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Kidding bron james celebrates his 35th birthday in style the l. A. Lakers star reaches a nother milestone and then when against the mavericks. A top Iraqi Militia leader has warned of a strong response against u. S. Forces in iraq following is strikes on a shia group that killed at least 27 people iran has condemned the u. S. Attacks in iraq and syria calling it a terrorist act 5 cambs belonging to the iranian backed group to type hezbollah where he is 3 in iraq and 2 more in syria at least 27 people were killed iraqs Prime Minister has called these attacks on the group a breach of sovereignty but the u. S. Calls it a decisive response to aggression against its troops in iraq by iranian backed forces and hes warning of further action well good to have his ball is part of a group that helped the Iraqi Government defeat i was being brought into a state sanctioned group of militias known as the. Popular Mobilization Forces many of them backed by iran to tell you whos ball is leader. Is one of iraqs most powerful men and has in the past for u. S. Forces the u. S. State Department Says he advises irans revolutionary guard mike turner is standing by for us in washington d. C. Well get reaction out of the United States will also hear from entire ron shortly but 1st to some other 14 with reaction from baghdad she says there are now fears of an escalating proxy war between the u. S. And iran theyre basically saying that any kind of unilateral action against any force on iraqi soil is not acceptable and its interesting to see their response to this u. S. Strike and compare it to its response to the rocket attacks that we have seen on military bases where u. S. Personnel are based there has been a very strong condemnation of this u. S. Strike but weve seen very little criticism come out of the government as a result of this series of rocket attacks one of which resulted in the death of a u. S. Contractor and this is exactly the frustration of the u. S. Presence here they feel that the Iraqi Government is not doing enough to 1st of all rain and the groups like hezbollah who are accused of reporting to hand rather than to back out and also of not really investigating these incidents seriously enough and bringing those responsible to account and this is why the u. S. Is really decided to take matters into their own hands and retaliate against the groups that it believes responsible we have to watch and see what will happen now are we going to see a sort of tit for tat retaliation between the type hizbollah and u. S. Forces here on the ground and of course there are fears that this could escalate in some kind of proxy war on iraqi soil between the u. S. And iran. Well lets get reaction out of iran is live for us into iran. Is iran talking here any retaliation or escalation well iran so far has just responded with words president rouhani was speaking earlier this morning he didnt address the airstrikes what happened was that the Foreign Office spokesperson issued a statement they condemned the airstrike said it was a manifestation of terrorism they called in the United States to respect iraqs sovereignty independence and territorial integrity they also said that the United States wasnt interested in fighting isis because the positions targeted those groups targeted cause damage to isis in the past but they also say that these attacks showed negligence on behalf of the United States and they should accept the consequences of their actions also later on in the day the government spokesman issued a statement and he denied that iran is behind any of the attacks on United States bases and said that these kinds of allegations without evidence are not a justification for bombing people so the response out of iran has been a bit slow because iraqi groups responding 1st his belied lebannon responded and then we heard something from iran but what will be interesting is how his will are respond because and what would United States will do next because the United States has said iran is behind this group they have close links and how how much will it take before the United States turns its attention to iran. Lets get an answer to that now we go to mike hanna in washington d. C. And just on that question by what message is the u. S. Sending iran here. Or very clearly its belief that. Is a part of the Iranian Revolutionary guard and will be treated as such now all of this follows an alleged attacker by the group on a u. S. Base which led to the death of an American Contractor now the senior members of the trumpet ministration including secretary of defense and the secretary of state along with senior military leaders arrived at mar a lago which is President Trumps would to retreat so to speak to brief the president on what has happened this happening occurring shortly after the strikes occurred now they made very clear their belief that this is part of an ongoing proxy war with iran as was pointed out a little bit earlier and this is what the secretary of state might compare to say. What we did was take a decisive response that makes clear what President Trump has said for months and months and months which is that we will not stand for the Islamic Republic of iran to take actions that put american men and women in jeopardy. We will always honor that commitment to take decisive wreck action and that takes place and we continue to demand that the Islamic Republic of iran act in a way that is consistent with what i laid back out back in may of 2018 for what it is that we expect iran to do so that it can rejoin the community of nations well a pentagon official says that the strikes were directed at weapons Storage Facilities he says as well as command and control centers significantly the secretary of defense says that further strikes could be in the offing. Mark thank you for that lets get now more now from our senior political analyst who joins us now in doha and just on the course to moan about what happens next does the United States follow up does iran through its militia proxies also retaliate and how do you see it playing out. How look its been going on for 40 years since 979. 00 and clearly its going to continue to go on in different versions in different situations and its also clear that iran is gaining confidence and the american president the commander in chief is preoccupied with Domestic Affairs notably the impeachment and iran feels confident so much that its probably. Talking with a bigger stick if you will and the dynamic has always been and thats for our viewers around the world to understand between a Regional Power that understands geography and understands ethnicities and understands local alliances and 4 and a global power understand strategy and military alliances and deployments on the line. And now what we have is this dynamic between iran thats gaining confidence because of its influence within iraq and syria and yemen and other places and the United States whose influence is to some degree eclipsing in iraq and indonesia in general and hence the rising power in iran feels more and more confidence to be confronting the United States now is china may if i may just add that the fact that this all is going on while there are war games happening in the gulf region with iran being joined by the 2 other world powers russia and china and china is to be underlined of course gives iran even more confidence in the way it deals with the United States so you expect iran to continue to test. Resolve and in what way well look i mean the fact that. Hezbollah would attack. A u. S. Base or allied base and end up injuring or damaging american credibility and presence in iraq the fact that this happens by a known iranian our ally whos been dedicated since 2003 to kicking out the invaders as it were means that iran of course is not sitting on the sideline that it continue to act because even in the appointment on whos the next Prime Minister of iraq right or the next Prime Minister of lebanon there is always an ongoing tension now a proxy conflict between tehran and washington with the iran as i said feeling more and more confident in taking actions against the United States if if if if iran feels that it needs to impose a Prime Minister thats more allied with iran and the United States through its our allies in iraq trying to block that well were going to see that translate in other perhaps more violent ways and just on the question of the balance of america. In pella and its influence and its strategy in the region i want to talk about iraq and where this leaves iraq iraq is already criticized these attacks as an attack on its sovereignty what about the future of iraq and the United States and u. S. Forces on the ground there but this is of course very important but its also very volatile when we talk about iraq who are we talking about because iraq as we know is divided but clearly theres one bloc in parliament thats trying to nominate a Prime Minister and trying to associate itself with iran led by irans are allies including the former Prime Minister nouri maliki and others who are basically opposed to the United States at this point in time on the other hand what we have and weve been reporting that more than more than the others over the last several months we have the shiite street we have iraq it street that is revolting against the status quo in iraq and into a large degree against iran so suddenly we have this Grassroots Movement that is that the sense in opposition to the Iraqi Government and its our allies at the iran and that is also changing the dynamics but think iran and its allies in iraq on the defensive so official iraq still sides with iran or at least a safe sandwiched between iran and the United States but the iraqi street or at least in parts of the revolting state that weve seen is putting the iran and its allies in the defensive so that is yet an added element an added dimension to the complexity that nomics within iraq and in the region im sure our viewers appreciate that analysis thank you again for joining us. Was 20 more ahead on the news hour including. Lets call it what it is these people are domestic terrorists new yorks governor talks of a cancer of hatred in america after 5 or stabbed at a jewish celebration. Lasting for a living venezuelans who escaped their countrys economic crisis struggle to build new lives abroad. And its 8 wins in a row for the end. Of the action in sport. It is government has announced that it is fast tracking a bill before parliament that would approve the deployment of troops to libya its in response to libyas u. N. Recognized government called for the International Community to help stop the military push on the capital tripoli by forces loyal to warlord to leave after. Reports from tripoli. The fight for tripoli is collating now the Foreign Ministry is calling on the United Nations and the International Criminal court to intervene the un recognized government accuses forces fighting for the warlord flee for have to head of committing crimes against humanity and their campaign to capture the capital. In another unwisdom we are asking the International Community to perform its role after doesnt have any legitimacy and has been destroying tripoli for the past 8 months yet the International Community has not moved to stop him only now as we have a new ally regional and International Powers are rising against us the world on the southern outskirts of tripoli has cost the lives of hundreds of civilians and wondered many more have to see forces repeatedly targeted residential areas and government run facilities with airstrikes and rockets. Nearly 140000 libyans have fled their homes to seek safety and also under threat our oil revenues which are the backbone of libyas economy the National Oil Corporation is assessing the damage following greece and airstrikes on the oil refinery in the western city of zawiya. And as Government Forces battle to stop the fall of tripoli have to his forces are reported to be getting very enforcement from russian missionaries and advance it weapons supplied by the United Arab Emirates turkish troops could soon be joining the conflict the promise to support for forces loyal to the government is being seen by some as crucial to preventing the fall of tripoli because president says parliament will vote next month on a mandate to send troops but as have those forces advance further into the southern neighborhoods and closer to density Populated Areas of the capital the futile for human casualties is growing. More that there were had. To pretty. Or do so fell about it is a security analyst and a retired Turkish Armed forces colonel who joins us by skype from istanbul its good to have you with us has the increased attacks from the half task forces particularly in recent days speeding up the response here from turkey. Of course otherwise the internet clashes inside need be i would calls lots of problem especially the air refugee crisis so what europe and also the fall of saigon would amount each is backed by the night nations by of laurel taliep it cannot be explained at the International Arena the 2nd issue is the end there just security is in danger. Information on the neaps a couple of minutes ago you can understand easily that it will rock star is intensely attacking to the oil pipeline soul so that means a refugee crisis and Energy Security is in the door all to triple the government that is why that the government is a little bit surprised to bequeath how much concern is there in turkey that is being dragged into a conflict that is not just an internal one but also a regional and International One pitting to be against those does countries that are supporting of the fun have to. Ok according to the United Nations as a lucius no d one should support all that or that the war wrote off that but when it comes to the reality that would take a look at the inside navia we can see the complex french that been systems analysts say at the same time private military company is beach young still in many Different Countries including russia and you write of that i think emirates together with the king the most so they are beyond egypt yes heres the supporting. Me take a look at the ground war wrought he shouldnt have ended up and now has a to force tank strong sky the messiah systems so that this on acceptable but what is the perspective of the turkish soldiers which will be deployed in defeat to the tripolis delimited it on the vicinity of tripoli so i do not think that the church soldiers really start a contract tech told the public area for the eastern part off the dollar when beaches neighboring egypt government whats really critical here is the relationship between russia and turkey of course russia supporting the hof his forces now to do to be supporting the internationally backed government weve seen in syria how critical the relationship between those 2 countries are how do you see that Going Forward in libya. From the perspective of the russia russia eastham denies he is not supporting the war. But me no doubt russia supports the private military companies and of f. And systems as me no but the summit will be held it 8 oclock generally together with mr putin and mr dunn probably davids right to push arizona lucians a pieces aleutian for the conflict in size for this isnt the summit which will be take place on the 8th of january beach means almost 9 days later media very critical from the perspective of the libyan collections but whatever the case the turkish troops we try to protect the tripoli got among the vison it off to recall the use of about her its been good to have you on the program so thank you. Well judges in sudan have sentenced 29. 00 of these Security Forces to death for the murder of a teacher according khartoum was packed for the verdict mccue was killed in february while being held in detention for taking part in government protests that eventually deposed president bashir he morgan is in sudans capital khartoum where people are celebrating the verdict hundreds of people higher up today enjoy outside the courtroom here in the tent city of sudans capital there celebrating the verdict that the judge issued when he sentenced 29 members of saddams Security Services to death over the killing of a protester in february now the story of the schoolteacher who was killed in february a group the nation especially when witness testimony came out detailing how he was tortured to death by the Security Forces protesters have been demanding in february now for then president ahmed bashir to step down now he was ousted by the military in april and a Transitional Government was formed in august but the demonstrations are still ongoing people are saying that they want justice and accountability for the deaths of fellow protesters activists say more than 200 people have been killed since the demonstrations began in december and people are saying that they want legal reforms and they want to make sure that despite a new attorney general and you head of judiciary in plays then they want judges replace them to make sure that every single protester who was killed theres justice for his or her death and theyre saying that they want to make sure that the full of president obama did bashir who was charged with inciting and participating in the killing of protesters is also sentenced to death so that they feel that their revolution is over and that the deaths of their fellow protesters did not go in vain. Well the u. N. Has set a Rapid Response team to the Central African republic after violence between shop owners and demanding money at least 40 people were killed in the capital bangui on thursday the uns warning against an escalation. Fighting following years of arm wrist between muslim and christian militias that address sent this report from bundy on the traders efforts to clear up their market. Reconstruction look at the picture 5 Neighborhood Market is ongoing dozens of stores were burned or destroyed by the militias when we came at tacking on the rented mission in this market attacking craters in the process right now traders are busy trying to organize what extent and reconstruct their schools and start businesses going again for in the meantime this market has been closed by the hour for 2 years until one car is fully restored in the market tension is high in the least with ultimate enjoyment with the armed groups by traders to surrender their arms the warning is that if they dont in the next 48 hours or so there will be a problem now people are afraid that things will get worse before they even get better. Lets go to australia now where many people are being told its too late to leave its dangerous bushfires approach several tells in the state of victoria are under threat and temperatures are expected to rise hundreds of blazes a burning across the country and firefighters fear a new heat wife could spark even more katia lopez hardy reports. Strong winds and record heat this fire season in australia is being described as kind of traffic and now theres a new threat columns of smoke and heat from the flames are causing thunderstorms and lightning that could spread the fires and spark new ones we have recently issued a Severe Thunderstorm Warning for Central Victoria including a specific warning for some severe thunderstorm cells that are moving towards the melbourne area. The fire threat is high in the states of New South Wales South Australia and fatah area tens of thousands of people including turrets have been told its too late to leave as out of control fires burn year by theyve been advised to immediately seek shelter police and far already very strong to get people out of those environments get the wife from the bush environment but as you know once you go on holiday sometimes you disconnect from you tell a farms disconnect from listening to the right yeah you actually enjoy yourself. Fires and prolonged droughts are common in australia but this year the fire season started earlier than usual millions of hectors have burned over the past few months and more than a 1000 homes have been destroyed the government has been criticized for not tackling the fires fast enough. The fire very quickly encroaching on. Areas and rural areas where people are living their livelihoods through agriculture or they where they actually live. Volunteers are also struggling to save wild animals under threat the birds could get away so the birds are still around but things like possums kangaroos wallabies wombats the kid knows all of them but were just not getting the call out so. The fires are already described as an unprecedented disaster and emergency crews are expecting conditions to worsen into the new year caught see a little piece of the yawn aljazeera. Lets have a look at the weather theyll get more on that heat in australia he is jenny yes and it is a terrifying situation isnt it has been for the last several weeks now this is whats happening one reason these strong gusty winds are fueling these fires is because we have this front advancing so ahead of this front rebel the winds coming from the interior and theyre very strong and they are gusting winds that are close up view shows you again what is going on so this is a front and as a say around this weve also got some thunderstorms so again they generate some strong gusty winds and of course thunderstorms they do bring some rain but they also have the threat of dry lightning now its a little bit deceiving you look at this because you talk about the heat wave in victoria but youll see along these coastal areas which are in victoria the temperatures to choose they dont look too bad and thats because we will get a bit of a brief respite because the winds are coming behind this front and so that coming on shore there slightly more choice as well some nice see more coming in as well but you see all these reds really indicating where the heat is and where it will continue to be and actually push even further on wednesday and in fact camera is a city which will really be impacted the recent rain as well look up towards the east coast of New South Wales north of sydney so a few showers there but as we go through thursday friday and saturday and camera the temperatures continuing to rise by saturday 42 degrees out 16 degrees above the average but hopefully stan sunday and then monday there is some rain in the forecast and hopefully some low temperatures as well a respite all day jenny thank you kate. Well prisoners of the war in Eastern Ukraine are spending a 1st freedom following their release on saturday ukraines government. Separatists exchanged 200. 00 prisoners the 2nd swap in 3 months is raising hopes of an end to the 5 year conflict because the guys reports. An emotional return that for many was a Long Time Coming ukrainian prisoners finally free to leave the territory they fought to keep but still controlled by pro russian separatists they were welcomed by family members and president bolton missile linsky as they landed in kiev a young girl but. She believed the main thing is that the people at home we did what we said they will celebrate new year with their families im happy im sure that too. Security was tight as the Prisoner Exchange began there was disbelief then relief that it was happening and they would be able to return home others though valid to fight on their hands. This former ukrainian prisoners said they would fight for their country and president ever. While these production separatists said hed been beaten and tortured by ukrainian Security Services. Sundays exchange was the result of direct talks between president still in ski and putin in france earlier this month they agreed to implement a full ceasefire in a bid to end a war in the donbass region of ukraine. Relations between russia and ukraine soured when protesters in kiev managed to drive out the kremlin backed government in 24 tane russia then seized control of crimea from ukraine and within weeks russian backed separatists took control of the eastern part of ukraine more than 13000. 00 people including civilians have died during fire. Of years of conflict ukraine wants to join nato once your European Union wants to move west mass to the poles that are in the future or ukraine and this is a strategic difference a major strategic. Reserve where a Prisoner Exchange there is little will among civilians caught up in fighting for this war to continue this Prisoner Exchange a sign the tensions could be easing nicola gage aljazeera will still ahead on aljazeera labor leadership the race to replace germy corben after the u. K. Opposition suffered its worst defeat since 1935 will go to the u. S. State of alaska where unique options to Access Health Care Health Care are still not cutting it for residents and their struggle open champion arrived to defend his title santa has bore for another job which inspired. Counting the cost 2019 what a year its been a world struggle to put aside short Term Economic game to save the planet from latin america the middle east people took to the street the army corps spread of wealth at a trade war reshapes globalization counting the cost on aljazeera. Back. In 2008 aljazeera documented a groundbreaking skiing. Preparing some of indias poorest children for entry into its toughest universities. We return to see how the students and the scheme of helping change the face of india. Super 30 announces iraq. Youre watching aljazeera hes reminder of our top stories this hour. A top Iraqi Militia leader has warned of a strong response against u. S. Forces in iraq following airstrikes on a shia group that killed at least 27 people iran has also condemned u. S. Attacks the u. S. Says it will not rule out further action. The turkish government is sending to parliament on monday a bill for the deployment of troops to libya its un recognized government has requested help to stop the military push on the capital tripoli by war forces loyal to board a leaf after. Judges in sudan have sentenced at least 27. 00 people to death for the murder of a teacher make here was killed in february while being held in detention for taking part in the protests that eventually deposed president bashir. Spine state attorney is calling for the temporary release of a jailed catalan politician oriole young carers was sentenced to 13 years in prison or for a filed 2017 Catalan Independence bid he was elected to the European Parliament in may while he was awaiting his verdict in jail in Solicitor Generals Office has requested that young carers be allowed to travel to brussels to be sworn in as a member of the European Parliament lets get more on this from rural chalons whos live for us in london whats the likelihood of this and how does the status as a member of European Parliament impact on this. Well his status as a member of the European Parliament is integral to this kohl from the solicitor general the attorney general of spain for the Supreme Court of spain to let oriel you keris go to brussels and take up this position as an m. E. P. As an m. E. P. Which he was elected to be whilst on trial for d these these crimes sedition and misuse of public funds in the european elections happened in may. His position is m. E. P. Means that he has parliamentary immunity and that is why the courts of justice of the European Union on december the 19th said that essentially he should be allowed to come to brussels to take up this position and thats why the spanish solicitor general has made this call essentially it is going through the process is this part of this the machinery the interplay all of european justice the codes of justice of the European Union and how that works together with the justice systems of the Member States now. You know with this particular case its worth saying that the spanish are not saying that hes going to be freed to go to brussels but hes going to be let out of prison and a score to brussels to take up is the position that they are also requesting as per this ruling given by the courts of justice of the European Union on the 19th of december that if spain wants to keep him in prison at some future point they have to request to the european courts that immunity is suspended his immunity is suspended now that is not unlikely to happen because for that to be done it has to get a consensus of 700 or so members of the European Parliaments. On the face of it this is a sense the spanish legal system going through the hoops that are being laid out for it by the cause of justice the European Union there is however and this is important a context of this political context and the context is that spain has had this year to inconclusive elections the socialist party p. S. O. Your persona has been in talks with the party that oriel you care as is a leader of the. Republican left party. To bills and you know a Coalition Government so having karas allowed out of prison is essentially a confidence building gesture or can be viewed as a confidence building gesture for them at the same time as keeping up the impression that spain is a rules based country going through the legal loopholes that are set by the European Union thank you for taking us through that roy hallums live there from london. Now in the u. K. The search is on varun you leader of the Labor Party Jeremy Corbyn says he wont lead the main opposition into another election following his landslide defeat to bars johnson and the ruling conservatives last month and arguments over the future direction of the party and how to win back voters have already started paul brennan has more from london. December the 12th was a disaster for the labor party and the humiliation for its leader Jeremy Corbyn 42. 00 parliamentary seats were lost its worst general election result since 1935 the concept of Party Candidate 17 was. Labor support in its traditional northern english constituencies evaporated the sorts of voters are abandoned labor at the election in next industrial seats have been moving away from the party for some time but the support really went off a cliff in disarray action and thats partly because of bracks it but its important to remember that a lot of people who voted remain also rejected the labor party this election so its more than just brick said they really didnt trust or have any connection with Jeremy Colvin as a candidate who opens replacement will face an enviable challenge its not just the 123 seats labor would need to win back to get a parliamentary majority its also the need for internal reflection particularly by momentum the Grassroots Group formed in 2015 to support called in socialist vision for labor im not saying every momenta member will sign up to that but there will be some as happened in the 1980 s. When labor you realise what the party is going to change weve got to be part of the change and weve got to be willing to reexamine our own beliefs and recognise if were going to win an election as people in the left we have to be prepared to compromise and we have to be where the country is not where we would like it to be. There are several senior figures thought to be considering a leadership bid among the existing shadow cabinet there are ribbeck along bailey emily thornberry. And angela raina and from the wider party to support for past critics of coban such as Jess Phillips lisa nnamdi Yvette Cooper and clive lewis the timetable on the rules of the contest will be decided by the Partys National executive committee body still dominated by corp and supporters the reasons why labors vote collapsed are varied and they are disputed in the partys response in fact its very future depends on perhaps 2 crucial questions firstly can the Party Membership put aside internal factional differences to choose a leader who can accurately identify the relevant problems and tackle them and secondly do any of the potential candidates for leadership have the talents and the skills for that task paul brennan aljazeera westminster. Police in the United States have charged a suspected intruder with 5 attempted murders following a multiple stabbing during a jewish festival the governor of new york says saturday nights attack was an act of domestic terrorism roslyn jordan has more. 37 year old Grafton Thomas faces 5 counts of attempted murder after an attack at a Hanukkah Party in muncie new york a witness called the attack terrifying just swinging as is the word knife i dont know what it was back and forth that the people it is ending was crammed after me when they came out here is going to have to be hey you all got you but thats it thats about it so far thomas has not been charged with a hate crime the new york state governor says the suspect should get out and more i think this is an act of terrorism i think these are domestic terrorists they are trying to inflict fear theyre motivated by hate. They are doing mass attacks these are. For since the muncie attack is the latest in a series of assaults on Jewish Americans this year new York City Police say that as of december 15th 213. 00 anti semitic hate crime complaints have been filed this year thats 36. 00 more than in 2188. 00 of those attacks have happened in the last couple of weeks including a woman and her son attacked while leaving a coffee shop. In nearby jersey city 3 people were murdered in a kosher supermarket and december 10th while police are increasing neighborhood patrols and some israeli politicians say it might be time for Jewish Americans to leave the u. S. Others say it will take much more than Law Enforcement to fight anti semitism we would leave the beast on even more than a veil and you question our efforts with the whole course remember ins and the fight against something you think and theism atheism is a mole needed. But right now people are scared and the priority is keeping people safe rosalyn jordan aljazeera washington william my colleague spoke to you miss jones to waver whos the c. E. O. Of inside unlimited thats a Consulting Firm focusing on rice gender and inclusion and she said the surge in hate crime in the u. S. Is closely tied to political rhetoric in washington. What were experiencing here is a cultural shift that i believe starts from the top where you have a president who has been spewing hate from the very beginning of his campaign all throughout his presidency and unfortunately its infecting our broader culture and so were now at a point where we have a Record Number of hate groups in america now topping over a 1000 the largest number that weve ever seen since that statistic has been recorded and i think a lot of that has to do with the hateful rhetoric that were seeing not only from this white house but also the hateful policies that have been acted and his over zealous miss in terms of trying to justify hateful activities you might recall that after the charlottesville sort of attack where one person was murdered and where you had nazis protesting this president went out his way to call them very good people right and so this is a culture that unfortunately it has been encouraged by this presidency and until we get rid of that very toxic leadership from the top i think it will be very difficult to be able to root it out from the bottom and avis i wonder if its only to some degree going to get more intense given that weve got a president ial election next year and immigration has become that kind of hot issue hasnt it for more right wing politicians absolutely and so in your view do you think we could sort of see an intensification of this this booty kind of speech the sort of language thats being used that might drive some of these acts i completely agree with that its certainly not anything i would like to see but i think its very plausible and thats because as i mentioned you have a president here who has become a hero to white nationalists and central to the theory of White Nationalism is this idea that there need to create a white state a white governmental system which is all about being able to deny these sort of. Turning demography that we have in our nation where were quickly becoming of a jury to people of color nation and this is another thing thats related i believe to the increased targeting of the Jewish Population a lot of white nationalists quite frankly lame a number of jewish communities because they see those communities as being supportive of immigrants and so by attacking the Jewish Population and in a sort of indirect way they are also seeking to downgrade the the level of immigration to this country. The u. S. Military and Somali Forces have hit 2 alshabaab targets with air strikes somalias government says the senior al shabaab member was killed on saturday a truck bomb attack blamed on the armed group in mogadishu and killed 80 people has more from nairobi in neighboring kenya. They survived saturdays truck bomb blast it mother dishes to sustain some of the worst injuries now some victims have been airlifted to better equipped hospitals in turkey clinics and hospitals in mogadishu are struggling to cope with the dozens of wounded. From the time the explosion occurred up until now the government leaders have been working hard to provide the services needed by those injured in the explosion its now possible for us to airlift 16 of some of the seriously injured in the attack to our brothers in turkey. A truck loaded with explosives has degenerated a security checkpoint in the capital somalis president is blaming the armed group. And Mohamad Abdalla for my joseph in the country wont be demoralized by the attack which caused the highest number of casualties in 2 years. The magnitude of the damage caused by the blast let the Prime Minister of somalia to request assistance from the turkish government to provide treatment to those injured in the attack. A Turkish Military transporter landed with much needed supplies and medical staff some will stay to treat patients at a turkish one hospital in mogadishu as turkey seeks to boost its influence in the horn of africa its been an increasingly important especially since the somali famine in 2011 as more aid arise and the badly injured leave the country is on edge somalis constantly wondering when and where the next attack will be. Al jazeera. Well as we are about to move into 2020 aljazeera is looking at my just stories shiping the world. Is causing the largest refugee crisis between latin america in recent history and the 5000000 venezuelans a fled poverty in tiles over the past 6 years many are in peru trying to buy a living Mariana Sanchez has been to meet some of them. Used to be. Played most days now hes making a living playing what he calls young music. He was a teacher in venice with and played in some of its most important orchestras but now he makes 45. 00 on a good day playing on the streets of lima but. This is the reality that life puts in front of us its important i can do what i like this is the job and learned in venezuela to fight for our dreams and get where you want to. Be. Part of the worst refugee crisis in the history of latin america and the most underfunded in modern history says the brookings institute. While many who have faced discrimination nearly 70000 have been granted residence there are more than 100000 now living in most are underpaid and taking any job to be able to make ends meet and send money back to the families in. Theatre producer and them in the us a 1st found a job as a store vendor now she sells toys me that i was forced to its frustrating because we were forced to leave and most of us are young we are productive workforce but you dont know what youll do. U. N. H. C. R. Director 50 because says part of the challenge is ensuring the skills of in a swim and puff. Are best used to. 50 percent of the 57 percent of College Graduates are belong to a super qualified workforce but if we have engineers selling candy on the street that doesnt contribute to the countrys economy that needs to be worked out. Fortunately says he and other musicians have figured out how to make the most of their skills and come together. Theyve created the migrant symphony orchestra. Most of the musicians are venezuelans and theyre giving concerts sometimes for free but they say they feel privileged among refugees if not going back home at least theyre doing what they love. Living in the u. S. State closest to the north pole has its benefits alaska is famous for its pristine wilderness but when many communities are not connected by roads getting basic medical care can be a major problem the State Government has stepped in to pay for some patients to flood the hospital but critics say there is a sticking plaster or thats a sticking plaster solution as reports. Rife is simple in the village of new talk alaska surrounded by water and the arctic tundra the 350 you pick natives who live here hunt their own food and take care of each other the best they can but when someone sick help is much further away that doctors are worried that theyre my right the only playing albertine a charles is a schoolteacher to get to an eye doctor and shell have to leave new talk by plane she makes the journey every other month at a cost of thousands of dollars the alaskan governments Medicaid Program pays for the transportation even though i work even though i earn. Money. I have kids i have kids. I care on money more than a 3rd of new talks residents live in poverty in a state thats been an economic recession since 2015 alaskas governor slashed the Medicaid Budget last summer eliminating nonemergency adult dental care and cutting payments to specialists and travel providers by 5 percent thats led to fears of doctors and airlines dropping out of the state Health Program which many alaska natives depend on with no medicine if another or child gets sick they can die. We are now in the city of anchorage where albertine as i specialist doctor is found to get here she has to take 2 flights to cross 800 kilometers of mountain and i guess a journey well known to many rural alaskans wellwood began. Yesterday morning we tried to catch right through your locally down here but they were there with that so they canceled their flight mary apoc will finally see a neurologist after 2 days of travel i ask what she do without the government paid flights to the hospital ill just understand im tougher. Its unfair to the to penalize this group of people who do live in a remote area by not letting them have their you know medically necessary care the governor has warned more budget cuts are to come will be felt deeply here in rural alaska where the most vulnerable and isolated populations are found. Castro aljazeera new talk alaska. Still ahead on aljazeera japans a ski jumping sensation whilst the crowd soon judge with his son i will be here with that story next point. Postoffice poured out his saw thank you very much to stand while the bron james it will be celebrating his birthday in style as he reached a milestone in the ne lakers a victory against said that this mavericks on sunday james who turns a head to 5 on monday schooled 13 points and made steps in assists he became the lions that play an n. B. A. History to reach and 9000 assists Anthony Davis had 23 points and 9 rebounds as the lakers east 208 to 95 victory as states top of the wests in the conference standings. In memphis didnt Brooks School 20 points a rookie Brandon Clark added 18 as the Memphis Grizzlies approved it too good for the hornets it was a 5th Straight Loss of 4 charlotte the grizzlies it taking it 117. 104. Defending n. F. L. Champions in new England Patriots were given a wake up call in the final regular season games where they were beaten 27 to 24 home by the Miami Dolphins the patriots missing out on a 1st round bye in the playoffs and will face tennessee in the 1st round of games next weekend the titans and the Philadelphia Eagles took the loss to pay off spots that were up for grabs on sunday i think we got it you know think about putting trying to win one game and you know not think about you know many things other than that so. You know we we can play we are capable weve got beat you know were going to play next week and we have played better next week in the n. H. L. Its a straight wins for the defending champion san louis blues on sunday night to secure their 26 victory of the season with a 41 win over Winnipeg Jets in swat scored twice with ryan a really and thomas also on target the blues bettering the 7 game winning streak they managed at the start of november. To the English Premier League where david moyes is back as manager at west ham hes been named a replacement to manual pelligrini 2 years ago moyes was brought in also with a club in relegation trouble but he only stayed until the end of the season despite keeping them up. Liverpool will go into 2020 with a 13 point lead in the title race but vaish didnt talk to their one nil win over wolves on sunday disallowed side your money goal counted after review wolves then had an equaliser cancelled out by a tight call using Technology Coach new spirit to santo believes the valar is sucking the soul out of the game decisions are made has been are being taken by your referee miles away from here miles and miles away in the t. V. Screen he doesnt feel the game doesnt get. To the field the game is not in the game and found perry league game of 29000. 00 was one up by the champions Manchester City goals from sergio quero and kevin de brenna giving them a 2 nil victory over Sheffield United city all 14 points behind liverpool or the managers already thinking about next season. One of the least take to think about that. So what team. Like has the numbers and. The Liverpool White 24 to 70 points. Or even to star striker stan arnaldo has ended the year with another accolade he was named. Mans player of the year at the ceremony via on sunday in defender lucy bronze that won the womens ward coach of the year went to live of course your complete. All shannon open champion about djokovic has arrived at downe and for a busy month of tennis and says hes excited by the new challenges hell defend his title that the years of 1st grand slam but before that the hill lead serbia at the a. T. P. Cup a new team event play the cross 3 cities crispin perth and sydney. I think its great for support that we have you know vacation introduced in a country that we can freely say is a country that loves stannis i think its a best place to accommodate a new concept in the new format of competition. Japans will ski jumping champion though you kobayashi it was a wallowing in the crowds on sunday night he was in action. In germany leaps of 138 and 134 meters more than enough to win the event this was the 1st leg of the prestigious for the hills the tournaments with the remaining 3 competitions taking place over the next week. Sibling rivalry took center stage at the opening round of the ice across well the championships in austria in front of their home crowd to form a champion im awkward our goal was up against his younger brother luka in the final speed skill stamina and some good tactics are needed to win races on this ice across track so marco winning the race the 8th victory of his career 2nd round of the championships is in the french alps and fortnight. And that says pull for me a poor race will have a mall for you later on but for now hand you back to stan thank you sir and thats it for me for this news hour back to our in a mother with more of the dice. So what you. Are. A city defined by military occupation theres never been an arab state here with the capital of jerusalem everyone is welcome but this default structure that maintains the can only project thats what we refuse it was one of the soundness of the settlement with this and the story of jerusalem through the eyes of its own people segregation occupation discrimination injustice this is apartheid in the 21st century jerusalem a rock and a hard place on aljazeera day one of a new era in Television News we badly need at this moment leadership and values this encampment that were in today it didnt exist 3 weeks ago now theres at least 20000 or hinder refugees who live here and. I got to commend you all more im hearing is Good Journalism presenters the public has resigned after all the lies the attempts of cover ups Jamal Khashoggi is loved ones want some form of closure people are suffering people are dying entire School Systems are collapsing we are in the beginning of a mass extinction we saw the syrian army poised to hide in the city just keep recording playing. Its a good cinema song that was about 100 meters away from the frontline but its. Happening now that leap. When was the last time you were out on the streets protesting whether on line you feel the weight of the system when you walk through each and every love border layer further and further into the jail or if you join us on say entry has to start from day one whether again youre in detention or youre incarcerated this is a dialogue everyone has a price for the United States that supply crush coverage will be varying accounts but i want to give people the reason for joining the global conversation on out is iraq. And iranian backed the group attacked by u. S. Forces in iraq and syria warns of a strong response. This is al jazeera live from doha also. A court in sudan sentences at least 27 people to death in connection with the murder of a protester. Pushed out of towns in victoria state in australia as temperatures this soar above 40 degrees celsius. And why getting towards

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