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a severe cases and you have more of those and then maybe we are missing some mild cases because people will just be a little bit sick and will not be ever tested and they will recover so you know we may see more mild cases as surveillance intensify so there is not so much really on the numbers that that we know that will will will go up doctors and home call have treated more than 200 patients suspected of having the virus thousands of people have presented themselves to hospital emergency departments. yes today we have from more than 5000. in the attendance. pats occupancy rate is 97 percent and she is quite full but not as full as at the peak of the in the search so right now it's like the fighter but we are we perceived after . the wrong holiday usually there will be further search in the amount of the amount not just from the isolation that but from the other things like the flu symptoms. other kinds of feces. to protesters have been killed in the latest anti-government demonstration in iraq a capital baghdad where some a binge of eid was at the protest the latest in a series against a message to government corruption we were there a couple of hours ago at the area square it was it was very tense protesters tried to block the roads they had lot of cocktails in their hand they were burning tires in the streets as news broke of these 2 approach to protesters being killed on the moment of awesome highway this is the main freeway which links to east with links to the eastern and western part of baghdad and the key are tree which people use for their daily commute something that the protesters since saturday since monday have been trying to block off and there have been clashes with the government forces they come out in the numbers during the day blocked the highway bird tires and the police force has been coming in hitting them with bullets as well as palast international saying that these canisters not been used for gas canisters not being used for just dispersal of the crowd but are being aimed at the protesters head so it will be used to kill them. there has been a powerful earthquake in turkey according to the country's interior ministry at least 4 people have died in the magnitude 6.8 tremor in the east the quake's epicenter was 550 kilometers away from ankara and had a depth of 10 kilometers it was them a gratz in the senate impeachment trial of president from their arguments on abuse of power and on obstruction of congress trump is accused of withholding military aid to ukraine in exchange for an investigation into his political rival joe biden . turkey's president says more military personnel are being sent to libya to train troops for the un recognized government taipei the hyundai the comments during a news conference with the german chancellor angela merkel turkey is supporting the tripoli based government in its months long battle with the warlord had me for half their. so downs government has signed a peace agreement with the sudanese people's liberation movement armed group that forms part of a larger regional peace plan the s.p.l. m. has been fighting the government since 2011 when south sudan gained independence the group has been demanding self rule in the blue nile and south kordofan region ordering south sudan. these are the headlines that stay with us latin america a giant in turmoil is coming up next that i'm going to have more news for you at half an hour i hope you'll join me then. a clap of thunder and latin america. extreme right wing politics are back in brazil the less golden years are fading fast from the caribbean to. defeat has followed defeat almost everywhere the right is gaining ground in argentina the conservatives won the 2015 elections chile has changed direction. of venezuela is caught in a period of uncertainty and protests have set light to nicaragua. and bolivia able morale as was ousted in what many are calling a. hard time for the last. 5. after years of glorious gemini the lot an american left to suffer on president setbacks. showing yourself to be in that camp can prove to be suicide. only too well having run for the presidency on 3 occasions and losing every time. a personal failure. or the collective defeat of an entire political family which once represented hope for a brighter future. to see. if they're going to get i know i notice. i mean a lot of them that i'm in this i'm about what i want to. shelter for them when you don't know how to. you went up market less than a going to mean around the contest. i must. run and i thought it was when. you know i'm going to let you know you know. why such rejection. enríquez all manami needs to understand the reasons so he's going on a journey to meet the left's most prominent figures are crossed the continent. this is a time for self criticism. first stop the indispensable ancestor the left inspiration. cuba. over 6 decades ago fidel castro fought for and won the territory and destiny of the people that had been almost the private preserve of the united states. for the latin american left the cuban revolution became the example to follow. and now the country is exhausted ravaged by a ferocious embark oh and the idea of an egalitarian society does not inspire people as it once did. all. those in the images of the story of the women the ones it's more. difficult. for in those only most are. the one of. the most unusual melodious little. or is it about them or what either of them told us an in-group told it goes or you go. i don't know the middle of it all. you know you know all the roman home in old sylar to my own. i mean you know then when the one thing you have a gathering of and i am in my face and i get a look at bust i've not yet made up of the limit for the people i beat up or leave the guy if we win we can we sum up what i'm told i gave. it no me says it's well known the fact is if you haven't been there bank of it's the land of brain dead based on the letter i'll admit i'm a senior. and oddly double i'm wondering you know my basic i.e.e.e. move to put up with that and. a lot of the right you know it's not vocal. it's a lot of. give us healthcare system is one of socialism is victories but the system to make sure people can feed themselves doesn't work quite as well. the state ration book has always been able cubans to put food on their table but over the years the range of produce has greatly reduced. demand their money demanded i do involve super from going to think that they didn't they told me what i did with the nickel needed to hold my. ability to deliver it to . me that it will. give us you know that you're a woman who doesn't. know this isn't going to. happen so. you know what one of those was your question go to the awful state that most of them belong. to yes homes have. to leave us with the cafe want to act like a guzzling the so. what a miss. at the gate and look out. for you tonight that those others will. be totally going to have you with out. he would do to their limit but you know if the drug is. what a bottle of coke is that i would never have made without the little bottom one picking the individual we're going to go to a good arguing with you but i'll give you a dangle steak this year this isn't a general to say. i'm going to be really good at the people so let me milk you guys the same for sure there's a zillion more as i leave. the kettle to go. i don't see a double 3 here. all the few so there's a hole for you to. follow noticed the one on the southern emma come i am a chemical and i'm all you sell the one to what i mean more mental when out on my own. it come up on the net oh yeah i'm going on we go in the truck so we have on the mega i'm so there but i'm not a familiar. i'm all in the light so am i do know is that i am up by the i process or to a muscle cialis i could feel so sad to see. this and what about the other side of the latter but i have almost nothing else on the hill that want to go by her but i am sorry really look at the way as i figured it was what i said is also mulvey i listened a little still didn't fight i mean i am but then fair as in down there where time around oh yeah oh soon going up to him call what. most of what i am planning how he sometimes have gone up one very thing you know not what the new year and month ago and i've been away. either but i'm emotional i'm home b.s. where. the cuban revolution maybe in a bad way. but there is one country that has embraced its values the venezuelan. here and time periods in this part of the national culture. equal rights and social justice or guarantee you by the state. financed by the country's oil revenues this is the 1999 revolution one widespread support. but today it has run out of steam and president nicolas maduro has found himself in a seemingly never ending period of turmoil come on i'll be up on that but i'm going to have. come up. with that. crippled by the global slump in oil and lacking a diversified economy the country is experiencing an unprecedented economic and health crisis. according to u.n. figures 2000000 venezuelans have already chosen to flee the country rather than suffer serious deprivation. one in 10 children suffer from malnutrition and the learning center for men of course. if you're married to someone if. you're in the morning or whichever side of a member of the back and. no you're on. the face of. the. leader not the man if he says i'm. not. your nose they can enlist. the front but the other for the love to curb shortages in combat the black market the government is trying to meet the urgent needs of the most vulnerable. a lot anyhow a part of that you saw in the workers with that info from belarus and. he misled the euro that they didn't like to have the. rolls good morning and you know they can actually tell you nothing to help the little bit of you know that i did. not have any more fun if i got it right i'm paid on the fact that anymore can you tell by. the m d n a laughs it out for me on the no luck right now i know but everything up it has and once it's in c.d.'s i can see the end ok levy and ok you're not anything i look a guy in a fight you think if i had to but i now know the sort of i am also in the offing if and when. he also need us if you know played out in a fight like a pro you can do it oh no then when it doesn't look at it it can also not and i saw one yes a mechanic and i mean. i get my car homie and he took him up you know how he said this is the 1st time but yet people i don't know locate up at all feel but it's him and he. just ignored him for. who needs. and his political divisions have deepened inflation has skyrocketed. in a group we're going to. hear in the magnetic war and get this i had this image of them and that everything i had occurring and from a fair cafes and given me the norm for him i had thought ok i know i had to make this you know i and you gave he yeah i know my building a case may antibiotic of what i said about him every night that i said going through that for him in a way to hear him but as your investment banking you see the media and i just see you with the last question don't mean you're deliberately. discredited the venezuelan revolution is reeling from the blows of its critics but some still believe. that when marco enríquez or manami visited the presidential palace in caracas president nicolas maduro was meeting the vietnamese ambassador. go. go go go go go. go has been president since 2013 but accused of authoritarianism and incompetence his position has been challenged by opposition leader one guy joe since january 200-1000. and 6 that. happens. littoral has agreed to meet marco. does have a simple way and i'm sure we're going to what i'm going through here are some of the much older than i ever knew from the whole again you put it on me i'm coming i'm a bit. like as hell this is. the one we're doing. and i believe in going to be a. little girl be more or lux little more than a lot better already orcus a suit and doing this for a lot of the see and i knew your boiler suit theory in the one you love me baby will heal and you'll be given all the more they look it through a little empty to seem if you come a little better a lot of it could really go are telling me that in the single mimi you have already one of those your nipple something for sever all medical notes you enter when we pull that also you know i never mean if you say to him or ill be or i knew that this was in the recent. book at all not almost never going to me i. guess ill new york and i got economy can definitely going to round up there can do a lot of good to not hold down on what it probably would be dark like better cockpit door a little more to find a class out on the american early going poorly looked better to write a liter like that i think i found a pass out on him before he started to see it was a good thing the local mental they simply were given this one and only toda. well when i was going to you and i were going to work at the boiler room do you not want to assume the when they followed it with the c.e.o. you don't function i mean when i didn't feel. a little bit of money for the simple organ brought a hold of you so you get through the heat you are going to get to the people are soon going to do is you try on your future one in a legal fight that moment. been fueled electronic business where the value by the old one time if you don't have either cheated on him being the one who told you the situation which again i'm not a yes or no hakim i try to cheer the refining your progress on your name or head trauma from the calls from people to 1000 of whom are. going to mail the legal gavel molly has said it will still. be important you don't really know what i meant then i. feel. the nicolas maduro is problems are acute on the street some people are clearly unhappy . i think but i think i have an idea. and after one why joe declared himself acting president of venezuela in 2019 with the support of the opposition held national assembly nearly 60 governments worldwide recognize that move the country's political crisis continues. 6 to the south of venezuela bolivia has also been on a roller coaster ride. revolution and prosperity rarely go side by side in anti imperialism doesn't bring economic success. so until late 2019 libya was an exception it continued to show strong growth and even morale is had been its left leaning president for nearly 14 years he'll. well we notice you doing but among. that daddy. saying about out. there let me go to monaco you. know that's what i will probably going to. name you on it. thought that maybe the body. could be you know we're going to hear the use. of a morale ists was a revolution in himself. bolivia's 1st indigenous president and a former labor union leader he had many successes but was still accused by some of betraying his grassroots supporters in trying to cling to power. here not you follow my own get up on us young body. it was you know what you know. this is. going to know what i like being a young it will take. better not tobar 2019 the opposition took to the streets with morales was accused of fraud in the general election. and there were confrontations between pro and anti morale a supporters. in november the national police excited with the opposition and morale us left the country 1st from mexico then argentina where he has a silent. but marco and rick is a manami met morale us in july 2018 over a year before the elections and. i want out of this is something i look. as a c.e.o. so yes isn't that one problem hadia a mechanic or interviewing cousin i don't know if you know little causes i haven't acted on the label of this you have i'm going to get a we're. going to quit a busy and you'll land i love it i'm totally inexperienced here when a sympathetic call column i really really keep talk of the musical it will just be so integral as must. realize the story coming here here is a yes i'll send to them will use an experience that will cover all of us a little political i know but i mean portal in the go ahead when the course of a cycle south of the president the butt of the super bowl on the embryo they'll form no monitoring to listen to government policy and so you can better than the sequel. to another party see open for them at a party when they close on the level it is that fall in the card game preview and oppresses ago american citizen is here or you don't we could debate whether it was a limp or leave me a little bit at least see what you don't if you could have a new external. in law integrity or those enemy was with us so no soul for sisters or sisters even medical many of us young a companion who will be at us 40 impresario people as essential medical many as you but even those with interest but i ran to sever when he got hit by a similar scene though in a similar n.t. because when you go to learn a new york attorney i really my only 2 cell. and of those a number of european limo listeners one as it was i know it was a bit but you know how it goes peter and you know seems like. until you know compared to the people here people tell us you. don't know numbers. when you know what it. is that was no no no no no no no no no no no no no no it's all of the normal you know it's all us a mother don't get it was only. around in the winter he refused to even. call me things which he really does you know from the mentor mentee probably see people well it's. better to momentum and if he said if i'm going to mentor said you not book i'm going to sell it at all but and i thought of that and i think that whether. the problem of the mental social is the most heated in which i'm busy saving because children are so loving to swing at their neighbors i mean this ellis for the human events here under lucero for the cameras to put out this out what i wanted to hear was about he said so that meant the poor see it as a because you're on the ticket a young and the time to rally the brazilian you love a man of the moment as a seller on the 18th any given on the last minute personally pressing me last hour is even true that it was a subject that he was sacked school and as soon as he will think. there's a comparison though to simplices putin's. list who claim is what he was going to cause he did not foresee into either specialist or getting the shoes will she and she going to get as he was about because he'll most important in a minute but under the economic and up magic in a dos doesn't sound like you are going to water. could be that he might owe. me that he my thoughts he viewed those coming those is something that he still is putting them all you've given them the body to go program us to laugh a little if you will their motto. it was a call it going to go see me wanting to listen to the bunkum on the other little follow it into this world a more they were so. well let's put it because it was only sold and does of course and only kept that in focus one of you who sees us was here for you it is he's here he's here like you were just was other mother was i knew that she still wants a whopping now so much where we ask you to consider and see if you can see if. you can hear it here even though you know that anything you did you feel is not enough. even morale us is demise was a swift as it was dramatic. he resigned on the 10th of november 200-1000. 2 days later senate vice president and opposition leader jeanine on yes the clear herself interim president arguing that everyone else in the line of succession had resigned. in part to mark owen rick as a manami meets the former leaders of ecuador and europe why and brazil's next president rousseff for their view of the continent will shift from left to right. india a nation of 1300000000 people deeply religious desperately divided i think good clean you know day shift which is potentially catastrophic what's causing this crisis of identity is making them get back down but polices off is that substance why is it getting what. joining me here on my journey in search of india's soul coming soon on al-jazeera. story still sounds like the media angles in this story are numerous. separate the spin from the facts the misinformation from the journalism the listening post on how just 0. hello i'm barbara starr in london with the top stories on al-jazeera the 1st cases of corona virus have been confirmed in europe france's health minister has confirmed the diagnoses in bordeaux and paris is comes as china where the virus originated is taking drastic measures to contain the spread of the strain public transport has been shut down in a number of provinces along with key landmarks ahead of the lunar new year which sees millions of people travel around the country 26 people have so far died from the virus. it's still too early to draw the conclusions on how severe the viruses because at the beginning of any old break you would focus more on a severe cases and you have more of those and then maybe we are missing some mild cases because people will just be a little bit sick and will not be ever tested and they will recover so you know we may see more mild cases as surveillance intensify so there is not so much really on the numbers that that we know that will will will go up. there has been a powerful earthquake in turkey the country's interior ministry says that at least 4 people have died in the magnitude 6.8 tremor in the east of the country the quake's epicenter was 550 kilometers away from ankara and had a depth of 10 kilometers. 2 people have been killed in the latest wave of anti-government protests in the iraqi capital baghdad medical and police sources say that one person was shot and the 2nd hit by a tear gas canister u.s. democrats in the senate impeachment trial of president trump have focused their arguments on abuse of power and on obstruction of congress trump is accused of withholding military aid to ukraine in exchange for an investigation into his political rival joe biden. turkey's president says more military personnel are being sent to libya to train troops for the un recognized government better the one made the comments during a news conference with the german chancellor angela merkel turkey is supporting the tripoli based government in its months long battle with the warlord holly 5 title this forces are trying to take the capital from the government led by prime minister if i is a set up. those are the headlines stay with us last in america a giant in turmoil continues next and i'm going to have the latest on all the top stories in the al-jazeera news hour in half an hour see you then of i. well there are always political shifts and cycles in every continent in the world. but the left has prospered more in latin america in recent decades than elsewhere. in cuba brazil. and venezuela bolivia until now. marco enríquez a manami comes from a revolutionary background as one in a losing cause for the chilean presidency 3 times and is now leader of the progressive party. in this film he's meeting some of latin america's leading left wing figures on a mission to understand why their politics have lost favor in recent years. ecuador's former president is one of the few latin american statesman with the background and economics he's also a leading figure of the democratic left. and one of the most respected no memory of him until only. rafael could ai has not only served 3 terms as president but launched a citizen's revolution and survived an attempted coup was i couldn't afford it but he had good ok i was an advocate of a new brand of socialism over a period of 10 years he combined social justice national sovereignty and democracy . since the end of his last term of office he has lived in belgium. for aafia ok or was facing criminal charges for alleged involvement in the kidnapping of an opponent. he claimed it was a plot to prevent him from returning to the presidency orchestrated by his enemies and the former protege who succeeded him. at present because i mean to look for another. hold on the. even think a bit of good in the world would imitate him if he goes about his little bit of an idiot said a critic of a mediocre easy of course are not static after getting a quality and they're going to be honest and give a good look at that before the other one finally when they can hear the head of the thoughts of the previous. realty a lot of the families who are living under the lid of the kitchen the bottom of the question are going to be if it isn't only because. no long term he hinted at promise in bus in the 1st week when the police are needed my you know one of the little economy eternally so if you can see in the. the economy up. to connect a red influence in the case economy and who's going to keep it going in peace next and that is a political conflict in the cup because they're both going to get a new ticket if you're in a particular. bit of the movie but they've been a plea deal he committed. he said what do we care so pretty much here settlement to sort it out because. i probably would have been a compatible if i put this happens i mean you're going to kill a digital movie into can include more episodes of enough for the night in other words no franziska. no pay if any at relocating or telecoms having to do him into a king i think concept i'm not really related to here it's going to be a chip that he wrote that he can in a lot of them as you put it so they have to put it dealing with the could they get n.p.c. they just take a look at it through him take place finish in 3 they detect here. because there's a little my way because the way. he's going to get it he'll close the neck of the getting this before. me only an asylum officer to some. community the city like the nothing but it will put up with them i will believe that you're going to read you know you know you don't want that ok yes it will see you soon to see it tell me it was another washed up on top of a song placing people shouldn't stop me from i did this in any manner in this that i mean only to have you ever hear this from us in but that. isn't our focus will be just. for the women who suddenly want to see them if you can see you know them a little sick as. the middle of the year to get them up to you know him out of it when it was a gleam in her story cookie. our better because it would appear to have any stock market am i disremember of yes we don't give them a. second look at you had a skill goes 'd the 1st house. does it can for you to do the simplest thing and to say i wouldn't know some of the reason i didn't is simply and i was of course well enough either telling us how the numbers on it wasn't good he would think that us up as a political entity had to compete not only for him like you'll come. but why not keep it open for a while if non-dominant pays you know they're going to then apply for human suffering you have passed on project that he wasn't going to do a little bit of that. so to recap and cuba the revolution needs to reinvent itself or lose the street and is going through its worst crisis yet in venezuela. and bolivia the leader of the revolution was forced out of power and then never do or raphael could a says his closest associates betrayed him. so what is to be done. and brazil former president lula da silva succession in the workers' party was carried out loyally when dilma rousseff took over the house. but here to the left was ousted a moderate left in favor of compromise. accused of cooking the government votes against a background of corruption dilma rousseff was bundled out of office in 2016 in a matter of hours ending 12 years of school by the workers' party to p.t. . i know i have somebody to judge each month well to. sing my last you know football because i will believe. what they did. was so put out where the result is that i do not follow ideational what trial i will get from one of the 3 that i do hope with. and a brazil scarred by that crisis hit hard by the recession and this scandal start to stoke up popular resentment still further rousseff became the scapegoat blamed for all the country's ills. but most of us it was totalled up in the. tsunami and kim says you don't know where you have seen him knowing damn the present them and us it will unified korea on the boom. kissed and we come out upon the island the killing of a new government expose some of them back out of those mason there yes. now what if we should live in the only killer someone's going to know we subcode up their porkies sorn levanon know where 2nd stone. look how does your quality go for all the stars in your dues no inquired by this one to goofy and inquired good in sports what are songs in bars newcomes quantum is not stuck on to is not you know where no are all psystar i was a stubbs and you kept off in the theatre at the worm into the country are you going to be this felt the same now in my view so much imperialism it's called the deck of the descent it was actually because that is the much better use of the deck and the . next was believe his yard is big whopping to starboard so as it gets pretty silly others also stubs a new 2 level my bill meter cynically quando been the most of the sponsors and would be little offended up with fashion or q. but talk doesn't just stop i want their sick a spare sympathising figure out some better d.l. i can fix but as you will are shifting demographics just form a subordinate now those are stubs and yours are key nearest to pay you look and then your last 2 films might help you some the does it well bag bill a pretty vip emir of various scorching mansions my age is it wise men want to loose to joyce cover in a vietnam vet upon a c.m. to build. the stevens air produces of that crap oil into the stands for my dough eastland think the poor c.m. punk. if i hadn't lost but it was cheers it b.n. laws decor larnell a lawful d'yer dell'abate an admin account of an assignment in tossers. dollars dius or on the earth or not by his inky life where to set them up as their brothers their skills or tenuous learned as ours their milk on the. other by again on the element of god look at all as good and this is part of border dip it's only . good in color the only result of their god will care spots of his e.m.t. or book sewing there's mears as know me i'm told this is where they said to prophecy and last question as american as it is tenure of their lives importance one is their sports yet uk is of course yet the way over in their view he did it last 10 young percent of the us imports are soon. as the leafs but as you ls chavanel y. bit to collect their usual discard views will go onto and if your lamp that's all said large presupposing introduced to buff up to order the scum others measures keep them sean level formal all those are clearly skills ixia one of your last year in on with the world to share them new was lost by his i could use it for you to master a killer but as you were going to split it. i think there are some there's inducers and some power. want us to the bottom line heirloom john's voice matters him a bit of today's bottom may be that he knew the police to kill santa fin and seal the but as you eat fast of me and took some obvious and not get him spike that a bottle of syrup did not buy them. was serious disappearing into paul as a new act lasting marriage and. prosperity to hip injury me up to 50 point a contested to get out of a kill of fortune a stray imagery or get out here yes. and the neglected neighborhoods of the city yesterday's euphoria has turned to anger. despite over 30000000 brazilians being lifted out of poverty the violence still looms large in people's daily lives and many in the fidelis the slums are still living hand to mouth. of a billet the safety of the started unisys died people get up for the love that may be going to be in their mission in alice tumble down the below that it's only tumble them. up that is a moment too for each. night at that age it's approx 80 years is a plus if you wash. the support groups a public policy he says thought if you do it acquainted he has to make what is a check if it is good of a profit it's a. good deal to well as it's a little good quite a buffet is good i think he'll do it do it 1st or what if one of those are sort of the ok without it so wish but i much prefer that. if i want to vent to you but i suppose this command spinner gets me got a guy who was in the will respond i mean he said it don't think it won't fit. which you accuse of. the search once you know he just needs a few bucks. but with a. different image of the box office they see both to be of the isabella's not. the malice it out. because some of the killer were known what was the book is about done with. some of their gender. you know. what you should think if you think. of. her. in brazil the defeat of the left was gradual 1st the impeachment of dilma rousseff . then the brief imprisonment in 2018 of little to silva the most popular candidate to prevent him from running for president. and completed finally by the election as president in october 2018 of the far right candidate terrible sonora with 55 percent of the vote. in europe why the former president jose mohican was seen as a left wing philosopher. and. he. began having that feeling when i leave the. he left office in 2015. but in november 2019 the coalition that succeeded him conceded defeat to the center right luis look high a pole ending 15 years of left wing government and europe why. since 20150 he has lived happily on his farm putting into practice his public principles of simplicity and probity i am going to get them from going over the top overall in this. new draft local going to do good recess see if we have opportunity and i mean that's sort of where i got them but i know. that as opposed to. the political wing of the killer no thank you on a day that will come i think it all she might you know not going to. bring. it on issue one. she didn't door e e a bully didn't he she was showing me ashore. i mean. i'm a going to. you know girl that i want having a neighbor got a complex. there are lucian going on yeah sean have a heart. she live in the world you should shun own their water they got be delving as you knew they could be done but i'm not sure i can know if it got me as you noted in a good daughter is she not coming out will. not be and now that you know money is usually going to be and i will go down she will put out on my side you can remove boarding on your leg on film they don't want you know i'm appreciative of that i mean what will kill them it doesn't assure you that they might get the dingy helmand they've told the kid name or said it looks she will consume a lot it will get him or might the levy hoodie here and there they don't value your than a day able they're in macau you know or do you know any that are not dumb oh come on me done gordo easy it out then moved on me go get him up on social media. go it didn't m.-a n. no the me there been this shit embarrassingly did that the kids are going to shit go look good if they're going to me i'm going to get i mean did i want to be such an examination of your own pocket or governing them on mine but it's on the day that i get an appeal and conditioning people down 100 innocent years who are homo when i don't know what that should look good boy live and let them and they've done shit the government can't get out bogus have been drug on to me it was good enough for me when trauma that you go in to me now you actually can the government. once we look at that it can. be set up and i don't think what's really going to be done is the human difference you. know when necessary i mean. there is no goodbye there's no equal been with him or bench if you're going to bully did no mean thing where you know you show my pleasure by going on there and but i mean during my life and then i can do what you have consider whether he was the lead you know in the shitter in rent than me but when he would go into that in albany when i don't know look at going through the morning she shone. petitions are major shipbuilder going to have all of them i guess how it good loot what can be good in my name. you get in a place in the. noise made i meant that over there and over it you including the whole british and they aren't very worried i'm not it got everything ok. you know. this private audience with mo he might have seemed comforting at the end of marco enríquez on manami journey but the reality of the major pendulum swing set in motion by the people was stark. and argentina of the government of center right president once your mockery elected in 2015 erased 10 years of social advancement. but the country teetered on the verge of bankruptcy once again in yet another economic crisis. history was repeating itself in october of 2019 the peyronie's mo named after the nationalist leader who ruled in the 1940 s. fifty's and seventy's returned to power in the shape of alberto fernandez and the former social democratic president cristina fernandez de kirchner. baron ism is a nationalist movement that contains both the left and right wing forces. and columbia the independent press reports that the hard right evander kane marquez has increased the number of law enforcement officers and other prefer press of measures critics say he continues to sell off the country to foreign investors. and brazil they are both in our oh the messiah is nostalgic for the days of dictatorship his opponents call him racist massage honest and homophobic and say as witch hunt is well underway. for marco enríquez a manami back in his native chile the southern winter has set in. the wind is blowing soon the rain will come. a long spell in the political wilderness awaits him. the long and a half of the name of the last minute i mean. i feel. good i'm kind of in a bowl and i was out on a bluff. he ran for president again in 2017 lost out by a long way to the billionaire sebastian pinera. the neoliberalism banner carried all before it. marco believes he has no choice but to keep going despite the contradictions despite the errors what else can we do he says. but. we got some very heavy rain in the forecast the northern parts of australia as we go on through the next couple of days will see that wet weather grassy pushing across the cape york peninsula sliding down northern territory pushing across a good part of queensland actually still some showers a useful right now it is but bearing in mind the bushfires into that northeastern kona of new south wales in particular for the ses good tennis weather actually melbourne getting up to around 27 degrees celsius in hate the west will see temperatures in perth getting up to around 35 degrees some paint for the race as well with the temperatures in new zealand getting up to $27.00 in christchurch and also in all close something around the twenty's there in between further north where we got some rather wet weather pushing out essential parts of china as making its way towards the fall south of japan much of japan not faring too badly weather wise on saturday as we go on into sunday some of that rain will make its way through q.c. pushing up across the southern areas of honshu but to the north that generates lies sixes and sevens for the temperature getting up to around 6 degrees 7 degrees there for beijing as well for so we could well get into double figures but for the south the rank continues in shanghai mickelson's snow into central areas the shallows for the south. but. al-jazeera explores prominent figures of the 20th century and how rivalries in flu . it's the course of history steve jobs and much better marketer than bill gates. is going to prevent the farm bill made software what it is today trained to high tech visionaries whose breakthroughs inspired a digital revolution jobs and gates face to face on al-jazeera. a journey of discovery. which is the key of a letter germany addressed to my ground. 0. traces of family to the regime. which is fascism returned to italian port freshers in the family it makes me sick this letter. i found. on al-jazeera. al-jazeera. and. this is al-jazeera. hello i'm barbara starr and this is the al-jazeera news hour live from london thank you for joining us coming up in the next 60 minutes china's central government takes control of the response to the coronavirus as work begins on a 1000 bend hospital for victims governments boost their surveillance of the virus as it spreads around the globe france confirms 2 cases the 1st in europe. mass protests in iraq's capital demonstrators them and the expulsion of the united states military democrats present their final arguments in u.s. president trump's impeachment trial.

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