Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20200122

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a new virus that's already killed 9 people could adapt and mutates. and india's highest court gives the government the weeks to respond to a case alleging the citizenship norms violates the constitution. lebanon's new cabinet is just about to meet for the 1st time and to try to come up with a plan to solve the country's problems and was finally named on tuesday nights after 3 months of political deadlock but the lineup of specialists and academics has only further angered protesters have already been on the streets for months for more on this let's speak as a marketer who joins us now live from beirut then i believe we're expecting even more demonstrations today where you are standing. there are there are calls for more demonstrations the hours are lebanon's new government meets for the 1st time a committee will be formed to formulate and draft what is known here as a ministerial statement the government's action plan and its policies which they will present to parliament during the vote of confidence now the government is expected to receive that vote of confidence. because they were appointed by the ruling alliance which controls the legislature but it doesn't have the legitimacy in the in the streets there is a certain segment of the population in lebanon which believes that this government is not going to change much it doesn't meet the aspirations of the people as the prime minister has said he tried to address the nation tried to defend his cabinet but people were not convinced but most importantly this government is going to have to come up with an economic plan to save the country even the finance minister himself said that lebanon is in a state of collapse and if we continue we will be bankrupt in order for lebanon to resolve this crisis it's going to need international help from donors from investors so their support will be key their position visa v. this new government is what will be key so far we haven't heard from the members of the so-called international support group for levanon france for example which has been repeatedly calling on the politicians to come up with a credible government we still haven't heard from the french authorities on how they view this government to the gulf arab countries for example which have in the past bailed out this country they too haven't made any statements so the position of the international community will be key to help this country out of the worst economic crisis in decades but the initial reaction was anger in the streets. lebanon's new prime minister has sunday has finalized his cabinet lineup it took weeks of political horse trading even though those who are fighting over seats are allies and part of the ruling alliance jobs critics call him a pawn of the political elite but addressing the nation he tried to defend his cabinet at a time of mass protests over lebanon's worst economic crisis in decades was a family party to him we will endeavor to answer that demands to ensure that we have an independent judiciary to bring back stolen money to fight corruption to protect the poor of social classes from high taxation to tackle an employment and to put in place a new electoral law that brings everyone together under one national identity that the street has asked for oh use of the government announcement brought protesters who have been demanding a new leadership back onto the streets they gathered in central beirut the epicenter of a 3 month old movement to topple the political class they accuse of mismanagement and corruption protestors disputed insistence that the 20 ministers who are specialists with no political loyalties i'm here because i don't trust this new government that's going to be formed because it came from the people who have been in charge for the past 30 years and in bad doesn't bring good and bad only brings bad. yes government has also been criticized for being controlled by the iranian backed hezbollah and for being one sided political opponents of the ruling alliance including outgoing prime minister saad and heidi refused to join the government. they're just playing the same hope that they played $100.00 days ago so as a foot of the just stopping us in the face are laughing at us like who are those people and what are they doing on the streets the government faces many challenges in the midst of an unprecedented nationwide terror. uprising deb's government is expected to receive the vote of confidence in parliament but it is the support of international investors and donors that lebanon needs to get out of the economic and financial crisis the last time the un created international support group for lebanon met in december it made no financial pledges and instead called for a credible government that listens to public opinion expressed in the ongoing popular uprising. for weeks many lebanese have been struggling to make their voices heard seen told the security forces protecting parliament building that the steel and concrete barriers won't be able to protect those in power. i'm here to demonstrate against the corrupt regime that has been. raping this country for 30 years or more they were the only words that killed each other. groups to kill each other. there is determination to continue their struggle or with people here cold their revolution the government announcement on tuesday sent a clear message that the established parties are still in power lebanon's crisis is not over. it's not clear whether the formation of the government will slow the momentum of the protest movement or quell the streets the government seems to be betting on the fact that people are suffering being true to the economic situation maybe they will prefer stability and government a chance santa ana that bring us the latest from beirut thank you. moving on to other news now and the u.s. senate has agreed on the rules for the impeachment trial of donald trump following nearly 13 hours of debate senate republicans blocked every democratic attempt to obtain documents a new evidence trump is charged with the abuse of power and the obstruction of justice she had tansey reports on a long opening day that stretched well into the night our founders trusted the senate to rise above short term passions at the last moment senate majority leader mitch mcconnell altered his proposed rules for the impeachment trial gome was the possibility that the evidence collected during the various house inquiries might not be entered into evidence in the senate trial of the democratic party house managers and white house lawyers would now have 3 days and not 2 to make their opening statements that left the issue of witnesses and documents house democrats argue that they were withheld in the course of their inquiries into whether donald trump was withholding congressionally mandated military aid for ukraine in return for an investigation into for the vice president joe biden and that these must be produced in the senate trials a leader mcconnell wants a trial with no existing evidence and no new evidence a trial without evidence is not a trial it's a cover up the white house argues that the request for more evidence proves the democrats don't have a strong case against the president they said in their brief we have overwhelming evidence and they're afraid to make their case think about it think about it it's common sense overwhelming evidence. to impeach the president of the united states and then they come here on the 1st day and they say you know what we need some more evidence the white house also argues that the documents and witnesses are privileged in order to shape foreign policy the president must be able to have private deliberations with advisers and that's an argument rejected by the democrats make the argument that the president's conduct here was was it was conduct that every president should be allowed to engage in and i think that most americans don't believe that that mr chief justice i yield back the democrats failed to pass their amendments on the mcconnell's rules that they will be another chance to debate the need for more witnesses and documents but only off the opening arguments and the cross-examination of the house managers and white house lawyers he just watch donald trump was reported to be monitoring proceedings while attending the world economic forum in switzerland his position remains unchanged that little hope. he had been following this and to the. morning. it slowly became clear what the democrats were up to they knew this is going to happen but what they were trying to do is get as much evidence and much information on the record into the public sphere as possible in case this is their last chance to specify which witnesses they want to talk to which documents that they that they need there is another verse next week on bringing in witnesses and documents but as it stands according to the rules it might be a very generous rule rather generic ungenerous sort of debate about these things shall we have more witnesses and documents the democrats seem to think about snot going to give them the chance to go into detail about each of the witnesses and the documents which is exactly what they did today as things stand there things will remain as mitch mcconnell proposed and listen to some of this today it does seem that they don't think yet that they have the 4 votes they need from the republicans to call witnesses if things do stay like that and the republicans are still on track for getting this entire impeachment process finished before february the 4th and president trump state of the union address well as those debates dragged on to 2 am in washington d.c. day was dawning and davos where president trump is following developments he hasn't commented on the outcome it's the 2nd day of the world economic forum in the swiss resort town allowed to fanatic as a james trains us now live from there james i see that donald trump has been tweeting he's making great progress and what's on his agenda that city. what we seem to have a pretty restrained president trump here in davos he's not doing a running commentary on what's going on in the senate and certainly the speech that he made here earlier on in davos was a pretty standard presidential speech is advisors clearly i think wants him to be seen on the world stage seen among this international elite looking presidential and away from the fray of what's going on in the senate he's meeting right now with business leaders of course the other controversy here is the whole issue that is central to davos this year and that's the climate and not a lot being said about the climate crisis by president trump and he certainly doesn't frame it in that way as a climate crisis but certainly business leaders world leaders and other leaders here do see it that way just moments ago i was listening to the u.n. undersecretary general for humanitarian affairs not local talking about how the climate intersects with humanitarian issues and all that point we're going to speak to my guest who's another of the key figures in the humanitarian community for the program day he's the u.n. high commissioner for refugees thank you for joining us i commissioned a tell me in your terms of your job people moving around the world refugees migrants how does the climate and the climate emergency affect that in so many ways 1st of all there is a climate emergency and this is also evident in the fact that people are obliged to move because of that in multiple fashions you have rising sea levels slow movements you have natural disasters fast movements and then you have the inevitable link between climate change scarcity of resources and conflict which causes movements as well like in the sahara for example so these combinations that we see all over there are likely to provoke more force movement of people you're a veteran of. sort of gatherings it's the main theme of divorce this year there's a lot of talk about it is there though the matching action clearly not and certainly not enough yet sense of urgency reducing emissions and doing all the other things that need to be done. by those who have the power to decide so. i work at the receiving end of those disasters and i'm worried about that but certainly we are stepping up or getting ready we're working in partnership with many others this is not the work of one organization or the other but that sense of urgency at the root cause level needs to be injected more in the leadership let's talk to you all you hear about some of the other areas in the world where there are pressing concerns we saw the big conference in berlin on libya at the weekend and some would say that didn't achieve enough in terms of your work libya there are still those people trapped to the people who came up through africa from the south trapped in libya we found solutions for if you are them extracting them evacuating them to other countries. we have managed to expand a little bit the space to work inside libya for those who can't get out but frankly if there is no progress on the political front if military action is not halted that space will remain very narrow we continue to be plagued by that tragedy next door to the european border and what i find amazing is people still travel from other african countries to libya in the same way that they travel from african countries across the water to yemen well unfortunately unfortunately when people do this it means that the dispair. the place of origin is so big that you're ready to take any risk in order to have better lives this should be a point of reflection here in davos on climate issues on poverty and inequality not enough strategic thinking too much immediate reaction too much about walls closing borders pushing people back this is easy to win the next election but it is not really enough to address the root causes not any interview of you i don't think she would be complete without his mentioning syria because it has been going on for so long now there are som and you hear this drumbeat from some that the war is nearly over it's time now to let assad take control again now that brings up the question of those that fled to all the neighboring countries in your assessment is it time for any of those refugees to return home it's it's not up to me to decide that they have to make that decision and in fact in fact some are making that decisions and i think for those who decide to return voluntarily of course they have to be supported but any return can only be voluntary and can only be based on the choice of the people themselves so we need to be patient but certainly we need to multiply our assistance both of those stories who return and those who are left in exile let's not forget that countries like jordan lebanon turkey even iraq egypt they continue to host almost 6000000 syrian refugees and i don't want them to be forgotten and the program high commissioner for refugees for the united nations thank you for joining us here in davos worth remembering davos always gets mentioned as this gathering of the business elite but there are global political leaders and of course the humanitarian leaders coming here to try and make their case to the political and business community of why these very urgent issues should be tackled not to get ahead james bay is there for us in the banking zone. well china's government has issued a travel advisory to avoid the city at the epicenter of a new virus it's now already killed 9 people and infected more than $400.00 intruding one patient in the united states the world health organization is due to decide whether to take the rest up of declaring a global health emergency there's no vaccine for the risk for a tree infection and doctors fear it could new tape making it even more difficult to contain my mother died we were told we advise everyone not to go to war and we advise 100 students not to leave the city and they still use special circumstances this will help reduce the flow of people and the risk of transmission and we've already strained monitory and prevention mechanisms in provinces with the all confirmed cases. well adrian brown is in hong kong for us and he says there are major concerns about the spread of the virus especially during the chinese new year holiday. this week china becomes a nation in motion some 400000000 people will be on the move we saw some of them today hong kong's kowloon west railway station people though were queuing not to get on trains but to get their money back on tickets a purchase we spoke to one man who was due to go to hand yesterday but canceled his trip he said that he got a call from the and he was due to see but. decided not to go because she pleaded with him because the situation was so serious others were also pulling out because they said they were concerned about being on a public transport system that was sort of swamped with so many people so the message is getting through to who hand is not a destination you want to go to as you heard in that clip from leave in the deputy minister for china's national health commission the warning from china is blunt do not go to hand what you're seeing it seems to me is that there is now a partial lockdown in force and it's possible but that partial lockdown could spread to other infected areas of china because when the chinese communist party gets behind something they tend to be very serious. india's supreme court has given the government 4 weeks to respond to more than 100 legal challenges to its new citizenship or the citizenship amendment act has led to weeks of protests across the country and gives persecuted minorities from 3 neighboring countries the right to apply for citizenship but it excludes muslims critics say the legislation is discriminatory and petitions were filed challenging its constitutional validity well elizabeth problem is in new delhi with more on the court's decision and the continuing protests against the law. after that more than one month of protests and the citizenship act was hostile supreme court 3 judges a 3 judge bench including the chief justice of the supreme court of india began to hear and petitions against the war they have given the indian government 4 weeks to respond to these petitions most of the petitions say that by granting us citizenship on the basis of religion that the citizenship will goes against india's secular constitution they have also been protests from the northeastern states and they have a completely different issue with the citizenship. they receive northeastern states have received the largest number of the day she migrants and they don't want citizenship granted this way regardless of what religion people are from they say that it goes against agreements that it has with the government and the supreme court decided on that that it will hear those issues separately in 2 months since hands that we'll see around the country continuing here in the capital new delhi in calcutta now which is the capital of west bengal among 3 states who have pasta passed resolutions at the state legislature against the north something like 10 states and said that warrant implementing the government saying that they are going to go ahead with this there is opposition from around the country and those protests we are expecting them to continue. the u.n. secretary general has libya's warring sides to join foreign leaders in finding a diplomatic solution to the civil war they call follows sunday's summerson violin when world leaders pledged to end foreign meddling and help stop the fighting. except. finley the conclusions of the bill in summits and assume that the leadership in a situation like these is a leadership for peace is a leadership for united libya able to be ruled by libyans in peace and security and cooperating with its neighbors in a positive way but in a faster as president has declared 2 days of national mourning after 36 people were killed in attacks on 2 northern villages pfizer's 1st on the market another or go on monday and killed 32 people before burning the structure to the ground and then attacked a neighboring settlement where another 4 people died on claims have been increasing their attacks in the region with hundreds of people killed there since 2015 a conflict poverty and natural disasters are forced almost half a 1000000 afghans out of their homes just in the last year alone and desperation is sending many men into the ranks of armed groups as does ravi reports from the western province of hair at local authorities are struggling to deal with the crisis. it's in the provincial districts the police are fighting for afghanistan's future with the bodies of members of the taliban are displayed like hunting programs and it will be assurance to rule communities that they're safe a warning to armed fighters of what to expect from other school districts governor chief. but in remote areas of afghanistan local officials know security does not only come from the barrel of a gun gaining the confidence of afghan people is equally important difficult than the backs the day of the poorest of the poor and really need a lot of help definitely these men have no other choice but to become teledyne criminals or join an insurgent group if they don't find a job we try our best to help them but the insurgents also try their best to easily recruit them despite ongoing challenges herat province is doing better than many other parts of afghanistan making it a destination for people trying to escape the 1000 year long war in their country with camps been here for 2 years the men women and children living here fled fighting in nearby provinces to the relative safety of herat but living conditions here are very basic tents are barely standing most people are exposed to the elements all the time there is no medical help and there is never enough food. places like this have become the blindspot of this conflict. unseen and unheard people here are angry. he has no idea who is in the general there is no one representing ordinary people in peace talks with the taliban so how can those talks be successful these people lost their family members but no one even came to show sympathy for them mohini was born after his family came to this camp 2 years ago this winter the only place he ever knew is also where he died. all his father has left of him is a single picture on his phone. and there was a lot of snow for that day we were staying in the tents that took our child to the clinic i didn't have money for my son's treatments so we came back to the camp that night it was very cold and the next morning my son was dead thought the most father is worried she might be next she's been running a fever for days there's no one to turn to for help. we're living in these things no one helped us with proper tents and no one's helping us with food and went to supplies. everyone seems to have a story of a family member who's died from a preventable illness they hold out registration cards for benefits they say never come or are not enough. and it is very cold and we are shaking because of the coat we do not have anything to keep ourselves warm people give us little time and little help. if the u.s. leaves it will get even worth afghans are already killing each other the taliban killed 4 of my family members including my husband tonight brother i fled my home with 4 children and came here americans measure the cost of the longest war in their history in the billions of dollars and in kabul doha and washington they're trying to negotiate a deal with the taliban that would make it possible to withdraw u.s. forces from the country but in displacement camps all over of the honest on fathers and mothers measure the cost of the war in lost lives in basra. iraq afghanistan. in colombia riot police and protesters have been injured during nationwide demonstrations against the president's policies i reporter allison duran p.r.c. watched what happened in the capital bachata. protesters repeatedly clashed with the police here in the capital gotten a number of cities across colombia in the 1st day of protests in 2020 a continuation of the national strike that story that's the end of november and continued almost until the end of december people is protesting for a number of reasons but today protest was called because of the continuous killing of a social leaders in the country 20 were killed since the beginning of the year practically one every day we know that in the clashes at least 90 people have been detained and at least a dozen wounded to true out today both here in and bogata and other cities and this puts to test a new protocol that was designed by the newly elected mayor. cloudy a lot just to try and avoid violence to confrontations focusing on the use of civil mediators and trying to use anti-riot police as a last force but as you can see in many cases he said the mayor has decided to use the police and their violent confrontations followed. now prosecutors in brazil have charge 16 company executives with mudda following the west evidence or accident a year ago or at least $259.00 people were killed when a dam collapsed unleashing a torrent of toxic mining waste and dams are not on the german from that satisfy that safety have been charged with environmental crimes. now one of the 2 psychologists credited with creating the cia's torture program has testified at guantanamo bay as part of a pretrial hearing for 5 men charged over the september 11th attacks jim mitchell defended his role in the controversial program as a matter of moral courage roslyn jordan reports when jim mitchell was a contract psychologist for the cia he waterboard khalid sheikh muhammad 183 times on tuesday with muhammad sitting just meters away mitchell testified at the 911 pretrial hearing mitchell said his job as an interrogator was to make suspected al qaeda members talk the fact that people are being held in isolation for years incommunicado from their families told that they're going to die there and lack all ordinary protections of a person in prison is outrageous mitchell said the bush administration pressured the cia and the f.b.i. to do anything and everything to prevent future attacks he said the cia persuaded him 1st to take on the case of abu zubaida and that his work with other detainees including muhammad only grew with time human rights groups say the statements detainees gave to both the cia and later the f.b.i. were given under duress and never should be used as evidence in the trial mitchell testified he knew defense lawyers are trying to keep f.b.i. statements out of this case but he chose to show up for the sake of the $911.00 victims and their families. just before tuesday's testimony and psychologist jim mitchell told the court room this let me tell you i get up today and do it again if the cia were to ask him to take part in its enhanced interrogation program mitchell returns to the stand for more testimony on wednesday russell jordan al jazeera guantanamo bay. and again this is al jazeera and these are the headlines lebanon's new cabinet is about to meet for the fast time the ministers are mostly specialists and academics recruited to come up with a plan to solve the country's economic crisis but the announcement hasn't appeased protest has sent a call to has more from beirut a committee will be formed to formulate and draft what is known here as a ministerial statement the government's action plan and its policies which they will present to parliament during the vote of confidence now this this government is expected to receive that vote of confidence because they were appointed by the ruling alliance which controls the legislature but it doesn't have the legitimacy in the in the streets so there is a certain segment of the population in lebanon which believes that this government is not going to change much the rules have been agreed in the us president on an impeachment trial after more than 12 hours of debate republicans blocked every democratic attempt to taint documents and new evidence trump is charged with abuse of power and obstruction of congress china's government has issued a travel advisory to avoid the city at the at the center of a new virus it's killed at least 9 people in infected more than 431 patients in the u.s. the world health organization is due to decide whether to take the rest at of declaring a global health and majesty. india's supremes court has given the government 4 weeks to respond to more than 100 legal challenges to its new citizenship law the citizenship amendments act has led to weeks of protests across the country it gives persecuted minorities from 3 neighboring countries the right to apply for citizenship but it excludes muslims the u.n. secretary general is libya's warring sides to join foreign leaders in finding a diplomatic solution to the civil war the call follows sunday's summit in berlin when world leaders pledged to end foreign meddling and help stop the fighting begin afonso as president has declared 2 days of national mourning after 36 people were killed in attacks on 2 northern villages 5 his fans stormed a market to go on monday and killed 32 people before burning the structure to the ground troops have killed hundreds of people in that region since 2050 well those are the headlines next stop its life apps do stay with us on al-jazeera. one of the really special things about working proud is here is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much and put in contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else would be what it is you know it's very trying to be but in the particular because you have a lot of people that are divided on political issues we are we the people we live to tell the real stories are just mended used to do we were indeed journalism we don't feel inferior to the audience across the globe. what is called. the ability. to. put libya's civil war now into its 6th year world leaders held a summit in berlin to try to end it various countries have been supplying the warring sides with weapons so they pledged from now to respect a u.n. imposed arms embargo the prime minister of the internationally recognized libyan government by is also and warlord khalifa haftar we're at the talks but not in the same room. can this diplomatic effort achieve a permanent cease fire libyan prime minister fires also talks to al-jazeera.

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