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For 1000000 people to be evacuated in the philippines as action nava gosh from the tower volcano. News forces have exchanged gunfire with members of a now disbanded Intelligence Unit in the capital khartoum saddams military was deployed to block roads and contain the violence or forces also closed the countrys airspace for 5 hours as a precautionary measure sudans information minister said in a televised statement the disbanded unit were angry at the terms theyd been offered upon their dismissal for one this lets go to him morgan whos in khartoum so whats the situation there like now. Well laurent weve just been driving past some of the streets where the general Intelligence Services buildings are and we can see the Rapid Support forces and the military still deployed still trying to contain the situation and we can still hair hear heavy gunfire in the northern parts of the capital of tombs so the situation is very much still tense people are quite nervous especially because most of the buildings of the general Intelligence Services are in residential neighborhoods theres been reports of 2 people at least injured since the gun battle erupted early this morning and its still ongoing but listen to the lets go back to how this happened now lets remember that when the military ousted former president on one of the bashir protesters were demanding a reform in the intelligence and Security Sector and what the military did then was disband the Operations Unit from the Intelligence Services these other units that were responsible for arrest and that were armed and they have been given the offer to either join the military or the Rapid Support forces or retire now were seeing today these forces coming out and saying that there is the severance package that theyve been offered is instead sufficient that theyre not happy with it and theyre demanding somebody from the government come out and say that we are going to offer a better package weve heard from the Prime Minister in a tweet saying that the situation is calm and that they are working to contain it even further weve heard from the Government Spokesperson flows from home without us saying that these people the the people who they have described as mutineers theyve been calling on them to put down their arms and try to talk to the government but the situation is still tense there gunfire is happening in some parts of the capital khartoum and they are concerned that the security will deteriorate even further if the situation is not resolved by dawn even more than thank you very much indeed. Were getting reports from iran of several arrests in connection with the downing of a Ukrainian Airline it earlier in iranian president Hassan Rouhani said all those responsible will be punished he also. Said no Single Person could be blamed for what he called an unforgettable era 176 people died when the military mistakenly shot down the passenger jet last wednesday. Do you think its right or more this incident was without precedent in the history of our country there has never been a time when a person in charge of our air Defense Systems or an officer has committed such an error against a passenger plane in the countrys capital and so close to the International Airport munns them now. While sympathizing with all the dear families that were hit by this major tragedy i tell them that we will continue this path until discovering all the aspects of the incident and punishing those involved and finally reassuring the people that such an incident will not happen again. 3 European Countries say they dont dispute mechanism under the Iranian Nuclear deal after accusing tehran of repeated violations britain france and germany say ron has reduced its commitment to the 2015 agreement to limit Nuclear Development thats despite their efforts to defuse tension and encourage iran to restart negotiations with the United States which abound of the deal in 2018. The aim of the dispute resolution mechanism is not to remain both sanction. Game these make of these used to resolve issues relating to the implementation of the agreement within defray work of the joint commission. I think its has to be clear to if hes there for to find solutions and return to full compliance with in the framework of this agreement. John howell has more on what it means to trigger the dispute mechanism. Well i think its a big deal that this process has been triggered the dispute resolution mechanism contained within the deal if it all is in fact to all now after the europeans the british french and germans of tried hard to keep the deal together following Donald Trumps withdrawal in 2018 if it all is to on ravel now this is the mechanism in terms of which it would unravel the socalled in 3 britain france and germany along with the e. U. Instituting this feeling that their hands were forced by ron particularly that decision last week following the killing of some sort of money to no longer feel bound by iranian enrichment limits contained within the deal this mechanism now gives way to a period of talks at the level of a joint commission the joint commission again contained within the structures of the deal it represents all the signatories minus the United States of course theres a 15 day period that is renewable by the parties if they think some sort of a resolution is possible if not then go to the next level which is talk among Foreign Ministers again a 15 day period again extended will and again if there is no resolution within the ultimate arbiter becomes the u. N. Security council of course a number of signatories to the deal are veto wielding members there and it would be for the u. N. Security council to pass a resolution formally lifting the sanctions relief that iran has enjoyed in terms of the deal and socalled snap back would take place of the old sanctions that had applied before the deal was signed in 2015. Libyas fragile cease fire is in doubt after warring sides failed to reach a breakthrough during 8 hours of talks in the russian capital the world honey for have turned did not sign a deal formalizing the truce but moscow says the talks are not dead they have also been reports of hostages forces gathering in southern tripoli threatening the truce brokered by turkey and russia over the weekend the turkish president at a one as accused have to of running away from negotiations. In the coming days we will carefully monitor the choices that will be made between hafter and the legitimate government if attacks against the people of the government of libya continue we will never refrain from teaching him the lesson he deserves or said button is in moscow she says theres still a lot of optimism that have to will agree to a deal. After staying silent for most of the day the government didnt explain anything about why i have to suddenly left moscow and didnt sign the agreement that he left apparently in the early hours in the middle of the night now they have. A statement the ministry of defense us that is actually very positive about the final statement that they have been drafting and that he needs 2 days to discuss this with his allies in libya meaning the local tribal leaders they also say that the main outcome of the talks yesterday that lasted 8 hours is that both parties agree on this in different cease fire so theres a lot of optimism here that this cease fire will still be signed by by half stars also i spoke to the head of the Russian Contact Group for libya and he also had the same optimism he sat at the end after suddenly brought more conditions to the to the table he was actually present during the negotiations but he said its no problem theres no need to be worried that he will do that not only sign this agreement because he has no other option that was the very clear message that i got here from the ministry of Foreign Affairs well have to see if this is going to happen in the next to this rockets have been fired at an air base in iraq housing u. S. Troops a katyusha rockets were fired at tunji base just north of baghdad theres been no reports of any casualties or bring in more than that as it develops scientists are urging the total evacuation of nearly a 1000000 People Living close to the erupting tower volcano south of the philippines capital manila. Because of the job or a fear of the area experts have warned of what they call a volcanic tsunami when the force from a violent underwater eruption causes destructive waves in an explosive eruption magma violently spews out instead of it using out this along with heavy ash and tremors this cause the Mass Evacuation of tens of thousands of people well its been dormant for 40 years towers up to 33 times since 1572 in 1011 an eruption killed more than 1300 people stimulant again reports tremors have been helped felt elsewhere in batangas province. Hardly any civilian is allowed to enter the town of a good seal here now. And it is clear why. I. Was. 8. We say theres just a massive earthquake and the Police Officers dont have to leave their station we were just here a few moments ago hoping to embed with them but now we really really have to i. Am i going to be fine you. Are calling this area ground 0. Is just around 10 kilometers away from the top that erupted on sunday spewing ash. Weve been told that water in this lake has gone up by a meter raising fears that it might spill over its banks hampering efforts to help those in need. Hosts like the situation is. It is hard for us but the secure our own men this is why we dont allow most of the bill yes the return violent explosions like these havent been seen here in decades and experts warn there could be more. More than 20000 people have been displaced moved to at least 100 evacuation sites and its not clear when they might return but some have decided to stay like the many dogs the clan during the day they look after their cattle and whatevers left of their homes and at night they go back to the evacuation site. Where the only our report dont of course but we also look up to our the new months and do our best to save the 1st time when im in the i never thought it would lead to seed day it is a really scary and we are afraid just a few days ago a good seal was a thriving agricultural town now people here say its a stiff their lives have been put on hold and are full of bad good me and the stress. A little dog an aljazeera a good c. E. O. But then this province northern philippines. So to come 100. 00 a technological cold war of the future 5 g. The u. K. Weighs up a deal with huawei despite warnings from washington. And breathing not so easy concerns are raised to the impact of bushfire smoke on pleasant the Australian Open. Had the fine Clear Conditions across much of sundry up i say clear the has actually been a fair amount of fog where level also a week or 2 because we got High Pressure in control very light winds and so the ad becomes really pretty stagnant underneath all of the mass and so much so theyve got this problem in belgrade a very high pollution levels and this really is the same mix in with the fog so not a good ass hole it will stay that way as you go through wednesday meanwhile out across the northwest were seeing the next system come through some very heavy amounts of rain wednesday red. Is the clear day across much of the u. K. And ireland those showers pushing across into the low countries opt in to as a demo going across into scandinavia and then elsewhere as i say we have got this low clouds and also a fair amount of fog in the Morning Hours now by thursday theres another system working its way out from the southwest and were going to see some very heavy amounts of rainfall support you could pick up about 125. 00 millimeters of rain up into western france areas of the u. K. About 50 millimeters of rain this could certainly have some flooding and elsewhere we have still got those click additions but as a side remember we could see some morning fog now in terms of accumulation of rain we will see plenty of these coastal areas of libya really for the next couple of days some areas could pick up 65 millimeters uncool in benghazi at 15. You out on the streets protesting the wrong line you feel the weight of the system you walk through each and every layer for the further into the jail or if you join us on the tension has to start from day one whether again youre in detention or youre incarcerated this is a dialogue everyone has a voice so for there to stay 6 oclock our coverage will be varying accounts but i want to give people the reason for joining the global conversation. Ramana top stories here on ars are. Sudanese forces have exchanged gunfire with members of a now disbanded Intelligence Unit in the capital khartoum sudans military was deployed to contain the violence authorities also closed the countrys airspace for 5 hours as a precautionary measure. France britain and germany say theyre launching a dispute mechanism under the Iranian Nuclear deal the dispute process could lead to the reintroduction of u. N. Sanctions. And russia insists efforts to secure a truce in libya are still on track turkeys president has accused warde hollister hafter of running away from talks in moscow Russias Defense Ministry says hes just discussing the terms with his allies back home. The democratic led u. S. House of representatives will vote on a resolution to name the team of impeachment managers but Donald Trumps senate trial on wednesday the house impeached from last month from charges of abuse of power and obstructing Congress Democratic congressman Markey Jeffries hinted at the part of strategy his party will pursue when it presents its case against trump in the senate. Were going to keep the focus. On the stunning corrupt abuse of power engaged in by donna. To pressure the Foreign Government to target an american citizen for political game. At the same time withheld without justification 391000000. 00 in military aid to a vulnerable crame as part of a geo political shakedown scheme. Venezuelas president has invited International Organizations to observe how the country elected its National Assembly progovernment supporters have gathered in the capital in support of Nicolas Maduro whos given his annual state of the union speech his comments are in reference to an ongoing feud between him and Opposition Leader on going door just over a week ago the government forcibly installed its preferred candidate as speaker of the National Assembly instead of quiet oh who was blocked from entering parliament. I mean. We invite the European Union the United Nations the African Union and all the organizations the community of latin american states and all nations come see how the people of venezuela chose their National Assembly this year the doors are open to the International Community welcome welcome come and see. Me when Opposition Leader one of my dough is attending the yearly developer store a procession for venezuelas patron saint the gathering is being held in the northwest of the country and back you see meto in the state of lara during which a statue of the virgin mary is paraded through the streets thousands are reported to have gathered for the celebration on latin america jealousy and human is live for us in caracas what message is madeira trying to send. I think its very clear that president nixon last night who is raising the stakes here he wants International Recognition and also domestic recognition of the forthcoming elections to the National Assembly the only institution that until now he has not been able to control to democratically recognize internationally recognized elections so what hes saying now is you want to have better conditions for elections find hes asking the opposition to sit down at another negotiating table he calls it a dialogue table something that the mainstream Opposition Leader why though is saying he will not do again he says hes tried many times that the conditions arent right so in response to that hes now offering to allow foreign observers to come in he also says that he will do everything necessary to have better conditions which would seem to imply that there there certainly is a lot of room for improvement one of the main stumbling blocks of course has been the composition of the Electoral Council which is loyal to president model but whether or not the opposition will consider these conditions good enough to actually participate in these Upcoming Elections which are real florin in the side of president mahmoud all but necessary in order to control the institutions of the country is another matter and ryan is going to do not in caracas. Hes not even got access because president was little and his socialist party have basically taken over most of the downtown area they called for a large march thousands and thousands of people came out here they are inside the legislative palace which is the same area where the and the National Assembly work so its either one or the other its very difficult for them to share the same venue instead he is at this religious procession where he has been accompanied by some of the bishops such that have quite openly supported the opposition but he. Well be back here on wednesday he says to hold and to and to on lead the National Assembly session of the week whether or not he will come head to head then with the man who was appointed by the government supported deputies is as yet to be seen but its been very very chaotic and sometimes violent every week that they try to both see who or prove that they are the ones who lead this assembly this in human thank you very much indeed u. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson has not ruled out using Chinese Communications from huawei to provide the countrys 5 g. Network despite strong warnings from washington the u. S. Says the company is linked to the Chinese State and its technology can be used for spying the u. K. Will make its decision this month the fokker ports rhonda its. Has been called a technological cold war over the future of 5 g. The u. S. Has been piling pressure on the u. K. And other allies not to use Chinese Communications company while way over alleged spying risks on monday u. S. Officials issue the British Government with the dangers the debate risk dividing the socalled 5 eyes and Intelligence Alliance between the u. S. U. K. Canada Australia New Zealand washingtons warned it would reassess sharing information with the u. K. s Intelligence Services if britain gives while away the go ahead the government will give a final decision later in january Prime Minister Boyce Johnson said while weighs critics need to suggest other options if people oppose one brand or not then they have to tell us which is the whats the alternative. On the other hand lets be lets be clear i dont want his u. K. Prime minister to put in any infrastructure that is going to produce a national security. There are Big Companies like nakia and ericsson who are well established in fairness they havent always kept up with the pace of speed with power in terms of the price the equipment the Quality Equipment and the size of the equipment we also got something emerging but i think the best solution really for the Network Operators have a mixed base a supply of 5 g. Isnt just about half the data on our mobile phones its about immersive education its about self driving because its about smarter cities the list goes on if you believe the hype eventually simply need 5 g. But it requires a vast the new infrastructure and that comes at a price. Claims its equipment is cheaper than its competitors and uses less energy giving its a potential edge in the developing world who are way sign 5 g. Contracts in more than 30 countries from russia to iceland switzerland to south africa the u. K. s propose some restrictions on Huawei Technology germany and france a tail increased Cyber Security measures several countries are still on the fence about possible be given the potential cost to consumers the technological tussle maybe want to price rather than politics if barca aljazeera london your Prime Minister Boris Johnson says theyll be no 2nd referendum on Scottish Independence calls for a new vote intensified after the Scottish National party saw big gains in last months general election independence referendum was held in 2014 with most scots voting to remain in the u. K. S. N. P. Sturgeon says britains upcoming departure from the e. U. Warrants a further vote johnson said that would continue the political stagnation in scotland. The former leader of the Roman Catholic Church Pope Benedict has asked for his name to be removed as coauthor of a new book defending priest celibacy. A retirement pay will instead be referred to as a contributor in a book to be published in france on wednesday excerpts of the publication were recently released angering some Roman Catholic scholars who said Pope Benedict wished undermining his success in the process has been considering whether to ease some restrictions on side of the sea to address a shortage of judgement in south america. A series of avalanches in pakistan administered kashmir in the past 24 hours of killed at least 57 people many more missing search and rescue crews said being slowed down by the extreme weather in pakistan heavy snow and rain of course landslides with dozens feared dead or missing when she had a cup is being used to evacuate the injured and the 15 people have been killed in neighboring afghanistan how hard it has more from is on about where over the last 24 hour it has been raining heavily and of course the records have been broken during the 5. 00 to 35. 00 it or jack read the mark creek dipping below Freezing Point and also the heavy snow is and pressure made in baluchistan and in the mountainous area of god but this on but these are areas which are why litter but because the infrastructure is rape law and order sometimes a problem especially when that heavy snow is so the reports coming from the language are then bogged down the administered i mean that 57 bodies have been poured out from a collapsed through because of abu launchers and landslides sometimes triggered by the fact that theres been heavy deforestation in the area and because the population is scattered and not gone 3rd greater than one area the area is quite prone to abbeville longer than landslides. Nasa says the severe smoke from most of bushfires in eastern australia has risen into the lower stratosphere and will circle around the globe before eventually making it back to the country satellite images show the haze curry drifting over chile and argentina the fires have been burning since september and have killed at least 28 people and forced thousands of people to evacuate. The Australian Open tennis grand slam starts on monday but the bushfire crisis is threatening to derail the tournament one player was forced to retire from her qualifying match in melbourne because of the smoke jessica washington has more months of some of the worst bushfires on record have killed 28. 00 australians destroyed 2000 homes and raised large areas of land. The emergency now taking a toll on court at prequalifying 1st really is a grand slam tennis tournament so anyas dull in majorca pov it was leading in her qualifier at these trailing open in melbourne despite needing oxygen in the 2nd said the serve any insulate it was short lived collapsing in a coughing fit and being forced to retire shes tweeted shes feeling better but felt scared when she couldnt breathe and is angry at being made to play in the smoky conditions nearby Maria Sharapova and laura said you mond called off their match after both complained of the air quality and one of the sports biggest names roughly on the dow retreated inside the training he is trailing open is considered the countrys Biggest International sports event the competitions director is defending what happened during the period when he suspended practice to restart the matches there was an improvement in the conditions. And and also then we took the advice the medical advice as well as the Sciences Advice and that of the myriad g. And and made decision to continue continue with play 11 attacks. Doctors say air quality in melbourne this week is among the worst in the world prompting concerns about player welfare and Tennis Australia says theyre monitoring conditions throughout the competition in multiple devices across sign we take into account a number of variables whether it be visibility particulate matter there are Different Levels of particular matter so pm 2 point 5 pm tame and based on those based on those measures well be making a decision across a range based on medical advice as to whether we failed to face masks are common in australias major cities a jarring sight in a country usually renowned for its clean air many are asking why the qualifying rounds went ahead but the bushfire smoke is forecast to clear this weekend when the 2 week tournament starts. Jessica washington aljazeera sydney. At least 6 people were killed when a boss plunged into a sinkhole in northwest china a bus toppled into the chasm in the city of when the road beneath it suddenly collapsed giving the passengers to scramble to safety about a 1000 emergency workers and 30 vehicles were sent to the scene with at least 16 people taken to hospital the bus has since been raised from the 80 square metre hole could 100 catch up any time with a website that just about is 0 dot com. The top stories here now to syria Sudanese Forces have exchanged gunfire with members of a now disbanded Intelligence Unit in the capital khartoum sudans military was deployed to contain the violence in a televised statement the information minister said members of the unit were angry at the terms theyd been offered on the dismissal. France britain and germany say theyre not seeing a dispute mechanism under the Iranian Nuclear deal they say iran has reduced its commitment to limit Nuclear Development the dispute process could lead to the reintroduction of sanctions on iran under previous un resolutions. The aim of the dispute resolution mechanism is not to very imposing sanctions. Game of these make of these were used to resolve issues relating to the implementation of the agreement within the framework of the joint commission. Meeting its has to be clear that the objective is therefore to find solutions and return to full compliance within the framework of this agreement. Russia insists their efforts to secure a truce in libya are still on track turkeys president was acute as accused award for have to a running away from mondays talks in moscow but Russias Defense Ministry says he is just discussing the terms with his allies back home. Scientists are urging the total evacuation of nearly a 1000000 People Living close to an erupting volcano in the philippines tens of thousands have already fled their homes after tremors and ash started spewing from. On sunday progovernment supporters have gathered in the capital inside of venezuela in support of president Nicolas Maduro whos given his annual state of the union speech but they were invited International Organizations to observe how the country elected its National Assembly just over a week ago the government forcibly installed its preferred candidate as speaker instead of one quite oh theres a top stories do stay with us the stream is next around as there are about more news after that i plan. I have a me ok and your in the stream today astray as bushfires and that this information campaigns to the surrounding them as always we want you to join the discussion if you have questions for i guess dont be shy you can also will twitter or on you cheap. As a strategy as wide as continue to spread. Information there has been fake news conspiracy theories on social media and even claims that the files with a work of 200 awesome ists while trolls have been behind much of this Mainstream Media outlets such as we put sky news and via study and newspaper have also been criticised for their coverage all of this is especially contentious here

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