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Of his trial for allegations of financial misconduct. Evacuation notices in parts of australia more hot and windy weather is for cost and threatening to fund bush fires burning out of control. And has dismissed the us claims that it wont negotiate after the assassination of its come on the cross and solar money to iran says it wont cooperate as long as sanctions are in place it on is not interested in war iran is not interested in escalation of tension in the region i mean i think shes in the tension in the region really not. In the interest of nobody so you don definitely would like to have to have peace stablish in the neighborhood and. The 1st ingredient for peace in the in the region is that he move all of the forces American Forces from on each irans Supreme Leader has held a vigil for some of the money and the others killed by the u. S. Airstrikes in iraq on friday ayatollah ali a company personally conducted the commemoration next to his official residence in teheran that had been a series of ceremonies across iran and iraq for the assassinated commander on tuesday at least 56. 00 people were killed during a stampede it saw him on his funeral in the southeastern iranian city of quetta month dosage of body has more on what general sort of man is replacement hopes to achieve. We heard from a smile ponding who is now the head of the cause for some of the revolutionary guards he read a statement that he had written for the Supreme Leader thanking him for the appointment to his position and remembering the awesome so the money is a great man he also said that in his new role nothing will change within the police force of the revolutionary guards that top us and sell them on these vision and work will continue that hey he himself a smile bonnie will not veer off the path a possum so the money put the whole forces on weve also been hearing from a former head of the revolutionary guard Commander Major general. Right himself as he who is now the senior military advisor to the Supreme Leader has said that the us is selling moneys assassination will bring about some major security changes in the middle east he also accuse the american. Spy agency the Central Intelligence agency as well as israels spy Agency Mossad security Agency Mossad for the assassinations and he said that this their rockets that were launched in to iraq at the u. S. Bases there are those just the 1st step and it took the United States 1000 hours to respond and youve heard to us President Donald Trump as that stupid president who has realized that they dont have the strength to respond to iran well thats the view from iran the government was responding to a highly anticipated statement by President Donald Trump he said iran appeared to be backing away from further military confrontation not in a moment were going to be live in washington d. C. The very latest but 1st to the hole that has more on a night where the region pulled back from the brink of conflict. With the u. S. And iran edging dangerously close to war President Donald Trump proclaimed that tehran appears to be standing strength gave no indication that the United States intends to strike back hours after running of missile attacks on 2 bases used but the u. S. Military in iraq. We suffered ok will tease all of our soldiers are safe and orderly minimal damage was sustained at our military bases it was a stark contrast to the president s threats of retaliation without hesitation that have dominated his twitter feed in recent days instead flanked by top advisers and generals trump made a surprising suggestion that members of nato to become much more involved in the middle east process it was an astonishing claim from a president who once called nato obsolete he also encouraged u. S. Partners and allies to abandon the j c p a way an agreement put in place in 2050 and by world powers to live it Irans Nuclear program we must all Work Together toward making a deal with the rain that makes the world a safer and more Peaceful Place however truck didnt ounce new sanctions would be coming without giving specifics he also left open the possibility of diplomacy speaking directly to irans leaders he insisted the United States desires for iran a great future one that you deserve one of prosperity at home in harmony with the nations of the world the United States is ready to embrace peace. With all who seek it but missing from the president s speech evidence that the u. S. Killing of iranian general qassam solomonic was justified and necessary to prevent an imminent attack on americans its evidence opposition democrats are demanding from the trumpet ministration also absent a Clear Strategy something the administration has promised to provide in closed door briefings on wednesday to members of congress including Top Republicans iran didnt just take an off ramp it took a u. Turn because they know they have no capability to fight against america at least based on the presentation that was made. It does not meet what i consider to be you know the threat but if President Trump chooses to respond by sending even more soldiers to the middle east he breaks a Major Campaign promise to pull the United States out of what he once called its for ever wars can really help at aljazeera the white house or gave his own has been following the story from washington d. C. Hes joining us now to just tell us 1st about those briefings gabriel how have they been received. For the most part almost unanimous unanimously the democrats have not been satisfied with what theyve been hearing from Administration Officials behind closed doors nancy pelosi the speaker of the house has been particularly furious that the house was not there or the congressional leaders were not informed in advance of the strike that killed so low money she wants to make sure that does not happen again so on thursday shes proposing on the house floor a a war resolution if you will war powers resolution and she said that the house will vote on it as well what this essentially would do would mean it would restrict trumps ability to lodge any more military actions against iran without the house of representatives approval or at least notification in advance now this would also have to go to the senate as well within 10 days and given that the senate is mostly run or controlled by republicans it seems unlikely that this would go into law given the fact most republicans have rallied behind trump however not all there are some republicans that were very upset and not satisfied as well with what they heard from Administration Officials in these meetings that happened on wednesday listen to what republican congressman mike lee had to say about what he heard the from the evidence from Administration Officials late on wednesday. I had hoped and expected to receive more information outlining the legal factual and moral justification for the attack that was left somewhat unsatisfied on that front which i would add was probably the worst briefing ive seen at least on a military issue in the 9 years ive served in the United States senate. What i found so distressing about that briefing was that one of the messages we received from the briefers was do not debate do not discuss the issue of the appropriateness of further miller military intervention against iran. And that if you do youll be emboldening iran were getting lots of calls for diplomacy and calls for deescalation how likely do you think thats going to be from where you are. Well all sides are talking about the escalation and diplomacy in fact the u. S. Ambassador to the United Nations sent a letter to the president of the Security Council saying that the u. S. Wanted to deescalate the situation wanted to pursue diplomacy in this letter she laid out the reasons why the u. S. Took these actions against soleimani and in part the letter read and ill read part of it is said over the past several months the United States has been the target of a series of escalating threats and armed attacks by the Islamic Republic of iran and then she mentioned several different instances in july. Of last year as well as june of last year when an unmanned drone was shot down by iran but what was not in this letter was any evidence or spelling out this socalled a media threat that soleimani posed to the United States and that was very interesting also in the end of the letter it says the United States wishes to note as it has done repeatedly over the past years that we remain committed to a diplomatic resolution however its interesting to note that irans top diplomat mohamed. Haneef. Mohammed javid zarif was planning to come to the u. N. On thursday to attend meetings but he will not be going there why because the u. S. Declined his visa so on one side the u. S. Is talking about diplomacy pursuing it but on the other hand not allowing irans top diplomat to go to the u. N. Carol thanks very much indeed. The u. N. Envoy to libya is welcomed calls by turkey and russia for a cease fire to be implemented by sunday to support opposing sides in the conflict moscow backs libyan walled khalifa huffed are his forces have been trying to seize tripoli since april turkey has begun deploying troops to support the u. N. Recognize government based in the capital the e. U. Has warned libya faces becoming a 2nd syria if a cease fire is not which soon Khalifa Haftar met with the italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conti in rome as part of separate diplomatic efforts to bring an end to the conflict in libya italy has urged the e. U. To increase its efforts to stabilize the situation its concerned about the proximity of libya to the italian island of sicily and the number of people who attempt to flee the violence youssef bondal is a professor of Political Science at Qatar University he says a truce in libya is possible the fact that how often has been. True to tripoli full blast for 8 months also mouse going to italy to meet with will tell you blood minister the call did fall a ceasefire to fogdog troops on the globe and at the moment these kind of counterbalance to the power of how it seems that ceasefire is much more likely to happen mainly for. The 1st one is the oil supply used to europe especially given whats been. And obviously di of all places my shut up in the next couple of weeks if that situation deteriorates it will be up. To is the issue of. Immigrants because italy is just a few 100 kilometers away from libya and germany has been called in for a conference for a ceasefire and to stop. The a b. B. In libya because malta 50 percent of immigrants in europe and up in germany and if i have to as i said before was not nice isnt interested in any ceasefire because he fell on the globe and he could win the bottom eventually with the backing of those countries no i think the balance of power on the globe has changed both parties see that they cannot win the situation especially after they cannot win the war using military means the main thing is for a ceasefire. Still ahead on aljazeera aljazeera sits down with venezuelas Opposition Leader he outlines his plan to fight against a president he accuses of clinging to power by force prodemocracy protests and suicide home call for taiwan pinned their hopes on the islands president ial election. Hello again welcome back to International Weather forecast will finally some Better Weather here across parts of japan we do have a system thats making its way to the pacific so behind it things are going to start to get a little bit better still a few rain showers left over here across parts of central pan tokyo as well maybe a high few of about 11 degrees and as we go towards saturday we do have another system in the sea of japan that will start movie and by the time we get towards saturday night so rain showers here as well as the potential of snow in the Higher Elevations down here across much of china though it is going to be rainy and thats going to affect parts of shanghai as well unfortunately the forecast doesnt look like its going to see any break in terms of the rain trenchers coming up to about 10 degrees as we go toward saturday and sunday about 9 degrees there well for india the rain is finally ending that was some much needed rain across much of the north helping to clear much of the pollution in the smog that we were seeing the rain is now pushing over here towards bangladesh were going to be left with a more stagnant system as we go towards the next couple of days and thats going to affect new delhi as well so watch the air quality start to come down as we go towards the weekend attempt a few of 60 degrees maybe some clouds down here torch tonight on friday but as we go towards saturday it is going to be a warm day in colombo with attempt a few in partly cloudy conditions of 35 degrees. To be a child is to be innocent and carefree but it comes to an abrupt end with the burden of younger children. With a mother behind bars 4 siblings must spend for each other and decide whether to stick together or split the family in the hope of a chance across the Us Mexico Border the other side of the wall a witness documentary on aljazeera. To the at. Home. You want you notice here a reminder of our top stories this hour iran has dismissed u. S. Calls to negotiate so as to ease tensions after the assassination of a very in military commander of us and so the money runs says it wont cooperate as long as sanctions are in place. President donald trump held a classified briefing for senators all white in the state about the assassination of sort of money but some from his own party have criticized the meeting is being short on details. The u. N. Envoy to libya has welcomed calls by turkey and russia for a cease fire to be implemented by sunday to support opposing sides in the conflict moscow backs the libyan war latifa huffed on his forces have been trying to seems tripling since april. Lebannon has imposed a travel ban on the former nisson boss polish gone after he was summoned over an interpol red notice going as wanted by japan after he skipped bail last month and fled to lebanon is accused of financial misconduct from his time at nissan but he denies any wrongdoing on wednesday go and spoke publicly for the 1st time since arriving in beirut saying he left japan because he had 0 chance of a fair trial was in the heart is joining us now live from beirut how did we get to the point where this travel ban that was brought in xina. Well like you mentioned carlos going to arrive in beirut just over a week ago there is Little Details on how he made his way to 11 on an escape or a chip pan and skipped bail he refused to disclose that information during his 1st press conference his 1st public appearance on wednesday this morning the state prosecutor summoned him in for questioning after 11 on received a red notice from the interpol a nonbinding notice. That requires lebannon to summon go go on and question him for the charges that hes facing he is facing charges of financial misconduct and he was awaiting trial so now the state prosecutor is issued this travel ban and it is now asking is now asking the japanese authorities to send over the file the file of the investigations and in light of that the prosecutor will study this file and determine whether or not to go on is eligible to face trial according to lebanese law so there is a likelihood that golden dawn will be tried in lebanon and this is something that he wanted something that he repeatedly stressed during his press conference on wednesday that he does not have any faith in the japanese judicial system he alleged that the japanese did not give him any access to his lawyers while he was in the tension and that he was facing a conspiracy or a coup so now we have to wait for the japanese authorities to hand over that file and we see what the next judicial steps that will be taken by the lebanese authorities but it is important to stress that lebanon and japan do not have an extradition treaty which makes the likelihood of extradited listen to just how. High its highly unlikely zoraida for those of those people coming to this story a little bit later just give us an indication of how galling that is viewed in lebanon. Well mixed feelings relieved but those in the power consider him a hero the caretaker foreign minister himself called him a hero posters have gone were put up when he was detained back in november in 2018 and the authorities instructed the lebanese ambassador in tokyo to follow up his case they consider him a successful businessman and so he does have friends in high places and many believe that he does enjoy a political cover and really his arrival in lebanon comes at a time where there is this protest movement against those in power those who have been taking to the streets to believe that he is part of the corrupt Political Class in the country so there is that view of good go on and he was really very confidential in the press conference yesterday an International Fugitive who is not being treated as a criminal in this country zeno thanks very much indeed those in a hall to live for us in beirut. Is chief negotiator who says its impossible to complete the brags that agreement on the timetable set by the u. K. Government Michelle Obama is view is that all of the stance of the u. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson is braggs its withdrawal bill is being debated in Parliament Johnson has promised there will be no extensions of the transition which ends at the end of this year simply cannot expect to agree on every single aspect of this new partnership. We can do our best. To. Do aboard ok. Were bored we have to translate to political weve been good terms but we have to reach an agreement on what i could do but sheik agreement for trade goods. A taliban commander has been killed in a u. S. Airstrike according to afghanistans Defense Ministry it happened in the district of head a province late on wednesday the government says its investigating reports of civilian casualties in the attack after 7 months of on rest in hong kong people in taiwan are taking notice hundreds of prodemocracy protesters have fled to the island since the demonstrations began and taiwans president ial election this weekend is seen as a referendum on beijings increasing influence on high level ports in taipei tony shuttles between hong kong and taiwans capital taipei every month hes part of a growing support system for protesters looking to flee hong kong because theyre worried about their safety or fear of going to jail the 18 year old is also a prodemocracy protesters the chain on Presbyterian Church in taipei has opened its doors to fleeing protesters always and we. See what china has done to suppress us in hong kong could possibly happen to taiwan we hope that for the sake of protecting its own democracy taiwan can extend a helping hand to hong kong theres a need more than 200 protesters have come to taiwan but they live in a legal limbo holding only temporary visas for the Pro Independence ruling party here in taiwan the d. P. P. Has seen a surge in support since the protests began in hong kong many view this weekends election as a referendum on taiwans relationship with Mainland China one of the protesters who left hong kong for taiwan sees his future hinge on the Election Results hes already been arrested by Hong Kong Police and was one of the protesters who stormed into the Legislative Council back in july and. Whether i will stay in taiwan may depend on what the outcome of the president ial election is. Judging from his statements the Opposition Party came t. Appears to have labor does a name from hong kong as violent riotous that is a very unfriendly gesture to us the chief Presbyterian Church has helped the dissidents from Mainland China for years but nothing like the numbers of young protesters coming over from hong kong only. Equipment as i say its very clear that the one country 2 systems formula in hong kong is a complete failure which i think serves as a wake up call to people in taiwan this provides an opportunity for us to have a basic grasp all reevaluate what china has pledged stephen vows to keep up his prodemocracy fight if the movement succeeds hell return but for now hes going to attend university here to better equip himself to speak out for hong kong even if hes not there its got harder aljazeera taipei firefighters in residence and so things to strelley are preparing for the return of dangerous weather conditions that could make bushfires more intense new warnings and evacuation notices have been issued urging People Living in high risk areas to leave 27 people have been killed since the fire started in September Jessica washingtons in sydney and she says the fire season is far from over. Conditions are expected to worsen tomorrow which we friday here in australia already had some evacuations in the state of south of we know that its likely to heat up. In the states of victoria and New South Wales weve heard from the Prime Minister just a short while ago warning that even though it seems that things have been so terrible in these affected areas particularly in New South Wales and victoria that things are likely to be worse in the days to come and the crisis. With using creasing in the south and east and it will spike along the east coast tomorrow 1600. 00 defense reservists are currently assigned to operations around the country in the New South Wales and. The focus is on risk to blacked out communities although this bushfire crisis has really gripped the nation and terrified many of the country. By season will be a turning point we have heard from the Prime Minister recently saying that his government has always made the connection between this season and Climate Change but of course that hasnt always been the case early on in this crisis the government was quick to distance. From Climate Change we havent heard from the government any change in policy any indication that it will move back from its dependence on fossil fuels venezuelas main Opposition Leaders says the country is not ready for parliamentary elections. Accuses president Nicolas Maduro of using force to stay in power is spoken to a lot in america at its embassy in newman in the capital caracas. First theres a dictatorship in venezuela and yes i underestimated the malice the ability to inflict damage of maintaining power through force control assassinations cooption blackmail all at the expense of peace in venezuela. The government has a very obvious strategy its recognising a former opposition deputy as the. Speaker of the house and they will very soon recognise that assembly and. Appoint we are. A Little Council and then call for parliamentary elections what is going to be your strategy. I want to clarify that in venezuela there are no 2 parliaments there is one Parliament One thats confronting a dictatorship that uses the military to take control of the legislature on tuesday we were able to overcome the obstacles and the dictatorship will do what it always does whether you like it or not they will say there will be parliamentary elections this year its in the constitution so what would you do but. You know this pressure demand take to the streets because the solution is not to hand over the parliament to them elections have to be a real solution not a placebo a small selection as a placebo its not a realistic approximation to a solution or an alternative but rather we could validate a dictatorship that would be very grave for venezuelans an election requires conditions minimum conditions like in chile in the referendum against pinochet there were minimum conditions today we have not a single condition in fact its worse than may have 2018 years talk about a group of deputies that have been paid off. By the government what evidence do you have that thats happened. In the next few days we will present some of the evidence that evidence includes testimony of some deputies that were approached with bribes like Jose Hernandez who was offered 700000. 00 to vote against me many others it testified for example yesterday julio cesar rares a deputy from brewarrina state was threatened that if he voted for me they would invade his familys land in that agricultural region and thats exactly what happened yesterday. And you have said that the most that the key element here is that the support of the venezuelan people youve asked again for them to come out onto the streets to fight to struggle but how are you going to convince them to do that. To believe that this time it will be any different than it was a year ago because theres clearly. Disappointment in your leadership in the us. I dont have to convince them all venezuelans want change i didnt convince them in 2007 in 281417 or 19 it is venezuelans who are fighting for their freedom and yes i will lead this process responsibly to find a solution over and again we have shown firmness on the streets and strength and determination to change and confront to dictatorship. Some of the headlines on iran has dismissed u. S. Calls to negotiate so as to ease tensions after the assassination of Iranian Military command across and sold in money to iran says it wont cooperate as long as sanctions are in place President Donald Trump has had a classified briefing for senators on wednesday about the assassination so the money but some of his own party have criticized the meeting as being short on details when i found so distressing about that briefing was that one of the messages we received from the briefers was do not debate do not discuss the issue of the appropriateness of further miller military intervention against iran and that if you do youll be emboldening iran the implication being that we would somehow be making america less safe by having a debate or a discussion. The u. N. Envoy to libya has welcomed calls by turkey and russia for a cease fire to be implemented by sunday the 2 support opposing sides in the conflict moscow backs libyan the world. Whose forces have been trying to seize tripoli since april lebanon has imposed a travel ban on the former boss colace goal now after he was summoned over than interpol red notice groan is wanted by japan after he skipped bail last month and fled to lebanon is accused of financial misconduct from his time at nissan but he denies any wrongdoing on widens to go and spoke publicly for the 1st time since arriving in beirut saying he left japan because he had 0 chance of a fair trial a taliban commander has been killed in a u. S. Airstrike thats according to afghanistans Defense Ministry it happened in the district of how that province late on wednesday the government says its investigating reports of civilian casualties in the attack firefighters and residents in southeastern australia are preparing for the return of dangerous weather conditions that could make bushfires more intense new warnings and evacuation notices have been issued urging People Living in high risk areas to leave 27 people have been killed since the fire started in september more than 2000 homes have been lost and those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after the bottom line from the. Hi im Steve Clemons and i have tons of questions today how dangerous is the situation between the United States and iran and how did we get here lets get to the bottom line. Its hard to believe today but less than 4 years ago there was hope that major conflict with iran was off the table the major world powers had signed a deal constraining Irans Nuclear program and a new chapter in u. S. Iranian relations was being written or so that was the thinking well think again after a radical change of administrations in the United States the tearing up of the nuclear deal with iran and the assassination of one of irans top generals are all bets off and does anyone know where were heading fortunately we have 3 people in the room who have all the answers to these questions valli nasser is professor of middle east studies at Johns Hopkins university and author of the shia revival which foresaw much of the tension in iraq that were witnessing today Michele Dunne is the

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