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The capital. Not backing down the french Prime Minister says hes determined to push ahead with Pension Reforms as wide days of nationwide strikes. The president of south sudan reaches a deal with the Opposition Leaders to form a unity government but differences between the political rivals remain. A u. S. Congressional committee has cleared the way for a historic vote of impeachment against President Donald Trump the house of representatives will hold a 6 hour debate ahead of the vote on wednesday trump is facing charges of abuse of power and obstruction of congress hes warned his political rivals theyre waging a war on democracy and called the vote ridiculous our White House Correspondent kimberly hellcat has more. In advance of an expected vote to impeach the u. S. President in the house of representatives Donald Trumps land the case against him the whole impeachment thing is a hoax we look forward to getting on to the senate. Were not entitled to lawyers were not entitled to witnesses were not entitled to anything in the house its a total sham those oval office statements echoed the sentiments of a 6 page letter on official letterhead the tribes said to Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi accusing her of conducting an illegal partisan coup truck goes on to say by proceeding with your invalid impeachment you are violating your oath of office you are breaking your allegiance to the constitution and you are declaring open war on american democracy President Trump is expected to be impeached in the house on 2 articles use of power and obstruction of Congress Says he wrote his letter to the House Speaker to create a permanent record of his thoughts on the historic vote truck maintains he committed no wrongdoing when last july in a phone call he asked the ukrainian president for a favor to help on earth corruption involving his political rival former Vice President joe biden we must act with a sense of urgency to protect our democracy on capitol hill as democrats battled opposition republicans over the terms of the impending Impeachment Vote democrat defended their desire to impeach truong are arguing its the only way to preserve the integrity of the upcoming 2024 president ial vote given that an unrepentant president considers his behavior perfect. Given that he thinks the constitution empowers him to do whatever he wants given that he and his team are still awaiting president selenski statement about investigating joe biden we can only ask what the 2020 election will be like or indeed what any future election in america will be like if we just let this misconduct go but in his letter trump disputed democrats motives writing as you know very well this impeachment drive has nothing to do with ukraine or the totally appropriate conversation i had with its new president it only has to do with your attempt to undo the election of 2016 and steal the election of 2020 and despite efforts by the white house to block witness testimony during the impeachment inquiry trump has accused democrats of denying him due process likening his treatment to the salem witch trials of the 1600s where those falsely accused of witchcraft were executed its a message that seems geared to Trump Supporters the rallying cry trumps letter says could propel him to reelection kimberly helped get al jazeera the white house. Protests supporting impeachment efforts against President Donald Trump of been talking place across the u. S. The rallies called nobody is above the law all the time on the eve of the vote in the house of representatives more than 500 demonstrations were killed across the country deborah was on di was a rally in new york he spoke to demonstrators about why they want to see trump impeached. Thousands of people on the streets of new york city mark ching through the heart of the city and theyre chanting things like lock him up lucky him up in each room and everybody here is a message they not only want donald trump impeached but they want him removed from office where you hear today im here because no one is above the law if the night before theyre going to vote on the impeachment articles and i think trump has got to now the whole swamp has got to go were nation of lies here founded on for examples of freedom theyre being violated right and left because we have a criminal posing as a president who has broken broken rules of the constitution that is a message from everyone here and its a pretty diverse crowd of people too young older people middle aged it shouldnt be much of a surprise that new york city is Donald Trumps home but its also a very liberal and progressive city Hillary Clinton but that more than 2500000 more votes than donald trump did here so this is why youre seeing so many people taking to the streets here in new york with a message to impeach trump. Chris adelson is an assistant professor of government at American University he says trumps impeachment should not be a partisan issue. In a functioning system this president will be removed from office unfortunate the Republican Party today is a cult of personality and that wont happen so we need to think about what we can do lawfully to restrain this president its essential for the democrats to fight to try to get this evidence out there while the same point understanding probably its very unlikely any republicans or sorry i shouldnt say that its very unlikely more than a few republicans will take action but even those few republicans would matter i dont know that will help him the president is deeply unpopular and has been deeply unpopular doesnt mean he cant win in our system you dont need to win the popular vote to win elections because of our Electoral College system i do think it is dangerous if republican stay with him because as you point out the message voters will get is this is just ordinary partisan back and forth its not its very dangerous this is a threat to the rule of law to our system the president is saying he can do whatever he wants he can ask a foreign country to help him win reelection its essential for republicans to speak out and some fortunately are not republicans in congress but some prominent republicans in the party in the National Security establishment have been speaking out. One of President Trumps former Campaign Advisors is going to jail for conspiracy against the United States and lying to the f. B. I. A judge sentenced rick gates to 45. 00 days in prison and 3 years probation gates cooperated with the motor investigation into alleged russian interference in the 2016 president ial election he was charged for hiding lucrative consulting work you did for ukraines former president. Italys foreign minister has but rival leaders in libya to try to prevent or this collation of the conflict there the u. N. Says more than 1000 people have already been killed and 140000 displaced since warlord relief a half to began his campaign to take the capital i months ago to pill as more. Reinforcements are heading to the front line for what could be the final battle for tripoli militia allied to the internationally recognized government moved heavy weapons and fighters sound to the outskirts of the camp. We then had you brigade support forces are on our way to the capital tripoli we are on our way and god willing we will be victorious. After forces are also reinforcing their front lines each side has foreign help turkey has offered to send troops in support of the tripoli government will have to are has soldiers for hire and there are a 1000 new russian mercenaries deployed to tripoli according to 2 u. S. Officials and one source in moscow quoted in Bloomberg News sudanese in chad in mercenaries all assembling on the front lines for what theyre calling the final push so its increasingly likely that turkey will deploy something to help defend tripoli if needed by the jna with the threat of escalation looming italys foreign minister luigi did my own met with both sides on tuesday holding talks with fires also raja in tripoli and then with after in the eastern city of russia inviting him to rome for further talks the u. S. Calling for the 2 the rival governments and International Backers to agree to a political solution we continue to call for deescalation and for active support by all libyans and International Actors engaged in libya to find a peaceful and political solution to end the conflict and by addressing its underlying causes i think its important that the International Community as a whole rally around the efforts of the libyan people of course and also the efforts of the secretary generals. Representative mr salim a trying to find a political solution to this conflict analysts say is becoming less and less about libya with International Actors pulling the strings and flooding the battlefield. And aljazeera. For Prime Minister says his government will go ahead with Pension Reforms despite days of nationwide strikes they include scrapping privileges for some employees and raising the retirement age from 62. 00 to 64. 00 the touch about the reports from paris. After nearly 2 weeks of transport strikes and disrupted services in france the frustration and weariness is starting to show in paris people battle to get on the few trains and metros still running classes because of classroom experience its frustrating because i wasnt the one who came up with the pension reform i feel completely taken hostage im starting to feel quite angry now in the center of the City Transport workers joint teachers students and Health Workers to protest over the governments planned Pension Reforms these protesters all but taking aim at me with the fact that i did the governments proposed was that they would have to work until the age of 60 in order to help all the time and thats to ease lawyer but now they say that without the government it would be cost about why thats a good deal to diversity we think retiring at 62. 00 is already very old so talking about 64 well what next tomorrow 65 and 66 i think its time for the government to act because we know very well that the longer a conflict lasts the more difficult it gets. The demonstration was mostly peaceful that there was some clashes between police and protesters. During a heated debate in the National Assembly the french Prime Minister defended the governments plans he said the reforms would create a fairer and more efficient Pension System. Clearly stated our aim to create a universal Pension System more determined versus the governments on the majorities is absolute calmly its absolute the government says it wants to avoid a prolonged standoff with the trade unions. But for now neither side is showing any sign of backing down with the Holiday Season just days away. Little response for people trying to get around. And just iraq paris. Still ahead on aljazeera thousands of burundian refugees returning home from taps bring tantrums. And once alive they go to other families trying to prove she died because of londons. Head though there was little some fairly active weather across northern sections of the middle east is beginning to count and and also on its way for the tools easy to see where all the cloud is so that is really taking with it most of the rain so Clear Conditions are turning wednesday across much of these northern sections of the vans 900 celsius embury 20 degrees celsius in baghdad the rain is further to ease working its way through eastern southern sections of iran and at times particularly close the coast it could be fairly heavy but it really has gone by the cloud just working its way further east was pushing through much of pakistan and as i say clear time which is not too bad 900 celsius in baghdad now what well see is that system works its way east was in south throughout the lavelle and well see the chance of again working their way through the gulf 21 celsius in doha on wednesday the winds coming from the also feeling a bit cooler but it could also see a few showers across into abu dhabi with a high the 24 cooler in the wake of that system the winds a bit stronger too on thursday so just 21 and probably feeling a little bit cooler than that then down into Southern Africa plenty of showers in the 4 calls to the cape town durban no cold into the night 29 celsius with those rain showers and we could you see its got a thunderstorm in johannesburg with a high of 28. A story of love family and freedom calling for my living here so you were at school we heard the sounds of large explosions. And the hardships faced in captivity they came for me at midnight they told me to leave my son i said how can i face him i saw so much pain in the eyes of the other female prisoners. In the our pricing. On aljazeera. Theyre watching aljazeera his reminder of our top stories a u. S. Congressional committee has cleared the way for a vote of impeachment against President Donald Trump on wednesday the house of representatives will hold 6 hours of debate before voting on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of call. Protest supporting in peace but if its against truck of a taking place across the u. S. The rally is called nobody is above the board on the eve of the vote. Italys foreign minister met with libyas revived rival leaders the visit with a surgeon 500 meter police between Government Forces and closed boiled toward a leaf after. U. K. Prime minister Barak Johnson says he would use the large majority won in last weeks general election to ensure they arent any further delays to leaving the European Union johnson will put forward an amendment to his brakes a bill on friday saying all negotiations with the bloc must be complete by the end of next year that in bubba has more from london yet. Back in the commons and finally in control Boris Johnson won the election by convincing enough people including traditional labor voters that he get it done on tuesday before parliament reconvened he chaired a meeting of his new cabinet it looks much like the last one but parliament certainly doesnt and johnson reminded his colleagues that in many cases the public had in his words lent the conservative party their votes it was a quite extraordinary it was a seismic election but we need to repay their trust and work 24 hours a day flattering to deliver and. Of course of the 1st 100 days were very busy 140 days or whatever it was you may remember was a very frenetic time. But you aint seen nothing yet things. On friday after the queens speech when the monaco outlines johnsons legislative agenda the new parliament will vote for the 1st time on the bricks it bill the governments now amending it to ensure the brics a transition period wont go beyond the end of 2020 between now and then the opposition will try to make sure johnson keeps his promises in areas like protecting workers rights the Prime Minister in the campaign made many many promises and therefore has tremendous responsibilities to live up to hell be judged on whether he keeps those promises or not by the communities that hes made them to our job in the labor party will to hold this government to account after all the deadlock the United Kingdom now has a Prime Minister who couldnt get his legislative program through parliament of course what we dont know is exactly what kind of bracks it is going to deliver theres been some speculation johnson could go for closer alignment with e. U. Rules than hardliners in his policy would like but with the new amendment his room for maneuver is reduced you have to remember the Boris Johnson resigned over the checkers proposal which to reason may propose which was kind of not even really what we call a soft brecks it may be a kind of medium bricks it so you know his preference has always been for kind of as much divergence from e. U. Rules as possible so i think really i think his his main aim is for a Free Trade Agreement with his large majority Boris Johnson will be taking britain out of the e. U. By the end of january the Biggest Challenges hes admitted will be healing a divided nation the dean barber al jazeera london. And agreements been reached in south sudan to form a trajectory unity government president salva kiir and the main Opposition Leader bashar ended 3 days of talks in the capital juba here accused machar of attempt to 6 years ago triggering fighting that killed hundreds of thousands of the worlds newest country outstanding disputes prevented the formation of a new government by last months deadline set by the United Nations political analyst mortared says there is some hope the new agreement will work. We mustnt lose track that they have forgotten or the same site for much of the liberation period but that this big yes goes back even to the day of the rhaetian. There was a small truce to tourists independence the pushed up the divisions but that did not live very long to go 2 years before the. Conflict but i think it can be resolved if the their position is generally. Setting things up or put into place like yours and it could have a power sharing that would make each faction feel unthreatened that they have their you know. A sufficient part of the case moving forward into the future that enough theyre not going to be disadvantaged then that could well i think that is the key to it if you get if you start this truce its nothing to do with it because fish and or even agreement because as we speak still talking trying to resolve some of you know some crucial issues but i think this war this would fatigue i think there is. A Quick Mission from both sides and i believe that the cause has been too high 400000 south sudanese as you said have died since 2013 that is about a 5th just slightly less than a 5th or the people who died in the antidepression period of a 52 years so that has been a very high cost the economy has collapsed or the hopes of you starting a new country or a good footing have been lost so then the economy is not working they have become popular so i think the idea get to some extent against their will and they have no no cuts left created for them to play. It israel the form of government minister has launched his bid to replace Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as head of the ruling the could party gideon sa aims to replace israels longest serving leader than yahoos filed to form a government that is facing a corruption trial a leadership vote is expected on december the 26th israels 3rd general election within a year do you match per francis as an outsider secrecy policy will no longer apply to cases involving the sexual abuse of children in the past the Catholic Church kept sex abuse cases confidential saying it was to protect victims and the reputation of the accused the lifting of socalled pontifical secrecy was a key demand of Church Leaders at the vatican summit in february. It is a step forward in terms of transparency transparency for the victims and their families and transparency for traditional Legal Systems around the world which can now request the documentation from the young growing trials. And bring it into their Legal Systems in order to facilitate their work. Mexicos president has boasted about what his governments doing to combat Violent Crime despite a record rise it homicides president Manuel Lopez Obrador released a report on tuesday pointing the finger at local authorities 2019 is said to be mexicos most violent year on record after all the increase in the murder right the 1st day of december was the deadliest day in mexicos peacetime history. The u. N. Secretary general antonio terrace is calling on the International Community to find new ways to improve the lives of refugees the terrorists were speaking at the Global Refugee Forum in geneva its the 1st form of its kind bringing together World Leaders Business People humanitarians and refugees addressing the forum turkeys president criticized other countries for failing to provide financial help to Syrian Refugees in turkey. In order to find a sustainable and permanent solution to this issue we have to take global steps forward in cooperation with but we havent yet reached the desired level of global ownership of the refuse he crisis i hope and pray that the Global Refugee Forum here in geneva will be instrumental in terms of implementing our previous commitments and the only solution to the outstanding problem of the refugee influx crisis coming out of syria is far from being confined but it is a political solution this is a burden that we have been bearing for the last 9 years we need to find a formula that allows the refugees to remain in their mother lands and the ones that have already come to turkey to be peacefully returned and. We settled in their motherland. Thousands of burundi refugees are returning home from camps in neighboring countries in a mass repatriation of people who fled Political Violence in 25th day in hundreds were killed after president. Ran for a 3rd term and won but some say they are still too afraid to return catherine sword reports from ramons south of brunis commercial capital bujumbura. And his family have just returned home from my refugee camp in kenya. They fled in 2015 at the height of Political Violence that broke out of a president. That time election. Brings home a new son born in the camp and hes hoping another election scheduled for next year will go ahead peacefully. My parents are planted me where my house was find a way to i guess need to find a place to stay. About a 100 kilometers southwest of quails home another family thats returned from a comp in tanzania is settling back one weekend a gracious leaves in a room longer province on the shores of lake tanganyika. I lived in 2015 because i was i witnessed the ethnic conflict from 993 so i fled with my family because i did not want them to experience what i did but im tired of running and i will stay here no matter what happens. Government officials in the have told refugees in neighboring countries that the countrys peaceful they say their repatriation from tanzania is voluntary but some human rights campaigners say food rations in the camps have been reduced and refugees movements restricted more than 8000 have come back home in the last year but many are the deal in refugee camps. Are not ready to. Break that. Could also can balance. The name. A youth wing of the ruling party seems to invoke fear in many places those people are effectively spies for the ruling party and when someone new returns they instantly are going to suspect the person so weve heard cases of disappearances weve heard cases of pressure immediate pressure to join the ruling party or suffer the consequences and weve heard cases of people immediately returning back to tanzania because they just found the situation was intolerable government officials deny the accusations. Our career young members of the ruling party didnt cause any harm no everything even in the countryside is peaceful return ease of being welcomed back very warmly. Face he hopes he can stay out of politics and keep his family safe catherine soy al jazeera. Says in bowing her fall and after the u. S. Aircraft manufacturer said its suspending production of its best selling 737 max jet from next month the plane has been grounded since march after crashes in indonesia and ethiopia killed 346. 00 people it has cost boeing more than 9000000000. 00 so far the stoniest president has apologized after the countrys interior minister called finlands new leader a salesgirl son a marine became the worlds youngest serving Prime Minister at age 34 last week after forming a famed lead center Left Coalition government to study as president said he was embarrassed by about home his comments and opposition politicians have called for him to resign the 1st stage of an inquest has begun in the u. K. Capital to determine if air pollution caused the death of a 9 Year Old Girl deborah died after an esper attack in 2013 just reports the human cost of air pollution a grieving mother seeking answers into her daughters death rosamond kissy deborah arriving at Coroners Court where she hopes to prove better taught her ella died from londons unlawfully high air pollution. Elo was 7 when she developed severe asthma she was dead by the time she was 9 in those 2 years ella who lived near a very busy road was hospitalized 29 times 27 of those came when air pollution spiked Scientists Say ela is not an isolated case doctors see hundreds of children every year struggling to breathe needing medicine to keep them from choking on the harmful unseen gases and particles in the air anywhere that has a very high intensity of traffic within a small area there are going to be a lot of children whose affair is affected by at least. There is no denying londons air is filthy the traffic is relentless diesel taxis and trucks feel harmful emissions and new Research Shows its not just our lungs that are affected pollution has been linked to Heart Disease trial the development strokes and even dementia measuring pollution levels tiny particles that cant be seen but are small enough to pre air pollution mostly is is is invisible and thats why its really important that we have stations and maps that we produce and forecasts so that people can see where poti is like even though because she pushes an ultra low emission zone was introduced last spring the most polluting cars and trucks must pay 30. 00 a day to drive in the city center early results show its working its been more successful than we expected no other city of the well what about that kind of transition from whos to clean of it so it does signal these kind of played as just do. The zone will be extended to a much larger part of the city in october 2021 but 22 months is a long time for infant lungs a key stages of development the improvements can come quickly enough. For those whose lives are endangered by deadly emissions. This is al jazeera and these are the top stories a u. S. Congressional committee has cleared the way for historic vote of impeachment against President Donald Trump the house of representatives will hold a 6 hour debate ahead of the vote on wednesday expected to vote in favor of its meant and that would lead to a trial in the republican dominated says early next year protests supporting the impeachment if its of been taking place across the u. S. Trump is facing charges of abuse of power at obstruction of congress hes warned his political rivals they waging a war on democracy. The whole impeachment thing is a hoax we look forward to getting on to the senate were not entitled to lawyers were not entitled to witnesses were not entitled to anything in the halves its a total sham and when you have a guy like shifty shift go out and make up a statement that i made he said this is what he said but i never said it he totally made it up. Italys foreign minister luigi demaio easy in libya where hes been meeting leaders from both sides of the conflict the talks with warlord who leaf a hafta in the eastern city of rajma earlier he. Was the leader of libyas un backed government in tripoli but this it coincides with a surge in fighting to tripoli between Government Forces and those loyal to half frances Prime Minister says his government will go ahead with Pension Reforms despite days of nationwide strikes buying crude scrapping privileges for some employees and raising the retirement age from 62 to 64 Edward Felipe insists the old system is unfair and too expensive. U. K. Prime minister barres johnson says he would use the large majority one in last weeks general election to ensure the any further delays in leaving the European Union at amendment of his breaks the bill will be put forward on friday saying all negotiations with the bloc must be completed by the end of next year well those are the headlines and news continues here on aljazeera after the. Kind of does that provide and is anyone willing to pick up the call we bring you the stories and developments that are rapidly changing the world we live in so is it possible for trump is actually a little late here on counting the cost on aljazeera. And experiencing. Life. When it. Comes from the press. Hello im Richard Burton youre at the listening post here are some of the media stories that were covering this week if you cant beat them or suppress them block in more and more countries internet blackouts have become a fact of life Syrias Bashar Al Assad and the interview and italian broadcaster did not want its audience to see putting a face on fake news those who are less why should you

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