of aliens and increasing restrictions on the other hand digital platforms may be used to spread hate speech and trigger violence division conflict and terrorism which in turn contributes to undermining human rights. in this context the national human rights committee of qatar organizes the international conference on social media challenges and ways to promote freedoms and protect activists in cooperation with the united nations high commissioner for human rights the european parliament the global alliance of national human rights institutions and the international federation of journalists. trade tensions could cut global economic growth by north point 8 percent we bring you the stories and developments of a rapidly changing the world we live in to what extent will china be a drag on the global economy in 2020 counting the cost on our own just iraq. think of some of the biggest companies in the world today all of them big tech with algorithms that they call them all that we use them the more data we produce where in the midst of a great race to donna and the tech companies around the checks and fires are rising on a wealth of information and other commodity and the 2nd of a 5 fold series be re-examined is where the corporations are calling isaac internet like the popularity and power of big tech on a. large. moved on beyond documentaries that open new eyes. on al-jazeera. hello norm taylor in london the top stories on our 0 china has admitted shortcomings in its response to the corona virus outbreak as the spread of the disease continues that comes after hong kong reported its 1st death from the virus only the 2nd outside of mainland china within 400 people have now been killed by the disease and 20000 people in china are infected cases have been reported in more than 20 countries worldwide the world health organization says the outbreak has not yet a global pandemic and the world has a window of opportunity to halt the spread. in the way you deal with it be to make europe italy sees that in addition to the b. dimmick of diseases we often have an epitome of information and this is what we call in for demick and it's really an e.p. dimmick of rumors of false information that is circulating at the same time and every outbreak as it's in food in mick and sue we have realized over time that this in for them it could be really they called for a good response and hamper effective implementation of countermeasures candidates for the democratic nomination to be u.s. president a still waiting for the results of the iowa caucuses after technical glitches in the voting process but it judge claimed victory despite the absence of official results are bernie sanders and former vice president joe biden said they'd done well but democrats say the hitch is not the result of a hack president trunk was quick to brand it an unmissed unmitigated disaster. devastated parents have been gathering at a primary school in kenya where 14 students were killed in a stampede police say 39 other peoples were hurt as they rushed out of the 3rd floor classroom and down a stairway on monday afternoon officers say they do not know what caused the crash in the town of kakamega but have ruled out a scare. well half a 1000000 syrians have fled the ongoing fighting in the province in just the last 2 months you know nations says another 280000 are imminent risk of being displaced if hostilities continue displaced syrians are pushing towards turkey to escape an advance by government forces on the last rebel held stronghold and it. is a top stories do stay with us out of their world continues next hour the news are few after that i don't know. what. palestinian american musician seamanship is based on the east coast of america where he shares his expertise in arabic music. does in the. home also had a. certain neck and she. found it. yeah. i can find d. she while there he didn't know what jani and. i had because you can she left her mom the she doesn't know and i live the day for that hey i'm a john lackey mind if we could have a snow doesn't suit. up that. claim . look at the. leak. i am. and what on who have been a cause. of the. odds and the. mindfuck if. sobbing young adults and i assure. you none here come on with credibility any. sufi on day. and the live music. he cited can she have been with him that he can't assess and. hate passionately me lenny and here he have a kid and how are. folks be. good . for. her at. the was. she. was. the. treat. was c. her. name was. with. we have students from egypt from lebanon from jordan from west bank and one of things i said i know enough about the world to say like how did you get from ramallah what where did you audition how did you get here how did you get a passport how did you get permission but our students are so resourceful everyone has a different story. i know i need maybe some how it's a hoarder. bitsa who would have been in the mood in italy took off. i mean for me but didn't i want to. rush to bits a horde of 3 months of sun up. just then and i had to. so the jazzy any less than of us the dead also so joe has led. to suffer the jamma of a bunch of us that us that then we felt alone. for the scene a little bit. film i had the money to help in my. head does if i could put on a. bus. that's been a kind of the fall book and father dan you know it was doesn't demand as you know be thought of as after the 1st we know that guy for the same kind of irish a man may know one must not the children one mother are left and the children we. can if you're sort of a cello. about a sort of insanity theater if they had how do i can you. my someone that i said the most if i could be me. in the chair look at. what i could think like to have the utmost benefit. given to him have it was a thought to be the one i can buy as of. hawaii of us and my current that is upset at the mass and want to. be ok if one can end up quite that at the. minimum do the comments and what the what we've been suffering now for as i have you did come into being in berkeley. jani the feed to me was also homocysteine and i'm new you. a lot of them will see who we can live useful to. naseby our dead give you 2 should then be my field concerts. but my fear matters are not in the city music festival they're jazz ones that caught their eye let me. cabin is a good door you don't know and half is all i had that i did all that would. have did affect your business were it to be injured. in the arabic music retreat and you wouldn't want to see a lot of. jane's retreats in ruin massachusetts musicians of all ages take part in his master classes and learn essential soft middle eastern music. like the most common meaning place or position and making music it's a technique often improvise ation that defines the pitches. and development effect some music. critic mentors on the cd have you ever treat who we as the top most of the year in me jimmy and highlight live the rest of the most of the 2nd look at 3rd use work and it was not the image that made the it's a truer. we will see how he does. this to me and i didn't want his young we'll see. a lot of that mostly come over to be circulated that if you wish to be in the broader. most of chemotherapy and or may be missing your training. company and listen. faddle your training coming should then must begin the long leg a small my palm. air my fish in norfolk on the salt in moma yes from will see a lot of the and you will saw him so much in the micro talk about the . 'd the. the. and the and the when cmon shaheen arrived here in started to live in new york and he made contact with dr a.j. rossi of. u.c.l.a. who is a well known ethnomusicologist and multi instrumental performer the 2 of them struck up a friendship as a result of this friendship of dr ross e. and c. mode the idea developed that if we create a retreat then we can develop not only an audience for this music but also qadri teachers educators professional musicians and composers and scholars. started countersue morning. on the bush watch and assam to be more the war. in academia lives. fi another dancer most of you gonna be filled with and i live in and through paula g. caveat though somebody will see it who cares enough time and will see if i will be fatah about the belief he can little dot given will see if i told her we it in this case motherland 11 has that all keefe to stop and then we'll see a new god he faith. i shall see it i live in. lehi's oh i thought. i'd miss him before last thing. i knew then when the thing left me buckled out of me i'm going to have sonny. well i've ordered francis lean ok back to love you might want that for me. to. hand over i'll consider you what we. now know if you could out one for 50 an alibi of court. an animal for. a walk in the lot of the gulf what a few more feet fish the whole of the one a share of the we. feel healthy and ohio and. i'm lucky i name my load the any help and i one for to tell you the any. more so if it could them how did the i'm going to steal your stuff. it was. written. in mostly a collage of the bad in the form in the form in the illusion merely in my divorce lucky sense of music then in that mood can cash out empty key child who forget where to come but they are mostly caught a lot let me be here b m e l t f. setting the scene on which is really. unique is that he has figured out a way to explain these huge and rich concepts to the foreigner i'm not here to perfectly copy what's already been done i want to make something new. for you to was would mostly be you know these are things i had a month ago fees i mean are you ople. america had to fill the lot of you that you haven't been at or sort of other until. i'm not but i'm so how do you live there are some i someone who have. to do it was it clear where sadly i was set of home enough and son. shut off let out of items you cut he do this this is johnny you know all and one minute i'll have a lot. of that. had made me a little less than. you can up with. him and other stuff but i'm so i'm mostly i thought after. you. by the head was human. over there couldn't have flat. be i would have thought it was them or any michael cottman. country 71 him. i thought us why the other side was the one for him i thought that if you had a brain center and i'm going to look and feel. when measure would you often have for us or so i know what the man was last time i think about it or were misled. by the made in the sufi fuck off out of me it was out beat if he had but it. could muscle him to start a call for you have a month where most of your study corn. to a federal field will see it kind of was to. feel ill at that and will see it could be a do feel a measure of almost cost for the month as john will see a lot of the opposite foresaw i mean you know you do from the sequel you know limited to stay cool enough to have gone get us females talk seem to want. to quit to add enough time that i know what happens and i know as if my bob a lot of this what oh my god have been thought enough sit tight amity. to sean i don't have a cash and i tell them. how the company especially a sideman or that and them i get that it's a leg. i know much mud that. at. out of the. and i get and. i would have. been the happiest i mean in most if call feeblest i got a message about when we'll see how mostly you see it oftenest to me in the secret of many and we'll see how much better be merciful to see at all t. let me know. the bond feel like a few minutes to the car dana have been mostly caught while i can fulfill them. leave leave. after their retreat cmon goes on to work on the performance off and on some good piece featuring a nice young classical sing that song young but it. was. the. thought of being. well for a lot of the. neck at the neck and we see a cut and then. we're. in no i've never been but let the bed that let the bed. i thought up and he was sure will it cause i have them all s.s. men been buzzing the lot of. not a fuck up. about the be here. miss mohun could not have. been made that one here. and we see it got very intimate you never know. but i had the baby the. the. the. in the back of who we want that innocent nobody you're going to see a lot of the i let it happen essop mom and daughter twaddle when the one in the seat clausing. those at the other mcluhan. was. oh. meena. not there it was. all. all. love none of the. no. no. since childhood simone shane's artistic hunger and dynamism have helped him to cross cultural boundaries from his native palestine to the united states and beyond. his musical in fact has been immense creating a fusion of arabic and west there genres combining middle eastern melodies and improvise ation with classical and jazz. he's constantly innovating never standing still perhaps shines constant desire to adopt and change would prove his greatest gift and legacy. i was seeing some violent storms into eastern parts of australia recently just around the northeastern corner of new south wales this area of high pressure is responsible for that a slow moving feature we're tracking in something of an on shore brazen over the next couple of days are going to see more wet weather coming into where new south wales into the good parts of queensland as well so it will form some of the burn areas and some of the bushfires so that's good but i think when you consider what's been going on a race and they're also called some flooding have the potential for some a mudslide society something to watch out for lots of right across northern parts of australia and a nasty little area of low pressure i would say was a northwest quarter for good measure further south of us generate dry dry weather stretching down into the southeast and colder but we will see the showers really peping up just around the sunshine coast around the gold coast northern parts of new south wales as we go on into thursday for an a.c.l. and things a quad thing down here where guys see the weather quieting down say across to pan over the next they'll set a wintry mix of some showers just pushing in across northern parts of honshu northern areas of some past generate dry that dry by the stretching down into the good parts of china but chatting rather wet here as we go on through the course thursday. but. from passion into transformative science that brings about change how does iraq goes on a journey with 5 scientists who are determined to use scientific knowledge to serve the humankind we have dolphins in our sanctuary we can monitor them and record their mobile the photos and behavior we're able to figure out how they're adapting to their new environment women make science coming soon on al-jazeera. think of some of the biggest companies in the world today all of them big tech with algorithms that they call the more that we use them the more data we produce and we're in the midst of a great race adata and big tech companies are on a chase and fires are rising on a wealth of information and we need other commodities and the 2nd the 5 series be re-examined is where the corporations are call advisory groups and that's like about 30 and power of think tank on not just. the 2000 mile trip across europe seems impossible. as the bow comes route begins to close for a few jeems it has become a race against time for one syrian family. it's a perilous journey from greece to germany but there's no turning back to the ravages of war left at home. on. sky and ground a witness documentary on al-jazeera. 0. this is the al-jazeera news hour live from london coming up caucus chaos in iowa embarrassment for the democratic party as it fails to announce a winner after monday's vote. president trump was quick to seize on the delay as he prepares for his state of the union speech and expected acquittal in his impeachment trial. china admits shortcomings in its response to the corona virus outbreak as for.

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Qatar , Australia , United States , Hong Kong , West Bank , China , Yemen , Manhattan , New York , Syria , Allawi , Al Basrah , Iraq , Berkeley , California , Egypt , Massachusetts , Iowa , Italy , Ramallah , West Bank General , Jala , Andhra Pradesh , India , Switzerland , Delhi , Canada , Jordan , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Germany , Kenya , Kakamega , Western , Israel , Madinah , Ohio , Turkey , North Point , Hong Kong General , South Wales , Americans , America , Canadian , Syrians , Iraqi , Swiss , Syrian , Palestinian , Al Jazeera , Joe Biden , Jimmy Lee , Mattera Souter , Simone Shane , Ima John , Bernie Sanders ,

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