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A 3 page statement by him solace said out of my keenest to avoid bloodshed and protect civil peace i will not name a satellite downy as a candidate for the next Prime Minister i dani is the governor of vassar province he was nominated for the role by the largest bloc in parliament. That coalition is made up of mainly rain in fact political groups which is why their candidate is being furiously rejected by their opponents i dont he was picked to replace the uphill mettie who resigned in november after months of antigovernment protests but the governor has been accused of neglecting his own province busser is home to more than 70 percent of iraqs oil reserves but locals dont have the basic necessities like clean water and reliable electricity i dont think they will accept his resignation i think they will try to convince them is that you must accept our candidate in a way or another but i dont think he will accept that he will try hard also to push over in just as i said someone who is independent prosecutor and didnt inside the political process and look for the future of. Protesters have strongly rejected i can ease nomination and asked of the president saleh gave up having a choice it now means since mattys resignation no party has proposed a candidate who has been acceptable to all sides the protests which began here in early october have been about demanding political change in iraq a new electoral law was finally passed on tuesday which seemed to please morsi rockys and now it is the latest move by president saleh to reject i done his candidacy is likely to strengthen the demonstrators position. Or such a Party Al Jazeera baghdad libyas internationally recognized government has formally requested ground and see military support from turkey as it battles for control of the capital tripoli this according to the Reuters News Agency Government Troops have been fighting an offensive from the war Khalifa Haftar turkeys president says parliament will vote in january on a motion to send troops from the beginning we have objected to the coup perpetrated by the retired general against the lawful government we provided and are still providing assistance to libyas legitimate government against the coup plotter who is receiving support from certain european states libya is a neighboring country as we share a maritime border lines in the Mediterranean Sea once the Parliament Comes into session we will present the proposal for dispatching turkish troops to libya based on the Security Cooperation agreement once indorsed by the parliament we will be able to effectively back the legitimate government some states who support the coup general with their jet fighters tanks a militia object to this move and criticize turkey because of it syrian activists say near freezing temperatures are slowing the governments offensive on the last rebel held province of fightings forced 830000 civilians from their homes this month many into makeshift camps regions often weeks of bombardment and as strikes by the Syrian Government and its russian ally. Israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing a new threat to his grip on power is ruling likud party is voting to decide who will lead them in an unprecedented 3rd election in under a year former Education Minister gideon sar says he will be better placed to form a government after National Elections in march s. Now has been weakened by corruption charges as well as back to back failures to form a government this year. Right so those are the headlines for now coming up next jerusalem a rock and a hard place a program taking a closer look at how the 70 Israeli Occupation has defined the city ill have another update for you off in about 25 minutes time see that bye for now. When i asked my mother when was the last time she took the train in and where did she go and she tells me yes of course i took the train because of this trade in jerusalem connects us with the rest of palestine when you look at old photos and you imagine how their lifestyle was at that time and when you visit the train station today its like a disney bark its its full of restaurants full of people who are completely indifferent to the history of the of this space who are completely ignorant words to receive they dont belong you know my son often tells me you know mama these people they dont seem to belong at all to this city it doesnt go with the spirit of the people today. Who. Were. We were the owners of these houses 77 percent of west jerusalem before 48 was palestinian owned and when i talk about palestinians i talk about muslims christians and the minority of jewish people. The new 1st train station as they call it a look at the. Inside the restaurants most of those people will be palestinians probably from the west bank or from marginalized areas and to most of them with very low salaries. They are treated like garbage and this alexis then is a man who just usually kept that up in no way they say if they have the guts to put up. With i love unless thats what when the taliban looks good and wastes then. I am in the muscle he i mean the outlook nice for me. Ill just push you can come can come from this to me and it just it is a once you all feel i would give us a novel about new come on to me. At the mill this is a good. Solution. Its a good place for somebody. To become a face and share. Their story on the smash set in baghdad a little. Im looking study up squiggle for you believe if youve never heard of it if it had. Been. Listening to the local machine the show this. Morning out of the whole thing im assuming its not mechanical so feel this i like it that its not a sound and i want to see a command that i will only be out on the bottom having bought a. Good book. The new. Leaf. My Fathers House is exactly opposite this street which becomes said. In arabic or that or the cologne so lets go to my Fathers House and i hope they wont call the police so well do it very quickly. This is my Fathers House the house of the amount my father lived in this house for 8 years from the fortys until 48 with his mother he was chased out of the house like most of the palestinians because they wanted to confirm the statement of golda meir that this is a country a land without people but all these people were living in these homes in the 1998 netanyahu came into governance and as. A money money maker and many money lover he wants to privatize palestinian houses in the same time as Israeli Telecom and and electricity water all these elements which which can be privatized so that he can gain more money my Fathers House was sold for 4000000. 00 by plan who is a Real Estate Agent who came from america and. Neither my mother nor my son agreed to the fact that i am very passionately and emotionally involved in the past you can see that he didnt even come with me because hes he wants to avoid all these emotional issues when i came here last time. From outside i was taking a photo the people inside the house saw the flash they parked their car in the middle of the street they called the police they arrested me they put the handcuffs in my feet and in my hands i told them but what crime have i done whats my case i just took a photo. Not a Banana Republic we have a court system we have a court system who is definitely not in the pocket of the right wing or the religious of this country no one can get away with just driving someone in house of anywhere in this country i mean we know the british were here we know exactly who was kicked out in what es and 948. 00 the jews are also kicked out of the area taken as prisoners of war thats real being kicked out and evicted by the arab world no arab is being pushed out or kicked out of anywhere actually been driven ash no such thing. They have been was here was seen this country since 17 conquerors were familiar with wars that have tried to driven us out when brought here is imperialists we have returned home as the Indigenous People to our own homeland and theres basically nothing that the world or the arab world can do about it whatever attempts theyve tried one succeed the make or team a jew living in some ghetto or statue under the nazis or under the czar or under whoever it may be the pirates we are today a strong people who have come back to our lands were back here now and no amount of arab terrorism violence or hatred is going to keep me up and they will be eaten up the richest you know its a sign from a stranger that maybe taken the wrong why but it doesnt mean that me personally will handle it because we have off already. Any arab that wants to drive me out someone that wants to steal some of the wants to drive me out. Someone that wants to stab my god forbid much like weve seen before you know that person will be eaten up for breakfast now that wont be true that would be something i would do personally the jewish people the state the police whatever has to be done that will be handled. Not only are we looking over the temple mount seir the place where the golden dome is no thats the place the holy of holies this is what the arab world wants and this is what theyll never get. Abrahams children dont get along some brothers dont get along in this particular case in fact its even worse because theres parts of a very very violent streak in a south and l. Which is the combination and part of the muslim world today. Theres addict in that says a south hates jacob was he upset that abraham or isaac only gave certain listens to him and certain other blessings the him the children of a ram have been blessed in many different ways but the jewish people i am isaac jacob King David King solomon all the way to little daniel luria today in jerusalem is this one chain thats been blessed in a different way the little land of israel we have the covenant with god. We have returned home designers dream is being realized all the time and as the Indigenous People here the world and especially the arab world is going to have to understand that at some point in time. Today i live in chips around where i live spiritually if i may say saw in the western part of the city i wasnt born yet in 1948 during the dark but i feel that the dark but is grounded in. These times are times which i got from my Fathers House actually id processed. When the house was put on sale and there they were uprooting all the times and or what is in the house i chose to put them and document my history and my story. Our ultimate goal is actually to preserve. Very well. Everything. And anything for. How to preserve and protect your traditions. Whether its. My Fathers House and i thought. Of my. Very very very very depressed. The mother will be very emotional and read. About service and im about her Fathers House the toy store and about. All this stuff so shes very attached to the. To the past and to the emotional heritage thats called it. For me for example life i try to focus more on the present what to do in the present like well what more can i make my life better now. Im an artist so this is important for my art because my art is not the readymade its also about exploration and investigation. I had my 1st exhilaration when i was 16. And it was photography and that time it was the 1st intifada on the streets were filled with stickers and posters and. I regret fijis everywhere so it was like walking into a big piece of art the series is called reconstruction because its about reconstructing. The reality of the city so this series off work is my latest work its called wonders and signs one can see it as a metaphor of jerusalem because of the layers on top of each other and layers of history the layers of writings of messages. Or political messages. And then you have the soldiers coming in and covering them with white paint and after its covered with white paint and the palestinians come back and they put a new message on it. Jerusalem is also a big ball a big bunch of things so its not easy to find your place you feel like youre an intruder paradoxically the people that come from abroad they feel home because its their Promised Land and for whatever reason you know. Most people think that the space has been or was a battleground between villages and thats not true it was before 948 whether you were jewish muslim or christian we all saw ourselves as palestinian muslims but as the new christians but a sunni and jews. We have to know the truth but you have to understand the context most of the population of the country was palestinian mainly muslim and jewish and christian but mainly Muslim Minority was christian of them percent and 5 percent were jews and there has always been synagogues churches and mosques. The shared values but the underlines the relationship between us that has bucked that image and i dont care if they play on friday or set of their sunday i care about how the treaty we are one people but what is divisive is where do you stand on the policies are fewer government when the humanizes. You read the bible through palestinian eyes and we read it in the context of living under occupation jesus lived under occupation became a refugee under occupation his miracles were what done under occupation the thousands gathered around him and that occupation so we see how deeply jesus resisted occupation and we try to walk in the same footsteps. Samjhauta is one of the founders of sabean and she is an excellent writer and she has an excellent blog. Most of the israelis are secular jews but of course they use this to justify. That this is the city and then you find all these crazy christians i call they call themselves christian zionists their fear is completely untrue because i mean when they say all the jews have to gather here. The jews that israel is a happy about this part of the theory but then so that the messiah can come and when the messiah comes they have to become christians and those who dont become christians then they will have to be killed i mean what kind of a religion is this what kind of a guard is this god when the messiah comes if they dont believe then they have to be killed israel goes along with them to accept the fact the 1st part of it which is having them come over here but that makes many people would say well if this is if this is gods will i mean who wants gods will. Im a professor articles university on my campus is basically the main campus is about 3 minutes wiped off before the warning today i have to drive it depends on the traffic if im lucky to be like between half an hour to 45 minutes thats pharma lucky im going lucked on but i almost kicked the war. I feel this was terrible because at one point i had 3 kids at the university studying a diversity collectively would waste 8 hours every day going and coming back from the rest. Of separation war its a party its an apartheid wall is simply a spot a scene from palestinian only. Reason. I started this building i mean ive thought of this building for many years and i would have what i have now i have to go visit me for about 45 minutes around the north side of the vans ive just arrived this makes sense i think the people who live into this and there was a number of issues you know not all of it but only one day we just like to believe in war but you wanted to use your low. Almost 18 years of the school well he is doing but he has learned before i was. In britain because of the lack of sunshine for most of the time people talk when they meet each other they greet each other and they speak about the weather if they would make a different story were a Beautiful Day and he and i have not to speak at one point they speak spontaneously about the checkpoint how his checkpoint today the checkpoint is everything. When. The new one is different is he different from the walls of the city except the walls of the city. Good moving from one jerusalem neighborhood the other rooms to the middle of. This is or in the form of a city a neighborhood i view this is a good day before many people you know its in the morning during rush hour its the most difficult time when you have students to be good people going make it work. To be being counted especially the incident of something that we thank you but id like. There was a was there a woman made when i got on my right here so and she was trying to go to 3 the soldiers were not letting go they were asking her you have a good look she would say no in front of the store just so you sat down and she said i want to sell it to me. At the so i just started making fun of what side a member to be had on the young people and other people in the city is that the checkpoint good that im going to that you need to bear you to do good. Theyre not going to let you but she insisted she stepped on the line then said i want to go to you know salim 3. So of course the army but the sun. And we come from into southern something fresh i dont have to leave you something encouraging. We saw in her leadership thats not the knots. And i remember. The boys body enforcements another 4 soldiers came in and they said grandma with guns you need to go and she said no im not going anywhere i want to go to jerusalem to preach she was insisting then for soldiers try to cut it or they could not then the soldiers give up and this said you know it this is how you would do you good to please and i remembered she could move she couldnt walk and so on she jumped. And then like a 3 year old kid with not the support of the Community Without the support of it and it was funny. She made it but you know sort of. The most memorable moments with aljazeera was when i was on air as Hosni Mubarak fell with the crowds in Tahrir Square trying to appear. As. If something happens anywhere in the world how does iraq is in place were able to cover this like no other news organization. Were able to do it properly. That is our strength. Over the last thing the president said to you about impeachment when you last spoke to him for i was Multicultural Society its not about you. Any damning allegations that would allow you to go true how worried are you that the conditions are still right for another i think they are right join me many house and as i put up from questions to my special guests and challenge them to some straight talking political debate here on aljazeera. They wanted 43000000000 pounds worth of weaponry that was 6000000000 in. There is no any more because theres always a small. Really really good business. In essence we in the United States have privatized the ultimate Public Function in your shadow on aljazeera. I Maryam Namazie and on with a quick look at headlines now iraqs president has submitted his resignation after refusing to back the man whos been nominated to be Prime Minister barham salih as a satellite danis nomination wont satisfy the demands of protest is for an independent leader danis backed by iraqs largest alimentary bloc which is allied with iran protesters have been on the streets for months now demanding an end to corruption poverty and unemployment libyas internationally recognized government has formally requested ground and see military support from turkey as it battles for control of the capital tripoli according to the Reuters News Agency Government Troops have been fighting offenses offensive from a warlord 25 to turkeys president as parliament votes in january on a motion to send the troops. From the beginning we have objected to the coup perpetrated by the retired general against the lawful government we provided and are still providing assistance to libyas legitimate government against the coup plotter who is receiving support from certain european states libya is a neighboring country as we share maritime border lines in the Mediterranean Sea once the Parliament Comes into session we will present the proposal for dispatching turkish troops to libya based on the Security Cooperation agreement once indorsed by the parliament we will be able to effectively back the legitimate government some states who support the coup general with their jet fighters tanks a militia object to this move and criticize turkey because of it syrian activists say near freezing temperatures slowing the governments offensive on the last rebel held province of adlib fightings force 130000 people from their homes this month many into makeshift camps the region suffered weeks of bombardment and as strikes by the Syrian Government and its russian ally israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing a new threat to his grip on power is running you could party is fighting to decide on who believe them an unprecedented 3rd election in less than a year the former Education Minister gideon sars says he will be better placed to form a government after National Elections in march netanyahu has been weakened by corruption charges as well as back to back failures to form a government this year or part 2 of jerusalem a rock and a hard place now continues but i will be back with the news out that at 210100 g. M. T. In about 25 minutes from now to join me then. I cannot claim today that im respecting israel because its not possible to respect an Apartheid Regime and system which brings me and justice and unfairness. When i organize the worst and i try to show what we are confronting is actually a very drastic and speedy transformation of our city wherever we go in the skew to for the majestic damascus gate we see ours where Police Stations would say come into microscopes and to watch and to monitor the youths and the people walking in the streets and so on this is not the political story but i just want you to see that there are Israeli Soldiers everywhere. There is a very ugly scene today in jerusalem which i try not to beautify but to be indifferent to through these ugly scenes and to show whats left of the beautiful palestine and treasures of fair the city of jerusalem. All these are getting. Really believe. That and this is their shadows house even if he gets his house and he never actually lived here in this house. Let alone. The. Little. League we are here in the muslim quarter you cannot go in and unfortunately because it is an occupation because before the occupation was opened for everybody this is i think the most difficult and the most challenging part of the occupation. And i want to do now is to. You to the center of west jerusalem and just show you how the occupation is not a part of the lives and the thoughts of the people here it is as if this is the room im originally from from my students are you from where so come visit the old homeland. Although zionism played a role in that i was able to come here you know unlike problems to be refugees only able to you know i thought the idea of israel wasnt such a bad idea if we could accommodate with the palestinians and i really believe that we could find a way to live together and so on the ravens are able to dismiss that they dont think about it its the land of israel thats its in the bible its unproblematic its ours we came back you guys. Palestinians are intruders you know and you know this whole claim that actually isnt true but the whole claim that theres are a gammick between the israel lights and the hebrews of the bible and jews of today you know is what makes that tie so you know this is our land just go back and look at the bible the and thats where israel of course gets a lot of support from christian fundamentalists. Not just in the Jewish Community and abroad but dont use the word palestinian we talk about arabs in a very undifferentiated a way we never use the word occupation you dont talk about settlements their community you dont talk about settlers there are jewish residents of communities so the whole language to sanitize everything if you talk to people what is the occupation where is the occupation what is the Palestinian People with you know what the hell youre talking and thats where israel has really won its insulated its people so much from the political reality thats 100 meters away and so. And that fence israel when does it take in the whole issue of palestine off the table for israel the only think of all. Of you so we have to talk about the right ok great so you know. Theologically assuming the verity of this image of a lot of human ish mad is included in the blessing and in the promise of the multiplication this is biblical to the problem is if you try and you do succeed in having an ideology imposed on politics or a mixture of dangerous mixture of both and this is by the way for all christians muslims and jews its not forget it was almost more than 400 years ago in the of 68 approximately he allowed the jews back in jerusalem they were prohibited from living in jerusalem for about 5 centuries. At the 67 they demolished the model comported to expand the area in front of the western wall. Your daughters demolishing everything historical buildings including the mall school during school and they have ultimately used graders to so that they would level that none. Of us would buy the idea that we have well defined quarters all the way from lions gate to a wet street you have basically major christian sites. That are muslim families for example who live in the christian quarter it just when you see a christian course it also of course and it doesnt sound right to build on what the that most of us said my name is there a lot of names. If there are more for the im a palestinian question from one of the main question families of jerusalem i was named after the county fair amount as it is the money to the beautiful relationship to the beautiful tolerance that. Has expressed with his encounter with vitriol so for us mine it mother breastfed our christian never heard me was love me because my mother breastfed my me so we became one of them a system you know that im going to sisterhood that is not to be used on a beloved you know line this is some milk relationship from roman times they had this strategy that divide and conquer and the british implemented the strategy very well. We came down from the neighborhood that i live in good infrastructure the new u. S. Embassy and then you drive down the 1st thing you get is a Police Station a Border Police that kind of clarifies from this point on we need to be in control and then you drive through a neighborhood but because theres a settlement here the settlement behind us then you see this good infrastructure there is lights theres sidewalks and then the entrance of the settlement comes and just after it ends theres no sidewalk here in a palestinian neighborhood and you just really see the difference and the fact that nobody cares about the infrastructure from that point on because really its about infrastructure for jewish population. Thats the israeli plan to have as minimum people here its possible to be able to keep the jewish majority and if you want to see a jerusalem that is i dont know worth living and for everyone in it then it has to be one that is free of those concepts of racism thats free of zionism. And grew up in a kind of classic. In this left household so growing up knowing when against the occupation but having no idea what the occupation is. For me one of those like a ha moments of understanding what those consequences are was actually years ago i have a sister thats younger 10 years younger than me and we were on this trip with different families was just me and her and then different random families and we were together for a week and it was a dinner and we were all talking about whatever small talk and i was 22 at the time someone asked me what do you do in the military which is normal is really small talk conversation and just before i answered i saw my sister kind of her face turning into this really like the we have to get in this argument again like does it have to be like this every time we just not just be normal you know and thats part of what being a dissident in different ways means saying no we cant ever just be normal. In lebanon Israeli Society is the default so choosing to step out of that is choosing to be different and to define yourself as different and it has different consequences that are beyond prison its choosing to be an outsider that is the problem there its just a feeling thats there and its and its heavy and sure but its nothing. Right i did that for a few months palestinians sit in prison before theyre even convicted in most cases just for the duration of the trial and for years on when they are sent straight dont you think that these measures make the people of jews in fleecy fish but building walls check or in more like a military police the we live in the state of fear and we are told to continue to be afraid regardless of what the reality is and i think that this is very strong within the israeli mentality i mean security we need to be strong we need to have. We need to be always in control and so on its also very evident within the Education System the holiday system and so on even when you ask israeli officials what is it about the wall that had to do with security like Israeli Security Officials Say very clearly the world doesnt prevent people from coming in inequality is inherent part of the city 40 percent almost of the city are not citizens of the state they dont have the the right to vote to be elected but more importantly they can lose that like thats what zionism looks like interest because thats what the state looks like leverage that is the key thing we need to create its passing resistance and we can hope that that resistance will be popular and will not be you know armed and things of the sort when we talk about boycott campaigns about Divestment Campaign is about creating different frameworks of power that palestinians have to leverage to tell israel you want this to end you want this to change ok lets go to the table lets talk about what you get for that thats not the discussion thats happening today. The 1st thing that struck me really the heavy weight of history that everyone here bears and somehow feels that you know people who live in jerusalem come through time and through their lives just to carry the burden of its history. I think honest in yours or. Many in East Jerusalem face pressure on us threats or to move out. But if i can take the opportunity of this interview and speak through you directly to them i would say despite the cost and despite the difficulties do not give up never give up because palestinians are not people who are coming through this land and just just renting their apartments or their houses for a short period of time before they move on their part of this land theyre part of this landscape when the far i would have patron founders of said he is Bishop Desmond tutu little from south africa and the as this famous saying that says its an elephant to stepping on a mouse and you leave it for the elephant and the most the figured it out youre taking the side of the elephant and this is i think most of us palestinians we feel the International Community observing us while we are on the margins and we need help with asking help and youre right to do that youre absolutely right to to to demand that from the International Community not just to ask for it in any context this would never be a negotiation between equals so how much should we as palestinians or can we we feel we are drowning and we refuse to drown i think all that. Thats a question that your postings have to answer and hopefully we would. Welcome to the South African the president of the office think its always good to see. You on a consulate here this is not really a state so we call it in South African the president of the office of the but you didnt resent and its an embracing of an embassy. We see the occupation part of what we supposed to be doing is hosting palestinians home most palestinians i can host them at by who listens but of all of us to tell a d. Is to host people at all in essence and also as part of or diplomatic work but we had tonight that fundamentally south africas did what was called the peace the arctic front. Those that oppose departed came together and we realized they were common principles and i think palestinians have to realize they have more in common than that which divides them interestingly. Those socalled tele said were a people nope line up to meet us people want to benefit from our experience and even the International Communities and i want to name countries who have asked us to engage palestinians cross the border but dont you think the International Community when it comes to south africa that is emaar as racist and it had to go away and that was wrong solidarity with comes to us palestinians it seems israel has impunity we had the masses of our own destiny at the end of the day yes it is True International solidarity did play a role an Important Role in terms of boycotts sanctions and whatever else and isolation of apartheid south africa but it wasnt the South African collective who took to the streets the palestinians have to work as a collective you have a mass movement. Is really a party i mean people in terms of the common values that we have in terms of dignity in terms of human rights in terms of democracy and these common values would bring us together. Underneath the golden dome of today that has to be respected is the Foundation Stone of the world. And yes there is something there today. Just let me see. Sin every religious jew believes that one day in the future there will be the 3rd temple and were told that by our prophets was saying in the desert bloom the in getting the exiles we have returned home but there are some things that in the hand of god so the 3rd temple itself very much in the same position that abraham attempted to sacrifice isaac with the 1st temple was of king solomon and the 2nd temple will also be the 3rd temple but there are some things a hand by god not in mans hand having a jew go to the temple mount today to pray to walk around the holiest place the jewish people in a place that mohammad never visited the 1st temple existed 1700 years before the dome of the rock was even built somethings in the process as we left to god the bruises began with the fall of the. Nothing to the temple mount theres only one tunnel and it said parallel to the western wall nothing to do with the temple man itself its absurd he steria from the arab world are people concerned about the illegal era building on the temple mount thats a disgrace and yet they managed to get away with the a huge mosque on the temple mount destroying things the 2nd Temple Period thats something that should be discussed not what the jews do walking on the outside of the temple mount. The jewish people have some responsibility to act in a certain way in accordance to the laws that were given by the bible itself its very difficult for me to know exactly today as many rabbis found it difficult to know exactly what was the specific thing the god was and with the jews about. The only people that know the future a prophets and foods and im neither. One of my Favorite Places to be here in jerusalem without a doubt is this car door the old roman road that used to look like that. This place in israel for christians or muslims anyone were not talking about sovereignty cant compromise on sovereignty you know what hands away their homeland this is not a multicultural democratic side this is not another astray at all or america or france or england no this is a jewish state the jewish people. So we are now in the can he still pm it which translates to the church of that is that action every the very early in the morning the muslim families would open the doors of the church because the church is divided by different christian denominations and there was a dispute on who should have the keys for the for the door so they divided the church but when it came to the consensus the agreed on and on the muslim families they knew that these muslim families are one of the suspected just look right now i mean as for the seniors both u. S. Officials and i as a as a muslim we had a very very tiny minority now when we are sitting in the hall where its just like. As if this is not i want a space. In the past we used to worship in this church this church just all the center of the world because a 4th of the importance of. Empty tomb of christ for some centuries we have been forced. To make space for pilgrims and foreigners and we were moved to one of the churches outside the complex of the church of the resurrection the same thing at a much almost for example no tourists would be you know turned away if they would just go through the broken gate but there are restrictions on muslims even those who have risen in my deal ever since is shipped my nephew and my niece their dream is to come to jerusalem they dont have a permit their dream is to come to the church of the holy supplicant. They are guys that they are trying to judaize sa East Jerusalem you are the only one that can save this city and if you will not do it it now they fear that in the future will not be now seemed too safe because the settlers they are working secretly systematically and they are taking everything they can so you should do so samson immediately that the city is under. Their east. It was one of the 1000. 00 of a settlement in the gaza strip and its that even though. This and i was one of the found there was of. Its incredible a field during these days so for old to be a settler it takes. The do years before you realize that something it doesnt wark each ideology has a price. And the prize that we are paying for their ideology of the great israel is is too much is too much. 2 months after i arrived in entering into the army to go to the army because they say that this is my are all zionist should go to the army and fi for the country. Knocked over 72 he you know the young people war started 2 weeks after a pause in jericho in front of the Egyptian Army in cia it was in an ospital for a separate mance when i start to look around me in to see people dying in the hospital and now there is the day lose their sounds or sounds that they lose their fathers then they started the process dad. Take me from the right dreaming due to the left to desire least left at the beginning and after then to do the nuns are you an east left this is the place where i am now it was very hard to me to leave my right wing friends i changed my mind but they couldnt change may sashi group and it takes one year before i say ok no more right wing its easier to change your man aint down to change your social environment i was longing to see in the country. Weve been traveling for a week and weve seen all the reality on the ground in jerusalem its miserable youve met the politicians they say theres no hope you meet the United Nations this is literally theres nothing we can do it is up to you we must i mean resilient we must overcome justice for the palestinians and end of the occupation join the Civil Society of the Palestinian Community initiatives like economic sanctions economic measures interesting documentation like b. D. S. And so on we cannot give in to the powerful is the elite Decision Makers and their allies the trumps and the powerful in the world we must come together we all will not only for us or for jerusalem a holy place for diligence but for ever the future generations. Empires come and go but the people remain in their face this is the story with what has happened throughout every empire across the palestine they have this appeared and became ruins but the people still stand. Hello that. Much of australia the south in particular want to see bits and pieces of cloud not much in the way of rain but so. Is the time which is the have a look at this adelaide on friday 40 degrees celsius thats about 13 degrees above the average temperature meanwhile friday across that toria New South Wales and also pretty good. 28 celsius your high in perth about the same day time which is beginning to come down in adelaide but thats because the heat is shifting across the southeast so. In both cases about 10 degrees above the average sign of any rain we have also showers pushing in across into. New zealand. Its really on saturday that will see the showers into christchurch. A little bit about 19 degrees celsius apiece feeling a bit cooler than into the northeast of asia mine is to pyongyang the same across. And a very mixed day friday across much of japan weve got a mix of rain and some snow. A feeling cooler and freshness of my sunshine. In tokyo. A University Degree to be a doctor or a teacher but without any study or exams when i went to east investigates the Pakistani Company at legibly selling fake degrees to the thousands of police around the world on al jazeera and. Al jazeera. Every year. This is aljazeera. Hello im Maryam Namazie or watching the news hour live from london coming up in the next 60 minutes iraqs president submits his resignation saying hed rather quits than appoint a Prime Minister whos been rejected by protest is. Reports libya is requesting military support from turkey against attacks from a warlord on tripoli. Results expected soon as israels embattled Prime Minister faces a challenge to his party leadership. And the controversial business tycoon taking on georgias government but will vote

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