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An airliner are returned home and the war grew all communities in afghanistan finding it ever harder to survive the bits of the cold winter. Thank you for joining us we begin in berlin where libyas warring sides are coming together in the latest International Effort to end years of civil war turkeys president Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his russian counterpart Vladimir Putin have met the 2 leaders support opposing sides in libyas conflict in a scene as key figures in bringing the fighting to an end russia backs war 24 have to whose forces control much of Eastern Libya and to launch an offensive to take tripoli in april turkey supports the internationally recognized government base in tripoli early attempts to negotiate a cease fire failed including a summit in moscow last week. We have been trying on a number of occasions to have a cease fire agreement signed the National Government of accord signed a cease fire agreement yes it wasnt signed by the other party lead by hostile if we fail to have a cease fire in place and if we fail to have an agreement signed we will never see how fatahs hostilities coming to an end to go with what we think both the parties were coming to moscow as they both had heeded our calls and they had both responded to our demands of a ceasefire now we are in berlin we hope for more success in this particular crisis. We have 2 reporters on this story. Correspondent in tripoli will be checking in with him in just a moment but 1st to child in berlin for his jamal we just saw the official family photo just a few minutes ago the meeting officially now under way tell us 1st about who is there and who is not and what the expectations are. Willfully resawing those leaders of countries that are either directly or indirectly involved in libya are gathering there are those meetings now under or behind rather closed doors whose presence well youve got the more obvious ones being a neighbor of libya you have obviously turkey and russia as you said theyre both backing different sides you have European Countries United Kingdom france and obviously the host nation germany but surprisingly there are countries that arent there like tunisia which shares a border with libya morocco which is extremely influential in the north african geo political scene a qatari even which has been playing a larger and more active role in our politics over the past few years and thats whats making things maybe a bit more difficult to assess in terms of predictability because what we have here is a similar similarly fierce conflict rather one that isnt being fought with weapons and bombs and tanks on the ground like it is in libya but one that is very much being forced within a diplomatic framework because each is trying to get exerts as much pressure on the other as your council free trying to put it you have the russians who want backing how start on one side but also has a lot of support from the United Arab Emirates from egypt powers that have been investing a lot in pursuing their Foreign Policy objectives reversing any advances that were made in terms of the arab spring in the attempts to democratize the arab world you have on the other hand turkey and obviously allies like qatar who have been supporting the u. N. Recognize governments and their attempts to try maybe interesting sort of political pluralism in their ball but then you also have the europeans who have suddenly woke up particular countries like france and italy who previously had a lot more influence in libya and realize that actually the people calling the shots on moscow and i think or are now struggling to try and get back on the table so a lot of politicking if we can call it that that will be taking place in the next few hours right and a draft final communique is circulating already a draft communique actually say what is in it and what are they hoping to achieve exactly in bellows. Well at the top of those points and weve seen weve seen the 3rd draft obviously im sure theyll be a couple more before and if all of these sides can agree is an attempt to ensure an immediate cessation of hostilities or essentially a cease fire stop in the fighting but its important to note when you ask me how likely well there was a couple of years ago the United Nations posed the resolution thats was sanctioning any of the Member States any country to sell weapons to either side in libya that was flouted by the United Arab Emirates by you just an even allegedly by france and therefore how likely are they going to achieve Something Like this well wait and see but there are also other things more significantly for example aside from the usual rhetoric of respecting libyas integrity territorial integrity and unity and all of the usual kind of caveats that come with these conflict resolution statements there is something thats talks about the selling of oil all of you see the largest sector of the libyan economy based on selling Natural Resources and here it says that the International Community should only deal with the tripoli based oil Company Something that would be extremely contentious considering that tripoli the capital is under the authority of the un recognized government finally there are rumors or murmurs that the most likely scenario or result of this discussion here in moscow in berlin rather will be the announcement of a further political framework that will probably be held in geneva under the auspices of the United Nations but driven by the main countries attending today thank you very much for the moment. I live for us in berlin and as mentioned a draft of the final communique is expected to be released later at that conference in berlin and its calling on all parties to refrain from hostilities against Oil Facilities the latest attacks by forces loyal to wallowed honey for have to have forced the closure of 5 of libyas eastern Oil Exporting Ports they are he gets way t. Now ras lanuf and so. Libyas National Oil Company says that will result in a loss in output of 800000 barrels a day and speak to mahmoud absolute hide in tripoli so hows the cage of the Oil Terminals my more likely to impact those talks in berlin. Will also probably going to impact the peace talks in berlin as the government of National Accord in tripoli has been calling on the United Nations the International Community to put pressure on house to to order his forces to lift the look age on the Oil Terminals in the east of the country and meanwhile were getting reports from the south of libya saying that tribesmen are all sorts to block to all measure of oil fields as in the sales of libya ill shut our oil fields the Major Oil Field in the in the contrary with the Production Capacity of about 300000 barrels a day and ill feel oil field of about 70000 but it is at a now this oil sector is being used as a push to tool in this conflict which the United Nations support the mission has been warning against it says civil times that the oil the oil sector should be neutralized and it should not be part of this conflict it is himself sad that the fact that i have to has given green light to his forces to block the Oil Terminals indicates that is not already for peace. Remember fully that the government of National Accord was trying to treat from these peace talks that have to did not sign their Cease Fire Initiative supposed by turkey and russia in the last week so now were getting reports from the front lines in southern tripoli that have to as forces are trying to launch a fresh offensive towards towards the Government Forces locations but the Government Military sources say that they have very pilled have those forces brought attack to move towards their locations of the Government Forces in southern tip of the Government Military says they say that this attack and several others violations have been documented by have to his forces ok mom want to thank you very much for that mom or dad live for a cinch a penny. In other world news this been more violence on the streets of hong kong after prodemocracy demonstrators attempted to march through the city in defiance of a ban riot police fired tear gas at protesters and arrested several people thousands had gathered in the center of the suv for the demonstration that approved the rally as long as those taking part stayed in one location but police warned they would stop anyone attempting to march sarkar was at the rally in hong kong she says the Police Response is part of a security crackdown ahead of the Chinese New Year. It began as a peaceful rally with thousands gathered in china garden in Central Hong Kong on the island and at all because of this particular rally they wanted to march but the police denied that approval but the purchases were to hit anyone other lift try to god and then march along some the busy surface of the big highways behind us on the why to cause why by but the protesters were stopped and were going to police line behind me where hundreds of riot police blocked that exits and they pushed them back other also fought a number of rounds of tear gas and sponge grenades on those purchases trying to disperse the crowd and the place always said that they would move in if that particular group of the demonstrators started to move and they did now weve had a number of arrests also insentient and its all part of a Police Crackdown as we enter the Chinese New Year festival of the place and the government have banned a number of events of the coming weeks and a number of fish have also of ramped up the security around hong kong as part of a Police Crackdown on the antigovernment demonstrations which are now in the eye on. The bodies of 11 ukrainians killed on board a passenger plane which was mistakenly shot down by iran have been repatriated they received a military guard of honor in kiev in a ceremony attended by president voted museum in ski authorities in iran say theyre analyzing the fight recorders from the ukrainian airliner iran is under pressure to compensate the families of the 176. 00 victims and contradiction to earlier reports here aden officials now say they have no current plans to send the planes black boxes overseas for analysis dosages barry explains. We have heard from the head of the Investigation Team of the Civil Aviation authority here in tehran who said that any reports of iran handing over to 2 black boxes from this flight is simply not true iranian officials or have decided for the time being they will hang on to these 2 black boxes and continue their investigation which is still ongoing of course with the assistance of officials that have come to iran from germany france and canada as well as ukraine they have been here over the past few days to try and assist in this Ongoing Investigation i mean say for the time being these black boxes will remain in iran steam ahead on aljazeera. Protests turned violent in lebannon anger is rising as the economic and political crisis deepens well have a live for us we join the Philippine Coast guard trying to keep people from iran of all came it was time ignore warnings of imminent danger. By the slushy dry across the good parts of china now dry weather today just making its way into which upon this band of cloud and rain sleet snow thats in the process of easing out of the way by the mountains tokyo getting up to around 13 degrees celsius on monday attack cold if you go wanted to choose day but not too much and you can see brightest guys coming back in to want to wintry flowers into more than one shoe up into her cot of a sudden pass dr fine destroyed 2 across the Korean Peninsula Northern Areas of china but Central China by the state wanted to see some wet weather with a wife from shanghai over towards the western side of the country. Into central parts of Southeast Asia quite a bit of shabby activity taking place here into malaysia in particular in germany and by the northeast the monsoon weve got the the race is pushing down towards call of the poor into singapore lavish alice too for a time at least just around the border i want to show as to across a good part of indonesia the usual state of affairs here really further north it is lossy dry across the philippines a lot of sunshine and also sunshine today across much of india too as pakistan little bit of cloud across northern parts up towards the himalayas we have got some showers coming into shore like. Examining the impact of todays headlines you use that misinformation but ive used the term by setting the agenda for tomorrow is discussion and how unique a moment is this in terms of modern American History when it comes to racism you have the makings of a neo fascist Moment International filmmakers and world class john analysts bringing programs to in spying. On aljazeera. The ear or an the ear. Watching aljazeera live from doha a reminder of our top stories World Leaders a meeting in berlin as part of the latest International Effort to end libyas civil war turkeys president was shipped to juan and his russian counterpart Vladimir Putin have already met before the conference the 2 years support opposing sides in libyas conflict and a scene as key figures in bringing the fighting to an end. In hong kong antigovernment demonstrations have once again turned violent after protesters tried to march through the city in defiance of a ban by police fired tear gas of a crowd send arrested several people and the bodies of 11 ukrainians on board a passenger plane mistakenly shot down by iran have been repatriated to iran is under pressure to provide answers and compensation to the victims families but it ron says it has no plans to send the flight recorders overseas. Now lebannon prosecutor has ordered the release of dozens of people detained during a night of violence in the capital beirut months of peaceful protest descended into rioting on saturday leaving nearly 400 people injured as speak to xana harder in be able to for us so the protests had been launched the peaceful until last night zena what led to this eruption of violence and whats the situation like today. Anger is growing you can see behind me people have already started to gather outside Parliament Square where the protests began where the violence so they started later on saturday night there are calls to keep up the momentum to keep up the pressure on the ruling elite to howard you know why is this happening now why this turning point people are growing frustrated leaderless and have not heard their calls their demands for a new leadership in order to find some sort of an economic plan to say this is a country this country or economic collapse the state is close to bankruptcy people are losing their jobs so there is a real difference here and that nothing is being done by the politicians to solve the crisis in the country instead theyre bickering amongst themselves and now there are reports that they may announce a new government in the in the coming hours so that people here are saying regardless of that thats not the government that we want we want the government of independent experts a government that does not include motivations who have been running this party for 30 years responsible for what they believe is a mismanagement and a corruption so the anger in the streets and really last night was the 3rd violent incident. Then with. Rage in the streets of the capital in what might be a new phase in an uprising against lebanons leadership that is now in its worst months fierce confrontations between antiriot police and establishment protesters. Turned downtown beirut into a war zone this is the epicenter of a protest movement that until a few days ago was relatively peaceful running battles began with demonstrators who want the Political Class they blame for mismanagement and corruption to leave power try to Storm Parliament Building Security forces responded with tear gas i feel like the. Protesters to back off and that they cant win and i think that the message of everybody here is that. Lebanons economy has been in turmoil for months a proposal to tax whats up holes which should be a free service triggered the protests in mid october unemployment was rising and the lebanese local currency was losing value not in an economy crisis everybodys going to get hungry everybodys going to need to do this. I dont have to convince anybody about whats happening today its clear whats happening who can get a hold of their money in the banks weve lost the recent job finally everything this is good. It was an amazing country they took everything we have nothing left this is our only option is to go down on the streets and violence we have to use violence and off i think a 40 year career up the government. There is anger at banks which imposed caps on withdrawals there is a shortage of dollars antiriot police have been using excessive amounts of tear gas to disperse the crowd but antiestablishment protesters are defiant the wounded were in the dozens both protesters and Security Forces were taken to hospitals there is a political vacuum many lebanese are growing impatient with politicians who are refusing to form an independent Government Free of the influence of Political Parties instead they are bickering among themselves for. Ministerial posts in the next cabinet this new government are legit technocrats but was really just a smokescreen for the old ruling oligarchies elite so the protestors were really upset this is the 3rd night of violence since tuesday when activists said they planned to revive the momentum of the protest movement after a brief lull they announced what they called a week of rage they seem to be living up to that promise the United Nations has already described events in lebanon as dangerous chaos it is what comes next that many fear. For the people here are saying is down to this uprising will no longer be peaceful there is no other way for these politicians to hear our demands but what is important to you know the previous that this protest movement how supportive the International Community because the United Nations envoy in lebanon has repeatedly said if the next government is not credible and it doesnt meet the aspirations of the people in the streets and then its awkward to get the support it needs of the International Community and lebanon needs foreign support Needs International aid in order to deal with the dire economic and financial situation in the country the worst crisis really in decades zain i thank you very much for that dana on your reporting man life on the streets something. That demonstrates as in iraq a bra king off major roads were express their anger at the governments slow pace of reform they set up barricades and left burning tires on major roads in the south of the capital baghdad at least 12 people have been injured by Security Forces the ongoing protests began in october over widespread corruption and a lack of public services. To the philippines when eruption warning is. Ok no but some. Living in the area have ignored it and gone home to work rob mcbride has a story. The philippines coast guard is making this Early Morning patrol every day at the moment theres still a restriction in force on anyone going to the island its simply too dangerous to go there and this is part of that. Just as we were approaching the island we saw boats also coming to the island and also we see people on the shoreline here people still have fish farms here so they come out very Early Morning to tend to their fish farms despite warnings that they should be staying away. So theyve been telling the fishing boats they cant stay here they have to leave and some of them have left but we still have these guys on the shoreline here who are determined to stay and theres not much the coast guard it seems can do about that. Them to leave the island and those we see trying to come across we stop because its still a level 4 and weve got to think about safety and as weve been driving around here we see just over the hillside huge billowing clouds of steam and dust coming from the volcano having said that it does seem as though the emissions have dropped in the past few days or so it seems a lot more peaceful so its hard trying to tell people that they can come out here people say look we have livelihoods were going to make a living we have to come out to our fish farms or come out and fish what else are we going to do there are villages dotted all around the coastline of this volcanic island as weve been going along with been seeing boats at all of them and people happily at work as though life is getting back to normal and seemingly impervious to the warnings from the coast guard. It seems risky enough just visiting here seems inconceivable that anyone would want to spend any time here with people left they left behind livestock also let. Behind Domestic Animals we just noticed there was a dog on the shoreline the coast guard here just made an attempt to rescue it put it in the boat but it doesnt seem to want to leave. The coast guard will be out again tomorrow morning to do the same warning people to stay away and that this is still a very dangerous volcano but what also annoys them they tell us is that while other people are putting their lives at risk by coming out here so well the coast guard by coming out and trying to tell them to stay away. The 1st migraines from a caravan moving north roe guatemala have been allowed to stop crossing into mexico but under pressure from the white house the government there says it will try to stop them carrying on to the u. S. John heilemann is at the guatemala mexico border and has this report. On saturday morning the 1st members of a mass migration of 4000 home durance arrived at mits caruso the buddha one of the. Many been traveling days to get this far but now they found their way ahead blots. After a brief scuffle involving a few young men the gates on the border bridge were closed and those like casted a single mom with 4 children settled down to wait for the rest of the caravan to arrive not to get a little help. I want a Better Future for my children because in honduras you cant get work even the young. Many here a fleeing poverty in some countries murderous gangs in the city and after a pause the mexican authorities began letting them through 20 at a time we caught up with eric as he queued. Like as my daughter doesnt have shoes because i cant get work its the need that we all have in the country but many like johnny help but thinking this easy entrance might be a trip to the port they were worried that theyll deport i spoke to our country after all that its cost us to get this far it didnt help that migration authorities refused to say where they were taking the hondurans in buses but in the middle of this it meant that what mexicos president said is give people visas to work in the south of the country or asylum if they qualify for it but what he wont do is let them pass through and get to the u. S. That was the aim of most people here to start with and some say they would definitely settle for staying in mexico if they were allowed to join homan now does either on the mexico guatemala border. Huge swarms of locusts are devastating crops in east africa locusts have not been seen in such numbers for 25 years is adding to fears over for security in a region thats been badly hit by floods and drought kenya is one of the worst affected countries millions of the insects have already destroyed hundreds of thousands of hectares of crops. Heavy snowfall in parts of afghanistan has killed dozens of people in recent weeks. Went to Herat Province in the west where people facing harsh conditions are appealing for help. In villages all over the country afghans live in much the same way they have for centuries there are no gas or electricity lines people still collect the wood they burn to stay warm in winter. Thats how 18 year old last year died his father said he walked to a nearby forest to gather brush for a fire to keep the family warm through the night but he never came. Out of the lot of them were all of them jungle thats what we thought that he went to his sisters house on the other side of the woods find the orcs do not work at night so we went there the next day we found his body in the snow our next years father said his son probably became tired walking in the heavy snow and with no one to help him fell asleep and froze to death conditions are miserable for people in other risk on district one man in this village said here in the forgotten corners of one a stone people who are living waiting to die. Snowfall was so heavy this year the roof of my johns mud house collapsed in the middle of the night her family was sleeping when it happened. I ran out of the room and my husband was screaming for help it was only able to pull my children out of the ruins my husband was trapped under the rubble when the neighbors came they removed his body buried him. Even before the storm she did not have much now a widow sitting outside her broken home she seems completely lost though tragic local Officials Say the overall death toll in this area has been low but village elders say they are in serious need of help weather related illnesses and injuries have affected nearly every one of the 700 homes in this Community People we met said the winters in this part of the country have been getting increasingly more and more extreme but the cold is more severe going to have ever experienced in the past and we are expecting 2 more months of snow fall and are already worried about the next disaster when the snow eventually melts and floods their homes even if people wanted to leave their Ancestral Lands they say they have nowhere else to go if they dont get help soon elders here worry out of work young men could join armed groups like the title of one more is a matter of survival than ideology. I got these people who dont listen they do not have anything to eat these men commit rogueries or join insurgents and it is the right. The biggest complaint we heard was that people here need a Medical Clinic the nearest one is in district headquarters on the other side of snow covered hills one woman said people have no choice but to walk while they still can before the next storm it seems desperate but they may be the lucky ones deeper in the mountains where the roads are still covered in snow district Officials Say many villages remain inaccessible and the true scale of human suffering still out of sight seeing bus ravi other risk on district iraq the province of afghanistan. So again im fully back to bill with the headlines on aljazeera where leaders are meeting in berlin a spot of the latest International Effort to end libyas civil war to president bush a typewriter one and his russian counterpart have just met the 2 leaders support opposing sides in libyas conflict and are seen as key figures in bringing the fighting to an end wall of 24 have to his forces control much of Eastern Libya and launch an offensive to take tripoli in april turkey supports the internationally recognized government base in the capital. We have been trying on a number of occasions to have a cease fire agreement signed the National Government of accord signed a cease fire agreement yes it wasnt signed by the other possibly by hostile if we fail to have a cease fire in place and if we fail to have an agreement signed we will never see how fatahs hostilities coming to an end to go with what we think both the parties were coming to moscow as they both had heeded our calls and they had both responded to our demands of a ceasefire now we are in berlin we hope for more success in this particular crisis. Theres been more violence on the streets of hong kong after prodemocracy demonstrators attempted to march through the city in defiance of a ban riot police fired tear gas at protesters and arrests have several people thousands had gathered in the center of the city for the demonstration authorities had approved the rally as long as those taking part stayed in one location but police warned they would stop anyone attempting to macho the bodies of 11 ukrainians killed on board a passenger plane which was mistakenly shot down by iran have been repatriated they received a military got of honor in kiev in a ceremony attended by president voted me as an end ski authorities in iran say theyre analyzing the flight recorders from the Ukrainian Airlines jet iran is under pressure to compensate the families of the 176. 00 victims. Demonstrators in iraq a brawl kingoff major votes were express their anger at the governments slow pace of reform there set up barricades and less burning tires on major roads in the countrys south and the capital baghdad at least 12 people have been injured by Security Forces the ongoing protests began in october youre upset with the headlines on aljazeera the news continues right after witness still stay with us. The Climate Crisis and the environment Takes Center Stage at this years World Economic forum in davos Business People experts and leaders from around the world can expect an icy reception from some as they discuss how to save the planet from the threats of rising temperatures get the latest updates on aljazeera. Why dont. They care. Enough for us to send the solo but oh. So useful no one yet

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