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while london champions free trade as both sides have very different visions of the post relationship. to convict or acquit both sides begin their closing arguments don't trump some pitchman trial and in sports a 50 year wait is over for the kansas city chiefs. still to. achieve speeding the san francisco $49.00 ers to win the super bowl. will begin with one of the most serious escalations between turkish and syrian government forces in recent years the syrian military has killed 5 turkish soldiers and 3 civilian military personnel now turkey is here. back the defense minister has arrived at the border he says his forces have killed $76.00 syrian government soldiers in the province and syria's main ally russia is contradicting those claims president that are just tired of the one says the retaliation was justified turkish president roger tiber out of the un says his country will protect its interests. how it's all of us and what we see is an aerial assault by regime forces and would result in people dying by soldiers and 3 civilians and we concluded that it was unacceptable and retaliation was carried out we responded we did what was necessary and made them pay the cost of their actions by air and land assault is our wish that everyone remember and know the responsibilities within the astonishment so we continue our efforts within the terms of the agreement president out of there on went on to urge russia to fulfill its obligations under recent cease fire deal. the good of others the that the situation is libya's moving to a position which is very hard to resolve the regime together with russia turning a blind eye attacks by the regime of italy where 3 or 4000000 people live are causing them to move towards our border the latest figures indicate nearly 1000000 people are moving towards the border so of course are low is following the story from istanbul she says so far negotiations have failed to ease tensions. it doesn't seem to be contained because of the statements the explanations from russia hasn't been satisfactory for the turkish officials yet we know that turkish and russian foreign ministers had a phone conversation and they have both of them decided that they need to monitor the situation in the the ass collation zone and so far they have no one has the syrian government let's say hasn't taken any responsibility on the attacks against the turkish convoy which was brain which was actually bringing reinforcements to the observation post within the scope of the day escalation zone it has been like this since the beginning of the us than in such a process that there are turkish military observation posts and turkey's sensorium foresman the pentagon the time and the situation over there since the syrian government again to gain back territory i mean the area right below the m 5 highway 3 of the 12 turkish military observation posts were already there and for the last one month the regime forces have been there but the military observation posts or the reinforcements reinforcement called wars haven't been attacked so why is the sap an in now is the question to be answered stovall some reports from moscow where she says russia is trying to downplay the incident. russia has been very much downplaying this whole incident initially even denying that someone some turkish soldiers got killed they were only talking about injuries and also they're sort of blaming the turkish forces for not to notifying the russian military so they got caught up in this this assault and attack by the syrian forces so basically saying it's a it's an accident and also not bluntly denying actually that the turkish forces are now attacking syrian forces as a retaliation a russian said there was nothing like that but in another effort to downplay this whole incident the russian foreign ministry has now come up with a statement about the phone calls between the 2 foreign ministers also saying that the only solution and the only alternative for this situation and it is a political diplomatic solution so clearly not a military one and they also stressed that the agreements between turkey and russia which have been signed several times and i stand are also in such in 2018 to observe this deescalation zone these agreements have to be observed and russia specifically mentions and urges again turkey to separate what they call the moderate opposition from the terrorist forces in the loop and that's what they've been complaining about for a long time already that it's these so-called terrorist forces that are attacking the syrian and russian forces and that's why they have to fight back and this ceasefire never actually stood the whole the very long. airstrikes and fighting in northwestern syria have this place hundreds of thousands of people many are heading towards the turkish border seeking safety let's take a look at what's happening on the ground after nearly 10 years of war government forces have retaken large parts of the country marked here in red opposition fighters are confined to the north western province of liver and aleppo countryside with forces backed by turkey in surrounding areas of the latest russian banks government advance some turkish observation posts and now surrounded the government forces are pushing to gain ground along the m 4 highway to the east and the m 5 highway to the south they connect aleppo to the capital damascus and latakia use available are there is a security analyst and a retired turkish armed forces connell he says diplomacy will suffer as a result of the deaths of those who are his soldiers. from now on that will not be any diplomatic. efforts in order to give an end to all kind of clashes inside the soria in the area because all kind of diplomatic force has been given so far by president are gone and it has been declared a cease fire at the 12th of january but didn't work for a new refuge of law came to the door of the turkey which is more than 710000 that is a big track to turkey in terms of socially in terms of economy clee and also a demographic change not inside syria but also at the same time inside the cities of the turkey for this reason turkey see it as a red line and militar really they before yesterday started to set up and built a military build up in site area so for this reason from now on there won't be any solution be taught using the military intervention in this area from my point of perspective but that does not mean that diplomacy will not work we will see after the turkish side decisive the use of this military intervention in the area how the diplomacy real change on the table. renewed fighting in syria has forced the closure of more than 50 health facilities as demand for them increases the world health organization says the need for health care far outstrips what doctors can deliver fighting threats and desertion of forced $53.00 facilities close to the start of the year or than half a 1000000 people have fled violence in the last 2 months. growing pressure to contain the corona virus in hong kong has forced the territory to shut down almost all its borders with the mainland its chief executive kerry land says 10 crossings would temporarily close the city is now facing a shortage of protective facemasks earlier hundreds of medical workers walked off the job as part of their push for their leaders to completely seal the border with china at least 361 people have died in the mainland while more than 700000 people have been infected a newly built hospital is started treating patients in the epicenter was han chinese stocks plunged by nearly 8 percent on monday their biggest fall since 2015 the central bank has pledged a $173000000000.00 boost. adrian brown is in hong kong with more on how the territory is coping. well this is causeway bay one of the busiest areas of hong kong and one of the few places where you can now buy facemasks it's a case of supply and demand little supply and plenty of demand it's the same story across the border in mainland china where the government on monday appealed to the international community for more medical supplies especially face masks also on monday hong kong's chief executive kerry lam gave more details of her decision to close down more sections of the border between hong kong and china it now means there are just 2 places where you can cross from hong kong into china excluding the international airport and this was why she said she was taking this qualified decision our strategy is really to consolidate as much as possible a day existing control points now is really down to excluding the airport there are only 21 is the sense and they the other is. a high bridge and the additional benefit of doing that is we are channelling all cross by the traffic into alisa to cross border control points and because of the inconvenience we have cost to people as a result so the numbers will come down kerry land has been under pressure from a group of striking medical workers to close the border in its entirety also on monday hong kong confirmed its 1st person to person transmission of the virus a man returning from move to hong kong infecting his mother who hadn't been to the mainland this week of course hundreds of thousands of hong kong citizens who've been across the border celebrating chinese new year will be returning raising the prospect of more infections. scott hi there reports now from beijing and how china is working to treat the thousands in fact that. 1400 army medics are now in ruhani ready to work in a newly built hospital for coronavirus patients completed in just 9 days the images of supplies on the way and more medical help on hand the chinese government wants its people and the world to see china has criticized the united states for no substantive help with the outbreak and accuse the u.s. government of spreading fear and panic the new facility is modeled after a similar hospital built outside beijing during the sars crisis 17 years ago the number of dead from the corona virus now exceeds that of sars a 2nd hospitals expected to be finished by the end of the week together they will have 2500 beds for those infected with the virus there is frustration and anger on social media over conditions for the infected and doctors and will han china's central government the 1st day back for essential workers after the prolonged holiday focused on easing concerns over the supply of needed medical equipment it also look to build confidence in the economy the 2nd largest in the world after factories have been shut and businesses closed because of the virus could be far as far as we know many export companies are now quickly resuming their production capacity and very slow calories are also taking targeted measures to help create a sound and favorable business environment the central authorities and local governments have all made plans to introduce target measures to help businesses resume their operations. during the 1st day of trading since the lunar new year break the chinese mainland markets close sharply down irani percent shy of the 10 percent one day decrease limits set by the markets. to help curb the slide china's central bank injected $174000000000.00 into the market but the spread of the virus is far from over and the lockdown of millions of chinese still does not have an end date so the viruses impact on the future of china's financial markets and economy remains unclear it's got hotter al-jazeera beijing well doctors in thailand divide promising results tracing the corona virus with medication normally reserved for battling a child she likes o'brien has more on that from bangkok. and labs around the world the scientists are racing to understand the new coronavirus they want to know where it came from and how to stop it and to get the answers they need they've turned to beds 75. human to get infected this is can farm. animal that can carry their wild us says with. a look healthy but it best can. last to other animal to human. doctors who has been studying these viruses for years the thailand's too long called university the corona virus spreading now she is almost a 100 percent d.n.a. match with another one found in bats and she hopes that study and wildlife can help us prevent and control outbreaks in humans to super corn helped decode the genome for the 1st confirmed case of the new virus outside china behind the store researches a working with patients south poles of the corona virus and they're taking steps to make the fragments safer to work with by killing the virus but keeping its d.n.a. intact we can't go in here because it's too dangerous. to my doctors say in. new approach of treating some of those who do get sick appears to be working using a cocktail of flu an n.t.i. hiv drugs that's after one chinese woman treated in a hospital in bangkok recovered but other patients didn't and the government says it's too early to say whether that mix of drugs is effective in medical system we can only do case reports or we send this report to many medical journals and also when the. research and medical schools. in order for them to. continue further and a treatment can't come soon enough thailand is seen as one of the countries most at risk from this new virus because of the number of chinese visitors it receives each year and because in recent weeks some came from. the center of the outbreak planes flying in and out of the mainland a big date cleaned and disinfected shopping centers they use in thermal imaging cameras to taste for those who may have a fever hand sanitizers are a common sight so too in mosques and bangkok's chinatown which is one of the biggest chinese own claves in the world it's both a major tourist attraction and popular with locals. i've seen a decline in the number of tourists especially in the past few days since the news broke about the virus when chinese tourists easier some type people don't come because they're scared of getting infected while people try everything they can to protect themselves they're looking to doctors and scientists around the world who urgently trying to find a solution to a problem that's growing by the day brian al jazeera bangkok. constitutional court has voted to nala file last year's disputed presidential election citing widespread irregularities the vote in may return the current president. so power sparking widespread protests by the opposition. joins us live from the council now the opposition must be delighted with this ruling. yes they are and some of them on their way to the party headquarters in along the way they planned to celebrate the victory by the judges ruled that peter which i think i did not win made the election did nullified that result if they fixed elections must be held within $150.00 days some of the concerns i had about the election was that they were just too many inconsistencies that jeopardize the credibility of the result the judges say this is picked some people might have voted more than once they say there was evidence of ballot stuffing and they say some number some results were changed using typewriter correction fluid and this is a huge occasion for the people of malawi it's history in the making so to speak it's the 1st time an election here has been nullified is the 1st time in southern africa that even if it happened in the rest of africa most recently it happened in kenya in 2017 when of course the order to really run off to that election was found to have so many irregularities but right now this evening of course it's a way to see how people are going to react supporters of the reeling party and supporters of the opposition we know they plan to be celebrations tonight into tomorrow tuesday from the opposition people waiting to hear reaction from the ruling party and what the way forward for them is going to be next ok tell us practically though what happens there are those the president's. push to try and real ones elections or do things stay on hold while he goes to a higher courts. well things will stay on hold until these elections take place and if they deem to be credible and someone is easy elected in the country can move forward but for the past few weeks the president's party the d.p.p. have been saying that whatever the judges rule whatever verdict is made they are going to respect that and tell this of what is to the states and to by speaking to some of the it was in the ground they say now the hard work starts because the judges of courts for a for a solution with a $150.00 days but that's going to take a lot of planning logistics weighs the money going to come from and how will officials ensure that all the issues people saw in the may election won't be repeated again when these new elections take place a concern of course is a lot of opposition supporters don't trust officials in the middle of the electoral commission particular hit of the little commission that they want to go on so parliament has to that and decide whether they replace the whole initial commission or keep them in place and give them time to remand mandate to try and make the next election that take place will be free they and credible so lots of things people need to juggle it's a time of everything to the time in mali have to be handled very very sensitively a lot of people suspect coalitions will be formed i want to put in the judges it is that from now on in the election we have a win must have a 50 plus one majority or have not won that election so we expect the opposition parties to be forming coalitions the closer these elections come forward all right it's also the. plenty more still ahead on the news hour including league 3 callings reveal what iran knew in the immediate aftermath of the downing of a ukrainian airliner israel's prime minister is in uganda and announces the start of a new relationship with sudan. and the teenage goalscoring sensation getting ready to make his german car debut. now leaked to air traffic recording suggest iranian aviation officials were immediately aware a missile had brought down the ukrainian airline the last month the exchanges between a control tower at tehran airport and a domestic flight pilot trying to land the pilot reports he saw both a missile and an explosion iran's revolutionary guard admitted it had shot down the aircraft killing all $176.00 on board of the denying it for days to iran now says it will no longer share information with ukraine on the investigation as a result of this leak that iran has accused ukrainian experts of leaking the recordings to local media listening to some of that recording. and. i. think. you know. on the. wrong he says the league recording reveals contradictions in the iranian leadership version of the incident the narrative coming out of the front has been that it was the revolutionary guard that shut down the aircraft with a missile and it took them 3 days to investigate and then inform the government but this conversation between air traffic control and this domestic airline pilot shows that someone within the civil aviation authority must have known and if they didn't know why wasn't the government informed or if the simulation authority heads didn't know why was the information fed up the chain of command i saw it puts the ring in government in a very difficult position because they've put out a narrative that they didn't know that the government didn't know it was a military that knew and it took them 3 days to come out with the information but this order says otherwise. let's speak now to todd curtis in boston he's a former airline safety engineer at boeing and is now a c. go at s. safe dot com good to have you with us i'm sure you've listened to the recordings as we all have what do you make of it and is it safe to say that this could only have come from the ukrainians. well there are several things going on here 1st it's clear to me from listening to the tapes and the transcripts transcription of those tapes is that the civil aviation authorities the air traffic control of there it's clearly no but i'm not sure how the bureaucracy at the irani i'm an expert in through either governments civil aviation authorities may have to go through channels to inform the higher levels of government or the military branches of government as to what they now and there could be issues going on there simply within the bureaucracy ability the information right people now the fact that the government as a whole 3 days should make to the public what part of the government knew immediately let me speak to occur it may just be too bureaucratic issues the fact that it's being leaked now is that indicative of a feeling that perhaps somebody feels they're not getting the full cooperation they they want or should i think it's a clear signal of that because true it comes to investigations of accidents of course it's not an accident but if they're following the protocols that have been laid down internationally for years the only entity that will release information to the public about the investigation is the government responsible that investigation there would be the iranians the fact that we're creating a government at the highest levels was releasing this information because to me they feel that the investigation isn't is being as forthright and honest as it should be and that if they do now and go outside of channels releases information the public as a whole may not know about it. do we know where the black boxes are right now the last that it was reported that i can find was that the official or a news agency said they were going to hand them over to the ukrainians we know that's happened over heard several reports from the iranian government and outside media that said they were handing a mark to some entity outside of. burst my knowledge it hasn't happened and again going back to the protocols that are employees for in accidents. in europe but now that iran saying it's not going to release further evidence could that be quite an issue especially if they say well the black boxes it may not be an issue in a sense they're not in violation of international court of the protocols that are in place are accidents now for deliberate actions and it will be the 1st country to with hall a full accounting of deliberate action from the public or right thanks so much for your thoughts on that thanks for braving at least 14 children have been killed in a stampede at a primary school in western kenya on monday evening there were chaotic scenes at a local hospital as parents search for their children at least 40 other students have been seriously injured police say the stampede took place when panic broke out as students were leaving school it's unclear what caused the panic and investigation is underway though and at least 41 civilians have been killed in a series of massacres in the democratic republic of congo the attacks were carried out by the a.d.f. rebel group and took place in villages near benny in the north of the country is the latest in a string of attacks have killed more than 120 civilians over the past 5 days. this rail has announced it will begin to normalize relations with sudan and uganda israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu has met with uganda's president and the head of sudan's transitional military council of the on just a day ago the u.s. invited board hard to visit washington d.c. sudan has been trying to change its image you know in the country to international investment since the overthrow of longtime leader on moral bashir let's go live now to harry forsett who's in west jerusalem so what's the word from there on this new direction. well the word from israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is pretty celebrate 3 he says that they've agreed to start a cooperation that will lead towards normalization normalization of relations between sudan and israel and he calls that history it is part of a wider strategy both in africa and in the middle east to try to get friendly relations going with majority muslim and arab nations in the region and of course it comes very soon after the trump plan which was released last week which attracted at least not immediate arab state condemnation of course there was a rejection of that plan at the weekend and so there has been a slowing down of the of the provisions in that plan for potential annexation of the occupied west bank something that netanyahu had hoped to start moving on this past weekend so it is about time given the fact that he's in midst of an election campaign for another major foreign policy announcement of this one serves netanyahu very well it also serves sudan to some extent as you say they have been invited to washington that the leader of sudan's been invited to washington so there's a recommendation from israel. as far as the prime minister's office is concerned sudan is moving in a positive a positive direction away from iranian influence and also potentially provide something more practical for israel as well for air space over sudan would make it much easier for israeli flights to fly directly to south america where there is a large jewish population thanks so much forces there. so they had an al-jazeera culture on a plate the pulp free style that's received international recognition and spalding the basketball team with title ambitions returns to form and he is here with that story. hello again welcome back to international weather forecast well here across turkey in coming days we're going to be seeing more weather and terms of rain snow as well as winds we do have a system coming out of europe making its way towards the southeast and you can see here on tuesday not looking too bad but by the time we do get to wednesday we do pick up a lot more snow a lot more winds across much of the area as well as we are going to see some rain pushing through parts of istanbul heavy rain across the southern coast as well and we're going to sing opera though those temperatures are going to be diving by the time we get towards thursday starting at 12 going to 15 on wednesday changing to snow by the time we get to thursday with a temperature of about 3 degrees there while the northeastern part of africa will also be experiencing some very windy conditions across the next 3 days mostly here towards libya as well as into egypt those winds will be on the increase into wednesday and we could be seeing some storm surge across much of that northern coast cairo though on tuesday 22 degrees and as we go towards wednesday 21 as the expected high and for southern africa for cape town things are going to be cooling down over the next few days we're going to be staying attempt to there as we go towards tuesday of about 30 degrees but by the time we do go towards parts of wednesday dropping down to about $25.00 degrees there in johannesburg a few showers at $28.00 riis. think of some of the biggest companies in the world today all of them big tech with algorithms that they call the more that we use them the more data we produce where in the midst of a great race the data and the tech companies around the checks and tires are rising on a wealth of information and we need other commodities and the 2nd of a 5 series the re-examined is where the corporations are calling lies in internet like me the popularity and power of big tech on a just. in india identity politics on the rise what we're seeing is the construction of partitions in hearts and loads of music across the country and as the docs are going to tell us is we do see the grit from his office the majesty of the him to fix into something more like the team i didn't see of the british today i meet with victims of violence and discover what life is like for minorities in the country join me on my journey in search of india's soul on al-jazeera. you're watching our time to recap the headlines now turkey's defense minister says his forces have killed 76 syrian government soldiers threatening further action after 5 turkish soldiers and 3 civilians were killed by regime shelling in the province hong kong has temporarily shut down the majority of its borders with mainland china in an effort to contain the spread of corona virus at least 361 people have now died in china 700000 are infected. constitutional court has voted to nullify last year's disputed presidential election citing widespread irregularities the vote in may return the current president putin with power sparking widespread protests by the opposition. the final phase of donald trump's impeachment trial has started democrats and trump's defense team will each have 2 hours to make closing arguments the us president is facing charges of obstruction of congress and abuse of power over accusations of pressured ukraine to investigate his political rival joe biden but after the senate voted on friday against hearing from witnesses it's likely trump will be acquitted in the final vote that's expected on wednesday i v joe castro is live for us on capitol hill so heidi how are those final arguments shaping up now. well sam we've heard the democrat the impeachment managers the prosecutors in this case already wrap up their closing statements and you know they knew from the very beginning what a hurdler would be what an uphill climb in order to convince their republican colleagues to vote to convict trump and remove him from office that is a scenario that is simply not considered possible at this time given that republicans hold the majority among the jurors and not one of them has said there they're going to convict the president but the question that's really for these democrats is what sort of legacy they leave in history and you've heard them make these arguments again and again and really deliver those final arguments today saying that they want to avoid setting a precedent that in the future leaders of the united states can get away with essentially soliciting for an election interference and they are fearful that if president trump is acquitted then essentially the president is not being held accountable and we've heard interesting responses from at least a handful of those republican senators who have acknowledged that what president trump is accused of doing is inappropriate however they say it simply does not rise to the level of impeachment and thus they do not have any plan on convicting president trump and he will remain in office sammy all right thanks so much tell you this. the senate trial is happening as u.s. democratic presidential hopefuls are preparing for the nominating process in ai which is due to begin in the coming hours the results could indicate how well a candidate may do in the campaign the state has held the 1st caucus for more than 40 years alan fischer looks at why this thank this is the benefit from going 1st the chance to meet the candidates face to face to ask them questions to test their positions iowa is not 1st because it's important it's important because it's 1st iowa has been the 1st in the nation contest since 1972 that's because it's caucus process is drawn out and complicated presidential campaigns can spark into life here or be extinguished that gives people incredible power one report suggests voters in iowa have 20 times more influence than almost any other state they wait and meaning of iowa is really supplied by our national media establishment this is the 1st time they have hard results from actual voters and so it's just as an opportunity to essentially understand where these candidates are in the race iowa is predominately white it's mainly rudel as few big industries essentially it doesn't look a lot like the rest of america there are plenty who would like to see the 1st contest held in the state this more representative of america as a whole but that's simply not going to happen if somewhere were to move its primary or its caucuses in iowa would move it so and because the state law says it always has to be flushed. the people here insist that they take their responsibilities very seriously in vetting presidential candidates and i just think that you know we've made good decisions in the past not always one you want very important to know that the people that are on the 1st line for caucus doing are knowledgeable and can represent minorities throughout the united states when experienced political watcher says the people here know that doing their job for the. to the country i will say in terms of the diversity of the state. iowans care about a wide variety of issues there is a lot of issues including issues that relate to the minority communities they get aired in iowa caucuses there's a brown and black forum specifically dedicated to giving candidates an opportunity for their issues although we may. not be helped here some politicians have skipped iowa completely of its size influence it's never worked out for them whether they like it or not for the moment the route to the white house goes through here alan fischer al-jazeera des moines iowa less than 3 days after brags that the divide between the e.u. and u.k. was widened as they prepare for trade talks more that let's cross over to barbara sara to our european use and barbara. sami thank you yes formal negotiations are not going to start for another month but both the u.k. and the you have outlined very different visions of what their future relationship will look like the british prime minister boris johnson says the u.k. wants free trade but not at any cost insisting that his country would not align itself with all e.u. rules meanwhile europe's chief negotiator that's for sure yes says that reciprocal access to fishing waters is inextricably linked to any treaty trade agreement the pair have until the end of the year to agree a new relationship including trade deals. the question. is whether we agree a trading relationship with the e.u. comparable to canada's or more like australians and i have no doubt that in either case the u.k. will prosper mightily and of course. our new relationship with our closest neighbors will range far beyond trade. we must now agree on species few can inflict you've got around to use to ensure a level green feud over the long term over the long term that means mechanism to or don't do high standards we haven't social and. climate tax and stated matters today in their future of government so the 2 different views there laurenson explains now boris johnson's expectations from any future trade agreement he didn't say that he necessarily even needed a treaty to you know even in summer signing up to a european union standards he said we don't need to write that down we'll just do it anyway it's sort of typical flippant approach by boris johnson some ways but i think the that the main thing to understand at this point is because the nurses and savants actually started jets to go to him and michel barnier for the european side giving virtually simultaneous news conferences this morning about sort of beating their chests and putting out was what effect simply equal and opposite hard line positions so michel barnier says we europeans a man can sing the access to british waters for fishing even though he knows the brits it's as i take that as an idea equally boris johnson knows that the europeans want continued alignment and the continuation of the same sorts of standards and so to try to undermine that he gave a speech in which he said we don't need those things at all in fact he said we'd be just as happy to have either a canadian or an australian styled. well the british prime minister is also facing pressure over national security after a knife attack in south london boris johnson says his government will bring forward legislation to stop the system of automatic early release that's after a 20 year old a man was shot and killed by police after he stabbed 2 people in stratham on sunday it's emerged the attacker had left jail just a few days earlier halfway through his prison term on terrorism related offenses. but the question that everybody has about the individual concerned is what was he doing out on automatic early release and why was the system of scrutiny poor old system to check whether he was really a suitable candidate for automatic early release and that is a very complex legal question and as you know we're bringing forward legislation to stop the system of automatic early release flights serve resume from the dregs international airport have to drones were spotted planes were grounded for more than an hour when 2 pilots reported seeing drones near the airport just east of the city center 26 flights were diverted to other airports while the incident was investigated dozens of drones drone sightings calls that london's 2nd busiest airport gatwick to be closed for 3 days in 2018. police have fired tear gas at migrants and refugees protesting against conditions in camps on the greek island of less boss hundreds of people marched from the island's overcrowded camps to the main town saying that the slow pace of processing asylum requests is making conditions worse the island's morea camp was built for 3000 people it's currently holding more than 19000. indigenous leaders from the amazon have called on the british government to stand for their rights they visited the prime minister's official downing street home to ask of the no minerals or agricultural products from the amazon be imported into britain brazil's president j. divorce or not or has opened up protected amazon areas to mining logging and farming he claims rain forest areas are sovereign territory is going to offer london in the next bulletin now though let's go back to sami in doha thanks barbara now u.n. plane has left yemen's capital becoming the 1st humanitarian flight out of sana in the years around 30 patients are being sent for treatment to egypt and jordan who the rebels control sana the coalition fighting controls the air space the nearly 5 year conflict has pushed yemen's health system close to collapse. an estimated $250000.00 migrant workers in lebanon are excluded from label or protections putting them at risk of exploitation and abuse that's according to human rights watch and amnesty international. reports from beirut the situation has been made worse in recent months because of a deepening economic crisis. mohamed is not backing down on his prices the vegetable seller has been arguing with the cost of the 15 minutes every bit of money he earns counts in the testing times the shortage of u.s. dollars which the local currency is means a large number of migrant workers like hundreds are unable to transfer money home to their families in their love of i can't send money to bangladesh i can only afford to eat and drink 100 dollars is no only worth 15 the store crisis started 4 or 5 months ago and foreign workers here are suffering it's not just me. with a lack of dollars in the bank than the lebanese currencies value on the black market reduced some employees have been forced to pay their workers and lira instead of dollars almost having the value of their salaries for many migrant workers 11 on sunday is a day of fright and some of them have come to this church to pray but they are clearly concerned as their weekly conversations have changed from catch up it's a financial problem according to the international labor organization the average salary of a domestic worker in lebanon is less than $250.00 a month. but the financial downturn has affected us all but foreign workers are some of the most vulnerable especially because of the lack of the legal protection with a shortage of dollars some aren't receiving their salaries and are defaulting on their grant doubling the possibility of being exploited for their. foreign domestic workers are excluded from lebanon's labor laws instead they're brought in on a sponsorship system one that some rights groups say leads to exploitation. and the sponsorship system means many foreign workers are not only exploited in lebannon but also that employers or users get away with it without being punished by law last week a new labor minister mean warrant that lebanese citizens will need to take jobs traditionally filled by my coworkers to cope with the effects of the economic crisis we contacted the ministry of labor and we're still waiting for comments on this story it's still not clear if lebanon's new government will reform the labor laws we're going to. sort of know a lot of my going to this is the worst i've seen it in the 12 years i've lived here but only god knows what the future holds for now foreign workers like mohamed have little option here or back home. al-jazeera. it's a style of ceramics that dates back centuries and a tradition that link spain in mexico now the cultural significance of calaveras pottery has been officially recognized by the un sculptural agency john heilemann reports from mexico where the style has become intertwined with the city's identity . this comes this traditionally may tell a bit of pottery which you miscues just declared in tangible cultural heritage. it starts with the clay. in central mexico they believe only the local variety can be used for true tyler better. from then on it's almost exclusively homemade an elaborate process which is survived 500 years salvador during the long line of television or potters putting their hand to the wheel 27 years ago. i saw how just from a lump of clay you could make art that captured my attention that the masters here made art from nothing. the intricate patterns which make tell a very unique one hand painted in workshop. which opened its doors 200 years ago there were only 6 permitted colors this blues come all the way from africa north but given that there's one at the end of this basically we don't just use any materials they're very special and we can take 3 months to finish a piece and that makes it unique. and this is the end product the unesco designation covering television a production employ also applies to the neighboring state of plus color and tell of it at the marina in spain that for many is a heartland when you come to probably see tell of it are all over the place in museums and churches and in colonial houses they say here that it's the place that produces the most traditional tell a better in the world. and it's a painstaking business so much so the cross people here worried that the new generation are being drawn to it and yoko i hope that this designation from unesco means that young people show more interest in learning this tradition so that we keep hold of it because of tell of our disappears and then we practically lose the city's identity. the about 100 people employed in casodex they believe traditional television or in their own livelihoods are also on the threat from cheaper copy cat ceramics they hope the unesco does ignatius help keep what they consider the real thing a life. john homan al jazeera web. well still ahead on al-jazeera. her 50 year white's base set of fans are finally celebrating a super bowl championship. all. parise paul finds us catch up with all the action with andy thank you so much sammy while the kansas city chiefs have ended their 50 year super bowl droughts quarterback patrick mahoney was was the star of the show as the chief fullback some beat the san francisco 49 is in miami then starts reports super bowl 54 from line with 100000000 watching worldwide the chiefs in the 49 ers did battle on one of sport's biggest stages here we go. a lot was expected from young chiefs quarterback patrick the holmes but he was frustrated by the 14 on his defense early on couple of points inside. the 24 year old dug deep throat and still managed to run in the game's 1st touchdown. to see some francisco had success too few weeks tuesday. so there was nothing in it at the halfway point with both teams looked on 10 points each. the game was in miami and the halftime show certainly had a latin flavor pop stars jennifer lopez and shapiro providing the entertainment i but the main fireworks was still to come in the 3rd quarter right he must post his way over to help the 49 ers open up a commanding lead they were 10 points ahead and time was running out for the chiefs but they'd come back in the 2 previous games and in the final quarter the homes started to fire times to suit the engine it 3 scoring drives in just over 5 minutes to turn the game completely on its head 21 unanswered points so the chiefs run away with a famous victory. for the 1st time. i have big celebrations but. as a city fans back home in missouri they've not seen that team lift the lombardi trophy since they beat the minnesota vikings in super bowl full back in 1970 was . the party will continue for a few days no doubt but the chiefs and the fans will hope that it's not another half century before they do it again david stokes al-jazeera. well the chaser now heading home with a victory pride sets a tight place on wednesday around the city and a full commissioner roger goodell has been congratulating the chiefs quarterback and super bowl m.v.p. patrick mohan's along with coach andy reid and him says it's going to take some time for the achievements to sink in in reality you never could imagine what what this feels like i mean it's surreal for me the survival championed the know all the hard work to put in every single day has paid off and be in the champs and be in the chance of your brothers you can never think of that but i mean it's it's are it's awesome. romelu lukaku is up to 20 goals for the season in some alarm the belgian striker scoring a couple more in this win over it in a.z. keeps in so within 3 points of league leaders events are scottish and sunnier conseco has invested heavily in experience during the transfer window christian eriksen ashley young and on loan chelsea victimizes all making their league their views in this to know when. the goal scoring sensation early in holland getting ready for his german cup debut the 19 year old norwegian has called 7 goals in his 1st 3 blunders they get appearances despite saying he still not fully fits private of bremen on shoes day in the english f.a. cup little boss juergen cop has been true to his promise and put the club's under 23 manager neil critchley here in charge of their reply against 30 sure he's very pop promising his 1st saying that they would get a proper rest during the premier league winter break and he'll play a young side on field on tuesday and perry said john carrick thomas to go has criticized neymar for hosting his 28th birthday bash in the french capital on sunday the events which was a whites themed party taking place 4 hours before a league game with nonsensical said it was a distraction but it didn't stop the likes of memphis to pine addison cavani joining in with now the conference the milwaukee bucks are banksy winning ways after losing to denver the bucs beat the phoenix suns on a sense to keep our school 30 points and 19 rebounds so late in a walk to fix you are 21 points the 6 win in 7 games that if any champions tour onside they tied a franchise record with 11 straight win beating the chicago bulls serge ibaka had 16 points terence davis scored $31.00 as they paid the bulls won $29.00 sawan singh . an australian open champion of a joke which is moved back to the top of the tennis world rankings after his record 8 title in melbourne service been showing off his 17th grand slam title joker which now just 3 behind roger federer is also on record of 20. today obviously it's a different feeling then last night i was pretty exhausted in kind of the flayed it was difficult to comprehend in really kind of contemplate as well on the on the victory and on the feeling and of course today i just feel relieved that. it's over ok that is how you sports is looking. thanks so much and they say it for this news hour but my colleague sara in london will be back in a moment another full bulletin of news so stay with us. on this the last time you were out on the streets protesting whether on line you feel the weight of the system when you walk through each and every love will work layer further and further into the jail or if you join us on say week entry has to start from day one whether again you and attention or your own participants this is a dialogue everyone has a voice for the north states that supply clock coverage will be varying accounts but i want to give people the reason for joining the global conversation on how does iraq. anti fascist anti establishment and pro violence. despite the recent official disbanding of its militarized wing a basque separatist movement just found alive and well on the terraces of a build files stadium. a place where political revolutionaries share a platform an ideology with violent football hooligans. read all death on al-jazeera. this is a domicile a man's 4th trip to boozy in 2 days the fisherman is using his boat to risk you as many people as he can was stranded in the flood hit area of the psycho to die struck mozambique i was up when i 1st saw women with babies on their backs crying for help saying they were dying and i knew i had to do something i was. they turned from the dark of being to whistle in the distance alerts us to people calling for help women children and the elderly are brought on board 1st hungry and thirsty it hasn't taken much time to pull the boat about 200 people have been rescued and more want to get on but this simply no space. a major escalation in northern syria turkey says it's retaliated after 5 turkish soldiers and 3 civilians are killed in syrian shelling. alone barbara starr you're watching i'll just see you are live from london also coming up hong kong shuts down several crossings that link it to mainland china in response to the coronavirus an election victory overturned the malawi's constitutional court nullifies the 2001000.

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