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Has asked his cabinet not to comment on the situation so were not going to hit any official comment coming from the israelis but there may well be a statement from the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also we are hearing was briefed on the strike either as it was taking place or just immediately afterwards so israel definitely in the loop with the u. S. When it comes to this situation but what israel does next is going to be reactive according to what happens within the region most analysts suggesting that really whats going. On i want to also for the israeli public and in the press there what their reaction has been i mean initially this morning we saw reaction to king from iran saying that you know israel was part of this attack alongside the u. S. Well israel has always been seen as the u. S. Is junior partner when it comes to the region so clearly those comments on a surprise to anybody and if you look at social media and if you look at the Television Channels and they are rolling with the coverage of this escalation because they are very worried about what goes on on that boat is and also theres been this traditional over the i mean traditional of the last decade of Benjamin Netanyahu blaming iran for all of the problems within the region you remember that very famous. Presentation at the United Nations where you had the toy bomb blaming iran for developing what he called a Nuclear Weapons program the iranians actually deny that they have a Nuclear Weapons program but this is all part of the fabric of whats going on here also you have to remember judy we are in an election cycle period in israel the 3rd election in a year so is it likely that promise Benjamin Netanyahu will use this to show that he is a strong man that he is decisive will that be electioneering its you have to take that into consideration as well on there live with the latest from my series them and. Well iraqs Prime Minister has been talking apple aapl mahdi is calling the incident quote a dangerous escalation that will lead to fuse of a destructive war in iraq the region and the world well lets cross over to simona fulton who is a bug dad somewhere i want to reflect on that statement but also the one from. The 01 of the iran backed groups in iraq has ordered his fighters to be on high alert for an upcoming battle what do these statements tell us. Well a 1st visit a Prime Minister statements from the condemned this attack in the strongest possible terms which is in line with the previous reactions that we seeing come out of the government is specially following the u. S. Airstrike on sunday on hezbollah brigades positions in iraq similar to those strikes he called basically condemned this as a unilateral action that violates the terms of engagement of the u. S. Led coalition here in iraq which is supposed to be a year to train Iraqi Security forces and to support them in the fight against the Prime Minister also called. The end of this martyrs and basically commemorated their role in the fight against iceland specifically with regard to the other 100. 00 who is the 2nd in charge of the Popular Mobilization of forces he basically called his assassination and attack and aggression against the iraqi state of course that the Popular Mobilization forces or p. M. S. They are often accused of basically being and it rainy and lead or back group but officially at least on paper they are part of the Security Apparatus and the s. S. A nation of 100 is basically the assassination of an Iraqi Security officer now the Prime Minister has in his statement called for an emergency session of parliament that session is now supposed to take place tomorrow saturday and he has called on parliament to basically legislate last to respond to this crisis now on the other hand we have heard that even you mentioned earlier basically not calling on Political Action but on military action what he said that basically you his group which is a cyber hug which is one of the many groups under the Popular Mobilization forces that they were basically revenge. Of both for their money and hundreds and specifically. What he said was that we will assure ensure the total elimination of u. S. Presence in iraq and of course codes of causality is an important person to watch now because with the death of. Hundreds the 2nd in charge of the pm he will now play an instrumental role as a military leader of that group he is somebody who already has a lot of experience fighting the americans because he. Basically attacks an insurgency against them in the wake of the 2003 invasion so what we have to watch now is how this is these pledges for military action will actually look like in reality will we see more of the same as we have been seeing in the past of rocket attacks against bases where u. S. Personnel are station well we see another attempt to attack the u. S. Embassy in baghdad or will there be Something Else altogether and similar he also said as part of that statement that the 2 martyrs with huge symbols of the victory against the Islamic State can you explain for our viewers why that significant. Well what do you say referring there is basically that the Popular Mobilization forces they were set up they were more in 2014 to fight for when the group was basically taking. Swathes of land in Northern Iraq and marching on baghdad back then this group was created but it also included some groups like. A house which had basically existed before and which has a history of fighting the americans all of these groups have basically submerge in to one and what the Prime Minister here is basically saying is that these 2 people had a positive influence in iraq hes not at all taking into account any criticism of the broader iraqi public that both class and slim and the end of the market on 100. 00 had a detrimental impact on iraq because of course protesters accuse them both of undermining the sovereignty of the country of basically pressuring the government in a certain direction so there was no acknowledgement of the of that whatsoever it was as if basically it was an arbitrary to true leaders who had contributed only positively to the country so that tells us a lot about the Prime Ministers and hence of the Iraqi Governments stance we were all wondering the you know now their cards if they have been caught between the United States and iran for a long time but with these significant events the thing on everybodys mind was that will the Iraqi Government drift perhaps closer to the u. S. Or closer to iran and i think Prime Minister i love that about his statement was clear in the basically they rock a government is tagging closer to the iranian side some of the fault and theyre with the very latest live from baghdad some want to thank you for people in tehran have been reacting with a mixture of anger and sadness to general salim on staff. Because. I heard it on the radio in the taxi this morning i was waiting for the names of those killed when i heard general salim alis name i said oh god he was martyred unconsciously i started to cry and also realized some shabby figures were killed as well im calling on our government to consider the punishment on the us to take revenge on them. And with us a foreigner. Unfortunately its clear that wherever the u. S. Enters it is after domination for its own interests general was one who stood up bravely especially fighting i saw we all know how much effort he put into fighting them is very painful for us and we hope we can take revenge i express my condolences to the people and his family. He was a key figure 100 percent they were targeting him they knew where he was surely arar wont leave it on answered i will do something i was surprised when i heard at the smalling one of my colleagues informed me i was surprised that it was possible he said his father has been crying in front of the television since 4 am im amazed its possible for this to happen to someone so important its very strange. Well lets cross now to dosage of our he joins us from tehran and dorset of real feeling of betrayal on the streets and in the loft it to ron. Certainly we have just been hearing from the friday prior sermon carried out by months how tommy a terror on university he said that it is time to cleanse the area in the middle east of the u. S. Troops and forces and we also heard from the former head of the bus each forces of the revolutionary guards who said that the United States should start ordering coffins for all the u. S. Troops that are present in this region there is a lot of anger and frustration and disbelief at the americans that they would do this to such a figure as essential imani hes not only a leader of the what force hes so much more than that in iran his face his name is synonymous with irans national lety the pride that the iranians feel as a result of his work and his efforts this is a man who was with took part in the Islamic Revolution of 1979 and was a fighter at the a during the iran iraq war between 1901988 he became a head of the old force in the early 1993 was very close to the Supreme Leader ayatollah ali harmony and the 2 had a long and very close relationship the Supreme Leader was the 1st person to comment on the killing of so the money issued a statement saying that his death will not be in vain that they were there will be revenge carried out there is going to be an emergency meeting of the Supreme National Security Council in teheran headed by the president Hassan Rouhani where they will decide how to move forward how to respond to this attack this is the body thats in charge of the charming iran Foreign Policy under the guidance of the Supreme Leader we are just waiting to find out when that meeting will take place and hear what the. They are going to do next but i think the next 24 hours with very critical weve already heard from iraqi officials that the body of our some stolen money is on route to Baghdad Airport to be flown back to tehran there has been 3 days of mourning declared by the Supreme Leader all concerts music events in iran have been cancelled and many people are just still in shock the friday Prayer Service leaders shared some sentiments that i think is very telling that the ideology of the money lives on in every iranian and that is very true here even the taxi driver that i came into the office with this morning had not heard the news and when i told him he was so overcome with emotion he has to stop and gather himself before he could continue this is a feeling that many people share i think regardless of their political background economic cost. Was a figure much larger than himself in iran. With his face on it people carry his photos that various official events when they gathered to see the Supreme Leader hes believed to be the man responsible for keeping iran safe away from the hands of. Fighters reaching the streets of tehran and the idea that the United States has carried out this attack so cold and. Headley is something they just cant fathom right now to have such a bond there live with the latest and all the reaction from tehran dorsett thank you lebanons hezbollah leader has issued a statement about going to pursue the punishment of those who are behind sort of manis killing his son said its the responsibility of all fighters around the world he said they will quote complete soleimani and work day and night to achieve his goals well mohammed joins us live from mohammad how was this news being received in lebanon with particular attention to that statement there. Well julie let me 1st read you just a little bit more of a house in the statement that he released about the killing of a money. Offered his condolences to our dear brothers as he says as mr nasrallah says the officials of the Islamic Republic in iran especially the leadership of the Islamic Revolutionary revolutionary guard and the great and resisting iranian people he also goes on to say this is how we see the scene and the situation as for us who are maimed we will complete his path his being cause and so they money and work night and day to achieve his goals and we will carry his flag in all arenas fields and fronts now obviously that poses a lot more questions than gives answers many people here wondering will there be a retaliation could any retaliation perhaps take place in lebanon these are all things that are making 11 on quite tense today there are people weve spoken with who are really shocked at what happened they did not believe things would go this far and theyre particularly worried because lebanon is at a very fraught and delicate moment right now lebanon has seen massive antigovernment street demonstrations for over 2 months now protesters who come out day after day demanding a complete overhaul of the political system now at the moment there is a caretaker government there is a Prime Minister designate that Prime Minister designate has said hes a sunni politician but he is backed by hezbollah this is already created friction in his attempts to try to put together a cabinet if a cabinet is not formed and quickly that means that the Economic Situation here will grow even more dire and this is a country that is on the brink of bankruptcy already and has been going has been suffering through financial crisis for a long time so theres a lot to worry about in lebanon right now when you add to it the specter of potentially more violence here that just makes people even more worried now one more thing to add weve heard from hezbollah sources that there is not going to be a speech made. By house in the style of today thats a bit surprising it was really expected that has an answer would be addressing his supporters today and speaking live about the death of costs so the money that apparently is not going to happen perhaps that will change but at the moment were told thats not going to happen leaving many here to speculate as to why some people believe that perhaps house and will be coordinating more with iran seeing what iran will be stating before he himself comes out and gives further remarks about the killing of costs and so the money truly. Mohamed i wonder in all of this talk about politics and politicians for lebanese people waking up today what what do they want. Well its a very good question look the protesters that continue to come out they want to see an overhaul of the political system they would like to see an independent lebanon a lebanon that functions lebanon with a government as many demonstrators say full of technocrats that can really try to repair the divisions in this country they can try to make it functional that can try to repair the economy but whats telling today is that even though now weve heard from hezbollah and weve heard from hezbollahs leader Hassan Nasrallah we have not yet heard from other politicians across the very divided Political Landscape in lebanon and thats really going to be crucial as to what exactly is going to happen next are we going to hear condemnation are we going to hear condemnation of iran are we going to hear condemnation of the United States really thats going to set the tone and the fact that weve only heard so far from hezbollah really kind of suggest that the other politicians that are here no matter how popular or unpopular they may be they want to hear 1st from hezbollah and see what house and thats what it was going to say before they are going to take their cues and basically emerge and give their statements so a lot of questions right now so what exactly is going to happen but this is something at a time when there has been some hope bubbling up in lebanon because these demonstrations have gotten the attention of the political elite here because politicians here are at least making gestures that would suggest they are listening to the protesters that they are trying to form a government that would be acceptable to the protesters this throws everything into disarray and a lot of people ive spoken with here today well they believe now that the prospects of a government being formed with this hanging over everything thats gotten a lot less likely than it was just 24 hours ago Julie Mohammed jam jim there joining us with the latest from beirut want to thank you. Well youre watching l. G. 0 remind of our top story this hour. The old the supremely the overrun ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says those who killed custom solomonic should await a tough revenge iranians are mourning the death of some omani of fraidy prayers in tehran laughter authorizing the strike President Donald Trump tweeted a picture of the American Flag but as made no further comment the moneys death has exacerbated already tense relations between iran and the United States. Well hear were also money is an iraq a kurdish journalist and commentator is a foreign Media Advisor to president Jalal Talabani who joins us now via skype from erbil as sorry very warm welcome to the program 1st of all your reaction to these targeted killings. Well it was a cry to major events i mean nobody was expecting. Reaction by america of this magnitude targets that that that takes the head of the of the iranian or this interference in iraq generally there is content amongst the iraqi people especially those who lost their relatives their loved ones at the protests 600 People Killed 20000 people injured people generally see conceptually many as the months the mind of crushing the protests that took place but at the same time there was general prevention of. Irans reaction the iraqi people here feel that. Since the attack took place or the american operation took place from the iraqi soil the arena reaction could come on iraqi soil and this is. The defeat of the the biggest fear of the people of iraq that iraq becomes an arena for conflict between iran and the United States and i wonder if you can sum up for us just how much more complex the Political Landscape already fragile right now in iraq has become as a result of whats happened. Well originally since the start of the protests iraq has become 2 political fronts the front of the protesters the front of those who want to cross the protests and do not want to really see. The do not want to give in to the demands of the protesters the government has largely been a bystander the iranian the Iraqi Security decision when it comes to true issues like the protest has been in the hands of custom silly money and others. Are proud of the existing Prime Minister of the caretaker Prime Minister is unable to make such studious or brave decisions in the prize this was his label before he resigns that laughter is a suggestion is the same he issued a very strong statement this morning but it is highly likely all analysis is that he is still under the influence of the pro Iranian Forces and militias that are operating in iraq. The year just a few moments ago issued their weekly friday segment and they called everybody for calm and for good judgment in this and responding to events so it was a more calmer or a more balanced statement so it is on the other hand the front of the protesters. Are mostly content up to a point but as i said they are at the same time quite apprehensive well for what may unfold if iran decides to attack the United States on iraqi soil he was there joining me the Iraqi Kurdish journalist and commentator sir thank you. Well our when bashar is al jazeera senior political analyst and he joins us here in the studio and i thought it was interesting there when i was listening to mama jump jim that he was saying that we would expect to come out and make some sort of a speech but hes not going to do that which then led me to thinking about the call from iran for its allies around the region to back it but i just wonder how invested these allies are right now well there are certainly invested i just think its a bit farfetched for the Lebanese Hezbollah is living a very sensitive moment in the lebanese political life. To be using this attack this killing of one of its allies cost them silly money in order to provoke a conflict or a confrontation with israel. Because in the end of the day this this was a very explicit admission boasting by the american president that america was behind this this killing this assassination and clearly the United States when it comes to that part of the world is enormous need to visit to carry on such attacks because it is the United States that has been militarily involved in iraq for 16 years now when israel of course has no faith you know footing of any sort in the country. Very quickly if i can which way is the current iraqi caretaker government going to lean thats what ive been hearing from our correspondent in iraq and also from our guest there is it going to lean potentially towards the u. S. That was the big question or towards iranian influence in a vertical the question is for me is what did this attack this very precise assassination how and how did it influence. The mindset in iraq my guess is that for the time being theres going to be of course solidarity with iran because and maybe i will discuss this in the next hour because i think the big issue here if we just open our or our lens a bit wider and just look at just what happened in historic and strategic sense ill tell you what is happening is a major confrontation between geopolitics american jew politics and the iranian geography iraq is part of americas geo political map but it is part of iranian geography its next door neighbor america is 2 options away so iraq in leaders look at this and the escalation thats going on with trump saying i want to pull every american out of iraq. Iraqi leaders will look like it says iran is staying in this neighborhood for eternity the americans were not sure if trump is. I would draw like he would drawn from syria and started to withdraw from afghanistan so i think for a lot of iraq is the bet for the short term will be on your own marwan thank you so much for joining with your thoughts thank you. A quick recap now of rolling coverage and what can be seen as a major escalation here in the middle east the United States has killed irans will senior military commander seem sort of monica was assassinated in an airstrike in the iraqi capital baghdad where well take a look in just a 2nd back of a life accustomed sort of money a man who was frankly loved by iranians some the general who equally by the u. S. And by israel was called an enemy for years. Major general custom solomon a was a Senior Commander of irans Islamic Revolutionary guard corps and the hit its a late could force he graduated to the role 20 years ago was regarded as the mastermind of irans military strategy in the region he really spoke in public but gave this interview in october saying irans i. O. C. Had expanded Islamic Resistance to half a 1000000 square kilometers connecting iran through iraq and syria to lebanon on. The codes for us runs a runs Foreign Military inclined to stein operations the us attributed it to campaigns in iraq lebanon and syria germany kenya bahrain and turkey so money delegated iranian diplomats to meet with u. S. Officials after the september 11th attacks and they briefly worked together against the taliban but the relationship soon to terry shoot during the iraq war the us sit around through the could schools and shia militias killed more than 600. 00 American Service members 17 percent of all u. S. Deaths in the war the u. S. And irans priorities aligned once more in the fight against eisel but didnt devolve past the battlefield in april last year the u. S. Designated the Islamic Revolutionary guard corps as a terrorist organization with this designation we are sending a clear signal a clear message to irans leaders including his band of thugs that the United States is bringing all pressure to bear to stop the regimes outlaw behavior. We asked our allies and partners around the world to this thing. But salomone had the full support of irans government he received irans highest military award last year as tensions between the u. S. And iran solomonic continue to support shia militias including the hezbollah brigades who were targeted in 5 u. S. Is strikes last week after they fired rockets at a us base he survived many attacks on his life inside iran and abroad but it would be in iraq where shia militias trained by his could force killed hundreds of americans that the u. S. Indeed his writing age 62 shallow ballasts aljazeera this is al jazeera. At 1 oclock this is an hour special coverage here on aljazeera live from doha a dramatic escalation in regional tensions as the u. S. Kills one of irans top military commanders. Same sort of money lead the revolutionary guard elite out could force well have reaction to his death through around the region and around the world

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