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Province is nomination is seen as again and influenced by iran because hes been nominated by one of the biggest walks in the parliament alba knoblock and it is believed that this nominee comes with the full backing and support of the arabian aligned groups in the iraqi politics what little good news we had about the new electro laws that were house on tuesday evening that were making these demonstrators quite happy this morning will now be all reversed based on this decision this just show that their position has to go on the demonstrators have to continue because this decision shows that they are not a part of their own political process that theyre choosing of the Prime Minister is not up to the iraqi people but rather the parliament and the large blocks there and thats the point of concern and the cause of all the demonstrations that weve seen and the number of deaths that are now over 485 it is because they want to be able to choose their Prime Minister and this. Nomination will certainly add to the anger and rage that has been present here. In syria at least 12 people including 6 children have been killed with Government Forces pushing their offensive deeper into province the latest attack was on a school the time of job last where hundreds of displaced syrians have been sheltering Government Forces and made steady gains since launching an assault to retake the last rebel stronghold last week tens of thousands of syrians are fleeing the fighting and heading towards the turkish border. And syrian Government Forces are also night closing in on the rebel held city of marjah all movement in province most residents have already left dozens of people have been killed and hundreds injured in government attacks on the northwestern city over the last month. You know the next top model may god take revenge on each of those who caused this what if we dont deserve this what if we dont i plead to god to see i be god to punish them for displace against the confusing evil of this so humiliating us for gods sake were big big july. 2 days of National Mourning have been declared in birkenau fast so after at least 35. 00 civilians were shot dead during an attack in the north and according to the government 80 armed men have also been killed warning some viewers may find the following images disturbing. The attack was launched on an army base in our been a nearby time of violence there has increased after the military began an offensive against armed groups in november but theres been no claim of responsibility so far so they didnt do it though so again no we have to think about solidarity and National Cohesion people women for the most part were getting water and got murdered in cold blood by the terrorists while they were retreating we must show compassion with the populations that is why all flags will fly at half mast for 2 days and all christmas celebrations are canceled. Thousands of people in the philippines a strand the jury in the Christmas Holiday after thai food and from phone made landfall many in the predominantly catholic nation was stuck in airports and bus terminals dorotheas have evacuated coastal areas feeling floods and landslides typhoon is expected to move across central philippines and into the sudsy china sightsee by thursday. In afghanistan 27 peace activists have been abducted whilst on a march the leader of the Peoples Peace Movement says the group was taken by the taliban in the western bullock district indias government has approved funding for an updated National Population register which opponents say is empty most of them well as a new citizenship but all this led to huge protests those are your headlines the news continues here after aljazeera world alexa. And the. Field. Of you just goes to doing. All g. But it will go getting a lot of credit in the guts of the just anybody they met in june of last ok. But although im going to do well for those who dont who dont vote for the lovable smuggler to digital this is. Just what its. Done is it. Just was assumed that this is just. Elaborate. Illusion. Yeah i am and will be lucky to have said that to help his mommy the last time i see him there working out Little Something to me its i mean. Youre near i mean had i mean i must know what he would lose. I mean if you live in this really mentally now as. You believe me to the muslims you have your religion is it going to. Come kind of im going to tell you no matter what he was im not here. Yet you know. Because you know im looking im a little hard to work wherever theres nothing heard of. Isnt love salon. In this we have the. Kind of the construction habits who are more couldnt a feast. Could know more than a lot oh. Sure the. Men but. How can there be any amount. Well good luck and ill get a little of. That they. I mean. These are the links when were here about how were going to what it is is a lithium. Battery. It. Was like i was just. That. Was. A mess thats absolute. Garbage like a. Sucker. Fish to man. And why no let me thats nice. If he if you. Ill tell you what its interesting that in the sick out of. Quantum hornsey. The mechanical type of stuff has been on the news. But it was just in europe night. But in the us and the pacific and commerce and the muscle now lives for internet and she said. If you know the shows have gotten. Generally good person a bentley or just from russia look at it of course what they have done clintons photo. Cut them up at nish august question and the enjoyment of christies has only just a few specific or up he could only be one in the shape needed to touch him and i wish if you are going to. Recommend those if not daughter. Its because. But in effect to me and to pursue what she has to his not just do what he just had. To live. In my but be born mean hunter know best i mean a man meant was not to say he had the male touch a for the knee how would she effect this chess already if one person is not sufficient and then mention is good eg never do it again im due for the standard model not the starman not a fan and i think the condition actually an equal sock and a witness to the one beyond just going to be a machine gun is hardly wilcannia many should have the truth but permission about where the commission will look that doesnt mean. In the initial human of and im going to say it not just in this way its not that anyone is in on the attack that its not that its hard with a bit like a little my peak ness in the uk a not to me not to notice how does how do can and. Will look constant when you said that well last night look who should lucky. Me get a hit as a as a married man in the diminished while it under the influence not a bad plan and bad luck and ego and is there under medicine days to a lot of way how many were. Posting. And. Not just mrs and i mean. I mean you must spend a ton of hubs in the room from the. Last time we. Had. Someone. In the. Book so i know what. You know you know women. Who are considered very very easy. And they will stop will get if you. Dont betray a well ok. Hold up. Thank you yes but if theres. Any little of what was done. When they are a. Young couple. Latina to me. Culture. Yes all of us. Know what. To look. For how dark skin from how this downturn burns if a coalesce. We. I mean its a small thing for a lot there feels a lot. Of work cut. And the only thing. A labor lawyer can watch. Telethons yeah that means yes. And theres a cost. And. An amount of money the time happened. But. You know. Thats like you going to. Need just going to the park but to me the top 5. More question. Yes. Bustling little. I love most of. I would visit them. Who. Said listen then of how about. Certain levels. Im going in a can on taxes how did she do you. Feel you left or you would tell him go yacking i care about him and you and i think yes were mad. Some law cosmetic literally had. To use. The more you know. Theres you know obviously theres the yeah. Yeah well i mean i think you. Were late and like yeah so the block im going to be im not going to be i mean i thought you know. The more we create a bad. So you didnt lose a pound in order. To let other up so that. He. Has that of yet as of. This have to we. Are about among the nations you would have. Instead. Of him and not even see. A lot of. Markets how theyre going to legally i wasnt over here at a young martyr skids of the guilty of so little for they can well have a look in this time that one of us in good will in solving for the kitten out of the. Heart of all souls and. Others. For if there were because. d i dont want to. Well i had plenty of. Them and. Some of the time but you learned a lot. And i was at a loss of a human. Suffering its going to be clear i love. The 10 bentley. And sit. At the mirror of. Our folks more she said. On the them they have. And that she has often asked she has and how that turned out isnt and. Thats what. Netta. Im going to be most of the Donald Morris details of the joke one that my machine can hear only on 3. More. Limited. In terms of what i need to further. Evidence in the air and any 10. 0 on infant deaths and i was. Selfish. Question the coalition do you come to the. View that almost. The. Whole lot. Has been the machine of course yeah. This is what actually abortion. Law thats how. The feel about some of the doctors that are of the. Yeah. You know no no not. High enough you know you can. Remember all of my in mecca and see what had. Happened and some limbs more then had not had no young adolescent. Kingdoms can make it out of some has made out of status no. They were. Never never. Had to learn some little. Living. Room where i think gives them more up to deal with the. Tension the particular. Kids. Which. People. Dont notice what he just knows what he can to be a bit take on a source. Lot of. You can if. Were clear who didnt but i should remember that you are the. One do you know moto shorts as surely so we dont. This should jordan even as this except. And when did and chaz and actually have the declarant script. Then. The looks. And. Linen and possible. Snow were down the north of the nearest. Ive been out on the. Lot for blocks and the and. Ive been ive been. And thats how it will get the it out and see a lot. I mean as a 2nd year i mean it has a much shorter. I love it i look at him she. I love her you know how that she i live a life out of. Only to study what doesnt want to believe that i want out of it on t. V. Have it all made a lot of money a 3 bed. Food that whole time im getting to has a few. Days have. Lots to do it how do i say we have rules and i have the flu is moving ahead of us how i did it was about me. Zap did that or some. Of them did a lot of yeah i did have did a lot he had had the admittedly who would have. Finucane survey of selfhate against a reset button mostly to know what made him see both of them hard to home when they. Have been planned on the you know the one in which she had toured out to get a while the route taken out of front of them but only for the local seaside says well if i were there to hear me that moment i shouted and in a little hurry if only the cable. He said that it would be quite a nice harmony and was a slob zones so that the one she had. Found in her would have clear on behalf of people the lot of her that asking with this that initial can help with the next nec a left hand. Or not and did the. Banana 40 come to her at the never been of him said may i mean be afraid of i left a. Bad that what i had to do what is it that is settled that it could be. Your own marge is cute gives up this well had to live with that at the end of the slow going to one of us a Community Letter the internet i was able to give you. That is to get up out of its new look at some of them has done theyre going to. Visit the ways that are high by the laws of blah blah and when. There is good but also somehow sentimental murders thrice has an accuracy do and the athenians in solidly get us. To say listen but the home. Only cost could see the other guys in this one do this and then the but im not going to play with them a little i couldnt hard enough of them named their native and so distrust of the. I dont mean look we still. Had the question to the chief he. Because in my last. Day there were there were really Good Measures there when d. C. Has it up he said he. Can she welcomes them or do you want to have a meeting if one had to give a stamp and you dont email these cuz im. Going to. Get if you know how to separate you that use the thing do you think very more. There than what have you had in 100 years if you will hand youre sitting in course. Youre going to get the wisdom of. The sudden snow when i was just in the family bed as it. Were going to the homes its nice but it doesnt mean to or that i thought of. Doing without of gary was the fact that i had. Some of them and. You know. How the flatiron came how their. Capturing a moment in time. The snapshots of other lives. Of the stories. Provided tips into someone elses work. Day is one do the or. Inspiring documentaries from impassioned filmmakers. A witness on aljazeera. In a world where journalism as an industry is changing we had fortunate to be able to continue to expand to continue to have that passenger drive and present the stories in a way that is important to our viewers. Everyone has a story worth hearing. And cover those that are often ignored we dont weigh our coverage towards one particular region or continent thats why i joined aljazeera. A city defined by military occupation theres never been an arab state here at the capital of jerusalem everyone is welcome but this depot structure that maintains the can only project thats what we refuse it was one of the sound the settlement with this and the story of jerusalem through the eyes of its own people segregation occupation discrimination injustice this is apartheid in the 21st century jerusalem a rock and a hard place on aljazeera. Hello there and julie went on well in doha our current top stories on aljazeera at least 12 people have been killed a syrian Government Forces push their increasingly violent offensive deeper into ad lib province the latest attack was on a school in the town of jo best Syrian Forces and i closing in on the rebel held city of moderate own human turkish president rage at tyburn 2 and says hes discussed with his chin is in cannes a part possible steps and cooperation to establish a ceasefire in libya there are demands on a surprise visit to tunis but talks with kai saeed. Now after months of antigovernment protests in iraq the largest bloc in parliament has finally nominated their choice for the next Prime Minister asad l. A. Danny has been the governor of the oil rich province of for as for us since 2017 dorsetshire bar has more now from baghdad what little good news we had about the new electro laws that were house on tuesday evening that were making these demonstrators quite happy this morning will now be all reversed based on this decision this will just show that their position has to go on the demonstrators have to continue because this decision shows that they are not a part of their own political process that theyre choosing of the Prime Minister is not up to the iraqi people but rather the parliament and the large blocks around the country and the cause of all the demonstrations of the sea 2 days of National Mourning of been declared in burkina faso after at least 35. 00 civilians have been shot dead during and attack there and according to the government 80 of the attackers were killed it happened in the army base in our bindra and the nearby town in afghanistan 27 peace activists have been abducted whilst on a march the leader of the Peoples Peace Movement says the group was taken by the taliban in the west and look district taliban has not responded to requests for comment. Indias governments approved funding for an updated National Population register which opponents say is anti muslim it follows a new citizenship law has led to huge protests across the country thousands of people in the philippines have been left stranded on the christmas break is typed in some phone has made landfall authorities have evacuated coastal areas typhoons expected to move across the central philippines and into the South China Sea by thursday those are your headlines the news continues here after aljazeera well see at the top of the hour but i. The i. Should say that on the 7 im a. National question on womens equality. And love. And in the. Book you are very strong and no. Not mean ocean out of. Because its a bird you know its what. Has in my memory but nice problem as with mission of. Disk. This is you what additional disk because he wanted to go to the doctor. With. The small mom and im gone and that to me want to float the party that dont want to stock. And computers are going to end when lets ask. Im. Going to have the community. And i was you. Know theres you have now is joined. By oprah moment. To me just has not so much mom. I know and watches me. Every moment its a good move but im a mom a little slow. Because they just had an official. From portland. Cement over and sure. It can be. Libellous. Doesnt admit being on the job. One has an agenda that the men will welcome to convict but. When you know mom on the team i want to make most men one wish the bitch were the cause of that the a law not what im at that you are. Going to start to consider going to personally consider that the nic what are jaw. Mester since our kids are very. Good human. Have the whole truth have stood willkie data on where you know i could be anywhere any less in our own. Little house done here. Home all. My life heres how you know this is a very. Lucky dem do none of them get a good deal then you should be funny and you be doing that with every. Level yeah like a little. Song. Of a heart. From the look i must ha said in the phantom of the. Punk bands and its such a lovely name in another summer. But does it in this visit is a visit 11 times that was it. Just a sore and they couldnt actually helps enough is enough set up is enough is enough. Lets orion how good i was at the end and im 100 i snapped. And then. He had having a good and i just. Thought that was. Going to be done according to myself going to my i stuck with a very open go to. Go doctor you. Know you dont mourn you know but it made me feel much not a good look at the moment. But i would letter of him on the one i was taught about doesnt that has if it. But about does that i used. To be upset. Cetin and he needs to see. Us win when Doug Williams was look west of it was they had even. A year a little out of motive and that because. We had that ad that sort of she. Came in early. And has a screen with. Undergrad there was a good hockey team and youre going there so they can live up to was quite ice from. My willy dean i could see 10 seeds 8 up about lot of our. Most of them if it helps us get some seem to see it and plus. Who my money and. Them have asked me if im to be on the outcome chair if i think. So im not. Going to. Cross a lot of the. Material but i was used. When im at that would happen but. It would have. Been more on the you know the kind of that we did not something with a cover i had they were legally. Confirming it has been. A little and i didnt need them. So mechanical i had to wear has had the best to wear had that in me something going to anyway. I have been in this little void. And i have the service and. The is the business going on. Cant buy me 100 to has it helps. When you. Said i was you. Have. Already there is you. Had no. Fuss. Or somewhat of that in her. Meeting has had a deal or different had. You get. That is us another will to focus on then. You. Cant get in im house their business and you. Can look at killer sock calea bottom kind of the celeb said you know i deserved every other word said in order to have about an assistant. Wasnt already a get in you know didnt know i meant things without being aware had it been that he that if i think it actually. Wrote it a lot but its a sneak. A leave it alone whether business yet i mean was he yes on most of america is that the elizabeth io d i hadnt screen. Was on the move until. The lower the guy got it or the deal yeah the review of the. Kid says. He knew that the fish. Lost nothing of the house they called police that said it. Comes and thats. When she was in the position to men have. d d had the. I look at. That. And im doing this as a human or. M d a line vs again alien or us again and i. Believe him and nor have you how do you view. The people feet. And its. Obvious. Reason you couldnt hold a few. If you. Had but i but it. Isnt going. To how do you have to feel if you had a fever. And enough to keep going and going and going huh little rock. At least. 3 of the clinton. Who believe in the any of the not woman. But. If you know. About a modest and does that mean that any company and. Even the lady. Then you get a loan you have little. Idea mechanisms italian say but if you feel it was domino doubtless down the. Vienna nish when i saleen is going to move been. Seen and if it will be. Just. Know im never. Going to. Get again what they live like. This is no. Real you know if you. Want to call me that if you want to be accurate one day you may not get what i think you will have. To. Get into the lives of. Your own words out on so i. Had no one who. Might have had the most mad because if you know theres exist. And crafts. As. Didnt. Rest with the dead louis but that was then she. Said. So where did. It she had seen. Some of the stunning and it was its in can. As its been this you can and i. Can stop no no i have blue no can go have a quote im to go to how could god the mother of them as i seem to be to them its been. All right after i started any. Of them. Now the. More she could see if you know. Clearly delimit less about it billy the. Kid made it out look i dont read this stuff. Its your motivated. By any. Good. If the man had a clue whats going in that we are going to some time back he meant there might be film to play you can see if you got to tell you how we cut them out i did that. And a lot of them if. Necessary i mean them shyly. I started to understand. The view of it yet the novice and the benefit of the 3 of us are not the. Same i am a man the figure out in the centers was about innocence and if. This isnt present a look. Ahead to be correct. Maybe. Because. When i came at michigan issues and i. Know thats what he came or to nest. Did. And had some of the most compelling visual. Unless i look at that School Helmet then. It went to my. Good chair will come on shore something is extinct and i got some numbers. And if you. Look im a nest of a ship and im going to come and save him and the freedom and shiver and. Under. Him a. Way less. An addiction the book hits the sheepish nation a chamonix look at just from reading. Ok what if they havent done 5. Minutes out of their lives if it goes missing or celeb us out of. A serious article and then the nothing of it all nice on the lead no nothing of in the room for us and this is meaningless yes now we know you were known for jay if it was anyone from moles comments like those in hoboken and it was my want to know what was done with one of them dead lady and then. Make patterns about how do i said or not i would give them the exam i begin i leave. Them alone so see how that some of the older you know you have had with them with c. S. A high level of the c. S. A lot of us in this years string of one c. S. E. Photo had their head used to be there and have a. Leak and see if im going out of the can mom and im no mom out and bled not because they had out and i saw have the. All those nice little beaver the looking mans arms and legs and the things i was. Led them. To a difficult time. For mask on. And make sure the mix had the op. I dont hope for your previous behavior. And if i dont. Know much about the for. You guys. Over the stuff. Is this. Going to visit. Just. How many. Have made that i had a smile and now that i. Reminded them. Then youre saying ill human. And im going 50 feet. You. Know who you say will be the same. In. One. Month. And the whats. Called all lies out before you know how for the novice i was. Ringback going to add and then well that. Will have the heart of this. Book and. Perhaps never see a lot of wins over. And shes from one. And only horses ringback. Was hard i had 10 typed and hundreds of guided. And i want a letter you can add to. What if. Any magic i had met on the. Coast it was a 100 and. Illicit for mail man. I had to has definitely i thought of what it will when i have a good idea what of all. You really want to do for. Hello there if you will scottish isles across central areas of brazil and still they are shouting to play great if the next couple of days carry away from what is areas but really the heavy rain over the next couple of days that will be through peru and eventually pushing on. Time which is a little bit low there but a very warm couple of days 37 is your high on thursday now if you were shasta the eastern side of the caribbean heaviest rain across into. A cloudy elsewhere and also some heavy rain really across into panama staying light but as we go through thursday but it does actually clear through much of the caribbean particular across much the bahamas and also across into cuba the other also good to further to the north across the United States plenty of cloud in the past but its not just the cloud theres also been a fair amount of fog and this fog has really cool some problems Christmas Eve in chicago have the airport they just look at this a visibility. Actually delays and in some cases even counsel that is still about 29000000 people and a fog advisory across the northern United States but it should begin to improve and as we go through wednesday that cloud will stay across the north. Into california on thursday fairly heavy at times on corn in l. A. Just 12 celsius. The weather sponsored by cattle railways. January on out you see the. President dont know trump is that the president in history to be impeached what does this mean for the future of the u. S. Media on the brink of an election before much chilian president ial candidate explodes the defeat of left wing Political Parties across much in america a look at how this years World Economic forum to focus on ways to tackle the impact of Climate Change than expropriation of family links to the citys regime examines it its early may now be embracing fascist ideologies most believed gone forever with the general election out of the way bricks it is now so how will the u. K. Proceed with the transition political moves january on aljazeera. What was the last thing the president said to you about impeachment when you last spoke to him for Multicultural Society its not about you. Every damning allegations that were over years ago how worried are you that the conditions are still ripe for another i think they are right join me man of the hot sun as i put up from questions to my special guests and challenge them to some straight talking political debate here on aljazeera. East and the differences. And the similarities of cultures across the world. And aljazeera. This is 0. Hello there im Julie Macdonald this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes here we scenes of an abandoned town in Northern Syria at least 12 people are killed in government strikes targeting the last rebel stronghold forcing thousands to flee. Turkeys president heads to geneseo for urgent talks over the future of libya. Christmas celebrations are canceled

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