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months and mothers one downside loss. this president must be removed from office. especially if we continue to see every corrupt our next election. democrats continue to make the case down from flagrantly abused his power during the presidential impeachment trial. china is taking drastic measures to try and contain the outbreak of a deadly new virus as hundreds of millions of people prepared to celebrate the lunar new year at least $26.00 people have died and more than 8 $130.00 cases of the coronavirus have been confirmed but health authorities fear the infection rate could saw during what is normally china's busiest travel period of the year the outbreak 1st. emerged in who bays provincial capital will han it's a transport locked down the number of other cities in the province of also enforced restrictions affecting around 14000000 people but the virus is spreading the 1st 2 deaths outside of who have now been confirmed one person has died and who by which borders beijing the other heilongjiang cases of the current virus and now confirmed in the early every province of china new year's celebrations have been cancelled in the capital beijing and shanghai this new land will be shut down from saturday let's go live to scott highly joins us from beijing and the latest casualty of parts of the great wall to. that is yes parts of the great wall have been close now to tourists and visitors because of concerns of passing along this virus from people that that really aren't showing symptoms but might be carrying the virus other news coming out of the capital here beijing today the government has now put the cabinet the government's cabinet in charge of dealing with this crisis they've also appointed the head a sars expert who led the reaction and then the organization for the combating the sars back in 2003 he is now in charge of a new group that they're putting forth here again that will be controlled by the cabinet here now it's as you mentioned it's quite amazing when you think about you know over 40000000 people are on lockdown now because of this virus in the government taking it very seriously and sending the order up to the cabinet level they'll control and handle the situation and they're also introducing new restrictions in tell us about that. the other news chickens in there you know we know that you know there are more than then a dozen cities who are in complete lockdown we know that we're getting word that reports that that even mcdonald's restaurants in 3 of these cities are on lockdown have closed also what's very interesting is a hospital is being built in this is the epicenter of the virus now that's going to be built officials say within 6 days they broke ground late thursday night and they say that will be done early next week now this is something they did during the sars crisis as well just outside here beijing they built a hospital just to deal with cases this hospital is going to have about a 1000 beds they say but many things going on across china as are many developments on the day and this is how it unfolded. rushing to catch the last trains before the lunar new year many of these passengers at the beijing west railway station i thinking of the corona virus you were judging i don't think this virus has been properly controlled i just came back to china i read a lot of news i'm too med i'm not very satisfied with how the government prevented and controlled the disease and they're afraid of getting infected i am really afraid of those people were relieved and left but i do hope the situation will be improved soon. and those inside the city of will han are becoming more frustrated because medical supplies are running short and hospitals are short staffed many festivals for the lunar new year holiday have been canceled across china and not just in the central who province the epicenter of the virus in a rare move the government has closed the forbidden city here in beijing over health concerns related to the coronavirus something they didn't do some 17 years ago during the sars crisis. the chinese government was criticized for the way it handled the sars virus back in 2003 mainly for its lack of transparency the world health organization has decided not to declare the current outbreak a global health emergency but there's growing concern over the coming week when the millions of people who have traveled for the holiday return again raising the risk the virus may be spread further by people who are contaminated but have yet to show symptoms scott hodler al-jazeera beijing. hong kong health authorities say they're investigating more than 200 suspected cases of the virus thousands of people have been turning up to the city's hospitals. yesterday we have more than 5000. and the attend this. medical bets occupancy rate is 97 percent and sure it's quite full but not as full as the peak of the window so right now it's just like the thought that but we often we perceive that after the chinese new year long holiday usually there will be a further search in the amount of the amount not just from the isolation that but from the other things like the fruit symptoms. other kinds of the season. adrian brown is in hong kong where he says many residents choosing to stay home amid the outbreak. i am at a flower market in causeway bay in central hong kong this is an annual lunar new year event but as you can see far fewer people here this year various reasons is that the virus of course and also the ongoing political protests here in hong kong now we do have more than 200 suspected virus cases here in hong kong we have 2 people confirmed with the virus and we've been hearing today from the hospital authorities of hong kong outlining the challenges they face in trying to ensure they have enough beds to cope with demand if indeed this virus spreads and continues to spread here they have been speaking to a doctor who represents 6000 doctors working in the public sector here in hong kong and she says you know in a good month occupancy rate in hospitals is about 9899 percent so she questions actually whether hong kong is capable of actually handling a major outbreak we have to remember that you know the hong kong china border is one of the busiest in the world hundreds of thousands cross backwards and forwards every day and in fact we learned tonight that more than 2002 groups from hong kong and china have now been canceled because of that as well as a number of carnivals and lunar new year festivals here in hong kong. let's take you now to the world health organization in geneva which is giving a briefing that's the name to what they're saying you know here quickly. very quickly. it is just a clarification so for coronary risks there is no antiviral no medicine no vaccine nothing for coronary years. sorry ok so let's be let's be very clear here so there is not particularly treatment but it doesn't mean that you cannot treat people because you know and if you look into our clinical guidance and i was reading it it's really like you look what symptoms the person presents to you so you look at if there is dyspnea breathing problem is it is it a fever in a severe case of a good book pneumonia so depending on symptoms and stages you will then provide certain treatment but there is no particular treatment for this particular virus just as there is no particular treatment for mercy that is being around since 2012 there are some trials looking into what could work better but there is no particular antiviral treatment same for the scene there is no particular vaccine there is there is some work being done and there are some trials now for mers and we may look at some point whether those treatments and like scenes would have some effect on this novel coronavirus so this is work that is being done so we are working really we did we did our networks to try to understand the virus try to see how diagnostics could be done to see what works and what doesn't but if we are still at the early stage. ok thank you very much. stiffened 70 sorry you had a question. thank you do you with this surge in cases overnight and reports the chinese have said that they're building this 1000 bed hospital in han there's also some reports in different cities now that 10 are affected in china 10 cities that there are some people it's going to russian masks and so forth are you getting you know is w.h.o. supplying anything in terms of. protective equipment for health care workers or others are you have a flow of any support to china at this point and can you comment. also there are some reports about some of the symptoms been changing that there is more vomiting and diarrhea in some cases that's just one report which i'm not to anyway but you know i'm not aware of any changes in in and sometimes we were really for we did we do we do with the national authorities from day one as we have been saying we had a mission that was in you know was a couple of days ago and then they were really looking into mourner to me logical data. to finish earned and the sort of things are not aware that we have received any requests for material supplies. when listening in there to the world health organization official talking about the efforts they're making from trying to stock up on supplies in some areas where both supplies deleted depleted to attempts to try and come up to experiment with trials of a vaccine. still no breakthrough though and cases of the current virus are being reported in other asian countries a 2nd has been confirmed in south korea which is seeing a large influx of chinese tourists so the new year holiday from a bribe is in the capital with more on the precautions being taken there. south korea is one of the most popular destinations in asia for chinese tourists and in this coming holiday period the country is expecting to play host 213-0000 visitors from china now while direct flights from hand have been suspended this influx is a cause for concern here and south korea is putting in place the usual precautions such as health checks at points of entry and so on the country is no stranger to outbreaks like this one back in 2015 it was badly impacted by another type of coronavirus the mers virus from the middle east that made nearly 200 people sick 38 of whom actually died so south korea is well aware of the dangers and has in place the kind of precautions a needs to take the same cannot be said of north korea a lack of resources then means it is far more vulnerable to a public health emergency such as this one and it has done in the past for example with the above the virus put in place far more drastic measures stopping all visitors while this might guarantee that it will get no cases of the coronavirus it is very bad for its economy because a tourism especially from china is one of the few areas that are not covered by u.n. sanctions and that has been developing as a much needed source of foreign revenue and that is a stream of revenue that will now stop as long as this emergency continues thousands have been a rallying in the iraq's capital against the u.s. military presence people responded to a call by a cleric. he controls the largest bloc in the last house of parliament earlier this month and he's passed a bill asking foreign forces to leave that was in reaction to the killing off the top iranian general hossam solo miley in a u.s. drone strike near baghdad airport. the share cleric behind the protest issued a statement as the march began saying it was an attempt to exhaust all peaceful political or non political means to create a schedule to physically remove the occupying forces from iraq he also called on the government to close all american bases present on iraq he soil close the iraqi airspace to occupying warplanes and cancel all security agreements with the occupier imran khan is in baghdad he says the protest was one of the largest in recent months. whether there are a 1000000 people all know it almost doesn't matter. has managed to get his message across that he wants all u.s. presidents out of iraq and he's got these people behind him now they've come from all over the south of the country many people have been bussed in to show support to the very influential shia cleric now this is a rally that's likely have been planned for a while motel i let me say with a militia leaders over the last few weeks to join discuss what they would need to do to put pressure on the government to get rid of u.s. troops and u.s. presence in iraq now they decided something like this would be the 1st way of sending a message. the message is very clear like i say it's about getting rid of u.s. troops however this is a government that's in turmoil there are going on going on see government protest since october this is quite separate from those protests and there is a caretaker prime minister prime minister. now he hasn't been able to put any pressure on the u.s. indeed what the u.s. has said is that we're here at the invitation of the rockies and we're going to start. still ahead of al jazeera set to announce plans on these middle east deal of the century but a key player is unlikely to be in washington when it happens while writing to refugees in bangladesh saying thank you to the gambia for ruling the un's high school. i once again welcome to look at the international focus. dry across the good parts of japan but we have got some cloud of rain which will make its way into work here and there was a pond she was to go on through the next couple of days you can see this long line of cloud here that's the my by a front that's bringing those plum rains in the cross central parts of china and they will continue to push through the east china sea into q she said turning increasingly what's here sas they going on into sunday want to 2 of those showers just affecting the south of honshu says the 7 on the temperatures there for rest sendai and also for tokyo sit turning a little cooler in the process still very much on the coast out across the plains often more than in the last a clear weather as you can see suppressed temperatures still in place 20 celsius for new delhi so up on recent values but this is comedy shaping up to be the coldest winter in over 100 years for a new delhi 21 degrees there as we go on through sunday last guys for the most part down towards the south you might still catch water to show us creeping across into sri lanka still a chance of want to see the showers for iran we had a little bit of rain just around the gulf recently through as we go on for a sas day and telling somewhat cooler behind. al jazeera explores prominent figures of the 20th century and how rivalries influenced the course of history steve jobs a much better market you're learning bill gates was apple going green than the bomb bill made software what it is today will train the world to high tech visionaries whose breakthroughs inspired the digital revolution jobs and gates face to face on al-jazeera. the lose. there watching are just 0 time to recap the headlines china has reported the 1st deaths outside the epicenter of the corona virus outbreak health officials are worried more people could be infected millions travel to celebrate the lunar new year starts on saturday in south korea has confirmed its 2nd case of the corona virus as it spreads further beyond china's borders 2 cases have also been confirmed in hong kong authorities say they're investigating more than 200 suspected cases. thousands of people have held a rally in baghdad against the u.s. military presence in iraq shia cleric more further southern called on his supporters to demand all foreign forces withdrawal. rangar muslims are welcoming a unanimous ruling from the un's highest court it ordered me amounts to all possible measures to prevent genocide against rohingya remaining in the country the international court of justice also ordered the government to preserve all evidence for a potential trial in march says it's taken note of the ruling around 3 quarters of a 1000000 rangar fled to neighboring bangladesh during a military offensive against 3 years ago found the child reason cox's bazar in bangladesh home to hundreds of thousands of wrangle refugees he says while many don't understand the specific legal aspects of the ruling they still feel this is an important step. we can see the fences around us so this is their owing i can see behind most of their own have a sense of hopelessness they're in far more restrictions situation now than before the bang with this government imposed movement restitution there's a mobile communication blackout there's no internet and there's a sense of frustration there's more than nearly 50 percent rather of the children that don't have education they have only access to some limited learning center so whole generation is going to be lost without education they want this to be resolved very quickly this is a breath of fresh air when the heart that this court ruled in favor of them they think this will facilitate it will use as a catalyst to form their cause in repatriation but the reality on the ground is there hasn't been much movement as to fail that time. myanmar is continuously saying the issue national very thick asian card which is nothing more than saying that there are a bengali muslims that's all that said where is the myanmar rowing us here saying that we want recognition we want security we want to be called rohingya and that we should be given citizenship we have documents from our generations and that we should be provided security there and more and more a louder call for justice this is one of the key demand that's now a lot of the ruling are saying that before we decide to go back so this judgment actually gave them a sense of hope there's something there the international community and i now recognize that there is a sense of their suffering has been recognized by the coat. grieving parents in south africa's largest city are accusing hospital managers of hiding information about deaths of at least 10 newborn babies drug resistant bacteria is blamed by hospital administrators in johannesburg but the government's critics blame poor hygiene understaffing and overcrowding in the public health care system. or wards from the capital pretoria yes team b. is not her real name and she doesn't want to show her face because she's afraid she'll get into trouble for complaining reading this newspaper article has made her angry because it could explain why a new born baby died at least 10 babies have died in the same hospital in 10 bisa township in johannesburg in the past 2 months the government blames drug resistant bacteria i think is best seen 10 tastes in this. information. if they're hiding information from us like. our status only only thing that i think is the 6th. the cause of the infection is unclear doctors say it could lead to pneumonia and meningitis some south africans blame hospital overcrowding understaffing and poor hygiene health department managers admit employing more nurses and doctors could help prevent more deaths but there are other issues the problems that we're dealing with these issues related to a distance to antibiotics because when we use antibiotics or when finished of course we used to politics that are not prescribed for doctors prescribe antibiotics for any other group isn't it leads to our our our our but you're not being able to this point to this point to politics which is a big problem. africa's most industrialized economy is struggling to provide affordable quality health care for the majority who are poor in some neighborhoods private clinics try to ease the burden it patients can afford to pay to avoid. long queues but there aren't enough private clinics to substitute overstretched and ellie quipped statewide hospitals the government wants to introduce a national health insurance scheme to try and close the gap between the rich and the poor at the moment only a privileged few use the world price to pay a private little while millions of mainly poor black south africans have to rely on understaffed and overcrowded public health facilities was the proposed insurance scheme bill still needs to be debated in parliament if it becomes law the state will control how much private health facilities charge make it more affordable for the poor tax rises will be needed to pay for the scheme but some economists say the country struggling economy can't afford it the ruling african national congress says universal health insurance is to solution but the mothers who recently lost a baby say it's too late for them. after. al-jazeera to tory. police in mexico have prevented hundreds of migrants who have forced their way across its border with broken model of going any further security forces used shields and pepper spray to force hundreds of central american migrants in the buses they've been taken to a detention center. a fake guillotine has taken center stage in puerto rico. protesters rallied outside the home of the government demanding her resignation one device he's got said is accused of there laying a supplies following recent death quakes protesters were infuriated that the discovery in a warehouse of unused a sense of survivors the horror of canaria 3 years ago. president donald trump's impeachment trial has seen another marathon day democrats of made the case for the 1st article of impeachment over what they call trans dangerous abuse of power i did jocasta reports from washington d.c. with cameras banned from showing the full senate chamber a sketch artist captures the scene 100 senators without their phones barred from speaking and some even looking bored with the process the democrats lead impeachment manager opened the 2nd day of arguments in the case against president trump with a moment of where levity remarketing on his audience's silence of course it doesn't hurt that the morning starts out every day with the sergeant at arms warning you that if you don't you will be in prison but then it was back to the arguments thursday focused on the allegation that trump abused his power when he asked ukraine for election interference to his own benefit the articles in the evidence conclusively established that president trump is places own personal political interests 1st he has placed them above our national security above our free and fair elections and above our system of checks and balances. this conduct is not america 1st it is donald trump 1st republicans have stuck by the president some calling the democrats' arguments repetitive and unconvincing i want the american people to pick the next president not me the president's attorneys will present their case for acquittal in coming days arguing trump did nothing wrong and that the accusations against him are not impeachable offenses just don't have to meet basic fundamental constitutional obligations and they have to expect to hear more arguments from both sides for the next few days than senators will have a chance to ask questions before democrats make their next big move they hope to open this trial to new witnesses only possible with some republican support the question is whether the democrats' arguments will be convincing enough to leave the senate wanting more heidi joe castro al-jazeera washington donald trump says he'll release his peace plan for israel and palestine by tuesday israel's prime minister binyamin netanyahu and his rival benny gantz a jew in washington next week palestinians though have rejected trump's so-called deal of the century kristie salumi has more from washington. we know that the trumpet ministration has been working on this deal for 3 years with the president's son in law jared cushion our senior advisor taking the lead on the negotiations we know that president trump would really like to deliver on this campaign promises in the middle of an impeachment. exercise here in the united states it's an election year and he considers himself a deal maker and he has said that peace in the middle east would be the deal of all deal so there's a lot of incentive from the administration to get something done here as far as the details though don't have a lot of information at this point we know that there's an economic component and a political component to the deal the economic component was announced by kushner back over the summer he said $50000000000.00 in economic development package politically though the united states has already made concessions to israel they recognized jerusalem as israel's capital moved the u.s. embassy there over the summer just recently secretary of state my pump aoe said that the united states would no longer consider israeli settlements in the west bank illegal all of this up undoing tradition in the u.s. for a long time international agreements international law these were issues that were supposed to be part of final status negotiations in the united states kind of unilaterally moved ahead and took sides with israel now we have prime minister netanyahu talking about and axing part of the west bank and so there's been some speculation some reporting that that could be the next phase of something that the united states is considering it that may be what the palestinians were warning against. my let's take you through some of the headlines here on al-jazeera china is taking drastic measures to try and contain the outbreak of a deadly new virus hundreds of millions of chinese. meanwhile preparing to celebrate the lunar new year the corona virus has killed at least $26.00 chinese and infected $830.00 doctors fear the infection rate could saw during what is normally the busiest time for travel the world health organization says the true number of those affected by the virus is unknown it's really still too early to draw the conclusions on how severe the viruses because at the beginning of any old break you would focus more on a severe cases and you have more of those and then maybe we are me see some mild cases because people will just be a little bit sick and will not be ever tested and they will recover so as you know we may see more mild cases as surveillance intense fight so it's not so much really on the numbers that we know that will will will go up south korea has confirmed its 2nd case of the corona virus as it's roads further beyond china's borders 2 cases have also been confirmed in hong kong authorities say they're investigating more than 200 other suspected cases thousands have been rallying in iraq's capital against the u.s. military presence people responded to a call by the influential shia cleric book of. muslims are welcoming a unanimous ruling from the un's highest court it ordered me in march to take all possible measures to prevent genocide against remaining in the country. police in mexico of prevented hundreds of migrants who forced their way across the border with both models from going any further security forces used shields and had posts for a force hundreds of central american migrants on to buses. they use continues what back at the top of the outs inside story now stay with us. me and more must prevent genocide against the ring tone that's the order from the international court of justice if judges say rohingya muslims there are extremely vulnerable but will this ruling make a difference or is it just symbolic this is inside story. hello and welcome to the program i'm homage i'm joined the international court of justice the world's highest court has ordered me on mars government to prevent its military from committing acts of genocide against the rohingya pharaoh he. has been sub.

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