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And the bodies of 11 ukrainian citizens who died when a passenger plane was accidentally shot down by iran are returned to cuba. So lets begin in berlin where libyas warring sides and World Leaders have agreed on a final communique at a un backed peace conference it was announced by the german chancellor Angela Merkel she hopes that 12 World Leaders including the president s of Turkey Russia and the u. K. They agree to extend the temporary truce in libya in the hope that it will develop into a full ceasefire Angela Merkel emphasized the need for a political solution to end years of conflict. We all believe that a political solution will be necessary i think it has become very obvious over the past few weeks and months that it cannot possibly be a military solution to this conflict this will only increase the suffering of the libyan people. Well jim is in berlin and joins us now live. Chancellor they really emphasizing of course political solution not a military one what further detail was agreed. As you mentioned there or it was a quite extensive statement from the chancellor she spoke about several different aspects of this agreement for the outcome of this conference she said that there were meant to be binding resolutions that came out of this. Specifically talking about how this was a proxy calm for conflict more than it was just simply an internal one and those resolutions that they had agreed upon included economic ones whereby they would be discussions on how to essentially revive libyas economy and the way forward in sharing the wealth of the oil is she said that the United Nations secretary general. Has also spoken he spoke about also the formation of this military committee that they had been waiting for several months to form. A century was falling upon the side of renegade general for you to have to nominate members and they would be 5 members from each side that would meet in order to discuss things about disarmament forming a National Army and essentially civilian Police Forces and that this would hopefully according to. In the next few days he said in geneva there was talk about this libya dialogue process that would be headed by the United Nations itself and that this would also mean within the next couple of weeks but what was interesting also was the fact that for example. The u. N. Envoy on libya. Had said that this process the berlin conference was a combination of meetings that had triggered or started off some 9 months ago why is this interesting because throughout that 9 month old. Ive seen on the ground in libya is actually an escalation of fighting primarily triggered by the side of it and thats where maybe the skepticism is coming from is that there are people who would say that whilst these agreements conferences discussions are taking place because corrupt one in iraq will be its moscow be its here in berlin thats all well and good but theres been very little implementation facts on the ground whats happening is one side has been gaining more and more ground gaining more and more territory in more and more state institutions on the routes and thats whats making any agreements very unlikely to be achieved least not in the framework of the timeframe that is expected. And of course child what was interesting is that when the angle of merkel was asked where the 2 libyan leaders had been so sad and half that they were in berlin but they hadnt actually met in the same room because differences between them were still so big so in light of that regardless of what be outlined may be at this for a lean mean how easy will it be to implement these promises. That its a very good point to make the fact that the true sides failed to meet the fact that this was a conference by none libyan countries talking about the territorial integrity and unity of libya and the selfdetermination of the libyan people the fact that the National Language of the libyans are because and even presence on the stage while they were making an announcement about the future of libya how difficult is it going to be to implement well if they were incapable or unable to bring them together that shows just how difficult it is in fact through her credit on going to market herself when she was altering that question did respond by saying well the gap between the 2 sides at present was so big that they were unable to bring them together but the implementation isnt just about ensuring both sides inside libya implement things but probably more so about ensuring all the different sides involved do not empower either side to continue in this Armed Conflict but mainly actually the side of the that is not recognized by the International Community the side that isnt the government which is probably for half that and we heard that when we were talking about the arms embargo and one of the reporters asked Angela Merkel what exact mechanisms have been agreed to implement and she failed to answer said well were hoping out of goodwill that an arms embargo that was actually announced by the United Nations Security Council the highest body within the United Nations announced 9 years ago in 2011 that maybe this time it will be respected and maybe thats kind of goodwill didnt seem enough for the United Nations secretary general himself we decided to take the mike and then really kind of express once again his frustration and disappointment that members of the United Nations Security Council themselves including france are accused of flouting that arms embargo and unless until and unless International Powers actually respect its and implement it themselves then it really does leave any agreement in a precarious situation so lets say out with the latest there from berlin where that meeting is concluded and we have the final communique for the moment you now thank you. The u. N. Says a missile attack on a Government Military camp in yemen that killed at least 111. 00 people could derail the fragile deescalation process there the government is blaming who are the rebels for the attack but so far no one has claimed responsibility they call a gauge has more and a warning some viewers may find the images in this report report the story. After nearly 5 years of violence the war in yemen is showing no signs of ending this hospital is filled with government soldiers and civilians injured in saturdays attack on a military camp in the region of maariv more than 101 killed. Who it was around sunset prayers were praise and then we said down in the missiles hit it was around 630 in for 10 minutes or so i couldnt feel anything around me so many of my friends were killed. This is all thats left of the mosque that was targeted blown apart by a Ballistic Missile how yemens government backed by a saudi u. A. E. Led military coalition has blamed the iranian backed hoofy rebels and his vows to retaliate. We would like to offer our condolences to our nation our armed forces and the families of the fallen those who were killed in a heinous attack by the iranian backed who the militias the fallen were true heroes soldiers in our armed forces among the dead are also civilians. The war has created what the un has labeled the worlds worst humanitarian crisis. Since the start of the conflict its estimated more than 91000 yemenis have think youll die and another 3000000 displaced by the fighting weekly gauge al jazeera. The bodies of the 11 ukrainians who died when a passenger jet that iran says it has accidentally shot down this month arrived. All 176 people on board the Ukrainian Airlines flight were killed stansell reports. The solemn occasion at kievs airport 11 coffins arrived with the bodies of the ukrainians who died when their flight was shot down by irans military shortly after takeoff the coffins were carried wired to time to waging curses ukraines president saddam used alinsky and other government officials were in attendance relatives of those who died as well as airport staff also paid their respects among them upon a program of the kabul. The captain was a very kind and simple man and he was so easy to be around the flight attendants were very kind and i had a great sense of humor there was nothing bad to say about anyone who died and only good thing once. On january 8th 2 missiles hit the plane moments after it left terence International Airport the strike came just hours after iran carried out a missile attack on a rocky base housing u. S. Troops in retaliation for the americans assassinating irans top military commander custom salaam. After 3 days of denials and mounting intelligence chatter and finally admitted it had unintentionally shot down the aircraft mistaking it for a hostile plane iran is refusing to send the planes black boxes to kiev denying reports that they had previously agreed to send them to ukraine for now assess the decision has outraged some World Leaders who say iran doesnt have the Necessary Technology to conduct its own proper analysis of the recorders this disaster and that delay in admitting responsibility has led to protests in iran and added to International Pressure on the country to take part in an independent transparent investigation catherine stansell al jazeera. At least 30 people have been injured in a 2nd violence in beirut where Security Forces fire tear gas and water cannon the protesters who are throwing rocks at the Lebanese Parliament that inspectors are angry at the worsening Financial Security crisis and the impasse over the formation of a new government on saturday nearly 400 people were injured in similar protests that the same that into writing. Its go live now to hold a she joins us from beirut i guess compared to when we spoke yesterday perhaps fewer people less violence but it does continue tell us what happened today. Well yes the 2nd consecutive nights of violence in central beirut but the force night of violence since tuesday in the lebanese capital people are angry antiestablishment protesters very defining and this has been go on for at least 4 hours now they are trying to reach this security barrier the security cordon outside Parliament Square antiriot police are using tear gas theyre using rubber bullets sound bombs Water Cannons but people keep coming back protesters are throwing a stone and sticks Water Bottles anything that they can find and that really people are growing increasingly angry at the ruling elite they consider the argument that the minute they want lawmakers to resign they want the ruling elite which has been governing this country for 3 decades its up to just to relinquish power 7 to them for the mismanaged they have the option to use them of stealing public funds they want a new leadership this has been going on for 3 months now but as of late in the past few days the really were seeing a turning point it has become more violent the more you talk to people. You get the sense that people feel peaceful rallies have really achieved nothing that they. Escalate you have to move back because the protesters are using fire with fire. And this is. This is its playing out and live on television the president of the country is holding a meeting midday tomorrow grouping the caretaker interior minister the caretaker defense minister as well as the head of security agencies they would be there they plan to discuss the security situation in the country. They keep releasing missions that they will protect the right to peacefully protest but will not allow protesters to destroy public and private property or in the words of the caretaker interior. Assault forces so this unrest is expected to escalate the economic turmoil in this country continues. The lebanese lira currency has devalued there is inflation and there is no Government People here want a government an independent government that is not linked to the Political Parties they want they want a fresh start but those in power are refusing to relinquish power they are engaged in negotiations among themselves. To form a government which is not going to satisfy the street so and the words of the United Nations envoy in lebanon lebanon has reached a dangerous dangerous phase and we can see the anger there obviously continuing zana holder with the latest from the root saying yes thank you. And still to come on aljazeera volcano victims and risked everything by returning to the danger zone. Theres still a restriction in force on anyone going to the island its simply too dangerous to go that. Pride that joins the philippines coast guard on their warning mission. Hello there not bad conditions generally across much of Central Europe weve got a bit of clatter and wanted to lightly scouted showers loss of Time Streaming in across the north but its actually keeping the weather away from you can out of ones because weve got a little ridge of High Pressure in control what we havent got is this dry conditions are east in spain we have this role the potent storm system now this is going to sit through the western med over the next couple of days it will spread the rain the snow really right the way along these coastal areas and as we go through monday and choose day we could be accumulating as much as 175 millimeters of rain on mainland spain meanwhile across into the valley erikson very heavy amounts of rain so were across into new york where we could see 150 millimeters of rain and choose to it tends to spread further inland and of course in that cold air it will actually turn over to snow so choose to elsewhere not a bad day weve got a low a 10 which is set in london and paris 4 degrees celsius to tell see is in zurich but it doesnt come into clear skies as a nice sunshine ones and the morning mist has cleared now we will of course see more of those rain showers into morocco on into algeria or coming from a system just sitting in the western med by choose day the rain a little bit lighter beginning to pull away but much cooler with a high of just 13 celsius. In a 2 part series. Aljazeera observes the lives of 2 children. Over 20 years. Where insights into circumstances that shaped lives. In a rapidly changing world. 20 years of mean continues with good morning groups syria on aljazeera. Welcome back heres a reminder of the top stories on aljazeera World Leaders meeting in berlin have agreed that there can be no military solution to the libyan conflict insisting it must be a political solution libyas warring sides and the leaders of 12 nations agreed on the final communique produced by the un backed peace conference it was also agreed to extend a temporary truce in the hope that it will develop into a formal cease fire at least 30 people have been injured in another night of violence in beirut where Security Forces fired tear gas and water cannon the protesters who were throwing rocks at the Lebanese Parliament demonstrators are angry at the worsening financial crisis. And the bodies of 11 ukrainians who died when a passenger jet was accidentally shot down by iran have returned to kiev iran says it still hasnt made of the situation on whether the planes black box will be sent to ukraine for analysis. Anger among iraqi youd said the lack of reform by their government has erupted into mass protests in the capital baghdad and the Southern City of najaf black smoke billowed into the sky as tires were set like protesters also place rob roadblocks in the street at least one protester was killed and 25 others injured when Security Forces used tear gas to break up a crowd on friday demonstrators have been demanding an overhaul of a political system that they believe has kept them in poverty more than 490 iraqis have been killed and 17000 injured since protests began on october 1st. Meanwhile. Iraqs hezbollah brigades has told aljazeera that all major shia armed groups in the region have met in iran in an exclusive interview a spokesman said that they chalked out their future action against quote u. S. Aggression some of it is in baghdad and has more on that exclusive interview. This is the 1st time that cut out of his will or hezbollah brigades group has spoken out after a series of events when the United States accused them of targeting one of their contractors in crude coke and targeted their fighters on the iraq syria border the spokesman has been saying that it is going to abide by the iraqi governments decision to for push out american and foreign troops out of iraq and will not be carrying out any further attacks but he did say that their patience is going to run out if the government does not deliver on its promises did tell us that has been which is banned by the United States is carrying out attacks inside and in iraq and in syria against what he called a united threat which is faced by all groups which are on the right side of history according to him which is isolate. Has been credited for many of these attacks by the United States after it was designated as a terrorist group but according to the group they are not in hiding he met us in plain sight he says there they are going to continue their activities political social and others he did mention that they are going to wait and see what the u. S. Does in this region but the he said their writing is on the wall in the u. S. Forces and Coalition Troops should be thinking about the leaving iraq he did mention about this this specific meeting which happened in the city of qom in iran which he said was a crucial meeting and many important decisions came out of. That meeting was very important to coordinate our actions activities and the resistance and the next steps maybe the americans will stay in iraq and challenge us it was the 1st step in a new era of coordination among shia and Resistance Forces we answered the call from the solder to meet in calm and one of the results was the protest which will happen in 4 or 5 days in iraq. And as i mentioned about his will have been banned by the United States it is a group which has been seen as a threat to not just the u. S. And Coalition Troops but according to the United States on iraqis as well up to something that the spokesman rubbished and he said that they are the sons of the soil and they will continue their struggle against what he called the u. S. Aggression and illegal presence in iraq. Some of been provided there with that exclusive interview now riot police in hong kong was arrested several people taking part in the prodemocracy protests police fired tear gas at the demonstrators who had gathered in their thousands of already is that approved the rally as long as participants stayed in one location protesters though defied the ruling and tried to march through the streets sarah clarke was at that rally in hong kong. It began as a peaceful rally with thousands gathered in china garden in Central Hong Kong on the island and at all because of this particular rally they wanted to march but the police denied that approval but the point is where to hit any why now they lift and i march along some the busy thoroughfare the big highways behind us they why to cause why by but the protesters were stopped and we got a police line behind me where hundreds of riot police blocked that access and they pushed them back theyve also fought a number of rounds tear gas and stun grenades on those protesters trying to disperse the crowd and the place always said that they would move in if that particular group of demonstrators started to move and they did now weve had a number of arrests also in central and its all part of a Police Crackdown as we enter the Chinese New Year festival the police and the government have banned a number of events of the coming weeks and a number of fish have also wrapped up their security around hong kong as part of a Police Crackdown on the antigovernment demonstrations which are now in the. China says it will step up efforts to contain the outbreak of a deadly new virus after new cases were confirmed the National Health body says the transmission of the corona virus has not been completely mapped its believed to have originated from an animal market in the central city of 162 cases have now been confirmed and 2 people have died in the outbreak chinese authorities are on high alert as hundreds of millions of people are prepared to travel for the Lunar New Year holiday. The symptoms of the patients are generally mild among the 763 we are observing 681 have been released with the prevention and control measures we are implementing the epidemic situation can be prevented and controlled. Warning. But some fishermen. Have ignored gone home or to work. Trying to keep people away from. The philippines because god is making this Early Morning patrol every day at the moment theres still a restriction on anyone going to the island its simply too dangerous to go there and this is part of that team. Just as we were approaching the island we saw boats also coming to the island and also we see people on the shoreline here people still have fish farms here so they come out very Early Morning to tend to their fish despite warnings that they should be staying away. So theyve been telling the fishing boats they cant stay here they have to leave and some of them have left but we still have these guys on the shoreline here who are determined to stay and theres not much the coast guard it seems can do about that. Them to leave the island and those we see trying to come across we stop because its still a level 4 and weve got to think about safety and as weve been driving around here we see just over the hillside. Steam and dust coming from the volcano having said that it does seem as though the emissions have dropped in the past few days or so it seems a lot more peaceful so its hard trying to tell people that they can come out here people say look we have livelihoods were going to make a living we have to come out tend to our fish come out and fish what else are we going to do. There are villages dotted all around the coastline of this volcanic island as weve been going along weve been seeing boats at all of them and people happily at work as though life is getting back to normal and seemingly impervious to the warnings from the coast guard. It seems risky enough just visiting here it seems inconceivable that anyone would want to spend any time here but people left they left behind livestock also left behind Domestic Animals who just noticed there was a dog on the shoreline the coast guard here just made an attempt to rescue it put it in the boat but it doesnt seem to want to leave. The coast guard will be out again tomorrow morning to do the same warning people to stay away and that this is still a very dangerous volcano but what also annoys them they tell us is that while other people are putting their lives at risk by coming out here so well the coast guard by coming out and trying to tell them to stay away thousands of people in the canadian province of new found land are without power after a massive blizzard hit the region the storm dumped more than 76 centimeters of snow in the provincial capital some call burying cars and trapping people in their homes local authorities have declared a state of emergency. Well winter has produced a stunning show in no northwestern china frost patterns resembling flowers have appeared in a frozen lake after a sudden temperature drop an isolator was formed on the Butterfly Lake county beautiful. Meanwhile an enormous the storm has swept through parts of the australian state of New South Wales the town and narrowminded more than 400 kilometers northwest of sydney was enveloped by the huge cloud powerful winds carried the storm at least 100 kilometers swamping towns in its path. Libraries around the world are stuck struggling to retain readers in the digital age but in australia one initiative has worked and its been borrowed by other countries and were told this is more on a small change that has made a big difference. Its a brand new library with a new way of lending borrowing a book has been the same for decades people read them for a set amount of time then return them if they dont books become overdue and readers are fine when they bring them back. But thats changing Many Australian libraries have since 27 so you tested a you know following policy managers say you to save stuff time and the costs of administration which were 10 times higher than the revenue raised from fines potential fines also put off poor people from using libraries and stop them borrowing books once they owed fines they couldnt pay in the 1st trial that we had the amount of items they got returned to the library list 3 times as many that we actually have any its sorry that was close to 70000 items that came back so we regained a whole lot of customers that hadnt been using our services because they were either afraid of the fines that with a or get embarrassed to come back the trial has become a permanent change we just want us to be a welcoming friendly place and having fines and chasing people down for money is really not the kind of relationship that we want to have without community in the digital age libraries like this one mostly lend traditional books they need to change to survive but opinion is divided its great because i guess then dont have to try and remember the dates and things like that and then if you just come in whenever it suits us other people is waiting for the opportunity to read to the same bolt if they are not penalized then the other person will be lost opportunity but the no Foreign Policy is spreading this initiative is one thats proving popular with councils across australia and beyond borrowing the idea libraries in scandinavia britain and the United States have scrapped the fine system other countries too considering taking a leaf out of the same book under thomas aljazeera sydney. Now the top stories on aljazeera World Leaders meeting in berlin have agreed that there can be no military solution to the libyan conflict insisting it must be a political solution libyas warring sides and the leaders of 12 nations agreed on the final communique produced by the un backed peace conference it was also agreed to extend a temporary truce in the hope that it will develop into a full ceasefire rival parties accepted that an arms embargo must be respected and strengthen the to reach that lasting cease fire. We all believe that a political solution will be necessary i think it has become very obvious over the past few weeks and months that it cannot possibly be a military solution to this conflict this will only increase the suffering of the libyan people at least 30 people have been injured in a 2nd night of violence in beirut where Security Forces fired tear gas and water cannon the protesters who were throwing rocks at the Lebanese Parliament that was traitors are angry at the worsening financial crisis and the impasse over the formation of a new government on saturday nearly 400 people were injured in similar protests that the send it into writing. The bodies of the 11 ukrainians who died when a passenger jet was accidentally shot down by iran have returned to kiev iran says it still hasnt made a decision on whether the planes black box will be sent to ukraine for analysis 176 people were killed when the plane was brought there. Riot police in hong kong have arrested several people taking part in a prodemocracy protest police fired tear gas at the demonstrators who had gathered in their thousands authorities had approved the rally as wagners participants stayed in one location protesters though defined as the ruling and tried to march through the streets. China says it will step up efforts to contain the outbreak of a deadly new virus its believed to have originated from an animal market in the central city of 162. 00 cases have now been confirmed and 2 people have died in the outbreak authorities are on high alert with hundreds of millions of people preparing to travel for the Lunar New Year holiday those are the top stories stay with us talk to our is next with the venezuelan Opposition Leader one why do i have more news in half an hour. All. Bloopers. Last january the almost unknown president of the israelis Opposition Controlled National Assembly took his country and the world by surprise. To the main just. Declared himself interim president the justification was that president Nicolas Maduro was not a legitimately elected leader but a usurper and a dictator. Venezuelans desperate for economic and political change rushed to show their support with the United States leading the charge nearly 60 countries followed suit. But 12 months later the promise of political

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