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Business opportunities in the amazon rain forest. Now libyas internationally recognized government has made a formal request for Turkish Military support to help Battle Forces loyal to war Khalifa Haftar thats according to the Reuters News Agency politicians in ankara could vote within the next fortnight on whether or not to approve a deployment well one of the wahid reports from tripoli. This is southern outskirts of the libyan capital tripoli where theres been heavy fighting for the past 8 months. Forces loyal to warlord only for have to are now using artillery fire to advance with the help of russians who are reportedly leading have to us forces as they take control of civil important locations including military camps near the salafi de neighborhood. Turkey says its a planning to send troops to help you and your kidneys the government it wants to prevent have to his forces from seizing the libyan capital turkish president trichet Tayyip Erdogan says parliament will voting january on a mandate to send troops to libya in shiloh 6 years in the god willing on the 8th or the 9th of january we will pass this in our parliament we will be responding to the invitation. We have given i will give all forms of support to the tripoli government which is fighting against just general backed by arab countries and european. During a News Conference in tunis libyas interior minister wont need that libyas neighboring countries will be affected if the police falls he says have to risk being backed by civil regional countries the tigers a than the one. We know very well there are a mirage he forces an airbase in the east of the country there are also forces from sudan and chad they have all been brought by have target has given them bases and airports in libya without any agreements well we hope that what the situation is worsening as half those war planes target civilian locations in and around tripoli. Who has voiced concerns over a possible Turkish Military deployment to libya while president as don said last week turkey will not stay silent over what he called russian backed mercenaries supporting have to have to his forces are supported by advance of weapons and from several countries including russia france the United Arab Emirates and egypt turkey appears to be one of very few friends of the tripoli based government who are prepared to offer more than mere words to support it. Would have to go ahead and here pretty. Now William Lawrence is a professor at George Washington universitys elliots go to International Affairs and he says the Current Situation is a win win. Ive seen 10 different versions among the analysts of the deal that could be in the making whats being discussed the Turkish Foreign ministers minister was just in moscow having a pretty discussions there was a talk of a live for a trip to tripoli deal where the russians would be given more of a way forward. In exchange for stepping back in tripoli and increasingly the syrian and libyan theatres are overlapping in the turkish russia negotiation and putins also been very astute here because with an increase of turkish presence that also was part of his desire to decrease nato influence in libya so its turks instead of nato and then hes got that other arms deal with turkey which cheaply and hes trying to cut in neighbors influence and be his relationship with turkey as well so all of those issues are interconnected no its kind of a win win for turkey on the one hand i dont think anyone really wants to send in troops and hes been signaling in various ways including to the tunisian surface a cease fire coming that hed prefer not to bring in troops and on the other hand if he does send in troops though those can be used for the defense of tripoli from the 3000 sudanese mercenaries and 1000 russian mercenaries and and other increasing troop levels and also since a psychological message both militarily and also regarding the internal an extra lion says in libya regarding the libyan conflict and it also helps get us to the berlin peace conference in january because if tripoli falls that completely changes the turner of that discussion then if tripoli is holding up and there is an actual cease fire and peace deal that can be negotiated now iraqs president says hed rather resign that the name aside any adani as the new Prime Minister who has already been rejected by protesters barham salih has been trying to find a replacement for who stepped down last month dosage of our reports from baghdad. A political maneuver with potentially far reaching consequences iraqs president has sent his Resignation Letter to Parliament Saying he would rather step down than approve a new Prime Minister and a 3 page statement by him solace said out of my keenest to avoid bloodshed and protect civil peace i will not name a satellite downy as a candidate for the next Prime Minister i danny is the governor of buster province he was nominated for the role by the largest bloc in parliament but now that coalition is made up of mainly rain in fact political groups which is why their candidate is being furiously rejected by their opponents i dont he was picked to replace other uphill mettie who resigned in november after months of antigovernment protests but the governor has been accused of neglecting his own province busser is home to more than 70 percent of iraqs oil reserves but locals dont have the basic necessities like clean water and reliable electricity i dont think they will accept his resignation i think they will try to convince them is that you must accept our candidate in a way or another but i dont think he will accept that he will try hard also to push over in just someone who is independent prosecutor and didnt inside the political process and look for the future of iraq. Protesters have strongly rejected i thought on his nomination and thats the reason president saleh gave for not approving the choice it now means since mattys resignation no party has proposed a candidate who has been acceptable to all sides the protests which began here in early october have been about demanding political change in iraq a new electoral law was finally passed on tuesday which seemed to please their archys and now it is the latest move by president saleh to reject i done his candidacy is likely to strengthen the demonstrators position. Or such a Party Al Jazeera baghdad u. S. President donald trump has asked the Syrian Government and its russian and iranian allies to stop the bloodshed in the province fighting and that last rebel controlled area has forced 100 30000. 00 people from their homes just this month there have been weeks of ontarian bombardment and as strikes by russia and the Syrian Government on al corresponding 100. 00 as an attack ad thats on the tacky Syrian Border and he says the refugee crisis on the takesh border may westen if the fighting continues to escalate. There was a pause in the. Bottle bombs and shelling Syrian Forces have been cutting out in the provinces something save talk been caused by the weather but also give a Good Opportunity to some of the thousands whove been displaced from their homes to go back and get much needed supplies on Household Items Syrian Government forces have been pushing deployed into it in the past few days with their sights on the city of misrata new man it is a strategic city that sits on the m 5 highway that links the musk as the couplet all to aleppo syrias largest city and the very keen to get control over it to ensure that the road is the be all penned and trade and transport between aleppo and damascus unhindered. How more than 100 unflooded 1000 people have fled their homes in the past few days according to the United Nations most of them are headed to the syrian Turkish Border actually most of them to the Border Crossing of bubble however the turkish government is not allowing any of the displays to call over into turkish territory and that is now feeling fear is that a humanitarian crisis might unfold on the turkish Syrian Border. An israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has fended off an internal leadership challenge that could pose a veteran get inside had hoped to convince members that it was time for change but they chose netanyahu despite him being the 1st sitting Prime Minister to be indicted for corruption and as natasha going to reports from west jerusalem hell continue to face challenges heading into the National Elections and. For the 1st time in 5 years likud members had the chance to elect someone other than Benjamin Netanyahu as their leader a thursday they chose him again solidifying his nickname as the magician because of his ability to pull off victory after victory to know who campaigned heavily to beat his challenger former interior and Education Minister gideon sar i know who you are going to be brought about great things to the country and in order for us to continue bringing about great things to the country we need to go boat for me for you. Even though netanyahu is the 1st sitting Prime Minister to be indicted on corruption charges his popularity has remained steady among his right wing base a feeling. Sars pics of sitting on the bench and not trying to do anything active in in the public fields is wrong i prefer people who take action. Source pitch to voters is that netanyahu failed to form a government twice why would he be able to reach a different outcome a 3rd time he warned maintaining the status quo could mean likud loses power in National Elections in march. Sars supporters cited concerns over the corruption charges trailing netanyahu charges he calls a politically motivated witchhunt the sar camp has also alleged election meddling and voter intimidation but theres a critical have to k. In the democracy from within the party and generally. Israel is in the midst of an unprecedented political crisis netanyahu has until january 1st to ask the knesset to grant him immunity hell need a 61 majority vote he was unable to get that same number of seats to form a government in the last 2 elections and on tuesday the Supreme Court is expected to rule if an indicted sitting Prime Minister is allowed to form a government natasha going to el does iran west jerusalem. The next but still ahead allegations of spying and diplomatic harassment mexico takes a dispute with bolivia to the uns top course. And 15 years after a tsunami killed hundreds of thousands across asia we look at the struggles faced by those who survived that. Hello thats some pretty fine weather across much of the southeast of United States this is where the best damages are and certainly the clearest skies plenty of cloud elsewhere. Warnings in place there have been for several days and also a storm developing all of the southwest coast pushing into Southern California these are the storm clouds as they were gathering is really on into friday will see the heaviest of the rain and by friday that system pushing through the interior so pushing across into the 4 Corners Region will see snow here and of course also some rain but touches all below the average across the southwest 7 degrees in seattle so feeling cool as well and then really becoming just blanketed with cloud across much of the eastern half the country as we go through friday it is saturday that that will carry away so pretty nice sunny through the eastern seaboard 40 washington so fading a pretty mild really for this time of year but look at this through the Central Plains the upper midwest weve got the snow in the cold air and of course rain ahead of it and some of this could be pretty heavy so no so a good day for traveling and then to the south across the caribbean weve got want to show that he would islands on friday fairly heavy rains across Central America no real change as we head into saturday cloudy skies in kingston with a high of. Legally prescribe for the pain relief of the sick but it take. Can in life threatening doses by millions in search of a fix. Huge illegal shipments of the opioid tramadol or flood the quest that some. People in power goes to nigeria to investigate the devastating it diction epidemic that is even fueling the bulk of hot off insurgents. West africas Opioid Crisis on a. Hello again i missed. A reminder of our top stories this hour the Reuters News Agency is reporting that libyas internationally recognized government has made a formal request for Turkish Military support its aimed at fighting forces loyal to ward khalifa after. Iraqs president has offered to resign after refusing to back the man nominated to become the next Prime Minister but on sunday says downeys nomination would satisfy protesters demands for an independent. And israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared victory in the likud partys leadership contest he will lead the party into an unprecedented election in just 12 months. Japan has announced its own operation to protect its ships and gulf war says to choosing not to join a similar u. S. Led Mission Japanese Prime Minister shinzo abbay briefed iranian president Hassan Rouhani on that operation last week tokyo will send a warship and patrol planes next month well lets get into this with jeff kingston whos a professor of Asian Studies at Temple University and hes joining us now on skype from terry care so jeff the nature of this mission as i understand it is meant to be about intelligence gathering and even though its meant to protect japanese ships its not actually going to be active in the very critical strait of hormuz it all seems a little counterintuitive talk us through political calculations here. Well you know hes in an awkward position hes trying to thread the needle hes got basically 3 audiences hes addressing one is the truck administration in the past to join the coalition the other is president rouhani in iran is keen to maintain good relations and the 3rd audience is domestic keen to revise the constitution and remove the pacifist article so. Calling this intelligence gathering not joining the u. S. Coalition is meant to placate trump you know to avoid the accusation of being a free rider but not undermine iranian relations and not cause domestic backlash because theres deep bunnies of the Security Alliance with the United States and only about 3537 percent of people support the dispatch of the vessels to the mideast just like 90 percent of the oil comes from. There is in your opinion operation you know until next month and that said by france if japan wanted to opt out of the us mission why not just join the europeans. Well i think that the concern is and 2015 are big pass legislation collective so the feds and thats very controversial about 80 percent of the people oppose it theyre worried that somehow somewhere japan is going to be dragged into a conflict that doesnt directly affect their interests so rather than invoking this controversial legislation to allow japan to join a coalition of forces i think theyll go it alone option is safer and will carry less risk of a domestic backlash but hopefully be anough to keep the United States onside and not undermine iranian relinquishes so its a bit of an awkward between a rock and a hard place position for Prime Minister abbott but this also seems to set the stage for potentially increasing tensions and what happens if for instance iran and the u. S. Led forces clash and one of the japanese units is nearby i mean does that then create a problem for japan to try to stay neutral i think they have their fingers crossed that Something Like that wont happen clearly if japan and skin in the game last june when are they was just being tehran the recent attack on a japanese owned vessel so there is clearly japanese interests involved but they dont want to clash they want to avoid that because clearly the priority for our day in this next diet session in 2020 is to get his fellow politicians to endorse a revision of the past is called constitution and if there is a clash i think that basically that will and bays agenda and basically the holy grail that he came into politics to accomplish so looking at tensions in the region then in the gulf what is japans take on u. S. Sanctions on iran i understand when our band rouhani met they had discussions around breaking their sanctions they havent released any details. Well. You know trying to tiptoe you know between the u. S. And iran and whats position as as a go between. Clearly it takes its cues from washington d. C. On a Security Matters but it also wants to you know show a kind face towards iran so i think that basically abbay would prefer the United States not to impose harsh sanctions and try to work diplomatically to resolve the issues and i clearly you know tokyo they want a revival the Nuclear Agreement that trump has pulled the plug on but the he only goes so far and he doesnt want to further alienate trump because trump is making noises about getting japan to pay a lot more for the safety of u. S. Troops and for bases in japan so its a delicate situation a very delicate balance indeed jeff kingston there professor of studies at Temple University and take care thank you for joining us on aljazeera. Thank you. In breaking news a passenger plane with 100 people on board has crashed in kazakstan the royces News Agency Says it happened now almaty airport and the countrys south well bring you more on this as soon as we have those how the United Nations has condemned an artillery attack on a market in northern yemen near the border with saudi arabia 17 people were killed including 12 ethiopian migrants who the rebels say the market inside a province has been targeted 3 times and just a month while the war in yemen has created what the u. N. Calls the wild west a humanitarian crisis the torah gays in the reports on the human cost of a conflict thats approaching a grim milestone. In march 2015 saudi arabia and 9 other countries launched a military campaign in yemen in support of the internationally recognized president abbot rebbie Mansell Heidi and against iranian backed the rebels he 6 months earlier had taken control of the capital sanaa. After nearly 5 years of war the saudi u. A. E. Coalition has not defeated the heat these and aid agencies say the human cost of the fighting has been enormous across all of the mentality and situation is only getting worse even the violence is decreasing well you know writing in crisis is worsening and not of the un need millions of heavy price. Going. Since the conflict began analysts estimate more than 91000 yemenis have been killed another 3000000 displaced by the fighting and the country is on the brink of famine with 24000000 people dependent on International Food aid only half of yemens Health Care Facilities are functioning and its struggling with the worst cholera outbreak in modern history a un brokered cease fire agreed to last december was never fully implemented in the port of her data so what are the chances of peace next year for sites know the power of each other or site dont want to be harmed by the other and both sides believe that its but theyre both interest so. If no International Pressure on both sides they place this walker and in a few weeks but as long as there are a lot of pressure aguero does that especially are several yet to see that has for reasons i guess work up a lot more than we expected the plan is to get the 2 warring sides together for a new talks in the hope 2020 will be the year they finally accept what the u. N. Has been saying for years that there. Is no military solution to the conflict in yemen. Victoria gate and the aljazeera. Lets bring you more now on that plane crash in kazakhstan with reports of a 100 people on board alexander gone for and joins me now on the phone from moscow alexander at this stage i know its happened very recently what do we know. At this stage according to the 1st service of the airport from egypt because which is a lot time because of stern very soon after taking off the plane just disappeared from the raiders and what theyre saying is that it crashed during the takeoff so it is at this point not clear whether its crash into a building and that thats what happened or as a result of something happening earlier if its just crashed what theyre saying is that theyre confirming 7 people died in this accident theyre saying that there is a creation going on there this moment this was a domestic flights going from other causes them down of a month out to a capital of kazakhstan gun isnt free to leave really lame to that was a partner not previously there was 95 people on board order for some reports there was hundreds because like 5 people were members of the didnt suffer by it and the stewarts that is what we know at this point alexandra believes it was a bet and jet what do we know about their Safety Record is there a concern about about s. Safety in kazakhstan. We didnt hear any anything about plane crashes in kazakhstan in recent years and there is regular flights its a very big country they have regular flights also with russia for instance but there was no reports of. Any incidents with the plays d in kazakhstan or with this company that i know of. Thats alexander god forward speaking to us on the phone there from moscow well be bringing you much more on that as we get it thank you alexandra. Moving on briefly now and mexico says its taking a diplomatic dispute with bolivias new government to the International Court of justice is accuses bolivia of intimidating diplomatic staff and spying on its embassy in the past as last month mexico gave former bolivian president evo morales as asylum when he resigned after nationwide protests. Now competing forces in brazil all want to exploit the amazon rain forest president ial i am also now has already unlocked more land for farming and development and indigenous groups want a slice of that new creative agri business tune as new c n human reports. Which means thick forest is a state in central brazil twice the size of california and better known today for its endless fields of crops and columns. But theres still a lot of tropical forests left including in company. 815000 square kilometer indigenous reserve. Its here that we meet a. Leader of the National Indigenous Farmers Association and like most tribes the predecease used to live from subsistence farming but now theyre growing and selling soya and other grains for export it is just the homes are pregnant women were losing their babies from lack of food children were malnourished but after 15 years of producing greens our lives have changed now we have lots of food the project is giving us sustainability. And his tribe who earlier this year received a visit from the agriculture and environmental ministers of the role model for president jade vision for integrating brazils indigenous communities into Mainstream Society the project has been vilified by other indigenous groups and many environmentalists who argue that they will lose their culture and further destroy the amazon. Disagrees that youre lost on the circle route you know were in the 21st century of course our culture traditions and identity are important but we cant remain frozen in time. Indeed these days this traditional palm leaf house is used mostly for meetings guests and religious ceremonies. Outside of the reserves the president is also giving the green light to expand brazils agricultural frontier this trip sample is cotton in fact almost everything thats profitable grows here brazil is already the world leader in soybean sugarcane in beef and among the top 3 corn producers but in order for the average business to continue to expand it needs more and more land which explains why the brazilian amazon is so coveted. Paradoxically brazils king of soybean is concerned about a global backlash. The president has taken a mistaken approach but i think our mistakes in the agribusiness sectors concerns of a possible boycott against our products may make them realize well while the amazon is sovereign brazilian territory its also needed by the entire world. That the reserve for london chooses many foreign governments of expecting indigenous tribes to remain naked eating ants in the forest he explains they using only 1. 7 percent of their territory to grow soya another grains for export he insists they dont need more at least for now to see and human aljazeera cumple know that better cease brazil. The Public Prosecutor and ivory coast says a former rebel leader and president ial candidate accused of planning a crew could face life in prison and telegin services say they captured ordeal of gay young surratt discussing the plot has noir says the recording is old and in complaint a warrant for sorrows arrest was issued on monday. And again this is. There and these are the headlines Civil Aviation authorities in kazakhstan say at least 7 people have died in a plane crash in the country south the passenger plane crashed into a building after taking off from the airport 100 people were onboard the Reuters News Agency is reporting that libyas internationally recognized government has made a formal request for Turkish Military support its aimed at fighting forces loyal to war old Khalifa Haftar iraqs president has offered to resign after refusing to back the man nominated to become the Prime Minister. Says danny is nomination wont satisfy protesters demands for an independent leda israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared victory and that could partys leadership contest he would lead the party into an unprecedented 3rd election and 12 months despite an indictment for corruption natasha going to him has the latest from western or saddam his victory was widely expected but his challenger gideons are due to have a respectable showing yet again its fair to say though that netanyahu proved why hes been given the nickname the magician for pulling off a victory after victory despite his legal woes as you mentioned he is facing corruption charges involving bribery fraud and breach of trust his popularity of among his right wing base has remained steady japan has announced its own operation to protect its ships and gulf forces choosing not to join a similar at u. S. Led Mission Japanese Prime Minister shinzo abe briefed iranian president Hassan Rouhani on the operation last week tokyo will send a warship and patrol planes next month. The un has condemned an artillery attack on a market and more than yemen near the border with saudi arabia 17 people were killed including 12 ethiopian like prince the rebels say the market and found a province has been targeted 3 times in a month mexico says its taking a diplomatic dispute with bolivias new government to the International Court of justice as accuses bolivia of intimidating different stuff and spying on its embassy in the pas well those are the headlines the news continues here to people and power stay with us. What kind of cat does that provide and is anyone willing to pick up the cost we bring you the stories and developments that are rapidly changing the world we live in so is it possible for trump its actually a little weight here on the counting the cost on aljazeera. West africa is battling an opioid of your strongest medicine such as tramadol legally prescribed by doctors but taken in large roughly texas by millions and such the stakes are already stripped off the trees and the. People in power has been to nigeria to investigate one of the drug smuggling for a few 100 people widespread corruption in the fall and sisters traffic and the appalling Health Consequences for those who need spring

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