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a crackdown on protesters demanding political change the death of a young man in libya highlights the hard conditions of migrants held in detention camps and in school one of tennis's fiercest rivalries is set to resume at the australian open on player nick bates in karen catching off to set up a full fair match with rafael nadal. china's president says his country is facing a grave situation over the outbreak of the corona virus 41 people are now confirmed dead and more than 1300 people infected in a meeting with the communist party leadership see jumping warn the spread of the virus is accelerating 450 military medics have been deployed to the epicenter to help travel restrictions are in place across the country the most severe in city where the outbreak began which has been in near lockdown for 3 days it's now banning all non-essential vehicles from monday by july and mosques across the country have been closed including parts of the great wall in beijing and disneyland in shanghai it's usually a busy season for visitors because of the lunar new year holiday scott hardly has more from beijing. like the past several days the people of china again woke up to news that the corona virus has claimed more lives and more people have become infected. living with his family in will han moved to china 25 years ago we spoke to him on skype are you worried even further down the line that this this quarantine could last a month 6 weeks so this is like your you and you were. so. oh . well we don't go out. on line and. there's already all these concern is shared by people here in beijing and they're worried about the disease i always wash hands before and after me and every time a girl out i wear a mask back inside this time we didn't realize all serious to situation was but we've learned and doing much more actively now and the government of responding quickly and we fully support them 17 years ago the chinese government was criticized for acting too slowly when the sars virus killed nearly 800 people well most of whom province the epicenter of the corona virus is now under lockdown there is concern about the people who traveled before restrictions were put into place this as there's growing evidence that people might be carrying the virus without showing symptoms unwillingly passing it on to others the detail in park here in central beijing would normally be teeming with people out celebrating the 1st day of lunar new year but like right across china the festivities here have been canceled over concern of spreading the virus nationwide measures are being put into place on airplanes trains and buses to detect infected people the people of all han are being told that starting sunday no cars will be allowed on the streets of the city center. hundreds of military medical personnel have been sent to han to help with the growing number of cases and this is in addition to the more than 1000 civilian medical staff who have already been sent in from around china to hospitals are overcrowded and some have been treating patients who have been infected so as the people of china have a muted celebration it's still far from clear what impact the coronavirus will have on the chinese new year ahead scott either al-jazeera beijing. now or in hong kong at least 5 cases of the virus have been confirmed in a news conference on saturday its leader kerry lab raised the threat level on the territory as a result of the upright. and yet the. response has reached imagine sea level i will personally have into department to meetings and we have a command center so we can get the views from the experts and come up with strategies and initiatives when we deal with this public health event i think you'll understand that we need to be quick in making decisions when we can make decisions for the society of hong kong i remember around as in hong kong he explains what these emergency measures will look like. carrie lam hong kong's chief executive has decided this health crisis is serious enough to raise it to the emergency category now that followed a meeting with her key advisors including some of hong kong's top medical experts that meeting was convened just after kerry arrived back from davos in switzerland where she'd been attending the world economic forum now in addition to the various measures announced today carol lam didn't decide to impose a temporary closure of the border between hong kong and china even if she had wanted to it's doubtful that her political masters in beijing would have allowed it instead she's decided to embark on other measures including requiring all visitors from the mainland to sign and fill in health declaration forms this will apply to people entering hong kong by rail train plane and boat she's also going to extend the school holidays for universities kindergartens and schools until the middle of february also flights and train services between blue hand and hong kong will remain suspended and of course all official lunar new year celebrations have been canceled the french consulate in who had says it's working to provide transportation for its citizens to leave the city and in france itself new cases have been reported tasha butler is there. the french health minister and u.s. prison has confirmed there are 3 cases of patients with current virus in the country now we've learned a little bit more about those cases there's one couple a man and a woman who came from china they are tourists we understand who came on holiday to paris when they fell ill they had flown in from. and in fact they've now been hospitalized we understand that their case isn't too serious because they are remaining under strict surveillance there's also a man of 48 year old who also had come from china he had visited will have recently he fell ill and he is in the southwestern city of bordeaux we believe he works in the wine industry now the mayor of bordeaux has said that he had about 10 to 12 people have come forward to say that they have been in contact with this man who works in the wine industry they also work in the wine industry and of course they will have their health checked by the relevant authorities the mayor of bordeaux has said in fact the chinese new year celebrations in the city in southwestern france have been canceled as this health scare continues now the french health minister says that these cases in front of the 1st in europe that doesn't mean that there aren't any elsewhere she expects other cases to be found but she believes that these 1st cases have been confirmed in france because french authorities have been very quick to test the patients and very quick to announce that they had this virus. just to queen's university belfast who joins us on skype from there one of the worst you 1st of all about your impression of what you see out of china we're seeing the number of cases grow we're seeing the number of fatalities grow you confident in the measures that the government there is putting in place. i think this is a very serious situation that they'd be taken very seriously is that. people that make the mail and importantly and spreading person to person really. great quickly i know we have we don't 'd have any vaccines we don't have drugs to cure this viral infection all we have is prevention the major part of that credentials just for him getting something good sections i mean i think and this is a measured response of the so-called response and only time will tell a successful 'd what about the spirit internationally moretti seeing that there are concerns about reported cases in places like africa for instance different countries have different abilities to be able to deal with it how about that level of international coordination and cooperation and capacity that's needed to be able to stop the spreading further so as i said this is a farce that can spread from person to person relatively easily and very early and you know break. information virus that actually alarms diagnostic abilities to be built. in the international community so there are a number of diagnosis that's in play it's. be these things might be very successful to pick them up in developed countries for example but it's only what kind of impact rate might say on the bill or other parts of the issue that might not. readily accept responses. of course there are many illnesses in the regular flu of course tykes many lives every year more than what we're seeing right now but you touched on this in your stance a it is the unknown isn't it it is the unknown what impact this could have and the inability right now to deal with it no vaccines for instance to be able to deal with it that's what really adds the sense of urgency doesn't it. that's completely correct and i think we're in. the learning every day we're learning every day our. but what has to be the last thing this virus would be and. 'd the other viruses we don't need another created by iris might even be worse than what we just don't meet other ones we need to extinguish it 'd. kind of bamford appreciate you joining us on the program thank you well security forces in lebanon have used water cannon and tear gas to stop protesters marching to government headquarters in the capital the demonstrators want an overhaul of the political system add an end to corruption a new government was formed on tuesday after months of demonstrations but they say it's just more of the same elite amnesty international has urged those usually does to reign in security forces following a haas crackdown on protesters resign the heart is live for us now in by route we've seen more haven't we zinah on the streets and not of what we've seen in recent days till sports what you saw there the save the numbers involved in the level of aggression or violence tonight compared to recent days. riot police managed to disperse a few 100 protesters quite quickly i may say they used water cannons and they used excessive amounts of tear gas as you can see this square behind me central beirut is now a clear hundreds of anti-riot police as well as the lebanese army they have been deployed to chase the protesters away from these from this area protesters were trying to break through the security cordon outside government palace on previous evenings what they did try to do was break through the security cordon outside parliament building the authorities have in recent days stepped up security measures in this area they have placed concrete. barbed wire really beefing up the security around around central beirut which really angered a lot of lebanese they said that you cannot protect yourself behind those walls we will continue to demand your downfall we do not consider the new government legitimate we reject the new government because it is a mirror of the previous one and we want the legislature we want the law makers to reside and we want early elections so that is what they are demanding they are continue to continue to make these demands and they say they have no other choice but to step up. these these this protest action in the 1st few in the 1st few months it was a peaceful protest but now it's turning into riots and really there is a fear that as long as this unrest continues it could really spiral out of control so i thank you zain the whole lot for us by room for more protesters have been killed in iraq security forces crackdown there on id government demonstrations. in the capital and syria police moved into the streets surrounding tahrir square for a large group left champs in an area of the capital but been occupying since october some of those leaving that you know yeah supporters of the pop. he withdrew his support for the protests corresponded in reports from baghdad. without warning the southern us packed up their tents and left square the focal point of iraq's anti-government protest movement the book led by influential shia muslim cleric knocked out al assad that is the largest in parliament and it had been here in solidarity with the protesters since it began in october for some left behind the departure is nothing less than a betrayal going to look at the job ahead of what. it seems our demonstration has been stolen from as they could attack us any moment we are careful but we will either die or keep the square i won't leave until my demands are met but no i am disappointed my father protected us with his followers. this other is how political power and they offered the protest movement political influence and physical protection that may now have gone. to so the rest say they are disappointed with the reaction of some of the protesters to a rally by tens of thousands of iraqis they organized in baghdad on friday demanding the withdrawal of u.s. troops from the country they say although they support the protests they can no longer be a part of them this other a supposed the presence of u.s. forces in iraq some of the protesters are worried that the southern wrist might hijack the movement to advance their own anti u.s. agenda it's a division the souther is fair could lead to conflict until no hint of the so the once the protests of just continue because we want. to come to the end that a new independent government will come in order to roll the county till the till we have a new elections with the new new decision. so but if a kind of clashes started inside the sequence it will hum too much so we don't like to be a part of this clash is the news that saddam has moved his supporters out of the square is concerning to many who remain inside is this the beginning of the end of the protest movement that's the question on the lips of many of the protesters now they are already very angry because they've had to temper their demands at the beginning of the protest movement in october they wanted a complete overhaul of the political system that actually now tempered that saying they want a new prime minister who can kohl elections and even that hasn't happened. in tucker a square it seems the future of the protest movement is now at stake imran khan al-jazeera. to libya now french newspaper le monde is reporting your claims of saudi and russian influence in the country's civil war in december officials from the un recognized government accuse moscow of deploying russian mercenaries to fight alongside will or to leave after according to the amount of these mercenaries work for a private russian security firm by the name of wagner group now they've been instrumental in after offensive on tripoli which started in april and according to the newspaper sources the firm has received funding from saudi arabia the man says wagner group employs anywhere between $302000.00 people that was created at the beginning of the year crimean conflict in 2014 and it's also reportedly sent mercenary fighters to syria sudan and central africa impact is a known resident fellow at the middle east institute he's also founder of libya analysis l.l.c. a consultancy and he joins us on skype from party in italy good to have you with us all in all a bit more about this group because it's all the 1st time they've been accused of being involved in libya and of course run by with close links to vladimir putin what's the extent of involvement here. well there's every reason to believe that the story in the monde is is accurate it follows in a chain of such stories and the russians are willing to use whatever leverage they have so they use some diplomatic lever's they give drones when that gives them influence they've used training to help us forces before and this use over the past 9 months of mercenaries is only a continuation of the reconnaissance and training that they had given previously i think the wrinkle in the amman story that's worth pointing out to your viewers is the question of saudi payment knowing as we've known about both 300 or a 1000 but the idea that there are multiple huffed are backers working together and even ones that don't traditionally coordinate like the saudis and immoralities coordinate about libya matters all the time but the idea that saudi and russia are coordinating in such a direct manner that's a very interesting wrinkle to look at how they're influencing the conflicts but it does say doesn't it that this conflict is in in every way a proxy conflict you're talking about saudi you're talking about the u.a.e. you're talking about turkey on the other side and of course russian involvement as well and being a proxy conflict what complications then does that bring to this. i mean i say it goes beyond a proxy conflict it was a proxy conflict for when the civil war started over tripoli in 2014 what it really is is an extra territorial drone war and as an extra territorial drone war turks fight emma roddy's without any reference to the libyans at all they don't support proxies the outside actors do the fighting themselves both with drones and mercenaries so that's quite different to what we've seen over the past weeks as this truly extraterritorial war happening on libyan territory without reference to the libyan coalition's what we've seen over the last few weeks is that that now has a new range of summits there was the summit in moscow between turkey and russia and now there was the multilateral berlin summit and just right now and yesterday a summit of other african leaders in algeria these summits also happen without reference to the libyan coalition so truly an extra territorial war different from syria or yemen which are proxy wars good to have you on the program just appreciate your analysis thank you my pleasure. will stay in libya and the death of a never trained teenager in a tripoli detention camp this week has highlighted the plight of more than 40000 africans living in makeshift centers most have been detained while attempting to flee violence and search for a new life in europe but. conditions in tripoli camps are appalling so anybody visited one detention center neither being kept. driven by poverty or pushed by fear and persecution either way most migrants escaping their homeland mostly in sub-saharan africa end up here on the coast of north africa libya can be the start of a bright new life for the beginning of a nightmare in the capital tripoli thousands wait each day for the chance of manual work the money they earn is used on a mediterranean crossing to europe sent back to their families or to buy food they come with a dream but the reality of life here is far from a dalit and there's there's i came here to make money and it's better than staying in your own country because here your mind is more free but now there isn't work like before you sometimes don't even have enough to eat they won't openly say they want to go to europe that would provoke arrest but most not all want to joshua made that crossing in spent 6 years in europe before being deported from austria last year his dream was to become a rap artist but he found only hardship and difficulty in europe i can make money if the people are living abroad so i decided to work my morning. and go back to my country and establish my talent because i'm a good musician. but you can tell from the drain faces that optimism among many african migrants is in short supply these africa workers do their jobs that they don't want to do they earn just a few dollars a day but it's still more than they can earn in their own countries they often live in basic deprived conditions but even so in some respects they are the lucky ones these migrants are some of the estimated 40000 detained in libya most were arrested trying to cross the mediterranean sea to europe at this center in zawiya west of tripoli there are almost 500 detainees some of whom have been held for 4 years many have applied for political asylum or settlement in europe it's a place of bad living conditions and broken dreams 16 year old adel de brett see on a skate political persecution in eritrea with a dream of a new life his life ended in a detention center in tripoli when he died in mysterious circumstances aid organizations say that getting explanations and access to migrant centers isn't easy it is a sovereign state and where we can advocate to. improve the conditions close the centers and find alternatives to this approach but. in the state that the country is in right now. it's a very very difficult undertaking. the cash strapped internationally recognized libyan government says it's doing its best under the circumstances but can't adequately help its own people who've been displaced in the conflict let alone migrants that's no comfort to a large who is from nigeria she's been in detention for nearly 4 years 3 of her 5 children have been born in centers and she's being caught trying to reach europe 4 times my kids are going through a lot of risk going through crises. strikes going through they risk all of this the constant pressure and that's makes i'm not proud of my. own. myself because i kept on asking myself why am i brought them to this award. for the migrants have learned to cope with hardship in limited choices they've had to the so called crossing season with comma seas in the mediterranean is approaching and many will be making the choice of either sticking with what they have or gambling on a dangerous voyage and the unknown prospects in a europe which is not as welcoming as it once was tony berkeley al-jazeera. boy is for us president donald trump of being presenting their defense at the senate impeachment trial have 3 days to count a democratic arguments that he abused his power in dealing with ukraine trumps accused of pressuring kiev to dig up dirt on former vice president joe biden by withholding military aid he's denying any wrongdoing or going from legal team have maintained that he is innocent they were accusing the democrats of intentionally neglecting the contents of that phone call transcript between trump and he's ukrainian counterpart the transcript shows that the president did not condition either security assistance or a meeting on anything the paused security assistance funds aren't even mentioned on the call 2nd president selenski and other ukrainian officials have repeatedly said that there was no quid pro quo and no pressure on them to review anything further president selenski and high ranking ukrainian officials did not even know did not even know the security assistance was paused until the end of august over a month after the july 25 call forth not a single witness testified. that the president himself said that there was any connection between any investigations and security assistance a presidential meeting or anything else 5th the security assistance flowed on september 11th and a presidential meeting took place on september 25 without the ukrainian government announcing any investigations finally the democrats' blind drive to impeach the president does not and cannot change the fact as attested to by the democrats' own witnesses that president trump has been a better friend and stronger supporter of ukraine than his predecessor those are the facts but the white house legal counsel accused the democrats of using the impeachment case to interfere in the upcoming u.s. presidential elections they're asking you not only to overturn the results of the last election but as i've said before they're asking you to remove president trump from the ballot in an election that's occurring in approximately 9 months they're asking you to tear up all of the ballots across this country on your own initiative take that decision away from the american people let's go that hadija castro who's standing by on capitol hill in washington d.c. heidi didn't white very long today did that to outline the beginning of this defense and then adjourned very quickly what do we take away from that. that's right well you're seeing the president counsel strategy of keeping this thing narrow and short they're really playing to the senators you know shortened attention spans after we've already seen 3 days a very long and exhaustive arguments on part of the other side the democratic house impeachment managers who are trying to convince the senators to remove president trump from office we also heard the president's defense opening their statements today with a question for those senators asking them if they've really considered what it would be like to remove the president from office they would be the 1st senate to ever make that vote in an impeachment trial and what that would do to the country to the president's counsel they're really trying to bolster their their argument as you mention that they believe this is a democratic. strategy or attempts a partisan attempt to undo the last elections and in their words conduct the most massive election interference in the upcoming election by using this impeachment to smear the president and really i'll believe you look at these these facts on face value this is not just trial over whether or not president trump is guilty of the actions he's accused of because this is a political calculation that under the constitution these senators have to make they're both impartial jurors and they are still politicians and if they vote to convict the president that is by default meaning that he would be removed from office which means that a very drastic option to consider and more reason to believe that a little is almost all but certain how the judge castro live from capitol hill thank you. still ahead on al-jazeera one year on the families of those killed in brazil's worst mining disaster still white for justice and why a church sculpture in eastern germany is at the center of an anti semitism round in sport a famous face witnesses a memorable bun in austrian skiing history. hello it is feeling generally more winter nassar at the middle east although the cloud and this cold here goes through iraq and that's with a lot of the rain falls snow of course in the mountains that's on his way through we're usually following these things you get quite a wind across iraq dancer's ago which is quite cold the backs are in baghdad is 60 next when they're high is 80 and you could almost add wind chill i know it seems wrong some possible with the give 18 degrees it does feel comparatively cold is there for a couple of days got a strong wind there were a few showers in oman and yemen they've gone now so it's dry it's just the feeling is in a bit or wintry it's still drying levant by the way for a couple of days at least the weather is more active in the west and then the cloud that spreads from it will bring little rain into morocco coastal out and this cloud might stick and you'll see a scattering of showers inland now dearie tunisia and in libya in the next couple of days what otherwise north africa is fairly dry down the rift valley the rush hours seasonally the rain is heavy bangali through tanzania and it has been in madagascar there has been flooding recently it looks at the showers or rather we can have a spinner there that's a tropical cyclone dianne that's just gone through this so it's on its way out into the ocean. join africa's largest trade and investment bank in the wonder i.e.t.f. gives you access to more than 1100 exhibitors and 10000 visitors and baez and more than 5000 conference delegates from more than 55 countries participate in trade in investment deals with $40000000000.00 u.s. dollars as business and government come together to explore business and networking opportunities at the international exhibit which will include a creative africa exchange by the african export import bank and the premium fatness the i.e.t.f. 2020 transforming africa. trust is fundamental to all our relationships we trust banks with our money doctors without really personal protection got what happens to trust in a world driven by alfred as more want to see chanson made for us by these complex piece of code the question that comes up is inevitable can we trust algorithms in the 1st of a 5 part series hourly rate questions the neutrality of digital deductions trust me i'm an algorithm on a jersey if. you're watching al-jazeera who's a reminder of our top stories this hour china's president says his country is facing a grave situation of the outbreak of the coronavirus siege in pink was the virus is now excel in writing the military has been deployed to the epicenter of the outright that's killed 41 people security forces in lebanon have used water cannon and tear gas to stop protesters marching to govern the headquarters in the capital i want an overhaul of the political system headed into corruption. lawyers for us president donald trump adjourned until monday having finished their 1st session in their defense as part of the senate impeachment trial by have 3 days to count the democratic arguments that he abused his power in dealing with you crime. or the leader of israel's blue and white party benny gantz says he will travel to the u.s. to meet don't trump on monday along with his political rival prime minister benjamin netanyahu they're expected to discuss a peace plan for the middle east kerry forces joins me live now from west jerusalem harry was this at the invitation of the white house or was this something that was suggested by benjamin netanyahu that benny gantz should be there. well originally it was suggested by benjamin netanyahu at least that was the public messaging coming from the israeli prime minister and that's what had left benny gantz in this pretty invidious position where it looked like it was a lose lose option he could either go and be accused or be seen as sort of being a cheerleader and a 3rd wheel to a trump netanyahu loven in washington where this this plan which has been in the works for so long was finally unveiled and netanyahu and trump talking in their traditionally very warm terms about each other or he could stay here and be accused of not really making the most of this opportunity which netanyahu says it is to annex parts of the occupied west bank and and really make a big play to the israeli political right just ahead of the election at the beginning of march what no one really expected really good especially given the fact that gantz has been criticized for being a political neophyte and for some political naivety in his relatively short career as a leading politician so far was that he find a way out and a pretty spectacular one he said that he had been invited individually personally and respectfully by the white house by president trump for a separate meeting a day ahead of this planned event on tuesday he would be meeting trump on monday and he said that this deal could be a landmark towards a regional agreement historic one very soon after he made the statement those then a statement from the prime minister's office in which netanyahu said he was to meeting president trump on monday separately so it looks like both men are trying to get a way out of all of this gantz is trying to show his equality saying that you know he is the leader of the largest party in israel just ahead of the election and that that is the status with which he's taking himself to washington he's not there as an add on to a trump netanyahu event perry thank you for that harry force of life westerners let . well palestinians are reacting well to that long awaited middle east peace plan so far a senior diplomat has called the so-called deal of the century a fraud this is actually the fraud of the century the fraud of the century but it's the. they're speaking about jerusalem being israel's capital no palestinian state no 96 of them borders the next station of the jordan valley and the ditsy shores and extension of the settlements legal system israeli settlements that that means. destroying old terms of her francis provided for to achieve peace between palestinians israelis robbing the 2 state solution of the radar screens and above all canceling everything relating to international law and international legitimacy. search and rescue efforts continue in eastern turkey after a powerful earthquake struck light on friday at least 29 people have been killed and more than a 1000 injured buildings collapse near the epicenter of the magnitude 6.8 trouble with the epicenter was in a town of nearly 4000 people in the past the populated province of a lawsuit that's about 700 kilometers east of the capital ankara cinema is all that has been to the scene and sent us this up. circus presenters of tape add on and leading members of his cabinet are here in order to make a survey in the street where we are where we have 2 buildings that have collapsed and under which there are still some people stuck under the wreckage prison talent came here in the late afternoon and joined in financials in some funerals and sent his condolences to the people during the funeral he said turkey turkish government will do its best in order to cover. all the losses here we are seeing the ngos delivering blankets and some other things to people who are in need because some of the buildings are dumb and still some people are afraid to get inside their buildings and we are hearing that mostly the kids are very afraid by the way so risky works are on their way right behind us there are vehicles trying to trying to move the wreckage and just how if an hour ago one more person was pulled from the wreckage and chew it that person was alive and the 1st one was was taken to the hospital by the ambulance so right now there are exactly 40 people who were pool to pull from the wreckage and the rescue team say that they believe there are 19 more people remaining on the wreckage in 5 buildings. that have collapsed last night. with least 3 people have been killed during intensive strikes by the syrian government on the last rebel held area in the north a woman and 2 children were killed in a right in the town of the province activists a barrel bombs were also dropped from helicopters in the town of kufa home north of aleppo more than 350000 people have been displaced from the region since early december. at least 2 people have been killed by shelling in me about the military's artillery hit a house in a row of village in western rakhine state 7 others were injured the victims were all civilians at a government protest been held in july about in your 100 days of social unrest their police used water cannon and t.v.'s to break up the demonstration in the capital santiago what started in october as a protest of a rising metro phase has transformed into widespread anger over the struggling economy and social inequality at least $27.00 people have been killed since the protests began bolivia's interim president says she will run in the upcoming election despite initially suggesting that she would not join in says she hopes to unite the divided country the vote in may will be a rerun of october's disputed election that saw former leader if a morale is reelected he resigned and fled to mexico after weeks of violent protests and years to power in november ceremonies will shortly begin to mark 2 years since brazil's worst industrial disaster at least 259 people were killed when a dam collapsed sending a sly a tide of toxic waste into the city of river dinos many of the families of the victims say they're still waiting for justice but we're rapidly traveled there and sent this report. a security camera captured what happened exactly one year ago. the collapse of the dam unleashed a torrent of toxic mud and debris which killed $270.00 people and left entire community forever scarred. volunteer rescuers such as cleanup say searching for survivors was like being in a war zone at the reach of the corpse we found between 20 and 30 bodies in this area alone the helicopter was constantly going up and down taken body parts because there were only a few bodies found intact i fund only one body intact what we found the most was body parts and dead animals. for those who survived recalling the events of that day brings back traumatic memories. of the mio fit data used to work for the dams owner brazilian mining company valley of the mio sister and sister in law both died in the disaster. he places the blame entirely on the mining company who watched him in a just. the dictionary does not even have a word to describe how irresponsible greedy and cowardice they are us what happened here was premeditated as i say this you looking into your eyes with no fear of being run. earlier this week prosecutors in minas gerais dies charged 16 individuals with murder including valley's chief executive 5 your shorts and athletes. our investigation found that valley knew about structural inefficiencies within the damask fall back as 2017 but did nothing to address the problems we hope the charges lead to prison time for those for sponsible. prosecutors say that not only did volley know that he catastrophic collapse was possible employees of another company to have sued of germany had previously inspected the dam saying it was stable and knowingly helped to finally hide the truth about the risks valley did not agree to al-jazeera as requests for an interview but the company did provide a statement calling the legal charges quote premature adding that valley is committed to aiding authorities with the ongoing investigation. 11 bodies were never recovered and the city of broome of the continues to face other challenges such as an environmental disaster that hasn't fully finished playing out. joins us live now from burma tenure in brazil and while the trial of course goes ahead you're also looking at people having to recover and rebuild their lives what's it like for the people there now. absolutely stand one year on today by marking that anniversary of one of the worst tragedies in the nation's history certainly the worst industrial disaster in the nation's history it's been a somber day very sad to see people come out to commemorate the lives lost that were activities and and ceremonies taking place here in the city of new movie new today that was a march held most of the people that came out today came out to pay their respects just about everybody in this town knew somebody that was lost in that disaster knew somebody that that died in that disaster it's a town it's a mining town they are highly dependent on the income generated from the valley company but it seems as though people's attitudes certainly are changing when it comes to the issue of mining in this town i want to give you a sense of why we're here where we are right now this is an area where activities were supposed to take place today where a ceremony was supposed to take place but because of heavy rains and heavy flooding many of those activities have been canceled so the crowds that were out here earlier today protesting against the company against volley people that were out here paying their respects to the victims have already dispersed they've already gone home but there's there's apart from the anger apart from the sadness and the many other emotions that people here fear feel today there's also fear there struck today ssion over the rains over the flooding that's taking place because there are other dams here in this region a boom of the you know that are categorized by the government as being at risk so people have very much that event that took place last year that disaster here in burma do you know and that fear that something like this could not not could happen again but fear that it's only a matter of time before it does happen again stan. you talked about just the these charges that have been laid against executives is there the possibility that this will a going to be employed as this goes forward. the investigation into who exactly is responsible is actually still ongoing and it's the investigation is being. led by several different organizations some of them multi national organizations that are looking into this matter we attempted to get an interview from valley executives for an interview unfortunately we we were denied in an interview but we did speak to prosecutors who say that it's a good 1st step despite the the company saying that they don't agree with the charges the prosecutors in this in this case say that it's a good 1st step toward finding accountability and after all that is what the people of the you know are asking for here stan. live for us in burma didn't i thank you with the world who commemorated international holocaust day on monday but in germany there's growing concern at the rising levels of the semitism go to marry in the most you know with more of that on european broadcasts at america. yeah thanks than will one example of that anti semitism is the presence of historical sculptures and works of art that reflect the countries and teach english past particularly graphic example lies in the eastern town of which in bug well one specific culture is now at the center of a court battle dominic kane reports now from east in germany. that and back makes much of its link with the mediæval protestant martin luther from here he would preach of the faithful but it's what he and this church said about another faith which remains controversial for in the 14th century this sculpture was placed on the outside of the building it's called the you wouldn't know or jewish south considered by most people to be a deliberately derogatory depiction of jews and judaism michael do man is so incensed by it he's repeatedly gone to court to have it removed. by side of the union sell itself as a terrible fortification of judaism been for a binnacle to the ism and the defamation of the jews the false affiliation of judaism defamations insulting the jews the jewish people of israel with the terrible effect. the church shares his distaste what sense the sculpture should stay as a warning from history successive court rulings of up held that view as i thought about it ourselves it's a dilemma and we look to to reconcile with history and thereby try to reach reconciliation between 2 days into christianity of the debate about this culture really matters because it's not just in wrist city that such historical anti semitism is on show in fact there are similar so-called new wooden one in and on churches right across this country. and how more than germans deal with anti semitism is perhaps best symbolized here at the holocaust memorial in berlin where one leading academic told me of the dangers anti semitism still poses today through to his community leverage leaders are particularly pointing to those new groups new motiv south and her senators and that are occurring let's name it so respect it was speaking of the so-called new right across europe saw a sort of a new nationalist. or monday the world will mark the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the auschwitz nazi death camp a moment to remember those murdered by mechanized anti semitism back in britain back a plaque lies under the you wouldn't dedicated to the many millions whose only crime was to have a different face one which depictions like the one above the plaque have been desecrated the century less dominant cane al-jazeera in eastern germany to spain now where venezuela's opposition leader is on the latest leg of his tour of europe is addressing a rally of supporters of the moment arrived in the trade from france after holding talks with the french president emanuel macron he also attended the world economic forum in davos switzerland is recognized as venezuela's interim president by more than 50 nations now but he has been unable to take power from president nicolas maduro. and then just one of the stories that bring you protests is some of them dressed in sheepskins and cowbells have gathered outside bulk areas parliament to demand action over water shortages demonstrates his who are residents of the city of fair nick suspected bribery and corruption are behind the city's shortage of water that they describe as a new main humanitarian crisis residents a pair next only most associate dean a dam will be empty within 2 weeks. i'll be back with more from london very shortly now to stand. still ahead on al-jazeera in sport the premier league rivals sit for a repeat performance and evolution if i go. on counting the cost a nation representing point 3 percent of the world's population but 5 percent of carbon emissions in australia give up its addiction to call it promises to go carbon neutral by the year 2050 plus we're looking at 11 and how long before it turned to be counting the cost on al-jazeera. when you see big groups of people walking through europe they're all individuals with children the low lifes you have to deal with and to treat listen to this in respects. al-jazeera explores prominent figures of the 20th century and how rivalries influenced the course of history steve jobs a much better marketer than bill gates for apple is going to reinvent stuff build made software what it is to train the world to high tech visionaries whose breakthroughs inspired the digital revolution jobs and gates face to face on al-jazeera. that is tough for that news and thank you so much stan were one of tennis's faris is rather easy is set to resume the australian open hunk favorite nick curiosus setting up a 4th round encounter with top seed rafael nadal cripples. it's the grudge match tennis fans have been waiting for the s. rivals nick curious and roughly on the dollar will face off in the 4th round of the australian open. the doll is looking an ominous form ahead of the showdown comfortably beating public or in a booster in straight sets in the last 32. the world number one says this was his best performance of the tournament so far and finding his form couldn't have come at a better time. with the spaniards set to take on a man that mocked him earlier in the competition and who nadar has accused of having no respect for other players serious wants the method to intentionally hitting it out with a shot during a match. it's clear that of course when he does stuff that in my opinion is not good i don't like the players who. are important for the tour when he is ready to play his best tennis player with passion is one of these guys. what he's doing the other stuff of course i like. curius has shown he has what it takes to deliver a big performance and to advance he had to beat the highest seeded karen cash in all the by the australian shot to fame by upsetting the dollar wimbledon in 2014 and at times against caution of he died that form back in the about the a but after blowing a 2 set lead he needed to get through a final set tie break against his russian opponent with and as it crept towards midnight in melbourne the crowd finally got what they wanted the thought was serious winning the longest match of this career the band setting up a face off against an adult what about the trainers is an amazing foil you know he's you know arguably the greatest of all time so under some of the thing about that right now i'm saying the legs going to not spot again some sort of set theory will still have to be at his best to be hopes to beat nadal. al-jazeera. the number 2 seed carolina prosecutor is the latest women's player to be knocks out pliska who is the semifinalist in melbourne last year was stunned in the 3rd round by $38.00 c. and a star's year publish the russian base impressive in straight sets 7676 this coming just a day after the feats for serina williams and defending champion by only our sacca . also gone 5th seed alina's with selina the ukrainian well beaten by former french open and wimbledon champion god being in the group for the spaniard losing just 3 games in this straight sets. now a late goal from morocco softly on the foul in southampton a replay against tottenham in the english f.a. cup team taking the lead in this 4th round tie sunbeam in the opener there in the 2nd half before a prize for the home seems just 3 minutes to go one more on the final score. seconds here west brom of knocked out west ham of the premier league goal from qana townsend deciding this one winning return to the one study with west brom manager stuff and village was fired by west ham in 2017. and leicester all of a spirited challenge from 2nd see brentford can each year not shows scoring the only goal of this game just to just 4 minutes branford well they did have chances to equalise but it finished one nil to the premier league's. new manager kick a city and suffered his 1st defeat since taking charge of the spanish champions beaten 2 nil away for once hear those fighting between the 2 sets of fans outside the stadium before kick off the lens year later issuing a statement saying those involved had nothing to do with the values of their claims . australia's men's football team is just qualified for the olympic games for the 1st time since 2008 the aussies beating defending champions is back a stand in the 3rd place play for the under $23.00 asian championships the only goal of the game coming here from nick there a stain or astrologer in frost japan saudi arabia and south korea as the continent's representatives. pakistan of beaten bangladesh in the 2nd t 20 of their series in a hall but 1st bangladesh restricted to a score of $136.00 to $6.00 that same back playing international cricket pakistan for the 1st time in 12 years pakistan caps and barbarism and how to face both of our centuries as the hunting easter knowing which it will with more than 3 overs to spare pakistan misstates how the world rankings if they complete 3 will soon sweep monday. austria's messiah as my has tried to harm start one of skiing's most prestigious events austrian born all sports in a go one of the thousands of fans out so watch the world cup their whole race on the field strive course and kids be able to sign olympic champion my becoming the 1st time winner there in 6 years. and sake look at a shot from china's action where it goes dubai desert classic holing out for a go on the 1st hole of his 3rd round for birdies forward for the 34 year old as he carded a $67.00 he'll go into some base final round one shot clear at the top are feeling . ok but i suppose looking for now stem for example that's if maybe this berm about we're going about it with all of the day's. work. big stories generally sounds like maybe angles in this story are too numerous for comfort with different angles from different perspectives things never really bring relief. money to war to even separate the spin from the facts the misinformation from the judge was on the set was clear and sounds to me and clear people's focus with the listening post on al-jazeera. new leaders please childred in this refugee camp the latest victims of the unending sectarian violence in central african republic among them are survivors of unspeakable violence 10 year olds his mother is dead her father is gone killed because they were christian by their own muslim neighbors this is a least you home an overcrowded refugee camp of 23000 people surrounded by armed militia groups celine wants answers she says she wants to be asking the questions and so we traded places inch took the microphone will we find peace how can we make the violence stop when will i be able to return home. a lifetime of emulation and stroke by stroke copying. selling reproductions can pay the bills but frustrate the artist. a pilgrimage to discover his hero inspires an awakening that it's more rewarding to create than to imitate. dreaming of vincent a witness documentary on al-jazeera. emergency measures in china millions in lock down and transport links suspended in a race to contain a deadly new virus president she wants the spread is accelerating. low i was in and you're watching al-jazeera also coming up on the program lebanese protesters attempt to storm a government headquarters in beirut but a push back by take gas and water cannon. the president did absolutely nothing wrong. donald trump's lawyers.

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