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And bringing in the new year that is australia and before that museum and leading the way in our showing in 2020 were taking a look back as well at some of the stories that made headlines in 2019. And porous with the sport including the disappearance of a football is father colombias world cup made failed it demands answers from the new head of the countrys army. So were going to start with those unprecedented scenes of anger at the largest u. S. Diplomatic post in the world members of an iranian backed group and their supporters marched into the heavily fortified green zone in the iraqi capital baghdad and surrounded the u. S. Embassy some even managed to break into part of the compound a security post at the entrance of the building was set on fire they were risp. On doing to those u. S. Airstrikes in iraq and syria on sunday where camps belonging to the iranian backed Group Hezbollah brigades were struck violence erupted on the same day funerals are being held for the fighters who were killed in the u. S. Air strikes but the u. S. President put the blame squarely on iran donald trump warned iraq it must use its forces to defend the embassy the u. S. State Department Says it has been given assurances from iraqi leaders so in a moment we will speak to mike hanna in washington d. C. For more on what President Trumps been saying weve also got some wonderful scene in baghdad 1st lets have a listen to her report. It was supposed to be a funeral procession commemorating the 27 fighters killed in the latest u. S. Air strike but instead it turned into an unequivocal message to the u. S. As well over the. Oh hundreds perhaps thousands of people are taking part in this procession currently theyre marching across the Hanging Bridge towards the fortified green zone behind me and this is of course where the u. S. Embassy is located and that is where they are headed of course this is not just a funeral procession this is a public show of defiance aimed at passing a message towards america the bear presence here in iraq is no longer welcome. Most of those here are members or supporters of the Popular Mobilization forces they pay their respects as the bodies pass by and they vow to avenge their deaths and the other on the lives of honor that all of this cowardly act was carried out by the u. S. And israel they will pay a high price we will take a strong stand and we will not forget the blood of the martyrs as long as there is breath and side of us we will tell them that we are here on the street and we are here to stay and there will be an aggressive response to their bases are not saying the top leaders support this march including. The leader of the biggest bloc in parliament and there is. An insurgency after the u. S. Led invasion they vowed to use both military and political means to expel the u. S. Troops. Out of the this embassy has proved its conspires against iraq this is the embassy where they spy on iraq and where they lead to destruction of iraq this is where the suburbs are supported for months Iraqi Security forces have guarded the green zone against antigovernment protests but this time they appear to have orders to stand down allowing the crowds to pass the checkpoint leading to the u. S. Embassy the protesters threw stones and set fire to the outer gates of the embassy the situation appears to be escalating now with. Hundreds perhaps thousands of members of the Popular Mobilization forces having reached through the gates of the u. S. Embassy there Rolling Stones their burning shoes the trying to climb the wall to reach the u. S. Embassy compound and theyre chanting antiamerican slogans are demanding their way of troll off american troops from iraq Prime Minister out of the mahdi has called on protesters to retreat condemning any attack on embassies but the fact that these crowds have been allowed to reach the embassy gates appears to signal the governments implicit endorsement of the message theyre trying to send just before we speak to some one of those have a quick look at where the embassy is actually located it is within the heavily fortified green zone which houses Iraqi Government buildings and foreign embassies in the city center the embassy is the United States as we said largest diplomatic post in the world was the most expensive to build so simona 14 in baghdad were a little bit past 6 in the evening now there are things settle down as the. Well we retreated from a near the embassy a few hours ago because the situation was pretty volatile but were hearing that as of now there are still some protesters that are present around the embassy but many of the crowds have begun retreating at around 2 pm local time we could see them walking back across the bridge across the bridge of the tigris river and basically leaving the green zone the same way they came weve also seen pictures of Iraqi Security forces deployed and the year of the embassy but of course this comes hours after police crowds manage to reach and attack the u. S. Embassy so of course the United States will not be happy with this response they actually the u. S. Guards the actually are guarding the embassy they had deployed to tear gas and stun grenades to try to disperse these crowds because the Iraqi Security forces were basically just standing by and letting the crowd you know i do this very close to the embassy and basically do whatever they wanted to do now what remains to be seen is how the Iraqi Government will react to this we have heard statements from Prime Minister at all of them at the thing that he condemns these kind of attacks on embassies but in the end what is evident is that the Iraqi Security forces that are responsible for protecting embassies failed to do so today simona the fact that there was a response from iraqis today is probably not surprising given the strikes that happened but did the ferocity of it and the and the depth of feeling did that surprise you. Well it was surprising that they managed to reach the u. S. Embassy i did not expect that Iraqi Security forces would simply stand down now of course this procession we have to draw an important line between the crowds today and the crowds that have for 3 months been demonstrating against the government theyre not the same todays group was composed mostly of fighters of the p. M. S. Or their supporters and their stance is not representative of broader Public Opinion here in iraq and in fact many of the protesters that have been demonstrating for 3 months strongly object to reigne and plants in iraq and they criticize groups under the pm for basically not. Listening to president orders but rather taking their orders from tehran and they also accuse these groups of perpetrating some of violence against iraqis so its very important that we dont see todays actions as reflective of a general iraqi Public Opinion in this very much reflective of the p. M. S. Position and it is also reflective of the governments position the fact that these crowds were allowed to go as far as they did shows that the Iraqi Government at least implicitly endorses their stance Simona Fulton reporting from baghdad shes been out there at the Embassy Today as the crowds poured in there thank you and now we go to mike hanna in washington d. C. Hi mike tell us about President Trumps reaction. Well theres also been reaction from secretary of state mike compare within the last hour in which hes held iran accountable for the attack on the u. S. Embassy the protests outside this a repeat in a way of President Trumps earlier tweet during the ongoing demonstrations in which President Trump said that iran was and i quote orchestrating the attack on the u. S. Embassy so both the president and the secretary of state purely clearly placing a demonstration in the context of the ongoing conflict to u. S. Conflict with iran so this is a very much a situation that is attracting much attention here senator Lindsey Graham has said as well that President Trump has acted correctly his strong nature has means that there will not be a nother thing garci on his watch this in reference to the attack on the u. S. Embassy in benghazi in libya back in 2012. Thank you for that update mike hanna is in washington d. C. Lets keep going with this an iraqi politician closely linked to turn from was among the people at the u. S. Embassy. Seen here the man next to him wearing the white turban is the political leader has ali who was recently placed under u. S. Sanctions. In the iranian capital tehran explaining why iranian backed political figures were present at these protests. But he is a very well known figure within the establishment in iran he fought on the iranian side during the iran iraq war between 1988 he has pledged his allegiances not only to the Islamic Republic and the ideologies of this country but also to the Supreme Leader as well as the head of the revolutionary guard sports force hossam soleimani he doesnt make it a hidden fact that thats where his allegiances lie he is now head of the Better Organization which is part of the largest Ruling Coalition within the Iraqi Parliament group as is the man we just heard from he is the head of puzzle the network these are groups that came to be following the fall of Saddam Hussein and their various groups that were fighting amongst each other and also fighting against the u. S. Forces that were occupying iraq at that time they now are part of the government this is where the dichotomy law is within iraq their relationship with iran is something that has been ongoing for years and now that they are officially part of the government that is something the United States cannot tolerate theyve said that this is part of irans quote to malign behavior its something really that dates back a long time it is not a recent development the relationship between these sides so for this event today its very important to note that these leaders were there as a sign as a gesture it wasnt an accident that they were present at this event outside the u. S. Embassy its a message to the americans that not only do we not want you here but that we have the full support and cooperation of the iranians behind us. Lets hylas together now with mark kimmitt who served as assistant secretary for Political Military Affairs under president george w. Bush he was also Deputy Director of planning and strategy at centcom is to kimmitt thank you for your time is it as simple as laying this blame at the feet of the iranians maybe old so just there are a lot of iraqis who are upset about the fact that there are strikes in their country no i think weve got to understand that the majority of iraqis ever since the protests started on october 1st have said we dont want iranian influence inside the country i would actually lay the blame at the feet of the government itself the government of iraq they are the ones that had been on able to address the protesters demands inside of tehran square here square theyre the ones that we have told time after time after time to stop these rocket attacks by your p. M. S. That youve incorporated into the security structure the government again failed today by failing to keep the International Zone locked down and they failed because they were unable to protect the American Embassy and all embassies for that matter against damage and destruction it is a responsibility of the government of iraq for all of these things particularly the defense and protection of embassies abroad. And so i think the this demonstrates how weak the government of iraq is and candidly theyve got to decide if theyre going to be. A government that supports the people of iraq or theyre going to be answerable to tehran its a government thats going to find its own strength at the moment isnt it because as you say it isnt a particularly on week period or a moment youve got to wonder if they can keep control of the situation. No i think youre absolutely right but i i would not overestimate the strength of the shiite parties affiliated with iran inside the country right now yes you see hadiya la marie case because ali is see the one hand this you see fall at the protests but they only represent a fraction of the shiites inside of iraq most are very much against iran but its unfortunate that right now what were seeing is a small minority of shia affiliated with iran at the front of the at the front of these protests what sort of reaction would you expect from the americans themselves and the President Trump is saying well iraq its your job to protect our embassy because its in your country but given the rocket attacks have been going on given the u. S. Contractor who was killed a few days ago as well its just its an escalation almost every day well youre right and what i am concerned about is that this president may simply say look i promised to bring american troops home not to add troops into the middle east its clear that were no longer welcome in iraq isis is the feeded i dont know what were doing there just leaving ourselves exposed to protestors and to death by forces that are to truly under the control of the government so candidly i think that right now the National Security officials are talking to President Trump and theyre actually saying should we be there at all other than an embassy presence mark kimmitt joining us from washington d. C. We thank you very much for your time. And just a quick look at the live shot from baghdad as well it is quarter past 6 in the evening. Choose the night new years eve it is there and the 5 still burning at the u. S. Embassy still plenty of people there as well Simona Fulton our correspondent saying she and their crew fell back a few hours ago because things were getting so dangerous they have been clearly still some big numbers there as well were keeping a close eye on that of course well bring you any more developments as they happen in the meantime heres what else is coming up for you on this news hour chinas president xi jinping dedicates a new years message to the people of hong kong have reaction from the protest movement also Central African republic on the edge will be on the ground in benghazi as the deadline to hand over weapons. And support the bucks pick the battles in the n. B. A. Thanks to the return of the leagues most valuable player well have more on that a little later. As i mentioned its new years eve in sydney has welcomed in australia as a new year with thousands of fireworks over its famous harbor. Its spectacular for sure but there is controversy over whether that huge show should have even gone ahead as find his battle those massive bushfires around the city flags on the sydney harbor bridge have been flying at half mast for the 12 people whove been killed. Still a 1000000 people gathered around the harbor for that dazzling display of pyrotechnics. Emergency workers meanwhile the describing the bushfires in eastern parts of australia as apocalyptic in the state of New South Wales many towns of calm and orange and red hades bushfires right john of control of thousands of australians the beach has actually become their only escape. So the fires in are burning in every state with unprecedented intensity the state of victoria in the south that is currently among the hardest hit more than 260. 00 news fires have been counted in just the parts 36 hours including near the tourist town of kuta shot at us has our report. As a Massive Wildfire rolled to woods the town of miller kusa 4000. 00 people fled towards the beach those with boats went one step further and now the 5 friends come through. Every one side and sound got to get out of the job just to grab that supplies but i never see them or get. The fire was burning across 730 square kilometers is the day began it encircled residents and turn day tonight this video was recorded at 9 am by just getting the same invisible and i have a name so i reckon that they say. That its the wards of the north east at the moment and it started in the town of noah do they have the military there is currently under attack at the moment theres a. The house we believe was last in and around that community weve got 3 straw tames sitting in with the community literally standing side by side with our community at the beach front victorias premier looked towards the Australian Defense force for help while fire bosses tried to calm residents not just in malibu to get across the state but a number of communities are actually isolated and again this was a scenario that we forecast a number of days ago so our focus today is very much about how we can get in how we can support those 1000 back to communities. In the neighboring state of New South Wales scenes repeated the community of burma gooey kempt at the local surf club with the ocean as they exit and this wasnt bateson day during the new years holiday coastal towns a popular vacation spots with already said verge tens of thousands of holiday make is to go or harm or cancel their plans because of the brave and fair evacuation center. In florida is really bad its hard being. A popular pick this is the middle of a very. Major cities have not escaped the choking smoke and flames on monday 100000 people were urged to evacuate from 5 moment suburbs this was filmed in western sydney on tuesday. The strain is wildfire season is breaking records. The 1st major fires started in Early September before the arrival of spring the product of soaring temperatures dry ground and strong winds theyve now destroyed more than 40000 square kilometers of land at any given time dozens if not hundreds of fires are burning the full heat of summer has yet to arrive charlotte dallas. Chinas president has said he quite sincerely hopes for the best to hong kong and its people in his new years televised speech she didnt ping went on to say that a prosperous and stable hong kong is the aspiration not only of hong kongs people but also the expectation of people in mame and china prodemocracy protests in the semi autonomous territory began back in june with people upset about the bill to extradite criminals from hong kong to Mainland China of course the legislation was withdrawn but now demonstrators are demanding political reforms to treat you with more from beijing. During his new years eve speech she jinping seemed to emphasize 2 messages patriotism and unity this was really a speech that was about whipping up their national foamer of the Chinese People but reminding them of some of the main successes of the communist party this past year. 5 g. Technology the building of beijings new airport and most importantly the celebration of the 70th anniversary since the founding of the peoples republic of china it was quite a bit devoted to the splendor of the glory of that parade but there was one damn spot in xi jinping speaking she mentioned the success of macau the 20th anniversary of macau which took place in december but also he mentioned that the Chinese People were quite concerned about what was happening in hong kong he said that not without mentioning directly the protesters that it was difficult for the people of hong kong to enjoy their lives without stability and you wish the hong kong people well now this speech very much is is also about paying rallying the people he actually mentioned that china is not afraid of any dangers of any obstacles of any barriers and i think thats he was his subtle pointing to some of the challenges ahead and the reality is china is starting 2020 on the back foot this is a country which is experiencing a lot of difficulties at the moment he. Licit a lot of achievement of some of the things you didnt mention was at the moment china is embroiled in this trade war with the us which has not seen a substantial resolution its seen these ongoing protests in hong kong it seems taiwan pulled away even further and its also seen a growing spotlight on reports of human rights abuses against the we can Muslim Population in shin jon so for xi jinping this speech was all about really calling on the Chinese People to stick together really firing up that nationalism and also reminding him reminding them that is that there is a lot of hard work ahead and we see that Going Forward its not only going to be about positive messaging for the Chinese People what we also expect is a way to clamp down on any dissent that china is really going to intensify things like Patriotic Education and also rate prop probably going to see some ramping up of things like surveillance and censorship on behalf of the communist party. Well were less than an hour away now from midnight in hong kong the new years eve celebrations are mere should the Governments Council the territories traditional fireworks display for the 1st time in 12 years because of security concerns the city bracing for more protests timed to disrupt the new years festivities several rallies being planned government demonstrations of course now into the 6th month here we go with Florence Louis in hong kong for us looks pretty busy that tell us whats happening. While were here outside one subway station in calgary in hong kong this is one of the protest sites but the protest is antigovernment protesters have hold on people to match to mark for months since police stormed the subway station the images from that day show police hitting people with battens using pepper spray even going into the train carriages and really this has become how hong kong people are going to be ringing in the new year even of the wants of from where that where people are traditionally gathered to watch the fireworks while protesters have been telling people to gather that best logan one of the new slogans is dont forget 2019 persist in 2020 really if anything an indication that they want this Antigovernment Movement this antigovernment protest to continue that momentum into the coming year and a couple of hours earlier we were at one of the main shopping districts traditionally the streets would be filled with shoppers with torahs with people waiting for the new years eve countdown instead it was filled with had very heavy Police Presence police out in riot gear police trucks. And the streets were the shops remained open but it was far quieter than what it would normally be like at this time of day yeah. Florence any reaction official or otherwise to what she jinping had to say today. Well we would not have any official reaction so far from the chief executive on the new years day message but carrying the chief executive off to deliver a new years day message and if we were expecting any concessions from beijing i think we can put that idea to bed kerry lawman years day message said that hong kongs new years resolution should be to restore peace and harmony to society and she acknowledged that this year hong kong has faced many challenges the likes of which it has not. And the government has often repeated the line that one of the reasons part one of the reasons why these protests have gone on for so long and have turned violent is because of the huge economic disparity in Hong Kong Society and the chief says how the government is and has rolled out measures to tackle this but the government has been silent on whether or not it will need any of the remaining 4 demands that protesters want thank you for and slowly in hong kong to midnight theyre all right still to head for you on this news hour on occasions of forced abortions were speaking to Ethnic Council to say they were detained along side we can muslims in china. From and pietschmann to immigration the king at the issues dividing americans for they decide whether President Trump should get a 2nd term and knighted for services to soccer ball has more on flamingos College Receiving portugals highest on. However the weather still looks a little unsettled across some Northern Areas of the middle east at the moment more rain more snow or cloud piling in you can see the thick a cloud that is coming out of you know the parts of syria seeing quite a wintry mix then as we go through wednesday its also some showers remedies to sort of the mediterranean pushing towards syria maybe towards lebanon as well and fair amount of fright and snow ace there across afghanistan if anything that becomes more widespread as we go on through thursday aceh but a wintry weather coming through a couple temperature of around 3 degrees celsius the disturbed weather well wise but around the levant isis well that rain just sliding its way down towards israel maybe even into lebanon as we go through the next couple of days wet weather coming across parts of Northern Syria into Northern Areas all of iraq ahead of that weve got some cloud which will fade its way across Northern Areas of saudi arabia and we will see a few spots of right on that launching a little further south which as we go on through thursday i think will stay fine and dry here in doha temperatures at around 23. 00 degrees meaning meanwhile its fun to try course much of south africa we have got want to choose showers just around the mountain say about the west to weather the northern madagascar. The latest news as it breaks boeing is the longest manufacturing exporters in the u. S. With detailed coverage critics say secular protections and great in the Indian Constitution and now under threat. And fearless generalism from around the world recycling fanfares like this one play a crucial role in argentinas away from management set them. On the news i hear at aljazeera and these are our top stories members solve an iranian backed armed group on the supporters of surrounded the u. S. Embassy in baghdad some areas were set on fire and Iraqi Security forces fired tear gas and stun grenades to disperse the crowds chinas president has said he sincerely hopes for the best for hong kong in his new years televised speech celebrations in hong kong itself up to 6 months approach to more see protests. And fire crews in australia continue to battle bushfires that have ravaged parts of the country thousands of people in the southeast for truck driver night on beaches as the flames spread around. Now the deadline for government in Central African republic to hand over weapons has passed and theres no sign that they have remember at least 40 people were killed in days of fighting between market traders and groups in the capital bangui the trade is issued a 48 hour ultimatum to the gunmen to surrender their weapons United Nations has sent more troops to the region but the struggling clearly to keep the peace and interests with us now from banky. So what happens now that this deadline has passed. Well basically come on if i move out of the frame the right behind me all the eldest sitting down these are the leaders of the Traders Union who are meeting to discuss the aftermath of the sudden movement of the United Nations and government Security Forces in this neighborhood for the 1st time now basically the United Nations a saying that enough is enough need to be surrendered previous attempts to destroy the militias in this neighborhood well this is the market was the killing over the last week happened in which 41 people have been killed 70 have been enjoyed the United Nations just saying that its finally deploying more troops to the area to do the people and also ensure that peace is maintained in this area apart from that. Theyre also saying that i should a side order has now been issued on anyone carrying a weapon in this neighborhood it looks like a b. Sides the warring sides themselves are actually tired of whats been happening all these yes but the. The Tipping Point was when the militias who have been introduced at this market from opposition militias from coming here and fighting them are the ones who eventually intimidating on a horse exporting money from the traders here and those when the trade us we acted as had enough is enough they took up arms against them and then the United Nations now and the Security Forces the Central African up with coming in to maintain the peace. So it is significant in itself then had the Government Forces have been allowed into this particular part of bank gave the 1st time in 5 years was an. Absolutely this is a plus time Security Forces government Security Forces are coming into this neighborhood previously the militia why in control why in charge of providing security to traders at this market the United Nations lost in 2018 attempted to stop the expulsion that became the Tipping Point this year but it failed in the process more than 40 people were killed now the United Nations and local Security Forces deploying to this market by the way a short while ago we saw patrols of United Nations mission in Central Africa going round the market to ensure that the new declination is maintained and supported at all cost we havent seen Government Forces yet but we were told that they too would be joining patrols with the United Nations to ensure that everything is quiet in this market no on board a spent team not only in the market but also in the surrounding area became fight which has been up all the time at the most volatile area in the capital or even across the country thank you i think interests in Central African republic. The former chairman of nissan has fled to lebanon from japan where he faces a trial over allegations of financial misconduct carlos ghosn has a lebanese passport arrested in tokyo in 2018 but was released under strict bail conditions he said he didnt flee justice but in fact escaped injustice and political persecution his lawyer said his legal team helped 3 of guns passports and called his behavior inexcusable go in is one of the worlds most High Profile Company bosses now facing a litany of charges though in japan born in brazil raised in beirut he was appointed chief operating officer at nissan and then as chairman forged the alliance with runner and its a big creating the worlds 2nd largest car manufacturer is now being investigated in japan for understating his own income from nissan and hiding for years worth of compensation payments arrested in tokyo last year accused of funneling 5000000. 00 of nissans money for his own benefit going recently fled to lebanon to faces a trial back in japan over financial misconduct jerm spoke to us earlier and said that scullers goannas entered into beirut on his french passport and. We now have confirmation from the lebanese government that mr going is indeed in lebanon there was a statement that was issued by a lebanese general security its a very brief statement it reads carlos cohen has entered beirut in a legitimate way and there is no need to pursue him legally i guess that really puts to bed the question as to if the lebanese authorities are going to be cooperating with any request by the japanese to perhaps extradite mr go and of course you know in our political unit there is no extradition treaty between japan and lebanon so that adds to the murkiness around this case we are indeed right now in eastern beirut its a rainy day where in the neighborhood a should be a behind me is one of the houses own by mr goh and we do not know if he is indeed there there is a bit of a security presence here right now one car from the internal Security Forces and a few of their Police People that are here guarding this house but theres been no other incidents to speak of out here today now there was a Statement Issued by mr goh in spokesperson in france several hours ago he had said that he was not fleeing justice but in fact he was escaping injustice now im paraphrasing there so let me read you a little bit more of what his statement said mr goh and said i am now in lebanon i am no longer hostage to a biased japanese judicial system where the presumption of guilt prevails where discrimination is widespread and where human rights are violated this in total disregard of the laws and International Treaties that japan has ratified and which it is bound to respect. Bangladeshs Main Opposition Party is demanding a rerun of last years election its held a rally in the capital dhaka at least a dozen people were injured during protests on monday when Police Stopped protesters for mulching towards the Prime Ministers office time to chandras been at todays round to find out why opposition supporters are refusing to give up their demands for a new election. This is the product protest by the United Opposition Alliance and the leftist pot is in bangladesh across the country their main protest is about 11 parliamentary elections that took place on december 2018. Everyday people are facing various kinds of problems and the government is unable to so this government is unelected and illegitimate so they should let go of the power and hold an election to a democratic process on the same by the leftist party united tried to brought out a procession heading towards the Prime Ministers office was confronted by the police and there was a major clash at least dozens of people were injured and 3 were event. My mother said theyre going to enter he not in bangladesh there is no democracy now the present government is unelected and illegitimate we all rejected the last election and demand a new election under a neutral caretaker government yesterday Police Attacked us in a peaceful protest rally many were injured which is why we are here to protest. For our part the government is saying they came here with the public mandate the election was free and fair oh boy its making them nervous that i want to hear my dad moved on by the Opposition Party against the government right now considering it has lot to face raid without knowing a crisis and whats going on across the border i mean the last thing they want to see a Political Movement in bangladesh. Muslim women who were detained in detention camps in northwest. An hour of accused of stories of abusing them and forcing them to have abortions spoke to some and in part 2 of our special series of summer binge of aid reports on the plight of ethnic conflicts you say they feel there is nothing they can do to bring their abusers to justice. On this wall in the in kazakhstan are the faces of people who were held in china relative say theyre being held in internment camps but beijing called reeducation camps to counter what it calls extremism goes here was held in such a camp she didnt talk about her experience until after shed been awarded citizenship in kazakhstan she says abuse she suffered has scarred her for life and she frequently suffers headaches. When i was crossing the border they saw i am using whatsapp i was detained and sent for thera medical test they found i am pregnant and forced me to abort after the abortion they isolated me in a clinic they gave me some medicine which they said was for tuberculosis i dont know what it was members of the Turkey Community accuse chinese authorities of using abortions as a weapon against muslims either women afraid to reveal their identities have also told al jazeera about abuse at the camps the relative safe haven in kazakhstan is only for its nationals and does not apply to ethnic conflicts or chinese nationals and thats among the causes creating empty China Sentiment inside cars because. Dozens of people were arrested in neutral tunnel monti during in mt sinai demonstration in september these men crossed illegally into gaza to stand after the reportedly freeze terrorist meant by chinese authorities. And where i get him only now risk being sent back to china activists see events like this fuel and to sign a sentiment and kazakhstan should not roll over for its powerful neighbor if it nick. Jews are prosecuted mass massively prosecuted for example in russia in europe israel states they will talk against of its governments must defend any ethnic cousin in the world this analysts working with a government funded think tank says the china kazakhstan relationship is a delicate subject the message chinas internal affairs but is sometimes if you take take into account the United Nations motions. We go if your stance or position. It was quite pragmatic and we abstain from voting. On. This motion so we have more independent stance and about the same time where realize that your political reality so i believe its. A style diplomacy where we try to sustain the relation the same time show our case some question why should kazakhstan oppose china with which it shares a 700 kilometer border when other muslim majority countries support beijing earlier this year more than a dozen member countries of the organization of islamic cooperation or i. C. Signed a statement in favor of chinas policies commenting on internment camps the Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman has said the reagan ethnicity is part of the big family consisting of 56 ethnic groups in china tightly united together like the seeds of a pomegranate theyre living a better life and fully enjoy freedom and rights china also enjoys friendly and close relations with the vast majority of muslim countries in the world. Many at because exceed chinas violating human rights on a large scale in the name of fighting terrorism they say their next generation has been killed before birth and their Muslim Identity is being systematically erased yet they argue there is no leader from the islamic world standing up to support them. Some injury down to 0 and marty. The United Nations recognized government in libya has denied allegations that Turkish Backed Syrian Rebels fighting alongside its army warlord Khalifa Haftar us forces of accused turkey of sending what they call extremist terrorists into the country on monday the turkish government submitted a motions of parliament seeking approval to deploy troops to libya chris as the conflict there threatens its interests well speaking in benghazi the spokesman for half his forces said turkey is using the conflict in libya just to further its own interests lets not allude to the turks transported hundreds of terrorists from syria today they are in fact a group of very extreme terrorists among them suicide bombers and specialists in explosives. The u. S. Of course remains deeply divided on issues like impeachment and immigration and that could have a Significant Impact on the upcoming president ial election this is the next part of aljazeera series looking ahead to 2020 per examine Donald Trumps chances of retaining the white house in november is complete hocus. Everything that happens in washington in 2020 will be overshadowed by one looming event. The president ial Election Campaign in november voters will go to the polls and decide if u. S. President donald trump deserves another 4 years in the white house in a way that will lead to the democrats plan to stop him but just who will lead the charge is still to be determined nominating contest for Democratic Candidates begin in february in iowa its a total sham democrats will no doubt use the impeachment of the u. S. President as their opening argument article one is adopting the u. S. Senate is expected to debate the issue in a trial after trump was impeached by the house of representatives but its unlikely the republican controlled Opera Chamber will vote to kick trump out of the white house leaving voters to decide still accusations that trump abused his authority by pressuring ukraine to investigate a political rival the basis for his impeachment will haunt his campaign. Immigration will also be a divisive issue during the election 2020 the Supreme Court will rule on immigration matter bit further divided americans will decide whether some children are brought here illegally into the United States by their parents can stay under a program that trump ended the program is known as dhaka where i dont. d the Supreme Court will also hear arguments on a louisiana Abortion Case that could decide the future of the law legalizing the practice the case will open old wounds trump is appointed to conservative justices and at least one of them Brett Kavanaugh faced a difficult nomination and 28. 00 team that split the country partly stoked by fears that the right to an abortion is under attack. In june the u. S. President will also host the meeting of g 7 World Leaders at camp david expect ongoing disputes over chinese trade European Union tariffs and nato to come up amidst all of this is the future of Donald Trumps tax returns since his election victory the u. S. President has fought every court battle to release them but now the highest court in the United States is set to rule on whether trogs personal Tax Information should be public can really help at aljazeera the white house. Odd. Our welcome back is paul with a look at sport thank you very much colombias world cup football at one fernando can tell has demanded answers from the new head of the countrys army it concerns the disappearance of his father more than 20 years ago can tell it was 2 years old when his father went missing in 1905 his family allege that time a disappeared after falling out with the commander of the base where he was doing his military service that commander was Eduardo Zapatero that man there who on monday was sworn in as the head of the army can terror has now asked to meet zapatero the case is one of many taken up by columbias National Center for historical memory which claims more than 80000 people were forcibly disappeared between 1582015. I join in the feeling and pain of the content of family i want to tell one foot in undocking terrell that i also respect him that you are our football idol and that the doors of my Army Commander are always open for you and your family. Scottish club Glasgow Rangers have demanded action after claiming that d colombian star alfredo morellos was racially abused by celtic fans who were sent off after diving to try and win a penalty at the end of rangers 21 when he made justice to the crowd of Scottish Police havent yet received any complaints argentinian giants baka juniors have announced from their formal legends as their new coach. Has returned to the Buenos Aires Club charged with reclaiming the copper liberty doras trophy they havent been champions of south american since 2007 when rosso was last in charge barca lost the final to their great rivals river plate in 2018. Well winning the cup of liberty doras brings adulation in south america and for flamengo coach jesus it is now seeing him receive a knighthood the president of portugal presented his us with the honor at the belem palace in lisbon the 65 year old portuguese only took over as head coach of the Brazilian Team in june has become a hero with the flamenco fans by delivering a long awaited National Continental titles to england and its been a tough decade for Manchester United after 20 years of dominance they lost their long term manager Alex Ferguson and failed to win the league in 7 years their new boss a league on assault isnt feeling too glum though and believes theyll be back with a bang in the twentys i think were on the right track. We are in a transition period weve seen a little do it. Come out strong after a couple of years and we will come strong this decade definitely thats just in the nature of this club to the n. B. A. Where the Milwaukee Bucks have ended the year on a high at the top of the eastern conference with a win over the Chicago Bulls wilkie star player untied the compo was back in action on monday night the reigning m. V. P. Player scored 23 points in his return from a back injury he was the leagues 2nd leading scorer with an average of 30. 5 per game entering this one the bucs pulled away in the 2nd half to cruised to 823202 when. The miami heat suffered one of their most stunning losses of the season 2029 seen on a light the Washington Wizards jordan the christ got 29 points starter matthews out of 28 to help washington cool off the heat with a 123205. 00 when. Much time. Mondays only game in the n. H. L. Saw pittsburgh climb to 3rd in the east on home ice the penguins eased to a 5 to 10 victory over the Ottawa Senators Evgeni Malkin the starman with 2 goals for pittsburgh Dominic Simon and jake again so also on target to make 3 straight wins for the penguins and 10 victories in their last 12 games. Plans to slash the amount of time it takes to play a cricket match have been cautiously backed by the sports founding country england the world governing body the i. C. C. Is looking at proposals to cut test matches from 5 days to a mere 4 after 2023 the english cricket board is tentatively agreeing to the change test matches have been played over 5 days for the past 140 years but only a 3rd of matches in the modern game merrick why a 5th days play the worlds top tennis players are preparing for the 1st tournament of 2020 the new a. T. P. Cup team event in very unusual circumstances world number one rough on the dar is in perth in Western Australia where hell lead spain in a group 3 and a half 1000 kilometers away in brisbane big rival Novak Djokovic is with serbia after the group stage the teams all had to sydney for the knockout matches the tournament begins on friday and has a 15000000. 00 prize fund. While the American Team took time out from training on tuesday to meet Fire Fighters in perth john isner and taylor fritz thanked members of the service in Western Australia whove been tackling the fires devastating parts of the country. And i will have more but thank you paul you will see paul again about 1800 hours g. M. T. The next news out of a quick look at. Counting down to midnight they were not going to see the big fireworks display on victoria. This year it has been canceled for because of the security concerns 6 months of protests there have been of course in hong kong still plenty of people turning out they are expecting some rallies to possibly coincide with midnight which is about 7 minutes away were going to leave you with this news out there with a look back at some of the big events of 2019. Demonstrators United Kingdom opposition to a proposed extradition. Now its the summer of its content. Protesters say its become about much more than a post nor was i to doubt the future of this city halls closed on a record breaking day for Hong Kong Election prodemocracy party secured a Record Number of say its place. Last the way the political and social unrest is sweeping south america playing in slow play they talk about. I long why you dont is the man that challenges his illegitimacy on some day hes still the president of bolivia why did they choose de power and then nick so i this is how the end of 30 years of rule looked when president already this year was deposed. After 18 months of protests and 4 months of it was the sudans reading military come down and the Opposition Coalition into a kind of power sharing deal. Protests turned to celebrations of the news of positive his resignation. Its not about where you are legion says mind this deeply divided sectarian country. All walks of life are united against the political leadership. Panic among the crowds of protesters as gunfire and coast around central baghdad protesters say they want to live in an independent iraq not one that the public eye didnt state and youre wrong. Some. People are dying entire School Systems collapsing we are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fame and tales of challenging Economic Growth how did you. Want words to the Prime Minister can adequately express the pain and suffering of new zealand stock as they walked words capture the anguish of muslim communities targeted by hatred and violence. Carnage in churches and one of the most important days of the christian calendar. This is what the end of isis self declared caliphate looks like. A movie a car al baghdadi is dead. The time is now run out. With the opportunity to serve the country. For a strong some return to damming street triumphant the conservatives have redrawn britains political map. As the result was never in doubt article one is adopted children is the 3rd u. S. President in history to be and its a disgrace indeed administered kashmir has been cut off from the outside world the Indian Government has revoked. Regions autonomy. The Nobel Peace Prize winner the main thing is by the military now defending them and herself against charges of genocide. I accept this award on the awful video because. Especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the cause of peace this is so easily just so. This is so low. Discover the world of aljazeera. The best films from across our network of channels under 506 boys and to go to none of them have citizenship fresh perspectives and new insights to challenge and change the way we look at the world. Cup. Colleges 0 world. On aljazeera. Its a tough time for the afghan Security Forces taliban attacks have increased suffering heavy casualties and the prospect of a withdrawal of u. S. Forces hangs over them yet young men are still joining up some for potshots at reasons for others its the only way to get a job despite the risks midways karimi was an Army Bomb Disposal engineer in Helmand Province he knew the risks he was blinded in both eyes and lost a leg when a roadside device exploded as he try to defuse it always aware of the danger of seeing friends wounded while working on mines i wasnt scared to lose an arm or a leg is to sacrifice we have to like to serve this country. The brazilian economy is booming but he deep divisions still exist between the haves and the have nots in a country where smartphones have become a part of everyday Life Technology help bridge the gap. Listeria is the challenges developers to design apps for a better wells travels to real dish on native and meets the young people tasked with making a different life after. On aljazeera. Taking out their anger on the United States protestors in iraq march on the American Embassy to voice opposition to u. S. Airstrikes in iraq in syria. Joe when im come out santa maria with the world news from aljazeera trapped in australia thousands in the southeast us surrounded by bushfires forcing many to take refuge on the big

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