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Reject a call for a cease fire going against a plea from turkey and russia. Iran is denying accusations that a missile strike was the cause of the ukrainian jet crash near tehran on weapons day its calling the allegations against them quote psychological warfare video posted by the New York Times appears to show the moment a missile hit the plane near tehrans airport the video shows a small explosion when the aircraft was so apparently struck but the jet did not immediately explode the plane continued flying for several minutes and turned back towards the airport whilst it was still on fire alan fischer as more. This was taken seconds before a ukrainian passenger jet crashed near tehran security cameras captured the dramatic moment of impact on the ground 176 people died including 63 canadians that countrys Prime Minister says it was down by in a rainy and missile we have intelligence from multiple sources including our allies and our own intelligence. The evidence indicates that the plane was shot down by entering in a surface to air missile the plane came down just 4 hours after iran had fired a volley of missiles towards the u. S. Bases in iraq the country was on high alert for possible u. S. Or television asked if he blamed america for escalating tensions in the area Prime Minister trudeau said a full investigation was needed before fingers were pointed i think it is too soon to be drawing conclusions or assigning blame or responsibility and whatever proportions iranian officials insist the aircraft the Ukrainian International boeing 737800 had a problem and was headed back to the airport they say there were other planes in the area deborah from the plane was scattered over a wide area the socalled black boxes a cockpit voice recorder and a flight data recorder have been recovered they even say they wont be handing them over to boeing but will conduct an investigation and keep ukraine informed its been reported that deborah has been bulldozed into a pile at the scene making a forensic analysis almost impossible but one expert told us the dead might be the best witnesses there could be evidence with literally within the bodies of the victims that could point to whether or not for example an explosion took place inside or outside of the air. Earlier in the day u. S. President donald trump said he feared the worst it was flying at a pretty rough neighborhood and somebody could have made a mistake some people say was mechanical i personally dont think thats. Even a question the communion presently flowers at the. Shift memorial at the airport where the plane was due to land he called for canadian experts to join the investigation its understood many of the victims had jule nationalities families are no painfully waiting to find out when the bodies will be returned and they can see their final goodbye and alan joins us live now from washington so alan boeing has been invited into the process but we dont know if theyre going to get access to the black box flight recorders and theres also an additional difficulty in that the iranians are saying there was some damage to the recorders the 2 recorders one is a cockpit voice recorder so you will hear whether or not the pilot said anything at all about being struck or the problems that they had and certainly the tower at Toronto International airport says that there was no contact with the pilots atoll and then there is the data recorder it will give the details of the flight i mean well point to the idea of whether or not there was some external problem or whether there was an internal problem but as our expert said they maybe dont need those boxes if the investigators can get to the bodies can get on to the ground they might be able to build a picture the bodies might tell more than the flight recorders possibly could and we know that the canadians dont have any representation in tehran they are working through the italians their country they have a number of investigators in turkey waiting for approval and once that comes from the government in tehran they will send those people in but if the reports that were hearing from tehran are that this site is being bulldozed that will make their task difficult not impossible but more difficult but one thing is for sure clearly here alan this is going to be a long long process that will involve multiple agencies and multiple representatives from different countries. And it was interesting that the canadian Prime Minister said look this might have been a mistake the timing is very important this was just 4 hours after iran had fired a volley of rockets towards the u. S. Bases in iraq a number of International Airlines had decided they were going to fly through a radius piece they decided to avoid that area speaking to one expert earlier today that if this was the Russian Missile system that we think was in place there is every possibility that it was an automatic so if it perceived a threat it would fire it could be something as simple as someone not switching that Missile System off of automatic but that is something that will come out in the war and certainly is something that the canadians and the ukrainians want to check out the want to be able to look at all the evidence before they draw any final conclusions but certainly what Justin Trudeau is seeing is that from the intelligence thats been gathered from the only evidence that they have gathered then they believe this may well have been a plane that was done by in a really a missile thanks very much daniel lakas our correspondent in toronto daniel youve been talking to the families. Peter the devastated Iranian Canadian Community today and yesterday when the news 1st came in of this plane being shot down or having an accident or whatever i have to say this will only add to their grief to their worry now a lot of the people that we did speak to or reach out to they were very reluctant to speak its a sad time for them an unbelievable devastating time but we were also asked by some not to raise this question on camera about what if it was a deliberate act or an accidental act from outside the plane a missile we did hear from Community Leaders who said this will add to the grief it will add to the wall and frankly this is not a community the Iranian Canadian Community the. It is in any way in support of the Iranian Regime most of them started coming here around the time of the revolution in 1979 and theyve flown in or flowed in over the years 210000 of them their politics when they do take part in it tends to be focused around getting access to their families in iran and being able to transfer gifts and things like that back and forth and thats been difficult for them with the lack of diplomatic relations and the sanctions against iran so this is just i dont know its an unimaginable situation for these people right now and this latest news is not going to make it any better is that is it doubly difficult here because the repatriation of the bodies might be a longer process than everyone would like because what was 820122030 mr harper cut diplomatic ties with tehran. You know absolutely that is a huge concern in fact people are saying that the funerals might have to be held in iran itself with family if they have family there who can conduct them muslim people do tend to want the funerals to happen as quickly as possible and any idea that the bodies have to be examined to determine whether or not this was a missile or some sort of external event i think that will add to the horror as well that its not the sort of thing anyone would want to think about at a time of bereavement and this is a time of mass bereavement across the Iranian Canadian Community daniel thanks very much tanya lack reporting live in toronto well irans state t. V. Is reporting that tehran is searching bowing to send its representatives to join the process as weve been hearing here on the news investigation the black box flight recorders richard marquees is a retired f. B. I. Agent and was the chief of the law could be tosk force he joins us on skype from san Diego Richard marquees good to have you here on the program so as far as we know so far there were 2 blips on a radar screen than a 3rd blip the aircraft turned round to try to get back to the airport but didnt make it what do you think happened. Well they did best the haitian hopefully will tell and i well im glad but i heard that boeing was invited to come and examine the black boxes because that certainly is a key to find out if this was a normal flight that was going in one direction or from fact there may have been about function that caused the bias to come back but thats something that i think that the black boxes will be able to tell at some point soon is it conceivable that the iranian authorities could invite boeing in as theyve done and then once the boeing people arrive in tehran the iranian Authorities Say actually you cant have or get access to the flight recorders i think theres going to be a lot of International Pressure brought to bear because of the number of people from all over particularly i mean the people of iran would like to know they lost the most number of people canada lost over 60 people on that flight there are a number of governments that have a vested interest and i think everybody would like to know whether this was an aircraft falling out of the sky or if it was an unfortunate manmade event which in either case its a terrible tragedy clearly the investigates is and all the the countries of origin of the people who were on board the flight they want to hear what was going on up front when the pilot works something appalling was happening but do they need to get information beyond that from the flight recorders because once the bodies are repatriated there will be some sort of d. N. A. Swapping process and theyll be able to tell if there is residue of some sort of catastrophic explosive event that took place on pull the aircraft. Its possible unfortunately that is a long drawn out process to find bodies of body parts ive been involved in other aircraft accidents and disasters and getting into bodies and doing this while being sent looking for residue im hopeful that if this was indeed a tragic accident that the government of iran will come forward and say we made a terrible mistake at least that would be some i would say solace thats terrible word but it will be a lot of something for the families to least understand what happened and have to question it until someone comes back with a positive or negative swapping which may or may not be that final answer other questions as well to be honest over the airline back at base in ukraine in this much is ultimately part of the Decision Making process to say yes it is safe to fly goes down to the kariya. Well clearly and every airport in the world thousands of airports all over the world their aircraft take off every single that many countries have star 1st air missiles many countries have. You know issues and i would like to think that if the iranian air Traffic Controllers cleared that plane to leave the others the other day that they were not aware of any hostilities or surface to air missiles being fired i dont know i know this was around the same time that missiles were being fired into iraq and i think the investigation is going to have to show if in fact it was at all related to that or if this was just some other terrible tragedy that occurred but it it makes us all worry because we all fly d many people around every day and get on airplanes and you dont want to think that missiles going to bring your flight down enough of the things to worry about being on a plane whats going on with the technology here because at some point we assume somebody pressed a button that had the wood fire printed on it or you fire a missile at an aircraft the technology i was so good i can pull up flight radar 24 on my phone and it can tag and identify croft anyplace in the world and yet it would seem that the system that was on the ground in tehran couldnt do that. Well im not an expert in the technology of baby age it obviously has changed in the 30 plus years since the pan am 103. 00 disaster technology its got a lot better and everybody remembers the iran air bus flight 655 in july of 1988 when a u. S. Military ship shot accidentally shot down in the right air bus a commercial flight because it didnt properly read what type of light it was but as you said technology has changed so much i dont believe this was an accident. But i dont i cant believe that someone would it tensional shoot down a commercial airliner. To kill innocent people i find it very difficult to believe you know no matter how good or bad any particular government may be much of marquees in san diego thank you very much thank you sir. Most still to come here in the news including returning to the streets french workers continue their protest against Pension Reforms the transport strike entering its 36th day. And an envoy to the u. N. Warns the sahil region is experiencing a devastating surge in violence and the smallest news with far we might not see protests like this any more of the 2020 olympics in tokyo love the details for you in about 35 minutes. The u. S. House of representatives has just passed a war powers resolution it limits President Trumps ability to take military action against iran as the fallout from the assassination of the iranian general concepts the money continues the measures are known binding before the votes the House Speaker nancy pelosi said the killing of somali was provocative and disproportionate. What happened. In the view of many of us is not at promoting peace but in escalation not that we have any confidence and the goodness. Of the good intentions of of iran. And we certainly do not respect an actor my intelligence background know just how bad film money was. Not because we expect good things from them but we expect great things from us. Ok lets bring in Bill Schneider hes a Public Policy fessor at George Mason University in washington Bill Schneider welcome back to aljazeera yesterday this time we were reporting on how your President Donald Trump was clearly signaling a deescalation in this crisis with iran so. In congress whats the issue while pelosi and the democrats in congress are just furious over the whole iran episode they think that the president acted in a risky full hearty manner that he didnt heed of course did not consult congress these days president s rarely do before taking military action and they want to make sure that the president at least is symbolically required to inform congress before anything like this ever happens again in the near future especially with regard to iran who palosi has put together correct me if im wrong he is utterly unique in the annals of u. S. Political history so does it mean that in the future if mr trump wants to do something similar or who have a follows mr trump wants to do something similar theyve got to Tell Congress we are doing it or have they got to go to congress and explain the strategy as well. Well thats what Congress Wants but you know what this aint going to happen it be itll pay it has passed the house which is a democratic majority but its wont pass the senate which as a republican majority and President Trump no president fact will sign this bill so it will not go into effect its more less a statement that congress is unhappy with the risky way in which President Trump took action against iran without informing Congress Without consulting experts really on his own authority if for example that had been a dozen americans all not ukrainian plame what do you think mr trump would be doing now he be very angry as were most Many Americans and they demand a complete explanation and probably in apology for moran there were no i dont believe there were any americans i havent heard any reports are americans on that fright but that would have raise the possibility that it was an intentional action by iran and the president where have demanded a complete investigation by the United States with the cooperation of iranian authorities if that were possible so on the one hand youre selling us that weve now got this newly reinvigorates it idea of a war powers act but on the other hand its pretty much worthless because any us president can do what they wont thats right thats been true for the last 80 Years Congress has given the power to declare war in the constitution but the last Time Congress declared war was after pearl harbor the end of 1941 were going to war many times vietnam military action was really a war the invasion of iraq under the president the 2nd president bush and congress has never really gotten involved in those they did vote to authorize the use of force against terrorists after 911 which is the legal justification used by president s since 2001 to take military action but that thats a very feeble role for congress to play it has no Real Authority over war and peace the way the constitution stated when it was written there was a new. Poll out today Bill Schneider 55 percent of americans now feel less safe than they did a week ago so what was the point of the last 6 days in the middle east. The idea was that americans should feel more safe but with trump in office he comes out as taking great risks of doing things impetuously which worries the American People a lot you know he but he had lost a lot of Political Support over the past year in any case and for the president to do Something Like this to take action an assassination really of an iranian government figure without consulting with experts in the white house the state department the military appear to have problems with this that got through to the American People and he did not earn from many points the fact is we are not seeing what we usually see in a military crisis which is why posters call a rally around the flag effect americans instinctively rush to support the president in a military confrontation that is not happening now Bill Schneider in washington thank you sir. Turning our attention to syria where russia and turkey have announced a cease fire in italy province the countrys last rebel held stronghold the poerson fighting began hours ago and hundreds of people have been killed in the past year a reporter jamal sheil has more from encourage this latest agreement between russia and turkey 2 of the most Significant International players when it comes to syria is going to be much welcome news not least for the civilians of it live who have been suffering ongoing bombardment by the Syrian Regime of Bashar Assads forces as well as actually certain instances of russian attacks on it for several months now since april 2900 some 700000 civilians have fled italy its estimated 300000 of those have fled just in the past month alone and the vast majority if not all of them have been directing towards turkey adding more strain and burden on a country thats already hosts millions of refugees thats one of the main reasons why turkey has been pushing going to calling for a cessation of hostilities for a reduction in those attacks and for not for complete and through them for some time now what has changed things what has convinced the russians to do that im not quite sure about the russians didnt answer to a deal was made and was being implemented as of 2 pm local time on thursday this comes on the eve of the u. S. A special representative to syria James Jeffries his planned visit to turkey whether thats connected to prepare for something bigger and bigger announcements are not quite sure but in and of itself this latest agreement is extremely significant because not only will it maybe stem the flow of refugees fleeing from italy but it will also allow for much needed aid by humanitarian organizations to reach the desperate people inside that syrian city the u. N. Secretary general has called in the u. N. Security council to help make sure aid can be delivered to people in province. We very much hope that members of Security Council will come together and agree on some type of resolution which will allow us to continue cross border delivery of humanitarian aid the situation in the north west in the north east of syria is critical. Every day we talk about the increased humanitarian suffering it would be that much worse if we would not have access to them through cross Border Operations well escalating violence in a devastating effect on humanitarian conditions there as strikes and other attacks by russia and Syrian Government forces of displaced nearly 300000 people from the area just since december children and women are the most affected at least 175000 children have been forced to leave thousands of families are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance aid agencies have provided food and cash to over 180000 people going on romani is an advocacy manager for the Syria Campaign he joins us from california kynan ramani is there anything left of what we would have recognized a few years ago as being it lived. Unfortunately this is the worst humanitarian crisis in the entire syrian conflict and thats difficult for people to imagine after almost 9 years now but weve seen in the past military campaign by the assad regime in russia over 1000000 people displaced from their homes since april at least 312000. 00 have been displaced just in the last month and a half 80 percent of those people are children and now theyre living under tents and all of trees and the conditions are absolutely dire and its made worse by the deliberate targeting by the assad regime in russia of hospitals at least 50 deliberate attacks on hospitals and lived in the past few months and in addition to that russia is now vetoing the uns assistance into it live across the Turkish Border so it is an absolutely horrible situation and this cease fire we hope it will stay when we talk about the cease fire staying is this the same situation that we have seen replicate suits over the past 3 years in certain areas in syria where they announce a cease fire it sticks generally in place because theres nothing left to fight over. Well unfortunately the assad regime and russia have made many ceasefire deals over the past few years and each of the areas that have been you know the terms of a cease fire the assad regime has gone in russia has gone in has bombed its way and taken over those areas and we fear that that will happen and it live we should keep in mind that there was a ceasefire announced in live on august 31st of last year and before that almost a year earlier there was another cease fire and i wasnt living in each of the cease fires just as with every single agreement that the russians and the regime has made the cease fires are then broken and the regime continues its brutal military onslaught and we hope that this time will be different and it is really turkeys responsibility here turkey was able to deploy a massive military force in northeast syria for objectives that did not serve humanitarian interests and in northwest syria where millions of people over 4000000 peoples faith rely and depend on this ceasefire turkey has that responsibility to ensure that these people remain safe and to keep the leverage against russia and the assad regime what do you think the u. N. Contributing countries in the n. G. O. S whats the main priority here for those tens of thousands of people whove either had to leave for their still their suffering. Well the priority is the 4000000 people who are still stuck there theres nowhere for them to go they cant go to turkey the borders close they cant go to other parts of the country theyre stuck there and now theyre living in horrible conditions without the toilets without Running Water with nothing at all and just living under the all of the trees and its winter its cold and now the humanitarian assistance is being threatened to be completely stopped and you know we should be clear the uns humanitarian response and it has been very very underfunded and less than adequate in addressing the needs and the situation will get much worse if by january 10th there isnt a renewal of the cross border aid resolution ok we have to leave it there but good to talk to your mommy in california. Still to come here on the news hour for you. Melissa releases recordings that appear to show its former leader covering up corruption. Also head you came peace finally approved the e. U. Withdrawal bill find out why leaving isnt the end of the brics and you see a ships. Company can. Keep. Tempers flare at the a. T. P. Cup in australia more details coming up next hour in the sports news in about 20 minutes. Hello there watching a big storm developing into southern sections of the United States budget cloud to the north and we have seen a fair amount of snow even some sleet pushing into washington d. C. Can see the tourists still doing the tourista visiting despite the weather but as i say where he is now about the south you can see this amount of rain beginning to build really coming out of texas and the little sweep its way very steadily east was over the next couple of days there are plenty of warnings in place for floods the flash floods but also for the threat of tornadoes weve got some very warm air in place ahead of this big system so as you get the cold air behind the very moist warm air ahead of that this is where theyre going to see this long line of thunderstorms really developing a look at the time it is behind once it goes through minus 2 the high in kansas city on saturday night could of course ton some of that rain over to snow were going to mix out across the Pacific Northwest weve got some snow flurries building in but you know its too bad as we head into the 1st part of the weekend its a virus of a quiet picture through much of the caribbean but that same system developing in the southern sections the United States that really begin to develop some again see quite a line of rain showers working the way throughout the gulf and of course we have got the usual showers elsewhere very unsettled certainly into the northern bahamas but still staying warm in the with a high of 26 degrees. To be a child is to be innocent and carefree but it comes to an abrupt end with the burden of younger children. With a mother behind bars for siblings misspend for each other and decide whether to stick together. With the family in the hope of a chance across the Us Mexico Border the other side of the witness documentary out is that. It is murder when you throw a firebomb into someones home and meet sheet off trash you know after the next not insignificant in the numbers that insignificant ideologically that is significant even as a crime to get down very significant by dictating the government and the fucked up policy he vows shalt not kill part of the radicalized series on aljazeera. All. To. Welcome back youre watching the news hour live from the heart these are your headlines iran is denying accusations that a missile strike was the course of a ukrainian 737 crashed into iran on weapons a foreign leaders including the u. S. The u. K. And canada all saying there is intelligence suggesting the aircraft was downed by an Iranian Missile. The u. S. House of representatives has passed a bill to limit President Trumps ability to take military action against iran the House Speaker nancy pelosi. So the assassination of customs for the money was quote provocative and disproportionate to. Russia and turkey have an icy ceasefire in the countrys last rebel held stronghold hundreds of people have been killed there in the last year. And Iranian Revolutionary guard commander has warned a missile attack on a base hosting u. S. Troops in iraq is only the beginning of the retaliation that will continue across the region ali. Says weapons days strikes werent meant to kill soldiers but to damage the American Military machine for such a body as in tehran bomb a country in mourning thursdays Memorial Ceremony began in the supreme leaders residence in tehran. The commander in chief of irans armed forces accompanied by the man who has replaced is sassing to general assumes all the money as head of the revolutionary guards whats force. Similar Memorial Services were held across the country to mark the u. S. Killing of general salim on the impact that on friday. And on wednesday this was around on this response this video was broadcast on state t. V. It appears to show members of the revolutionary guard loading ballistic missiles. Before launching them into the night sky their target a military base across the border in iraq housing u. S. Soldiers the man in charge of that operation is the head of irans revolutionary Guard Aerospace unit Brigadier General allie hodges. In. A padded room with 4 red ball the missile attack conducted against the u. S. Military base was a move that god willing will be continued in iran was not after killing u. S. Personnel our goal was to hit u. S. Military equipment. An immediate diplomatic solution to the crisis seems unlikely iran wants u. S. Forces to permanently lead. The gulf region i think the revenge for dont fully money for in years is something very a strategy and for lying to her and as the leader himself also mentioned it is to make the americans leave their region and i think that many nations in the region also are supporting this political thesis the us says its targeting of hossam cell the money in an airstrike was in response to an attack in iraq in which an American Contractor was killed and for which it blames iran. But a recent unclassified memo appears to contradict trumps claims that general salim money pose an immediate danger to the United States iranian officials have united in their response the solomonic for now a number of countries are trying to use all political channels to the escalate tensions between the United States and iran but so amman is that is not likely to open a path of dialogue between the 21 time adversaries. North of the bari outers there are terror on. Well iranian and u. S. Officials had a face off at the u. N. For the 1st time since the killing of customs and money irans foreign minister Mohammad Javad zarif was unable to attend a session in new york because the u. S. Refused to grant him a visa the u. S. Has continued to justify the assassination of cinema but it found backing for the action limited even among its own allies diplomatic editor james bays has more from the u. N. This was a Security Council debate about the uns founding document the United Nations charter keyed to International Law and also central in arguments about the legality of actions by both the us and iran in recent days on us the Us Ambassador kelly crafts as the charter justifies their assassination of general sort of money pursuant to article 51. 00 that says nations have the right to selfdefense exactly the same article is invoked by iran to explain its missile attack on u. S. Bases in iraq are generally 8th action against an air base in iraq from which they cowardly on the attack against mortars and soleimani was launched was a measured and proportionate response to a terrorist attack in their existence and there exists an inherent right to selfdefense in accordance with article 51. 00 of the charter. Perhaps unsurprisingly both russia and china took a rum side then being. Only at present the United States unilateral military adventurism has led to the tensing up of the situation in the middle east gulf region china supports a call for peace by secretary general guitars at this meeting once again the u. S. Is closest allies were not giving a full throated endorsement of President Trumps most recent actions 5 new members join the Security Council at the beginning of the year and diplomats believe the council as a whole is now slightly less favorable to the u. S. Than it was a year ago james 0 at the United Nations libyan wall or to leave after it has rejected calls by turkey and russia for a cease fire to be implemented by sunday the 2 countries support opposing sides in the conflict moscow backs have to use forces have been trying to seize tripoli since april turkey has become deploying troops to support the un recognized government based in the capital e. U. Leaders are banding together on the political front warning that libya could become a 2nd syria if the cease fire is not reached soon well he for half the time has held talks with the italian Prime Minister tzipi conti in rome as part of separate diplomatic efforts to bring an end to the conflict in libya italy has urged the e. U. To increase its efforts to stabilize the situation its concerned about the proximity of libya to the italian island of sicily and the number of people who try to get away from the violence. In the capital tripoli he says the battle for control of the city is constant this is one of the civilian houses that were hit by rockets launched by forces loyal to the warlord that on wednesday nights as you can see here this big hole in the concrete ceiling was caused by the rockets. Inside downstairs there is major damage this direction everywhere but the owners of this house tell us that they are grateful that they were not inside when the rocket hit but nevertheless they say that there are many elderly people in this building they are with chronic diseases there was transferred to medical centers to receive medical treatment immediately after the attack this area was hit dozens of times by half those forces on wednesday night this area in the vicinity of airport the only operational airport has been hurt many times by forces loyal to the warlords leave for have to either by rockets or airstrikes so many times since he launched the military campaign to seize tripoli back in april multiple attacks on this area led many civilians to leave their homes more antigovernment demonstrations are planned across iraq has the political crisis there continues to deepen people are gathering in various cities for a mass march the shuttle to take place on friday they say the political system is corrupt and most iraqis are being kept in poverty follows months of violent protests demanding an overhaul of the government about 460. 00 people have been killed in the past 3 months. Turkeys foreign minister says he doesnt want to rock to become a war zone for foreign powers become a sort of has visited baghdad and offered support to the iraqi president. As well as the caretaker Prime Minister. He says iran and the u. S. Must respect iraqi sovereignty simple solution in istanbul she says the turkish government is focused on deescalation. It has stepped up to play a meditation role between mainly the United States and iran this is what they have set out loudly and the purpose of the visit by foreign minister job sure that iraq is also again for this meditation let me 1st state that turkey always supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of neighboring countries mainly iraq syria and iran because also they have some kurdish communities and the output Kurdistan Workers Party are also active in those countries thats why the turkey believes that the neighbors are territorial integrity and so very nitty is also the same for itself and turkey and iraq has both economic relations and political cooperation and from time to time they come together especially for combating terrorism issues Like Fighting against iceland is a very important issue but this visit was specific with set up to the escalate the current tension between iran and the United States and thats why the foreign minister childish all the said that turkey welcomed the relatively positive statements by both the us President Donald Trump last night and from the iranian side turkey says it is committed to. Commit to to help iraq in its reconstruction. To europe unions in france have held a nationwide strike against president s emanuel pension reform plans the protests. Over a month now. Are expected to continue on friday which is in powers. Have been protests against the french governments plan Pension Reforms for more than a month now for 5 weeks in fact transport workers have been on strike and that is meant a major travel disruptions up and down the country as trains buses metro transit says severely reduced the trade Union Leaders of all is a 4th nationwide day of action that is more like here in the center of areas there are people from all sections of french working society you have a Doctors Health workers accountants. My left there are lots of teachers many schools and universities are shut today and what they are always saying is they are worried that the french governments reforms will mean that they will have to work. And that they will have their pensions reduced. The Pension Reforms will be a huge catastrophe in our protests may take time but we must win not just for us but for our children and grandchildren what he wants to impose on this is a. System where everybody is going to sound selfish. People are joining this march and really its a pretty big crowd now no opinion polls suggest that despite all the disruption that a majority of french people still support the strike that is fueling theres no doubt that there is pressure on both the trade unions and the french government to do something to try and break the stalemate that the french government says that this reform is necessary to try to streamline the Pension System safe money and make it fairer and this week the french Prime Minister said wofully said that both sides trade unions and the government have to follow. To find a way to be and pass. The bill which will be presented to the competent on january 24th is necessary to guarantee parity of the trade unions have a better proposal a more intelligent one on which they agree and then i assure you i will take into account what sort of trade unions and protesters here want is for the government to scrap their pension reform was all together with the french government wants to try and appeal to some of the more moderate trade unions with some modifications to the bill well 2 talks between the trade unions and the British Government receive on friday. After months of turmoil the u. K. Sense of common sense finally passed the brics it Withdrawal Agreement bill it will now go to the opera house for approval the result does pave the way for the u. K. To leave the e. U. On january the 31st after that there will be a one year period of transition the 2 sides have to come up with a deal on the future relationship in that time he used chief negotiator Michel Barnier says it wont be possible to reach a comprehensive agreement with the u. K. In 12 months earlier we spoke to new parker about what lies ahead in those negotiations. The e. U. Has repeatedly said that it wont go easy on the United Kingdom having some very warm words though from the new e. U. Commission chief delay and she has promised unprecedented cooperation she said a partnership that goes beyond trade and is close when it comes to things like Climate Action Data Protection fisheries energy so on and so forth but just to remind you this bill thats currently going through parliament includes a clause which means that there cannot be a further extension so if there isnt any Economic Partnership by the end of the year then well britain ends up leaving the European Union on something of a cliff edge johnson is hoping to have an Economic Partnership in place by july thats very very soon many people think about but maybe a little bit too ambitious but johnson says he can achieve it. Has released audio recordings of the former Prime Minister najib razak asking Abu Dhabis Crown prince for help covering up corruption as part of the Anti Corruption commissions investigation into the one m d b Corruption Scandal in one recording 90 basques the crown prince to help clear his son on Money Laundering accusations. d yes you know in the world. Right into the very back very seriously something very very i would d hear again because robbie. Knievel ill go in there and also for your for you and your. So let me good investor we you know be so close we need to resolve it. Well Michael Hershman is president and c. E. O. Of the Fairfax Group which specializes in Corporate Risk management he says very few people knew the tapes existed and their release was unexpected. The trial has been ongoing in malaysia many documents have been entered into evidence many statements taken many witnesses called but no one expected to uncover these sorts of taped conversations between the highest officials in toujours directions it remains to be seen as to whether he will be found guilty but i see the evidence is overwhelming and i do believe he will be hell to count others have already been held to account we dont know who made them we dont know whether they were made for example by the Intelligence Services of malaysia or they were provided by someone on the other end of the conversation in the usa he regardless of whether theyre found to be admissible into evidence they show a pattern of misconduct a pattern of cover up which is a model for what not to do in 2015 i specifically called on a g. P. To come clean to admit what hes been involved and to apologize and seek for forgiveness he chose a different path he chose a path of cover up and frankly this is one of the worst cover up situations that ive run into in the course of the many investigations ive done over the years. At least 20 soldiers have been killed during an attack in the northeast of Nigeria Military sources say members of an armed group stormed the town among goodnow in borno state on tuesday evening some residents had to flee their homes for safety there are fears of more casualties this is the latest in a surge of attacks across west africa saw held region the Un Special Envoy to west africa as one the Security Council the violence in. Unprecedented levels the number of People Killed during attacks in booking a fast so mali and asia jumped from 770 in 2016 to more than 4000 last year but you know faso is one of the hardest hit countries where the death toll increased from 80 in 2016 to more than 1900 in 2019 the humanitarian cost is also growing the u. N. Estimates the violence has displaced half a 1000000 people a 10 fold increase in 3 years. Says violence is escalating in this region. From the nigerian side weve seen an uptick in violence over the past few months and its the same across the sahara over the last 2 or 3 months the trend is more daring attacks by groups fight groups in the region boko haram in nigeria Islamic State i so Islamic State in the levant in this area would see several attacks especially in the border areas of mali booking a fossil energy as well as on the lake chad side where weve seen several attacks inside cameroon in nigeria in the gerrards of and of course chod i recently there were reports of chaldean troops withdrawing from the idea which was confirmed by the judge you know authorities but they said its an indication that their tour of duty in nigeria has ended so violence in the region in west africa is actually on the high side following the relaunch of several attacks and violent activities by armed groups in the area australias bushlike crisis is expected to get even worse there is another Mass Evacuation called the heavily populated parts of the southeast warnings are out for areas of South Australia New South Wales and victoria and fires are also threatening homes near perth. Still to come on out to sea or of the sports news runs football to suffer a setback in the bid to qualify for the olympics. Was. All. Time for sports news as far as. Thanks very much the International Olympic committee has warned that political protests will not be tolerated at this years summer games in tokyo on thursday the i. O. C. As top officials met in los and announced new guidelines stating that taking a political stand on the field of play will be prohibited athletes will be allowed however to express political opinions during official media settings and on social media actual punishment for protests will be decided on a case by case basis. We want people to understand and athletes to understand the. Athletes that come from different backgrounds and different understandings and heroes so many more athletes and Olympic Games that benefit from the solidarity principle. And if we can look at and try and get us to understand when youre going to the Olympic Games youre going as a team and not as an individual the olympics of course has a history of political protests the most iconic of which is arguably the black power salute at the 1968 olympics in mexico city u. S. Sprinters tommie smith and john carlos raised their fist to protest against racism in the United States both athletes were suspended by their country not by the i. O. C. In 1960 a protest against having to represent Great Britain irish high jumper Peter Oconnor wave the golden harp ireland forever flag after receiving is so were a medal at rio 2016 marathon at silver medalist a free said lisa crossed his wrists at the finish line to support protesters in his home region. Earlier we spoke to sports journalist stuart ware whos covered numerous Olympic Games he says the new measures by the i. O. C. Are a positive step. But i think the i. O. C. Is trying to say their statement use the word sport is neutral and must be separate from political and religious or any other kind of interference i think that theyre trying to make the focus of the olympics be on the sport on the competition not to allow any athlete to hijack it for their own political reasons i think you have to stress that athletes are not being judged because when theyre talking to the media they can say whatever they like its simply that theyre not allowed to needle don or put a fist up like the the 2 did in 68. 00. I mean of course there will always be issues arose the olympics but i think its quite a good thing for the i. O. C. To be saying this is the festival of sport and we want to keep it that way you know if you want to protest about racism in america do it in america or do it at the American Embassy dont do it in the midst of. The Olympic Games which really has no jurisdiction there serious footballers have taken a small step towards qualification for this years Tokyo Olympics had been to nail down 2 cats are in their asian under 23. 00 Championship Group match a competition doubling as an olympic all fire but they grabbed a last gasp equaliser and there briefly match in bangkok. Around were playing defending champions is back a stab in the iranian side helping their cause but this really miss ali so jari with a moment to forget the match finished and a 11 draw england captain herrick a need surgery and faces a race against time to be fit for euro 2020 autonomy striker will go under the knife to fix a hamstring injury sustained during his clubs loss to southampton on january 1st spurs have to perm that he wont resume training until at least april with the euros beginning on june 12th. A political majority of stunned barcelona in the semifinals of the spanish super cup they came from behind with 2 late goals to win 32. 00 at logical will now face city rivals around which are in the final this is the 1st time a 14 many tournaments is being used to decide the cup russia have reached the semifinals of tenniss a. T. P. Cup in australia but their top player Daniel Medvedev could face punishment after twice striking the umpires chair in anger. Mark. Goldberg cant really get used to the court. But with his skating with 8 point penalty after this meltdown last years u. S. Open runner up did go on to win his match against argentina as diego schwartzman. Carlos has extended his overall lead at the dakar rally saints became the 1st repeat stage winner at this years event which is being held in saudi arabia as the time dakar and world rally champion is now 6 minutes clear at the top of the standings and thats all your sport for now more later more news in about 3 minutes ill see the. One of the really special things that working for others here is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much empathy and contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else working for us as you know its very challenging the body but to be there because you have a lot of people that are divided on political issues we are with the people we live to tell the real stories are just mended used to deliver indepth journalism we dont feel inferior to the audience across the globe. Frank assessments the one good thing about these bush bars is that you really wipe them out all of the Climate Change informed opinions economy i think is actually whats keeping donald trump afloat right now critical debate cyclone goes through school youve been told what the law is all d about this argument is astonishingly patronize an indepth analysis of the days headlines this is the beginning of a new iraq of the new conscious and aware of youth about struggle against an ethnic sectarian kota inside story on aljazeera. Violence is power. Tools its the political wild card the consummately shapes world order the structure that is defended at all cost. Ph with the support of the people fall through the crushing of their will. People in power exposes the use and abuse of power around the world. On aljazeera. We understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the wound is another matter when you will be the news and Current Affairs that matter to you. World leaders say there are indications an Iranian Missile may have caused the crash of a ukrainian aircraft. But im not cmon he said ill be youre watching aljazeera live from doha also coming up the u. S. House of representatives approves a nonbinding bill to limit President Trumps ability to attack iran without congressional approval. Russia and turkey announce a cease fire in syrias last rebel stronghold and. We will

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