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Iraqs president has rejected the nominee for Prime Minister he says his brothers quit someone rejected by the testers were demanding an independent candidate so whats the way forward for iraq this is inside story. Thanks thanks. Hello and welcome to the program im dead for months now iraqis have been voicing their anger and demanding a change in their Political Leadership they say they are fed up with corruption unemployment and a lack of basic services hundreds of people have been killed the Prime Minister resigned in november and now many are rejecting the nominee to replace him they say. Only help iran extend its influence in iraq and president but he says he will resign rather than appointed. But the main Political Blog that picked an identity is refusing to back down well bring in our panel in just a moment but 1st this update from dorset jari in baghdads. A political maneuver with potentially far reaching consequences iraqs president has sent his Resignation Letter to Parliament Saying he would rather step down than approve a new Prime Minister and a 3 page statement by him solace said out of my keenest to avoid bloodshed and protect civil peace i will not name a satellite downy as a candidate for the next Prime Minister i dani is the governor of vassar province he was nominated for the role by the largest bloc in parliament but now that coalition is made up of mainly uranium backed political groups which is why their candidate is being fiercely rejected by their opponents i dont he was picked to replace other uphill mettie who resigned in november after months of antigovernment protests but the governor has been accused of neglecting his own province busser is home to more than 70 percent of iraqs oil reserves but locals dont have the basic necessities like clean water and reliable electricity i dont think they will accept his resignation i think they will try to convince them is that you must accept our candidate in a way or another but i dont think he will accept that he will try hard also to push over in just as i said someone who is independent prosecutor and didnt inside the political process and look for the future of iraq. Protesters have strongly rejected i thought on his nomination and thats the reason president saleh gave for not approving the choice it now means since mattys resignation no party has proposed a candidate who has been acceptable to all sides the protests which began here in early october have been about demanding political change in iraq a new electoral law was finally passed on tuesday which seemed to please most iraqis and now it is the latest move by president saleh to reject i done his candidacy is likely to strengthen the demonstrators position. They were such a Party Al Jazeera back that. Lets bring in our guest joining us here in. An independent research your own identity politics in iraq and the middle east in baghdad. Professor of International Relations at the university and joining us via skype from hertfordshire in the u. K. A soft hashimi hes a Legal Advisor to the National Council for iraqi opposition welcome to each of you to inside story. Over in baghdad what is your reaction to president but home saw position. No i think its not resigned he seemed afraid to say this is i think this is a politic movement he he want to leave you want to push out or put out all this bushing or from the wings and the political process now now he say that if you go onto. To force me to nominate a candidate of a big biggest block i will design he didnt say i will resign he said i will this is this is many many agendas and many wings and many danish their actions now serve out the iraqi scene and i think that mr he used that condition because he want to be soprano because he want to jump of the constitution constitution say for the president he must follow that condition say he must accept the. Whole nominated from the biggest block but he refused that i say that you this is right out of the constitution that they would use that but he i think there is and the conditions are there that actions forcing him to sit these the protestants and the. Followers and american edge and ok that all of us are going to have a lot all of this. In hertfordshire just give me your initial reaction to this position that the president has taken and constitutionally what does parliament do next with this threat of a resignation well thank you very much for having me on the salami to how my sincere condolences to all who lost their lives and were injured during these protests now in terms of the president s resignation or the threat of resignation and your current threat to resign there are a number of reasons for that hes unclear at this moment in time as to who is the largest bloc although he did receive a letter from the head. The parliament nominating and the now the largest bloc but thats just not forget that one of the one of the elements that constitute and be no lock is the satirist movement and the movement has essentially with jawbone its whats on the other now with particular focus on the nomination of the Prime Minister said that outlook might to allow the demonstrate just an alternate somebody and therefore i think constitutionally whether the albin outlook remains to be the largest log is questionable the other issue is something thats not being focused on is the fact that the kurdish bloc the kurdish parties have expressed their absolute and utter rejection of the new electoral law immediately after the passing of the law we had a press conference by the law quite a cut and they have said clearly and unequivocally that they rejected for certain deficiencies that they did not make clear suddenly the electoral law did not meet the demands of the demonstrators all of that you must demonstrate. Most people to agree that it relied on a majority majority vote rather than the not if you plus one that was demanded by the demonstrators right so i think i think the president was also motivated to put his resignation in solidarity with the kurdish law that rejected the a natural law ok they dont agree with that that he did so in solidarity and also if the president wanted to resign wouldnt he have actually resigned them in this letter his has just threatened to resign so whats behind that move well we have to know for death but he has a veteran of the ethnic sectarian culture in iraq he is the figurehead of the kurdish piece of cake of the ethnic sectarian kota in iraq which the protestors are protesting revolting against the ethnic sectarian caught in the Political Class in iraq today are going around in circles the circles are whether it be in the constitution the parliament or the presidency or giving figureheads for candidates who are better. Of the ethnic sectarian kotor such as danny who is the governor of basra and who is very known for being one of the very prone poor iran politicians imposed 2003 iraq so the ethnic sectarian kotor class in iraq today is trying to find so many different ways theyre trying to buy time from the protesters for them to forget for the for the protesters to be put in a situation and in their reality a situation where they have to accept one of the candidates from the very same Political Class the protesters have been very clear they want to rewrite the constitution they wanted to dissolve the parliament which consists of the sabrinas same Political Parties that have been ruling iraq since 2003 a u. S. And store a u. S. Invasion installed regime and constitution and parliament that has failed to provide the Public Services the edge of right education the social services and the right Health Care System to the people of iraq to new democratic iraq and yet were going to talk about the demands of the protesters a little later on but let me just focus on whats happening sort of in the parliament constitutionally and and back to you because you were mentioning the been that block just a moment ago which of course nominated i mean theyve responded to the threat of the president s resignation saying this thats about him quote admitted he was violating the constitution which gives us the right to hold him accountable in parliament and dismiss him is that a route that the block is going to go down. They might do but i think they are going down a road that is against the demonstrators wishes because we are now we are now scaling things in proportion to whats happening on the streets we are not only dealing with whats happening within parliament and thats exactly what is doing because i think you are correct the rip your report was correctly said that they are motivated somewhat on iranian influence now we are looking at if it had been a block insists on nominating a guy whose history is not in any in any sense encouraging lets look at the us or of itself of this look at his history in being the Deputy Director of an islamic bank that was sanctioned by the us for helping the Iranian Revolutionary guard apparently thats what our press and therefore his nomination is not its not exactly not only just not suitable but it also can be construed as somewhat humiliating to the people of the to the demonstrators on the streets yes they can take legal action against the president however i think the president is going to turn back and say i am going to i have made my decision in order to withhold so much violence but screech and she won the streets of iraq because of that nomination and i think i have made the right decision i think he does have a plan and i did last week in baghdad to what extent was being used as some sort of pressure card on the blocks to come up with an alternative. No i think they would continue and they now they try to force him from the parliament and to relieve him from his presidency but i think everything will go on because the president he will not insist for his and sign because he because i know him personally he is not ready to believe how to live that was it was a sin and this is i think there could only also they are not ready to nominate another pencil because a very difficult autonomy is another place and i think its very. Dont to insist of wrong but i think this is politic but its movement to and also the other side his enemies or. What the blood test him out of some but the somebody he want to push and i think they will be king theyre pushing against him i think next week many many negotiation will have been between mr president and the other wings but i think. In the end in the end of the sea and there is there is many nominated theres many candidates but i think this and and the nominated who is. Nominated from the American American agenda because you know there is many names but i think there is because mr president he insists now to find another one of the d. I think he will insist. The chief of the iraqi Intelligence Mr Moustapha Cather me he is very near for the american side and he is have that in many a relationship with the american side and american side they will use that situation to a but his their his allies and the iraqi to put him and Prime Minister because the street is is very weak and also the biggest a list our biggest a bloc its not have the strength to fight to but they have no money to and i think about them and now is very weak and only so does happy to stand by their sons havent you agree with what my guest from baghdad is saying i mean is this going to be resolved within parliament itself or often we see in iraq that issues are not result in parliament but rather they are left to various factions and leaders and also external powers my guess from iraq is talking about the u. S. Influence most definitely iraq is a playground of influences and external factors whether it be the u. S. Or you run other neighboring countries and this is one of the main reasons why the protests. Ment was born in iraq in early october 2001900 the protesters are demanding the downfall of a regime which was installed by the constitution in the support through the support of the external factors as our colleague mentioned whether it be the us where you iran is the is the pro iran is the pro iran bloc in the Iraqi Parliament they are their largest bloc because of the negotiations they opposed elections negotiations that happened in form vast majority bloc it is not because the people voted for them to become the majority and this is one of the main reasons why people are realizing there are so many flaws in the system itself which is why people are willing to change the system throughout their own throughout their own towns throughout their own agendas and not the agendas of the u. S. Or iran whats happening in iraq today is an exact perfect reflection of iraqs reality iraqs reality is that but he has to face the agents of iran in the Iraqi Parliament he added i demand is just the figurehead of the ethnic sectarian kota the people did not protest against saddam or other i didnt personally their put protesting against the entire system which includes the parliament itself which includes 2 does appear to rewrite the constitution that is covering up for the ethnic sectarian quota that is covering up for the Political Parties that are not focusing on how to rebuild destroyed country from the invasion before kissing and how to push the agendas and the interests whether they be economically or politically of those external factors as we just mentioned are there any names they do that could be put forward that would be accepted by the protesters and the because let me just put this to you we know that sources close to the shiite cleric with the other side that of course posted this on facebook 3 names that was the file called to me is the current head of the Iraqi National Intelligence Service and theres a retired judge in the end. Sort of seen as an independent liberal politician hes also a member of the Iraqi Parliament would you know if any of the protests over the protestors would be accepting of. Of these people the protesters have been very clear with the especially the names that you just mentioned that there is a diverse diversity of opinions in between them farkash if id as the socalled representative of the secularist front in the Iraqi Parliament since 2014 he is not accepted by the majority of the protesters not because of his secularist views because most of the protesters themselves are calling for a secular state in iraq but because hes still a part of the ethnic sectarian code and iraq and that shows and reflects that the people the protesters in iraq are not against the religious aspect only of the iraqi state but also against having anyone who were a part of that in sectarian in a culture in iraq whether they be secular or religious was the focus of the me as you mentioned has a background of being a veteran of the ethnic sectarian code in iraq and the iraqi states as clearly you know even in discussion for the protests there is the protesters are focusing and putting their main focus on having the dissolving of the regime rewriting the constitution a new elections for a temporary transition a temporary government that would lead iraq to a transitionary period and then they would focus on having candidates to be put forward their even being very careful on proposing spokespersons spokespeople for the for the for the revolutionary protest movement because there were a lot of the conflicting. Differing opinions between the protesters might a curate doing the very early stages of the revolution right which rings out to my next question as a lot. As a daughter was saying the protesters seem to know what they want yet you know the opposition or the d protesters are sometimes being accused of being poorly organized divided as well as leaderless has that worked against them somewhat but there is an underlining recent order out we have iraq is awash with militias we have seen their action devastating actions recently near the senate which where approximately 50 pretext protestors were murdered and a number of them did not so you are asking. What has. To protect themselves against armed militias and we have on the other side the army and the Security Forces all home to protect us which would like to protect have had their arms withdrawn and they are completely powerless to stop these militias im attacking the demonstrators i think not only i think i think the policy of relying on the socalled and thats why governments own admission the 3rd party that they have not named and they have accused of committing crime against demonstrators have backfired on them because now the demonstrators are absolutely not not i would say frank but they are somewhat concerned of naming any or or Going Forward with any nomination simply because of the sea and that there might be targeted or attribute and that they may then that they may not exist even after all we have seen many just not exact feelings on the streets of iraq especially after the demonstrations of the gun and therefore there are there are reasons for the number of nominations there are reasons to show it is because the governments own policies have backfired on them the government has tried and tried and time and time again to appear before the International Community is being civilized is not harming the protesters and when harm was done and by moses were committed they pointed the finger at this 3rd party and thats where we are at the moment we have a ghost we have an unnamed faction that is committing murders and kidnappings and now we are asking the group just come out with also nominate nominate certain places and when a spokesman on their behalf this is going to be an extremely difficult in the current circumstances i nasseri on the issue of the protesters and what theyre calling for theyre calling for sort of the removal of the entire Political Climate that has plagued iraq for the past number a few years and decades in fact given the point of view from the ground. Is that only to dismantle in iraq. No i think the protest of those the protests that now is composing are from many wings and many sided we cannot say the protest that they have what edge and and why voice there is many agenda all the agenda surround they interfered by internet but history and the gold so yeah. And even there iran never went to play now i dont think aloud turn into genuine demands of the press has stars on the ground now they refuse everything coming the flow of politicians because they want to leave all of the system because they are going all the studied against all the system against all the british because they are corrupted in their mind then one to believe it but on the ground on the ground who were having the protest that now is the followers of a sudden they are out of the main in the beginning you know and so that he didnt interfere and protesting now but after that now we can say what the followers of the subtle needs i think they will interface i live i think that will be the voices out of the name of the protest of now this is the problem and this is what i can say if that brought us the sudden refuse an unnamed. Protest that they refuse it because they they are range and they are injured because they are dogs are killed they they there is many 1000 between the protest of and a ruling that the street a little bit about to stop that everything you see it and the city that is coming in from the front of that the border i may be somebody a lot of the fuse my speech now know was that this is the truth and now i think next week will make many many a negotiation between the wings of the iraqi situation political and they would result because i think mr president he would he would reject he would refuse his im signed he will not resign because hes not i did you leave that and the condition of suck and i think that is complete in the combo minds will have been next or. That governments are the wings to make a new one and maybe the subs except. Biggest bloc will accept him and maybe another can win big if you are there is a do and speaking of the biggest block now the constitution in iraq gives the biggest parliamentary block the right to name a Prime Minister but seeing as a legislator itself is divided on who constitute the biggest walk. How can this actually be resolved what happens next this can only be resolved to rewrite the constitution by would only like to point was mentioned by our colleague the corrupted minds of those protesters as he calls them those are the corrupted minds who created the Civil Society and begin the birth of Civil Society in iraq that was never witnessed imputes 2003 iraq they they were they were faced by militias that are the on doings of the Political Parties of the corrupt parliament in iraq today killed unarmed protesters just because they spoke up against the corruption and the state violence against their own people since 2003 iraq and since october revolution most of the so that is not the leader or their spiritual leader of the revolution he was put in that position gradually thanks to the corrupt ethnic sectarian kotor which put him in that position because they know very well that the protestors are against having most of the southern any veteran or leader from mexico 3 in iraq to lead them today those socalled corrupted protests there is on the streets there are the least the least corrupt people and post 2003 iraq or in fact they are the most integrity thing that has ever witnessed so whatever been witnessed so what happened what happens next is that the protest movement is only getting stronger and stronger the more people you kill the more resilient the resistance they will become and they will witness the resign nation of the entire Political Class and they will witness the resign nation of the entire parliament and they will rewrite the constitution if it doesnt happen 2900 happen in 2020 if no outcomes no real real outcomes on the ground would happen today this is the beginning of a new iraq of the new conscious and aware youth of that stood up against an ethnic sectarian kotor that pushed for the external factors as both our colleagues mentioned today in todays iraq someone has a final word to you how do you see all of this playing out. While i agree with your guest in doha and out the protests are moving from strength to strength and i think if the political elite are going to continue to turn their backs on the wishes of protesters i think we might we might be witnessing the chart of a protest to a revolution and i certainly hope that this revolution will get you need to be peaceful because i think what may i will also agree with your guest the dark side that we need either an amendment and an overhaul an amount of the constitution and the entire laws that were enacted after 2003 because they have simply proven not to be suitable for modern day iraq they have been trolled to corruption and they have been used and mishandled by the corrupt political need and therefore we do need an overhaul and i think its time its time for the political elite to listen to the street because the consequences might be irrevocably and out we are heading towards a moment of operate all right well have to leave it there thank you very much sir for joining us says ive been canine iana National Council has me thank you very much and thanks for watching if you can see the program again any time by visiting our website aljazeera dot com for further discussion you can go to our Facebook Page thats facebook dot com forward slash a. 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