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Against him. And other states of emergency in southeastern australia were kept a store fick bushfire conditions are back. One welcome to the Program Thousands of people are attending the funeral for those killed in the u. S. Airstrikes targeting Major General qassam salami on friday the formal funeral for the top iranian command as well us. On this you can see these pictures here from not jeff in iraq. The commander of 1 the iran backs Popular Mobilization forces its underway right now i will hondas will later be buried in najaf those are the pictures that you can see there and saw him on his body will be flown to iran well lets go live now to Simona Fulton whos in baghdad for us some more whats the atmosphere been like amongst those whove come out to pay their respects. So far the atmosphere has been largely peaceful were seeing huge crowds but for now theyre simply marching through an area of baghdad that is across the tigris river opposite from the green zone where the u. S. Embassy is located these crowds consist of people who are wearing civilian clothing but were also seeing a large presence of members of the Popular Mobilisation forces who are bearing flags and wearing uniforms and were also seeing a lot of people bear the flag of the hizbollah brigades which is of course the group that the alamo hand has helped set up and its its one of the groups its a group also that it was targeted in an airstrike earlier this week which ended up killing 27 of its fighters novel much of the other hundreds will be laid to rest later in niger and hes somebody of course that has been designated internationally by the United States as a terrorist but this is not how hes being seen today Prime Minister other of the matter he is among the crowds and he said in a statement yesterday that. Basically some sort of money and. Hundreds are both martyrs who contributed greatly in the fight against eisel so this is how hes being seen today among at least this crowd of mourners who are walking through the judge area and so far these funeral processions have remained peaceful and so far they have not tried to enter the green zone and Simone Simone im wondering. Based on that atmosphere we know that in iran talking to door said there are still real feeling of anger amongst the crowds were looking at some pictures here i was to fire on and on that basis im wondering what the security measures are that have been put in place where you are. Well the green zone is heavily protected today there are Security Forces that are manning the gates and they are actually appear to have orders to prevent the crowds from entering earlier there was an attempt by some of the crowds to actually go inside the green zone and the Security Forces responded quickly by closing the gates and basically forcing the crowds to read direct there also additional security measures at the u. S. Embassy people have been told to limit their movements outside have been asked to where body armor when they do so and were also seeing the u. S. Trained Counterterrorism Forces who are deployed outside of the u. S. Embassy which are providing additional security so had remained to be seen whether dees crowds will actually attempt to once again reach the green zone and make their way towards that youre service which was the case earlier this week and of course the people who are at the u. S. Embassy and near the areas where the coalition are based that probably watching todays events with grave concern but so far weve had no indication that things may escalate here in baghdad sooner fulton theyre joining us live with the very latest from baghdad similar thank you a spokesman for the Iranian Armed forces has just issued a statement saying iran has the right to respond to the assassination of so the money and our response will be strong if there is a war in the region the cause is the United States of america iran will avoid any hasty response but it will retaliate for the assassination of certain money and a us move after the iranian response will face a more robust action will dosages bari is in tehran where the Qatari Foreign minister has traveled for talks says the gulf state urges all parties to exercise restraint. Weve just heard from the Foreign Ministry the Qatari Foreign minister mohammad been up all the phony is in the arena in capital and Holding Dialogue with his iranian counterpart while much of odds are if we understand that this was a very last minute trip it is the 1st official visit from the Qatari Foreign minister at a very very critical time we believe that he will also be meeting with the iranian president Hassan Rouhani later on saturday these meetings come at a time when the International Community is extremely concerned about how or iran will retaliate to the assassination of a Major General us in some way money weve also been hearing from marine president Hassan Rouhani who wisit at the family of the assassination of general early on saturday morning into lets hear some of what he had to say. d that the americans do not realize what a big mistake theyve made they will see the consequences of the mistake not only today but in the years to come this great men deserve not to be killed by an ordinary person or terrorist but to be mastered by the historys biggest terrorist in this general is martyred the holy some is put on alert in the entire region as well so mommys assassination has inflamed already tense relations between the United States and they were on the pentagon says it will deploy more than 3000 troops the region to boost security in the u. S. Reaction to his killing has been split very much along party lines heidi jocasta reports now from washington d. C. President donald trump tried to justify his decision to order the killing of Iranian Revolutionary guard commander qassam sulaimani by claiming the sulaimani had been planning eminent and sinister attacks on americans in the region we took action last night just stop. A war the us president said sulaimani was responsible for the deaths of thousands of American Service people over 2 decades solid mady has been perpetrating acts of terror to destabilize the middle east for the last 20 years what the United States did yesterday should have been done long ago trumps republican allies in congress agreed or to all this evil man operated without them strike and countless and often have suffered for now his terrorist leadership has been and democrats a trump order the drone strike that also killed the leader of tehran back Iraqi Militia groups without Consulting Congress and warned of serious consequences this is the equivalent of the iranians assassinating the u. S. Secretary of defense i do not believe the administration has gamed out. How very badly this could go for the us and our interests this action may well have brought our nation closer to another endless war exactly the kind of endless war the president promised he would not drag us into. Iran has promised retaliation the u. S. State department issued a security alert urging all american citizens to leave iraq immediately despite the secretary of states claims on u. S. Media that americans in the region are now safer after sunni manis demise while no one is accusing president shrub of ordering fridays drone strike for political purposes and does overshadow all political headlines in the u. S. Including trumps impending impeachment trial the u. S. Senate was to begin this new year by taking on that as their 1st order of business and instead senators are preparing for briefings on the u. S. Military strike and whatever response it may bring heidi joe castro aljazeera washington or Gabe Elizondo is watching american developments closely in washington d. C. He says this situation between the United States and iran is unprecedented. We are in very much uncharted territory right now waiting to see what and how iran might respond and then how this might affect the relationship between iran and the United States that have a very long and complicated relationship its instructive to step back and just look at iran the United States and iraq all 3 of those countries have a long complicated relationship both separately and together 1st iran and iraq they fought an 8 year war between 1981988 those 2 countries and then it comes to the United States and iraq of course we remember the iraq war in 2003 with the u. S. Invading iraq that was a war that lasted nearly a decade and left hundreds of thousands dead but the real seminal moment of this relationship between iran and the United States is really traced back in 1979 and the iran hostage crisis and thats when 52 american diplomats were held hostage in the u. S. Embassy in tehran for 444 days 1979 after that the 2 countries basically cut off all diplomatic ties for the last 40 years and have been fighting essentially a proxy war between tehran and washington all of this time iraq right now in many ways is in consequential to whats going on it now but the problems make no mistake about it a battle between iran and the United States thats been going on for so long now but now this is in uncharted territory with the killing of solo money because this is taken this this really a proxy war if you will between these 2 countries to a whole new level that we have never seen before. Hey fellas on the reporting there now libyan warlord highly for have to are says his fight is now against the foreign occupier after Turkeys Parliament agreed to send troops to libya after those forces have been attacking the capital tripoli since last april it was un recognized government turkish president rage of tile border would support the new u. S. And arab we have expressed concern about turkeys decision the same but has the latest. The man who has for years led a parallel government in libya now calls on all libyans to rise up against what he described as a looming turkish invasion but i dont look at that and thats how the enemy has announced war here at the times aggression and decided to invade our nation just a watchful defended turkish people which had tied to us in brotherhood in islam must stand in the face of this deranged canada labutta who is leading his army into ruin nor is it going i dont know much there are to be at the top of that we had a speech to the whole arab world to its people and leaders to its youth and saying that a national war is being fueled by this to take a sultana throughout the whole region targeting the arab identity from its west to its east. After self declared Libyan National army has been fighting to take control of tripoli since april. More than 20 rockets hit civilian areas of tripoli shortly after his speech have stars backed by turkeys regional rivals saudi arabia egypt and the United Arab Emirates turkey is determined to support the un backed government defending the libyan capital Turkeys Parliament approved the deployment of troops to libya last week after the g. N. A. T. Asked for military support but there are still no confirmed details on timing troop numbers or what role theyll take. In a statement the u. N. Secretary general antonio terras said he wants an immediate cease fire and a return to political dialogue by all parties but even the un backed government seems to have lost faith in the uns efforts on the ground one senior jna leader told libyan t. V. His government no longer relies on the u. N. Mission in tripoli zain but. Well in tripoli al jazeera. Says people are afraid of further retaliation from have task forces. There is a state of panic. Among civilians especially in the vicinity of a made. That was targeted by rockets launched by house to his forces thats according to the government of National Accord and the transportation minister of the government of National Guard says that. 20 rockets landed in the vicinity and inside the airport. Killing one civilian and injuring get a number of other civilians the outcome of the recent attack is the asian hold at 80 get airports and also schools have have been suspended in. A neighborhood that is the area in the vicinity of the. Airport this is not the 1st time this area has been hit by have to as forces it has been specially made to get airport has been hit dozens of times by have his forces since the launch of the military campaign to capture tripoli back in april still ahead here on aljazeera why mining for cobalt in democratic republic of congo comes at a high cost me all that more when we come back. How the weathers not looking bad across japan over the next couple of days quater weather coming for a little bit some places a cloud sliding through the sea of japan they will not stay away from west to east tell us of what is to shower some of the winter of course over the high ground but sheltered by the mountains tokay getting up to around 10 or 11 celsius over the next couple of days ago some wet weather just teasing out some of those eastern parts of china that will slot across the East China Sea the yellow sea pushing towards the Korean Peninsula as you can see ahead of that japan generally try and find at least for the time being southern areas of china generate dry hong kong not very badly tempest here getting up to around 22 degrees celsius lots of dry to across in the child with the india got some basin places a cloud just lurking around the eastern side of the country one of them has been recently into the northeast up towards bangladesh clad in bright making its way to northern parts of myanmar so some disturbed weather here but elsewhere as you can see it is lousy settle a few showers scumming into under the dash southern areas of india you much just catch the odd shower into. Maybe the odd shout to just sliding its way to sri lanka by which it doesnt that bad up to as a fall off weve got some wintry weather looks down. To the world but its a series of ceremonies a party some feast that we might know when they begin but not on the men. In the comeau resign and sixshot again 20 marcus of social status but this lavish celebration that it will be glad no one ever held this wedding ceremony people who live here and its budget is all still extraordinary the grand marriage on aljazeera wild. World. The old. Welcome back youre watching aljazeera a reminder of our top stories this hour the former free nurul for the Senior Iranian commander custom so the mahdi and abu mahdi army this of the iran backed Popular Mobilization forces is underway both men were assassinated in a u. S. Airstrike near baghdads airport on friday. U. S. President donald trump says he ordered the strike because solomonic was planning imminent attacks on american diplomats and military personnel in markets as foreign minister is heading to tehran for talks. After is called on libyans to rise up against a Foreign Invasion itself the Turkeys Parliament free to send troops to libya to help the internationally recognized protect the capital from huffed us forces. Now a lawyer for the former nisson boss carlos god says he feels betrayed by the Japanese Justice system gone fled japan this week claiming he was avoiding political persecution over allegations of financial misconduct more details are emerging about going strong to escape explains this house in beirut is where carlos ghosn is believed to be holed up now arguably one of the worlds most famous fugitives sought by police in japan and turkey the subject of an interpol red notice and a global media frenzy his escape has embarrassed all sars hes in japan where gone had lived under house arrest and strict bail conditions including a ban on overseas travel. Media reports say the surveillance cameras show him simply walking out of his tokyo home on sunday he didnt return he knows that at the end of the year pan edgers new years which is probably the most important holiday so that there will be very few people watching him so he was going to escape this was the time. And he had to sort of preparing taking lessons in the martial arts and being a physical trainer so he was ready to run. The former head of the. Making alliance and a giant in the global Auto Industry he was 1st arrested in 28. 00 he was facing trial on charges of financial misconduct allegations hes repeatedly denied. His escape spanned 3 continents and plenty of mystery gone contains he was fleeing political persecution of a Turkish Company it says going to a charter flight from osaka to istanbul and another from there to his childhood home by rote. Its understood that theres an interest in lebanon after a transit through turkey from japan the following is very important it is understood that there was a transfer in the Cargo Department at the airport in istanbul for. An employee falsified flight records guns name didnt appear 5 people have been arrested in turkey accused of human trafficking. Gone has tried before to evade attention by dressing as a workman when leaving custody and match and his blog lawyer to kashi to kano seen here with the v. It says he felt betrayed by carlos going to skype but not by going himself instead the japanese legal system had been bad from seeing his wife and want to kano called a violation of human rights and another lawyer was being spied on. Promising to tell his side of the story this week alexia brian al jazeera. China house replaces top representative in hong kong as social unrest in the city enters its 7th month state media says that the head of Beijings Liaison Office wines in maine has been removed it is the 1st major reshuffle since the protests began florence who joins us live from hong kong with more hi there florence so what political impact do you think this will have on hong kong. Before we go into about its worth mentioning a little bit about what the Liaison Office in hong kong does its seen as a well its an organ of the chinese polity in hong kong its supposed to promote communication between china and hong kong so its practically a bridge between Mainland China and hong kong and it promotes and coordinates. Candidates now it has sometimes been accused of overstepping its jurisdiction just as an example in the 2004 Legislative Council elections when the aides on office was accused of mobilizing members of the Interest Groups and Housing Associations to support the pro establishments party and since 2010 when the as an office has often been a target for prodemocracy protesters now as to what sort of Practical Impact it will have on hong kong politically it might be a little bit too soon to tell we dont really know yet whether this signals that china is going to adopt a more hardline stance when it comes to its treatment of the Anti Government protests in hong kong but whats interesting to note is the timing now the this reshuffle the 1st major reshuffle since the protests began 7 months ago comes 6 weeks probation candidate suffered a humiliating defeat at local district Council Elections where prodemocracy candidates won 87 percent of the seats up for election and this also comes about 9 months before the next Legislative Council elections in september and the other interesting timing is the fact that this is on offer is one of its roles is to. Handle relevant issues that touch upon taiwan and taiwan is going to be holding its elections in about a weeks time on january 11th so while it may be a little bit too soon to tell whether this signals how china is going to be handling the protests in hong kong we know that the interest the timing of this it says any interesting lawrence joining us there live from Hong Kong Florence thank you. Now one of the launches evacuations in a still years history is on the way as strong winds in hot weather worsen bushfires 2 people were killed when their car caught fire on Kangaroo Island in South Australia 6 are still missing in the state of victoria tens of thousands of people are feeling at risk times in New South Wales and victoria and Defense Force reservists have been called jessica washington is in one of the worst hit areas of milou a bay on the southeast coast. Many parts of australia have been devastated by this years bushfires season this south coast of New South Wales is just one of them which has been hit incredibly hard if you take a look at these trees you can see that many of them have been absolutely blackened and most of them at the roots that means that they are a risk to the residents here the residents in this community of milou of they do face a difficult prospect of rebuilding their community streets like this one are not uncommon in this Community Row after row of houses completely destroyed its a very difficult to imagine what these residents must be going through this bushfire season has already claimed dozens of lives hundreds of homes and some scientists estimate that around half a 1000000000 animals have died as a result but forecasters are warning that the crisis is far from over this years bushfire season began unusually early and it will be at least a few weeks time before there is enough rain to bring it to an end rescue workers in cambodia digging through rubble to try to find survivors after a 7 Story Building collapsed in the coastal province of care thora to say workers were pouring cement from the top floor when the building crumbled at least 7 people have died Building Collapse last year killed almost 30 people led to calls for safer conditions for cambodias construction workers. Peace in chile used Water Cannons and tear gas to disperse antigovernment protests in the capital some tiago on friday demonstrations have been going on since october on monday chiles president announced that a referendum on constitutional reform would be held on april the 26th its one of the main demands of the protest movement that began over a rail fare increase. Of the 65 people have died in recent tribal violence in sudans west on 4 regions disputes between ethnic groups have seen holmes burns and thousands of civilians displaced according to un peacekeepers if government to restore peace and bring its perpetrators to justice. In democratic republic of congo many children working in mines there say theyre physically and sexually of course to mine coal ball a metal used to make telephones and computers now in a landmark lawsuit a Nonprofit Organization is accusing 5 of the Worlds Largest Tech Companies of exploiting child labor and being complicit in the deaths of some. As more. In the mining town of kuwait the dispersed and poor looking for cobalt its a vital component in batteries used in goods ranging from electric cars to phones and laptops more than half of the worlds cobalt is produced in the democratic republic of congo tens of thousands of children are estimated to be used to dig for the toxic metal without protective clothing theyre here with their parents who say the whole family has to work to survive there for the by their family we are here because we are suffering we have nothing to eat therefore in Mining Companies wont give us jobs they are getting rich from our main roads but recently poor. Illegal complaint the Nonprofit Organization International Rights advocates accuses some of the Worlds Largest to companies of being involved in a system of forced child labor in d. R. Congo the group says some children have died mining coal belt and others have been seriously injured. Many are physically and sexually abused. With their younger. Its hard to keep exact number but. You can tell they have been abused in their behavior. Some arent even 14 years old. Doctors say the number of people getting sick is disturbing it isnt for many young boys and girls coming into us sometimes its injuries from when the mines collapse sometimes its sexually transmitted diseases people dont be a protective clothing and so in women we see birth defects and miscarriages from exposure to the middle. Human rights with the say a lack of political will is partly to blame. There is a lack of leadership of Foreign Companies get away with a lot of things sometimes they treat local communities on a fairly they get away with it because of corruption in this country changed then our people will grow from the resources of. The government says its putting in place monitoring and tracking mechanisms to tackle the exploitation of children in mining but International Business is using cobalt in the goods and a pressure to guarantee theyre not easing child labor how to aljazeera and i wake of pneumonia is causing alarm in china 44 people have been diagnosed in cases linked to a food market in the central chinese city of all are being treated in isolation and a further 121 people are under observation we have break a standard memories of the sars epidemic in 2002 can of course follow all of our major stories on our website at aljazeera dot com. This is al jazeera and these are our current top stories the former funeral for the Senior Iranian commander qassam solomonic and abu mahdi army hondas of the iran backed Popular Mobilization forces is underway both men were assassinated in a u. S. Airstrike near baghdads airport on friday iranian president Hassan Rouhani visited the family of sort of early on saturday morning. That the americans do not realize what a big mistake theyve made they will see the consequences of their mistake not only today but in the years to come this great man deserved not to be killed by an ordinary person or terrorist but to be martyred by the historys biggest terrorist in this general is martyred the whole u. S. Army is put on alert in the entire region so mommys assassination has inflamed already tense relations between the u. S. And iran the pentagon says it will deploy more than 3000. 00 troops of the region to boost security libyan warlord honey for half star says his fight is now against a quote foreign occupier after Turkeys Parliament agreed to send troops to libya after those forces have been attacking the capital tripoli since april libyas un recognized government asked turkish president rage of time i heard you in for support the u. S. And arab league of all expressed concern about turkeys decision will shortly after have to are made those comments civilian districts of tripoli were targeted with new airstrikes more than 20 walk its at the capital and at least one person was killed it course in turkeys arrest of 5 people as part of an investigation into former nisson boss carlos golems transit through the country after he fled japan a turkish private aircraft operator says its planes were used in his escape and they filed a criminal complaint the company says one of its employees falsified documents to fly in the out of the country fled japan to their been and despite living on district bail conditions whilst awaiting trials for financial crimes and i break of new morning as causing alarm in china 44 people have been diagnosed in cases linked to a food market in the central chinese city of walk on all are being treated in isolation and a further 121 people are under servatius inside story is next but by. Irans Top Army Commander is killed in a u. S. Airstrike in iraq tehran is warning of a posh revenge some sort of manis assassination forget a minute for a confrontation and how would that affect the rest of the middle east this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program on Darren Jordan iran is vowing revenge on the u. S. For killing its top military commander got some sort of mani died when an american a strike hit his convoy near the airport in baghdad the assassination ordered by President Trump marks a dangerous escalation in tensions between the u. S. And iran well Supreme Leader ayatollah ali hominidae says the general was killed by the cruelest people on a

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