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Sport better. Crash during sundays 7th day of the race in saudi arabia. Into town trees ravaged by war 2 separate cease fire agreements are now in effect warring sides in syria and libya have agreed to put down their arms after negotiations brokered by russia and turkey the 3 support opposing sides in each conflicts well have more on syria in a moment 1st though to libya where the war to leave a half to had initially rejected calls for ceasefire. Moved up there while heard reports from tripoli. After rejecting a cease fire call blade turkey and russia last week warlord 24 have to change his mind a few hours before it was due to go into effect. The general command of the libyan ira bomb forces announces a cease fire in the west inside of libya the cease fire starts from one minute past midnight on the 12th of january 2020 the other party should stop any type of military operation at the same time we will respond harshly to any violation of the cease fire. In a joint press conference earlier putin angular merkel made their position clear and into the ongoing violence in libya including peace talks to take place in berlin were going. To put an end to the opposition between the Libyan National army led by and the government of National Accord because you know you. Have to his forces have been trying to seize the capital tripoli from the back of the government their attempts have so far fallen short but his forces have gained ground. Violence is collating of european and African Leaders fearing the conflict could destabilize civil countries to because president. Has also called for fighting to stop the move will come to by the un look ignited a government in tripoli i like to call what does welcome the russian turkey and any other initiative to stop the aggression but any initiative should include a d. V. D. Or all of the aggressor forces german chancellor Angela Merkel is hoping turkish russian efforts to secure peace will indian success and once the United Nations involved or. We agree to the. Conference in berlin to be held very soon in order to start a process of a peaceful libya. The talks want to include libyas warring parties and miracles says they will no doubt have to play a significant rule to help in the conflict when we are so much this unity in the International Community will happen have a conference about. Well. Well. Have to that has been backed by egypt the United Arab Emirates france and russia oil and back the government by turkey the fact that both warring factions have now agreed to a cease fire does not mean an end to hostilities especially with there and back to government demanding that have to us forces pull out from southern tripoli as a prerequisite to any settlement in this conflict. Tripoli. Well mahmoud other word joins us now from tripoli and mark moved with such an escalation of violence in recent weeks the questions i suppose about just how effective this ceasefire might be tell us more about. Well as turn until this moment it seems that this ceasefire is not very stable especially with her for his forces continue targeting get several locations in southern tripoli with the rockets and all saw the government of National Accord has issued a statement saying that it has documented violations but have to his forces only a few minutes after have to spokesman marty and said that they have accepted their seas fire also the government says that its urging get the United Nations support the mission to observe this cease fire and also it says that it will not stay silent it have to his forces continue violating the cease fire the government also is written waiting that have to the forces pull our from southern tripoli is a prerequisite for any air peaceful settlement to this conflict that were weve spoken to a locals in a neighborhood they said to have to his forces have been opening fire randomly in several areas in ends of the neighborhood and this morning but it remains to be seen probably during the coming few days whether or not both warring factions will be abiding by this cease fire but thank you for that were going to turn now to the war in syria to joins us live from the turkish capital ankara jamal can you tell us now more about this cease fire or just put my question to mood about whether in fact it would hold the same question can be arsed about carter. Indeed roughly 12 hours have passed since that cease fire came into effect there have been some documentation of breaches of the ceasefire from the side of the Syrian Regime of Bashar Assads army apparently according to some reports shelling certain neighborhoods particularly moderate to norman however no reports of any casualties since then in the past hour the Turkish Defense ministry tweeted that as far as theyre concerned both the cease fire in syria as well as the one in libya has been holding to a great extent or with those few infringements that have been noted however they added that they will be monitoring the situation in both those countries extremely closely. Creek critical to both syria and libya as you pointed out is the ability of russia and turkey to be able to would together tell us more about how this fact. Factory to turkeys broader ambitions reach an influence in the rich. Well its an extremely critical countries as far as Turkish National security is concerned as well as its Foreign Policy syria very evidently so in the sense that you are talking about a board a country. That has resulted the crisis that is or the war in the millions of refugees flooding into turkey and therefore it is very. Evident as i say why its significant not to mention the security risks that have been associated with either through things like isis or Kurdish Militia that operates on the syrian side of the. Border and therefore there is a very clear reason why turkey is involved with regards to the war there in terms of libya youre talking about the. Border maritime rather borders between the 2 countries which has come really to the forefront of turkish Foreign Policy in the past few months with the agreement signed between sharky and the un recognized government in tripoli which essentially not only markets the borders between the 2 in the Mediterranean Sea but also has an implication with regards to gas and oil reserves in the water and how they would be sure then and extracted beyond that turkey is probably the only Sunni Muslim Sunni country in the region which is playing an active role in these different conflicts with regards to looking at what they would see the aspirations of people there who are against the current regimes thats exist particularly are the ones like that of Bashar Al Assad or those that are aligned to other sunni countries that are more concerned with maintaining the status quo. Or at least bringing it back to pre 2011 and the arab spring namely the United Arab Emirates and egypt that have been supporting people like that as we are so it has both a National Security concern when it comes to those countries but also a strategic one when it comes to pursuing its own Foreign Policy jamal thank you for that. Well u. S. President donald trump has voiced solidarity with protesters in iran and warned the government against cracking down on demonstrations anger is growing over the downing of the ukrainian airliner old wednesday at the iran governments initial failure to admit its responsibility rallies have been held across the country after irans revolutionary guard said it mistakenly shot down the jet killing 176 people the emir of qatar has landed in tehran hes the 1st National Leader to visit the iranian capital since the assassination of iranian general custom so the money by the u. S. Has called for a peaceful solution to regional tensions is close to the u. S. But also has strong ties with iran sharing the Worlds Largest gas field of more all of this were going to bring in a set by now in tehran and lets stop with these protests is a sudden tell us about the anger that you seeing on the streets there. Yes many people have been angry and frustrated after the revolutionary guard admitted that it was their missile that brought down the ukrainian now it was a came after days of denial from the government but it wasnt just denied it was statements made by the speaker of the sport Government Spokesperson the Foreign Ministry spokesperson saying that the United States was lying he says we heard them say that the western media was against its propaganda really heard them saying that all this was false rumors even had the head of the Aviation Authority say that to a scientifically impossible and illogical myside had brought down the airline but yesterday the revolutionary guard came out the president came out and said that it was a mistake it was human error and they apologize and the revolutionary guard the head of the revolutionary Guard Aerospace division took to state t. V. And apologized and explained what happened but people are still and we dont want to captivity and they want justice and last night there were some protests in the main yet to University Campuses and we know that there were thick chanting antigovernment and revolutionary guard statements but also the British Ambassador to iran was at that protest that vigil started off as a vigil and turned into a protest and he was detained for a short while and then released now hes tweeted out this morning and what he said was he confirmed that he was at the vigil to pay his respects to some of the victims were british he said he wasnt at the protest but he left 5 minutes after 5 minutes when people started chanting he was detained half an hour later after leaving and he said that arresting diplomats is of course illegal in all countries so critical to all of this is accountability and justice were hearing that from the International Community the demand from ukraine that a bomb from canada of course as you pointed out the demands are coming from the iraqi people as well what would justice and accountability look like. Well president rouhani issued a statement yesterday that night and he said that this should be a thorough investigation that we should know how this happened and theres a reason behind it individuals identified and prosecuted and the iranian people should know everything about the situation now we know there was a closed door meeting this morning between members of parliament and the head of the stomach revolutionary guard now weve had some statements come out after that meeting we know that the head of the revolutionary guard has asked about why the air space was not closed down considering that just hours before iran had fired missiles at u. S. Targets in iraq now he said that. The revolutionary guards are not in charge of civilian flights and the g. C. Doesnt have any responsibility to stop them but that wont satisfy a lot of people because someone should have made the decision to close down the airspace so they will be an investigation we understand thats National Security committee will be put in to get their report also regional countries are concerned as he said the meat of qatar is visiting and the foreign minister was here just last week asking for restraint and trying to calm the situation so thank us about joining us live there tehran. At least one person has been killed and 4 others injured after antigovernment protests in the iraqi city of karbala turned violent a spokesperson for the armed forces has denied reports that Security Forces shot at protesters and says an investigation is underway to determine who was behind set of those violence demonstrators angry over government corruption the high unemployment and Poor Public Services according to the Iraqi Commission for human rights more than 485 people have been killed since the protests began you know both. U. S. Media reporting more than a dozen saudi military students will be expelled from the country after a shooting in florida last month 3 american sailors were killed by a Saudi Air Force officer at a naval base in florida according to reports the saudis being expelled im not accused of aiding the 21 year old suspect a review by the pentagon after the searching found no threat from the item 150 saudi military students in the u. S. Liz plenty more ahead on the news hour including taiwan stays on a collision course with beijing as its Pro Independence president wins a 2nd term. As old mans new leader takes the helm we look at the pressures he faces on the international stage. I will tell you why irans only female olympic medalists has turned to the back of her country thats coming up. We go to our government sources told al jazeera that the death toll from thursdays attack on an army base has risen to at least 89. 00 it happened in a godhra close to the border with mali no one has claimed responsibility last month another attack killed 71. 00 soldiers did disease border with mali and bettina faso that prompted leaders of the regional g 5 psi hill nations to call for closer cooperation and International Support in the battle against french president emanuel macron is expected to host leaders from the region on bun day to decide on the future of frances military presence in the sale has been a surge in violence right across west africa is the whole region the number of People Killed in attacks in between the faso mali and is a jump from 71720162 more than 4000 last year and thats largely because of a combination of attacks by armed groups aimed intercommunal violence remote areas where the starts presence is weak are especially vulnerable well the humanitarian cost is also growing the u. N. Estimates how often a 1000000000 people have been displaced thats a 10 fold increase in 3 years. Joins us now live from the capital in neighboring nigeria and tell us more about this specific attack were hearing anything about accountability and of course were continuing to see the numbers of killed increase. Absolutely no one has claimed responsibility for the attack in yet but its suspected that it was carried out by militants or other fighters who crossed over from mali thats according to one Government Official and then launched the attack and that area in particular has been vulnerable to attacks from groups inside mali and weve also seen how they have launched several attacks from that area from the border with a brick in a process well right now what were hearing about is that the bodies of those soldiers were killed in the attack have been taken to the capital of the i mean where they were buried or about to be buried some of them and the government is calling for more support from the International Community to deal with the problem. Not just on that tell us about what is expected or hoped for from the International Community because there has been some tension around frances ongoing role the level of commitment in the effectiveness of the International Community in dealing with this threat. Absolutely its not only the French Forces of war the french have a large number of troops in the sahara region more than 4500 but put together the number of Multinational Forces or other International Forces in the sahara in particular is close to or even up to 20000 and lot of people in the region are wondering why these forces despite their training despite that it could mean despite the level of intelligence gathering they have these attacks continue weve seen several protests in the region in nigeria in mali weve also heard a lot of voices are asking why the United Nations and other International Forces who are on the ground with a lot of bases in west africa unable to do women some are angry voices some are asking questions that needed to be honest but yet no answers to the violence continue not only in the south but also in this part of the we just in niger weve seen how violence escalated from there on the especially those groups that are late with Islamic State in west africa programs or eisel itself up with thank you achmet idris joining us there lets discuss this further now with Louis Khamenei who is the president of the african Information Press club and he joins us now from paris its good to have you with us let me just pick up where that he dressed our reporter left off and he was discussing some of the frustrations around the inability of International Forces local forces there to deal with this threat let me ask you why you think you were seeing such an increase in the number of attacks the number of People Killed by these groups. The fact. Narea which is the wrong one to address this problem its a huge problem its not only about Tourism Industry its the word terrorism in some hell and also the situation in libya because if we want to see what happened before this situation the fact these after the collapse of the libyan state. After the the war not to headed by france in libya thats way thats when all the problems in this house because they came with hiv and aids that they too attacked countries like mali michel book in the 1st so. Those countries are too poor to face. The terrorist who are fighting them and thats why it is very important that to address the problem we had a good answer coming from the multilayered liberalism. Hand of the African Union 1st of all and also the u. N. Because of that theres also a big issue with the address now it is the 1st that in the World African countries neighboring lead yes we were against the world because they were seeing the consequences coming up and you have it now and louis key to this i hear you about the u. N. And others but key to this is we all know is france and then your background is hosting leaders for discussion about what to do here but it isnt just the International Community is it isnt just friends there are structural problems in the sale weakness of governance particularly in more remote areas that allow these groups to be able to get such a foothold what more can be done domestically or locally to combat this. We need to have a military answer because we need to educate those jihadists and terrorism also but it wont be enough because we need to bring also so show to the situation of people who are living in poor poorness and they need to have means to have the state for them to have means to go to school to have needs to work because the level of the. Of the living i dont have the official magine english but. A very high one young people dont find germs when the in school and people who are trying also to feed their family to do with a normal citizen life cannot have the help of the state because it doesnt have enough means to answer to address or do situations so we need military answers but we also need social economy to go together with these nutrients or who are you touched on something really really critical there you know there is a humanitarian crisis and weve seen the numbers hundreds of thousands maybe half a 1000000 people now have been deployed displaced because of this fighting and the increase in the number of People Killed as well but when we look at the source of this we talk about the influence of the spread of that of that influence and how that happened that up as another front but youve outlined something there that i think we often overlook and that is that they can be multiple sources to this unrest and these groups are drawn from multiple grievances some of the domestic some of the economic that this is a much more complicated thing than just talking about this related to why so were just talking about it as related to terrorism. Well the fact is if we can see the only the consequence we are going to fail of course we will be wrong because people are not there only to know if the friends of enemies why they becoming friends we do theory sometimes even in the us but of the country where the government cannot provide services to the citizens is because they are there to learn on those places they are loaded with the fears we do treats we everything so sometimes terrorists those we call terrorists are there to help them they bring them some some bicycles they bring cars they bring money and become friends with them to protect them sometimes and even if didnt know it is not good for the country it is not good for them sometimes they dont need to survive and that is way surviving can be helping terrorists in those parts of the country because no know when the state will be able to bring the protection they are expecting from it or in those areas i really value your insight today larry thank you so much for that. Can bear joining us there from powers. Which has seen its biggest political protest in years in the form of what activists are calling a run against dictatorship hodding has more on the Group Warning the Prime Minister to step down. This is no ordinary jog around the park its a political loophole. In thailand protests need approval by the government Running Events do not. An estimated 13000. 00 ties to skys does runners say they are fed up with the government of Prime Minister private channel and want him to step down at the bottom line i want to tell the government that the people dont want you any longer you have been in power for so long but you cant solve any of the countrys problems it is getting more and more difficult for grassroots people to make a living. This was the biggest show of dissent against the government since prior you assumed office after the 2014 military coup he held on to power after elections last year with support from an army appointed senate. This run protest follows a rally last month staged by fena thorn is wrong room gronk it the leader of the progressive future Forward Party who has emerged as the most outspoken opponent of thailands new civilian government. He was charged on friday for breaching a law on Public Assembly and his party faces dissolution i want to be part of the he story i think the 1st step in order to bring about a democrat i say is that general but you have to get out that is the 1st step that would allow that would all but dawes khuda process all of. That in. Sundays event was called run to oust the uncle and an apparent reference to privates nickname of uncle to. It prompted a rival but smaller walk to cheer the uncle doesnt tell. In another park which was attended by thousands of older thais private supporters say his leadership has brought stability and security. I have to get all my friends everyone to come and support my promise that i know you could do it happen later today i just strolled from new york to tell me it will support me in. This 3 finger salute made famous by the hollywood blockbuster film the hunger games is banned in thailand its used here to show resistance against a 2014 military coup. With fingers held high these jogging protesters are running out of patience. Aljazeera and its top of the weather now. Thank you sam right now weve had coming down to the gulf the last 3 days all of our winters rain this is really from kuwait all the way down to was im on the satellite picture shows you some movement but when it got to dubai things really got quite interesting last thursday and friday flooding on the streets here and then yesterday well lightning this is lighting this right flooding on the streets dubai of abu dhabi of all the emirates really if youre watching a live broadcast yesterday from your lets see its raining all the time in moscow this was heavy stuff and the total collected as a in the years with its been a wet winter so far when the thing is past on that and always when you get rain you get tend to follow it with a northerly breeze which is makes things cooler as a wedge of i know but 19 degrees is a bax intention its not warm not this time of the year it feels quite cold outside and the rain has moved on as you can see so lets concentrate on that i think for the next 2 or 3 days again significant rain and they will be surfaced that thing is running out through pakistan over an inch suggests thats pretty heavy stuff for us from the south because all the way of course its now at height thats requested towards islam about that is today because tomorrow as well so its going to be 3 days of for the whole thing is gone through and there will be flooding stuck in iraq. Well still ahead on aljazeera. Comes why theres Opposition Leader one why those rallies his supporters in a bid to restart his battle for pal. And in sports arena williams begin so preparations for your struggle no Political Class title the truth. Big stories generally sounds like the media angles in this story are too numerous for comfort with different angles from different perspectives some things never really being believed. Money in the war to even separate the spin from the facts the misinformation from the journalism is so clear and it sounds to me and here. With the listening post on aljazeera when the news breaks today the current government has lost trust the people they cant do anything because the protestors are against it when people are to be places like what you represent the loft shots for opponents of brechts its trying to put the conservatives aljazeera has teams on the ground right now hopes the meeting in paris will push politicians to create a competent and credible government to bring the moon documentaries and nightly news on air and online. And youre watching aljazeera heres a reminder about top stories a cease fire has come into effect in libya after walter aletha hafter agreed to. A truce just hours before it was to start theres also been a pause in fighting in Serious Problems russia and turkey broker both say spots. The death toll from thursdays attack on an army base in these years has risen to at least 800. 00 on no one has yet claimed responsibility for the attack which is the latest in a wave of violence across west africa so youll reach. U. S. President donald trump is poised solidarity with protesters in iran anger is growing over the downing of the ukrainian airliner which killed 176. 00 people and the governments initial failure to admit responsible. Use oton the hide them been tarik alcide is officially welcoming foreign dignitaries in his 1st 4 years later hes met cathouse amir bin Ahmed Al Thani the sultan was sworn in on saturday and has promised to uphold his predecessors approach as a Regional Peace maker he took power just hours after his cousin soldier died after a long illness at the age of 79. 00 to receive is credited with transforming a man from a small under developed country into a modern stuff well for more on this lets bring in stephanie dechen now in moscow and stephanie really into the mourning period now interNational Leaders will be arriving people mourning the passing of of the of the leader that theyve known pretty much the only data they have ever known. Thats right well everything is closed schools are closed offices are closed and they will remain so until wednesday people are going about their daily lives but there is a real sense of sadness here because Sultan Qaboos had such a sort of even fatherly figure role then even though this is a man who really rule singlehandedly and absolutely for such a long time and yet he was very much loved and respected by his people on the International Front weve had foreign dignitaries in and out throughout the day they keep coming weve had cutters amir the Iranian Foreign minister weve had Prince Charles of the u. K. We have the dutch king on his way to just president ugandas president it is a rolodex of contacts of the entire world and also between photos done which is really what highlights the role that Sultan Qaboos played that he played his team play that this country continues to play in negotiating in mediating in trying to seek peace between what are very sensitive sides and certainly times right now in this course is a message that the new sultan has said that he will continue the path also very importantly of neutrality this is a country that hasnt taken sides when it comes to conflict particularly the g. C. C. Blockade when it comes to this situation with iran oman speaks to all sides so this is the situation right now its the 1st day of the new sultanate is certainly a new era for this country and stiff as you saw it is going to be consistent see what it comes to Foreign Policy in a bugs role in the region but there are also domestic issues that need to be dealt with as well there are any indications it might be a chinese in approach to what are the challenges ability facing the new leader. I think its very important to note that this accession was seamless and it was quick and that this is what was needed i think time will tell what the challenges are going to be and if there are going to be cracks of course these are huge shoes to fill and there are going to be challenges domestically youre also said this is a country with a huge deficit this is a country that doesnt have a lot of money this is a country with a growing young population and unemployment issues these things need to be addressed theres also a lot of pressure from neighbors that this country needs to fall in line with their policies moving away from that neutral stance that i mentioned earlier so all these are pressures that sultan heighth them is going to have to address he is yes hes been around but hes not Sultan Qaboos hes not the leader of this country who built this country whos been in charge here for 50 years so people will tell you that yes this is a good 1st step because there was concern about a potential power struggle or complications when it came to secession but i think were going to have to wait and see how diplomatically things falls out how things develop in the country people also asking whether hes going to continue ruling as an absolute monarchy or if hes going to change the system into a Constitutional Monarchy so i think its day one we have no answers to all of those questions but this is a key country its a strategic country and very very important how hes going to rule moving forward stephanie thank yous stuff rejected joining us live there from moscow. Taiwans president says her reelection is a sign that the silver ones the intimidation from china independence incumbent sighing when won with 57 percent of the vote scott hardly has more. The day after taiwans historic election reelecting Pro Independence president signed when the people of this island of 24000000 enjoyed their winter sunday. I hope that both thailand and china well china stop its military threats toward taiwan i believe she is the right leader to deal with china. I do not think she would try to be confrontational after last night we voted to still remain part of a big family and then we defend political opinions we share the same firm belief in Democratic Values with the overwhelming victory for sign one and the d. P. P. Some feel that there is added pressure for progress and recognition from china and beyond on the security of the islands independence. In saturdays elections i garnered the most votes of any president ial candidate in the young democracy here promising to keep her hardline stance for independence with growing pressure from china beijing issued a statement shortly after so i gave her victory speech as if the landslide election never happened president xi jinping is administration continued with its threats of reunification and its opposition to any separatist attempts. But her challenges wont only be on improving cross street relations i was economy has been a Major Political issue here even if there has been a recent boost thanks to the u. S. China trade war she is under tremendous pressure much higher than her 1st time. To perform better on the economy. She was really defeated in the local election about 15 months ago because of the Economic Situation that didnt go away. So amid the saber rattling from china and calls for economic reform sighs next 4 years start off with major challenges but she goes into her 2nd term with the confidence of the majority of taiwanese people at least for now its got to either aljazeera type or projects in hong kong watch taiwans election very closely sarah cluck has the reaction when. Thousands have gathered here in the square which is in Central Hong Kong and this is part of the prodemocracy the Antigovernment Movement efforts to ramp up their protests in the lead up to Chinese New Year which is the biggest traditional festival in hong kong and thats at the end of january now the reaction here from the prodemocracy groups to taiwans election result has certainly been a positive one a prodemocracy groups and political activists travel to taiwan to monitor and observe the spot and theyve been overwhelmed by the result of course hong kong protests played a key role in this election in taiwan the unrest in hong kong fueled resistance to beijing and harden public sentiment and as i mentioned the reaction from these part of boxing demonstrators here has been positive i think people feel. Happy for how im people and we feel good about that because. The lives of the. People close to ending that with this need to be able to achieve everyone in the top one has also provided key support for these prodemocracy demonstrators by providing supplies like safety gear including vests and helmets and when china cut off the supplies coming into hong kong the prodemocracy groups we seeking to both to exchanges and galvanize are alliance with taiwan against chinas increasing influence and tightening grip on the city this is a big rally today with thousands attending but next sometime prodemocracy groups will be holding another much in support of the Antigovernment Movement. In the Eastern Mediterranean theres a scramble for Natural Resources cyprus wants to be a regional gas supplier but the islands divided status is complicating things it is to drill for discovered reserves of did so for to clear republic of Northern Cyprus and its back to turkey is increasingly asserting itself in the region or a challenge has been. On the south coast of cyprus an oil terminal waits expectantly out in the Eastern Mediterranean theres gas early last year exxon mobil found big reserves in cypriot waters if theyre pumped the t. T. Ies energy help here could get a big gas boost cyprus certainly will at least part of it but not the self declared republic of Northern Cyprus recognised only by turkey its foreign minister warns against shutting them out of the bonanza. If. The International Actors including the International Energy companies. They give the message to decrease the british side that they can continue to do it alone unilaterally without getting the consent of the Turkish Cypriot side without communicating and cooperating with it or because the bridge site it would not be something good for the relations between the 2 because we will continue to take certain steps and we will do the same the response has been toward the rise turkish drilling ships protected by the turkish navy to also look for gas and theyve been doing it in waters internationally recognized as belonging to greek not Turkish Cypriots cyprus hates it the e. U. And the us do not like it but so far no ones done much to stop it. Like many problems on this island the gas to speak stems from its divided status since the turkish invasion of 1974 cyprus has been split Greek Cypriots in the south Turkish Cypriots to the north this is part of the line between the 2 in the heart of nicosia the worlds last remaining divided capital city gas is a potentially explosive addition to this already combustible situation in the Eastern Mediterranean in early january greece cyprus and israel signed a deal to build a pipeline to take the regions gas to europe turkey is feeling hemmed in and excluded and he wants to change the way things are being done turkey at all levels from egypt to the minister of Foreign Affairs to the chief of the army to the opposition off i get there they are always talking about. The area without turkey playing an Important Role or without turkey being in these but mediterranean neighbors see turkeys pushback tactics as illegal and aggressive its recent deal with libya to split rights to the sea between them was condemned by greece france cyprus and egypt as now and avoid the challenge is how to divide the regions gas and sea rights agreeably before things burn out of control rory challenge to 0 cyprus. Robert a bill that will be met mulders next Prime Minister after being elected as the new leader of the governing labor party he replaced jones muscat whose career ended because of the scandal surrounding the murder of a journalist in barca reports in the capital letter. This is the next leader of the e. U. Smallest state robert a bello as one of the Ruling Labor Partys fresh faces elected to parliament in 2017 multis been rocked by scandal at the highest levels of government must now restore trust in Power Central will be finding justice for journalist and blogger danny. Killed by a car bomb in 2017 she died delving into the murky finances of politicians a businessman the family has little faith in the ruling party or the new Prime Minister. Because she had secret financial structure on the. Pitch. And. In november 1 of multis riches businessmen Juergen Fenech was arrested and charged with being an accomplice to the killing he denies involvement fenech implicated the multis Prime Ministers chief of staff Keith Schembri as a coconspirator he stood down a bit reports hes been questioned by police in connection to the murder 2 other cabinet ministers also resigned all have been investigated by carolina for corruption. The revelation spunked antigovernment protests Prime Minister joseph must be found to public pressure and resigned starting a race to replace him recent scandals that have led to a political awakening here in malta but despite recent protests support for the Ruling Labor Party remains strong but even amongst his supporters theres a feeling that malta has a serious image problem a European Parliament delegation accused of being either naive or complicit in the journalist death mask of supporters deny hes involved part of it is made of politicians have their own political agendas i dont think that is naive. And i dont think that by. Any nation therefore thats makes him that makes him complicit. Because again we do not know the extra story the. Details of the story of what happened the investigation into care and i can see as murder is going to trial months away the net is closing in on her killers need back al jazeera. Well the mine Political Parties in Northern Ireland have begun the Regional Power for the 1st time in 3 years to form a power sharing coalition the Democratic Unionist Party foster was sworn in as 1st minister. And below from the Irish Nationalist Party scene fame was appointed deputy 1st minister the restoration comes after a deal was brokered by the british and irish governments. That is why this Opposition Leader is trying to reignite his campaign to remove president Nicolas Maduro a year after he was declared by some town trees that is why it was interim president has lost momentum as our latin america editor we say newman reports. A middle class neighborhood was the scene of Opposition Leader why does 1st rally this year. I guess if there are gate fences or wall to jump we will jump them and if we cannot jump over them we will knock them down. On tuesday the majority opposition faction that he leads forced to sway into Parliament Just days after why they always prevented by soldiers from entering the legislature the government is now recognizing another Deputy Speaker of the house. Why though says he want to meet with the norwegian delegation thats reportedly in caracas to attempt to restart negotiations said broke down last year between the government and opponents says there are no conditions for dialogue but while than israel is political and economic crisis worsens its clear that the opposition has lost momentum in january of last year tens of thousands of people mobilized in support of quite low 12 months later either out of fear frustration or the belief that the opposition simply doesnt have what it takes to unseat the military backed government whitehall has only been able to bring out a few 100 people here. Nevertheless he pleaded for the news waylands not to abandon him. Today more than ever we need to all fight together to open the door to freedom because i confess to you we cannot do it alone you mean whether that is wailings will heed his call and accompany him next week in a new attempt to Enter Parliament remains to be seen you see in yemen al just got acts. In lebanon a deepening debt crisis has pushed the countries in the brink of bankruptcy and its feared Health Care Services will be one of the 1st areas to suffer journal reports from a Cancer Treatment center in beirut. For more than a year but tool has been battling leukemia shes returned to the Childrens Cancer center of lebanon for a check up and her father ahmed tells us hes thankful shes responding positively to treatment they say then because i didnt do well that i feel like a person who has a newborn as if im seeing my daughter being reborn truly as if she was just born a feeling i cannot describe. But he says with lebanon experiencing so many problems he does have concerns most are scared that the medicine will no longer be available as for food in the worries here about scarcity everyone is talking about it like everyone else. The. Antigovernment protests have been held across lebanon for more than 2 months with people demanding an end to inequality and a complete overhaul of the political system. The countrys economic problems began before that but now its debt crisis is worsening leaving lebanon on the verge of bankruptcy and more vulnerable than ever according to Human Rights Watch medical professionals in lebanon are warning that hospitals may soon be unable to provide patients with Urgent Medical care in surgery because of the countrys dire financial situation fadi and how is the fundraising coordinator for the Cancer Center it depends on donations to provide free treatment to more than 300 patients per year the center is now at risk of not being able to achieve that goal in 2020 and a rescue fund has been launched because of that lets happening in the last 2 months we have a deficit of 2500000. 00 which is like a huge number and you could reach over and target our budget which is 50000000. 00 and because the crisis is still going on we still facing this faces so we are very thought our programs and conceives for this year we will be able to do that recently lebanons Health Minister issued a statement aiming to reassure patients that cancer medications will not disappear from the market at the center but along with the other Cancer Patients shes playing with tried to keep her attention focused on toys instead like many lebanese citizens looking for optimism despite all the obstacles. And they do it. Still a good sport action from the italian leaders not police goalkeeper gives a gift to the opposition in iraq so i will have all the details from. The floor of the burning inspired you to pin dreams of peace and democracy but how many came to pass they transformed from communist the social democrat but it was a fake democracy people in power travels through the former eastern bloc to waspy. Post cold war optimism to succumb to darker more thorough tarion realities the Police Called a couple who brought a bomb to the large and they were ready to detonate beyond the war part 2 on al jazeera. Aljazeera. And. The. Lets get the latest sports now with joe stan thank you very much portuguese right apolo gonsalves has died in a car and a car crash at the dock harley in saudi arabia the 40 year old came off his bike 276 kilometers into sundays 7th stage at about 10 18 am local time he was found unconscious by a rescue helicopter having gone into cardiac arrest him was pronounced dead on arrival at hospital this was can solve this 13 dakar rally. Its a big day for tennis fans as the worlds top 2 players are going head to head in the final of the a. T. P. Cup spain leads the tie one nil over the serbs but rafael nadal has so far found himself trailing by a set to Novak Djokovic in a singles match in sydney and not the only top players in the Southern Hemisphere gearing up for the 1st grand slam of the season Serena Williams was up against jessica in the final of the a. S. B. Classic in cloned the top seed clinched a victory 6364 this is our 1st title in 3 years and has 73rd on the top weaving shes now won titles across the last 4 decades williams announced shell donate her 43000. 00 winners check and some of her tennis dresses to the Australian Bushfire Relief Fund and with the Australian Open just over a week away the victory shows shes a strong contender for an 8th title in melbourne. Yeah im feeling pretty good im feeling until i get some matches and long rallies short rallies power players elements so this is exactly what i needed going into melbourne. Its good. Irans only female olympic medalists and has announced shes. Defecting comeon who was whose won a taekwondo bronze medal at the real impacts in 2017 criticized irans political system saying she felt oppressed and who has been training in the netherlands didnt give details of where she is now in an Instagram Post at a wrote i wasnt important to them none of us mattered to them where we were tools i wish for nothing else than for taekwondo safety and for a happy and healthy life the decision was harder than winning olympic gold i remain a daughter of iran wherever aria. Into mans bid to dethrone event is the kings of italian football hit the set back on saturday the city our leaders took an early lead against atlanta at the san siro remember the packers setting up now toto front martinas but atlanta are the form team in italy right now and struck back in the 2nd half. It could have been worse for the home side after that to see a penalty saved by some air undone of it church into now just a point above eventis who play roma on sunday. A moment of false caveats here 10 win over napoli in rome last year keeper david spinner the lead early on the board allowing cheater immobilizer to rob him and shoot for goal the napoli defender applying the killing finish last year stay napoli drop to 10. The Baltimore Ravens took the n. F. L. By storm this season but its all come to nothing as they were dumped out of the playoffs on saturday the ravens were the best team in the regular season but lost in the divisional round to the 6 seeded Tennessee Titans baltimore lost since september tenn following last weeks defeat of the new England Patriots with another big scalp 28 to 12 in baltimore elsewhere the San Francisco 49 ers won their 1st playoff game in 6 years beating the Minnesota Vikings on sunday its houston at kansas city and Seattle Seahawks at the green bay packers. The Milwaukee Bucks have tighten their grip on the top spot in the east. Made 32 points as they beat the portland trailblazers 1222101 the Boston Celtics 6630 to snapping a 3 game losing streak on saturday jason tatum made 63 pointers and scored a career high 41 points as they beat the new Orleans Pelicans 142140. Meanwhile the Dallas Mavericks came back from 12 points down late in the 1st half to beat the philadelphia 76 ers 1929119 points and told us. A stunning cricket legend shane warne has already raised more than 650000. 00 to help those whove suffered from bushfires having auctioned off his baggy green cap now hes joined up with other former captains Ricky Ponting Michael Clarke and womens captain Alex Blackwell who will come out of retirement for one of much to support relief efforts the cricket bash will be played on fiber to the eye with profits going to the red cross. Look i think everyones come together where everyones trying to do their bit i think the images that were all saying has touched people around the world and we all everyone just trying to do their bit sounds great the cricket australia have got behind this and pulling together quite quickly obviously we dont know where it is as alex said before but im sure pano myself and everyone applies will draw it out best and make it an entertaining game all right thats it for now i have to stand. And thats it for me for this news hour fully will be here in just a moment always more of the dice. Yeah. Frank assessments the one being about these bush bars is that really wiping out all of the climate shit informed opinions economy i think is actually whats keeping donald trump afloat right now critical debate sequel although through school lawyers on d up all this argument is astonishingly patronize an indepth analysis of the days headlines this is the beginning of a new iraq of the new conscious and aware views about struggle against an ethnic sectarian kota inside story on aljazeera. Boldin Untold Stories from asia and the pacific on aljazeera in a 2 part series. Observes the lives of 2 children. Over 20 years. Where insights into circumstances that she applies. In a rapidly changing world. 20 years of mean starts with blood and land to produce stories on aljazeera. The latest news as it breaks this bushfire season is far from all that but its coldest so much devastation across a stray. With detail coverage campaigners say for the hundreds of children and teenagers of sleeping on the streets of tyrus and feel as generalism senators are preparing for a briefing on the u. S. Military strike and whatever response it may bring. The all the. Sadness turns to anger in iran protesters accuse the government of lying to them about the korean pain killed 176 people meanwhile qatars the media rise in tehran the 1st for nader to visit since tensions with the u. S. s can eat. Play youre watching aljazeera live from my Global Headquarters in doha with me for the back to paul also ahead libyas u. N. Recognized government and the warlords heidi from have tague

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