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genocide against the rangar but says war crimes were committed. welcome to the program u.s. president donald trump's impeachment trial is jus to get under way later that senate republican leader mitch mcconnell has announced the rules that will govern the proceedings and they're designed to end it as soon as possible we begin our coverage with she have returns in washington d.c. . so each side has 24 hours to make their case every 2 days democrats wednesday thursday republicans friday saturday if they need it then we have debate cross-examination rather that 68 hours of cross-examination by the senate is. to the to the house managers and the white house lawyers this isn't bubbly though this is done through written questions given to the chief justice john roberts is for fighting over over the trial and then he asks questions. following that there's a debate of 4 hours on whether witnesses and documents should should be should should be entered into this this trial this is a very contentious issues the democrats say more witnesses where this is need to be introduced partly because more information has come to light and also because they were able to speak to the key figures like former national security advisor john bolton during the house to house inquiry a republican say look you have now said already that you have the case for impeachment why do you need any more evidence if you need a witnesses and maybe your case isn't terribly strong so the debate of 4 hours on bats on whether to bring more witnesses documents if it is decided and some republicans have said that they're interested in hearing from the witnesses perhaps just because they want to show that they are taking this all very seriously then there will be there will be votes on each witness and each witness will be deposed and then they'll be a further vote on whether that witness will then appear at the trial so there's a long process to get witnesses on to the on to the senate floor if however if however decided pound of votes in order to bring witnesses before the docket this could all be over by the end of next week conceivably with a vote on whether to dismiss. the displays but also it could be that that final vote on whether to impeach the president this could all be over by the end of next week conceivably if they know very very thought that bring witnesses and documents and that does fit in with the schedule we've long heard which is the this is the white house and mitch mcconnell for that matter one all of this to be done by february the 4th and the state of the union address in a few tuesdays time. donald trump is accused of abuse of power and obstruction of coal rest on official takes a look at the events that led up to this point. this was the day after donald trump 2 coffees. exactly 3 years on he no faces a trial in the u.s. senate which could make that a reality it's an historic moment and it started in july last year with what should have been a routine phone call from his desk in the oval office donald trump called the president of ukraine a whistleblower was worried about what they had about the phone call and filed a complaint and that a letter to congress the allegation president trump was holding back hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid meant for ukraine and it would be sent if the ukrainian president announced an investigation into trump's political rival former vice president joe biden and his son hunter who want to new crane don't trump didn't understand the fuss i made a call the call was perfect he released the transcript but it seemed to cause more trouble the key section as the ukrainian president promises to buy more u.s. missiles trump responds i would like you to do is a favor though he asks for investigations into debunked conspiracy theory about the election and later brings up the biden's asking for help from foreign governments that could impact u.s. elections is against the law the president must be held accountable no one is a part of the law the democrats who control the house of representatives announced an impeachment inquiry would begin the white house refused to cooperate several career diplomats came forward anyway he testified under oath what the whistleblower said was true colonel alexander vivan was on the call he later reported it to white house lawyers it is improper for the president of the united states to demand a foreign government investigate a u.s. citizen and a political opponent the former u.s. ambassador testified that she was removed from her position after the president's personal lawyer rudy giuliani pushed to get her removed ukrainians who prefer to play by the old corrupt rules such are and what continues to amaze me. is that they found americans willing to partner with them and working together they apparently succeeded in orchestrating the removal of a u.s. ambassador others said a small group of people close to the president were running a kind of shadow back channel u.s. policy in ukraine it became clear to me that giuliani's efforts to gin up politically motivated investigations were now infecting u.s. engagement with ukraine leveraging president selenski desire for a white house meeting then came testimony from ambassador gordon saundra and he told congress the new ukrainian president wanted a white house meeting and he knew what he had to do to get it investigate the bidens was there a quid pro quo as i testified previously with regard to the requested white house call and the white house meeting the answer is yes so england was a $1000000.00 donor to the president's inauguration he was rewarded with the job of ambassador to the utopian union as he was a key player with ukraine and insisted senior figures knew what was going on everyone was in the loop the suggestion that we were engaged in some irregular or rogue diplomacy is absolutely false the democrats have delivered 2 articles of impeachment one for abuse of poa the 2nd of struction of congress 2 key facts have not changed that are critical to these impeachment proceedings one ukraine in fact received aid and 2 there was no investigation into the biden's throughout it all present trump insists he did nothing wrong we're achieving what no administration has ever achieved before and what do i get out of it tell me i get impeached that's what i get out of. by these radical left lunatics i get him paged do you solemnly swear now the senate has been sworn in to act as a 100 strong judy in the trial of president trump. this is only the 3rd presidential impeachment trial in american history when the trial gets under way there may be witnesses there may be new evidence there will be boards or not there will be long days and at the end it will take 2 thirds of the senate to vote to convict the president and remove him from office alan fischer out easier washington . a 4th person has died in china from a new corona virus spreading in asia the latest victim died in the chinese city of rouhani where the response to treat illness was 1st detected while than 200 cases have not been confirmed and officials say that they have evidence of human to human transmission south korea has reported its 1st case a chinese woman who flew in on sunday has been quarantined a case was also confirmed in japan earlier this month and to thailand within 6 states now the world health organization is called an emergency meeting for wednesday because we know you is in beijing where people's worries about the outbreak are growing. we've got cases that were confirmed outside of the 1st time yesterday in beijing and in guangdong and now today we've got more potential cases in other provinces so we've got suspected cases in situ one in you 9 guangxi and chandon which are in different areas of the country so i think the concern is how fast this is spreading so we've heard from don't understand who is china's key expert on this and he admitted that that there has been human to human transmission and that in fact about a dozen medical staff who are treating patients have been infected and it's thought that it's it's potentially that they were infected by one person and he was mentioning that the priority now is to stop what he called super spread is one person who might be affected by the virus was potentially able to infect a number of people this is the peak travel season in china the government is always both of the during chinese new year you see between 2 to 3000000000 trips of people made across the country and rouhani as a city is not a small city it's about 11 has a population of that and 11000000 people who are traveling get it out of the country not only within china but as we've seen already overseas as well it's a major transport hub some of them weren't really aware of the situation others were concerned or seem to think that the government had things in hand but more and more on social media were reading this morning people are concerned that just generally the public is not taking this seriously enough they're not taking these warnings to to cover your mouth wash your hands seriously enough so it's starting to be more and more of a public concern here in china. and the government protests have escalated again in iraq as the deadline set by demonstrators for reform has passed at least 5 protest doesn't 2 security force personnel are being killed 500 people have died since protests began in october in southern iraq hundreds blocked by a number of cities. european union foreign ministers have agreed to look at ways to support a long term ceasefire in libya but only if warring parties stick to a tentative truce that they agreed to this month it could include a monitoring mission and restarting unable operation to uphold a u.n. arms and alexia brian explains. the future of the shoppers at a market in tripoli is being discussed thousands of kilometers away in europe the foreign ministers are trying to work out how to secure a shaky truce that's been in place in libya since earlier this month and i want to stress once again the fact that we are not the still in a cease fire. we are no troops. which is stable and you know true scum be violated several times a day on sunday in berlin world leaders committed to stop interfering in libya's civil war and to uphold a weapons embargo that's been in place since 2011 but the talks failed to deliver that serious dialogue between the warring parties warlord khalifa haftar and the un recognized ministration in tripoli. and now all have come to realize that there is no military solution to the crisis in libya despite the fact that haftar and his forces do not believe in diplomacy nor a political process we hope that half stars allies and supporters have also come to this conclusion and would recalculate their moves in order to revive this political process. has does mean battling to take over the campus and since i throw and fighting have killed close to $300.00 civilians and. placed hundreds of thousands more but this civil war is also a proxy conflict each side has several powerful international backus analysts say europe is trying to prove it's still relevant and united european ambassadors have been given 4 weeks to present concrete proposals on how to implement the un arms embargo which has been repeatedly violated by both sides. levy said. in a way libya is a kind of cancer a kind of tumor which is growing throughout the region it's spreading despite the diplomatic efforts have does forces continue to blockade oil ports in the aist causing output to almost 00 oil is central to libya's economy its largest export and a financial lifeline for the government in tripoli oil itself is. it by at all in terms of supplies the power is there. and other key facilities libyan citizens use daily so i expect also deterioration in humanitarian terms in libya in addition to what we've seen throughout the gruelling war the un is inviting top generals from the 2 sides to geneva next week and yet another effort to end the rest elixir brian al jazeera. well still ahead here on al-jazeera attempting to build momentum for the then israel of opposition like pompei it reads one. gun rights activists in the u.s. come out in full civil statements become the focus of national debate those stories after the break here on just. we got more unsettled weather happening across the middle east at the moment northern parts of the middle east has seen some very heavy rain sleet and snow pushing across the levant easing over towards iran and in terran would you believe this lovely wintry say seen some a very heavy snow here recently and so a little more snow in the forecast over the next couple of days this particular batch is making its way into took many stout into his back to start over the next day or so the next area showers will push in as we go on through chews day pepping up over that's eastern side of iraq pushing back into that western side of iran and readily tended to snow as it does quite a brisk wind coming in here as well to the south of that fight in dry temperatures here in doha getting up to around 22 degrees celsius with plenty of sunshine the sunshine stretches across. the if you have been hot is pushing down into kenya and uganda wanted to shout as they're folbre and they will see the majority of the shower making their way into parts of towns and there and it's just around tanzania and in fact and see where we're going to see the heaviest shower was over the next few days lots of clouds showing up here and we are allowed to see some flooding into more than madagascar. and the skin from cynthia on to the world stage is a power. lympics champion will be i want to silver medal for the 1500 meters and the bronze for the 800 and the desire to work overseas i went knocking on doors looking for jobs and was interested in immunology studies that led to international recognition as a global leader in regenerative medicine to inspiring journeys of human endeavor arabs abroad the paralympian and the bone maker on al-jazeera. but back here watching al-jazeera movies the whole rob a reminder of our top stories the u.s. senate republican leader mitch mcconnell has proposed rules for president trying to teach but trial there's no guarantee new witnesses no evidence could be called the democrats say they'll offer amendments a 4th person has died in china from a mystery virus is spreading across the country and has also appeared in other parts of asia the world health organization has called an emergency meeting in geneva for wednesday. and european union foreign ministers of agreed to find ways to support a long term ceasefire in libya but only if warring parties can stick to a truce could agree to monitoring mission and restarting a naval operation to uphold a u.n. arms and bargain. i mean government appointed panel has concluded that some soldiers probably committed war crimes against the writing community but it said to the military was not guilty of genocide more than $700000.00 minority running the muslims were forced to flee to bangladesh the commission noted evidence of the use of excessive force and killing of innocent villagers rape and the destruction of homes but that didn't prove the intention of mass murder by its groups have been quick to condemn the findings. john quigley is a human rights specialist focusing on the writing the group of 45 writes he joins me now from bangkok good to have you with us on the program mr quinby what's your reaction to this report. thank you for having me the myanmar government is using the new commission report to try to deflect attention from international justice and international accountability where hender refugees and or hinder inside rakhine state don't want another domestic commission they want international justice and international accountability this commission is not able to properly prosecute perpetrators inside myanmar so in terms of the fact that international news organizations like ourselves human rights organization organizations like yourselves continue to call it what it is is there anybody in the international community in the in the political sphere that is actually calling it what it is. actually taking me and maher to task yeah i mean we we welcome the fact that the memoir commission lead commission called it war crimes but we believe and we've done many reports we believe that there is also 'd genocidal processes that are ongoing inside were kind to say and that genocide took place against the injure tomorrow in the hague will be a case that the international court of justice and this is a case of bringing me amar to the court for crimes committed and those are genocide in terms of the court case that you see me a marshal to defend its international reputation this reported it sells doesn't give you all the facts does it not something that you want to get access to what is it going to take to get access to this report. yeah i mean we believe this report is a whitewash report but we are still calling on me and our government to release the full findings this includes the methodology section and annexes of the report these should be made publicly available so people inside me m.r. can read the report and we're into refugees in bangladesh can read the report for themselves it's very worrying that the 4 findings in this report have not been released the summary of the report we have read and a lot of it it's white washing the truth the truth is i mean our government and forty's in myanmar committed genocide and crimes against humanity against civilians in october 2016 and august 17th is heading towards elections in 20 twentieth's do you expect more sort of statements to come out like this sort of rhetoric yeah i mean are some sujit went to the i.c.j. in december of last year and stood before the court and this came to her a lot of support inside me m.r. we believe the be kind of a high doing of anti were his. rhetoric inside the country but there are civil society groups and human rights activists that are standing up for the regime to inside the country and we we welcome those people that are courageously defending their agenda these are me and our base civil society and they're doing they're doing the right thing good we will leave it for that thanks very much for your insights join us thank you thanks so much for. us if your statement has from his balls bold full venezuelan opposition to the one the tube and that terrorism summit in colombia pompei called on the world to help remove present because of power describing his rule us attorney several countries including the us recognize going to as venezuela's leader. from the summit to. the issue of venezuela was front and center in this regional conference against terrorism where the u.s. secretary of state mike compel accused been a swell of being a failed state and a supporter of terrorism saying that the government of nicholas about bhutto is sheltering and assisting groups as the land the last active rebel group from colombia or dissidents of the former rebel group are far and also accusing my daughter of assisting cells of its ball or the iranian proxies operating he said in latin america tanks to nicolas maduro and that's why he praised the government such as colombia and another a number of governments in the caribbean and latin america that have decided to label a terrorist organization. the really regime. this is an acceptable. one of the surprise this year was the arrival of a dog the leader of the venezuelan opposition who arrived here in colombia defying a travel ban imposed by the government of nicolas maduro he met with pompei on the sidelines of the conference and talking to journalists he announced that there will be new actions that will be taken by the united states to put more pressure on the government of nicolas maduro but no concrete new sanctions have been announced. we undertook this tour precisely to find the tools to take action against the dictatorship and to continue back in the years long struggle of the venezuelan people quite also announced that on wednesday he will travel to brussels to meet with the chief diplomat of the european union joseph burrell and will then travel to dabis in switzerland for the world economic forum where he could meet with the united states president donald trump the question is though if this trip will do anything to break the deadlock in venezuela where the military still stands behind president maduro and where my daughter himself seems to stand on firmer ground where he was for example a year ago the last time that wedo tried to ramp up pressure against him the extradition trial for a senior executive of chinese telecom giant har way started in canada will determine whether it may 1 joe is sent to the u.s. to face fraud charges the american government accuses her of violating u.s. sanctions by selling equipment to iran things lawyers say that she should be released because those sanctions aren't recognized by canada. the 50th world economic forum is underway in davos and climate is expected to be top of the agenda it's the report says that environmental concerns dominate the top 5 long term global risks for business leaders investors and policymakers the international monetary fund is calling for urgent action and multilateral cooperation between countries the countries need to cooperate in multiple friends to raise grew old and spread prosperity the need to reverse protectionist trade measures and result the impasse over the world trade organizations appellate court they must adopt strategies to limit the rise in temperatures in the severe consequences the weather related national disasters. a new international taxation regime is needed to adapt to the growing digital economy and to curtail tax avoidance an evasion while assuring that all countries receive their fair share of tax revenues to coincide with the summit in davos has released research highlighting the growing global wealth gap the inequality report says the number of billionaires has doubled over the past decade to more than 2100 and they have more wealth than the world's 4 point $6000000000.00 poorest people it's mostly men at the top of the economic pyramid while women and girls are trapped at the bottom putting in 12 and a half 1000000000 hours of unpaid work as carers every day banks lawson is head of policy at inequality at oxfam he says global leaders should be listening to ordinary people are not billionaires in davos. i think we're looking at 2 crises and they're so closely linked and that's what the message that we want to get across today is that you have a crisis of economic inequality with this tiny group of people just 2000 people handing more wealth than the bottom 4600000000 so the incredible amounts of money in the secret swiss bank accounts of billionaire but then also drawing attention to the fact that our economy is sexist the majority of these billionaires and then the majority of them are white and their wealth is built on the backs of hundreds of millions of the poorest women who are working long hours for barry lopez and sometimes not for any pay at all and that they sexist economy is getting the inequality that we see in the world today every billionaire is a policy failure by government we don't need to have billionaires we should have a much fairer world where wealth is more steady distributed governments can implement much better taxation for instance we have a situation where billionaires in some countries are paying lower taxes than the working class and so there are lots of things that can be done to fix inequality has been better in the past and it could be better in the future so a clear message for us today is that inequality is a choice and the choice of leaders and then choosing to listen to be the man in davos is that of listening to ordinary people protesting on the street. thousands of gun rights activists are rallied in the u.s. state of virginia opposing plans to introduce new gun control will staggering creating universal background checks and then just a proposed after the killing of 12 people at a mass shooting of the judea last year april as a day was at the rally at the state capital richmond. thousands of gun owners surrounding the state capitol in protest against new gun control laws. it's legal to own and carry weapons in public in virginia and most did in order to show defiance to a package of new gun control laws working their way through the democratic controlled legislature so he came to support these fights and to talk to people and find out what's going on with them the rally was held amid heavy security the governor banned weapons from inside the capitol grounds and called a state of emergency wanting to avoid a replay of this. violence at a 2017 white nationalist rally in charlottesville that killed one person. gun violence has hit close to home in this state recently last year in virginia beach he disgruntled city employee shot and killed 12 people. organizers of monday's rally were eager to give off the impression they were peaceful law abiding gun owners but everybody outside this was you could bet your boots and probably aren't well i haven't heard one shot of you not home would thank goodness i've heard one shot. guns aren't the problem there were worries of potential violence of outsiders and. anti-government militia groups coming from the outside trying to maybe stoke of violence here at this rally but we have seen absolutely none of that so far it's been a completely peaceful event here large numbers of people all of whom say here that they're out here with their guns to show that this is their right and they want to keep that right and protected gun owners like bill gardner who brought his assault rifle to the rally a gun he says he does not use for hunting you hear all these candidates and start talking about what do you need to arrive here at this animal has nothing to do with that it's a check on. gun control advocates canceled their plans for a counter-rally on monday to avoid provoking confrontations. this was a day for those who love their guns to show that they are holding on to them tight and don't plan to like go. gabriel is on doe i'll just richmond virginia. and you can find out more on our website by logging on to al-jazeera dot com it's updated throughout the day. you want your say with me still robin a reminder of our top stories u.s. president donald trump's impeachment trial is due to get away get ahead under way later today the head of the senate republican leader mitch mcconnell has announced the rules that will govern the proceedings which are designed to end it as soon as possible as more from washington d.c. . and so the trial begins on tuesday as you say with a discussion of this of this proposal from from mitch mcconnell and maybe this is just an opening proposal and he's prepared to compromise if something is very very speedy or as has been reported he does actually have the votes for it to pass this as it is but the contentious part to begin with there is that each side has 24 hours to make their case the house impeachment managers the democrats and the white house lawyers they each have 24 hours to make their arguments but over the course of 2 days a 4th person has died in china from a mystery virus is spreading across the country there's also appeared in other parts of asia officials of concern the infection can be passed from person to person the world health organization has called an emergency meeting on wednesday and european union foreign ministers have agreed to look at ways to support a cease fire in libya but only if the shaky truce holes now that could include a monitoring mission restarting a naval operation to uphold a u.n. arms embargo. a 1000000 man government appointed panel has concluded some soldiers probably committed war crimes against the country's rohingya muslim community but it said the military was not guilty of genocide rights groups have been quick to condemn the findings. and u.s. secretary of state might pompei as promised more support for venezuelan opposition leader why don't the 2 men met at an anti terrorism summit in colombia called on world leaders to help remove president nicolas maduro from power describing his rule as a terror regime the extradition trial of a senior executive of chinese telecom giant holloway has started canada it will determine whether maine the one who is sent to the u.s. to face 4 charges the american government accuses her of violating sanctions by selling equipment to iran things lawyers say she could be released because those sanctions are recognized by canada those were the headlines are back with more news in half an hour next on al-jazeera that's counting the cost. the climate crisis and the environment take center stage at this year's world economic forum in davos business people experts and leaders from around the world can expect an icy reception from some as they discuss how to save the planet from the threat of rising temperatures get the latest updates on al jazeera. this is counting the cost and i'll just 0 your weekly look at the world of business and economics this week we're shining march. march therefore need a $50.00 to our farm that our farm. i can't find hard to track. deliver tens of billions in extra trade. americans. problem. is up another pipeline. europe.

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Charlottesville , Virginia , United States , Madagascar , Davos , Switzerland General , Switzerland , Beijing , China , Whitehouse , District Of Columbia , Guangxi , Richmond , Ukraine , Libya , Guangdong , Jilin , South Korea , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , Japan , Iran , Washington , Colombia , Tripoli , Tarabulus , Canada , Kenya , Maine , Bangladesh , Thailand , Iraq , Israel , Bangkok , Krung Thep Mahanakhon , Geneva , Genè , Venezuela , Berlin , Germany , Americans , Venezuelan , America , Ukrainians , Chinese , Iranian , Ukrainian , Libyan , Swiss , American , Rohingya Muslim , Barry Lopez , Nicolas Maduro , John Quigley Isa , Alexia Brian , Joseph Burrell , Gordon Saundra , John Roberts , Joe Biden , Mitch Mcconnell , April Asa , Rudy Giuliani ,

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