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Frozen in time and i. Thought it was a basketball battle in los angeles with le bron is a lakers full of shorts against the clippers we have that and more christmas n. B. A. Action coming up. Iraqs president says he would rather quit the name a new Prime Minister rejected by protesters. Is refusing to designate the nominee of an iran backed parliamentary bloc in a letter to parliament barcella said out of my kin list to avoid bloodshed and protect civil peace i will not name assad danny as a candidate for the next Prime Minister or president saleh has been trying to find a replacement for. Who resigned as Prime Minister last month his decision to quit has done little to calm protests demanding a complete overhaul of the sectarian political system this wave of demonstrations started in october but there were similar scenes last year over the sign compliance many say theyve had enough of corruption unemployment Poor Public Services and a low standard of living hundreds of people have died in 3 months of on the wrist and more than 20000. 00 people have been injured those are standing by for us in baghdad to bring us the latest and also where does this leave the country now. Well its clear that the president is not willing to carry out what has been laid out as his duties in the constitution the constitution is very clear the largest ruling bloc in parliament has so nominate a name and that person becomes the caretaker Prime Minister until the country is ready to hold elections but since the ruling bloc is the group which is a group thats known to be allied with iran their candidates have all been rejected and this is the 3rd one that has been rejected by not only the president but various other Coalition Groups in parliament as well as the people on the streets they say that they dont want any candidate that is before us by a politician by a Political Group rather they want somebody who is in the pendant now the president has now chosen to submit this letter in which she stresses that if he is to carry out his constitutional duties he will be going against the wishes of the people on the streets and that is not something that hes willing to do so what hes essentially done is put the ball back in the court of parliament to force them to understand his position has been under tremendous amount of pressure but we know that he has been supporting the demonstrators on the street he also has the backing of the clerical establishment in iraq so we think this will be seen as a maneuver for him to try and dissolve parliament and possibly call for early elections which is something the highest sheerest already cleric in iraq has also called for ayatollah grand ayatollah ali sistani during friday sermons last week his representative in karbala said that there must be early elections held so this is all happening in an effort to make that a possibility the president has now left baghdad weve heard from various sources that hes back in his home town until the parliament decides what to do next but for now they have to decide whether or not to accept his position and that is that he will not accept this candidate who is the governor of because there is such opposition to him and his record because basra is one of the poorest. Provinces in iraq while it is actually home to 70 percent of iraqs oil reserves so theres a lot of allegations against this governor and that is why this candidate has not been accepted by anybody specifically the president himself so hes now put himself in a position where he says its really not up to me anymore it is up to parliament to decide what to do next to also thank you for that. Is an independent politician in that problem and he joins us live from baghdad is not if youd be with us we just heard from our reporter this it really is up to the problem of the also your in the parliament what will the parliament do. Just a quick correction im not in Parliament Im an independent or youre going to spend as you know im not in parliament right but i just want to make one clarification is that the d custom is debatable in article 76. 00 it clearly states that after 15 days of the selection of the president does he actually has have to name the Prime Minister while that 15 days elapsed last year last october 2018 is when president barham saleh was elected so it actually constitutionally he does have the right to select any other candidate he wants however the whoever he selects has to pass parliament and should get 50 percent plus one of the votes the problem what we have is that i know but im sol ive known him for 25 years hes a good friend of mine he doesnt want to ignite a civil war the reason is there are demonstrations sit ins in about 15 cities in iraq and these people have said we didnt demonstrate we we didnt lose 600 of our comrades in sniper attacks and. You know tear gas attacks for nothing the reason why they went out is they wanted a new independent Prime Minister and the new government and a new constitution so they will not give in to you know the selection of the governor of basra who was also implicated in. Sniper attacks against people in basra over 35 people were killed in basra because of that governor so so i understand why the mainly the people of basra refuse that their governor becomes the next Prime Minister of iraq so if youre talking about an independent i believe that your names even been mentioned here is that something that you would be considering. Well i yes i threw my hat in the ring in the ring so to speak i am one of the independent candidates and i do meet of the checked points that they you know the demonstrators have had their list of the qualifications of a Prime Minister of course i dont have anybody supports me in parliament or a Political Group or a militia you know im an independent person im an economist so im on t. V. Constantly giving true Real Solutions about building the iraqi economy so i do have a few following here and there im not the number one candidate obviously i would love to 3rd of the next you know 3 years term of our job to maddie to rebuild the iraqi economy and get it on the right track and then whoever the next government comes in can continue with the continued Economic Growth what this is highlighted though isnt it is that you have this fundamental problem in the country is that you have the biggest block here the block recommending rejected by the president rejected by the protesters but this goes to exactly the thing the protesters have been on the streets about not is the sectarian nature of the politics in iraq. Well this is not a secular sectarian think actually the bloc bloc in parliament does include sunni members of parliament and their opposition also includes sunni and shia members today the lines are not crossed between sin are not between sunnis and shia there are people who actually you know belong to the fatter who have closer ties with iran who are versus the other group who have less closer ties to iran. Its not on secular lines as i would say and sectarian lines i meant both parties both sides do have an essentially as the problem is that who supported the curbing of the protestors and its obviously the fattah bloc who supported the curbing of the you know we saw what happened in iran about 40 days ago and you know hundreds of people were killed there too so the. Block might want to have the same solution in iraq and probably just curb whatever left in the uprising from baghdad to basra. Thank you again for giving us a john thank you very much. Turkeys president says he plans to send troops to libya with the tripoli boast of ministration saying it will request military support if the conflict escalates turkey says it wants to support libyas internationally recognized government which has been under a months long offensive by forces loyal to warlord hoping for half the president richard typer to one says he will present a bill on the deployment to parliament in january. From the beginning we have objected to the coup perpetrated by the retired general against the lawful government we provided and are still providing assistance to libyas legitimate government against the coup plotter who is receiving support from certain european states libya is a neighboring country as we share maritime border lines in the Mediterranean Sea once the Parliament Comes into session we will present the proposal for dispatching turkish troops to libya based on the Security Cooperation agreement once indorsed by the parliament we will be able to effectively back the legitimate government some states who support the coup general with their jet fighters tanks and militia object to this move and criticize turkey because of it within a moment well hear from our made up there wired in tripoli about what the government is saying there 1st mohamed a dogs blaines developments in turkey once the new year begins president on cecile take a bill to parliament that is going to not only also rise the deployment of troops but also give a monday of what they can and cant do once that lloyd in libya so that is what is happening right now but again this is something that has got to regional implications with tension already rising between turkey and greece on one side as well as cyprus because of the Energy Reserves in the eastern Mediterranean Sea so it is going to have regional ramifications. They say they are in need of military commanders to run the battles on the ground especially during the past few days after half of those forces have advance of and taken control of throughout egypt locations in southern tripoli including get a military camps Strategic Military camps in southern tripoli helped by russian mercenaries from the Wagner Company in order for turkey to send troops to d. N. A. It needs a new mend day because the agreement signed with libya last month does not entail sending troops in fact it only entails military and Security Cooperation which that includes military equipment and navy vessels maybe also logistics but it does not entail. Troops there is why is a stressing on an official request from the d. N. A. Is a must for the turkish government to send to send it to his troops to fire it along with the government of National Accord to defend the capital tripoli against have those forces. Well lets look now at why this conflict has wider consequences for the region libya has become a major Transit Route for moderates and refugees heading to europe so european governments want a stable country to stop the flow of people crossing the mediterranean theres also a new maritime border deal between libyas internationally recognized government and turkey it carves out a corridor between the 2 countries potentially clearing the way for oil and Gas Exploration but greece aged and is roe oppose that agreement and speaking of oil libyas known reserves are among the largest in the world at nearly 50000000000 barrels something handy is editor in chief of the Current Affairs Magazine International interest and he joins us in london good to have you with us if indeed turkey commits Ground Troops what impact would that have on the fighting on the ground. I think it will make a significant difference we should note that turkey has already sent drones to help out the government in tripoli half that has been marching the last 3 months have seen russian reinforcements which have actually made the difference theyve actually allowed have to actually make gains inside tripoli after the war is increasingly looking like a stalemate turkey actually sending troops would actually alter those dynamics so perhaps where once half that would have been able to advance the war would go back to a stalemate i say that because i dont think turkey intends that the g. N. A. T. To empower the g. A. M. Power the government with the necessary resources to retake libya or even push back have to significantly turkey is interested in some sort of mediation that dilutes after this power so that there is some sort of agreement in libya all it cares is that the libya does not fall under u. A. E. All but it does not fall under that influence so that this maritime choke hold that is forming with greece outside of procedure it and do you include libya in that so that that chokehold doesnt actually get form this is what turkeys primary concern is but in answer to your question turkish will make definitely a different make a difference when you talk about mediation russia risk critical in this equation as well. Russia is significant in this equation actually whats very interesting is that russia appears to be gaining a lot of political clout a lot of respect among those libyan factions because its exerting itself has shown that i have the military capabilities to alter the fighting what is interesting is that contrary to what many people are saying russia doesnt actually want to have to take tripoli because when russia is calculating it when put in its calculating the dynamics on the ground if Health Care Takes tripoli hes backed by the u. A. E. And egypt both are u. S. Allies and huffed has already been a formality of the u. S. And perhaps still is in combating terrorism and i put that in quotation marks how often this 1st trip will likely be to washington not to moscow so russia is not prepared to invest in half that enough to allow him to be installed as libyas ruler because it believes how libya will go in the other direction what russia actually once is russia wants the libyan parties 1 to look to it as the new power broker instead of going to berlin to paris instead of going to pile m. R. Instead of going to washington its one of the libyan parties to go to moscow or to go to a stunna or to go to a location designated by the russians and this is why when we see turkeys visit to tunisia i dont believe that ever again asked tunisia to be part of this alliance against have to i believe that their dog and went to tunis here to prepare the groundwork for this potential mediation because moscow knows that the libyan parties of the g. N. A. T. Want to go to moscow or stunna and likewise have those parties want to go to istanbul so they need a neutral territory and thats tunisia if end again wanted an alliance he would have gone to algiers and not tunisia because algiers is the big brother and this is why i believe that the turks and the russians are now engaged in the heavy negotiations with regards to mediations and actually trying to convince their parties to meet in tunisia whether they succeed or not is a different issue just on but one of the things the president heard one was talking about jim use your words a cease fire a poor is to allow these negotiations to move forward whats the prospect of that. I think that given the dynamics that weve discussed i think it is very possible i think given now that russia has shown that if it decides to back a party it can actually make a difference given that the u. S. Is paralyzed given that france italy and germany cant agree on what the e. U. Policy on libya should be libyan parties are now beginning to accept that the new power brokers in the country will be turkey and russia and there will be channels that have been established to discuss with these 2 countries now russia can easily pull the carpet from half that and he will go back to the state that he was in before which will leave the war to go back to a stalemate it is russia can abandon have to at any time and have to know this this is why is keen on this whole idea of 0 hour this idea of take tripoli as quickly as possible i believe that turkey and russia are now talking about potential concessions with regards to it live theyre both trying to strongarm each other they both have mutual interests they both want to mediation they both see the trajectory going towards dialogue i think now its a case of russia wants to get the maximum out of turkey it wants concessions on it its very annoyed that turkey is continued support for factions in syria and the turks want russia to ensure that they can force her to stop and they want russia to make sure that they dont squeeze turkey for every tiny game it is this that is taking place and it is this of distorting the potential of a cease fire i think they will get to an agreement i think we will see a mediation likely in tunisia is just a matter of when and i think the last point that i will make is we should note that this building up to turkish troops is exactly what we saw in syria with you for to shield olive branch and operation peace during peace spring this idea that turkey is saying guys you have to take me seriously guys take my consent seriously i will go in i will go in if you ignore me i will go in and russia knows this i think turkey is conducting these steps send me official invitation ill put a bill to parliament this is all to create that time frame to extended period of negotiations while russia and turkey sit and hash it out before we see mediation so we have to thank you again for joining us. Theres much more still to come an independent report accuses police in india of using an authorized and Excessive Force against opponents of a new citizenship will. Hit by Corruption Cases and to repeat election israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces a primary challenger from his other party. And has the latest in sport is one of the Worlds Toughest races gets underway. Syrian activists india freezing temperatures are slowing the governments offensive on the last rebel held province of idlib the fighting force 130000 civilians from the homes this month many into makeshift camps the region has suffered weeks of artillery bombardment and strikes by the Syrian Government and its russian allies many syrians are on the move north towards the Turkish Border but the turkish president has borne that his country cannot cope with another influx of refugees from a province russian backed Syrian Government forces are now focusing on capturing the rebel held city of murat on human the area is key for damascus as it sits on an important motorway which links the capital to aleppo once syrias largest city and u. S. President has tweeted about the situation in need to leave he says russia syria and iran a killing or on their way to killing thousands of innocent civilians in the province dont do it turkey is working hard to stop this carnage lets get more on that we go to out White House Correspondent kimberly how could in washington d. C. Why is he tweeting now. You know we really have to wonder about the timing you know this week from the u. S. President comes on the heels of statements by the u. N. Secretary general where there has been a very strongly worded statement regarding the military escalation the concern about the impact on civilians and also the call for sort of a sation in the violence in terms of the hostilities given the fact that those impacted have been the children so there is a concern sort of the world is watching at the u. N. Level you add to that that the u. S. Congress has been also watching very closely the escalating violence in fact so much so it pushed through a pentagon budget that included very tough sanctions against syria russia and also iran for alleged war crimes the president signed that into law on friday sort appears that this is on his mind and you have to remember in the context of this is the fact that the United States has already launched air strikes in syria on 2 occasions once in 2017 once and 2800 so theres no other way to read this except that the u. S. President has essentially alerted the world to as the countries involved putting them essentially on notice and its a very complicated situation we know its complicated on the ground the relationships between turkey and russia russia and the the Syrian Forces the attack against the rebel groups in the area turkey is saying theyre not going to tell you need the refugees that are going towards the border and then you have the ferry complicated relationship between turkey and the United States particularly when it comes to questions of the future of syria. Yes its a very complicated relationship particularly when you factor in the russia component as well i mean the bottom line is the United States is a member of nato along with turkey but there have long been concerns here in washington in the United States about the relationship with turkey given the fact that at times turkey has made some very pointed decisions that have concerned many here in the United States namely its sort of expansions push forward with the deployment of a russian made air Defense System theyre concerned about those ties with russia also you have to remember as the United States was withdrawing some of its troops from syria there was a socially this feeling that the u. S. President had turned a blind eye or green lighted is the word thats used a lot with regard to turkeys actions an escalation towards the kurdish fighters inside syria that had helped the United States with the defeat of eisel so theres that component and then the midst of all of this theres also the street now coming from the president saying turkey is working very hard to stop the carnage but if people are questioning the relationship of the United States president invited the turkish president to washington last month there was also a bilateral offside unplanned unscheduled meeting that took place in london at those nato meetings so there is real questioning about the relationship the loyalties of turkey and many people putting that into the microscope here in the United States looking at the president wondering with this tweet what are you doing thank you kimberly and life is becoming even more difficult for Syrian Refugees living in lebanon with the has always taken its toll on hundreds of thousands forced to leave in camps near the border so i know how to reports from the bekaa valley why this year is tougher than ever. Winter is setting in temperatures are falling and theres little to protect the hundreds of thousands of Syrian Refugees who live in makeshift camps there are no concrete structures because the lebanese government doesnt want syrians to stay here permanently. Shelters are not suitable for the cold months and families are complaining the aid they receive is not enough they burn wood to stay warm but many cant afford to buy fuel widow needs to make ends meet with the less than 150. 00 provided by the United Nations with that. You know how expensive it has become my children no longer eat meat or fruits i cant afford to send them to school during the day they collect wood and i have Kidney Disease and cant work d. Those who can work struggle to find a job lebanon to qana me is in crisis food prices are rising in the local currency the lebanese pound has lost at least a 3rd of its official value. The general situation of course is affecting both lebanese and Syrian Refugees and the targets mainly the people who are in severely limited to a situation where they are constantly trying to afford and sustain their basic needs and their needs are greater during the winter months refugees are not only facing freezing weather conditions nearly 900000 of the 1000000 syrians registered with the United Nations live below its designated poverty line that means surviving on less than 4. 00 a day. Mother is one of many refugees who rely on you had cash assistance but she recently lost her Refugee Status and un help because she returned to syria for a few days and that was out of syria for the country as i had to go to damascus to get my daughter because healthcare is too expensive here but when we came back at the u. And took away our status as per that aggregation. Her grandson mohammed is forced to work in the fields for 4. 00 a day but that is only during the summer the 11 year old never went to school he doesnt read or write. I wish i can study. I wish they can get an education. And be able to go with my friends to school. Mohammad seems to realize that this is unlikely to happen. Because history levanon. People in mourning after 2 or taxing just 40 at least 12 soldiers were killed with. Wednesday night in the. Province. Border its the same region where. The nearby town were attacked on tuesday 35 civilians and 80 gunmen were killed there. This is only the latest in a series of recent attacks on military personnel in west africas sawhill region in mali and became the faso a face the most number of attacks earlier this month 71 soldiers were killed on a military base in these years west and in mali at least 53. 00 soldiers were killed on a military post in november it happened just weeks after 2 other raids on military bases which left dozens of soldiers dead also that month at least 37. 00 people were killed in between a faso where gunmen ambushed a military convoy transporting minors to work but it just explains why it is the whole countrys is struggling to prevent attacks these forces dont have enough resources to deal with the problem look at mali for example and look at how vast that area is the north in particular much of it is desert and you have a lot of groups even before the arrival of alqaeda and eisel there were rebellions in the north of mali there were also issues of rebellion in the share of problems in brooklyn a fossil and many other countries in this hell and west africa so in nigeria you have boko haram that is spread not only in nigeria it is going to across the border into cameroon child in asia republic and some very spear that some of them are also moving into particular process so without enough resources to deal with these problems to tackle these train fighters from the middle east from libya north africa and the rest it will be difficult for these forces to to to to to take care of the problem and there are also fear that because of these countries many of these countries dont have any Strategic Value to probably some members of the 10th influential members of the International Community they may not see a response like we saw in syria in other countries while International Forces are involved and action is being taken. In the news ahead christmas cancelled why christian leaders in iraq called off all the official festive celebrations. 15 years on survivors remember the hundreds of thousands lost in ages devastating. I hate to call it i said drew is underway in the English Premier League as one manager calls the fixture list a crime peter has that is. How the weather remains a little disturbed around the eastern side of the mediterranean through little rants but we have got signs of quater weather coming through as we go on into the next couple of days is an area cloud then more wet weather there into syria pushing across into lebanon maybe into israel as well for its high well the process syria nor the mouse of iraq seeing the rain and the snow up towards a coax is the similar picture you go on and see sas day things becoming a little less wise but as far as that right and snow is concerned but its still very much that temperatures struggling to get into double figures for jerusalem a 16 thats the beirut come across into the tools of coniston pakistanis losey dry plenty of sunshine as is the case to cross the Arabian Peninsula pleasant sunshine here in howell it is feeling a little chilly as we go into the evenings and the overnight because generally getting up to around 24. 00 celsius notice down towards southern parts of amman you could catch a shower which is that wet weather just not in its way over towards the whole of Africa Society something to watch out for over the next couple of days as for Southern Africa we still have a few showers in say the east of south africa further north thats where the wetter weather will remain into madagascan water madagascar pushing across into Northern Areas of mozambique further north. What happens when plans for a new life abroad id railed by committing serious crimes from Drug Trafficking terminal bring to mind only i dont remember how many times it stopped the way her boyfriend spoke to me and even her aljazeera world goes inside an italian prison meeting men and women from north africa who left home only to face life behind bars double exile on aljazeera. Examining the impact of todays headlines you use the misinformation but i use the term by setting the agenda for tomorrows discussions how unique a load is this in terms of modern American History when it comes to racism you have the makings of a nail fascist Moment International filmmakers and world class journalists bringing programs to inspire you. On aljazeera. Youre watching aljazeera heres a reminder about top stories this hour iraqs president says hed rather resign than that the Prime Minister who was rejected by protesters. Is refusing to support the nominee put forward by the largest block which is backed by iran. Turkeys president says he plans to send troops to support an internationally recognized government if the conflict. In tripoli by used to be destruction has been offensive by forces loyal to. At least 10 soldiers have been killed in a 2nd deadly attack. It comes just a day after dozens of civilians were killed in the. Morning to quit. Wardell from iraq where christian leaders canceled major celebrations on wednesday in solidarity with antigovernment protest in the number of christians is dwindling but the demonstrations a uniting people of. This report from baghdad. Christmas day and back to that rare occasion to celebrate for a beleaguered minority that has yet to recover from years of violence at the hands of iceland. Many here remember the days when christians in iraq numbered in millions and formed an integral part of society. In the seventys or eightys the people were in history celebrating until late at night you couldnt walk from here to there because of the crowds the christians the muslims and all the players were celebrating this great day. This years christmas is once again overshadowed by suffering but this time its the suffering of others Church Leaders have canceled celebrations outside these prayers in solidarity with the victims of a violent crackdown on antigovernment protests and now you know what do we have a celebrations before people would gather together how everyone stays in their own homes theres no christmas this year you dont have christmas because people are dying. During the sermon the congregation prays for the hundreds of victims and tens of thousands of injured in the protests the vast majority of whom are from the south Iraqs Christian community has faced a steady decline over the years with those left behind feeling increasingly pushed to the margin. Of society in politics but the latest protests unique in that they cut across the religion have brought christians and muslims closer in their demands for justice Good Governance and a better life. Is a christian and has taken part in demonstrations since they began alongside her muslim compatriots in mississippi. For the church and islam there is one god and iraq is just one their cause is al course demands of the same which is to change the entire government and to dissolve the parliament. Symbols of christianity put up by both christians and muslims alike can be found across Tahrir Square muslim protesters have erected Christmas Trees but instead of lights and ornaments they Bear Pictures of those killed at the hands of Security Forces or they should do a. Lot of history represents those who died in the 25. 00 of aleutian and research its up to commemorate the souls who struggled in the demonstrations and who gave their lives for the sake of the country we would not forget. Its the 1st time since 2003 that christians and muslims stand united for a nation free of sectarianism and the governments that will serve and protect all regardless of their faith only then could iraqs minorities they say once again thrive and perhaps even regain their former strength simona 14 al jazeera. The Mexican Government is appealing to the International Criminal court after a series of disputes with bolivia mexico has accused Bolivian Police of spying on its diplomatic personnel in the past thats after it granted former bolivian president evo morales asylum when he resigned following a disputed president ial election. Israel Benjamin Netanyahu is facing a leadership challenge from within his own likud party former Education Minister gideon will be better placed to form a government after National Elections and much that is israels longest serving leader but hes been weakened by corruption charges as well as back to back 5 years to form a government this year a test of good i am has more now from west you were. In april there were fireworks and a jubilant crowd as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife took the stage to celebrate winning the largest number of seats in the israeli election. Tonight is a night of an immense victory 5 months later in front of a sparse crowd a somber netanyahu addressed supporters once again after winning the most seats but failing for a 2nd time to form a government. There cant be and wont be a government that leans on the arab parties since then netanyahu has become the 1st sitting Prime Minister to be indicted for bribery fraud and popular breach of trust charges he says are politically motivated now hes fighting to retain control of his likud party. On thursday more than 100000 likud Party Members will decide if theyll put their support behind the man whos become the longest serving Prime Minister in israeli history. Or if its time for new leadership former interior and Education Minister gideon sar is vying to replace him i think that its a very good thing that. He could have had the primaries i think that. Had to call ridge to confront and i think its a good indicator that the days are. His last. Days in power but netanyahu has popularity has remained consistent among his base the economy has been good and the security situation is stable during netanyahu has more than 13 years in power hes transformed israeli politics and shifted the country to the right some say hes divided the population and it is a battle against corruption charges hes attempted to deal with genom eyes Law Enforcement the judiciary and the media at work all over the world this populism. Using. Claiming that the courts and the media and other elites are after me and im a present of of the people and also you have to remember that at least from the point of view of the right wing you know i was very successful by days and is really so find out if he can pull off another victory even if he does he faces another challenge on tuesday the Supreme Court will rule on whether an indicted Prime Minister is even allowed to form a government natasha going to name aljazeera west jerusalem. Police in india are being accused of using authorized Excessive Force against protesters at new delhis jobby a university around 2 weeks ago an independent investigation by Civil Rights Group found offices indiscriminately big demonstrators destroyed public property at a risk to people on lawful the police are also accused of intimidating and firing on protesters in Uttar Pradesh with 18 people were killed the demonstrations are against a new citizenship law thats being labelled as anti muslim it was in new delhi bridge on me in many years to me university in the capital new delhi and that is the Police Response to protests that took place here soon also the citizenship law was passed maybe 2 weeks ago that led to protests breaking out at universities around the country not just against the citizenship but to the police to the protests and the Fact Finding Team that looks at the response says that police entered campuses unlawfully that they brought law for broke c. C. T. V. Cameras that their Social Security guards they say that they are students and they unlawfully detained many people destroyed property that was not involved in protest and that they used Excessive Force tear gas to protest passions to stop the valley from reaching parliament the Fact Finding Team has said similar tactics were used on the stage with a protest which 18 people were killed in protests last week now well hear from tommys a little moody he has only condemned what he said was violence on the possible criticism he said that students have an obligation to Keep University safe and that protest. Were endangering Public Safety so the government very much defiant in the face of criticism. But morial services have been held across asia to back 15 years since the indian ocean tsunami. 130000 people were killed when massive waves were put into 12 countries so reports. Its business as usual for these fishermen in the thai province of punk but on this day 15 years ago a tsunami triggered by a magnitude 9 point one earthquake devastated the coastline here. Waves as high as 17 and a half meters came crashing in from the ocean killing nearly 5000 people in this village alone. With half the population wiped out nearly everyone who has lost a relative or even a friend. Near one chance or a wall knows too well that no matter how many years of paulse the pain of losing your children never goes away. When i dont think they died on the day the tsunami hit we couldnt find them until the 28th and their bodies hadnt decomposed at all i often imagine how much they would have thought about me before they took their last breaths but we couldnt find them we couldnt help them this is stuck with me and every time i think about it it hurts my these images shocked the world the day after christmas shortly before 8 am in 2004 the earthquake struck under the sea in northern india. It rippled across the indian ocean triggering a tsunami that hit dozens of countries in asia and along africas east coast getting close to 230000. 00 people and it happened during Peak Services and the majority of those who died were in indonesia entire villages were flattened. And the carnage of that day is still fresh on the minds of those living in such a province the worst hit area where 170000 people were killed. When you know a half of the government and people have actually today we formally want to thank more than 150 countries that have been involved in helping rehabilitation and reconstruction. Rubble that was. No one knew the tsunami was coming on that day there was no Early Warning systems in place but it was a global lesson learned. Since then more than 400000000. 00 has been spent across 28. 00 countries on detectors. Survivors say the technology is not enough though and that Public Awareness and education are necessary to save peoples lives so i hired aljazeera albanians made homeless by last months earthquake of facing a long winter living in tents 51 people were killed and thousands of homes flattened the governments accused of not doing enough to help laura for reports. It was here in the albanian village of marjah mother the earthquake was felt the strongest zella says he had little time to do anything but run given that yes i just grabbed my children everything collapsed within seconds i read out screaming earthquake earthquake. 34 kilometers away in the city of duty as the force of the earthquake damaged the walls of this high rise building jamming the door and trapping people inside. Of that the girl was under a chair but the quake was so strong that it should both her and the chair one break fell off the wall and almost hit her. Theres little left of many of todays is hotels a huge setback for businesses and a city that relies heavily on tourism hundreds of houses to a now just rubble many have nowhere to live root is trying to help them through this sap we can see here that i have not even if the building has been totally destroyed or e. Q. Can be repaired and then we can see when the family where the family so i say here that even leaving at the end there getting there is a lot of these or even they do leave it in their building again but the community has come together providing food and clothes to those in need for the day were going to have beans and rice. And it will be we will make at least. Its a 25300 bushels and its happening with a little help from the albanian government so volunteers have stepped in. For me we are alone in this business there is some Administrative Office but its been closed for more than 10 days people come here to talk to us about their problems and daily challenges after the earthquake theres no one else to help them. Back in marjah mother this makeshift shelter is where cellar and his family are now living theyll spend a cold winter here waiting for help they fear may not come laura frick berg aljazeera. The foggles Solar Eclipse of the decade has wowed sky watchers all over southern asia the phenomenon lasted about 3 hours the socalled eclipse ring of fire were seen along the past stretching from india and pakistan to thailand and indonesia. Competing forces in brazil all want to export the amazon rainforest president has already a lot more lead farming and development that is losing in human reports into an indigenous groups want a slice of the lucrative agribusiness to. Model good also which means thick forest is a state in central brazil twice the size of california and better known today for its endless fields of crops and cows. But theres still a lot of tropical forests left including incompetent norval depressed cease the 15000 square kilometer indigenous reserve says of the mice but its here that we meet a. Leader of the National Indigenous Farmers Association and like most tribes the predecease used to live from subsistence farming but now theyre growing and selling soil and other grains for export as well that is just the home are pregnant women were losing their babies from lack of food children were malnourished but after 15 years of producing grains our lives have changed now we have lots of food we have 40 University Graduates in law medicine agronomy teachers all working inside our community the project is giving us the stain ability. And his tribe earlier this year received a visit from the agriculture and environmental ministers of the role model for president jade balsa not his vision for integrating brazils indigenous communities into Mainstream Society the project has been vilified by other indigenous groups and many environmentalists who argue that they will lose their culture and for their destroy the amazon canal disagrees that youll read you know we are in the 21st century the colonial period is over all societies transform and developed and we Indigenous Peoples are also transforming ourselves of course our culture traditions and identity are important but we cant remain frozen in time. Indeed these days this traditional palm leaf house is used mostly for meetings guests and religious ceremonies. Mother still weaves ceremonial clothes but now the silk in my family lives in a hamlet of modern houses. Outside of the reserve the president is also giving the green light to expand brazils agricultural frontier this red sample is cotton in fact almost everything thats profitable grows here brazil is already the world leader in soya and sugarcane in beef and among the top 3 corn producers but in order for the average business to continue to expand it needs more and more land which explains why the brazilian amazon is so coveted the. Results Largest Oil Producer blight oh my g. D. Is nevertheless concerned nicknamed the king of soil he was given the golden chainsaw award a few years ago by environmentalists but today he says unlimited deforestation of the amazon is unacceptable especially since its unleashed a global backlash so demand to. Keep it. The president has taken a mistaken approach but i think our mistakes in the agribusiness sectors concerns of a possible boycott against our products may make them realize while the amazon is sovereign brazilian territory its also needed by the entire world. Is of the thought of the fact that the reserves for land dont use as many foreign governments of expecting indigenous tribes to remain naked eating ants in the forest who explains they using only 1. 7 percent of their territory to grow soya another grains for export he insists they dont need more at least for now. You see in human aljazeera cumple no look at a cease brazil. They decide next with sport and hell tell us about affording a record telling to ordain for the writing theyd be a check. Egypt strongman is ruling with an eye and faced and the silence from his allies is deafening the us was perfectly happy to trade off the march for sea for security while western leaders turning a blind eye when even the citizens have forgotten victim to his repression executions torture or censorship is not acceptable and you wont hear such strong words from lets say berlin or paris or london man in cairo on aljazeera one of the really special things about working for aljazeera is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much empathy and contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else would be what it is you know its very challenging but it is particular because you have a lot of people that are divided on political issues. The people believe to tell the real story so ill just mandate is to deliver indepth journalism we dont feel in cuba good audience across the globe. Its taught the sport out his peter standby you very much should was a busy christmas on the boscobel court in the United States the 2 los angeles teams battling it out with Le Bron James pushing for the 1st lakers n. B. A. Title in 10 years but the arrival of a reigning champion at the. Clippers is giving le bron a problem right on his doorstep poori says more. With co i learned in the team its been generally smooth sailing for the l. A. Clippers clippers but it was point guard Patrick Beverley who would end up having to headline moment in this game this defensive rebound on 100 baskets in the 2nd just a taste of what was to come from him. Le bron james has led the lakers to the top of the standings in the West Virginia in the 3 time champion helped build up an almost commanding lead in the 4th quarter. But the clippers to big summer signings swung the pendulum back 1st paul george a 6 time and be a all star now helping the clippers step out from the lakers shadow an ally and then landed n. B. A. Champion and finals m. V. P. With the raptors last year and wrapping the lakers defense with 35. 00 points on Christmas Day its no wonder the lakers were 3 points behind with 6 seconds to play when le bron shape to tie it i thought i but beverly showed attended in the crowd not in a basket clippers when 11121062 go 3rd in the west and put down a marker in this growing rivalry the whole race out is there. A koala leonards former team the Toronto Raptors had gone a record 34. 00 games about losing 2 Division Foes on home course and looked like continuing that against the celtics on Christmas Day car lowry putting them take a head but boston putting them back Campbell Walker unselfishly sitting up jane and brown here brown was the star for bostonians 30 points underlining why the celtics are 2nd in the east they won 118102 raptors losing at home to an atlanta team for the 1st time in 4 years. While the rest of europe puts its feet up over the holidays the English Premier League faced a fixture list is in full swing on boxing day just a marine years tottenham bounced back from their defeat to chelsea as they came from behind to win 21. 00 of home against brighton 2nd half goals from harry kane and delhi ali taking the points no measures are taking place on thursday mikel arteta and color mental atiyah taking charge of arsenal and everton respectively for the 1st time later it will be leaders liverpool again 2nd place leicester another 10 games at the weekend means that managers are less than happy about the physical strain on their players not all of us managers has a problem with boxing. Or playing the 26. 00 or 28. 00 its a crime its up to you not ok we still have it theres no reason for giving teams less than 48 hours to play another premier league game the body needs a specific amount of time to go again if you that thats how it is depend so our long you have to do something but its easy to cite so but we ignore the completely full list of the game against liverpool presents an opportunity to show they are worthy of being concerned considered as contenders for the premier league title we recognise its again another difficult game for us however were at home and we want to bring a short true game and we know its going to be incredibly difficult for one of the you know the real consistent teams at this level now for a period of time but again as another great measure for arsenal the great test for us. To major cricket test started on thursday with quentin the coc leading the way for south africa against england James Anderson took a wicked with the 1st ball of the series for the 1st time since 2007 but the cop led the recovery with 95 south africa closing on 277 for 9. And an unbeaten 77 from steve smith put australia on top of the day one of the boxing day test at melbourne they finished 257 for 4 against new zealand the iconic sydney to hobart yacht race had started down under on boxing day the french designed super maxi come on she made up for a toddy start by taking an early lead through sydney hades organizers have banned satellite phones for race checkpoints amid concerns smoke from nearby bushfires could affect marine radio signals the race is more than 1000 kilometers takes more than a day and is considered one of the most difficult yacht races in the world. And finally many politicians find themselves on 3rd ice throughout the year but that wasnt the case for versus up and coming hockey star you wouldnt know it but number 11 right there is a russian president Vladimir Putin he was playing alongside his defense minister among others playing in red square in moscow has turned into a bit of a president ial new year tradition last year putin managed to school 5 goals to lead his team to a 14 tame victory. An excellent performance for the playmaker all that assists no downs they can score against him but i guess for them and thats it for this news hour just are with us though and ill be back with another full round of just about. In africas technological at the center of an awful lesson group of a team to live side by side. In its 1st episode life apps challenges kenya and up developers to help small scale farmers cultivate a new future but can mobile phones really be the seed of change it was putting people into because its already bold people to go live outside Silicon Savannah on aljazeera. As they get draws to a close relocate head to major stories of 2020 from around the whiles through a series of indepth special reports. Join us as we assess the Global Impact of what is to come next. Legally prescribe for the pain relief of the sick but taken in life threatening doses by millions in search of a fix. Huge illegal shipments of the opioid tramadol or flood the quest that some. People in power goes to nigeria to investigate the devastating addiction epidemic that is even fueling the bokhara insurgency. West africas Opioid Crisis on a. We understand the differences. And the similarities of cultures across the world so no matter how you take it aljazeera will bring in the news and Current Affairs that matter to. Aljazeera. Iraqs president threatens to resign so he will not appoint a Prime Minister rejected by protesters. This is al jazeera live also coming up turkey lays out the next steps toward sending troops to tripoli. Hit by Corruption Cases and to repeat election 5 years israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces the primary challenger from his own party. And well hear from an indigenous brazilian top embracing Amazon Development citing live frozen in top

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