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Responsible. Longtime ruler known for promoting peace in an unstable region his cousin haitham been targeted saeed is named the new leader. And taiwans president sighing when wins a 2nd term in a vote closely watched by. The simple dollar sport Novak Djokovic sets up an a. T. P. Cup clash with rafa on the dole a serbian spring each with. Hello and a dramatic future and iran has now admitted to shooting down the ukrainian airliner describing it as a disastrous mistake 176 passengers and crew were killed on wednesday when the commander of the revolutionary guard says a short range missile. Down the plane shortly after takeoff from to one airport it was the same night iran launched missiles at iraqi bases housing u. S. Troops as a little more gentle about how. Those in our Aviation Services who were denying responsibility they were saying this based on their findings and i repeat they are not to blame it is us who are to blame the plane was on its way it did not have any error or mistake everyone worked very well efficiently it was us who made a mistake and we are responsible we should accept responsibility and accountability well ukraines president is demanding that iran prosecute those who are sponsible and pay compensation hes due to speak with the iranian leader shortly on the canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says his government expects full cooperation from iranian authorities a team of investigators from canada is expected to travel to iran pending visa applications in a few moments why cant i will be telling us how this news is likely to go down in washington but 1st well speak to Dorsey Jabari whos joining us from tehran to tell us more about what we heard from the revolutionary guards or so. Yes it was a stunning admission of guilt that we heard from the head of irans revolutionary guards Aerospace Division earlier on saturday where he said that they made a grave mistake the person in charge of protecting the skies around them and khomeini believed that there was a Cruise Missile coming towards taran and he shot at this what he believed to be a Cruise Missile but it turned out to be a passenger plane with over 170 people on board that died a short while after this is something that the iranians are just trying to really digest the revolutionary guard to aerospace commanders said that its something very difficult for him to even admit he wished he was dead rather than to share this news but all this is happening at a time when tensions are at an all time high between iran and the United States as a result of the assassination of Major General hossam so in money in baghdad and the iranians have vowed revenge and on that on wednesday morning they launched a series of missiles on to u. S. Space in iraq and thats where this commander was himself at the time and he said this happened because they were expecting a reaction from the United States and you say the people are trying to digest this information i imagine there is a huge sense of grief are right across the country how are people dealing with all of this. Well there really trying to come to terms with that 1st the fact that this happened this catastrophic error human error that took place but the 2nd the fact that their government lied to them for over 48 hours there was denials that after denials about the fact that there was a missile that hit this airplane the officials here were adamant that this was not the case they were very confident that this was some kind of accident that happened midair with this plane that there was no missile that hit this plane and we find out now that that is not the actually what took place the ring is that minute that they had been miscalculated about what took place that courting to the revolutionary guards he said that the aerospace and that the. People that were making those statements were not fully aware of all the facts the question now is why were they making those statements in the 1st place if they didnt have all the facts it regular ordinary iranians are very very angry about the fact that theyve been lied to for this long they say this should never have happened and the official shouldnt have lied to them theyre holding they want those to be held accountable the head of irans judiciary has asked for all the evidence to be passed on so a proper investigation can be under way weve also found out that the parliament is holding a closed door session with the head of revolutionary guards to try and find out the course of events that led to this shooting down of the past your plane all right thank you for that update from to iran lets bring in mike hanna joining us from washington d. C. Now that there has been an admission of guilt and what actually happens from iran have we heard from the president himself or u. S. Officials. Well the turn of the Trump Administration can often be gauged by the social media account of the fight hours and certainly it would appear that the iranian acknowledgment is not on the radar of the u. S. President in the course of the smalling he has been tweeting regularly but it all has to do with domestic politics domestic issues is coming trial on impeachment charges so the administration generally appears to be restrained in terms of any reaction no formal reaction even from state department at this particular point in the course of the past day the treasury secretary steven chu chin did confirm that if iran requested a National Transportation Board Advisor investigator then there would be a visa waiver for him remembering that they are u. S. Sanctions on put in place against travel to iran so the tone very much is one of restraint at this particular stage yeah mike and how do you sort of interpret that tone or for a stranger as you call it should we say be surprised by it considering. The heightened tensions over the past few days between iran and the u. S. And even iran in that press conference saying that the shooting down occurred in the midst of hostilities with the u. S. Its iran did paint the context in which the shooting down took place making very clear that it was a consequence to off u. S. Action in recent days that has been denied by the u. S. Before the year a new an acknowledgment the u. S. Absolutely insistent that all these the situation is resulting from iranian aggression despite the fact that the u. S. Fired the 1st salvo as it were in terms of striking at targets in iraq in past days but very much it would appear that the u. S. At this particular point it appears sincere in its declarations for the wish of the escalation any a fierce reaction to the iranian egg knowledge meant would clearly escalate the situation once again and that is something that it appears at this stage i continue to stress that the u. S. Administration does not want to happen weve heard from the secretary of state he says he wants deescalation the president has said that he wants the escalation so certainly that is the tone of the Administration Even at this point despite irans acknowledgment of being responsible for the downing of the airliner writer mike hanna thank you for that update from washington. Now home on has declared 3 days of mourning after the death of its leader. The regions longest running ruling monarch died after a long illness at the age of 79 his cousin haitham been taught inside has been sworn in as his successor has somehow bought a house more. This is a new Sultan Haitham been thought it. Sworn in a few hours after the death of his predecessor. The oldest ruling monarch in the region and the founding father of modern day oman. Sultan haitham made it clear in his 1st speech to the public that he will follow in the footsteps of the late sultan. We remain guided by the late sultans wisdom Going Forward we will preserve and embark on the achievements he made this is what we are adamant to do to follow in his footsteps with respect to International Relations we will follow in the same course set out by the late sultan we will embrace foreign policies based on peaceful coexistence without any interference in Domestic Affairs of other states the succession ceremony was swift and smooth dispelling and it concerns about uncertainty and instability in one of the oldest dynasties in the gulf region the new sultan would have several roles hes the Prime Minister controls the Government Forces finance and Foreign Affairs his biggest challenge is balancing a budget that relies on revenues from dwindling gas and oil resources. The death of couples comes at a critical moment tension has grown in the region after the us assassination of Iranian Military command some say money his killing has shattered any hopes of a diplomatic solution. Oh man has in the past played a crucial role in narrowing differences between the 2 rivals it has a longstanding neutral approach to the problems of the region in 2017 when saudi arabia the u. A. E. Egypt and bahrain imposed a blockade on qatar oman refused to take sides calling instead for dialogue. It also plays a central role in the international 1st and the war in yemen. The new sultan has insisted he will maintain his nations neutrality and honor the legacy of salt. The later came to power in 1970 at a time when our man was underdeveloped divided and facing a rebellion in the south but managed to overcome those obstacles and turn it into a modern state. Faced another challenge in 2011 when thousands of people protested demanding better wages and more jobs as the arab spring was spreading Sultan Qaboos fired members of his government gave more powers to the Consultative Council and began reforming the Public Sector in the late one arc will be remembered by his people as a unifying figure and by the world as a shrewd politician for turned a small nation into a regional player a lot easier. Lets get an update from stuff and joining us from there are lani capital moscow to talk us through the mood on stephanie and particularly now that the new sort on has taken over. But i think the fact that that. Seamlessly as it did in his quickly as it did has appease many who were worried about how this was going to move forward because some talk of loose rule this country for 50 years no successor had ever been named yes a couple of names have been thrown around over the years particularly 3 men that were his cousins but there was always worry here that perhaps there would be arguments between family members between tribes so this is something that people are its telling us is something that is calming of course in times of uncertainty because of because only by definition you have a man whos really run this country on his own for 50 years so i think this is something that people here are taking well people have spoken to say that sultan hype them is a good choice that it is time to move forward people have been expecting this it is not unexpected Sultan Qaboos had been sick for a very long time he made a statement publicly in 2014 never really saying what it was he had people believe that he had a certain illness and then particularly the last couple of weeks when he cut short the trip to belgium abruptly they had expected him to stay for much longer people really starting to talk about perhaps his days were at its head and so the mood is somber it hasnt stopped raining since weve arrived a very unusual weather for to rain so heavily it was buried this morning people will be paying their condolences over the next couple of days it is 3 days of mourning shops are closed schools are closed the countrys come to a standstill really flags are flying hot stuff and yes i think people now going to be. Questioning these are different days ahead and they are going to be questioning how things are going to move forward because of course there are challenges ahead for the new sultan yeah and on the note of these challenges what are they. Well if you look domestically there are Economic Issues unemployment to theres a budget deficit the country is trying to move away from relying on the revenues because its simply not enough so there are those things to deal with and then you know as you heard in hashes report there Sultan Qaboos and oman is such a key player negotiator peacemaker in such a region particularly between the United States and iran so this also comes at a very sensitive time of course is a little know in the region that the new sultan has made it clear he gave a statement to the council of ministers that he would continue in the sultans footsteps in the same way of negotiating of being a peaceful player of being one that doesnt take sides and i think this is also something to watch but of course a lot of ammans neighbors want the man who rules this country to be on their side you also have the g. C. C. Blockade in place amman didnt take part in that oman is part of negotiating helping lead to shape yemen oman hosted hes already Prime Minister last year among top state everyone and i think the challenging time certainly for the new sultan will be to try to maintain that when he is facing pressures from certain leaders and and geo political pressures to get on their side so i think again big shoes to fill certainly in on another great question being asked here to remain is whether hes going to continue ruling as an absolute monarch which is poor something that Sultan Qaboos did for 15 years or for its going to change and its going to change into a Constitutional Monarchy these are all question marks going to have to wait and see how the next months play out to to see what client of ruled them its going to take ok stephanie thank you for that update from moscow its. Plenty more ahead on the aljazeera news hour including. That sinking feeling why the countdown is on to save indonesias capital from somewhere else to. Find out why the death of a journalist means the island of malta well get a new leader. Well take you live to moscow where president put on a speaking alongside the german chancellor Angela Merkel also discussed and at the Top International issues i can stress that russia would like to. Build our relationship with germany on Mutual Respect basis and. Equilibrium we also discussed germany is the 2nd biggest economic partner of russia after china. The trade balance was free point 2000000000. 00 of. Russian. Investment is over 20000000000. 00. Russian and germany has a number of. Joint projects in and the regime. We will come fully seeing all of germany on equal north stream. We also discussed a number of issues regarding gas transit with ukraine we noted very important the importance of a new agreement between gus proem and ukrainian partners according to which transit supply will go on for the next 5 years. These. Contracts balanced and are in the interest of both Ukraine Russia and european partners. When we discussed international and regional agenda we discussed situation in libya where. We can see. Armed conflict terrorism and. Social sphere is degrading such issues undermine security and stability not only in this region but also project negativity towards europe i mean illegal immigration and also contraband of arms and drugs. And martial after of of Libyan Forces and the Government Forces need to establish a cease fire. And overcome the division in society and form a single single state institutions. My my statement together with president of turkey couple of days ago called on all parties in libya to establish ceasefire as of tomorrow at midnight. You. And i have discussed with federal can sort of germany. We welcomed German Initiative to have a conference in berlin on libya. And we would like to invite all in interested parties and state so. And all decisions should be poorer than they did with all parties in libya conflict. For we should also have mr salami as the u. N. Representative. Who also discussed the situation in syria republic. I share the results of my latest meeting of the president a certain you. We can save a syria is most stable it becomes more peaceful the state of syria is being constituted. And i can stress that the conflict in syria could be a result only through political means thats according to the u. N. Resolution one of. The most important it is that syria and the Syrian People should have the right to. Define their future. One way to do that is to establish the Constitutional Committee and the 3rd sitting of his committee to perth to place in geneva. Were very discussed. The foundations of new syrian state i think. I see. You could work also in this story as with within the past on the format of we also this ghastly revival of postwar syria. And the possibility to return the refugees to syria to the. International community could facilitate. This process and help syrian state. To reestablish functioning of syrian infrastructure schools hospitals. And all this should be led by the national fortys of syria and cover all National Territory without any politicisation of regional politics but. We also couldnt fail to discuss with my partner and never very interesting very important issue not only for us but look for the whole world. And this is in the relation of Uranium Nuclear program once the United States refused to follow this nuclear deal. With iran and the what i will state it about your. Volunteering arrangements. You know when you have to follow the nuclear deal things you know germany and russia supports. This process. And count on possibility to create. A nondollar based currency exchange. But only and this process started to work we also discussed in detail. Situation in the crisis in ukraine. We believe that the process is has no alternative. And once we had well its important that the latest agreements regarding claiming spreads this were realized. But you knew that when i was on its important to have a political. Solution. And then new law on the autonomy all done by us is a step in the right direction. But the. Bus autonomy should should be reflected in the ukrainian constitution we understand all these difficulties in the ukrainian political process that as long as all interested parties are interested in in there is a resolution of the conflict it should be possible just one to stress once more we had a very constructive this in discussions. But mr merkel. And also security and stability in the middle east i would like to thank. German counselor for such a Productive Work thank you very much. I would like to say thank you very much for this opportunity to come here to moscow and to have these extensive talks about as bilateral cooperation as well as International Issues and indeed we can say that despite some difficulties for instance the sanctions which still exists with regards to ukraine we did do have intensive economic relationships but also in terms of. Other culture and. Science and teaching cooperation of people citizens of our countries are in contact with each other that can only be a good thing we also of course spoke about the north stream project i believe that this project also. Given the new european legal. Framework is legit in my eyes and we should see it through nevertheless possibly and. Positively there is a good guess for the next 5 years with regarding ukraine and the extreme part project we have. A unilateral dependency and germany and other European Countries who will profit from north stream because we already have north stream ones so thats not incredibly new with the newest north stream too and that there is an interest for them to diversify their gas supply and that they were bring this forward but i think that is a very important project and. We have also spoken about the question of International Conflicts 1st of all i would like to mention libya i believe it was a good meeting between turkish president at the un and russian president Vladimir Putin in istanbul where. They work has been done towards a cease fire which can lead to what in the berlin process the 5 veto members of the Security Council and 5 other countries concerned have worked out on a high official level and we had agreed that we that they were very soon be able to answer invitations for a conference in berlin together with the United Nations i want to emphasize general secretary general tears and sammy are. Putting up for setting up a process which is to give the libyan parties a possibility to have a future in a peaceful country noninterference and sovereignty and that is why the countries who are present in opposing position in libya want to mention mr saracen after that that they will be closely involved in developing this solution and we do hope that the russian efforts russian turkish efforts will bring lead to a success and very soon we will also issue invitations for this berlin conference we spoke about libya and about syria syria that is and. President s and putin in their talk came to important results and im pleased that last night it has been possible to have at least 2 humanitarian. Openings towards the because there is a great need to great human suffering in terms of people fleeing certain zones and so i am glad that there has been talks about a ceasefire there and again with syria will likely be there is there is no military solution there is a solution of negotiation that is what were going for and that is why. We strive that there should be another humanitarian opening towards the north east and syria where there is also a readiness to have talks and secondly that especially the process with the un and pederson that we support they switch leads the. Meetings and the working group about the constitution so that sit people should be have a possibility to come back to syria go back to syria people who have fled many syrians are now in turkey and of course turkey is very carrying a very great responsibility there and in terms of this constitutional process to support this we will continue to have very close cooperation with russia turkey. And. We will we spoke about iran and we will make sure that the agreement shall be kept and that. We have to be convinced that iran should not have any Nuclear Weapons and we should use everything at our disposal diplomatically. For this agreement which is not complete and which is not perfect but which is an agreement and which includes the duty is on all sides that we keep this alive and in this concepts i would like to note that 176 people died when a craft was shot down 176 innocent people in iran and iran has now. Admitted today that this was a great era and its very good that this has been a good knowledge and i think everything has to be done now with the nations concerned. That the nations where these people were the citizens that everything can be done to talk about what the consequences are here its very important that there should be a thorough investigation and weve had an important step here today it remains a dramatic incident and so with a view to iran we will of course do whatever we can to make it possible that they should continue to fight. Fundamental islam mystic terrorism and we talked about paris where we had a part successful meeting we were not able to solve all the problem problems but at the end of the year there was an exchange of prisoners that one is striving for a season a fire which of course is not perfect but we will continue the work towards a nother summit which should bring some progress in terms of the minsk sequence and. We do have the will there so i think there is these were extensive talks and an important exchange of opinions and i do hope that they will lead to further events where germany and russia where russia and germany together with many other countries can make a contribution here towards giving Diplomatic Solutions a chance and for us to support the work of the United Nations in all these conflicts. We could have 2 questions. From the mens side we have to stand hong kong one thank you yes im correspondent of in moscow i would like to speak about libya with you the turkish president a few days ago sat said that there are 2000 so cause mercenaries in libya of the Russian Private military Enterprises Wagner my question to you mr president putin can you confirm this figured 2000 wagner mercenaries if this is not confirmed how many Russian Missile there is or mercenaries are in libya at present. And even if there are russian citizens. In the they did not represent the russian state and they dont receive any russian state money there are a number of mercenaries in libya and we know that these mercenaries operate in that country its a very dangerous process with discussed this with mr arab again we hope that. Once we. Reached an agreement we can afflicting parties. Would stop an armed conflict. And additional contingent of mercenaries would stop coming including from syria. Thank you very much a question from task please. And you see. Things we would like to ask your stream is it possible to complete the project. In context of sanctions and also the question is for mr merkel of germany. To thinnish this project. Youre looking at the live picture from moscow where the german chancellor Angela Merkel is standing right alongside the russian president Vladimir Putin theyre holding a press conference after Holding Meetings on talks in moscow this of course coming in midst as collating tensions in the middle east this is in fact Angela Merkels 1st visit to russia since may of 2018 and amongst the topics discussed as outlined by both leaders were iran libya as well as syria lets drill down a little deeper and bring instead and shes joining us from moscow to just summarize step what we heard from both leaders during this press conference and how significant merkels visit is to moscow. Well there is not a serious a very concrete outcome 6 from this press conference so far but its interesting of course there. Are a long review about the libya ceasefire that he she said that she totally supports the one and within having this announcement of a cease fire a call for a cease fire starting to morrow at midnight in libya and she also urged all the parties to come to berlin to join into it is this Peace Process that she is chairing and she also stressed that the United Nations is invited to participate she is hoping to have this these peace talks somewhere dismount but also interestingly during the questions to me britain was asked about the participation of russian a mercenaries in this conflict because they are sad to turkey sat that there are 2000. And raise this is a private company sending mercenary mercenaries to libya and the fight imma put in sad cant say that these are russian mercenaries because there is no such thing as a state funded mercenaries and they also dont receive any money from the state but of course this makes this whole situation very complicated russia has been accused of sending its mercenaries backing. Star and also keeps the negotiation and the communication open with the tripoli the un backed government in tripoli so its a very complicated situation but after the meeting in istanbul with no one there is this decision that there should be a cease fire but immediately after that. Said that he thanks to the president for getting involved but no thank you to the cease fire so its seems to be very unclear what is going to happen tomorrow at midnight but of course this watching it very carefully. Shes very worried that a lot of refugees will come again to europe and mainly come to germany ok a step vasant thank you for joining us from moscow lets now bring in our senior political analyst want to shadow his joining us here in the studio to break down what we heard from that press conference an angle of merkel did say to Vladimir Putin. Or she did say to the journalists rather that this was an important exchange if opinions but when it comes to their strategies of the region and particularly the issues that they just touched on iran libya and syria are their strategies aligned lets look at libya 1st well its actually. Its a very good way of describing it exchange of opinions because didnt seem to me like there was anything actionable coming out of this aside from. Attending the conference from berlin in berlin on libya so aside from that in principle. Clearly both of them are calling for a cease fire but we all know we all know that for several months now the government in libya to you and recognize government in libya has accepted the cease fire it is there on a good general huffed who rejected the ceasefire so every time they appealed to both sides in fact theyre not being honest that it is have to who needs to be in it stop firing and hence the call for the cease fire should have been a bit more targeted towards half that but its not because apparently the russians are still not too convinced and still support after aside or along with egyptians and immoralities and so on so forth the fact that president putin has agreed with or do on it seems to me that merkel has more or less outsourced this issue of libya and syria to turkey and russia so with the shifting balance of power by one in the middle east and then does that mean just to pick up on your point does that mean that berlin really has no choice but to trust moscow when it comes to dealing with answers like moscow and but but it is berlin that is hosting the meeting on libya and just to remind our viewers around the world quickly the supposed to be a 3 step process according to the u. N. One ceasefire to a meeting in berlin by none libyan parties who have stakes in libya like the 5 voting members the u. N. Security council plus turkey plus i dont know who the merkel just told us 5 additional ones and then venom bring in the libyan parties to talk to one another and arrive at a political solution so the conference is meant to be the 2nd of 3 steps for a solution in libya and what about when it comes to the issue of iran they touched upon the nuclear deal and merkel did address. Crane in flight that was downed in iran recently what was the takeaway message for you there for me it was that theyre sticking to the nuclear deal but it was a bit disappointing that theyre not going beyond that to say what they could meaning europe and russia do 2 words establishing but their confidence bridging etc etc between iran and the United States or what theyve said is that they are sticking to the deal they think the deal is a good thing and theyre going to continue to do it to trade with iran albeit through alternative mechanism than the usual conventional and on syria we know of course russia has leverage on influence in syria which. Merkel may not have its interesting that the tone is different on syria of course merkel mentioned it libya and the tragedy of the continuing war there the violence and so on so forth for putin it was in his words more peaceful more stable i would have said less violent less of a civil war but be that as it may hes trying to project a more positive. Image of whats going on in syria but we all know that the tragedy continues in the other parts of syria but yes as you said clearly now with the question of syria is between turkey and russia and yet i must add that for merkel and for europe both to both syria and libya are more of a question of. Destabilization and immigration than it is a question of strategy and solutions right ok thank you very much. Now taiwans independence president sighing has declared victory in the general election the declaration came shortly after the opposition candidate conceded defeat the vote has been seen as a choice between moving closer to china or continuing to resist beijings push for reunification but. The results of this election carry an added significance because they have shown that when our sovereignty and democracy are threatened the people will shout our determination even more loudly back over the past 3 years our ministry should have been firm on our bottom line on time. But we also continue to maintain healthy exchanges with china in the face of chinas diplomatic pressure and military threats we have maintained a nonprovocative non adventurous that has prevented serious conflict from breaking out in the taiwan straits scott hadleigh reports that size reelection is a rejection of chinas one country 2 systems policy. It was expected that she was she and the party the d. P. P. Were going to win this election but they won handedly in fact they broke records she broke a record of the most votes ever for president so really kind of resoundingly message coming from the people of taiwan on this election day and she reiterated some of the main points some of the feelings as to why they supported her and theres the support of the d. P. P. She said that they are reject this election is a rejection of chinas one country 2 systems policy that is the main message they really kind of has come across and obviously the people of taiwan the majority of people to want that picture as the president to lead that Initiative One thing that really inspired and shifted feelings toward the d. P. P. Toward her remaining as president happened since really july when those protests those prodemocracy protests in hong kong took place no one thing you really need to focus on you know the economy here is reliant on Mainland China but what people became very concerned about is when they saw how china was implementing the one country 2 systems and their iron fist and how the prodemocracy protesters were treated in hong kong so that was a very very a touchstone to the voters here and thats why you saw a big shift because just a year ago the Political Party the d. P. P. The ruling party and simon were on the ropes the political world they were not doing so well that they didnt fare well in a Regional Election in 2018 and there was even talk about the senior members encouraging her not to run for reelection what a difference just a couple of months have made and now squarely behind her the people of taiwan and squarely behind the idea that they want to reject one country 2 systems and that intimidation as as she has said from Mainland China. Demonstrations are taking place in the polish capital against a controversial law that judges honest if theyre critical off Court Reforms for more on this will bring an end zimbabwe is joining us from the polish capital warsaw so why are people so worried about the reforms. Who clearly they are and its not just the judges this demonstration here in warsaw is attracted many thousands of people including judges and Public Prosecutors from around the country but also from other European Countries as well for a bit more on this im joined by Professor Emeritus of vision whos a former a retired judge at the Constitutional Court professor exactly why do you think so many people have turned out what are the real threats in your eyes and in some of the publics eyes. The real trick is the question of the independence of the judiciary because if into late last few weeks based on the decision of the day European Court of justice and implementing this decision the judges who are ready to be a real judge of us now are under Disciplinary Procedures and against them the Public Prosecutor and officers of discipline or offices nominated by the minister of justice start it Disciplinary Procedures just because they puff law they do it to us that it means that firstly this is a Chilling Effect and secondly that we may not be as opposed judges any more european judges because the judge means independent judge and it means that no one can influence his or her decision not based on the new legal and moral and justice criteria. Now the European Commission has already been very critical of the polish government this new reform bill could end up being a reality if it does what do you expect the reaction from the e. U. To be and what implications does it have for polands. European union it means European Commission European Parliament under his situation they have already suffered shouldnt. Experience with the violation of the constitution and the european poll that they learned for the last 4 years what does it mean. Technologically technological change and domino effect if you violate the principle of rule of law then it would devalue elation of democracy and the constitution thank you very much for your time well the judges have been around the country campaigning to spread the message that their profession is under attack clearly they have got a fair amount of support at least here in warsaw next week the senate will be judging on this reform bill theyre likely to reject it because the opposition controls the upper house in parliament but it will go back to the lower house which is controlled by the ruling your and Justice Party in the next few months though this issue is likely to hold up here in poland and right and its in baba thank you. Governing party is voting to choose a new leader to replace Prime Minister Joseph Muscat he announced his resignation last month after his chief of staff was implicated in the murder of journalist duffel carolina weve barker reports in the capital. It is forever somber in baltar but a shadow looms over the mediterranean island allegations of crime and corruption in big business and high office and now people want change. Journalist a blogger daphne care either delved deep and ended up dead killed by a car bomb in 2017 near her home her son matthew heard the blast when my mother live there our side of human see it i heard them last i knew straight away that it was of on so i ran out of the. I saw the fire i saw the smoke bar there was absolutely nothing else with it are. This criminal organization has thinking gone through a single lever of the state and is using it to fire up my mother as they will she where our country is greet us the enemy. 3 men arrested in connection with the murder awaiting trial last november 1 of multis richest businessman you can fenech was arrested and charged with being an accomplice to the killing he denies involvement fenech implicated the maltese Prime Ministers chief of staff Keith Schembri as a coconspirator schembri was interrogated by police and released without charge he later resigned. Revelations led to rare protests demanding Prime Minister joseph muskets immediate resignation many think his office had a hand in the journalist death. Premise which must cut bowed to public pressure and step down kick starting a race to replace him former Health Minister Chris Furness the clear favorite for a few expect hell be able to cure voltar of its political ills i dont think there will be overnight change with regards to structural issues i think the new leader which will be eventually been your Prime Minister of morals are. Alone or will not be able and i dont i dont think there is even the will to change all this. At a final address to supporters on friday Joseph Muscat says he took the decision to resign for unity to win over hate recent scandals have led to a political awakening here and all the more protests against the labor party yes sure it remains really huge and enthusiastic and may suppose there is a myth that most i have Something Like the image crisis on a global stage the question is was the change of leader will really make a difference for the European Unions watching the crisis in its smallest member state closely its accused baltar of allowing dirty money to flow into europe using the island as a backdoor multitude lose a huge Voting Rights if its next leader doesnt bring crime under control hes park aljazeera the letter. One of the effects of Climate Change is rising sea levels which Scientists Say will displace millions of people but indonesias capital jakarta is facing another problem its sinking at an alarming rates reports from jakarta. Around 4000000 people live in water on the north coast of jakarta many stay in unsafe buildings and partially submerged streets like this is the water has had to raise the foundation of her home because of the high tides and rain that of course flooding in the area and thats because part of indonesias capital sinking of our own land and sea used to be the same level unlike now then they started Building Hotels and thats led to flooding we keep trying to raise our land higher but water keeps coming in. Under water digging and growing development is causing the land to sink in jakarta bay as water is pumped out the ground gradually subsides only 60 percent of jakartas population has access to a piped Water Service which means many have to use wells flooding is also common especially during the rainy season some of the rivers that run through the city are unable to drain water in 2017 a powerful deluge hit more about or destroying hundreds of homes. When the wall broke i heard a noise like an explosion walter came in like a little to my husband was pushed by the watch and broke his collarbone we had to rebuild everything. Parts of north dakota have sunk by up to 20 centimeters a year and several areas along the coast below sea level this mosque couldnt be salvaged now left lying hof submerged the government has since built defenses to protect the citys coastline but theyre also sinking into the mud. Built by the government to prevent the sinking of the sea water is still seeping through the cracks and many here say that without a Long Term Plan to cause or could be lost in the coming years. And parts of a sea wall collapsed last month adding further pressure. Authorities have also tried to enforce restrictions on extra. Water and new pumping systems experts say its not enough to save part of jakarta from going under water fast response. Against the sinking and of flooding in and in but it is like a pen killer only so we need to find a cure for. A subsidy to do grown what i suppose they said yeah. So we asked for what that bit or what the management to the government all the while sea levels are still rising because of Climate Change and many here in jakarta say they have nowhere else to go. But here Mohammed Al Jazeera jakarta lets get an update on the sports news with peter thank you very much talked to tennis players have set up their 1st title clash of the new year and we havent even got to the Australian Open yet rafa nadal spanish team will face serbia and know that chalk a bitch in the final of the inaugural a. T. P. Cup spain sealed their sponsors by beating hosts australia in the same means 1st a bit. But the pressure of nick cheerios in the 6164 victory and then rafael nadal was forced to 3 sets by alex damon or the world number one prevailing 61 in the decider all the more impressive when you consider his teams quarterfinal with belgium finished in the early hours of the morning. Had been. Getting on the march others have been playing at the very very high level and for me it was the energy was a little bit lower than than usual yes there have been a very long. Very conditions but yeah i have been a very emotional evening for me have been a pleasure to play in front of all of your guys. With serbia already one up in the tired joke of it was also pushed by russians daniel made video semifinal djokovic found himself a breakdown in the 2nd set and that wasnt the only thing to get broken taking on his frustrations on his racquet just look at their butt boy to be boisterous crowd in sydney before back in the 3rd set the pair sharing some great rallies of john which clinched the decider and with a place in the final and consider these initial criticism of another team event seems to be enjoying itself. To get to share this kind of quality moments on and off the court with them it feels like youre travelling with a family and and. That that gives you even more. Reason to keep on playing. So thats thats why i wouldnt say that im really fully focused on melbourne of course thats where i want to play my best but i this this time is different because a. T. P. Cup is really. More special now because preparations for the Australian Open have hit something of a bump the defending champion was knocked out of the Brisbane International in the same ease by titleholder catalina place cover the czech saved match point in the 2nd city and came back to beat osaka in 3 it ends the japanese players biggest career winning streak at 14 victories. Over in new zealand so obscene Serena Williams has reached the final at the altar in the classic she took just 45 minutes to beat 18 year old amanda anisim over the wasnt even born when williams won the 1st of a 23. 00 grand slam titles serena will play jessica pegged for the title. Le bron james overtook basketball legend Michael Jordan in the all time list of n. B. A. Career field goals on friday did this as he helped the Los Angeles Lakers to a 7th straight when they are top of the western conference its not been looking so good though for the Brooklyn Nets they had lost 7 straight as they took on the miami heat who are 2nd in the east miami were leading in the 3rd when Spencer Dinwiddie began to get brooklyn on a roll the andre jordan finishing his early europe did when he had a career with 16 assists to help his team out of there at. The worlds oldest professional footballer has just extended his contract for a 34th season because he or she turns 53 in february signed a new contract with the a. F. C. On saturday after the team secured promotion to the top flight and that is we will leave the sports news for now more for me again a little later during all right peter thank you very much for that and thanks for watching the news hour on al jazeera back in just a moment well have much more the days news coming your way all the days top stories we will see you in a minute thanks for watching by. Frank assessments the one good thing about these bushfires usage really the politics of Climate Change informed opinion economy i think is actually whats keeping donald trump afloat right now critical debate sequel on those 2 school board lawyers on d a bogus argument is astonishingly patronize an indepth analysis of the days headlines this is the beginning of a new iraq of the new conscious and aware youth about struggle against an ethnic sectarian cult or inside story on aljazeera. Culture a downs thrives here every day generations of tibetans continue to be a brace of detail their Cultural Heritage its a reminder of who they are and whether. This is a suburb of the it be a capital new delhi tibet so be refugees here since 964 buttons here have been defined as migrants are not refugees because india hasnt signed up to the one 951. 00 Un Convention on refugees so tibetans here have been able to access the Indian Welfare system so they become selfsufficient starting a pair of businesses and looking for work independently but for some its not enough. Hes notorious for creating Fake Passports the food and flowers hes. One of many speaks the most a forger as he reveals the secrets of the strike on aljazeera. Aljazeera. For unfortunately because of a very small decision made by an individual this tragedy happened. Irans revolutionary guard admits it mistakenly shot down a ukrainian airliner on wednesday killing all 176 people on board. Watching aljazeera life from a headquarters and. Also a heads ukraine says iran must offer a formal apology pay compensation to the families and bring those responsible to justice. A call for peace in libya from the leaders of germany and russia. More insult on top of a long time ruler known for promoting peace

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