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About 7 hours to disport little beat Manchester United 16 points clear at the top of the premier league but the slip up for title chasing interval and italy out to a draw by struggle. We begin in berlin where libyas warring sides and World Leaders have agreed on a final communique the u. N. Backed peace conference it was announced by the german chancellor Angela Merkel she hosted 12 World Leaders including the president s of Turkey Russia and the u. K. They agreed to extend the temporary truce in libya in the hope that it will develop into a full ceasefire Angela Merkel emphasize the need for a political solution to end years of conflict. Everyone with an agreement including the regional organizations the arab league the e. U. And of course the African Union that we need a political solution its become evident in the last few weeks that there is no chance for a military solution which could only increase the suffering of the libyan people. Parties to engage in libya known to live in a dialogue and in the auspices of the United Nations paving the way for a political solution to the crisis. Well i was in berlin and joins us now live jamal of course there have been efforts in the past to get all the players involved the external players in libya and the people involved on the ground as well what is different about this one what further detail do we have what was agreed to this time. Well to start with the level of participation is different from before the highest level people with suspicion was Foreign Ministers who met and set out to morocco a couple of years ago and although that came out with an agreement which many seem to be in support of the fact that there was a continued flaunting of un imposed an arms embargo on libya as well as the greater involvement or increased rather involvement of other countries within the libyan conflict thats exacerbated the issue an essentially made thats agreement in voiding so far as they fail to be respected on the ground aside from thats whats more significant with regards to the berlin conference is that it just sets about some sort of a timeline or timetable or roadmap as politicians love to call with regards to how to bring about some sort of a political process and they broke it down into 3 main segments lets say are 3 main tracks rather one is the political one without would be discussing a political process of getting a National Unity government some parliament some elections and so forth another track would be an economic one in order to revive libyas devastated economy but also safeguard and secure the extremely valuable Natural Resources that it has extremely valuable particular each of those countries who have been investing so much in getting involved inside libya and probably the most immediate one which would determine whether the other 2 tracks would actually succeed or not is a military track which is looking at trying to establish not just a cease fire but a long term truce the u. N. Secretary general spoke of this military committee thats been set up 5 plus 55. 00 generals from either side the side of the u. N. Recognized government in tripoli headed by pfizer dodge on the side of renegade general have started they would be meeting he said within a couple of weeks maybe in geneva and that hopefully this would not just establish some sort of a truce but also help reestablish the security apparatuses within libya in terms of the. Least the army and the militias that are there and so jamal obviously a lot of promises have been made to the arms embargo for one do you think that there is the political will in place this time that will mean that they will actually at least be attempted to be implemented. Well i mean forget about what i think look at the facts of what happened today the fact that both. The groups sponsoring this and pushing this were unable to convince them sits in the same room is a sign that maybe that the success expectations of this lets say were limited the fact that you have countries like the United Arab Emirates egypt and even france have been flaunting the u. N. Security general resolute sekret Security Council rather resolution on banning countries from selling arms true libya ever since 2011 is also something that would mean that unless that there are some sort of a way to ensure that the agreements of berlin are actually implemented its difficult to see how it would be succeed and this was a question that was repeatedly put both to chancellor Angela Merkel but also to the u. N. Secretary general. And he expressed his frustration at the very end when he said you know it was up to the u. N. Security Councils Members themselves to actually. In states the trust of the International Community and people in truth thats very institution by ensuring that those. Laws or those resolutions rather passed by the u. N. Are implemented but we havent been given any details from the berlin conference organizers from these World Leaders as to how will they implement it they never spoke about some sort of peacekeeping force they never spoke about some sort of monitoring body all the said is that this agreements will go through the u. N. Security council that they will then discuss and approve it and then that there will be be these different tracks we spoke about meeting either in tunisia or in geneva or different capitals but without the policing body to ensure that this will be implemented its difficult to see how successful it will be. Or not and i say out with the latest from berlin where of course that meeting has been. Poor. Well meanwhile for the bit where he is in tripoli itself he says the security situation remains fragile and there is some skepticism that a last can be reached. So for a child or in this ceasefire but it seems that whats going on in berlin is in another. I mean its going on on the another pass because there are so many hardliners here on both sides who do not want to stop the fighting in fact the people here many people here believe that the believe in talks are meant to bridge the gap between the countrys involvement in libya and not between the libyan arrival arrivals and now here for example the west of the camp led by and the recognized Prime Minister face of raj they say that they come out trust have to and they cannot make peace with have to camp unless he is tried for what they call the war crimes that have been committed by his forces since april the 4th since the launch of the military campaign to seize tripoli there have been so many question marks they have been addressing these the military the military camp on the ground and because many military leaders on the ground they say that they come out hand over their weapons and they cannot stop fighting until i have to the forces pushed out of southern the tripoli meanwhile on the east of the country. Military brigade support to get the warlords for have that and they have taken control of the oil terminal as they say that they cannot accept any foreign intervention in libya they mean the Turkish Military assistance to the government of national. For more on this we can speak to sam you know hes a specialist in International Relations at the university of oxford and joins us now by skype sir thank you so much for joining us here on aljazeera so a truce then arms embargo how enforceable do you think all of this is. I think its very very difficult to enforce a human mind up until very recently after and is a. Reality i will a sally i will see that the only way in which the libyan conflict can be result is through the use of military force and even now with all the sides coming to the table its important that theyve all come to that before in 2015 he that he will join the ship ran aground that they consistently universally backed the tremor attention of the arms embargo so the and then theyve gone beyond proceed to violate regime you know western allies like france finally weve seen it egypt in the Arab Emirates and russia all supply arms both the enters and air defense in terms of the air force are chiller a huge after so this may cause countries like turkey which is thinking of sending Ground Forces or greece just the u. S. And iran for instance retaliation you cannot lash their activities in their intentions behind proxies or claim deniability is not going to change the overall pattern of disrespect for International Law and weve seen for more than 4 years except that i guess at this meeting you have seen countries realize that the way that things were developing libya especially with have to advance that whatever balance of power status quo had been achieved was probably going to fracture and so certainly a lot of the European Countries do not want an even more unstable libya or a libya that potentially ends up looking more and more like syria said the you think that there is now a will when it comes to a lot of the countries supporting either side for especially the one supporting. It to sort of the reigning made at least try to make him abide by this by this communique in berlin. So i think that when the offensive began in april the after and allies had many different tensions france wondered for example after to secure a secular authoritarian government that would take over tripoli and prevent the flow of migrants russia didnt they didnt have to be able to teach or play a gamble on the fact that he make enough progress to gain diplomatic recognition whereas the u. A. E. In egypt were pursuing him to go all the way and to go over and consolidate the country so there are different expectations now that after a defensive interplay of stalin and now africans all the asians with the libyan allies and jascha all allies he is decided to even entertain the prospect of violence just external powers do you want to rein in meant but the point i was making before is that raney a man and signing an agreement is only temporary and very short term because the core presence of hardliners on both sides ensures that this conflict could continue for some time to come so when the communique talks about a return to the political process and some kind of libyan political agreement do you think that that is actually impossible to implement that anytime regardless of basically the 2 sides. Seraj and have to are would never be able to form any kind of united libyan government. I think its certainly in be a lot harder than what we signed when he 13 when there was a genuine spirit to create the government in National Court because now even multilateral institutions that could be overseen mess like the u. N. Envoy got some salami or the u. N. In general are seen as like interfering agents are pretty theyre creating an artificial government after its allies so these is usually where the problem solvers i now being seen as liabilities so its quite difficult to see a political agreement i 20 have seen lasting in the long run but there have been some progress there were a discussion about the economic track in tunis a few weeks ago we draw some sign of dialogue the political shock and now the arms embargo are making headway in yours negotiations so its still too early to say definitively now by think its a lot harder task they face now and they did 4 years ago some say over money specialist in International Relations at the university of oxford thank you. Coming up on aljazeera this news hour a peaceful rally turns violent in hong kong several antigovernment pastors are resting ok no victims risk everything by returning to the danger zone. Theres still the restriction that they will get it to the island its simply too dangerous to go to that rubble cry joins the philippines coast guard on their Warning Mission and the back in the cage column a great great delites bans on his return to action he has that. But for us the u. N. Says a missile attack on a government literally camp in yemen that killed at least a 111 people could derail the fragile deescalation process there the government is blaming who the rebels for the attack but so far no one has claimed responsibility they call a gauge has more and a warning some viewers may find the images in this report the starving. After nearly 5 years of violence the war in yemen is showing no signs of ending this hospital is filled with government soldiers and civilians injured in saturdays attack on a military camp in the region of maariv more than 100 who killed. Who it was around sunset prayers were praise and then we said down in the missiles hit it was around 630 in for 10 minutes or so i couldnt feel anything around me so many of my friends were killed. This is all thats left of the mosque that was targeted blown apart by Ballistic Missile how yemens government backed by a saudi u. A. E. Led military coalition has blamed the iranian backed rebels and his vows to retaliate. We would like to offer our condolences to our nation our armed forces and the families of the fallen those who were killed in a heinous attack by the iranian backed hooty militias the fallen were true heroes soldiers in our armed forces among the dead are also civilians. The war has created what the un has labeled the worlds worst humanitarian crisis. Since the start of the conflict its estimated more than 91000 yemenis of thing killed and another 3000000 displaced by the fighting weekly gauge al jazeera. At least 30 people have been injured in a 2nd night of violence in beirut where Security Forces fired tear gas and water cannon at protesters who were throwing rocks at the Lebanese Parliament demonstrators are angry at the worsening financial crisis and the impasse over the formation of a new government on saturday nearly 400 people were injured in similar similar protests that descended into writing in a holder has more now on how those clashes unfolded outside the Parliament Building in beirut. Yes another night of violence the forced night of violence since tuesday we are outside Parliament Square but the Security Forces the antiriot police have managed to push the antiestablishment protesters away from the Parliament Building this was the security cordon that was protecting Parliament Building that was really the front line behind. Barricades the riot police they were using Water Cannons they were using tear gas they were using rubber bullets the Lebanese Red Cross issuing a statement saying that they have taken at least 30 people to hospital people who suffered injuries as a result of the confrontation hundreds of people were converged outside the. Parliament building hoping to try to storm the building its really a show of protest against the ruling elite they believe the legislature is illegitimate they need to resign people want to early elections they want the ruling elite has been governing this country for 30 years to leave office and to make way for a new government a government of independent experts who will be able to deal with the dire Economic Situation in the country so another night of violence in the streets of the lebanese capital you can see behind us here at this field barricades are the riot police who were really engaged in clashes with protesters who were throwing stones sticks Water Bottles and firecrackers anything really. They could find. To try to breach the security barrier. Anger among iraqi youths that the lack of reform by their government has erupted into mass protests in the capital baghdad and the Southern City of najaf black smoke billowed into the sky is tires were set in light protesters also placed roadblocks in the street at least one protester was killed and 25 others injured when Security Forces used tear gas to break up a crowd on file day demonstrators have been demanding an overhaul of the political system that they believe has kept them in poverty more than 401000 iraqis have been killed and 17000 injured since protests began almost tobar 1st. And demonstrators are threatening to escalate their Anti Government action and possibly even cut off large areas of iraqs south imran khan reports now from babylon. Preparations begin for what protesters say will cripple iraqs rights they may be small in number at the moment but these protesters say they will cut off the south of iraq from the rest of the country by blocking all the main roads the reason is simple they say their demands for a new Prime Minister a new elections have been met and if theyre not met by sunday night they will make good on that threat all across the south you plan a shot or so out of a hostage and we block the roads and are demanding our rights the rights of young people to get jobs we want rapid elections an independent candidate who doesnt belong to the old parties. Are going to demand the Central Government go to early elections and nominate a new pm independent and accepted by protesters if not we will escalate and block the highway and all the entrances of the city and kick out the corrupt officials so far iraqs Security Forces are letting the protesters make a stand now. In babylon we allow the demonstrators to express their Constitutional Rights but not affect or harm other residents when demonstrators block the roads the Security Forces negotiate with the protesters to find solutions and we become mediators between babylons local governments and the demonstrators. Throughout the south of iraq protesters gather every day in large number but they concerned that theyre not being listened to Prime Minister id love to muddy has said he will step down and hes currently in a caretaker role but so far none of the alternative names put forward for the top job are acceptable to either parliament all the protest movement and thats frustrating the protesters the protest movement faces a decisive moment in the coming days they need to put a no pressure on the government so it meets their demands by threatening to cut off the south or off from the rest of the country is a bold move whether it works remains to be say iraq on aljazeera. Meanwhile iraq says bola brigades has told aljazeera that all major shia armed groups in the region have met in iran in an exclusive interview a spokesman said that they talked about their future action against quote u. S. Aggression some of them to fight as in baghdad has more on that exclusive. This is the 1st time that cut out of his will or hezbollah brigades group has spoken out after a series of events when the United States accused them of targeting one of their contractors in crude coke and targeted their fighters on the iraq syria border the spokesman has been saying that it is going to abide by the iraqi governments decision to for push out american and foreign troops out of iraq and will not be carrying out any further attacks but he did say that their patience is going to run out if the government does not deliver on its promises did tell us that the tide has been law which is banned by the United States is carrying out attacks inside and in iraq and in syria against what he called a united threat which is faced by all groups which are on the right side of history according to him which is isolate. Has been credited for many of these attacks by the United States after it was designated as a terrorist group but according to the group they are not in hiding he met us in plain sight he says there they are going to continue their activities political social and others he did mention that they are going to wait and see what the u. S. Does in this region but the he said their writing is on the wall in the u. S. Forces and Coalition Troops should be thinking about the leaving iraq he did mention about this this specific meeting which happened in the city of qom in iran which he said was a crucial meeting and many important decisions came out of. That meeting was very important to coordinate our actions activities and the resistance and the next steps maybe the americans will stay in iraq and challenge us it was the 1st step in a new era of coordination among shia and Resistance Forces we answered the call from the solder to meet in calm and one of the results was the protest which will happen in 4 or 5 days in iraq. And as i mentioned about his will have been banned by the United States it is a group which has been seen as a threat to not just the u. S. And Coalition Troops but according to the United States on iraqis as well it is something that the spokesman rubbished and he said that they are the sons of the soil and theyll continue their struggle against what he called a u. S. Aggression and illegal presence in iraq the bodies of the living ukrainians who died when a passenger jet that iran says it has accidentally shot down the small arrived in kiev on sunday all 176 people on board the Ukrainian Airlines flight were killed catherine stansell has our report. The solemn occasion at airport 11 coffins arrive with the bodies of the ukrainians who died when their flight was shot down by irans military shortly after takeoff the coffins were carried wired to time to waging curses ukraines president flawed amused alinsky and other government officials were in attendance relatives of those who died as well as airport staff also paid their respects above the middle of one of the program of the new program good loser the captain was a very kind and simple man and he was so easy to be around the flight attendants were very kind and they had a great sense of humor there was nothing bad to say about anyone who donned our new good thing with us. On january 8th 2 missiles hit the plane moments after it left to irans International Airport the strike came just hours after iran carried out a missile attack on iraqi base housing u. S. Troops in retaliation for the americans assassinating irans top military commander custom solomon. After 3 days of denials and mounting intelligence chatter and finally admitted it had unintentionally shot down the aircraft mistaking it for a hostile plane iran is refusing to send the planes black boxes to kiev denying reports that they had previously agreed to send them to ukraine for analysis the decision has outraged some World Leaders who say iran doesnt have the Necessary Technology to conduct its own proper analysis of the recorders this disaster and that delay in admitting responsibility has led to protests in iran and added to International Pressure on the country to take part in an independent and transparent investigation catherine stansell aljazeera. By police in hong kong have arrested several people taking part in the program ocracy protests police fired tear gas of the demonstrators who had gathered in their thousands authorities that approved the rally. As long as participants stayed in one location the protesters the fied the ruling and tried to march through the streets sarah clarke was at that rally and. It began as a peaceful rally with thousands gathered in china garden in Central Hong Kong on the island and at all because of this particular rally they wanted to march but the police denied that approval but the point is where to hit any why now they lift try to god and i march along some the busy thoroughfare is the big highways behind us and they why to cause why by but the protesters were stopped and we got a police line behind me where hundreds of right place blocked that access and they pushed them back theyve also tried a number of rounds of tear gas and stun grenades on those protesters trying to disperse the crowd and the place always said that they would move in if that particular group of the demonstrators started to move and they did now weve had a number of arrests also in central and its all part of a Police Crackdown as we enter the Chinese New Year festival the police and the government have banned a number of events of the coming weeks and a number of fish have also of ramped up the security around hong kong as part of a Police Crackdown on the antigovernment demonstrations which are now in the month. Coming up were all in the aljazeera for the news hour of frustration boils over a one to 3 day journey from doris and ends in mexico. Ignition with. The deliberate midair mistake that is one giant leap for space x. And good sport with peter the big names apprentice to rob for the years 1st grand slam. Hello there not bad conditions generally across much of Central Europe weve got a bit of clatter and wanted to lightly scouted showers a little sometimes streaming in across the north but its actually keeping the weather away from you cannot of ones because weve got a little ridge of High Pressure in control what we havent got is this dry conditions for eastern spain we have this role the potent storm system now this is going to sit through the western med over the next couple of days it will spread the rain the snow really right the way along these coastal areas and as we go through monday and choose day we could be accumulating as much as 175 millimeters of rain on mainland spain me want across into the valley ericsson very heavy amounts of rain so were across into new york where we could see 150 millimeters of rain and choose to it tends to spread further inland and of course in that cold air it will actually turn over to snow so choose to elsewhere not a bad day weve got a low a 10 which is set in london and paris 4 degrees celsius to telsey is in zurich but it doesnt come into clear skies as a nice sunshine ones and the morning mist has cleared now we will of course see more of those rain showers into morocco on into algeria or coming from that system just sitting in the western med by choose day the rain a little bit light to beginning to pull away but much cooler in are about there with a high of just 13 celsius. But. An escape from severe hardship onto the world stage as a Paralympic Champion will be i want to say for now though for the 1500 meters and the bronze for the 800. 00 under desire to Work Overseas i went knocking on doors like you have a job and was interested in immunology studies that led to International Recognition as a Global Leader in Regenerative Medicine to inspiring journeys of human endeavor arabs abroad the paralympian and the bone makea on aljazeera a journey of discovery. Which is the coping of a letter to germany addressed by ground. 0 as barbara 0 traces of family links back to the regime of Benito Mussolini the nonspecific is fascism returned to italian port freshers in the family it makes me sick this letter. Found coming soon on aljazeera. Welcome back heres a reminder of the top stories on aljazeera a World Leaders meeting in berlin have agreed that there can be no military solution to the libyan conflict insisting it must be a political solution it also agreed to extend a temporary truce in the hope that it will develop into a false cease fire at least 30 people have been injured in another night of violence and they are Security Forces fire tear gas and water cannon a protesters who are throwing rocks at the Lebanese Parliament demonstrators are angry at the worsening financial crisis. And the bodies of 11 ukrainians who died when a passenger jet was accidentally shot down by iran have been trying to keep iran says it still hasnt made a decision on whether the planes black box will be sent crane for analysis. Israels treatment of palestinians is a deliberate act of humiliation thats the view of a former top United Nations human rights official who stepped down from his post at the end of last year our diplomatic editor james bays has this report that. He was one of the uns top human rights officials assistant secretary general Andrew Gilmore seen here with refugees in bangladesh served the International Organization for 30 years now hes stepped given a scathing assessment of the state of human rights particularly in israel and the palestinian territories how bad is the situation on the ground particularly in gaza for ordinary people it is absolutely pouring in gaza the actual physical condition of people is is indescribable it is to me just scandalous that the world allows that. See its a siege essentially i mean its a word that when i was in the u. N. We couldnt use that without getting a lot of protests but effectively thats what it is goods are not properly allowed in and people are not allowed out he agreed with the assessment the situation is similar to the way white controlled south africa was run into the beginning of the 1990 s. Apart age its very hard to see that the to ration and not regard it as a segregation that is so profound that it that it reaches the level of apartheid but ive never seen a greater deliberate humiliation of an entire people and that has been very consistent trend that ive seen it is good that it gets worse but it seems to me that humiliation is almost part of the the game plan so why is there not more global criticism of israels actions at the un and in the Security Council the u. S. Takes israels side and under the trumpet ministration their support has been unwavering even when israel killed more than 70 people in one day at the guards offense the former Us Ambassador on the day that doesnt was shot through the fence with sniper rifles there were no danger at all most of them i mean they were shot including a number of children the u. S. Ambassador said there is acting with restraint and if that is restraint i would hate to see that you know the under strain. U. N. Officials are normally very measured with the words they use particularly on this issue one thats so politically charged the real views of a top official now no longer in his post a rare and powerful james pays 0 at the United Nations. The 1st migrants from a caravan moving north have been allowed to start across mexico but on the pressure from the white house the government says it will try to stop them carrying on the u. S. Job home and that mexico southern border and send. What youre seeing here is one of the overflow areas that shelters here in coom and have set up to try and cope with the amount of people that are arriving from honduras hoping to pass into mexico many of them eventually into the United States you can see that here people have been sleeping out in the open theres about 3000 people arrived here on the border between guatemala and mexico and more than 4000 people in total that have said from honduras now theyre trying to get further north but there is a problem in mexico has said that its not going to allow them to transit is not going to allow them to get to the United States where the Mexican Government has said is it will allow them to work in the south of the country giving work visas in certain cases it will give them asylum but whats been happening is that mexican of sorties have only been letting people in in groups of 20 smaller groups and thats given rise to suspicions from these people that theyre actually just being deported straight back to hasnt helped the mexican migration authorities havent told them and havent told us exactly whats happening to those people so theres a state of uncertainty here theres going to be moved people arriving from this caravan probably in the next day or so so on monday theyre saying that theyre going to take to the border bridge you know its got to mexico and theyre going to turn out all mass and demand to be let through so it remains to be seen how the mexican authorities are going to respond to that. China says it will step up efforts to contain the outbreak of a deadly new virus after new cases were confirmed the virus is believed to have originated from an animal market in the central city of 162 cases have now been confirmed and 2 people have died in the outbreak chinese authorities are on high alert as hundreds of millions of people prepare to travel for the Lunar New Year holiday. The symptoms of the patients are generally mild among the 763 we are observing 681 have been released with the prevention and control measures we are implementing the epidemic situation can be prevented and controlled and the eruption warning is still in place for the volcano in the philippines but some fishermen villagers living in the area have ignored it and gone home or back to work from pride to join the coast guards who are trying to keep people away from the dangers. The philippines coast guard is making this Early Morning patrol every day at the moment theres still a restriction in force on anyone going to the island its simply too dangerous to go there and this is part of that. Just as we were approaching the island we saw boats also coming to the island and also we see people on the shoreline here that people still have fish farms here so they come out very Early Morning to tend to their fish farms despite warnings that they should be staying away. So theyve been telling the fishing boats they cant stay here they have to leave and some of them have left but we still have these guys on the shoreline here who are determined to stay and theres not much the coast guard it seems can do about that. Were urging them to leave the island and those we see trying to come across we stop because its still a level 4 and weve got to think about safety and as weve been driving around here we see just over the hillside huge billowing clouds of steam and dust coming from the volcano having said that it does seem as though the emissions have dropped in the past few days or so it seems a lot more peaceful so its hard trying to tell people that they can come out here people say look we have livelihoods were going to make a living we have to come out and tend to our fish farms or come out and fish what else are we going to do. There are villages dotted all around the coastline of this volcanic island as weve been going along weve been seeing boats at all of them and people happily at work as though life is getting back to normal and seemingly impervious to the warnings from the coast guard. It seems risky enough just visiting here it seems inconceivable that anyone would want to spend any time here but people left they left behind livestock also left behind Domestic Animals who just noticed there was a dog on the shoreline the coast guard here just made an attempt to rescue it put it in the boat but it doesnt seem to want to leave her. The coast guard will be out again tomorrow morning to do the same warning people to stay away and that this is still a very dangerous volcano but what also annoys them they tell us is that while other people are putting their lives at risk by coming out here so what the coast guard by coming out and trying to tell them to stay away. An enormous dust storm has swept through parts of the australian stand of New South Wales the town of narrow more than 400 kilometers northwest of sydney was envelop by the huge cloud powerful winds carried the storm at least 100 kilometers swamping towns and its path thousands of people in the canadian province of new found land are without power after a massive blizzard hit the region the storm dumped more than 76. 00 centimeters of snow on the provincial capital st john bearing cars and trapping people in their homes local authorities at the cleared a state of emergency and say the priority is snow removal and clearing the roads to the main hospital. Thousands of people have died in afghanistan and parts of the country in your severe Winter Weather some villages have been isolated by heavy snowfall people in Herat Province thats one of the worst affected places have told al jazeera that winters are getting more extreme and the same bus driving up reports the winter isolation is especially concerning for young men. In villages all over the country afghans live in much the same way they have for centuries there are no gas or electricity lines people still collect the wood they burn to stay warm in winter. Thats how 18 year old last year mud died his father said he walked to a nearby forest to gather brush for a fire to keep the family warm through the night but he never came out of the lot of them were all of them junk we thought that he went to his sisters house on the other side of the woods find the orcs do not work at night so we went there the next day we found his body in the snow our next years father said his son probably became tired walking in the heavy snow and with no one to help him fell asleep and froze to death conditions are miserable for people in other a scone district one man in this village said here in the forgotten corners of afghanistan people are living waiting to die. Snowfall was so heavy this year the roof of mud johns mud house collapsed in the middle of the night her family was sleeping when it happened. I ran out of the room and my husband was screaming for help i was only able to pull my children out of doing things my husband was trapped and died under the rubble when the neighbors came they removed his body buried him. Even before the storm she did not have much now a widow sitting outside her broken home she seems completely lost. Though tragic local Officials Say the overall death toll in this area has been low but village elders say they are in serious need of help weather related illnesses and injuries have affected nearly every one of the 700 homes in this Community People we met said that the winters in this part of the country have been getting increasingly more and more extreme but the cold is more severe going to have ever experienced in the past and we are expecting 2 more months of snowfall and theyre already worried about the next disaster when the snow eventually melts and floods their homes even if people wanted to leave their Ancestral Lands they say they have nowhere else to go if they dont get help soon elders here worry out of work young men could join armed groups like the taliban more as a matter of survival than ideology. I got these people who listen they do not have anything to eat if these men commit rogueries or join insurgents it is the right. The biggest complaint we heard was that people here need a Medical Clinic the nearest one is in district headquarters on the other side of snow covered hills one woman said people have no choice but to walk while they still can before the next storm it seems desperate but they may be the lucky ones. Deeper in the mountains where the roads are still covered in snow district Officials Say many villages remain inaccessible and the true scale of human suffering still out of sight seeing basra the other risk on destroyed iraq province afghanistan. U. S. Aerospace manufacturer space x. Has simulated an Emergency Landing to test an abort system on an unmanned asteroid caps youll have a capsule successfully ejected itself from a rocket that cut off its engines 9000 kilometers above the ocean mimicking a launch failure it splashed into the sea about 32 kilometers off the coast of florida that test was the companys final milestone before flying nasa astronauts from lists or oil well space x. Founder evil mosque said it was a picture Perfect Mission there anyone who has an adventurous spirit of the body is going to be very excited about this and it will help really great interest in space and speak to mike wall hes a senior space writer at space dot com thank you so much for joining us here on the aljazeera so do you agree with the law must anyone with a sort of you know adventure seeing bone in their body would find its a very exciting development. Yeah yeah because this this was the last flight test before this this then you crew dragon spacecraft will actually carry people and thats something that that hasnt happened from us oil since 2011 when. The Space Shuttle fleet was actually retired so this is a Long Time Coming for a lot of people here and gathered in the United States and this is one big step toward that were probably going to see that 1st Demonstration Mission with people on board in the next few months so just explain to us what the role of space x. Rays and were in space travel yes so that yes they hold a multibillion dollar contracts to actually take yes take nasa astronauts up to space station and back down again and actually boeing the whole yet hold a similar deal and theyre yeah theyre building their own capsule to sort of do the same job and its part of this push nasa wants to kind of turn over this mr Astronaut Taxi Service to the private sector so they can just concert in doing harder things like getting assets to the moon and then on to mars so this is what in the works for that for about a decade nasa sort of been encouraging that sort of development of these private spacecraft for about a decade now and thats why everybody is so excited because theres been some stops and starts and like a few delays along the way but now really yet theyre really in the homestretch and you when you can basically nasa needs to certify space x. To be able to carry astronauts to the International Space station and as you mentioned all of this could happen literally in a few months by spring of this there yet there are only a few more things that what they need to do. That they want to go through all of the data from this test flight just to make sure that it that it was that that things did go according to plan which it certainly seems like it did you know it looked like a picture Perfect Mission but theyre going to like examine that spacecraft and then just make sure nothing weird happened and then like theyre going to do a couple more parachute tests because its the 2nd year they revamped but yet they parachute system on the crew dragon so that its going to make sure that everything works just just the way it seems to be working well and in that. Pretty much the way thats thats why people think i mean sometime this spring is is what nasa said and yet also what like you know i must said thats thats from the 1st flight is probably going to take place and what do you think the significance is when it comes to you know letting the private sector basically add this role for nasa but Going Forward and perhaps i dont know commercial space and travel in and issues like that where do you see that meeting and how quickly yet yet thats thats another aspect of this you know nasa keeps on saying they dont want to be the only customer for the spacecraft they want to be one of like a bunch of different customers who will take advantage of this service to get up to space and get back down again and its sort of hopes to be that like anchor tenant basically or like the driving force that kind of shows other companies what they can do with this and sort of say well yeah thats thats like start a whole new commercialization kind of opportunity in space and so yeah i mean maybe were going to see the use these sorts of spacecraft i mean crew dragon and also boeings maybe theyre going to be taking private space tourists up and down i mean maybe theyre going to be doing a lot of other things of university as well as sort of pay them to like take payloads up there to do experiments and all that mean thats thats the long term vision nasa wants to kind of jumpstart so theyre just hoping that this is the 1st step they think when it comes to safety that theres any add i suppose question marks over turning this aspect of space travel to the private sector. No i mean i dont think any bigger questions than weve already seen where were sort of government run human spaceflight you know there there have been tragic accidents that have killed people nasa Space Shuttles head to head to tragic accidents at all all the action thats on board on what 2 Different Missions its just i mean space flight is that extremely dangerous thing to do when you get up to orbit and back down again you know there are a lot of things that can go wrong its an inherently dangerous thing to do and what were seeing today you know with this you know the support test thats like one of the but its a big step that like now says taking to try to prove out make sure these systems are as safe as they can possibly be but people need to keep in mind no space flights never going to be strict routine its never going to be like getting on to a 747 theres just such huge energies involved its such a dramatic thing to do that its always going to be a little bit dangerous or i mean quite a bit dangerous and mike wallace senior space writer at space dot com so thank you for sharing your views with us thank you. Well still to come on aljazeera this news hour in sports its a lake lake shelter rescue or a seemingly land heater has the lock. On a toy. Guilders younger workers close to. One woman is troubling to the villages where. Underage doing it. On aljazeera. A healthy environment depends on the healthy insect population but across the wild. Numbers are dwindling. Countless creatures are declining as a result of human activity. People in power investigates the extent of the crisis and i asks what can be done to abate it. Insect to get an on aljazeera. Aljazeera. Libraries around the world are struggling to retain readers in the digital age but in australia one initiative has worked and its been borrowed by other countries and the thomas is more now a small change thats made a big difference. Its a brand new library with a new way of lending borrowing a book has been the same for decades people read them for a set amount of time then return them if they dont books become overdue and readers are fine when they bring them back. But thats changing Many Australian libraries have since 27 so you tested i know following policy managers say yes to save stuff time and the costs of administration which were 10 times higher than the revenue raised from fines potential fines also put off poor people from using libraries and stopped them borrowing books once they owed fines they couldnt pay in the 1st trial that we had the amount of items they got returned to the library was 3 times as many that we usually have any its sorry that was close to 70000 items that came back so we regained a whole lot of customers that hadnt been using our services because they were either afraid of the fines that with a or get embarrassed to come back the trial has become a permanent change we just want my studio welcoming friendly place and having fines and chasing people down for money is really not the kind of relationship that we want to have without community in the digital age libraries like this one mostly lend traditional books they need to change to survive but opinion is divided its great because i get them during have to try and remember the dates and things like that and then if you just come in whenever it suits us other people is waiting for the opportunity to read to the same bolt if they are not penalized than the other person will be lost opportunity but there are no Foreign Policy is spreading this initiative is one thats proving popular with councils across australia and beyond borrowing the idea libraries in scandinavia britain and the United States have scrapped the fine system other countries too considering taking a leaf out of the same book under thomas aljazeera sydney. Its going to peter now in doha for all this for. Barbara thank you very much a new year at barcelona and a new coach keek a city any is underway the spanish champions are heading to the top of the league table as well safety into chaunge in the boss of dugout for the 1st time in their home game against the no camp a 2nd off goal from the n. L. Macy sees them leading one know and going above rivals realm of dread as we speak. To a 1st title in the English Premier League continues then a 16 points clear at the top there were 2 no winners of a Manchester United at Anfield Virgil van dykes 1st of header and a goal with the final play of the match from a home clinched the victory the liverpool fans believe their 30 year wait to be champions is over but the manager is not celebrating yet its of course allowed to dream to sing whatever they want as long as they do their job as well in a moment when we play out of mind we will not be part of that party yet. But its no problem you know. You ventus of opened up a 4 point lead at the top of it so he said they are 2 goals from christiane or an elder as the champions one to one in homes of paula youve its closest rivals in some alone slipped up on a visit to lake chill on sunday into lead but it finished one movie thanks to this girl for Marco Montreux so i ac milan secured a much needed winning ensued in a. Z. But only just the visitors thought they came to share the spoils when kevin lasagna made it to 2 but in injury time and save a bitch that come off the bench score the 2nd goal of the game to 16 i caught a mcgregor made an emphatic return to the ultimate fighting championship securing his 1st win in more than 3 years then has proven to work for ports it sets up the prospect of a dream rematch for the sport i preparing to enter the octagon it is heaviest if the fighting weight colonel macgregor had promised to put on a show in his 1st fight in 15 months. The former 2 Division Champion moved up to welterweight for the 1st time in his career and wasted no time against american donaldson running i immediately after the 42nd technical knockout when u. Of c. Boss dana white suggested mcgregors next fight should be a rematch against russias lightweight champion hope the new mega medal of call very personal about man and then his team and. Look it is what it is i make no promises than i was i am who i am and its its not its it is what it is so i have the same is demanding 100000000. 00 before they consider what could well be the biggest pay per view in the u. F. C. As history the 1st fight was marred by controversy before it even began. I hate it mcgregor was arrested and 2018 after throwing a handcart into a bus full of fighters including the man from dagestan then immediately after beating the 31 year old have jumped out of the cage seeking retribution for a number of racial and religious leaders in the build up to the fight both fighters were fined and suspended m r russian than that so i would love to go to moscow and compete there they will be like something out of a rocky movie and so id be very eager to do it at this time outside the octagon hasnt gone so well he was fined for punching an elderly man and has denied allegations of sexual assault. After becoming the 1st man to secure a knock out some 3 weight divisions theres little sign that his actions outside the cage are reducing the u. F. C. Is wish to get the most bang for their buck out of the irishman paul vander werth aljazeera Australian Open champion Novak Djokovic goes in search of his 8th melbourne title over the next fortnight as the years 1st and us grand slam event gets underway the warm up it soon has been boy aided by leading serbia to victory at the inaugural a. T. P. Cup shock of its believes hes arriving in a better place for the big tournaments says he enters the next 3 years of his korea. Have completely different life today than i had 5 years ago and you know on the father of 2 children obviously things are not the way they were 5 or 10 years ago and i know that but that doesnt necessarily mean its better or its worse its just different. Former world number one lee westwood secured a re golfing fees on sunday he won the other derby championship by 2. 00 shots giving the englishman European Tour victories in each of the last for decades it was only the 2nd trophy in 6 years and 44th korea title. Englands cricketers heading to the final day of the food system in south africa needing just 4 more wickets to take the lead in the series the bowling of captain joe root stealing some unlikely damage as the procedures were made to follow on their Port Elizabeth route is very much a part time spinner birds he took 4 wickets at south africa close on 102 for 6 in the 2nd innings thats where well leave it for now more sport coming up again later barbara back to you in london thank you very much and that is it from me and this do stay with us though im going to be back in just a few minutes with more on that days the news especially more details about that conference on the young chap trying to stay. They join one of the worlds most notorious ahmed groups. But found a way out rebuild their lives and now help us. A tale of course for commitment child soldiers and have refit exploitation of women daughters of alice a bad part of the radicalize nude scenes on aljazeera. A searching investigation into gun culture in the philippines. And the luas that were put in place to control it in this country it is not yet right. For you to stick to the rights of life of god order if youre not solving the problem of criminality of the going to be is because these are not the people who are committing the crime. Who are your customers a lot of that has the violence actually got was rewind stray bullets on aljazeera. This is a domicile a mans 4th trip to boozy in 2 days but using his boat to risk you as many people as he can was stranded in the flood hit area of the cycle may die struck mozambique thumbs up when i 1st saw women with babies on their backs crying for help saying they were dying i knew i had to do something hours later and from the dark a faint whistle in the distance alerts us to people calling for help women children and the elderly are brought on board 1st hungry and thirsty it hasnt taken much time to pull the boat about 200 people have been rescued and more want to get on but this simply no space. The world. Is committed to a lasting cease fire in libya World Leaders at a un backed summit agree that a political solution not a military one is whats needed to end the conflict. Hello im Barbara Starr youre watching aljazeera live from london also coming up beirut protesters target the countrys parliament in a force night of violent demonstrations. In the bodies of the lead

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