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A faso after 35 people are killed by an armed group. I was all of a job in kazakhstan and ill tell you how the country is prone to move away from its hard to call the best economy and finding investment in renewable resources. To live there good to have your Company Syrian Government Forces are pushing their offensive deeper into the province forcing tens of thousands of people to flee their homes at least 12 people including 6 children were killed in the latest government attack on a school in the time of job us hundreds of displaced syrians have been sheltering there well this salts have displaced a more than a 130000. 00 people thats just this month nearly half of them are children and more are expected to follow many of them towards turkey as damascus makes steady gains in blood thats the last rebel stronghold. You know i will not stop them i will make god take revenge on each of those who caused this what have we done to deserve this what have we done i plead to god to do see god to punish them for displacing us because using all of this to humiliating us for gods sake we are being cleared to live well Government Forces have now set their eyes on the rebel held city of mara oh no woman many residents have already abandoned the city which has been under attack now for weeks almost as though joins us from un talking about so on the turkey border with syria and a desperate situation for these people who went to seek safety and now theyre being forced to flee again how many people are on the move and where can they go. Well julie the numbers different unicef just list a statement and its on a while ago saying 100 on thought 8000 people half of them to children have been displaced. They were rescue workers sitting on us who has a saying up to 216000 people have been displaced from the province most of them making their way to which the takesh border weve seen pictures all for a long cold voice of trucks and vehicles and the key to the bubble how crossing many of them. Women and children they had their belongings some of them just through lead with the cloths on their bach the calm starts out on by turkish child it is food to the brim and they cannot be accommodated their tech is not allowing any of that if it is to cause its border which means they are cornered in the north and part of setting up camp in the open we saw some. Pictures of the refugees bonding tweaks and shrubs trying to stay warm in the biting winter cold that turkish child it is a saying theyre doing all they come to a holiday but they all feel well and mohamed how significant would it be if moderate all new men fell back into government hands how would it affect the broader picture. Well it would be a huge gain for the Syrian Regime forces and they have their eyes set on it and are inching ever closer to the town in the past 48 hours all seoul they have managed to take up to 40 small towns and villages around. And according to some reports about 4 or 5 kilometers away from the strategic city it is one of the major up and centers its also sits on the m 5 highway which links the muskets the cup with all to aleppo syrias biggest city and assads regime is very much intent on ensuring that this road that is closed at the moment is that we all tend to ensure that transport and trade between these 2 major cities is unhindered so it is a huge gain for them in that sense and also. Because the whole operation is about regaining the entire tended to be that syria is from an available who are holding and a part of it mohammed and so they are joining us live from with the very latest mohammed. Targus president has discussed ways of establishing a cease fire in libya with his chin is in kandahar ridge of tire bardon is in tunis holding call for president criseyde already one says he believes china zia wants to promote stability in neighboring libya earlier turkey an estimate deployed troops in support of libyas un recognized government which has been facing a month long offensive by a warlord holy for have ties forces. You know we are not guess without an invitation and if it comes we shall look into it we are in constant communication with them however we should raise an issue the forces president libya more than 5000 troops from sudan what are they doing there we should ask why are these forces present in libya a request was made to turkey and thats why turkey answered the call based on the agreement related to our Economic Zone we have signed agreements to rely on and our moods are based on legality and lawful forms however the other foreign troops have no legality to be present on libyan soil in addition have to are is not a legitimate representative of the libyan people well live. Head whos in tripoli and what exactly is being discussed. Will in this surprise visit by the president of the learn he discussed steps possible steps and corporation with the tunisian president. To solve and to put a cease fire in place in libya we know despite the fact that the divine has defended the military and Security Cooperation agreement that he signed with libya the last month but meanwhile he seems to be keen to involve libyas effective neighboring countries lake tunisia to take part in peace talks in in libya a different also has criticized the contras that have been denouncing the military agreement with libya saying that turkey has. Dealt with the only. Institution libya which is a government of National Accord that is backed by the United Nations and the International Community also he wondered a divan wondered. What the russian mercenaries along with 5000 most are is from sudan what theyre doing in libya they are fighting for the warlord honey for hefted he wondered out of those parties are supporting 2. A party in libya which is marked. By the United Nations which is illegal then turkey should deal with the legal order that it could now used party which is the government of National Accord also. Confirm that there are certain parties including including regional and neighboring countries including tunisia algeria and qatar that should be. Involved in the talks to put a cease fire employees as he said that those countries are effective in achieving any peace talks in libya mark with their joining us live from tripoli mark with thank you all for more on this lets speak to some may have the in london hes the editor of International Interest the Current Affairs magazine with a focus on the middle east and north africa some a very warm welcome to the program whats the significance of these discussions that we see happening right now. I think thats remember the conflict these are discussions are taking place at such dedication went yesterday to russia to discuss it live and that there were talks that they discussed the libya as well russia has implied that its ready to entertain the prospect of mediation secular and actually want to send troops it feels that it doesnt want to be forced to send troops to libya it prefers the idea of mediation if we follow this line of thought that we should assume that the libyan parties wont agree to go to moscow for talks because they believe moscow is backing how stuff and the parties that back house but it wont go to an qatar or turkey to discuss talks june is it is the perfect middle ground and it is a neighboring country its not backing any of the parties its a Perfect Place for the parties together and indeed i say it last week shows an intention to invite the libyan parties to discussion so when we put all of these dynamics together it may well be that ever again has as has as gotten something from moscow gotten some assurances that they are interested in mediation as well and this is now about setting up this mediation to take place in tunisia also there is another angle to it which is with regards to tunisia trying to form a government that is a mystery. Allies are struggling to form a government we know that the foreign minister was with ed again during his visit as well it may well be that ever again try to walk as theyve been told and listen if you dont get involved and help this government to be for the parliament to fight that in between as those you need to be aware that the u. A. E. Are spreading and we know that they are anti Democratic Forces there in egypt they are in libya and the Intelligence Security chief was there as well who may have actually had the mismanaged eisai to do this so i think this the president comes within this particular context and we may well be heading towards mediation and sammy i suppose given the Current Situation on the ground in the complexity some of what she then our correspondent already covered how how do we lets take a cease fire attempt right now and one that would actually hold. It depends whether the turks actually sent troops to tripoli and whether russia actually would draw support for after they are now the 2 key dynamics that will determine whether a mediation takes place because have to believe that International Apathy towards what hes doing in libya backing from france paralyze the e. U. The u. A. E. Giving him or the weapons you know egypt giving him logistics he believes that the wind is telling him were willing to accept a military victory provided you can clean up tripoli quickly and this is why i have that is attacking tripoli but if he finds that this war with this battle which has already taken 8 months is becoming protracted and now turkey sending troops and now theres all this fuss in the mediterranean it may well be that the International Community comes in and says look after you had 8 months to take tripoli trouble say look i turned a blind eye to it i called you an ally in terrorism you couldnt take tripoli were very sorry about this but its not time now to go to mediation its about how long the d. N. A. Can last how long the power is in tripoli last before the russians got involved it was a stalemate after the russians got dont want half the big game now with turkey coming back in it will go back to a stalemate but now the cards are in turkeys hands but turkey of course is it doesnt want to upset the russians too much it doesnt want to upset the u. S. Too much but also the russians not want to upset the turks so it was always very weird complex dynamics taking place it but i believe that if turkey does send troops to tripoli then we are heading towards mediation if turkey abandon strictly that have there is likely to secure a military victory were looking now at what will turkey do that will define where the mediation. Samhain do their joining me from london as always sammy. 2 days of National Mourning have been declared in burkina faso after at least 35. 00 civilians were shot dead during an attack in the north and according to the government 80 armed men have also been killed a warning though some viewers may find the following images disturbing the attack was aimed at an army base in our been in a nearby time violence has increased after the militia began an offensive against armed groups in november theres been no claim of responsibility so far. During those who dont know we have to think about solidarity and National Cohesion people women for the most part were getting water and got murdered in cold blood by the terrorists while they were retreating we must show compassion with the populations that is why all flags will fly at half mast for 2 days and all christmas celebrations are cancelled. Theres plenty more ahead on the news hour including Holiday Travel disruption in the philippines as a typhoon lashes its coastal regions. And the demise of one english footballs one scrape club signs a warning to others as overspending puts teams are preschool will be here with more later. Iraqs largest parliamentary block is nominated its choice for the countrys next Prime Minister said he has been governor of the oil rich province of basra since 2017 the nomination though is likely to few more government more Anti Government protests lets go live to baghdad where dosage of a is standing by dorset an appointment thats been a Long Time Coming so tell us more about. This nomination satisfy protesters. Well this man is a well known figure he comes from one of the largest tribes in faster province but hes not very popular with the residents in that province and thats because theres been a lot of accusations about corruption during his time as the governor in what is known as the one of the richest provinces in this country is believed to have 70 percent of iraqs oil reserves but the people that live there dont have basic necessities such as Running Water or electricity most of the time this is something thats caused a lot of tension in that province and theres been demonstrations over the past year this name thats come up now is been put forth by all of the no coalition within the parliament and it is believed to be something that many of the parties have accepted as somebody that is in the president s office and he told me that the believe the president will make an official announcement of this nomination within the next 24 hours or just right now sorting out the details of how this will all work once he has been confirmed by the president as the candidate he will then have 30 days to form a government but weve already been hearing criticism from various different factions with in iraq including the demonstrators who have been fighting for their right to be able to pick their own Prime Minister right now the country is in a system that does that goes through the Parliament Parliamentary system and they really want is a private president ial one and they believe that the protests that they started since the beginning of october has had some just that so far because on tuesday evening the Iraqi Parliament passed a new sweeping electoral laws so the candidates can now run independently of the various parties the protesters that weve been speaking to here in Tahrir Square say say that they will not be satisfied with any need that comes from the president regardless of who really is because they want somebody who is outside the political spectrum who is away from the politics of this country and does not have any affiliations with any pull of my party so its not likely that this nomination goes down very well with the demonstrators here. Are there joining us live with the very latest from baghdad or so funky. Were getting reports that a plane has crashed into someone mountain northwest of irans capital tehran details are limited but irans official news agency suggests it may have been a military plane or fined to jet debbie said yes been an investigation though is underway. In afghanistan 27 peace activists have been abducted whilst on a march the leader of the Peoples Peace Movement says the group was taken by the taliban in the western boller bullock district the talibans not responded to requests for comment well i will have the arcs are a is a spokesman for the Peace Movement afghanistan and he says some of his colleagues have been captured by the taliban before. This is not 1st time that to be faced with such incidents so this is photon the taliban their culture our members and the us can sit and questions that. Who are you and how you started them this is this gathering got this movement but the main issues that this moment is looking more and started by local people and this is our effectiveness in the fluence is in the district and among the people on the communities is very efficient and the People Like Us because they want peace and they want to make good life for themselves and its a. Good life for every afghan and if. His style of are going to interfere but you want to make good life for them the only incident that to this simply happened. Look distract actually we had planned to conduct a gathering and march and. And but this point says but when our people do a common. Prudence and they wanted to conduct the covering a much in purpose this incident happened we hope and i reassure the taliban that i will call it still released safely and they will be there to get you home from the from the taliban did you to provide. Proof and evidence that a local movement and its not a little anybody you want just a good life until the one when the leaders of eritrea and ethiopia meeting to receive this state to revive other still peace negotiations i would train president i. Z. s up work a arrived in ethiopian capital addis ababa where he was met by Prime Minister ahmed and he country signed a historic Peace Agreement last year ending a 2 decade military standoff bods uncertainty remains around Economic Cooperation and border crossings. Ugandan officials says 7 eritrean Football Players have disappeared at the end of a regional tournament the players are the latest to defect from eritrea which has been described by human Rights Groups as one of the most tightly control regimes in the world well this isnt the 1st time ever train players have done this and 201510 players refused to return home after a tournament to qualify for the world cup in botswana then last its over 5 players disappeared in uganda in the middle of a regional meet and that eritreas government is forcing footballers to pay a bond and surrender their Property Ownership documents before leaving the country but its not just football is every year tens of thousands of eritreans fi may need to escape and force military service and rights abuses well its been not. A lecture at kill university it was very warm welcome to the program sir in your view why does this keep happening well i think because that its one of the most oppressive concepts in the world where there are you know why extremes and cause well. You know. Military force corruption that is by nature. Not. A society thats very creative and distressed by nature and people are against the country to avoid the harsh realities emotional new economic provisions they face. And they will of course we know its not just football as of you said there are also many other refugees too is is there any impetus for change. Well i think people. Who. Say the politics of the country. Economy. You know even after a peace deal. With neighboring ethiopia would. Remain in place were just. Very difficult to see and you hope. The place. Will just going back to the the team players themselves i know just not the whole team in this case and the players also have to pay a bonds and put over their documents regarding their property before they leave the country must be a big risk to defect in this way you know this is just a misuse of decisions. And something that the. Members of the. Team i do think that the countries and the. People. Of the country. Play outside the country and even then decide to do so i think shows you. That country. Their letter and kilian of various they say well thank you very much for your joining us here on aljazeera. The state general for algerias army chief is taking place despite protests as defined calls for 3 days of mourning its n n general ahmad guide salah suffered a heart attack on monday laura burden manley takes a look back at his life. For years he was the chief of staff of the Algerian National army but i heard good solid to mostly be remembered for being behind the resignation of president up to lizzies put a flicker after 2 decades in office. On march 26th the cea not long after hundreds of thousands of algerians marched in the streets demanding the president s debt down it was get sellers speech urging beautifully could to quit that made that a reality the army backed the arrests of many of beautifully his allies a month later celeste supported the newly appointed interim leader. I would. Be had so that i would like to confirm in truth that the transitional period to prepare for the president ial elections take place with the oversight of the National Peoples army which will keep watch over the course of this transition in watch of the mutual trust between the people and their army. Just last week gets attended the inauguration of the new president to measure. But many protests is the boycotted the election that brought him to power saying there was little choice of candidates beyond the established elite get sellers spend his entire adult life in the armed forces. A former officer in the national abberation army he spent years working his way to the top of the army. He forged not jerrys war of independence against the french and was considered a hero in his country. As a close ally to them president beautifully in 2004 he became chief of staff of the army and 2013 vice minister of defense. In february this year and the sudden wave of protests algerians demanded the entire government step down. His loyalty to push flicka had come to an end and he joined the calls from protests as for the president to resign but many algerians turned their anger on to get salah obviously it is part of the establishment because of different positions he had in the military its only recently that some of the protesters as well calling for him to go because as far as they were concerned he did them all the. Luck did not live up to expectations they expected all they wanted a more open democratic. Some protesters rejecting a 3 day mourning and a calling for real democracy and an end to the military state. Thousands of people in the philippines a stranded during the Christmas Holiday after typhoon fun for made landfall many in the predominantly catholic nation were stuck in airports and bus terminals 37. 00 vacuous of course 2 areas here in floods and landslides typhoon is expected to move across central philippines and into the South China Sea by thursday want to below is in manila and says travelers a likely to remain stranded there for several days. Were outside the main port the off manila where traditionally over the Holiday Season thousands of passengers wait to board their respective passenger ferries going back to their provinces in different islands in the philippines now christmas is a very important occasion for this predominantly catholic country and as you can see families are waiting here theyve got their packages here. But theyve had to spend their Christmas Eve here because this here this type of phone or locally no one else ursula made landfall in the Central Region of the philippines on Christmas Eve and that has grounded all types of travel in the country and so here they are this is where they spent their Christmas Eve theyve only had food thats been given to them by the Philippine Coast guard and you have children here who have basically nowhere to sleep and they have nowhere to bathe and theyre saying this is has been a very difficult christmas for them i dont look at me at night im very sad and ive been crying for days i told my child that i cant do anything they did not let us board the ferry because theres a typhoon and we understand that was the last i would go my wife wants us to be too good to be here and theres nothing that we can do now the situation here isnt unique across the country in different ports thousands more are stranded and it is likely that they will remain stranded until the typhoon leaves the philippines the passengers here tell us that they have not been assured that they can leave immediately assoon as the typhoon leaves the philippines theyve also been told that it is likely that it will be one more week before they can actually get on their fareast go back to their provinces so it is likely that they. We will be spending new years here as well. Well its time for the weather with jenny and jenny theres a strong storm about to hit the eastern med yet the religious this is a very nasty storm indeed if i can see in the satellite this massive cloud here and this is it now western europe is enjoying some pretty nice fine weather a bit of a brief rest by the has to be said but just look at this 1st of all this is just showing you the wins not so much the strength but the direction but you can see just how ferocious a looks in fact these winds gusting to about 75 kilometers an hour and they will continue to do so for the next couple of days but the rain has already been impacting Southern Turkey this is a diana this is the little 8 year old boy that was actually rescued he is fine but just look at the flood water you can see the problems its how schools and the trouble is that there is more to come so as we continue through wednesday the rain will continue to literally finally its where the eastern end of the med particularly helped by these very very strong winds so were looking at flooding rains really all the way through lebanon across into syria and certainly again into the small the southern sections of turkey and look at this by thursday really very Little Movement its still sitting in about the same place and so what that means of course is areas that have already been flooded there is just more rain coming on top of that now by friday the wrist finally a bit of a rest but we have got still some shells through the eastern end of the med but nothing as heavy as they were and beginning to care away from the southern areas the tukey pushing on of course though into Northern Syria and also across into iraq but for the next couple of days by about friday we could expect to see in some areas another 150. 00 millimeters of rain 125. 00 millimeters of rain so unfortunately judy it does mean that were not really out of the woods just yet. Jenny thank you so much away very windy christmas for some but still ahead here on aljazeera. Where it all began and will be in bethlehem as thousands of christian pilgrims from around the world gather to celebrate christmas you should not expect the 1st persons on the u. K. To both go just because they came from a refugee background skys the limit we hear from a syrian refugee who tells us about her hopes and dreams after a few in war. And theres a tall order for the n. B. A. s record breaking star paul will have more on that story in sports. When the news breaks today the current government has lost the trust of the people they just do anything because to produce a certain instant when people to. Work will represent the law of the old proponents of rex its drawing to the conservatives aljazeera has teams on the ground hopes the meeting in paris will push politicians to create a competent and credible government to bring you the league documentaries and life on air and online. You are watching aljazeera reminded of our top stories this hour at least 12 people have been killed the Syrian Government forces push their offensive deeper into the province and are closing in on the rebel held city of the. Turkeys president has discussed ways of establishing a cease fire and libya with his chin asean come to. Florida one is in chinas for talks with president. Are due and says he believes it wants to promote stability in neighboring libya. Has been waging a battle to capture libyas capital tripoli. At least 35 civilians have been shot dead during an attack in back enough so according to the government 80 of the attackers were killed it happened at an army base in our bindra and a nearby town. Indias government has announced new guidelines and approved funds for an updated National Population register that critics fear could be used to further discriminate against muslims the survey was instituted in 2010 but for the 1st time people will be asked to share information about the date and place of birth of their parents they will also be asked to give details of identity documents like voter cards driving licenses and passports with governments approved more than 500000000. 00 in funding for the exercise promised in a random order hes pushing ahead with that despite facing a backlash over a new citizenship law thats also being viewed as anti muslim in new delhi there are more protests against the law and 25 people have died in the violence since the legislation was passed well earlier elizabeth piron im spoke with indian author our adoptee boy in new delhi and she was asked why shes hopeful about the protest movement. This movement intellectually understands and emotionally and passionately understands the horror of this program that the more the b. G. P. R. S. S. Has been selling for the last so many years and of course in power since 2014 so they only have this as the one answer to every problem economic social education whatever it is the idea is to write their ideas to ratchet up the hatred you know and suddenly young people are just saying sorry but were not buying this you know and thats why im hopeful and do you think that the protests that were seeing by young people by many many people across the country will make a difference because even as those protests happened the government passed funding for this National Population register which many people see as a precursor to the National Register of citizens know it it is a precursor its the database you know so. They are going to go through with whatever they can go through with you know theyre going to go through with every bit of their agenda and theyre going to shed blood i mean theyve already killing people all over the state of their privilege because that is where they have the most vicious chief minister acting in tandem with the Central Government but theyre losing power in all the other states so just a few years ago they were in power in so many states separate states you know in india now they just hold power and i think if you fall and 10 chief ministers have already said that they will not allow the National Register citizenship they have not said that they will not allow the n. P. R. Which is the softer entry to the us i think people still have to understand that thats a very dangerous thing but i do think that theres a chance if there was a chance here is the chance to stop them. At the end of the year for many people its a time to reflect on whats happened in the past and also look forward for some who fled war and conflict settling in a new country can be tough being away from loved ones even harder lets hear the story of one syrian refugee who arrived in britain 4 years ago and who believes nothing is active reach. My with michael im 20 years old and im from damascus syria im really hoping to become a commercial pilot one day and you know perhaps be the 1st over female syrian refugee parla i was 11 when the war started and it just moved closer and closer until it happened the mosques were old prepared that were going to do something at some point because thats what war does thats what everyones face from experience during the war is losing something whether like a relative a loved one their house their businesses and different stuff so it was almost off whenever like my parents would leave the house they would they would say goodbye as if we might never see them again so we were like we were not living. My mom my 2 younger brothers and i got from damascus to live on top of the air for on them from the airport we went to turkey and then from turkey to bermuda. I always believed that if you cation is whats going to define my future and education is how i can represent myself my country my family where im from. I knew the kind of stereotypes that people have about refugees of being on the gated unskilled i just feel like when people look at me i dont want them to define me with the scope of stereotypes or labels you should not expect but 1st persons on the key to the school just because they came from a refugee background you dont expect them to be broken im sorry of them like you know of the past like they can be do offer you bus a poor like try to beat a car industry cam but also expect that youre treating just a normal human being with normal impressions and hopes and dreams. Millions around the world are celebrating christmas but in hong kong the festive period as did mark by more violence between antigovernment protesters and Police Demonstrators occupied a Shopping Mall and rallied in the streets around a busy shopping district in carload its the most on risk the territory has seen in 4 weeks well many as jillians brought to the beach firefighters in New South Wales managed only a brief christmas break before heading back to tackle the regions bushfires more than 70 fires are still burning across the state pope francis is how the mass of the vatican as part of the Roman Catholic church is traditional christmas celebrations he sent wishes of peace and prosperity side sudan where negotiations of forward between rival sites. At 21000. 00 has been one of the holy cities busiest years and nearly 2000000. 00 tourists making the trip aljazeera is natasha going to reports now from bethlehem. Music and prayer joy and reflection from the church of the nativities built over the grotto were christians believe jesus christ was born this was the last Midnight Mass of the decade. On this day 6 months of planning brought the ospina family from columbia to manger square in bethlehem. Provocations a special hour to me in the place where we believe jesus was born odd that i dont know the brain just so we dont need to hide any make it fairer they can not tell the real christmas. These tourists join a declining population of christians in the holy land experts say in the last century the christian population has decreased more than 15 percent with 1900000 visitors bethlehem is having its best year in 2 decades according to the ministry of tourism and antiquities that may be in part due to the relative calm in the area yet Small Business owners such as Newbuild Jack come and say this is not a merry money making christmas i spent a whole week to correcting preparing for this day and lou i really im a little bit sad after spending all of this money like this for the cause of dollar for a great day and i still like the cover pop effect the biggest attraction seemed to be the 16 meter Christmas Tree with hand carved nativities tailor made for the selfie age many of those posing for photos were muslim its a very magical players especially with all the different religions coming together here i really really love it really gives me a wrong feeling inside this kind of a message for the world. Like we are here like we stand to each other like we that we have no conflict with each other the christmas of the 21st century has evolved into something no one could envision said juries ago but christian leaders hope the holy days spirit of good will and peace will always prevail its going to aim l. Just 0 bethlehem u. S. President donald somebody joked about north koreas warning of a christmas surprise if washington doesnt make concessions in Nuclear Negotiations earlier this month john yang gave the u. S. Until the end of the year to come up with a new proposal and see what happens we will not see a maybe its a nice president maybe its a president where he says the beautiful boss. Is supposed to listen. To me make it a policy and i make it and i was president you dont know you never know. Russias president says his country will continue strengthening its Nuclear Forces in developing hypersonic myside until new arms control agreements are reached at an annual meeting of russias the Fence Ministry that amir putin said washingtons withdrawal from a cold war era Nuclear Treaty and the expansion of nato were key concerns for moscow says 82 percent of the countrys Nuclear Arsenal has been more than nice. Oh its a mexican tradition painting the story of what someone believes it was a divine intervention for hundreds of years artists have captured the moment they felt their prayers were answered but today the sometimes surreal works of popular is pieces of art for mexico city aljazeera salem fisher has the story. There from the devote the pious and the grateful a thank you mark in recovery good fortune or success in mexico theyre called exotic paintings delivered to the church a devotion or gift after prayers were answered. With those who wanted their story to be known ordered these little paintings they were made by artists that worked near the church and people told them their story and they would interpret it painted erode a few lines about it at the bottom of a painting. As you know. The idea of giving gifts and things has been around for thousands of years and even as the surveys see the mexico is becoming less religious there are still those commissioning paintings to mark what they see as divine intervention. One of the artists most in demand is alfredo wheelchairs from a small studio in a working class area in the west of mexico city hes been painting for more than 30 years he started after losing his job as a builder. I started doing what i thought i could do drawing them in small pieces of paper cardboard in soulless in sardine cans anywhere and at some point i want to sell them on the street and that was it its difficult to start as an artist. People give thanks for many things recovery from illness a man being released from prison after he was accused of stealing turned up a prostitute who wanted more customers praying for someones return after the 911 attacks in new york. Were to the full as an ex voto painter i hear many stories but my favorites are love stories given thanks for having found the love of their life because his partner came back when. I thought it was over those are nice because the feelings are nice but theyre always 2nd chances or must be a lot of photos work is always in demand he said exhibitions in canada germany and even at the world famous louvre in paris. But his greatest joy creating for those who live nearby for those who want a permanent reminder of the day when the prayers were answered alan fischer aljazeera mexico city. Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro is urging brazil and peru to rest in the port those involved in an attack on a remote military outpost in the south of the country is a bill to brazils president jarboe son are all saying the suspects are in brazil was stolen rifles and grenade launchers brazil colombia peru and the venezuelan opposition leaders one guy who have been accused of assisting the attackers. A wildfire has destroyed more than 80 houses in chile a the fire started in the forest near. West of the capital santiago and then spread into residential parts of the port city helicopters and they are planes have been brought in to battle the place. A president ial candidate for ivory coast general election has flown to spain after authorities issued a warrant for his arrest former Prime Minister and rebel leader sorrell was charged with what prosecutors called an attempt against the states of so has the loyalty of many Senior Army Figures who previously served as rebel commanders or people in the ivory coast of mixed views about the arrest warrant vol some of it hurts me to learn that theres a warrant for sars arrest seeing as he worked for the evolution of the ivory coast he previously served as the Prime Minister he was also the president of the National Assembly it hurts my heart that someone of his authority can be prosecuted like this was a bunch of brunt of this is what happens when you take up arms against your country when you take up arms against the motherland it is nature itself to have brought this about a story this is what must happen to him in a country governed by the vote of law things must be done according to the vote of law we must let him in a way for him to come in and shed light on a lot of things that we were approaching for. Still ahead here on aljazeera in sport the financial threat hanging over english teams in pot 2 of our featured death of a Football Club. I thought this conviction that everyone has a deep reservoir of tonic realty and if you can give them the opportunity wonderful things start to happen sometimes the simplest situations all the modest impact for this year yeah ok so. The main things that sets out 0 apart from other news organizations is that a lot of our reporting is about real people not about ideas or politicians or what they may want to do but how policy and how events affect real people is something its ok something a. Little more complicated operations probably if this is not an act of clear im going to mark the walk peaks of the work youre doing here is amazing there are so many fossils and it feels like this is just. What was your relationship with judd all right ok. This job isnt just about whats on a script or a piece of paper its about whats happening right now. Faced with rising pollution and Falling Oil Prices kazakhstan is looking to diversify its economy the governments focusing on investing in environmentally Friendly Energy projects are some of binge of aid went to visit one of those projects in capshaw guy in southeast and kazakhstan. In this where the heating is needed to survive in kazakhstans largest city smoke can be seen billowing from chimneys all around the much needed heating plants are also major contributors to pollution because exxon has one of the highest rates of lung disease in the region according to the World Health Organization that in this cause is 13 percent of all the deaths here and its one of the reasons why kazakhstans authorities are looking for healthier alternatives like this its one of the largest solar power plants in central asia and is expected to reduce Carbon Emissions by a 150000. 00 tons a year in the early i was a covered by snow this engineer has worked in conventional power plants for years and says this is the future. There are no rotating elements here all panels are static they do not require constant attention we generate electricity with the sun even without the sun we produce but not as good in comparison with Traditional Energy the costs of creating green energy are great for now but technology is developing and the efficiency of solar panels is growing the plan became operational a few weeks ago as the day progresses the sun the blanket of snow on the panels within hours electricity production jumps. Even in the extreme conditions the blanketed and nor the new will sources of energy sure that they can be relied upon but economies which are dependent on fossil fuels find it cheaper and more convenient to continue to rely on Hydrocarbon Oil and hydrocarbon exports make up nearly 3 quarters of this countrys income and with powerful oil drilling neighbors such as russia and china trying to change that has political implications as well so the government has set up a department to attract Foreign Investors we had 75. Projects which were already implemented by sr you blended sources 1st of all at talking about solar power plant when power plant Hydro Power Plant and bio gas now has alliance which has 92000000000 of investments in kazakstan and then we have u. S. Which has around 50000000000. 00 of investment and afterwards we have u. K. And we also have russia and we have. Switzerland which is in the top of investors here in kazakstan for this far Central Asian state with a small population Renewable Energy is seen as the future the challenge is finding the fastest way to free itself from its centuries old reliance on call an oil some of injury does the theory does. Lets get all that a sports use that would call julie thank you liverpool return to English Premier League duty on boxing day after coming back from qatar with the Club World Cup trophy manager in court takes his team to 2nd place Leicester City liverpool go into the game 10 points clear of leicester but they have experience of losing leeds before as they paid for a 1st league title since 1990. We are not in this situation because we would be thought things over before they are over we are not in a sense it is rain because we didnt take each game we played so far 100 percent serious blows were always when i was in focus and its what we will be well the premier league is now a world away for a club that twice on the f. A. Cup and with the pride of their town near Manchester Barry f. C. Were kicked out of the English League this season thats a warning for other teams that could pay the price of financial mismanagement algis there is only wellings reports in part 2. 00 of death of a Football Club this should have a match day in bury the pictures be maintained in hope but there will be no match. After 134 years of existence beriah say its close to death. Big clubs including Manchester United feared giggling and the white shirts of barry at the turn of the 20th century the team won the famous f. A. Cup twice. Well the big clubs got bigger very couldnt keep up the. Chairman tried but i was stretched themselves a familiar tiredly modern football the controversial outer joining the liquidation process steve dial has stayed away from the town the people of barry are angry with him and at the English Football League for expelling them but mainly they are heartbroken or almost grieving together and going through something to remember it all the good times and getting upset. So thats something i like about barry and especially. You not going to when i really zoe hitchens staged an exhibition of barry memorabilia every manchester i knew that there was no shortage of precious memories in the town bizarrely to collect. The given 40 years of support. For him. Back in february of. Well. Very big strong. Everythings a mess in the unlucky in the football. Last really without football who is biggest months a seaman united. Been a big club. Too much money now in the snow sports anymore is just a business in the. Area one of many english clubs whove had severe financial problems 10 kilometers away. And wanderers. Survivals one of english footballs glorious clubs i nearly went out of business just a few months of guard barry were kicked out of the Football League and were punished with points deducted but they were rescued when a buyer intervened just in time theres just something about mars. As one part of life. Its something hard just be taken away from. And bury in crisis the 1st. Decisions left him with a lot of debt 2nd chairman steve dale i dont think hes sol was invested in the place and i dont think he was there for the right reasons is meant to have control over both of those people being able to run a Football Club for me they lost control of the both of those men footballers got to be protected and clubs like barry have got to be protected in the future because once they got in they gone. Peterborough were meant to be barrys opposition in league one on this particular saturday nothing special but it would have meant something. Joy a halt in capsule 8 sperry football clumpy so much for coming. Was a player here and physio and manager she had raised awareness of their plight by handcuffing a self to the club it means everything is thing great a football community. All is wrong with our morning i have a town. Definitely its a day. And generations it will affect. You have to be a football for the floor to really to understand that if theyre thinking about is they know the death that we feel. Over in bolton by school light so when then my. Heart you know if youre at the yard where everyone was risque no i was not right and i read oh yes were just what we need and i feel like youre a good oh i start yeah i same eventually it goes they have to get that. Barry fans just want them matched back lee wellings aljazeera in the town of barry. Now a quick lesson in how not to be hit by a skier traveling at high speed prices philip zoom church was hurtling towards the finish line at the giant slalom in italy this week when he and counted an official casually strolling across the paste a man seemingly hadnt noticed a world cup race was taking place is of church just managing to avoid him and keep them both out of hospital. The tallest play in the n. B. A. Has now become the tallest person by quite a long way to conduct one of the most famous orchestras in the United States senate goalies talk hope fall only made his home debut for the Boston Celtics 4 days ago and on wednesday these 7 foot 5 inch center thats 2. 2 meters took the bottom for the boston pops christmas concepts outsources ball for now Julie Paul Frankie so much thats it for me in the team for this news hour we will be back in just a sec there with much more of the days news thanks as always for your company but. When is the last time you were out on the streets protesting whether on line you feel the weight of the system when you walk through each and every lug will board layer further and further into the jail or if you join us on saying retention has to start from day one whether again youre in detention or youre incarcerated this is a dialogue everyone has a voice recording artist those that support rush coverage will be varying accounts but i want to give people the reason for it join the global conversation amount is iraq also one of our biggest strengths is that we talk to normal everyday people we get them to tell their stories and doing not really reveals the truth people are still gathered outside these gates waiting for any information most of them dont know whether their loved ones are alive or dead or miami really is a place worth 2 worlds meet we can get to washington d. C. In 2 hours we can get so on jurists in the rest of Central America about the same time but more importantly why those 2 cultures north and south america beats us to teach its a very important place for all to do its a big. This is a boon for point people right now in technology there is so much going to help people its phenomenal thanks for calling i read this is there and what are you looking for today we get to set the client with their day to day tasks and give them more independence and freedom dispose architectural stature is a tomato exploration process with so many of the new and we have that Technology Available to us tag know. Aljazeera. Will answer you. Very scenes of an abandoned town in Northern Syria at least 12 people are killed in government strikes targeting the last rebel stronghold forcing thousands to flee. Hello there and joining once all this is live from doha also coming up turkeys president heads to chin is he up for urgent talks to bring about a ceasefire in libya. A new Prime Minister is nominated to lead iraq but the choice may do little to compromise tests and political tensions. Im alan fischer in mexico city with the paintings gathered over hundreds of years from people giving thanks for what they see

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