Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20200122

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witnesses. china fears its killer virus could mutate the death toll rises and spreads to the u.s. . plus the plight of thousands of central americans stuck on the border between guatemala and mexico should they stay or go home. on forest with the sport as not only i saw a loses her cool at the australian open the defending champion still emerging victorious to set up a mouth watering toy gets 15 year old coco gulf. hello it's facing an unprecedented economic crisis it's endured months off public unrest but lebanon does now have a new government the 1st cabinet meeting is now being held in beirut it was finally named on tuesday night. but the lineup of specialists and academics may not be enough to appease the anger on the streets let's get an update from she's joining us from beirut and people will be watching to see if the government meets their demands and how it will tackle the huge economic challenges facing the country so what are we expecting to come out of that 1st cabinet meeting. well it just ended a short while ago like you mentioned a lot of challenges this country is passing through the worst economic crisis in decades and i'm quoting to the finance minister the state is near collapse the country is facing near bankruptcy so people are really concerned on whether or not this government can save the country the president told the ministers during the meeting that they really have to reassure the lebanese people about their future and that they need to work to resolve the economic crisis and more importantly regain the trust of the international community and state institutions because if this government is going to succeed it is going to need the help of international investors international donors and so the role of the international community is going to be key and the international community the so-called support group for levanon they have been demanding a credible government that will fight corruption a government that will meet the aspirations of the lebanese people we still have not heard from countries in this so-called international support group for lebanon france for example which over recent weeks really has been calling for the speedy formation of a government so still no reaction from them whether or not they're going to work with this government and the international community wants the lebanese authorities to implement structural reforms that means stream lies in and streamlining the public sector by doing that in many ways these politicians these political parties will lose access to the state's resources so are they going to be able and willing to do that so challenges ahead for this government but the initial and immediate reaction from the protesters who have been in the streets for weeks now has been one of anger. lebanon's new prime minister has sunday has finalized his cabinet lineup it took weeks of political horse trading even though those who are fighting over seats are allies and part of the ruling alliance jab's critics call him a pawn of the political elite but addressing the nation he tried to defend his cabinet at a time of mass protests over lebanon's worst economic crisis in decades was a family that body be him we will endeavor to answer that demands to ensure that we have an independent judiciary to bring back stolen money to fight corruption to protect the poor of social classes from high taxation to tackle and employment and to put in place a new electoral law that brings everyone together and their one national identity that the street has asked for oh news of the government announcement brought protesters who have been demanding a new leadership back onto the streets they gathered in central beirut the epicenter of a 3 month old movement to topple the political class they accuse of mismanagement and corruption protestors disputed insistence that the 20 ministers who are specialists with no political loyalties i'm here because i don't trust this new government that's going to be formed because it came from the people who have been in charge for the past 30 years and in bad doesn't bring good and bad only brings bad. the forgives government has also been criticized for being controlled by the iranian backed hezbollah and for being one sided political opponents of the ruling alliance including outgoing prime minister saad and heidi refused to join the government. they're just playing the same hope that they played $100.00 days ago so as a foot of their just stopping us in the face or laughing at us like who are those people and what are they doing on the streets the government faces many challenges in the midst of an unprecedented nationwide terror. uprising deb's government is expected to receive the vote of confidence in parliament but it is the support of international investors and donors that lebanon needs to get out of the economic and financial crisis the last time the un created international support group for lebanon met in december it made no financial pledges and instead called for a credible government that listens to public opinion expressed in the ongoing popular uprising. for weeks many lebanese have been struggling to make their voices heard yet seen the scene told the security forces protecting parliament building that the steel and concrete barriers won't be able to protect those in power. i'm here to demonstrate against the corrupt regime that has been. raping this country for 30 years or more they were the only words that have killed each other and the sex groups to kill each other. there is determination to continue this struggle or what people here cold november the shin the government announcement on tuesday sent a clear message that the established parties are still in power lebanon's crisis is not over but then and now that this new government has been announced what is the mood like in beirut sooner you getting the sense that people are willing to give the government a chance. well there have been calls for more protests later this afternoon people are planning to converge on central beirut they're coming from various areas across the country there is no doubt that there will be some people who will give this government a chance because of the dire economic conditions people are struggling there they're finding it very very difficult to make ends meet salaries have been cut in half businesses have been closing so people will look to the government in the hope that it can bring about some change or improve the situation but we don't know whether or not this protest movement the momentum will be slowed some people are now afraid to take to the streets because of the violence response by these security forces over the weekend we saw you know hours long confrontations running battles and these security forces were accused of using excessive force firing rubber bullets at close range and the day after the lebanese security agencies convened and they promised that they will crack down on anyone who assaults the security forces or vandalizes public property so people are also afraid about the reaction in the streets but there are no doubt that people will continue with what they're calling their revolution they believe that milestones have been made changes have been made and they will continue to call for the accountability of those in power and most importantly for them an independent judiciary in order to bring back a stolen public funds they believe this is the only way to resolve lebanon's economic crisis and build a better future for their country ok is it and i thank you for that update from beirut. now the u.s. senate has agreed on the rules for the impeachment trial of donald trump following nearly 13 hours of debates so senate republicans blocked every democratic attempt to obtain documents and evidence trump is charged with a busa power and obstruction of justice she had reports on a long opening day that stretched well into the night its founders trusted the senate to rise above short term loans at the last moment senate majority leader mitch mcconnell altered his proposed rules for the impeachment trial gome was the possibility that the evidence collected during the various house inquiries might not be entered into evidence in the senate trial of the democratic party house managers and white house lawyers would now have 3 days and not 2 to make their opening statements that left the issue of witnesses and documents house democrats argue that they were withheld in the course of their inquiries into whether donald trump was withholding congressionally mandated military aid for ukraine in return for an investigation into full vice president joe biden and that these must be produced in the senate trials a leader mcconnell wants a trial with no existing evidence and no new evidence a trial without evidence is not a trial it's a cover up the white house argues that the request for more evidence proves the democrats don't have a strong case against the president they said in their brief we have overwhelming evidence and there are afraid to make their case think about it think about it it's common sense overwhelming evidence. to impeach the president of the united states and then they come here on the 1st day and they say you know what we need some more evidence the white house also argues that the documents and witnesses are privileged in order to shape foreign policy the president must be able to have private deliberations with advisors and that's an argument rejected by the democrats make the argument that the president's conduct here was was was conduct that every president should be allowed to engage in and i think that most americans don't believe that mr chief justice i yield back the democrats failed to pass their amendments on the mcconnell's rules though they will be another chance to debate the need for more witnesses and documents but only after opening arguments and the cross-examination of the house managers and white house lawyers he just watch donald trump was reported to be monitoring proceedings while attending the world economic forum in switzerland his position remains unchanged. and continue to follow the developments in the early hours off the morning. it slowly became clear what the democrats are up to they knew this was going to happen but what they were trying to do is get as much evidence and much information on the record into the public sphere as possible in case this is their last chance to specify which witnesses they want to talk to which documents that they that they need there is another verse next week on bringing in witnesses and documents but as it stands according to the rules it might be a very general. rule rather generic ungenerous sort of debate about these things shall we have more witnesses and documents the democrats seem to think about it's not going to give them the chance to go into detail about each of the witnesses and the documents which is exactly what they did today as things stand there things will remain as mitch mcconnell proposed and listening to some of this today it does seem that they don't think yet that they have the full votes they need from the republicans to call witnesses if things do stay like that the republicans are still on track for getting this entire impeachment process finished before february the 4th and president trumps state of the union address. within the next hour the world health organization will be meeting to decide whether to declare an international health emergency over the outbreak of a deadly new virus in china china's government is urging people to avoid traveling in or out of the city of who on where it originated but the 1st case has been confirmed in the u.s. and there are reports it's now spread to hong kong let's bring in adrian brown joining us from hong kong what more you hearing about this. well the main local public broadcaster here in hong kong r t h k has reported that the government is prepared to announce shortly hong kong's 1st confirmed case from this new virus this man is being treated in isolation in the queen elizabeth hospital here in hong kong we understand he had been in who but again that has not yet been confirmed the hong kong health secretary is due to meet the media in about an hour and a half's time so more details will become clear then at the moment i'm actually in the central business district here in the heart of hong kong many people are not wearing face masks many are but i think many more will once it becomes clear that hong kong has this 1st confirmed case it's another reminder that this disease is starting to spread more quickly across china. as the disease spreads to more of china's provinces the leadership has issued an unequivocal order to all officials be honest and transparent that now includes the media. state t.v. is devoting more coverage to the containment measures in wu han where the outbreak began 3 weeks ago medical teams have been instructed to intensify their efforts after a warning the virus could mutate and expand in my opinion there we are told we advise everyone not to go to war and we advise one residents not to leave the city and less do special circumstances this will help reduce the flow of people and the risk of transmission but the flow of people to china goes on but calhoun west train station in hong kong most passengers were heeding the advice to wear face masks in crowded places. there are 2 direct trains a day from here to han on tuesday many passengers were canceling trips and seeking refunds. certainly more. i was supposed to be going to one i had not been back for 15 years now there is this big disease and my own told me not to come i think it's pretty serious you may need it as you are terrible and i'm worried about the huge crowds on the transport system and a possible outbreak of the virus. this is the suspected source of the virus a wholesale seafood market in moon hand media reports say it's sold out of the rioting of wild meat under new measures announced on wednesday the trade in such meat as well as live poultry is now banned the majority of those who have died so far had underlying illnesses and most were elderly and of course this is really the last thing the hong kong government needs right now for the past few months it's been completely preoccupied with the ongoing political protests now it's having to deal with this outbreak of a new virus which could be on the scale of sars the hong kong chief executive kerry is currently in davos attending that economic forum and of course should be trying to talk up the government's efforts to try to contain the virus here in hong kong. as well as talking up hong kong's economic prospects as to what china does next well president xi jinping has made clear that the safety of the chinese people is paramount right now so that could mean he's prepared to take some tough decisions perhaps shutting down part of the transport network in china and shutting down more areas in china that have been infected by this disease but of course it's all happening a chinese new year with up to 400000000 people now on the move all right thank you for that update from hong kong once more head on the al-jazeera news hour including . opponents of india's citizenship law have their day in court we have the latest for you from new delhi coming up and also a look at how cutting off the lifeblood of libya is increasing the suffering of its people. in the sports news the man who is the face of baseball for 20 years gets voted into the hall of fame details a little later. but 1st into the supreme court has given the government 4 weeks to respond to more than 100 legal challenges to its new citizenship law so the citizenship amendment act has led to weeks of protests across the country it gives persecuted minorities from 3 neighboring countries the right to apply for citizenship but excludes muslims critics say the legislation is discriminatory and petitions were filed challenging its constitutional validity. let's bring in abbi now schoolmarm he's the executive director at amnesty international india thanks very much for your time with us on the news hour so is there a positive step then that the supreme court has given the government 4 weeks to respond to these challenges. thank you very much for having me on the show 1st of all let's look at the context you know it's not just a few petitions it's been unprecedented in dom's of the number of petitions protect and fight against the act which is a 140 act petitions have been filed unprecedented by any standards in the history of india and have been in india so far 2nd millions of people out on the streets for the last over a month actually protesting against the act code the act has been notified as recently as 110th january and the full it as recently as yesterday all minister has said that the act would never be taken back in the light of all of these developments what one least expected for the supreme court was to actually accuse put in a state or other put a lot of constitutional but by those standards merely giving diamonds additional 4 weeks' time to the government of india is actually rather disappointing overseed it's why that why do you say that it's disappointing. because you don't with the actors already has been notified people have been as i said earlier been protesting across country for long and the days are regular visas also because another of the features of the. action national population that just has already been notified is supposed to be a place from april onwards so it's going to be doled out to various one which has provisions which may be actually already in us because so far ruling out of exclusion of my daughter do specially muslims in this country because it actually provides some really dubious kinds of activities in the next of operation just which is going to be don't offer me a plan but if that is happening supreme court should have actually been followed active in duncombe putting a case to stage as many of the british fans wanted and that has not happened and that's why i say it's disappointing and you for simply said that there's an ongoing crackdown on the what you call peaceful protests environ r c and according to the government is using excessive force to harass those who are critical of 1st amendment to act can you just talk us through what you've been documenting as i'm not just international on the ground. yes so are bought 15 more picks and 3 m. from one team which actually happens to be the constancy from their prime minister . has won the election in the last 2 subsequent of elections but it was clearly so show and dumps of our own findings that how police and state institutions of activity i've acted in a video very prejudiced situation that they have gone inside the houses of the protest as they have actually attacked them out for dinner and other detention have been denied them access to legal counsel white dangerously actually supporting the other group which is ostensibly bringing up processions in support of the act so even then you're saying that there's a section $144.00 which disallows more than full be brutal assemble in a. place you actually acting in a prodigious manner so this is what we clearly came out what also came out of a clearly was that police in the state is constantly actually using internet shutdowns which is in complete violation of freedom of information act but it is also using at british ns fits of reparations so asking for damages a property from those who don't actually go into the legal indicting of courses so all of these have been. documented in detail and which is a clearly showing that administration police or the insouciant seem to be compromised in a context where the government wants to really show there's nothing wrong with the act and that's really unfortunate our rights will have something of their i dos kamar we thank you for speaking to us from new delhi. it's day 2 of the world economic forum in davos that's where climate change is top of the agenda and then headline remarks on shoes day the u.s. president dismissed climate campaigners as perennial prophets of doom who predict the apocalypse so his views contrasted with those of top u.n. officials there warn the world needs to prepare for a global crisis that will displace millions of people let's bring in our diplomatic editor james bays joining us from the from davos james not the united nations this time so what should we be looking out for today. well president trump is still here he's been giving some media interviews those have not yet been broadcast there with u.s. outlets so watching what the president has to say on impeachment but also on the other issues he's here for about an hour more in divorce and of course some of the focus has been on the climate his comments on the climate because that is the defining issue of this year's world economic forum the 50th of these events and yet president trump very bullishly saying the u.s. was fine on that matter and have the cleanest air in the cleanest water ever and that of course has caused some controversy climate certainly what is focusing the attention of business leaders political leaders and the humanitarian leaders that come to this event every year one of them is joining me right now is the undersecretary general of the united nations marlo called who is the emergency relief coordinator of the u.n. explain to us i know it may sound simple but explain to us how the climate emergency is going to affect the humanitarian situation room so we see 2 sorts of new emergency arising from climate change the 1st is if you like the way problems like a huge storms they hit maize and bake in april last year like the hurrican daryn in the bahamas where i was in september also like floods permeating around large parts of africa right now as you and i talk to each other we also see the dry climate related events the drought so i'm very worried about the situation right now in southern africa i'll be going there again shortly affecting the harvest for those countries so this is from what we see is that as the responders if you like definitely a growing problem i think has been 300 climate related events for the emergency sector to deal with a year for the last couple of years twice as many as we saw 20 years ago let's look at some of the other issues around the world as we speak and i think perhaps we should start with the situation in china and the corona virus. tell us what you know and what is being done about the possible spread of the well the world health organization emergency committee are meeting today to look at that what we've seen so far is small number of cases relatively speaking in mostly relatively developed countries to morrow the emergency director of all the world's biggest most important humanitarian agencies say unicef the world food program w.h.o. the red cross and so on will be meeting to prepare for the possibility of the coronavirus appearing in which we can more fragile countries who will find it harder to cope just because they're weaker more french on. i think it's too early to know exactly how this is going to play out. they prefer to use them publish all the guidance that's available at the moment i think it's very important as maximum transparency i think the message is that going to china is sending yesterday on that everybody needs to be open if i got a problem so we can gather the data and do the analysis and then we're going to have to see how it plays out quickly to issues in africa i'd like to ask you about number one saddam should be a good news story a transition there but i know you're a little worried i was instant don in november the people of that country are immensely proud of what they call their revolution they've had lots of warm words of support from the international community but they actually need more practical concrete help in london else friday i chaired a meeting bringing all the a humanitarian donors together and trying to you know get those warm words turned into practical help and i hope we will see progress on that quickly now because the economic situation is still deteriorating and a quarter of the population nature monetary assistance right now and last lee libya we saw in conference at the weekend the international leaders came together but not sure that there was anything new in terms of the. spawn's most of it already existed in the un security council resolutions clearly while they try and talk about the politics in libya there is a humanitarian problem and particularly those people have come from other parts of africa and just get trapped in this conflict yes which is being going on for too many years and this risk getting worse now the security council met and discussed this with the sector general of the u.n. my boss and tenure terrace yesterday and now messages he said yesterday is they nascent just developing truce needs to really to be reinforced i mean to get to a full ceasefire having had the mosque a meeting and then the berlin meeting and security council meeting yesterday we really hope now is what we're going to say because if the fighting keeps going or even worse escalates they know they're very very substantial risks marlo cock under section of the united nations thank you for joining us here on al-jazeera also a gathering of leaders but remember the humanitarian community come here to because it's important to get their message of where the crises are in the world to business leaders and political leaders all right james bays thank you for that update from davos. let's bring in. particularly news. yeah and relating to that last interview the persistence of typhoon means when a storm starts in the west measuring it stays there for a long time that's what this one has been doing fits for effect in the probably erik's more recently affecting this coast of spain such that not only had human deaths we've had damage to the beaches we've had dead fish is all northeastern spain and a bit further up than it was yesterday again this is spew this is foam whipped off the top of the mediterranean plain into the streets meta deep now saying the same sort of weather continues the green winds near gale force and crossing towards peppino across the pyrenees we have snow inland rain on the coast and that it is the same thing now this is the western med the story many times on the eastern med we've had the same repetitive version of storms the last woman wound up across the divans and recently produced snow this was yesterday in jordan this is southern jordan those inside the marshes that at the same sort of thing it happens every winter but again the positions persistence of time and you get flooding in places like lebanon and syria this storm moved on and iraq will see the benefits of the rain the snow we've been seeing rainy americans and the tail end of it probably for tomorrow we will see showers or a spouse or 2 of rain down in bahrain even in qatar exactly where i'm standing very . rob thank you very much well still ahead on the al-jazeera news our 1st place by conflict on poverty we take a look at the conditions in afghanistan let's send men into the ranks of armed groups. one of the psychologists credited with creating the cia's torture program after $911.00 says he'll do it again. last year a star player sets his sights on another n.b.a. championship with his new team all more in sports. al-jazeera ones tells the story of thousands of algerians forced by colombian affronts to adopt obscene family names. words this was so offensive that some contraband to say that the meet. the burden of ridicule this has been passed down through generations. the shame of my name. on al-jazeera. when the news breaks today the current government has lost the trust of the people to anything because to produce a surgeon stood when people need to be. working the represent the lofty goals for opponents of rex it's drawing from the conservatives al-jazeera has teams on the ground it now hopes the meeting in paris will push politicians to create a competent and credible government to bring new moon documentaries and life moves on air and online. here the news hour on al-jazeera hello again the top stories lebanon's new cabinet is meeting for the 1st time and president michel only told the session the governments must address the deteriorating economic situation and regain the confidence of the people. the rules have been agreed and u.s. president donald trump's impeachment trial after more than 12 hours of debate publicans blocked every democratic attempt to attain documents and evidence trump is charged with abuse of power and obstruction of congress. china is urging against travel in or out of the city of as it tries to contain the spread of a deadly virus the 1st case of the corona virus has been confirmed in the u.s. and there are reports it's now spread to hong kong. thousands of people from central america have left their homes in the last week hoping to reach the united states but after being turned back by all 4 days in mexico some now say they have no choice but to return home john heilemann has more from. i stay or go it was a fairly stark choice for a caravan of thousands of central americans a mexican southern border was buses rolled up for those who'd had enough of trying to go north said we couldn't do it there's nothing else we can do here the only thing left is to go home was they tried to make it into the country or monday and this happened to them and it was there ever in your same year 2 months pregnant when she fell down so he i'm not going to you don't know what it is to go in a caravan you don't know the risks you run like yesterday's chaos i know what i mean he will be at it you know. that you know the truth is that i wouldn't because you risk a loss and they threw stones at my current they were looking at you they hurst but they can't go home they say they've been squeezed out by violence and poverty now things are in raveling for them and others here clothes food and patience are all in short supply on tuesday many of the young men gathered to plan another crossing they didn't want us all mexican authorities to find out where there's a lot of disillusionment here with mexico president and there's manuel lopez obrador the talked about jobs in the possibility of asylum but the reality for many is a step in deputation the was there your semi or limits is one of the lucky ones after she and her 2 young children suffered in the clashes yesterday they were let go by migration agents and spent hours walking the back roads in mexico voiding of the pros. but we thought we would have to spend the night in a park but a lady came up to me and told me to come home with them because of the children now my goal is to get to tapachula and pass from state to state make it to day one. she still hiding we had to do the interview with her in a car now she has to find her way through a south mexico that's loaded with checkpoints and the national guard looking for migrants her freedom here could be short lived but john homan now does it or to cooma. libya's oil production has slowed to a near whole forces loyal to warlords and if i have to add blockaded ports and stop pipelines it's costing the country struggling economy $77000000.00 a day shortages of basic goods and price hikes are expected to follow tony wortley reports from libya's last functioning refinery and so we are west of the capital tripoli. alone tanker just off shore from the czar we are all refinery waiting for a shipment of crude oil that may not come for some time we are is 40 kilometers west of the capital tripoli and is the 2nd largest of libya's 6 refineries forces loyal to warlord khalifa haftar a blockaded the other 5 oil ports a closed a pipeline servings that we're it's gone from handling 300000 barrels of oil a day 0 it's proving an effective weapon leaving libya's oil industry on the verge of collapse it's something the libyan government cannot solve by itself. i think the government of turkey the government of russia the european union and the united states come to realisation that they stand by us and they stand against this military dictator who wants to control libya production a slump from $1300000.00 barrels a day to less than $70000.00 and it's costing $77000000.00 a day in lost revenue and the country has been forced to declare force majeure and avoid a legal obligation to comply with international contracts some sources believe that khalifa haftar may have agreed at a burning conference to measures aimed at ending the oil blockade but no details will be given nor a timeframe nor what he may want in return and every day without a resolution pushes libya closer toward their economic crisis. the wall or controls 2 thirds of the country with well resourced fighters who've been battling to take the capital tripoli since last april libya is already suffering shortages of basic necessities such a gas will domestic use even though it is a producer the oil squeeze will only make matters worse. than the one bit at the very least out of it's going to affect everyone we rely on oil to give us foreign currency without it there will be a huge problem because libyans depend 100 percent on imports from abroad so without oil revenue prices will rise. oil is libya's only real industry but it has failed to match the production levels seen joy in the era of more market afy he was overthrown in the revolution of 2011 the country should be as rich as gulf countries and untapped gas and oil fields have a potential to produce 2400000 barrels a day but it has suffered from chronic mismanagement and corruption so we have to show some transparency we have to force some of the organizations. just deny these allegations and stop because the world cannot really ally completely with one side. fuel is heavily subsidized in libya costing around 4 u.s. cents a liter unless the blockade is ended that subsidy is likely to end and prices are predicted to increase significantly and that will only add to the suffering of the libyan people tony berkeley al jazeera zawiyah libya. at least 10 people have been killed in the last 2 days of escalating protests across iraq the caretaker prime minister has warned that walking roads and u.k. tional institutions has nothing to do with peaceful protests the demonstrators say their actions will continue until the government meets their demands. reports from baghdad the. running battles have continued between protesters and iraqi security forces they threw molotov cocktails and rocks and the police responded with tear gas and bullets. after the weeklong deadline expired they've been coming out in numbers to talk major highways it's a simple strategy disrupt life so people in power take notice. we don't want anything except the crop parties to leave because of them in the sense of dying for how long can the stay the same. the mohammedan cost him high in multiple bridges across the capital have become battlegrounds although dozens have been wounded in 2 days of clashes many here say they will fight until they see real change. we will not retreat shoot us with live ammunition stun grenades tear gas we will not give up we will force you to leave whether you like it or not. activists say government heavy handedness and intimidation tactics only strengthen their resolve. this is the blood of a martyr he was hit in front of us with a tear gas canister in his mouth his blood is on the highway now whoever wants to carry on with their daily work let them see this plot and imagine that the next one who dies will be their brother or father. these were the scenes in basra in 48 hours the nation might escalation has resulted in more deaths over $100.00 protesters wounded and a further $88.00 arrested in baghdad. and basra more than 500 people have been killed and over 25000 wounded since the. it took 48 hours after the latest escalation for the outgoing prime minister to comment here short protesters their demands are being worked on and also gave them a warning that the more you and me the dream oogle more you. if you have the support of the people then why should you deprive people from going to schools why should you cut off the street so people cannot reach the shops this is not right this has to stop with no concrete steps taken to deliver jobs basic services or candidates which are not being good by corruption or abuse of power the protesters are unlikely to see the government's response seriously many iraqis are undeterred and say they will stay in the streets the government can either kill them or leave their divorce and the protests from the gaza. conflict poverty and natural disasters forced almost half a 1000000 afghans out of their homes in the last year alone and desperation is sending many men into the ranks of armed groups as reports in the western province of herat local authorities are struggling to deal with the crisis. it's in the provincial districts the police are fighting for afghanistan's future where the bodies of members of the taliban are displayed like hunting trophies and reassurance to rural communities that they're safe a warning to armed fighters of what to expect from others going district governor chief but in remote areas of afghanistan local officials know security does not only come from the barrel of a gun gaining the confidence of afghan people is equally important difficult in the barracks they are the poorest of the poor and really need a lot of help definitely these men have no other choice but to become tele bank criminals or join an insurgent group if they don't find a job we try our best to help them but the insurgents also try to easily recruit them despite ongoing challenges herat province is doing better than many other parts of afghanistan making it a destination for people trying to escape the 1000 year long war in their country. this camp's been here for 2 years the men women and children living here fled fighting in nearby provinces to the relative safety of herat but living conditions here are very basic tents are barely standing most people are exposed to the elements all the time there is no medical help and there is never enough food. places like this have become the blindspot of this conflict. unseen and unheard people here are angry. he has no idea there is no one representing ordinary people in peace talks with the taliban so how can those talks be successful these people lost their family members but no one even came to show sympathy for them mohini was born after his family came to this camp 2 years ago this winter the only place he ever knew is also where he died all his father has left of him is a single picture on his phone. well there was a lot of snow for that day we were staying in the tents that took our child to the clinic i didn't have money for my son's treatment so we came back to the camp that night it was very cold the next morning my son was dead father was father is worried she might be next she's been running a fever for days there's no one to turn to for help. we're living in these thin teen no one helped us with proper tents and no one's helping us with food and went to supplies. everyone seems to have a story of a family member who's died from a preventable illness they hold out registration cards for benefits they say never come or are not enough. and it is very cold and we are shaking because of the coat we do not have anything to keep ourselves warm people give us little time and little help is on its own out if the us leaves it will get even worse afghans are already killing each other the taliban killed 4 of my family members including my husband tonight brother i fled my home with 4 children and came here americans measure the cost of the longest war in their history in the billions of dollars and in kabul doha and washington they're trying to negotiate a deal with the taliban that would make it possible to withdraw u.s. forces from the country but in displacement camps all over of the understand fathers and mothers measure the cost of the war in lost lives in basra the old 0 iraq afghanistan at least $27.00 people have been killed in airstrikes on rebel held areas in northern syria the areas being increasingly targeted by the government and its russian allies despite a cease fire reached earlier 'd this month. reports. i was in syria this is what a ceasefire looks like desperate efforts to put out the flames and cut and waste in aleppo the syrian civil defense group known as the white helmets blames russian warplanes for the attack. in a nearby village the air strikes killed an entire family and. not to be since this morning russian warplanes have been good ducting air strikes on the way some countryside of aleppo strikes hit close to it resulted in a massacre a family of 9 were killed 6 children a mother a father and a 20 year old man monisha say russia which supports the syrian government is trying to push rebels away from the city of aleppo and a motorway linking it with the capital damascus russia and turkey which back some rebel groups announced a cease fire earlier this month but it never really took hold. of the villages it's had a sports center and houses nearby with displaced people taking refuge to people there in civil defense has pulled out the injured moved taken them to the closest medical facility. doctors here a struggling to cope dozens of facilities have been destroyed in air strikes in recent months putting immense pressure on makeshift clinics like this one and a camp for those displaced by the fighting. called with people looking to safety the u.n. says more than 350002 fled their homes since the beginning of december many have had to do this more than once. i'm from home so we were displaced from. them from. them from jena we want to jam at the door here so from one place to another and they running out of places to go camps are overwhelmed and the northern border with turkey is closed was the syrian government's valid to retake all remaining rebel held territory by groups say the race. a dangerous and deadly telling point in the conflict. and yet again it's innocent civilians who are bearing the brunt of the fighting alexia brian al jazeera. opposition politicians and men as well have called off attempts to enter the national assembly saying they're trying to avoid violence and it up holding a makeshift session in a public square away from congress security forces an armed civilians have been blocking the entrance to the opposition controlled congress for several weeks venezuela has been facing an ongoing political crisis after high doses of cleared himself interim president and labeled the reelection of nicolas maduro as illegitimate it's prosecutors in brazil have charged 16 company executives with murder following the worst ever industrial accident there a year ago but least 259 people were killed when a dam collapsed unleashing a torrent of talk sick mining waste the dams owner and the german firm that certified its safety have been charged with environmental crimes prosecutors accuse executives of systematically hiding evidence of safety concerns to protect the company's share price now $1.00 of the 2 psychologists credited with creating the cia's torture program has testified at guantanamo bay as part of a pretrial hearing for 5 men charged over the $911.00 attacks jim mitchell defended his role in the controversial program as a matter of moral courage rosalind jordan reports when jim mitchell was a contract psychologist for the cia he waterboard khalid sheikh muhammad 183 times on tuesday with muhammad sitting just meters away mitchell testified at the 911 pretrial hearing mitchell said his job his interrogator was to make suspected al qaeda members talk the fact that people are being held in isolation for years. incommunicado from their families told that they're going to die there and lack all ordinary protections of a person in prison is outrageous mitchell said the bush administration pressured the cia and the f.b.i. to do anything and everything to prevent future attacks he said the cia persuaded him 1st to take on the case of abu zubaida and that his work with other detainees including muhammad only grew with time human rights groups say the statements detainees gave to both the cia and later the f.b.i. were given under duress and never should be used as evidence in the trial mitchell testified he knew defense lawyers are trying to keep f.b.i. statements out of this case but he chose to show up for the sake of the $911.00 victims and their families. just before tuesday's testimony ended psychologist jen mitchell told the court room this let me tell you i get up today and do it again if the cia were to ask him to take part in its enhanced interrogation program mitchell returns to the stand for more testimony on wednesday roslyn jordan al-jazeera one taught him obey still ahead on the i was there a news hour of the japanese snowboarder following his brother into the olympic podium paul will have more in just a moment. then time for the sports news where during thank you very much we start with the australian open where we can now look forward to a tie between 2 of the biggest young stars of women's tennis defending champion nomi osaka showed some frustration on day 3 but one how much to such a clash with america's 15 year old coco goth david stokes reports. i am here sucker was cruising in her 2nd round match the defending champion quickly getting a set up against chinese shanks i say i but she went to break down early in the 2nd set and lost her cool. a rare moment of anger from a player who usually appears pretty calm she managed to compose herself though recovered the break and claimed the victory in straight sets her place in the 3rd round secure but an apology to her racquet sponsor was in order and it just magically flew out of my home. sorry it's up next ross sarka a thrilling tie on paper against america's rising talent coco goff the 15 year old have things a lot tougher in her match having to fight from a set down to beat serrano. i golf will be out for revenge against osaka peter at the u.s. open 5 months ago. 7 time champion serena williams is through and so is the top seed ashley barty the world number one beat polonia her choked about her place in the last 32 as she continues her quest to become australia's 1st time champion since chris o'neil back in 1978. in the men's draw it was business as usual for the defending champion about djokovic the serb showing off his trademark outlet as his abuse on the way to a 3 sets win of a chimpanzee eto'o was joking bitch on track for a record extending 8 melbourne title david stokes al-jazeera. the most valuable player of last year's n.b.a. finals looks determined to have another shot at the title with his new team. and the l.a. clippers were up against the dallas mavericks side on a 4 game winning streak christoper finished off a little and large combo for the texans as dallas got back into this game but when the clippers trailed quiet came to the rescue last year's main man for the raptors scoring 36 points and putting l.a. up to 2nd in the west 3 games behind the l.a. lakers 112-1078 final score. one of the most hotly awaited debuts in years should happen on wednesday number one draft pick design williamson set to play his 1st n.b.a. game as the new orleans pelicans face the san antonio spurs the 19 year old had surgery on a torn meniscus the day before the regular season began in october. those words are laws were. purchased or. is his 1st ruling on the not be able to move your body do we want to percy the emerging only player more for. is finally here while you go back out to. a 5 time world series champion derek jeter has been voted into the baseball hall of fame the former new york yankee shortstop became the face of baseball for 20 years from the mid ninety's g. to hit 260 homers in that time was fearless in the field as well and $266000000.00 as well as 3 titles in a row for the yankees only one of the hall of fame voting pool didn't rates jeter the other 396 all casting their ballots for him so of the giants of african football cameroon and the ivory coast are in big danger of not qualifying for the 2022 world cup they were drawn together in the same group which means one of them will definitely miss out on cats are the 10 group winners go through to the qualifiers in november next year with 5 eventually making it to the world cup. only one goes through. each group so it's not that this war could be so different strains different approach so it's on top of already all the qualification for the african cup of nations and so on and so you saw they have to handle it and they have to perform tiger woods is preparing for his 1st tournament of the year as he looks for a record breaking 83rd win on the p.g.a. tour he's playing at torrey pines in california 21 which he's won 7 times before woods isn't too focused on the record came out to talk about his bid to qualify for the tokyo lympics in july for the the us guys we're going to play well a lot of us are in the top 15 and. i think i just may have just fallen back into it in the works lot but there's so much going to be played so many bigamous major championships players championships there's a lot of got to be played and there will be some pretty good for curating. over the next 6 months the youth winter games are coming to a close in switzerland with one japanese family creating something of an olympic gymnast a 17 year old who hit on who took silver in the snowboard hall fight he's the younger brother of a human head i know he took silver in the same event at the senior winter olympics up by sochi i'm peeling chang now gold for the family yet that was one hair somewhat confusingly by japan. who is no relation to the brothers. ball file during see you later thank you very much for that update thanks for watching the news hour on al jazeera long news going up with best thoughts yes she'll be with you in a minute thanks for watching by. al-jazeera the world's tells the story of thousands about unions forced by colombian fronts to adopt obscene family names. words that is so offensive that some contraband to say that made. the burden of ridiculous this has been passed down through generations. the shame of my name. on al-jazeera. the climate crisis and the environment take center stage at this year's world economic forum in davos business people experts and leaders from around the world can expect an icy reception from some as they discuss how to save the planet from the threats of rising temperatures get the latest updates on al-jazeera. the 21st century began with extraordinary economic growth across much of latin america. but since this whole today in 2008 there's been a political shift to the right on a continent where socialism once a drive to. a chilean politician goes on a journey to me leading left wing figures to understand why that politics have lost ground so dramatically. in latin america a giant in turmoil on al-jazeera. al-jazeera . will ever. lebanon's newly appointed cabinet is meeting for the fast time a crumbling economy and anti-government protests its top challenges. hello again i missed us here today and this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up. the eyes are 53 the nays are 47 the resolution is agreed to no changes to the roles for donald trump's impeachment trial as republicans block efforts to call new witnesses. china fears its killer virus could mutate as the death toll rises and it spreads to the u.s. . and opponents of india's citizenship know have their day in.

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