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Corruption cases. To ensure lanka the new president s role in the civil war is causing fear among tamil minority. Supporters and members of an iran backed group of withdrawing from the u. S. Embassy compound in iraqs capital baghdad after a 2 day siege of americas biggest Diplomatic Mission leaders of the Popular Mobilization forces ordered them to leave but theres a condition they want to Iraqs Parliament to vote on a timeline for the withdrawal of foreign troops the protesters are angry about sundays and strikes by the u. S. On the hezbollah brigades camps that killed at least 27 people earlier on wednesday the crowds threw rocks and lit fires outside the compound irans Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has also condemned the u. S. Strikes and warned that tehran will defend itself if through. And the u. S. Dispatched an extra 750 troops to the region following the protests President Donald Trump threatened to retaliate against iran but said later that he did not want a war aljazeera some other full team begins our coverage with a report from baghdad. They left just as they had arrived a day earlier determined and angry but also pleased that they had managed to deliver a message to the us supporters of the iranian backed Popular Mobilisation forces who had defied the Prime Ministers orders to withdraw just a day before now heeded the call of their leaders while some dismantled tents and ferried away supplies used to camp the night out the more defiant ones staged a final showdown in front of the embassy gates burning tires and flags to the sounds of antiamerican slogans usa was let out of from our country we dont americans we cant brought it to ourselves morganton really our fighters who hurt out. Killed ourselves road turned them ran through. The attack on the u. S. Embassy was sparked by the latest u. S. Strikes against hezbollah brigades which is part of the Popular Mobilization forces the majority of the crowd consisted of its members and supporters but some here say they were also driven by what they perceive as an unjust american policy in the region this is my land and if you want to stay hale you must understand its. When the. Hands believe and understand. Its we can leave. As crowds withdrew u. S. Helicopter circled overhead after reinforcements arrived from kuwait the night before the white house had pressured the Iraqi Government to end the standoff but it was clear that of the already is here didnt want to risk confrontation Iraqi Security forces surrounded the embassy but used no force to remove the crowds or the Iraqi Governmental forces have been put on a very confusing and sensitive position as i mentioned they have a very Sharp Partnership and an alliance with both countries the u. S. And iran so the Iraqi Government now has to prove to the u. S. That its taking either a neutral stance or its protecting the u. S. Embassy because thats what a government has to do. And yet to the outer gates of the Embassy Burned and vandalized bear witness to the Iraqi Governments inability to protect the u. S. Presence here the siege here at the u. S. Embassy appears to be coming to an end with u. S. Trade and Iraqi Counterterrorism forces now taking over to security and basically securing the area of the crowd control but the hezbollah brigades have said that this is just the 1st lesson for the United States they have vowed that they will not stand down until they see a full departure of u. S. Forces from iraq before the monopole to aljazeera but about where u. S. Secretary of state might compare with spoken to a number of washingtons regional allies about the situation in iraq because there are reports from washington. Just because the immediate threat so to speak is dissipated outside the u. S. Embassy in baghdad does not necessarily mean everyone in washington is calling with how everything is going and its moving on to the next thing no theyre not this is still very much a big crisis here in washington are seen as that of what happened my pump ala the secretary of state speaking to regional allies in israel iraq and qatar he spoke to the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about iran who the u. S. And israel both think were behind this clearly spoke also to iraqi Prime Minister Abdul Abdul Mahdi on wednesday as well where he the secretary of state stressed to the Prime Minister of iraq that the u. S. Still strongly believes that its the Iraqi Governments responsibility to make sure that no such attack happens again on an american Diplomatic Mission inside iraq and then he also spoke to the Qatari Foreign minister mohammad to bin Abdul Rahman Al bani qatar is important because its a key strategic ally in the region for the United States according the state department to the 2 Foreign Ministers spoke about their joint commitment to see peace and security in the region and how to Work Together to make that happen again qatar very critical the u. S. Has about 10000. 00 troops stationed in a big airbase just about a half an hour outside the capital of the hot and qatar while a key ally of the United States also speaks with its neighbor iran well here a man lever is a former White House National security official and she says the President Trump should be concerned by how the unrest in iraq is perceived back home in washington. What we see is an interior an enduring symbol of the storming of the u. S. Embassy by thousands of of iraqis its an enduring symbol that nearly 17 years after the u. S. Invasion of iraq one trillion dollars spent 5000 u. S. Lives lost that the u. S. Position in iraq is is worse today than it ever was and i think the Trump Administration President Trump in particular but also secretary of state pompei o are very concerned that what is happening in iraq could at least you know on Television Look like a nother benghazi moment thats what theyre talking about here the concern that back in 2013 when the u. S. U. S. Diplomatic compound was stormed and magazine libya and the u. S. Ambassador was killed it was a tragic terrible moment for the United States but wouldnt it was an issue that both president and especially secretary of state pump aoe use mr lee to attack then secretary of state Hillary Clinton when she ran for president they are both very concerned that a similar type of in an incident could now happen in iraq to president. Evacuations have begun and relief supplies of arrived for thousands of australians stranded in fire ravaged towns thousands more are being told to evacuate with dangerous conditions for cost this week has seen the deadliest space of blazes since october 8 people have diet across New South Wales and victoria another 17 on their own to be missing naval ships of started to deliver supplies and are evacuating people from cut off towns more than 200. 00 files and still burning in victoria and New South Wales where more than 1300 homes have been destroyed conditions are expected to worsen in the southeast this weekend so firefighters a busy creating natural fire breaks to limit the destruction australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has counted claims that Climate Change is the root cause of the record breaking wildfire thats what is no doubt natural disasters turned that way because thats what die up by natural disasters and they wreak this sort of havoc when i effect our country is that i have for a very long time what were saying is we have we cannot control the net chill disaster but what we can do is control our response what we can do is support those who are out there putting themselves at risk by showing the patients in the condors new street that enables them to do their job and we need to do that for as long as it takes and it will cost whatever it costs the a. B. C. s melissa clock is in maria in New South Wales she says that most people of left to safety but there are still some good choosing to stay. People in maria can either go north or south along the princes highway most people are choosing to go south that will get them down to bega they can then take the Snowy Mountains highway into cooma and then for a lot of people go back to either camber or sydney or head further inland i spoke to people trying to get young camera people from all around just trying to get away interestingly a couple of locals i spoke to dont want to leave even though the r. F. S. Are advising people to leave this coast eve they can. Hear very clear that they want anyone who has the capacity to go to leave as soon as they can one of a k. Thing thats worth mentioning is that power is being restored here in maria i have not but there are still plenty of places that joint have power and getting the information that they want people to leave as soon as possible is proving tricky and we are hearing some circumstances where theres been misinformation getting around as well particularly where there isnt mobile reception and power israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has lost parliament to grant him immunity from prosecution in 3 Corruption Cases to succeed hell have to win the support of a majority of members in the knesset requesting a beauty is likely to delay any potential trial by several months. Calm reports from. Just 4 hours before the deadline to request parliamentary immunity from prosecution expired the israeli Prime Minister appeared on television and said he would ask the knesset the Israeli Parliament to grant him immunity but have an opinion. About its mind tension this time before the call to shatter all the public accusations against me they citizens of israel the mean achievement what is meant to protect us from tided law im serving political crises harming the will of the people. He has filed a request with the speaker of the knesset but its likely to be months before m. P. s vote on it israel will hold its 3rd election in a year in march and they said you know his request can only be debated by a Parliamentary Committee wants a government has been formed it then has to come out of committee and be presented to knesset members to be voted on forming a government could take months. However some politicians are pushing to speed up the process holding the Committee Stage before the election already the request for a munity has divided israeli politicians Avigdor Lieberman from the Israeli Home Party and an influential figure has said he wont vote for immunity netanyahu is only could party has said it will vote for immunity. In november israelis attorney general decided to indict Prime Minister netanyahu in 3 separate criminal cases the alleged fraud bribery and breach of trust but dont let on a construct of a show i made the decision to issue an indictment against him and with a heavy heart a heavy heart perhaps but wholeheartedly with a deep sense of commitment to the rule of law to the Public Interest and to the citizens of the state of israel and. Netanyahu and his supporters have claimed that the charges are politically motivated and that Law Enforcement and the judicial system in effect mounting a coup against him. Netanyahu now faces a tough political fight yes to win an Election Form a government and then persuade m. P. s to vote for immunity i mean if he only last as long as he is in office as Prime Minister or if he remains a member of the knesset the move will delay the prosecution of these 3 court cases by months or even stole the process completely until netanyahu is out of politics its already been a very uncertain year in israeli politics and the future it would seem is equally uncertain and long car how does their western slim were going to weather update next here on aljazeera than violence and arrests as protesters in hong kong begin the new year with another massive march demanding greater political freedom. The woman described as africas richest denies allegations of corruption in an exclusive interview with al jazeera. Hello again its good to have you back well over the next few days we are going to be watching the southern part of the United States very carefully notice the clouds on the satellite right here coming in from mexico that is bringing a lot of moisture weather and we do expect to see some flooding as we go into friday notice the heavy rain anywhere from texas all the way over here towards parts of mississippi alabama up towards georgia as well flash flood watches are in effect right now across much of this area now as we go from thursday into friday the rain is going to ease but still rain is going to extend all the way up here towards parts of new york as well we do expect to see a rainy day in new york at about 9 degrees and for washington about 13 degrees for you there a nice day over here towards los angeles plenty of sun in the forecast for the time to there of about 21. 00 degrees that same area of moisture is coming in across parts of mexico as well out towards western mexico we are going to be seeing some very rainy conditions along that western coast not looking too bad as we go towards friday the rain starts to sink a little bit more towards the south but for the rest of the caribbean things are looking quite nice were going to see maybe some showers for havin a warm day for you at 30 degrees nasa is going to be see partly cloudy about 25. 00 but down towards jamaica it is going to be a warm in a sunny day with a touch of there of 31 degrees for you. One of the really special things that working crowd is here is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much empathy and contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else would be for it is it is very challenging there but it is but the good because you have a lot of people that are divided on political issues we are we the people we leave to tell the real stories just mandate is to deliver indeed generalism we dont feel in favor to the audience across the globe. Muar war. Hello again this is al jazeera thats roger and maybe use this after a 2 day siege of the u. S. Embassy compound in iraq protesters packing a pro Iranian Group of now withdrawn but theyve done so with one condition they Want Parliament to vote on a timeline for the withdrawal of foreign troops from iraq. Evacuations began a relief supplies of arrived for thousands of australians stranded in fire ravaged towns 8 people have died in the states New South Wales and victoria this week one of the 17 im going to be missing. And israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is Aust Parliament to grant him immunity from prosecution in 3 Corruption Cases netanyahu was indicted on charges of bribery for and breach of trust in the event. At least 400 prodemocracy demonstrators have been arrested in hong kong after a peaceful new years day march through the city ended in violence tens of thousands of people to pass in the police approved rally but its permit was revoked after mosques demonstrators broke all from the main crowd of zeros Florence Louis reports from hong kong. Was. What was supposed to be a peaceful march descend into chaos and destruction on the streets of hong kong a small fiat most likely caused by a petrol bomb but its before its doused by a will to carry. Elsewhere police stupid to arrest a protester off to demonstrate his ignore their warnings to leave for hours into the protest march police would through that permit for this rally deeming this to be an Illegal Assembly meaning they can take action to clear the street and that is exactly what they are doing here riot police have got water cannon clearing the streets of protesters as well as the barricades that protesters have set up crowds of protesters. Many wearing gas masks had earlier used a braless and bricks to block roads police fired rounds of tear gas to disperse the crowds i the march had started peacefully in the early afternoon attracting tens of thousands of people who slowly made their way along a 3 and a half kilometer route young and old they chose to spend new years day much the same way hong kong had spent the 2nd half of last year at another street demonstration although he mocked by new years wish for peace in hong kong but that will depend on the government and the Chinese Communist party if they continue to tighten their grip on hong kong and these protests will continue. Along the way Labor Union Groups set up recruitment booths and volunteers collected donations to assist the protest movement was the crowd did let up on its 5 demands which include an independent investigation into allegations of Police Misconduct during the protests and the right to choose their leaders. Police did a distance away keeping a close watch occasionally protest this would direct the anger at the police but theres. Been handy government protests of hong kong have gone on for nearly 7 months now and even though there are rallies and gatherings almost every day theyve reduced in intensity theres no indication the government is willing to make further concessions hold on no matter what the outcome will be. No one knows for how long this will go on florence aljazeera hong kong in taiwan at least 13 people are missing including the nations military chief of staff after the helicopter they were aboard made an Emergency Landing in the north of the island rescue teams have been dispatched to the helicopters last location the Syrian Government and russian asterix of killed at least 9 civilians in the last remaining rebel stronghold turkey accuses those forces of targeting a school 5 children are among the dead attacks on province of intensified in recent weeks in december alone the violence forced only 300000 people from their homes the u. N. Envoy to libya is accusing Security Council members of violating an arms embargo us on salami says that there are concerns about foreign fighters being flown into libya to parliament is to use a vote on thursday on whether to deploy troops it follows a request for military support by the un backed government in tripoli its coming under attack by forces loyal to the warlord colley for half the whos been trying to seize the capital since april so his Vice President says that turkish troops may not be deployed if half halts his offensive the daughter of angolas former president has denied allegations of corruption after a court froze her Bank Accounts an estimated 1000000000. 00 worth of assets has been seized as part of an Anti Corruption drive by the angolan government Isabel Dos Santos says the accusations are politically motivated and that she has not been summoned by any court will santos has spoken exclusively to aljazeera and says theres been a lack of due process. We have not been summoned we have not received any notices from the court nor i nor any of my eye directors or companies have been issued any notice is whatsoever so this was a completely secret procedure we had no recourse of defense so we were never called to show any documents or even to present any witnesses this is a politically motivated attack theres no doubt about that my father was the former ruler of angola he was president for a very long time chose not to stand for this elections he chose not to stand in 2017 believing that it was important to have a transition it was important for someone new to come and unfortunately the nuclear who came on board has now trying to convey is politically motivated attacks on his family and specially on his children the former Prime Minister of Guinea Bissau ex General Motors the socalled barlow has won a president ial runoff with 54 percent of the vote. Boller supporters celebrated the victory of the capital it takes over from president was a matter of us who was eliminated in the 1st round of the election but the losing candidate the minggah arsenal is panetta says that the vote was rigged hes vying to contest the results at the Supreme Court. At least 16 in mesa been killed in a prison riots in central mexico at least 5 others were injured in the violence that broke out on tuesday night Officials Say that some of the victims died from gunshot wounds that were caused by weapons believed to have been brought in by visitors. Brazils controversial president jaya bos a lot has completed his 1st year in office in that time the mass protests so that his policies on the environment and Indigenous Peoples but supporters point to keep changes to the economy particularly an overhaul of the pension system. The reports i hear after is surprising victory brazilian president joe you both so now the us failed to deliver on his most radical promises and managed enough winds to keep them alive the former army captain a selfconfessed nostalgist for the brazilian dictatorship has blamed the democratic checks and balances in this country for slowing down his dream of freeing brazil of what he calls the ideology of the left and globalization while pushing for its progun pro religion agenda. 3rd of the country remains delighted with his ideas but many seem to have had 2nd thoughts he was rather inexperienced and throughout this year he has had many specific problems candles and so on which havent allowed him perhaps to build or to maintain that high level of popularity. Hes been at loggerheads with International Organisations as he played down the devastation of the amazon rain forest for the 76 percent increase in fires compared to the previous year. A messy caly it has also been a turbulent time promises a legal izing the carrying of arms and offering immunity to police carrying out lethal operations were rejected by congress or hoped by the Supreme Court corruption scandals involving a sun damage this image as a crusader against corruption and the countrys powerful farming lobby forced him to push down its and china and take communist rhetoric. To manage to pass historic pension reform after decades of failed attempts to tackle brazils sky high public debt. I think some of his main promises that were related to security to the ability do to you know to have all guns and things like that havent turned out to be so successful or so important i think whats whats happening if you read Public Opinion and so on is that the focus is moving you know surprise surprise towards the economy what few know is International Supporters still hope he will be able to tackle drug gangs in crime but to further his vision the key will be revitalizing a still sluggish economy a year later its unclear whether hell be able to achieve a few doubt hell remain as controversial as ever i listen to them. Because new president rajapaksa is facing deep distrust among the tunnel minority the countrys north where most of them live is in dire need of investment but not many hopeful of help from the governments rajapaksa was defense secretary during the final days of the civil war in which tens of thousands of tunnels are estimated died shall strafford reports. Tamil fishermen return with their catch to sri lankas north shores its been 10 years since the nation 3 decade long war between the channel tiger rebels and the Sri Lankan Government ended a government promise is the best moment of it but failed to materialize life for these men is exceptionally hard. And the man they say must do more to help sri lankas new president is deeply distrusted here because of iraq a proxy from the majority Sinhalese Community whose defense secretary joining the latter stages of the war. Both sides were accused of committing war crimes its estimated that tens of thousands of channel civilians could have been killed in the final days of fighting. And tunnels voted overwhelmingly against rajapakse or in the november election and the trying to come to terms with the result and. Again we are on social one can see it isnt but i think we must accept him as a leader of this country things have to change with the times. Has the highest concentration of the countrys 2500000 tonne of minority but theres been little investment here Northern District of the smallest contributor to sri lankas economy around 4 percent of g. D. P. Unemployment is 15 percent in some areas almost 10 percent higher than the south. For president Mahinda Rajapaksa promised investment and infrastructure is a means of helping reconciliation efforts his brother the countrys new leader is promising more of the same but im least say there is going to take a lot more than money to force trust and agreement over a potential loss to political solution. A new railway and road linking the peninsula with the mainland have been built but few of the estimated whole 4000000 people who fled abroad during the fighting and could help rebuild the economy have returned around 20000 others mostly channels are still missing and their families say not enough support is given to those still traumatized by the war economics. Says between different government it says but to read minds between people from different parts of the country between different communities different ball game. Successive governments have refused to implement. With respect to policing and land rights as specified in the countrys constitution its really important that any government that comes to poly including this one if they want to build trust that they ensure that Development Comes with devolution where they give some development to the local population. Many of those tunnels remain fearful of the countrys new leader a man they blamed for much of this suffering in the past. But aljazeera northern sri Lanka Pope Francis is apologised for slapping a woman on the wrists during a new years eve celebration ahead of the Roman Catholic church appeared visibly angry when the woman pulled his hand but he was greeting people in vatican city since expressed regrets. No name god salvation is not magic but it is. That is it involves the patience of love love makes his patient many times we lose patients including me and i apologize for yesterdays bad example. It is good to have you with us hello adrian sitting in here in doha the headlines on aljazeera supporters and members of an iranian backed group of withdrawn from the u. S. Embassy compound in iraqs capital baghdad after a 2 day siege leaders of the Popular Mobilization forces ordered them to leave but theyve done so with one condition they want to Iraqs Parliament to vote on a timeline for the withdrawal of foreign troops i was in a small a full team reports now from outside the embassy in baghdad. Here at the u. S. Embassy appears to be coming to an end with great iraqi pound the 3rd force is now taking over to here and basically for the hearing the area of the crowd 4 but the brigades of death of birth left and for the United States they have vowed that they will not go down until they are sure of u. S. Forces from iraq. Evacuations have begun relief supplies have arrived for thousands of australians stranded in fire ravaged towns at least 8 people have died this week alone in the deadliest spate of blazes one of the 17 of those to be missing more than 200. 00 fires are burning in the states of New South Wales and victoria israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has asked on a month to grant him immunity from prosecution in 3 Corruption Cases netanyahu is indicted on charges of bribery fraud and breach of trust in the event. Syrian government and russian air strikes have killed at least 9 civilians in the last remaining rebel stronghold turkey accuses those forces of targeting a school 5 children among the dead the un envoy to libya is accusing Security Council members of violating an arms embargo who gets on salami says that there are concerns about foreign fighters being flown into libya Turkeys Parliament is to use a vote on thursday on whether to deploy troops at least 400 prodemocracy demonstrators to the rested in hong kong after a peaceful new years day marched through the city and in violence tens of thousands of people took part in the police approved rally but its permit was revoked after last demonstrators broke off from the main. Those are the headlines that is continues here on aljazeera after the bottom line next. Dissolute mother waits on the border between ukraine and russian occupied crimea. For news of her missing some. Humorous young tom 3 men who disappeared to screwing her wrists these disappeared other victims of a crackdown on the qatar population as crimea by russia since it took u. K. Should 2014. Be food the invasion of 2014 crimea was a part of another country ukraine refund when the soviet union grew come into separate states but Many Russians including the president Vladimir Putin were unhappy with this. Russian is determined to keep its alleged abuse of human rights away from public scrutiny. As the only indigenous groups to openly opposing the 2 groups russia sees this Muslim Minority as a threat. Hi im Steve Clemons and i have lots of questions today can the same technology that we happily bring into our homes and we keep in our pockets thats making life and connections and knowledge easier to access can this all be turned around in weaponized against us lets get to the bottom line. Usually when someone talks about killer attack people imagine giant killer robots vaporizing people and destroying cities with huge laser beams hollywood style but thats not what were talking about today today were keeping it real we all love to use facial recognition to open our phones but at the same time we know that facial recognition could be used by security agencies to pick us out of a crowd so what is the future hold for us as we freely give away our privacy in exchange for convenience fortunately we have 3 people in the room who have all the answers to these questions larry irving a lawyer by training who has spent his life working on the infrastructure of the internet in September Larry became the 1st africanamerican ever to be inducted into the internet hall of fame congratulations my friend in a free to has been covering the internet sin

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