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Over and sudans government says its question revolves by members of a disbanded Intelligence Unit who were angry at the terms theyve been offered upon their dismissal 2 soldiers were killed 4 others were injured the 1st major challenge from within the security ranks for this Transitional Government which took power back in August Morgan has our report now from. Tuesday in what its all started like this. Members of the operation 2 units of sudans general Intelligence Services opening fire in the capital there rejecting a severance package offered to them after the unit was dissolved months ago and they opted to retire rather than join the military tensions were high as people. What was going. On here was remember some clubs are firing their weapons what are we waiting for where are the Security Forces to stop this. Sudans government only months old deployed soldiers to try and contain the situation tanks patrolled the streets while military choppers flew over her. As the main airport was shut down the Operations Unit in the Intelligence Services was dissolved as part of reforms by the then military council which ousted the countrys president obama in april following months of protests protesters had demanded the Intelligence Services be restructured accusing them of corruption and committing crimes against civilians the government described todays event at the meeting and called on the members of the unit to lay down their guns its accused their former leader who resigned days after bashir was ousted of being behind the shootings minus group. We will no longer remain silent what happened today. Is behind it this force operates under his command his ordering this force and his commanders plotting against the country in secret they are trying to incite internal strife there are protests planned in the coming days they want to start problems in the country. The gun battles played out in residential neighborhoods with people reporting stray bullets landing in their homes and to billions injured people are on high alert and not only because of the event but because of what they may signify theyre worried that this would send their revolution back and that the military will try to tighten its grip on power to restore security in the capital and elsewhere. Some analysts are blaming the government for the outbreak of violence. And if they couldnt or. There was a mistake in how issues were run after the sting of bashir and especially in dealing with a peer ations unit in the Intelligence Services and how they were integrated were no talking about at least 3000 people who are well armed well trained indeed Intelligence Forces and they werent properly released and didnt hand their weapons. Tuesday in how to end it the way it started with the sound of gunshots filling the air the latest bout of violence is a reminder to see beneath that they transition government remains fragile and there are still many Security Issues to be resolved people morgan ill just there are 2. Now new video has emerged showing the moment 2 missiles took down that ukrainian passenger plane over iran killing all 176 people on board the New York Times says its verified this Security Camera footage see the 2 missiles being fired 30 seconds apart neither of which down the plane immediate. Now irans judiciary meanwhile has confirmed a number of people have been arrested in connection with the airliners downing so the problem though for iran though on an International Level britain france and germany all launching a dispute mechanism under the 2015 Iranian Nuclear deal after accusing teheran of repeated violations but this from teheran 5 days after the shooting down of the craney an airliner and the killing of all 176. 00 on board the 1st sign of a rainy and accountability act in the Weekly Briefing by iraq judiciary which was also the 1st Media Conference since the disaster confirmation of the 1st arrests but no details on who they are. At all. Of austin just a geisha is on their way and many people have been questioned and some people have been arrested investigation is still ongoing president Hassan Rouhani is describing the downing of that boeing 737 as an unforgivable error it happened while iranian air defenses were on alert soon after the firing of a barrage of missiles at a u. S. Base in iraq was the iranian leadership has faced 3 days of protests for denying involvement in the airliner attack. As International Pressure grew the revolutionary guard eventually admitted on saturday that the jet was shot down by mistake. Rouhani says anyone responsible will be punished but no Single Person could be planed or defeat him unfit that this incident was without precedent in the history of our country there has never been a time when a person in charge of our air Defense Systems or an officer has committed such an error against a passenger plane in the countrys capital and so close to the International Airport munns them know how well sympathizing with all that they are families that were hit by this major tragedy i tell them that we will continue this path until discovering all the aspects of the incident and punishing those involved ronnies also dealing with another problem 3 European Countries have triggered a dispute process which could mean more sanctions britain france and germany say the iranians arent complying with their commitment to the 2015 Nuclear Agreement to limit its Nuclear Development the european signatories of the deal have been pressured to abandon it since the United States withdrew in may of 2018 then re imposed sanctions to damage irans Oil Dependent economy the europeans say triggering their dispute is not aimed at reimposing un sanctions game though these mechanism used to resolve issues relating to the implementation of the agreement within defray were to the joint commission. I think its has to be clear that it did to is therefore to find solutions and return to full compliance within the framework of these agreements. Iran announced its latest step to cutting its commitment to the deal by lifting restrictions on uranium enrichment earlier this month the latest Nuclear Announcement wont do anything to ease the high tensions between iran and the United States following the u. S. Assassination of the head of irans quds force awesome saleman impact at 2 weeks ago iran has warned it will force all u. S. Troops out of the middle east. At all costs Irans Foreign Ministry says d it will have a firm and serious response to any destructive measures taken by the remaining signatories of the deal iran finds itself yet again on the defensive trying to find a solution between the disputes it has with the remaining signatories of the way because the alternative could have far reaching ramifications throughout the middle east. Or such a pari aljazeera. Scientists are urging the total evacuation of nearly a 1000000 People Living close to an erupting volcano in the philippines tens of thousands have already fled their homes since last im sorry ash and lava started spearing from the volcano on sunday rob mcbride is there for us in but hunger with the volcano is the latest from your. Thats right jim out of there are very anxious times here around this volcano especially given the violence of the eruptions on sunday we are seeing now nothing like the same kind of columns of steam and ash and dust coming from this volcano weve been monitoring over the past few hours its been very sporadic but certainly people are concerned tens of thousands of people from around here have sought refuge in Evacuation Centers but the government here is set a danger zone potential danger zone of 14 kilometer radius from here which incorporates a very large area as you mentioned hundreds of thousands of people potentially have been told that they really should think about leaving but as we know many of them are staying put but seeing what happens next at the moment of this volcano remains at a category 4 thats on a scale of one to 5 with the possibility of an imminent eruption that Scientists Say could come in days could come in hours or we could remain at this level for several weeks and then the thing becomes quiet but what concerns people is that all the time we are continuing to have these small eruptions small earthquakes sometimes up to 3 or 4 on the Richter Scale which you can certainly feel it is causing damage to some roads and also to some of buildings which does raise continuing concerns as my colleague. Now reports. Hardly any civilian is allowed to enter the town the year now. And it is clear why. I. Was. 8. We say theres just a massive earthquake and the and Police Officers will have to leave from their station we were just here a few moments ago. With them but now we really really have to i. Think am i going to be going. To calling this area ground 0. Is just around 10 kilometers away from the top that erupted on sunday spewing ash just and. Weve been told that water in this lake has gone up by a meter raising fears that it might spill over its banks hampering efforts to help those in need. Hosts like the situation is. It is hard for us even the secure our own men this is why we dont allow most to be returned. Violent explosions like these havent been seen here in decades and experts warn there could be more. More than 20000 people have been displaced moved to at least 100 evacuation sites and its not clear when they might return but some have decided to stay let them indoors a clan during the day they look after their cattle and whatevers left of their homes and that night they go back to the evacuation site. Of course. The new mines and do our best to save the 6 first time when im in the i never thought you will be to see it is really scary and were afraid just a few days ago a good seal was a thriving agricultural town now people here say its a safe their lives have been put on hold and theyre full of a good knee and this chance. Jamelle a little dog and ill just a good c. E. O. Back on this province northern philippines. Back to robin broad now for people who have had the fortune i guess it is not to be close to a erupting volcano tell us what its actually like there im interested to know how its feeling when you havent got your mask on now presumably for broadcast purposes but whats what does it actually feel like to be a human with all this ash and smoke in the air. There only. Come out there is always the concern that you are going to get a sudden eruption and the big fear with this volcano has been the amount of ashes and dust that it is viewed out into the atmosphere and what happened on sunday was that we had these prevailing winds that were traveling from the south right over our heads and then 60 kilometers in that direction is metro manila millions of people so you had these massive plumes of ash and dust moving north which then combined with torrential rain storms that brought all of that down to earth so it was a real mess to you a real brown sludge which was simply covering everything around the metro manila area blocking roads blocking causing some damage to buildings and so on and people here do have memories of mt pinatubo thats the comparison is often made with that volcano that was back in 1991 when a similar volcano put all of this debris into the air which then completely covered large sections of luzon island especially around miller and sadly claimed hundreds of lives so thats the big concern here at the moment theres very little coming out of this volcano but there is always the potential this is a relatively small volcano but it stands on underground as a much larger volcanic system of funnels and magma etc and the big concern is that it could lead to a similar kind of explosion that we had from mt pinatubo which would have a big effect and why what this volcano is said to be a dangerous one even given its size is the proximity of the millions of people who live around it within 100 kilometers or so of where were standing about 25000000 people and a lot of them will be looking anxiously in this direction thank you fried in a town thats in the philippines in the news ahead protests in guinea turned deadly as people accuse the president of using Security Forces to. And his time in. Venezuelas president Nicolas Maduro will be able to heal the countrys deep political divisions with his most recent problems. Hello there plenty of rain showers across most southern areas of the United States know also as severe of course as we have seen over the last several days plenty of clouds streaming out this way off the eastern seaboard meanwhile the next storm system has been pushing in pretty rapidly into the Pacific Northwest this is the actual metro area this is actually kirkland and the snow really has been coming down this is monday into tuesday so causing by amount of travel disruption you can see the storm system very strong winds too as you go through wednesday and that storm system will actually work its way further south was already the rain band well so pushing eventually down into Northern Areas of california but wednesday ahead of that it is fine in San Francisco 12 celsius is your high now at the same time on wednesday we could actually have some flooding across into mississippi and then as we go into thursday the rain once again really popping up across much of texas 14 celsius in dallas and quite a drop in the temperature there but clearing out nicely throughout much of the east and then on thursday weve got just 2 celsius in seattle or theres snow flurries really all the way down into Northern California and a fair amount of heavy rain pushing into southern areas of california and then widely scattered showers across much of the caribbean fairly heavy at times but they tend to ease off as we go on into thursday and stay woman dry and thats with a high of 30 celsius. But. Across europe immigration is high on the agenda and in hungary its presented as a pressing issue we dont have immigrants at all 0 in the race but this is the one political topic anybody and everybody is this message the far right is preparing for battle and their opponents or anyone who is different. Prejudiced some pride in hungary on aljazeera. Here with aljazeera these are the top stories sudans government says it squashed an armed revolt by members of the disbanded Intelligence Units they were angry at the terms theyve been offered upon their dismissal 2 soldiers were killed 4 more were injured in the fighting. New security footage verified by the New York Times shows the moment 2 missiles struck the ukrainian plane over iran killing all 176 people on board they each hit 30 seconds apart before the court fire and exploded. And scientists are urging to totally bank up to a 1000000 People Living close to an erupting volcano in the philippines more than 40000. 00 of already fled their homes since the volcano tiles started spewing ash and lava sunday. The u. S. House of representatives will vote on wednesday to hand over the impeachment charges to the senate or president Donald Trumps trial will take place ahead of that democrats have released a trove of new evidence and in context to the charges that trump pressured ukraine to investigate the democrats while withholding military aid and support from mike hanna. The House Speaker nancy pelosi has guided the impeachment process to this point but after the house vote that will move to the senate where Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell will effectively take control hes adamant the democratic majority in the house has failed to prove a case and argues its not up to the senate to do so the constitution gives the sole power of impeachment without if i ask majority wants to impeach a president the ball is and their court but they have to do the work to prove their coach. Nothing nothing in our history or our cost of tuition says a House Majority can pass what amounts to a have censure resolution and then insist of the senate bill and the blocks but senate rules mean mcconnell might not actually have the final say the procedure of the trial is decided by a simple majority and republican senators are under increasing pressure to break ranks and join Democratic Party members in seeking a full trial with witnesses all it needs is for republicans to do so to decide whether the president merits acquittal or removal from office the Senate Must Conduct a fair trial a fair trial has witnesses a fair trial has relevant documents as a part of the record. A fair trial seeks the truth no more no less. And new evidence has been provided by this man live upon us he been indicted on a number of Campaign Finance charges and is now complied with a subpoena to hand over information connected to the ukraine investigation he was a close associate of president trumps personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and has provided documents that allegedly detailed giulianis attempts to elicit information from ukraine to use against former Vice President joe biden this is a matter that lies at the heart of the move to impeach the president the new untested evidence will be turned over to the senate along with the articles of impeachment republican senators every being under pressure to hear evidence from former National Security adviser john bolton who announced earlier he would comply with the Senate Subpoena to appear. The question is whether a minimum of 4 republicans will join Democratic Party members in defying the Senate Leader and the white house in demanding this new evidence be heard mike hanna aljazeera washington china is carrying out the quote most intense attack ever on the global system for forcing human rights this is according to the u. S. Based Group Human Rights watch the report accuses president xi jinping of overseeing the most brutal and pervasive oppression in decades and building a nightmarish Surveillance System in the province the group says if the Chinese Government isnt challenge it will continue to weaken the International Human rights system so that actually no longer serves as a check on government repression. A prominent cambodian opposition politician is due to stand trial on Treason Charges he was arrested back in 2017 accused of collaborating with the United States to overthrow the government of long time ruler and so his Opposition Party was banned ahead of the election in 2018 as it began to win more support from cambodians if he could face up to 30 years in prison Prime Minister has been facing increasing International Pressure over his crackdown on the opposition so lets talk to foreign slowey know whos in phnom penh it begs the question in florence whether mr canseco would get a fair trial or not. Thats why and thats a huge concern here but i think u. S. Speaking here members of parliament from Southeast Asian countries they push the cambodian government to drop charges against camm so now there are also concerns about whether or not he will get a fair trial and whether the trial will even be talks very members of the media civil Rights Groups have not been able to get processed to enter a corner and observe proceedings instead the court has issued process to embassies and their representatives who then pass these processes to a couple of reports says theres no live picture the proceedings members of the public conduct of the proceedings one cambodian opposition supporter told us it says a lot about this current government thats been led by Prime Minister would send for 35 years but it gets to dictate who is able to serve the proceedings and who is an Amnesty International in a recent statement said cambodian government has weaponized its criminal Justice System as a means to eliminate its main political rival and Human Rights Watch said cam so it will be the victim of a sham trial on bogus charges of treason now remember i can say ok its been tried in 2024 remarked that he made 7 years ago when he was recorded saying at a Public Meeting that he thinking advice from us next but on how to win at an election and not form. The basis of the charges for treason against tear down civil rights activists have also pointed out that his treatment we try it doesnt give him any protection of innocence at all hes being tried more than 2 years opting to spend detained he spent you know what than a year in prison and he spent more than a year under house arrest and even when he was beginning he was released with conditions one of them being that he does not he is not allowed to participate in politics so those are the reasons that many civil rights activists many people have. Using that he will not be able to get a fair trial and that the charges against him thats ok. Thank you. Security forces in guinea have shot and killed 2 boys as antigovernment protests continue that brings the total number of People Killed since monday to 4 thousands have been demonstrating for the past 3 months angry at a possible change the constitution could allow president alpha conde to seek a 3rd term and support from victoria. A show of force by police in the Given Capital conakry protesters say president alpha conde is using the Security Forces to quash mounting demonstrations against his attempt to extend his time in power. We are here for 2 of the strike to defend guinness constitution which tried today because they wanted. Them with. Hoping for the departure of. Before the end of 2020. Opposition leaders say despite the dangers demonstrations against conde will continue. But this. Government has no explanation for the fact that since the arrival of conde more than 130 people have been killed during political or trade Union Demonstrations the government has never wanted an inquiry into the matter its rejecting. Responsibility government leaders say people should have the option of dating to extend con days presidency its all say promising to investigate the deaths of a number of protesters including that of a 21 year old student on monday and. The body has been registered at the more direct cross to the ministry of security and Civil Protection of furs it sincere condolences to the family of the deceased and announces the opening of an investigation into the circumstances of the death of jan no mama do so. Tens of thousands have been protesting in the past 3 months there against condos plan to change the constitution allowing him to seek. The 81 year old his beating power for 19 years these protesters thats more than enough victoria gay to be out there what a models new president has been sworn in. And promising to root out corruption from political life by creating a National Anti Corruption Force this is after his predecessor his fellow conservative Jimmy Morales chased out a un back down to Corruption Group investigating him and his family both politicians saw the body as an attack on guatemalas sovereignty. Humala venezuelas president Nicolas Maduro has delivered his annual state of the union speech after a year by both political and Economic Crises a latin america just on the scene human reports on his vision for the year ahead and whether the countrys deep political divisions can even be overcome. Traditional open ceremonies now and still rival of need. To deliver the annual president s state of the nation address you but for the 6 year in a row the ceremony didnt take place in the legislature but in the chamber next door the Constitutional Assembly a super body created by model to bypass the until now opposition controlled parliament. We invite European Union the United Nations the African Union and all the organizations of the community of latin american states and all world organizations to come and see how the people of venezuela choose their National Assembly this year 2020 doors are open to international compliments welcome welcome. Outside supporters danced and celebrated but opponents and at least 60 countries accused of rigging the polls including his 2018 reelection. Strong International Criticism and economic sanctions he said he was open to providing more guarantees of transparency model is raising the stakes by summoning the mainstream opposition to a socalled dialogue table just days after their leader. Said that negotiations were out of the question because there are no conditions for them and making those conditions even more difficult to swallow mother is suggesting that even deputies who the opposition considers traitors to their cause sit down at the same table were going to listen but why god told us opponents called elections unless theyre saying even playing that field. A fake election is a placebo its not a real approximation towards an alternative because you could end up validating a dictatorship and it would be very dangerous. And as the political standoff heats up already know it and israelis continue struggling just to survive in what was once latin americas most prosperous country you see in you an aljazeera got access. Half past the hour on aljazeera these are the headlines government says that squashed an armed revolt by members of a dishpan did Intelligence Unit they were angry at the terms theyd been offered upon dismissal 2 soldiers were killed 4 more were injured in the fighting in video surfaced purporting to show the moment 2 missiles took down a ukrainian passenger plane over iran killing all 176 people on board the New York Times says its verified this Security Camera footage showing 2 missiles being fired 30 seconds apart neither of which down the plane immediately the airliner is seen flying for several minutes on fire before crashing and exploding scientists are urging the total evacuation of up to a 1000000 People Living close to an erupting volcano in the philippines more than 40000 people were ready for their homes since the volcano tiles started spewing ash and lava on sunday robin pride now in batangas near the volcano with more. Than hundreds of thousands of people potentially have been told that they really should think about leaving but as we know many of them are staying put but seeing what happens next at the moment of this volcano remains a category 4 that on a scale of 1. 00 to 5. 00 with the possibility of an imminent eruption that the Scientists Say could come in days could come in hours or we could remain at this level for several weeks. The u. S. House of representatives will vote on wednesday to hand over the impeachment charges to the senate where president Donald Trumps trial will take place ahead of that the democrats have released new evidence adding context to the charges that trump asked ukraine to investigate his political rivals while withholding military aid to put pressure on the upper house the senate to allow new evidence and witnesses in any trial a prominent cambodian opposition politician standing trial on Treason Charges who was arrested in 2017 is accused of collaboration with the United States to overthrow the government of long time ruler. And at least 2 people have been killed by Security Forces during a 2nd day of antigovernment protests this is in guinea it brings the total number of deaths in guinea to 4 since monday those your headlines radicalized youth is next on aljazeera from sunrise to some saint across asia and the pacific explorer im told im fascinating stories one i one east on aljazeera. If you want to learn about the world might look like very soon regard hungry and hungry as in the extreme example of the predicament the whole world is going through. The italian think a judge or a government that said that fascism never really went away. We have to sort out i was yesterday

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