Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20200121

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china has now confirmed a 4th death from the corona virus and says it's being transmitted between humans there's now concern about so who spread as off to one man and will hunt infected 14 medical staff more than 200 people have now been infected but scientists warn that number is actually likely to be far higher than the world health organization will meet on wednesday to consider declaring the outbreak an international public health emergency cases have now been confirmed in thailand south korea and japan and there are fears that it may have spread outside of asia to a man was quarantined in a strain on his return from china. we've got one gentleman that we're just following at the moment who has travelled to work and has developed a response to this but he says he's for covering his heart and so it was done. and the spread of that virus is also discussed as a meeting of japan's cabinet where they've confirmed one case. with the number of patients of coronavirus continuing to increase in china caution is needed for this reason based on the response policies decided today the minister of health labor and welfare and other related mrs fu the strength and coastline corn tunisia's who let's take a closer look at this new virus it's being cast to find in a family of viruses that cause symptoms ranging from the common cold to saw as severe acute respiratory syndrome that killed nearly 800 people worldwide back in 2003 and chinese authorities suspect the virus originated in a seafood and meat market in the city of wood and thought that the virus made a species to species jump there's a 10 day delay between infection and detection and that includes an incubation period and then a further delay before hospital admission while katrina you has more from beijing she's explaining the measures taken by the government to try to contain this outbreak. this afternoon we just received a statement from the government saying there are new measures in place for those in the city tour groups will not be allowed to leave on cars are being randomly checked for poultry and other wild animals it's understood that this may have come from a wild animal from field and all public buses must now be sanitized on a daily basis and people who have any travel tickets out of able to freely exchange those tickets or apply for a refund so this is increasingly being taken more and more seriously we also heard from hong kong an expert in hong kong who has experience in dealing with the saws crisis in 2003 and he mentioned that there are estimates that there could be more than 1500 people at 700 people with this virus and that up to 20 cities could be affected of course at the moment we only have confirmed cases in in guangdong in shanghai and beijing and suspected cases in other provinces throughout china rosso hearing that this virus there might be some cases not only in history earlier but also potentially live from this is a major concern for the government and why president xi jinping on monday evening released a statement saying that this is going to be a priority for the government to make sure that the people have a safe and a stable chinese new year we have hundreds of millions of chinese traveling across the country and outside of the country for this major public holiday this is the christmas of china and millions of people going in and out and hunted self is a major transport hub a population of 11000000 people well earlier i spoke to benjamin khouri who is a specialist on infectious diseases at the peter doherty institute for infection and immunity he says it's possible that the virus will mutate as it transfers between humans. all indications would suggest that this does is a virus that has crossed the species barrier which indeed was the case for saas and also for the most current of our us which arose in the middle east and as so many from 2012 i would score significant down perhaps there that's also suggested by the fact that it was initially opinion logically very strongly linked to that modified food and seafood market in. and it may well be the case that ultimately. a different mammalian or bad species is identified as being the host sorry it has crossed the species barrier what we can see then is that as viruses progress through human to human transmission they can change and certainly the past need to infect more people who can become a higher infected right to a higher more virulent but sometimes we see through the course of an epidemic that the actual pathogen is that you are the severity of the illnesses drop that maybe due to some bar or factors of a time it can also be due to the fact that testing expands into people with lists of the illness maybe those who have been presented to hospitals and side of the people who are being tested and those who have mala forms of the disease and it's early days when we see this happen as the other investigations occur in china and elsewhere well moving on now and u.s. president on a trying to set to deliver a headliner mox at the wild economic forum in the same day his impeachment trial is due in the senate trump says that he is attending the gathering in the swiss town of davos despite the impeachment proceedings in order to encourage investments in the united states the global political and business elites are also said to hear from teenage activist press a ton bag with climate expected to top the agenda that the countries need to cooperate on multiple fronts to raise grow old and spread prosperity the need to reverse protectionist trade measures a result the impasse over the world trade organizations appellate court. they must adopt strategies to limit the rise in temperatures of the severe consequences of weather related national disasters the new international taxation regime is needed to adapt to the growing digital economy and to curtail tax avoidance and evasion while assuring that all countries receive their fair share of tax revenues or protesters are also calling on wild vegas to do more to tackle climate change hundreds of activists have marched for 3 days across with us they say those attending the meeting are largely responsible for the climate crisis well our diplomatic editor james bays joins us live now from davos jane is one of those attending as we've been saying is u.s. president donald trump and he is expected to speak in just a few hours any idea what he's likely to say. well actually the president landed in switzerland air force one landed about half an hour ago we're expecting him in the next few minutes the sound of helicopters over our heads landing here in the hall so what is he going to talk about he's the special address at the start of this meeting of the world economic forum the 50th year of course taking place here and i suspect you're not going to hear a lot of what is the main theme of this year's gathering which is the climate because clearly president trump is somebody pulled out of the international climate deal the paris climate deal nearly 3 years ago and he is here or morsi is a very important day for his presidency here on the day that is a preachment trial starts in the senate there was lots of talk about this trip possibly being council of the last minute but he's gone ahead with it his advisors clearly wanting him to be seen as presidential all the world stage on this around economic leaders from around the world at a time when there are stock market highs the economy clearly is the one big selling point of the trump presidency and verities where. they want the attention to be on this were clearly a lot of the focus will be all mad impeachment trial which starts in just a matter of hours james while trump is in town he might also run into question turning back you understand this and given pretty much top billing this year. for and you get the sense that there's a real shift here towards carbonized the economy. she does have top billing you look at the official program and her picture is there 1st. above anyone else and she has been one of the 1st speakers in fact she's on the stage assertion that started about half an hour ago talking about climate change. but there have been achievements in the last year she and the you spearheaded this campaign but she says it's only the beginning and really we haven't got to grips with the real crisis as i say she's been speaking already on the cheer president trump speaking in about 2 and a half hours time and immediately after his speech she then has a 2nd address to the world economic forum so her appearances sandwich the presidents is she actually going to meet president trump remember they did see other and she certainly gave her a withering glare back in september the u.n. general assembly will actually meet it's not clear she has recently said she has very little to say to someone who doesn't listen to science james there are diplomatic editor he is across all happenings and of us for us thank you very much j. . well as we've been saying while u.s. president on trial was in davos after months of arguments and build up his impeachment trial is set to begin in the senate later on she is today trying to accuse of abusing the powers of his office by trying to force ukraine's media to investigate a political rival and of obstructing congress as investigation alan fischer takes a look at the events that led up to this point. this was the day after donald trump to call for us. exactly 3 years on he no faces a trial in the u.s. senate which could make that a reality it's an historic moment and it started in july last year with what should have been a routine phone call from his desk in the oval office donald trump called the president of ukraine a whistle blower was worried about what they had about the phone call and filed a complaint and that a letter to congress the allegation president trump was holding back hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid meant for ukraine and it would be sent if the ukrainian president announced an investigation into trump's political rival former vice president joe biden and his son hunter who want to new crane don't trump didn't understand the fuss i made a call the call was perfect he released the transcript but it seemed to cause more trouble the key section as the ukrainian president promises to buy more u.s. missiles trump responds i would like you to do is a favor though he asks for investigations into debunked conspiracy theory about the election and later brings up the biden's asking for help from foreign governments that could impact u.s. elections is against the law the president must be held accountable no one is about the law the democrats who control the house of representatives announced an impeachment inquiry would begin the white house refused to cooperate several career diplomats came forward anyway. the testified under oath what the whistleblower said was true colonel alexander vivan was on the call to reported it to white house lawyers is improper for the president of the united states to demand a foreign government investigate a u.s. citizen and a political opponent the former u.s. ambassador testified that she was removed from her position after the president's personal lawyer rudy giuliani pushed to get her removed and ukrainians who prefer to play by the old corrupt rules sought to remove or continues to amaze me is that they found americans willing to partner with them and working together they apparently succeeded in orchestrating the removal of a u.s. ambassador others said a small group of people close to the president were running a kind of shadow back channel u.s. policy in ukraine it became clear to me that giuliani's efforts to gin up politically motivated investigations are now infecting u.s. engagement with ukraine leveraging president selenski desire for a white house meeting. then came testimony from embassador gordon sawn blend he told congress the new ukrainian president wanted a white house meeting and he knew what he hired to do to get it investigate the biden's was there a quid pro quo as i testified previously with regard to the requested white house call and the white house meeting the answer is yes sunderland was a $1000000.00 donor to the president's inauguration he was rewarded with the job of ambassador to the utopian union as he was a key player week ukraine and insisted senior figures knew what was going on everyone was in the loop the suggestion that we were engaged in some irregular or robe diplomacy is absolutely false the democrats of delivered 2 articles of impeachment one for of use of poa the 2nd foot of struction of congress to key facts have not changed that are critical to these impeachment proceedings one ukraine in fact received he aid and to there was no investigation into the biden's throughout it all present trump insists he did nothing wrong we're achieving what no administration has ever achieve before and why do i get out of it tell me i get impeach that's what i get out it by these radical left lunatics i get him paged do you solemnly swear no the senate has been sworn into act as a 100 strong judy in the trial of president trump this is only the 3rd presidential impeachment trial in american history when the trial gets under way there may be witnesses there may be new evidence there will be votes or not there will be long days and at the end it will take 2 thirds of the senate to vote to convict the president and remove him from office alan fischer al jazeera washington paul still ahead on al-jazeera violence on the streets of iraq as frustration grows ever lack of political reforms. or. how they were over the last few days the big area of high pressure that's sitting here has got bigger and bigger so well as big around the top or down the bottom and the western med that's been a significant storm system too used a lot of snow in corsica of snow on the spanish mainland wind and rain all together it's pretty nasty stuff it hasn't finished yet that's the most active weather in europe follow rest you see virtually nothing happening there but a cloud coming across the north which will cause the biggest snow but just a little bit here and there and tension is still on the high side considine where we are in winter they should be some subzero say but even moscow is plus one now this is wednesday we're looking at now this dome shore breeze the blue is rain and the white is still in the pyrenees so at least about erik's a bit better and the storm is easing but it's still there to affect spain and of course it will spill over into northwest africa that's the current satellite picture and you see very much cloud and there are many showers just yet the curling back into the customer aka or even further south so be no fair amount of cloud in a few showers the picture on wednesday is a little bit better for some but that blue haze just around the custom rocker is persistent chazz with an onshore breeze it's not. when was the last time you were out on the streets protesting whether on line you feel the weight of the system you do walk through each and every love with or layer through the further into the jail or if you join us once a week and tree has to start from day one whether again you and attention or your own parser this is a dialogue everyone has a voice for the northeast those $54.00 plus coverage will be varying accounts but i want to give people the reason for joining the close conversation on out is iraq. hello again i'm just. a reminder of our top stories the salah china has confirmed a 4th death from the corona virus and says it's been transmitted between humans the world health organization that's considering to carrying the outbreak and international public health emergency. us president on all trump is set to address the world economic forum in davos the same day his impeachment trial begins in the senate the global political and business elites will also hear from team climate activist aggressive totenberg. well in the u.s. trump's impeachment trial is due to get underway on tuesday senate republican leader mitch mcconnell has announced the rules that will govern the proceedings which are designed to end it as soon as possible democrats say they'll try to amend them. now protesters have blocked roads in baghdad for a 2nd day as a new wave of demonstrations spread across iraq at least 5 protesters have been killed in the latest round of violence after police opened fire in the capital on monday mass demonstrations break out of a frustration with a lack of government reforms in southern iraq hundreds of people blocked main roads and a number of cities nearly 500 have died since the unrest began back in october but imran khan is in baghdad where protesters have set up new barricades. this is girl on the square in baghdad the protesters have set up barricades as you can see to try and blow the streets off now on monday there was violence against the protesters when they built one of the squares just slightly further down to their own square and at least 3 people were killed now you can smell the tear gas in that unusual also smell the residue of the burning tires one of the key methods that the protesters use drawing the streets these took the lives that you see they keep driving by often they take people to make shift poles with bulls into risk which is just behind just over there now the protesters are very frustrated they say they did moans are being listened to there's no new prime minister and there's no new elections so this is why they've escalated what's happening is sporadically the police all firing take out of the protesters to draw and disperse them but as you can see they are gathering of a larger number. now european union foreign ministers have agreed to look at ways to support a long term ceasefire in libya but only if warring parties stick to a tentative truce they agreed this month according to the monitoring mission and restarting a naval operation to uphold a un. alexia brian reports. the future of the shop is at a markers in tripoli is being discussed thousands of kilometers away in europe the foreign ministers are trying to work out how to secure a shaky truce that's been in place in libya since earlier this month i want to stress once again the fact that we are not the state in a cease fire. we are no troops. which is stable and you know the true scum before you like it several times a day on sunday in berlin world leaders committed to stop interfering in libya's civil war and to uphold a weapons and that's been in place since 2011 but the talks failed to deliver that serious dialogue between the warring parties warlord khalifa haftar and the un recognized administration in tripoli. and now all have come to realize that there is no military solution to the crisis in libya despite the fact that haftar and his forces do not believe in diplomacy nor a political process we hope that half stars our allies and supporters have also come to this conclusion and would recalculate their moves in order to revive this political process. oh the half dozen battling to take over the capital since i broke and fighting have killed close to $300.00 civilians and displaced hundreds of thousands more but this civil war is also a proxy conflict each side has several powerful international backus analysts say europe is trying to prove it's still relevant and united european ambassadors have been given 4 weeks to present concrete proposals on how to wimp. i'm into the u.n. arms embargo which has been repeatedly violated by both sides. levy said shocked. in a way libya is a kind of cancer the kind of tumor which is growing throughout the region it's spreading despite the diplomatic efforts have does forces continue to blockade oil ports in the east causing output to almost 0 oil is central to libya's economy its largest export and a financial lifeline for the government in tripoli oil itself is. it by at all in terms of supplies the powers they little other key facilities libyan citizens use daily so i expect also deterioration in humanitarian terms in libya in addition to what we've seen throughout the gruelling war the un is inviting top generals from the 2 sides to geneva next week and yet another effort to end the unrest elixir brian al jazeera heavy snow rain and gale force winds in spain are being blamed for the deaths of at least 4 people storm gloria battered much of the country on monday with more bad weather forecast catalonia is regional government has now banned outdoor activities because of the potential danger well evacuees are still not being allowed to return home more than a week after the tower volcano erupted in the philippines what they learnt there will still more than 100000 people are still sheltering in evacuation centers but there are concerns about housing people in the long term general allen dogan reports from the tongue as problems. we're in bali and one of the many towns of bearing the brunt of this crisis more than 8000 civilians are evacuated here since the owl initially erupted more than a week ago now and days after we're seeing a semblance of normalcy here we've spoken to officials who say they're doing the best they can to provide the very basic needs that civilians need behind me is financial assistance being given out to residents they're being made to sign their financial assistance records and we've spoken to civilians evacuees who say no matter how small the amount they are grateful because they can slowly save enough money to rebuild their homes medical assistance is also now made available there are volunteer health workers who assist nurses to give out the most basic of medicines and we have also spoken to the evacuees who say there is enough food for now which they pick up from this cooking and packing and food area given out by local workers and teachers almost every single meal but the bigger question now is whether the government can sustain this crisis for the long term that is because it will means to be seen just how long will evacuate have to stay here we're getting reports as well that local governments are starting to plan to set up tent cities in many parts of but angus province there's 8000 evacuees and a slow as well as the volcano is on alert level for we will keep them here and make sure that they're safe and secure in our town now these are classrooms which have been turned into evacuation centers and people here tell us where you are the earthquakes continue to cause fear and anxiety here but beyond the physical discomfort people you're tell us they worry about what the future holds that is because many of the evacuees here do not have homes they can return to their homes have been destroyed their. farmlands have been obliterated this is why the hole there is in the funding for them to start over but this fight this sure insists by the government that there is enough funding for calamities like this one many still question whether the government can truly afford the longer rehabilitation like this one will rescue crews in nepal have intensified their search for 7 people missing after an avalanche 4 south korean tourists and their 3 nepali guides haven't been since friday now others on that popular trekking rouge around mountain opponent were rescued but poor weather conditions and treacherous terrain are hampering the search now the extradition trial for a senior executive of chinese telecoms giant while way has started in canada it will determine whether men mungo is sent to the u.s. to face fraud charges the american government accuses her of violating u.s. sanctions by selling equipment to iran means lawyers say she should be released because those sanctions on recognized by canada several people have died after a seating area collapsed during a religious festival in ethiopia it happened in the city of cheering the author ducks christian celebration of epiphany hundreds of people were sitting on the wooden structure when it collapsed thousands of tourist attend that festival every year. now dozens of migrants from central america have been arrested in mexico after wading through a river to cross the border from guatemala as our correspondent john holland reports from stuart added algo the migrants have been stopped from crossing a bridge connecting the 2 countries. market work to 2 young children hold paint jasmine a sling they say for their lives across the suture the river from guatemala to mexico. they tried 1st to cross the border bridge with a caravan of thousands of central americans trying to reach the u.s. senate told us why going in from here is where is he says come to extol you when you have to pay all there's a gun to your head they ask me for half my salary every $20.00 a day i'd have to give them 10 and i have to provide for my children there wasn't enough left. that's kind of thirty's were prepared to let the caravan go through the bridge crossing together only in small groups. the migrants feared that would just lead to deputation so a mass exodus began to the water everyone's now decided they're crossing the bridge or trying to cross it isn't worth it so they're crossing the river that's right next to it i think with a helping hand they made it i could accidentally when i say everyone i said what good did it do closing the gates if we were going to cross anyway. but she spoke too soon because security forces were waiting chaos broke out. yesenia dropped the right set with everything they had and they scrambled up the banks. at the top a race between the national guard a migrants to outflank each other. many people go through or resisted attempts to detain them we saw the national guard push people back but refrain from using excessive force. but some tear gas to get into jorge's ice it was too much for him and you're sending that's what it is now you said we're going back but will try and go again we have to cross whatever happens i need a better life for my children but just as they were heading back to the river a migration agent arrived with food water for you and what they might need asylum 13 many criminals in guatemala and her family were taken to a health clinic and then let go. but many were less lucky and hundreds ended the afternoon on the mix can bank of the suit the river john home and how does it i see that it i will. tell you that this is out of there and he has all the headlines china has confirmed a 4th death from the corona virus and says it's being transmitted between humans the world health organization is considering declaring the outbreak an international public health emergency katrina you has the latest from beijing. all public buses must now be sanitized on a daily basis and people who have any travel tickets out of was able to freely exchange those tickets or apply for a refund so this is increasingly been taking more and more seriously we also heard from hong kong an expert in hong kong who has experience in dealing with the sols crisis in 2003 and he mentioned that there are estimates that there could be more than 1500 people and 700 people with this virus and that up to 20 cities could be affected u.s. president donald trump is set to address the world economic forum in davos the same day his impeachment trial begins in the senate the global political and business elite will also hear from teen activist. but climate change is expected to top the agenda in davos the international monetary fund is calling for action and multilateral cooperation between countries the countries need to cooperate on multiple fronts to raise growth and spread prosperity the need to reverse protectionist trade measures a result of the impasse over the world trade organizations appellate court must adopt strategies to limit the rise in temperatures of the severe consequences of weather related national disasters a new international taxation regime is needed to adapt to the growing digital economy and to curtail tax avoidance and evasion while assuring that all countries receive their fair share of tax revenues protesters have blocked roads in baghdad for a 2nd day as a new wave of demonstrations spreads across iraq at least 5 protesters were killed in this latest round of violence after police opened fire and capital on monday in southern iraq hundreds of people blocked main roads in a number of cities. heavy snow rain and gale force winds and spain being blamed for the deaths of at least 4 people storm gloria bass and much of the country on monday with even more bad weather forecast to come well those are the headlines do join me for more news here on al-jazeera after the strain stay with us. we were told to get to that between russia has this been addressed by turkey listen what is the proposal. for a couple on you know we meet with newsmakers and tweak the stories that matter. for me ok and join the stream most people in haiti lack access to adequate health care so what can be done to resuscitate the country's medical system to join the conversation is really easy you can tweet us at a.j. stream or jump into our live you to chat as you're also the industry. it has been 10 years since a massive earthquake struck haiti killing hundreds of thousands of people leaving more than a 1000000 homeless the quake what destroyed the country's health care system a decade later it remains in ruins with an estimated 40 percent of the population still lacking access to care doctor myleene the need with the charity hope for haiti shows one reason why you might see more money thank you.

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United States , Hong Kong , Paris , France General , France , Beijing , China , Bali , Zamboanga Del Norte , Philippines , Russia , Ethiopia , Ukraine , Mexico , Nepal , Libya , Guangdong , Jilin , South Korea , Spain , Switzerland , Moscow , Moskva , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , Japan , Iran , Tripoli , Tarabulus , Canada , Guatemala , Haiti , Totenberg , Niedersachsen , Germany , Thailand , Iraq , Baghdad , River John , Nova Scotia , Geneva , Genè , Turkey , Berlin , Americans , America , Ukrainians , Chinese , Spanish , Ukrainian , Swiss , Libyan , South Korean , American , Davos Donald , Alexia Brian , Benjamin Khouri , Morsi Isa , Joe Biden , Alan Fischer , Mitch Mcconnell , Rudy Giuliani , Davos Jane ,

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