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Libyan war of Khalifa Haftar schools to libyans as turkish troops prepare to join the war. Also ahead the china replaces its top official in hong kong after 7 months of antigovernment protests. Thousands of people have gathered in baghdad to mourn the targets of fridays u. S. Air strikes that killed Major General custom so their money a huge funeral procession was held for the top iranian commander as well as for iraqs the that the deputy leader of the iran backed Popular Mobilization forces iraqs a caretaker Prime Minister added up to the also attended and anti u. S. Rallies have continued across neighboring iran with thousands denounced sunday manis assassination and as uncertainty grows over how iran will respond when nato has suspended a Training Mission in iraq citing safety concerns we have correspondents covering the story from the middle east and the u. S. Patty culhane a standing by for us at the pentagon but 1st lets go to salma been job that hes in the iraqi capital and were getting news asama of a response from the Iraqi Armed Forces what can you tell us. Well elizabeth the Iraqi Government has been under increasing public pressure that an attack has been carried out on its soil against its will on a target which was close to its government it has to act and as a result the Prime Ministers office who is the commander in chief of the iraqi army has said that any operation taking place on iraqi soil has to be with the approval of the iraqi Prime Minister the commander in chief of the armed forces which has been the case from the very beginning hes just reiterating to reassure the public in iraq saying that every action that will be taken from now on birds should be taken with his approval again will this be followed if there is a high profile target well cross that bridge when we get there but there is increasing pressure here in iraq from all political circles the government is coming and the pressure the government has is facing this these questions about how could it allow this who leaked intelligence information to the americans what is it going to do to placate the iranians as well as the pressure inside the people inside iraq who are calling for answers so to answer all of that the Iraqi Government has called for a special session of the parliament that is going to be happening at 10 g. M. T. On sunday well hear from m. P. s and they will be taking these motions from from the. Rank and file of their voters that they should take action against the United States they should review the terms and conditions under which the u. S. Forces operate here in iraq it is worth mentioning here that the mandate of u. S. Forces is restrain and a sister actually forces which has been the case since 2011 when the United States sent back its troops to iraq to so again as tensions mounted with all of these parties who are fighting whove seen iraq as the fighting. The Iraqi Government is having to defend its case weve also heard from the iraqi press. Event in the last few hours received calls from at least the french and the turkish president he says that the statement says that he was reassured that all into the International Community wants iraqs sovereignty to be respected unity to be preserved and not to lead iraq become a battleground for their powers to settle their scores on iraqi soil so it is in the wake of these assassinations and the mood here remains tense but and a somber were looking at live pictures i believe of the funeral procession in the iraqi city of karbala one of the people who was killed in that u. S. Airstrike will follow the protests the not the protests the funeral procession that took place in baghdad there a lot of anger there over the u. S. Strike and calls for revenge. Yes elizabeth weve been hearing from people who are mourning the death of. Behind this who has been the commander of the 2nd in charge of the Popular Mobilization forces and throughout these recessions that you saw through the day in baghdad you could see the flags of various factions who constitute the Popular Mobilization forces now theres a root of the procession is that the both both of these bodies will be taken to holy shrines in baghdad and then to karbala and then to niger from where my knees body will be for him for his final rights in tehran where the old one this will be buried in the holy city of najaf it is worth noting that there were not of fear amongst analysts who were watching the situation we saw a stricter security measures coming into play here as well as the green zone being fortified again but so far the procession has been peaceful it has moved on to other locations and. Groups and paramilitary group. Close to iran has been saying there is going to be revenge there is a lot of langar on the streets but it is going to be decided by iran and where that revenge takes place asama thank you for that for now that is our correspondent sama bin had live in baghdad lets bring in Patti Culhane now shes joining us live from the pentagon and news from the pentagon that thousands 3000 u. S. Troops being sent to the region to kuwait patty. Theyre on their way now and they will be over the next couple of days this is of the 82nd airborne out of North Carolina it is their Immediate Response force so this is about 3000. 00 soldiers who are specifically trained to be able to jump into an area we believe theyre going to be in kuwait and the reason for this is the node be joining the other 650. 00 or so who are already deployed after we saw the tensions rising so bring the number to about 3500 and this is because right now the u. S. Is just watching and waiting and wondering how iran is going to respond so by setting these forces to the region if theres lets say an embassy they would be the forces who are specially trained to be able to go in and reinforce any american site that feels it is under attack of course nobody knows how iran is going to respond weve been asking centcom about that statement from iraq about whether or not theyve had to suspend their operations which were mainly going after i sold and somewhat surprisingly because weve been asking for hours were hearing radio silence from everyone at the pentagon so they may not know exactly how to respond to that just yet we know secretary of state might pompei i spoke with his counterpart in iraq just yesterday there is real concern that u. S. Troops will be told to get out of iraq that would have pretty big political implications not just for the president but for the entire country we do know that nato forces have suspended activities in iraq because obviously theres a very big concern if troops are out and theyre patrolling theyre much easier targets so it would make sense for the u. S. Military to pull everyone back to fortified bases whatever you are watching for in the coming days are those special operations outpost those tend to be much less protected if the u. S. Admits that theyve pulled them back to the bigger bases that would be the side of just how seriously the u. S. Thinks the threat against american troops actually is in the region you know one of many things that we will be watching very closely in iraq and the region meanwhile way you lots of questions about whether the trumpet ministration had the Legal Authority to carry out this strike. Not just in International Law but into mystic law as well so i think thats why you see secretary of state mike pump aoe saying that they were disrupting an imminent plot that was a threat to dozens if not hundreds of americans in the region because selfdefense can possibly be used as a legal justification although legal experts say that might be a bit of a stretch considering this was a country assassinating a member of a government that theyre not technically at war with in a country that was in his home country so youre seeing them say this was selfdefense there are a lot of members of congress who actually get to see this intelligence because with the media they just cant tell you sources confidential but they have to Tell Congress and they will be over the coming weeks were seeing that break down along party lines though democrats are coming out and saying this case is weak to take this serious of a step republicans are saying absolutely not the president a 100 percent did what he had to do well see if that sticks as the broader set of the entire senate gets briefed. This week but theres also the question of what authority the president had from within the United States so were hearing the administration say this is to do with 911 we saw the Vice President true tweet that. Is somehow involved in 911 is factually incorrect so were seeing the administration put a definite different statement to try to justify legally what theyve done patty thank you for that for now that is all the latest live from the pentagon thank you. And a red flag has been raised to over the. Holy city of qom its a traditional shia symbol of blood spilled on justly and a call to avenge the person who was killed a multiple avani and military leaders of promising to retaliate for sunday moneys killing a top revolutionary guard general has threatened attacks on ships in the gulf and to punish americans. Should wait as a defense analyst in washington d. C. And he says the attack may work in the favor the u. S. In the long run. The tensions will probably rise initially were seeing that now that will persist for a while but long term this could actually reduce tensions if the u. S. Strategy is laid out by president prime succeeds which is to deter iran from making further attacks and were sure our allies about us the capabilities and so on so as usual president from his comptroller taking these kind of high risk decisions for high potential high payoffs later on its always a challenge in these situations the u. S. Needs to wants to persuade other countries about why it took a decision to cite force protection but if you reveal too much information that means that the future attackers are going to take advantage of that and perhaps thats what weaknesses in your defenses better i think that one possible benefit of the recent u. S. Actions is that the reminded the iranians who perhaps are becoming a bit overly. Cautious over overly dismissive of the u. S. Willingness to respond that the u. S. Does have Response Options and will use them so if anything that may reduce the likelihood of iran continuing to escalate its actions in the thinking that the u. S. Will not respond. Moving on to other news now in libya and for those plea for hough this says his fight is now against a foreign occupier to Turkeys Parliament agreed to send troops to libya half his forces have been attacking the capital the capital tripoli since april same bus ravi has the latest but the man who has for years let a parallel government in libya now calls on all libyans to rise up against what he described as a looming turkish invasion but i do recall that i dont know how the enemy has announced war of the times aggression and decided to invade our nation just a watchful defended took his people which is tied to us and brotherhood in islam must stand in. The face of this deranged cantilevered who is leading his army into ruin north and i dont know much about a b. Attack up about we had a speech to the whole arab world to its people and leaders to its youth and saying thats a national war is being fueled by this todays tech assault and throughout the whole region targeting the at a bit tentative from its west to its east. Khalifa haftar self declared Libyan National army has been fighting to take control of tripoli since april. More than 20 rockets hit civilian areas of tripoli shortly after his speech after is backed by turkeys regional rivals saudi arabia egypt and the United Arab Emirates turkey is determined to support the un backed government defending the libyan capital Turkeys Parliament approved the deployment of troops to libya last week after the g. N. A. T. Asked for military support but there are still no confirmed details on timing troop numbers or what role theyll take this has the ability to alter the dynamics completely in libya and restore some largest position of strength at the negotiating table and given that the u. A. E. And egypt are not keen on an all out war with turkey in libya have to believe that his chances are running out and this is why we see these increasingly hostile statements towards tekkie. In a statement the un secretary general antonio terras said he wants an immediate cease fire and a return to political dialogue by all parties but even the un backed government seems to have lost faith in the uns efforts on the ground one senior g. N. A. T. Leader told libyan t. V. His government no longer relies on the u. N. Mission in tripoli zain basra. And aljazeera that the that the scene of a grad missile attack and says residents are wired about future of further strikes. This densely populated area in a neighborhood in the vicinity of m 80 good airport the only operational airport in the libyan capital tripoli was hit by rockets launched by forces loyal to the world have to the transportation minister of the government of National Accord said that this area was hit by 20 rockets into n. T. 4 hours one old man was killed several other civilians were wounded a child lost his eye but the schools here in this area to get an education was suspended that school intimate airport a vision was also hold to in the in the aftermath of this attack there is also a hospital in salahadin neighborhood theyll be this hospital that was hit by a Rocket Launcher by have to us forces and the United Nations support the mission in libya has expressed concern over indiscriminate shelling of residential areas people here are still living in a state of panic fear and anger and they say that in the aftermath of the attack some of them left their homes others try to keep inside fearing other possible they say that as long as have to his forces are on the southern outskirts of tripoli then such attacks will most probably continue. Still ahead on the bullets and a novel state home agency in southeastern australia after a catastrophic bushfire conditions for 10 am to a new years mystery how did form in the sand c. E. O. Caught off guard and free japan and what does it mean for the charges against him. How we got the rain clouds gathering across central parts of china as for japan here its fine and dry Winter Weather making its way from west to ace through the sea of japan will see some wet weather just easing over towards honshu but coming in behind this next weather system that will slide out of the yellow sea its running over towards supreme peninsula central areas of china sensing somewhat weather to go through sunday and that is and snow on the northern flank of that is sunday into monday when it will make progress they were towards a south korea or talking to about across a good part of japan temperatures getting up to around 10 maybe 11 or 12 degrees celsius so there is a china generally fine and dry there are a few showers just sliding their way down around the coastal fringes the vietnamese just casio watch out to into cambodia or even into laos eastern parts of the philippines also with a chance of seeing some showers but the western weather remains across indonesia just southern parts of malaysia a lot of wet weather pushing through here not as wet as he has been recently but some wet weather there nevertheless just a somewhat whether its a into the eastern side of india just where we have these clouds here just easing down towards on the pradesh but today somewhat trying for a good part of bangladesh. People in power exposes the use and abuse of power. Around the world. On aljazeera. Big stories generate thousands of headlines with different angles from different perspectives separate the spin from the facts. With the listening post on out 0. Its good to have you with us on aljazeera these are our top stories thousands of people have gathered in baghdad to move the targets of fridays u. S. Air strike those killed include Senior Iranian commander Major General custom sunday monday the procession was attended by top political leaders including iraqs caretaker Prime Minister. Libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar says his fight is now against a foreign occupier after Turkeys Parliament agreed to send troops to libya after forces have been attacking the capital tripoli since april. Now china has replaced its top representative in hong kong as social unrest in the city continues for a 7th month state media say the head of Beijings Liaison Office wang g. Men has been removed it is the 1st major reshuffle since protests began france louis has more on why Beijings Liaison Office is important. Its supposed to promote communication between china and hong kong so its effectively a bridge between Mainland China and hong kong and it promotes and coordinates probation candidates now it has sometimes been accused of overstepping its jurisdiction just as an example in the 2004 Legislative Council elections the believes on office was accused of mobilizing members of the Interest Groups and Housing Associations to support the pro establishments party and since 2010 the Liaison Office has often been a target for prodemocracy protesters now as to what sort of Practical Impact it will have on hong kong politically it might be a little bit too soon to tell we dont really know yet whether the signals that china is going to adopt a more hardline stance when it comes to its treatment of the Anti Government protests in hong kong but whats interesting to note is the timing now the this reshuffle because major reshuffle since the protests began 7 months ago comes 6 weeks after a probe candidate suffered a humiliating defeat at local district Council Elections so while it may be a little bit too soon to tell whether this signals how china is going to be handling the protests in hong kong we know about the interest but the timing of this is interesting. Now firefighters in the strait bracing for a difficult night as hot and windy conditions continue to spread bush fawaz if you want a 150 fives a burning in New South Wales alone tens of thousands of people have fled the worst affected areas jessica washington reports. For these fire crews conditions are bad and quickly getting worse thousands of firefighters are on the ground battling unforgiving weather. The extreme heat and volatile winds make a deadly combination as bush fires burn at emergency levels in 3 astroland states in New South Wales one local government minister described it as like an atomic bomb hitting the region fires already caused major devastation here on new years eve they making a frightening return with conditions even more unpredictable. Citing. Property. Conditions the crisis is already astray longest recorded bushfire emergency and millions of hectic as of land has been burnt scientists estimate around half a 1000000000 wildlife have been killed in South Australia on the popular Tourist Destination of Kangaroo Island 2 people died in a fire authorities said it was virtually unstoppable in malibu in the state of victoria where thousands of holidaymakers were stranded on a beach the sky turned a haunting shade of crimson as fires ravaged the region Prime Minister Scott Morrison has been criticised for being too slow to roll out a National Response to the crisis but he finally announced Army Reserves and 3 navy ships will be deployed to help this bushfire season is far from over but its caused so much devastation across australia in the southern part of New South Wales its not uncommon to see streets like this one with rows of houses completely decimated. This Holiday Resort has become a makeshift home for many families forced to escape the fires the burkes dont know what theyll do now their house burned down on new years eve by the tour and we were able to go through. We had been told on the way home that they also bring the possibility that our house was still there because pfizer around it. Will or finally able to get there yeah the whole house was engulfed in flames there was nothing of it. Their entire extended family has now been evacuated and are waiting for things to return to normal with no significant rain forecast for at least a few weeks that prospect is still very far away just to washington out 0 batemans bay a stray. Now hundreds of Migrant Children anti dangers a sleeping on the streets of paris many of them alone and as one temperatures plummet activists are urging the french government to do more to help natasha battle reports from paris. Its a cold night in paris and these Young Children and their families are spending it outside the people here are Asylum Seekers who say they fled violence and poverty for a better life in europe but few imagine that theyd end up on the street relying on charities for survival the 6 Year Old Girl is from iran her and says theyve been homeless for months. We have so many problems we want to send her to school but we cant as we dont have a home for these children and their mother who didnt wish to be identified from the democratic republic of congo in their village while i dont know what to do my children are 5 a day years old i want them to go to school its so painful for me to see others go but my live in the street a mere is one of a group of volunteers helping the families he understands them better than most the kurdish refugee here arrived in france 2 years ago as a teenager and was homeless i was very rich. Factory. City teacher should write your books. Come to your a really sharp. Come. Back in a north of the city has rows of tents and makeshift shelters are crammed along the ring road campaigners say that hundreds of children and teenagers are sleeping on the streets of paris often in appalling conditions like this and what activists say is that the french government is flouting International Rules by failing to protect minors under french law all minors should be protected by the state but at this charitys Day Center Staff say many young people sleep outdoors for months waiting for a judge to formally recognize their age. Not. Search. For help from the state and they are basically back in the street. After more than a year a judge has finally ruled that this afghan teenager ahmed is a minor in. Good life in france would be. The french government says it wants to crack down on illegal immigration and has tightened its laws but the authorities tougher approach seems to deny basic human rights to some of the most vulnerable Natascha Butler Al Jazeera paris. Spains acting promise of better sanchez says solving the castellan crisis will be his top priority hes open to debate in parliament that could lead to a new government after 8 months of deadlock sanchez is seeking to form a leftist coalition he has secured a pledge from a separatist party to abstain in the vote now a lawyer for the foreman less than boss calls gone and says he feels betrayed by the Japanese Justice system gone fled japan for lebanon this week i mean he was avoiding political persecution of allegations of financial misconduct more details are emerging about guns dramatic escape as alexia brian reports this house in beirut is where carlos ghosn is believed to be holed up now arguably one of the worlds most famous fugitives sort by police in japan and turkey the subject of an interpol red notice and a global bady a frenzy. His escape has embarrassed all thora hes in japan weve gone had lived under house arrest and strict bail conditions including a ban on overseas travel. Media reports say the surveillance cameras show him simply walking out of his tokyo home on sunday he didnt return he knows that at the end of the year pan ledgers new years which is probably the most important holiday so that there will be very few people watching him so he was going to escape this was the time. And he had to sort of preparing taking lessons in the martial arts and seeing a physical trainer so he was ready to run. The former head of the. Making alliance and a giant in the global Auto Industry he was 1st arrested in 28. 00 he was facing trial on charges of financial misconduct allegations hes repeatedly denied. His escape spanned 3 continents and plenty of mystery contains he was fleeing political persecution of a Turkish Company it says going to a charter flight from osaka to istanbul and another from there to his childhood home by rote. Its understood that theres an interest in lebanon after a transit through turkey from japan the following is very important it is understood that there was a transfer in the Cargo Department at the airport in istanbul for. An employee falsified flight records name didnt appear 5 people have been arrested and take a accused of human trafficking. Going has tried before to evade attention by dressing as a workman when leaving custody and match and his blog lawyer to kashi to kano seen here with a b. It says he felt betrayed by carlos going to skype but not by going himself instead the japanese legal system had been bad from seeing his wife and want to qana called a violation of human rights and another lawyer was being spied on. Is promising to tell his side of the story this week alexia brian al jazeera. Now again all of the problem in doha with the headlines on aljazeera were looking at live pictures from kabul in iraq where people are mourning the targets of fridays u. S. Air strike earlier thousands gathered in baghdad to mourn those killed including Senior Iranian commander Major General custom sunday money the profession in the capital was attended by top political leaders including iraqs caretaker Prime Minister and the Iraqi Armed Forces have decided to restrict the work of the u. S. Led Coalition Forces in the country solomon job it has moved from baghdad the Prime Ministers office who is the commander in chief of the iraqi army has said that any operation taking place on iraqi soil has to be with the approval of the iraqi Prime Minister the commander in chief of the armed forces it has been the case from the very beginning hes just reiterating to reassure the public in iraq seeing that every action that would be taken from now on birds should be taken with his approval again will this be followed if there is a high profile target well cross that bridge when we get there. And a red flag has been raised over the mosque in irans holy city of qom its a traditional shia symbol of blood spilled on justly and a quarter adventure the person who was killed multiple Iranian Military leaders a promise and to retaliate for so they money is killing the top revolutionary guard general has threatened attacks on ships in the gulf and to punish americans wherever they are and reach and other news libyan war says his fight is now against a foreign occupier after Turkeys Parliament agreed to send troops to libya has those forces have been attacking the capital tripoli since april. China has replaced its top lip resent it of in hong kong the social unrest in the city continues state media say the head of Beijings Liaison Office wang chih men has been removed it is the 1st major reshuffle since the protests began. As an australia bracing for a difficult night as hot and windy conditions continue to spread bushfires nearly 150 of burning in New South Wales alone a dozen of which are out of control tens of thousands of people have fled the worst affected areas and the southeast well those are the headlines on aljazeera people and power is coming up next. The media screaming she took government as the deadliest of the. Exposing millions of its inhabitants was shopping right to life in respect of jesus so why is it so polluted and what if anything is being done to remedy we are just not how many we raised in the city to find out

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