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a disgraceful hoax china's fear of super spirit is as it confirms human to human transmission of a new virus and the toll climbs again. feel like there is a. young libyans wonder whether their future lies abroad because of the continuing fight for control the. world number one rafael nadal is through to the 2nd round of the australian open advancing his speed. record of 20 grand slam titles. he was president donald trump has delivered an upbeat headline address the world economic forum in switzerland that says the final details of his impeachment trial was set to be hammered out on the other side of the atlantic trump told the gathering of political and business elite that america was experiencing an economic boom like never before he dismissed what he called prophecies of doom as concerns over climate change over chouteau the summit. this is not a time for pessimism this is a time for optimism fear and doubt is not a good thought process because this is a time for tremendous hope and joy and optimism in action but to embrace the possibilities of tomorrow we must reject the perennial prophets of doom and their predictions of the apocalypse ahead of his address trump responded to queries i for why he chose to be in davos instead of washington at such a critical time for his presidency the way he'll be meeting with world leaders is the biggest most important people in the world and we're bringing back tremendous business it ignited states and they're all here to see me make it a speech and then we'll be leaving shortly but i think it's very important that the others just a hoax it's the witch hunt that's been going on for years and it's frankly it's disgraceful well a diplomat here to the giants but he's joins us now live from davos and joins us with a very optimistic and upbeat donald trump. yes those words you just heard were not in the speech it was going into the speech and that is the only time so far since he's arrived in dallas has been here for several hours now that he's mentioned the r word and we all know from following his recent comments from what he said in recent days on twitter he is obsessed by impeachment but a very conscious decision i think in a speech that was more than 30 minutes long not to mention the upcoming impeachment trial that has been so discussed in the american media and that actually starts formally in the senate in a matter of hours instead very clearly they have decided to use divorce as a backdrop a backdrop for president trying to sell his economic message i'm sure there will be some will be going through some of the list of facts that he gave out doing some fact checking but certainly he presented a very bullish view of the u.s. economy it said it was a very inclusive economy said the poorest were doing better under a trump presidency and even made claims about the environment that the u.s. had the cleanest air and the cleanest water a very upbeat optimistic i would say campaign approach to his speech here in davos terms campaign indeed he may have been speaking in davos but this was a message very much for back home in an election year saying look i've delivered on what i promised. absolutely it was aimed at the audience back home but i think the backdrop was not just this scris ski resort the backdrop was this global business that is the also this world economic forum's will go on for 30 years this is a club that president really enjoys being a member of remember all his time as a business leader as the head of the trump organization they never asked him to speak. and now i think he gets the validation of this invitation we know from accounts 2 years ago when he was here it was one of the events he enjoyed the most he's back here i think in an environment where he feels comfortable and an environment where his advisors thinks he looks good he looks presidential he's on the global stage it's the perfect environment they think a distraction a divorce distraction of what's to come in the senate in a matter of hours time jones thank you for that now while leaders meet in davos protesters who blame them for the climate change crisis are demanding action to protect the planet hundreds of activists across with bartz 3 days to the ski resort to make their voices heard and they're demanding the end of investment in fossil fuels and reforms to the global economy to save the environment which on the whole is davos and he joins us now live and while donald trump is accusing climate change activists of being prophets of doom we've also been hearing the urgency of their campaign and particularly through the words of gratitude. yes absolutely the world economic forum has made climate and environment major issues at this davos forum not least because its own global risks analysis survey released annually discovered that the top 5 risks to the planet in the long term all involve climate change and environmental destruction. gratitude of course given top billing here alongside president trump he's known to be a major climate skeptic in that speech that we heard from donald trump they were perhaps the most tepid signs of optimism for climate activists watching because he didn't simply reject the whole idea he didn't simply ignore the whole idea he did pay it some attention by saying that the u.s. would join up to this 1000000 trillion trees initiative being launched here at davos it's a public private initiative to plant trees around the world to boost reforest rope forestation to sequester some $200.00 gigatons of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere over the coming 10 years and that will be held aloft i think by the world economic forum in terms of its climate agenda as a major achievement climate activists. among them it's important to say have already said look planting trees is important but it's simply not enough and we've heard twice this morning from gratitude on 2 different panels saying most recently our house is still on fire echoing the words she used a year ago here your inaction talking to business leaders here is fueling the flames by the hour she says her fight the fight of global activists has only just begun much more needs to be done take a listen this is not about rights or lefts. we couldn't care less about your party politics from sustainability perspective the rights the left's as well as the center have all failed. no political ideology or economic structure has been able to tackle the climates and environmental emergency and create a cohesive and sustainable. because that world in case you haven't noticed is currently on fire but it's extraordinary that gratitude berg's global activism began just 18 months ago with those school strikes in sweden now of course a global movement this is her 2nd visit to davos we met up with last year when she was strolling the streets of davos along with her father a relative unknown now of course the world's most prominent global climate activist here alongside donald trump as i said arguably the world's most famous famous climate denier but i think for most people here it is gretta tomba as much as the president if not more that they want to see and listen to china thank you john a whole lot for us from davos. so lots going on in the swiss alps but while trump is in davos after months of arguments and build up his impeachment trial is set to begin in the senate later on tuesday senate republican leader mitch mcconnell has proposed rules for president donald trump's impeachment trial and they're designed to win the proceedings as quickly as possible before more on this we're joined by our white house correspondent kimberly helped it uncritically believe is the question of these rules and whether we will hear from witnesses and whether we will hear new evidence being tended as will at this trial. yeah let me give you a sense of what this is going to look like today and given the fact that these rules are being presented as a resolution by the top republican in the u.s. senate mitch mcconnell there controversy old the democratic side in the top democrat in the u.s. senate chuck schumer is in fact calling them a national disgrace why is he so angry he's angry because he does want to force witnesses he's certainly going to try but it appears likely to fail what we know and why democrats are so angry is that the republicans have pushed forward a resolution that will be formally presented that essentially is going to compress this trial into a very tight celebrated timeline so what that means is the impeachment managers from the house of representatives they're like the prosecutors they're going to have just 24 hours stretched over 2 days to present their case the president's defense team they'll have that same time live what it means is we could see this all condensed really into about 4 days arguing into the wee hours of the morning and essential what this could mean is this could all wrap up before february 4th a very important day what is that important day it's the president's state of the union address where he could be facing the congress that in fact has impeached him so it appears designed for a swift acquittal in all of this but again this is something that as we set off about 800 g.m.t. it appears to be quite controversial among democrats as you point out or trying to force witnesses can we thank you complete lot for you today from washington d.c. . well mom is al-jazeera senior political analyst and he's here to talk research all of this by the impeachment and what we've heard from donald trump in davos let's start 1st with davos and yes he respects being in switzerland but this is to be heard back in the united states isn't it absolutely i mean. this was or to be the antidote for what's going on in washington and that's why he would go on for 2025 minutes of course would not mention each month once rather as i said earlier he would be trumpeting some structured as it were in order to show how he can boast to ward leaders political and business leaders about america's greatness and him being so great himself being presidential and all that sends a contrast if you work to the american people that while the democrats are doing their little dirty business in the basement as it were he is at the world stage doing america's business and talking up america's economy america's leadership of the world he's really he's economic record in office as well well you know i just listen to for refreshing my memory listen to the 2018. speech he gave a davos and it's there are some buses incredible actually almost the same brackets with the same ideas and even the break up of the speeches very similar. talking about how his record is so great and all of that but what struck me different this time around is unlike his speeches of the 1st 2 years was he talked about the american carnage now he was all full of optimism talking about confidence that kind of the hopefulness and so on so forth others who are the prophets of doom now and he was a prophet of doom when he took office absolutely and again that goes into the idea that he's projecting the kind of confidence knowing that he's probably going to pass this impeachment trial and trying to tell the world america still in business and as he said then and now open for business just on the question of that impeachment trial and you know because the republicans control the senate there is the expectation of the inevitable acquittal of donald trump but is there more to this than that if there are indeed witnesses called if the reason new evidence tended is the damage for donald trump and beyond that damage for the republicans given this is an election year the thing is that the polarization both in congress and among the american people is so great that it's very hard to detect where the truth and the false ideas and where the accusation of the counteraccusations are credible and in congress the split is so deep that of course the democrats would accuse that their process and the house oprah presenting the was all manufactured in the basement and was all not credible and they were in the world of the senate leader playing with the constitution now it is that them across that are accusing the republican leadership of the senate of playing with the constitutions and. basically. masterminding a cover up for busy the president when the situation is so dire when the when the when that with the accusation is so important. talking about of course the abuse of power by the president using his office for private profit in this case winning the next election again i think this being so short on all of us who probably has some dents in the public opinion i'm not sure this is going to be enduring because let's all remember the elections is still some 11 months down the road let me ask you about the impeachment trial i suppose what we heard from donald trump today in davos is will is being received internationally how does the international community see what it's playing out in the united states given the u.s. is seen still as being the essential power in the world you know it's not just a sense of power it's actually also you know the beacon of flight when it numbs to democracy if you will i mean let's not all. forget that this is a country that's 200 plus years democracy and that is has endured in so many ways with its liberal democratic and republican principles and values and every once in a while we see it tested and this is one of those times that we see tested is this a government of laws or is a government of the people because it's supposed to be a government by the people for the people but once again we see this major crisis if you will what by a president as many sets in a majority of the house of representatives think he was not acting presidential and that he was in fact violating the law and in this sort of public no one is above the law when internationally people look at this they actually i am sure most people out on the world look at my own ringley at a country that can put its leader even a leader that you know claims of boasts. of doing such and such greatness still put him on trial as it were if he violates the law this is something that you would never for example see in a place like the middle east except that evolution that would probably put the president like president mubarak for example otherwise we don't see any such thing on the other hand i think not much is expected of this president as the commander in chief. since he is so preoccupied by that by impeachment then later on by elections that he will not be as effective on the world stage certainly not in terms of conflict resolution certainly not in projecting american leadership and hence people will probably be very unexpected if you will of the united states in the next months or so moment thank you moshe are joining us that is putting more head on the news hour including india's supreme court prepares to begin hearing appeals on a controversial citizenship. nationwide protests. thousands of people in the philippines white to hear when they could return to the ash covered hall as all 4 were to start planning for cities in sports one of boss calls brightest young star gets ready for his n.b.a. . a new virus is causing increasing concern in asia doctors in china say the brits praetorian fiction has killed 6 people and infected almost 300 as it spreads it's also been confirmed that the corona virus can be transmitted between people increasing worries of so-called super spiritus i dream brown as bull from hong kong . china's tightly controlled state media says the mysterious virus has now spread to some of the country's major cities. in addition to more deaths new infections including hospital workers. and for the 1st time confirmation that this respiratory virus can be passed from person to person by means it's usual some cases happened in 2 places one in guangdong the other one where human to human transmission has been confirmed that the disease was 1st identified in wu hand late last year the majority of the confirmed cases of the virus in china are here but a handful have also been identified in other parts of asia where authorities are ramping up their defenses with a mandatory screening of air passengers from who had this week china becomes a nation in motion as people travel home to mark the new lunar new year but many are also traveling overseas and from will hand it's now possible to fly to 40 international destinations which is why i say some experts this outbreak is going to be more than just china's problem china has been here before 17 years ago another virus called sars severe acute respiratory syndrome claimed the lives of around 800 people almost 300 of them in neighboring hong kong at 1st china's leaders asserted there have been only a handful of cases but later admitted providing false information about the epidemic a city mayor and health minister revenge sacked professor olio pune of hong kong university was one of the 1st scientists to decode the sars virus he says the city has improved its disease control work but he and other scientists were racing to understand this new virus is it very efficient or not. right now we only know that there's a limited human to human transmission but what does that mean we need data to actually come up more our career estimation so it's a race against time. i agree we need more information pharmacies are stocking up on face masks the growing health emergency across the border now replacing media coverage of the young going protests demanding political reform and while there is no panic there is deepening concern adrian brown al-jazeera hong kong. security forces are trying to clear protestors in iraq is a new wave of demonstrations spreads across the country. in the southern city of basra police officers attempted to remove barricades while in baghdad protesters fought back against security forces with rocks and fire bombs at least 5 protesters were killed in the latest round of violence after police opened fire in the capital on monday assad binge of a joins us now from baghdad just tell us what you're hearing about these latest round of protests. well at least one protester has been killed today in this ongoing clashes between security forces and protesters what protesters have been trying to do is choke off major points leading to the capital baghdad and our trees going through it at the moment some freeway there have been clashes and in one such clash one protester was killed today and more than 14 we've been told by activists have been injured as well there have also been injuries on the police side because protesters have been throwing molotov cocktails as well as stones and this is this all started on monday when the deadline to give in to the government to and what the protesters called a reign of corruption expired and protesters are saying that they want to tell the government that they will come out and forth they will remind them that they have pushed this government out of power and they will continue to come out until the government has the demand we've been hearing from protesters from all corners of the country you mentioned buster there's also been protesters in divine in another of karbala and other parts of the country including wasit where what were the protesters are doing that they will come on to the major highways they would block the roads burned tires blocked traffic and then there would be clashes between the security forces and the protesters some of these clashes have resulted in injuries in other cases the roads have been reopened only to be closed again so that what the protesters are telling the government is that there are enough time has passed you are not listening to our demands yes you did push out the government but what happens next how are you going to make sure that there is no corruption services are maintained and the influence of foreign powers including the u.s. and iran is taken out of iraqi politics and the leaders who rule them are honest people and not part of the current political elite so some of that does raise the question of how does the government to be wrong but whether the government is prepared to deliver on but whether the government is capable of delivering on those demands. well the 1st thing that the government needs to do is to form a permanent government the politicians need to come up with a name that all parties can agree on and that is a divisive issue whether you talk to the sunnis the kurds the shia led groks because they want their their person to be in power when this crucial time passes where there's going to be amendments to the constitution where the future course of action of iraq is going to be laid out and then there is foreign interference protesters allege it is from coming from the united states as well as iran and that is going to be a very difficult task to come up with a name which is agreeable to all sides we've heard names that have been proposed before which have been rejected immediately by protesters and the moment one of the names is leaked to the media you see a picture of that person and the allegations against their corruption because anyone that the that the government and their allies try to push forward has to be somebody they know and everyone who they know as we at some point part of the government and according to protesters that's not something they want so it is a very difficult time for the political process in iraq but it is a divisive issue which has divided everyone and the street seem adamant that unless they see new faces not just a change of face with the same ideology they want to see a complete revamp of iraq's political system and it is likely that this will take on much longer and has already gone on since october the 25th and more than 500 people have been killed and 25000 wounded in these ongoing protests a summer thank you. european union foreign ministers have agreed to look at ways to support a long term ceasefire in libya but only if warring parties stick to a tentative truce it could include a monitoring mission and restarting enable operation to uphold a u.n. . at this time the birth to reports in tripoli after years of conflict many young people there now see their future away from their. they signal v. for victory but these 5 year olds don't really know what it means it was a common gesture in the revolution 9 years ago now it's being used as libya is mired in conflict once again this school in tripoli has been hit 3 times by rockets these children are caught in the middle of a fight between government forces and those led by warlords khalifa haftar and they are learning about death and destruction 50 percent of the $450.00 peoples at this school is said to be suffering from trauma. with war destruction and indiscriminate shelling this is an extremely hard and difficult psychological impact on the children can see many are completely broken and they have no desire to continue their education. it's not a good time to be young in libya life is precarious the economy is suffering and the staples of life will become luxuries and once they finish school the opportunities are limited to us the sky's the limit but in when you kind of live in libya that limit is kind of you know decreased. more and more are leaving they prefer to take their chances abroad and stay and face unemployment and hardship at home 100000 students at tripoli university just half of them are expected to find a job after graduation. many have left their studies to fight because the government did not give to the use the opportunity to study in these hard times it's destroyed the future of half of young. men let me make my last year in the middle of nowhere i wish i could leave who doesn't hope for that when a country cannot guarantee you a job abroad they show appreciation that you're educated. there are no official statistics of how many of the young educated are leaving but everyone agrees it's not an insignificant number next to achieving a lasting peace here the biggest challenge is going to be how to stop the departure flow of libya's young talent before it becomes a flood. at this intellectual form they're trying to do that by helping people set up their own businesses like so large and utilize the sentence you feel like there is no hope if you have a lot of them are trying to go upward and various you know departments of that very special seed but it's it's very worrying because they don't see if you're training . when moammar gadhafi was overthrown as leader in 2011 people the young in particular who promised a bright future 9 years on and the children of libya are still waiting tony berkeley al-jazeera tripoli. it's time to check out the weather there he is rob and we revisit australia that was straight of course as a consequence of long term weather the drives in the he's seen a huge fire about a 100 of them still not contained but of course the last few days we've seen some big showers this is around the capital in victoria where the big showers are bigger than normal as well and has been consequential quite significant damage to a national institution here in canberra all the greenhouses smashed quite big trees were brought down the capital because with these storms not just you have have the size of tennis balls the does that damage but winds are gusting over $120.00 calories per kilometer per hour that brings down big you could it was trees that even in the summer after it's rained now since that the showers have moved on we wait for another thing to come in this from occurring another frontal system coming in from the of the but now when that happens you tend to get a huge change in temperature ahead of it gets very hot behind it it's cools down and on itself some decent right well this is the movement in the next 24 hours or so and it will heat up ahead of it now one sees $32.00 degrees or so then dropping down to 21 when the fronts go through proper rate but sydney look at that just before the front comes in right to 40 degrees it's wouldn't again this is bad news for the remaining fires. rob thank you for that well still ahead on al-jazeera in the driver's seat how technology is helping desirable destroyed ians control their lives saving the world's most famous shipwreck the rusting remains of the titanic. in sports 6 years after it was 1st announced david beckham's new team finally makes it onto the pitch. big story general. story. conflict with different angles from different perspectives things going to really bring relief. to the war to separate the spin from the facts the misinformation from the joes on this so clear and it sounds to me and indeed near people's think that we've been listening on al-jazeera. the latest news as it breaks this bush by season is far from over but it's caused so much devastation across a strain. with detail coverage campaigners say that a 100. and seen ages of sleeping on the streets of taras and feel is generalism senators are preparing for a briefing on the u.s. military strike and whatever response it may bring. you're watching al-jazeera a reminder of our top stories this hour the u.s. president has delivered an upbeat headline address at the world economic forum in davos donald trump says america is experiencing an economic boom like never before dismissed what he called prophecies of doing over the climate crisis. president trump's impeachment trial is due to get underway in a few hours senate republican leader mitch mcconnell has announced the rules that will govern the proceedings designed to end it as soon as possible democrats try to amend the. death toll from a new virus in china has gone up to 6 and. 8 infected is concerned about so-called super spreaders after transmission between humans has confirmed. at least 14 people have been killed in syria during government is strikes on italy province and the aleppo countryside children are among the dead the area has been subject to shilling for the last 4 days leaving a number of people dead and forcing tens of thousands to flee the un has called for an immediate end to hostilities. supreme court judges in india are prepared to hear the 1st appeals against a new citizenship law that gives persecuted minorities from 3 neighboring countries the right to apply for citizenship but not if they're muslim and that's provoked weeks of protests that the legislation is discriminatory and unconstitutional so how raman has more from new delhi. from east to west from north to south india has seen protests big and small many extremely noisy. indians have come out in large numbers angry at the law passed last month granting citizenship to people from persecuted religious minorities from neighboring countries but not if they're muslim opposition politicians civil society activists young and old and many students have been at the forefront of the peaceful demonstrations of turned violent in states mainly controlled by the ruling b j p party of prime minister and remote police have been blamed for numerous deaths and injuries in order pradesh the death of this young restaurant worker walking home after a shift caused outrage and prompted an investigation into police violence. protests have taken various forms. in song and the art of these creative minds gather to explain how they feel about the events of the past few weeks to indian history as india. not necessarily this or that community aakash or religious. i just checked again. in calcutta opposition politicians have made their position clear. regardless of religion they say the reality of the national register of citizens the n.r.c. and the citizenship amendment bill the c.a.v. is becoming clearer thanks toward the end we had a dungeon games and in those detention camps 60 percent of people in those good engine games were bengali hindus so this entire story about an odyssey and c.b. is not religion tend to get all it affects everybody it affects in incidence and. prime minister didn't remotely is clear about what the citizenship law is marble are bigger than the muslims who are born on indian soil or whose ancestors are children of mother india they have nothing to do with the citizenship law or the national register of citizens neither are the muslims being sent to any detention centers nor are there any detention centers brothers and sisters this is a white lie. and it's here at india's supreme court that a final decision will be made the chief justice of india will hear almost 60 partitions objecting to this the citizenship law the government will get its chance to explain the details of the legislation and then we expect to hear long and lengthy argument the debate will center around whether the law is discriminatory or whether it's fails to live up to the spirit of india's secular democratic constitution. until a verdict is announced millions whose indian identity and their right to live here is being questioned will continue to fear for their future so whole rahman al-jazeera you delhi. a government appointed commission to me about says the army probably committed war crimes against rohingya muslims but not genocide the commission found security personnel used disproportionate force including killing civilians and destroying homes of nations prosecutors say genocide was committed during the crackdown on the muslim minority 3 years ago around 3 quarters of a 1000000 fled to neighboring bangladesh where most remind a former head of interpol has been sentenced to 13 years in jail for bribery in china bar home ways trial was one of the most high profile during presidencies you things anti corruption campaign the 1st chinese to head the global police coordination artsy went missing after resigning 2 years ago after his arrest in china he admitted receiving $2000000.00 in bribes while the government minister his wife says the charges are politically motivated. thailand's constitutional court has acquitted leaders of an opposition party of attempting to overthrow the monarchy but the future forward party faces other legal threats to its existence victoria going to be reports. at ficci food party had courses in the capital bangkok supporters were relieved when the judge delivered his verdict. but there was not enough evidence to prove the party acted to overthrow the constitutional monarchy under a democratic system with the king as head of state. but the celebrations were short lived teacher who would faces more legal challenges and the threat of being dissolved if we believe that those politically money whether. we believe what you know. make us go to all those cases successfully. for the future forward party won 81 parliamentary seats in last year's general election the parties led by a new younger generation who say they won't real democracy and not a military government in disguise the. prime minister pry it china china is the full mommy general who led the coup 5 and a half years ago many his government old say former military personnel. the election commission is recommending the dissolution of future food analysts say if that happens expect mass anti-government protests if you keep fears of forward in parliament that mean they don't have added choice except ones who are now in the parliament but if you this solve this particular party that has cost one of the close ties to the thai people it means you give. twice is that less and less. the government denies the accusations against the party's leaders are politically motivated but this legal victory for the opposition has done little to reassure many ties he was concerned about the prospect of more political turmoil victoria gates and be. rescue crews in nepal have intensified this for 7 people missing after an avalanche for south korea interests and their 3 nepal the gods haven't been seen since friday of the trick is on the rouge around mt. risk you poor weather conditions and treacherous terrain a hampering the search. the bank he wishes to not being allowed to return home more than a week after the child volcano erupted in the philippines with the little still high more than 100000 people to show drink in a vacuum and sentenced but there are concerns about housing people in the long term . good reports from an evacuation center in baton this province. we're in ballet and one of the many towns are bearing the brunt of this crisis more than 8000 civilians are evacuated here since the owl initially erupted more than a week ago now and days after we're seeing a semblance of normalcy here we've spoken to officials who say they're doing the best they can to provide the very basic needs that civilians need behind me is financial assistance being given out to residents they're being made to sign their financial assistance record and we've spoken to civilians evacuees who say no matter how small the amount they are grateful because they can slowly save enough money to rebuild their homes medical assistance is also now made available there are volunteer health workers who assist nurses to give out the most basic of medicines and we have also spoken to the evacuees who say there is enough food for now which they pick up from this cooking and packing and food area given out by local workers and teachers almost every single meal but the bigger question now is whether the government can sustain this crisis for the long term that is because it will means to be seen just how long will evacuate have to stay here we're getting reports as well that local governments are starting to plan to set up tent cities in many parts of but angus province there's 8000 evacuees and a slow response the volcano is on alert level for we will keep them here and make sure that they're safe and secure in our town now these are classrooms which have been turned into evacuations. enters and people here tell us where you are the earthquakes continue to cause fear and anxiety here but beyond the physical discomfort people here tell us they worry about what the future holds that is because many of the evacuees here do not have homes they can return to their homes have been destroyed their farmlands have been obliterated this is why they hope there is enough funding for them to start over but this fight assurances by the government that there is enough funding for calamities like this one many still question whether the government can truly afford the longer we have been it's ation like this one. heavy snow rain and go force winds in spain to be blamed for the deaths of at least 4 people storm gloria battered much of the country all but died bad weather forecast catalonia is regional government has banned out directivity because of the potential danger to psychologists who develop the cia's program to torture terrorist suspects a-g. to give evidence this week at a military tribunal in guantanamo bay it will be the 1st time testifying in an open court about so-called enhanced interrogation both in jordan as well. the 5 men on trial for allegedly planning the september 11th attacks were all tortured by the cia before they were moved to the prison at guantanamo the self described ringleader khalid shaikh muhammad was water boarded 183 times now muhammad and his co-defendants may be sitting in a military courtroom this week when the psychologists who created and then participated in the cia torture program testify about what they did and why trust this is the 1st time that these men will be talking openly publicly in court about the pattern and practice of being the galahad that they were hired by the u.s. government to engage and james mitchell and bruce jessen were contract workers for the cia from 2001 to 2009 they've always defended working in the enhanced interrogation program in cia secret prisons but after several former detainees sued them in 2015 justin and mitchell claimed the cia had forced them to keep waterboarding beating and humiliating suspects so they would talk legal experts say in the case of the 911 defendants this is a critical matter to explore really have a death by shooting you need to know. what was done to this person what this person did and what is and what was done to them in order to make a reasoned moral judgment about their culpability the $911.00 suspects statements to the cia won't be used as evidence in their trial and after hearing mitchell and justin's testimony the trial judge could decide to block the statements defendants gave to the f.b.i. once they arrived at guantanamo it's not clear whether the public testimony from the architects of the cia torture program will make a difference to americans 19 years after the september 11th attacks. rosalyn jordan al-jazeera washington. it's been described as a momentous agreement to stop treasure hunters plundering the world's most famous ship wreck the rusting remains of the titanic will be treated with sensitivity and respect so the british and american governments will grant permits to explore the wreck and remove ata facts at least 1500 passengers and crew drowned when the sun cooled on sink a blunt you don't iceberg and sank on its maiden voyage in 912. is a professor of history and anthropology is shawnees dot university in the united states he says the rake has been wrong because it's so famous the titanic however because of the extreme interest the let's say how famous it is any i to more coverage from mant obviously have huge amount of value and the wreck had been you know if you will visited and i would quite comfortably use the word pillaged if you will. or a grave for all because it is essentially an underwater grave for over 1500 people and this has caused you know a lot of concern for a lot of people so. you know in order to prevent further authorized axes by private or even you know businesses entities etc from continuing to access the site this now places century for the 1st time some sort of lead straight or regulation that permits only. the united states and great britain at least in this case to provide access or licenses and it reinforces what came out of the 2001 can vent unesco convention for the protection of maritime cultural heritage sites. sport is next here on al-jazeera and maria sharapova he'd she played her last of a match at the a strike in our. business leaders is both to find a bright spot. business leaders is both to find a bright spot. at a struggling government scheme for people with disabilities has created a series of innovations at its boosted high tech startups which help the disabled typewriting control of their lives andrew thomas has more from city. a decade ago this wheelchair was the height of technology in the disability sector for macs bert's it was a life changing innovation but now he's developing his own applying even more modern technology to services but innovation is a website that guides people with disabilities to places they can access this cafe has stairs leading down from its front door useless to people in wheelchairs the app shows an unsigned alternative entrance through an office block being there through provides a style where. you're going there for majors and you'll. say freak you you could. you care. to a bridge so i just say in time her types mapping apps will integrate information to show wheelchair friendly routes innovation is taking off in australia because of a new tax payer funded $22000000000.00 australian dollars or $15000000000.00 us dollars a year national disability insurance scheme supported by both the country's main political parties grants are given directly to people with disability to spend on the services they need we're seeing investors are really taking this spice seriously with the advent of the national disability insurance scheme saying that government is is increasing their spending from around about $6000000000.00 a year to $22000000000.00 a year it's a it's a market that is really unparalleled in lots of whys many startups like those represented at this networking event have flourished technology is at the heart of most pat and glen methods with the help of one of them higher up is an online platform that helps people find hire and manage their own support work it's traditionally agencies would find work is people with disabilities. i have little choice over who they got and that person would change frequently in the us i had no choice in who supported me it was very disempowering now i have full choice and control with who have supporting me but when they come in what we do the platform means people with disability can choose their own support workers based on availability and mutual interests that leads to consistency and often to friendship without technology you wouldn't be out to have this immediate connection with paypal so if we've grant within 30 minutes god sent a message send a message back and arrange to meet up the next day i started working with technology in the disability sector is often thought of only in the physical realm increasingly services online but a powering the innovation andrew thomas al-jazeera says let's get the latest in sports now with andy thank you so much stan tennis world number one rough. even is through to the 2nd round of the australian open he's targeting a 1st one at this grand slam events in more than a decade we also saw one of the biggest names in the women's game play what could be a last match that's one of the david stocks reports sunny skies in melbourne meant organizers could catch up on the games that have been rained off on day one and there was a bright start to the tournament for rough an adult. sprains world number one was almost flawless against the unseated bolivian player hugo deleon he wrapped things up in straight sets the downs chasing grand slam number 22 draw level with the all time leader roger federer but he's only won this tournament once before and that was 11 years ago if i reach the fund i think if i reach 21 better if i reach. so perhaps about all the things that i did in my dentist kerry and australia's hopes for a men's champion rest with nick fury us through to round to the bad boy of tennis has won some fans over recently with his efforts to raise money for the country's bushfire victims and on that so. object germany's alexander's very have made a big pledge after his 1st round win saying that if he goes on to win the whole tournament will donate all of his prize money that would work out but 2.8 $1000000.00. full see dental medvedev is looking to claim his 1st major title after reaching the final of the us open back in september the russian was made to work hard against frances to focus but came through in 4 sets my that was a big shock vote for canada's youngster felix so share a same was seeded 20 for this tournament he was knocked out by the world number 256 ernest gold this. elsewhere joe wilford summed up pulled out of his 1st round match with what looked like a back problem a frustrating end for the french men who reached the final back in 2008 the women's champion that year was maria sharapova who may have played her last match in melbourne but given a wild card this time around she was beaten by dawn of wreckage it's now 3 slams in a row where she's lost in the 1st round and she set to drop out of the world's top $350.00 she couldn't say if she'd be back next year. it's tough for me to tell it's going to happen in time and time. no issues though for the 2nd seed carolina police she safely into round 2 after a comfortable win over christine m. 11 of each top seed ashley barty is back in action on wednesday david stokes al-jazeera. they mean a lot had an n.b.a. career high on monday nights he scored 61 points the portland trail blazers threw in this 129 to 124 overtime victory against golden state's injuries to face the post seems to be gang the latter is a leak i think this season and a franchise record the trials and the warriors enjoying all seasons i've rule sitting outside of the playoff positions is that you. have a couple years ago i could be 8 and i got about in the 3 and i missed 2 out of 3 and got stuck everything i did then earlier this year i had 60 but we lost so i mean was that. well deserved it was opportunity out a new career oh man to make right what they want when i was the bridge those couple years ago so i just question again you know i felt like a great performance in a game that we needed to win. running and be a champ in states around so raptors secured a 4th straight win the atlanta hawks run close a with 14 points 1st try young. route to surviving a late comeback to win 122 to 17 same. 3rd now in the eastern conference. and m.b.a. fans are finally set to see one of the best young players in the game number one draft picks on williamson is back to full fitness at last after a knee injury and the 19 year old is set to make his new orleans pelicans debut on wednesday against the san antonio spurs. are 6 years after david beckham announced he was starting a new major league soccer franchise in miami that same as finally made it on to the training pitch in some miami's 1st official practice session has now taken place it's seen as usefully games at a temporary venue in fort lauderdale for the next couple of seasons a new stadium in miami is still under construction season starts this time around with an away game against los angeles f.c. that's coming up on march the 1st it's real every day we do something every milestone we hear everything becomes more real now we've got players of coach we've got grass you know pre-season 6 weeks and we're kicking off march 1st now manchester city manager per cordell assessed soo much is being asked of the elite premier league players city play sheffield united later on this tuesday the league is saying big stars like harry kane and marcus rushford suffering serious injuries in the last month is too much here and so surely from the hurricane for rush or because they're incredible is good for the league for wall playing but. with the men over to the players too much they should reflect it but many all the managers will complain about that but they don't get. australia's women's football team nimitz holders are still aiming to play in china next week despite the spread of coronavirus the team has 3 olympic qualifiers in rue hand the city the center of the outbreak beijing says 4 people have died and c. 100 infected the world health organization will meet on wednesday to decide whether or not to declare an international public health emergency. now after topping the medals table 4 years ago the u.s. team of found titles pretty elusive at this show. but 11 days into the games that saina finally landed some gold medals in switzerland 2 came in quick succession the men's 3 star and the slow boards lifestyle the event for athletes aged between 15 and 18 wraps up on wednesday we'll have more action from later in the day ok that is how your sports is looking fantastic thank you and of course you can find much more of our website the address for that is w w w dot org that's it for me for this. war of the day's news. this is a domicile a man's 4th trip to boozy in 2 days fisherman's using his boat to risk you as many people as he can was stranded in the flood hit area on the side going to die struck mozambique 1st so women with babies on their backs crying for help saying they were dying and you have to do something hours later and from the dark a faint whistle in the distance alerts us to people calling for help women children and the elderly are brought on board 1st hungry and thirsty it hasn't taken much time to pull the boat about 200 people have been rescued and more want to get on but there's simply no space. when a french soldier was murdered in a so-called terrorist attack. his mother retaliated with the love. speaking out against intolerance and alienation. she travels the world with the result of a grieving mother who lost a son but adopted a generation. for a witness documentary on. it's been dubbed the project of the century. is the real cost china seems silk road project. one o one east investigates. on. al-jazeera. and. the or the world. this is not a time for pessimism this is a time for optimism the world economic forum wants to talk climate change but double trouble tells that climate activists are prophets of doom. the u.s. president is in davos as the senate prepares to finalize his impeachment trial back in washington he calls that a disgraceful harks. upstart grad this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up china's fear.

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