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Indias hold minister says hes open to discussions on the controversial citizenship law. And sport tiger woods captained his country to victory at the president s cup woods leads the usa to an 8th straight title when at one of golfs a top team at that. But 1st the longest u. N. Climate conference has now come to a close in the trades with a partial agreements bots the worlds biggest polluters couldnt agree on some of the most contentious issues after talks drags on 2 days past the deadline for countries not to cope 25 summits will improve their current pledges to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions us in line with the paris agreements now those new commitments will be presented at next years summits. The whole issue of Global Carbon markets has been put off until next year that concept allows those who exceed their pollution levels to buy credits from those who dont the u. S. Brazil australia india and china have been blamed for stalling talks on that issue well for the past 2 weeks there have been marches across the world many led by students unhappy at the lack of action on Climate Change and on saturday members of the Group Exemption rebellion dumped a horse manure outside the conference to vent their frustrations well just here isnt it clarke is that the current 25. 00 summit in madrid c joints is not make a deal is done but if you like it it seems. Thats right its been hard its being endless its been tiring but we got there there is a deal its been heavily watered down as you say many people dont like it we heard from the Marshall Islands on the floor a little while ago they were saying that the text data does not reflect anything near what we wanted it is the bare minimum and remember that many of these small island states are actually carved out of some of the negotiations which is astonishing to think of but that was how it worked out the thing is we are we do have a deal now is the point at which we could have been here thinking that it will collapse because we were just appearing down into this vortex of National Differences and indecision lets take it on lets try and unravel whats happened here we can speak to thing from action get whats 1st of all what your reactions were. Very disappointing. Just but look conference has one of the main objectives to help people who are already facing climate evidence or so on that we have failed completely we dont expect to see in the near future how were going to be helping these people in terms of offering money and other kinds of support but this deal was all about trying to move on to next year was in the. And it has done that to a degree has and to some extent so this particular conference was supposed to also give an indication of whether we are going to raise a mission before potus actually gets operational next year but prior to that there were 2 things hanging one how do we involve markets all klia to market mechanism in the new system because stock would not be done in the review this is for Carbon Trading this is the Carbon Trading part of it and 2nd how do you get the system to help people who are already facing Climate Emergency which has become a very important aspect of Climate Action because well only be facing impacts say the 1st but youre talking about there thats all school sixes and that has been firmly rooted down the road isnt it and thats going to be dealt with next year yeah because we could not resolve all the usual and we had all these issues to be dissolved in these 12 days and of course the talks extended. Or did i get to go and thats why theyre now being shifted to next year so its means well have a lot more on the plate i reckon about 24 hours ago i watched you you were very very angry because the talks were just spiraling when they were on the verge of collapse you feel better about things now in terms of whats missing for the future in a tiny little step just to offer some technical help to countries thats not going to be on off with a different station the anger that we have as developing countries and we talk to small island states but they are sinking as we speak 45000000 people enough without facing one of the worst drought in 35 years. If i speak on their behalf other than put get any to leave in the next few days weeks months no i dont see that coming so that thats where the system has failed completely and thats where the 1st thats why the frustration is right i think is this process here the whole process must come under question listening because talking to collapse they revive the last minute they went on for almost 3 days longer than they should have done and when we look ahead to glasgow next year when the talks are even more crucial whos to say its not just going to happen all over again the United States brazil japan australia stepping in and trying to stymie things more than process but if you look back to who is causing the problem and the call oboes believe hes blocking it and thats been ignited states australia canada japan Even European Union that not made a video constructive at all so they need to call them out as that are eligible to be the thanks very much theyve got that weve made it in the end its been a long tiring fortnight back to you in the year thank you very much indeed nick clarke so just court isnt stake out those madrid talks mariana hones sense that the climate and ecological crises affecting our planet our planet is heating up and fast what once took hundreds of thousands of years has happened in less than 200 most of it and just the last 50 levels of Carbon Dioxide have never been this high the Greenhouse Gases weve pumped into the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution have lit the suns light in but stopped some of that heat escaping and the global temperature has slowly ticked up around one degree celsius and 880 Scientists Say where on track to hit one and a half degrees and around 10 years 3 degrees by the end of the century many Scientists Say it could go much higher. Now those numbers may not seem like a lot but the consequences of just a half degree rise will for many of us be catastrophic for some parts of the globe it already is as the oceans hate they expand as they absorb more Carbon Dioxide the more citic they become under water areas are becoming uninhabitable that hate is melting the worlds ice sheets and glassy is satellite data shows losses from greenlands ice sheet have doubled each decade since the ninetys to an average now of 250000000000. 00 tons of ice lost each year that fresh water has to go somewhere and its pouring into our oceans. Sea levels have risen by at least 20 centimeters in the last 100 years if we do nothing that figure is expected to climb by around a meter by the end of the same cheree or by a worst Case Scenario a global Sea Level Rise above my haid coastal cities and communities will be swamped by the rising tide this is the city of miami as al planet warms even by conservative estimates many island nations will cease to exist our planets natural with the passions a shifting expected droughts floods hurricanes heat waves storms and wildfires to become more frequent and more intense all the while were burning through our planets resources and then there are the record levels of waste pollution and plastic that a choking our planet all of this makes the compelling case for action the most urgent being to have our Greenhouse Gas emissions by 2030 but in the years since every nation pledged in paris to do just that levels of Carbon Dioxide have effect gone up Scientists Say this is a Climate Emergency that there is still time to act but that window is closing record lee the consequences of doing nothing will be catastrophic for most of us this will happen in our lifetimes. Plenty more so the come on the years are included yemen city rebels call for International Help after a deserted tanker spills on oil into the red sea. The injury list grows too in process of corruption in lebanon plus. In sports one of the n. B. A. s fastest rising stars takes a fall santa will be here with more on that story. The u. S. Special envoy to afghanistan sunday has issued a warning to the taliban while sending the doha forum right here in qatar thursday talks between the u. S. And the taliban were again put on hold after an attack on a u. S. Military base north of kabul but the americans are hopeful peace talks will resume soon lets get more now from aljazeera is mohamed from its life for us at the 2 half foreign mohammed what more have we heard from. Your colleagues are the u. S. Envoy to these talks today said here at the forum does the United States at this stage is watching taliban very closely watching their behavior and they want them to know that any progress in these talks will be depending on how they behave. This is short of a. Very strong reaction in september when u. S. President donald trump said the talks are dead right after that very strong attack by taliban in september but here we have a measure of the response 2 days after a Suicide Attack in afghanistan thats been claimed by the body by 2 civilians were killed in that attack near the back on base so khaleds out today is measured in his words but at the same time hes willing to show us a resolve but as long. Us by divine are committing these kinds of acts inside the country that there will be no major major progress in these talks the u. S. Is committed he said to the idea of withdrawing troops some of its troops are the at the 1st stage of the implementation of this agreement if it goes on but at the same time they are ready to react if body continues to attack inside the country. Ok mom of all their lives for a little hard for him thank you very much indeed. Well months of u. S. And afghan aerial bombings is said to have severely reduced isis forces military Officials Say only half of the groups 4000. 00 fighters i thought to still be active across afghanistan but says 20 berkeley reports from one car province civilians are facing the brunt of the sustained Bombing Campaign. This is the village of good day in one go hard province close to the pakistan border it was the stronghold of i still in afghanistan now its a ruin destroyed by u. S. Bombs it was on here that the armed Group Planned and launched attacks and carried out brutal punishments but over the last few months the u. S. And Afghan Air Forces have waged a sustained Bombing Campaign that has significantly reduced eyesores capability. The joint campaign with the us has been big and effective it has been a game changer and will continue wherever they are we will target them i saw is in the process of being eradicated we wont stop until they are. That contrast with the situation 6 months ago when i saw bolstered by fighters from iraq and syria was being described as a serious threat 2 weeks ago hundreds of its fighters surrendered to the Afghan Government in action district now its estimated that only half of the 4000 strong force is still intact the afghan army has been helped by a string of recent successes against both the taliban and i still they are trying to. Do try to stick to varieties. To explode and the city cost more civilian casualty and. Now we prove. Real we have this pole to kick them like we did to take malta to do from them play creed dead. To follow them to the end theres no question that i saw has suffered some major setbacks recently but winter side with its lack of ground cover is normally the time when it reduces its activities so spring time will be the test for the government cant fully focus on defeating isaw its a war with the taliban is over it may be losing but i saw hardline ideology may be harder to defeat is supported by other like minded afghan groups such as the seller fees and what. Theyre not completely. Eliminated but the progress is remarkable which which makes sense and for as long as you you have. What weve gone. Salafi wahhabi pocket and i want to stone and be difficult to say that they have been completely minute eliminated the u. S. Is trying its best it is on course to drop more bombs this year than any year since 2010 some believe its to bring the war to an end before next years u. S. President ial election but its costing civilian casualties according to u. N. Agencies so far this Year American bombers and unmanned drone strikes have killed a Record Number of 600 people including children and wounded 300 more these angry villagers staged a protest after a recent u. S. Bombing killed 20 pine knot workers who were resting under a tree. Is the Rural Communities that are suffering the most in the bombing and fighting. Broke with this but at the el villages destroyed our mosques destroyed other villages as well we lost our people our lives documents will every family lost loved ones including women and children. The war will eventually come to an end but its clear there will be no winners Tony Berkeley al jazeera province. Well Michael Semple is a former deputy u. S. Special representative to afghanistan he says the u. S. And Afghan Military arent the only forces pushing back against arsenal we have a war under war within a war the main war is the Afghan Government supported by the us fighting against the Afghan Taliban for comparable of the country but within that war we have the Islamic State trying to establish itself in afghanistan and being attacked by all sides and it is facing a attacks from the Afghan Government on the u. S. Military the Afghan Taliban are also fighting against Islamic State in fact there is a. Literal hatred between those 2 groups and this is what i would describe our war with in a war they the taliban remain committed to their jihad to try and win control of afghanistan and they see dying potentially a here or a mortal enemy because they are vying with the taliban for control of this jihad so actually its not just the american the Afghan Government who are fighting against i so the taliban have spent much of the past year and committing some of their best forces to attacking myself china has suspended tariffs on u. S. Exports supports the starts on sunday u. S. Cars corn and wheat sweet all have been affected the decision was made after the worlds top 2 economies and i just face one of the deal and it ends in their 2 year trade war the Us Government has also suspended plans to impose further tariffs on chinese Products Police in hong kong have made arrests and his pepper spray against protesters at malls in the city a small number of prodemocracy demonstrators took part in the socalled Christmas Shopping ballys stores in at least one more post after police stormed the building the territory has seen months of antigovernment protests demonstrations 1st began over an extradition bill which was later scrapped the process of widens to call for more democratic rights and reforms. Indias home minister says hes willing to discuss such as chance for changes to the new citizenship law following days of protests the u. S. And u. K. Have issued travel advisories for northeastern states where at least 5 parts asters were killed the lot of those minorities from neighboring countries who are facing persecution to apply for indian citizenship but muslims are excluded well sail romanism assem where curfew is due to start shortly. Various Civic Society leaders have taken to the stage in hearty on sunday to discuss and to talk about the issue of the citizenship had been given act its brought out the people as you can see in the thousands here to one of the largest grounds in the city of an opportunity for many of the community here who had very little chance to talk to each other because of not only the yeardley but only because of the internet blackout communication has quite restricted these past few days of the world were seeing here today on sunday a problem in syngas an artist taking to the stage and also paintings being done by local artists to. Make sure that everybody who remembers what were being has released actually is of a horrible horrible husbands and wives families children and a whole range of demographics including a group of bikers i spoke to one of them told me why it was so we were told to come out in numbers to express their anger or legal piece of legislation that they totally disagree or we dont want to harm the heart of any people coming here who go on this this big this monster to Something Else here and just infiltrated our you know his own 1st person or someone who are going to come. Close to our hearts to see this who pays for as good often has i have ever seen one on one on the light hearted Party Atmosphere continues here at one of the main ground single hardly and of course is an opportunity for the community had to meet each other certainly after days of the internet shut down at the polls people that are taking to the stage here are very popular performers hence the volume of people you can see have many hundreds to hear them sing and speak and of course those that are taking to the microphone to Civic Society leaders are saying that the pressure will be continued continue to put the pressure on the government when it comes to the citizens abandonment act im not happy with it they feel that legalizing illegal immigration into india of other. Minority groups will dilute the very make of the culture that they want to protect here in. Obviously this has resonated in different ways across the country and even on sunday we saw demonstrations from bar awestruck to be from carla to new delhi and they will get all set to continue in the week ahead with the focus will be west bengal. Several protesters have been injured in lebanons campus all after Security Forces fired tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse crowds in sun city well people are angry about 6 very innocent perceived corruption hundreds gathered in be released as part of the resistance accompaniment to stray sions riot Police Detained some protesters actually trying to break into a. Series in 100 joins us live from central be reached where protesters have just begun to get. Most violent last night are things looking where you are at the moment. I think that well there is called calm has been restored but like you mentioned people are starting to converge on downtown beirut the epicenter of the protest Movement Activists have been calling for a mass gathering to show really the ruling elite that the people are not giving up the demands that theyre standing their ground and that theyre sticking to their demands that those in power the Political Class have been governing this country for 30 years need to leave office and thats an independent government should take control to steer the country out of the economic crisis the worst economic crisis in decades so that is the message people are hoping to give the ruling class you mentioned those confrontations the most serious confrontations since the start of the uprising approximately 2 months ago Security Forces for hours really battled with hundreds of protesters who tried to make their way to Parliament Building tear gas was used rubber bullets water talons up to 50 people were injured during those confrontations now people here see this as a message from the Political Class that were willing to use what ever means available even force to crush the protest movement because this protest movement has been largely peaceful in the past weeks yes there were incidents of violence but now in the past few days what worst. Seeing more and more is that the army and the different Security Forces really are clamping down hard on the protesters and seem to looking ahead to 2 more ruin you Prime Minister is supposed to be named and there are any indications of a new government being formed some would it look like. Well like you mentioned parliamentary consultations 6 weeks since the government resigned since caretaker Prime Minister resigned from office juta street pressure what we understand is that the Prime Minister having will be nominated but in no way is this a suggestion that there is a deal on the makeup of the next government he will be nominated simply because of levanon sectarian political system of government the Prime Minister needs to be a sonny and the son the religious establishment have has thrown its weight behind him and if he leaves office and the president who is a christian and the House Speaker who says she remain in power then the sunday community 11 are will feel that they have been targeted by this protest movement but we understand and really it was made clear 2 days ago from the iranian backed Group Hezbollah which is part of the governing alliance they said that the formation of the government will not be easy were not in agreement with how do you do yes we may name him but no we dont agree we want to be politically represented we will not accept to head a government of independence so no there is still no political deal and in this country weve seen it over the past few years every time there is no political deal then theres instability in the streets i can tell you hundreds of Security Forces have been deployed in this area to try to prevent a repeat of what happened on saturday night. And how do they live for is in beirut thank you very much indeed. Yemens internationally recognized government says some people on their wanted list have escaped with the help of you eat back forces the airports in the many islands of sokoto was stormed by iraqi troops see they took off with those wanted by the authorities the governor of the island said the plane had not been cleared by the control tower the u. A. E. 1st deployed troops to go around in april his presence there as fuel protests and divided residence. Now he rebels in yemen are appealing for International Assistance as an abandoned tanker off the countrys coast leaks fuel into the red sea what they see is and yemens governments claim ownership of the vessel and its cargo of more than a 1000000 barrels of oil mom has a lot of reports from santa another casualty of the amount of war the floating of the northern coast as leaking fuel into the red sea there are 1200000 barrels on board and hold these which one of the diesel are loaded are appealing for International Help but often. If the leakage continues the problem will be beyond the capability of the World Community we blame the saudi that aggression on our country as they have refused to allow us to unload the shipment and pay the monthly salaries of Public Employees as agreed to in the sweden peace accord there are fair the ship could erode and explode and experts are warning that are going to spill could have a Lasting Impact on the marine environment. Im not going to the gulf of the red sea has to unique kinds of bad grove that did not exist in any place around the world the oil will block the sunlight from reaching sea plants occluded coral reefs and other fish. The poor over us was 1st targeted by the saudi. In 2016 when anna turned was made to elude the shipment of oil workers were killed the poor was part of a again in november 21000 the ship has been deteriorating ever cerns both sides claim their control of the tanker and there is a battle over who profits from its oil fuel is in short supply and is disparate really needed not all the forecasts but also for water palms hospital generators and even to transport goods all around the country how about bob. So on are. The livias deposed president evo morales faces a restive few returns for his replacement answer in president s janina and yes said moralists had to answer for his crimes and then arrest warrants will soon be a sheet hes been granted asylum in argentina as a 1st fleeing to mexico last month. Time now for the weather is crap and thats right we have a lot to talk about here across parts of the western europe it is because of the flooding we have seen over the last couple of days as well as the when they came in with that particular storm now things look pretty good here but whats happening is it has been flooded because of the rain weve had just a couple days ago the water is now beginning to recede and 42. 00 people did die in this particular situation as well as 70000. 00 people without power because of the wind were going to be seeing one day of a break but were going to be watching the atlantic very carefully because the out the atlantic is a new storm that is coming into play notice how this dip in the atmosphere that is called the trough as it gets even deeper that means the storm is getting deeper as well what you notice here monday a lot of rain here across parts of france as well as into the abbey and peninsula for portugal it is going to be quite exceptional feel we expect to see some very gusty winds over the next few days and very heavy rain but most of this region right now are under a flood watches and advisories and those will probably stay as this next system does come in not only is a europe that is going to be seeing the big problem the storm its also up here towards northwestern part of africa here were going to be seeing in morocco the new storm coming into play by the time we get towards monday night we could expect to see winds anywhere between 70 kilometers in even higher across much of that area that also includes robot and the flood watches are going to be a big problem there as well gusty winds here on monday and by the time we get to tuesday in morocco it is going to be a flooding situation back to you hala. Thank you kavanaghs most still to come here and ill just 0. Official about the place of thousands of syrians fleeing violence last rebel held on of it look plus by flaw i because its probably the heaviest Carbon Footprint that we create as individuals and will be one person doing his best for the environment and his own unique way. And in sports a 1st look at the venue that will take center stage at next years tokyo olympics. A story of love family and frito calling from i was 8 years old you were at school we heard the sounds of large explosion. And the hardships faced in captivity they came for me at midnight they told me to leave my son i said how can i i saw so much pain in the eyes of the other female prisoners. In the our pricing. On al jazeera. We know the culture we know the problems that affect this part of the world very very well and that is something that were trying to take to the rest of the world we have gone to places and we pointed out a story that you might take an International Network for months to be able to do it United Nations peacekeepers out there blowing antiriot north. You are challenging the voices were challenging companies who are going to places where nobody else is going. This isnt a 0 amount of the headlines for you know. Here in chief says hes disappointed spy the u. N. Climate summit that sent it with a partial do despite its mark in the kosi asians countries at the top 25. 00 summit have agreed to improve their current pledges to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions but these new commitments spoke only be presented at next years meeting. A special envoy to afghanistan has issued a warning to the taliban militants in the doha forum encounter on thursdays talks between the u. S. And the taliban were again put on hold after a u. S. Military base north of kabul was attacked and indias home minister says hes willing to discuss suggestions for changes to a controversial new citizenship after days of protest the war most minorities from neighboring countries facing persecution to apply for indian citizenship but this excludes muslims. The months since the violence and see government process began in chile and the people are voting on whether or not stu you have a new constitution what theyd like to see in its amending the constitution is one of the protesters key demands demonstrations began in october over a hike in transit fares which was later reversed but protests widens to demand greater equality lets go live now to our latin america at Certain Senior shes in santiago for us alessio this was a key demand by protesters how significant is this fools. Will have 1st of all we have to clarify that this is not the actual constitutional referendum thats underway right now it is what its what were seeing here whats about to take place here all over chile at the municipal level is what is called a consultation in other words it is not binding and it it asks several questions the key question. Of course is whether or not citizens want to have a constitution and if so in what format should it be half of the current parliamentarians and have elected citizens will decide who writes an oath and have been just elected citizens so thats one question the other question is more or less what are the Top Priorities of chileans of a list of 13 Health Education Pension Funds 13 and they only can choose 3 so that will give lawmakers presumably an idea of exactly what are the Top Priorities of chileans and the constitution as you well say was one of the key demands on the streets now were going to see a lot of voting level at the Grassroots Level how many people are going to say yes that is exactly what we want now interestingly enough where i am right now is one of the 3 municipalities that does not have that key question at the last at the 11th hour they decided not even to ask the residents of the upper class neighborhoods whether or not they wanted a constitution and that is annoying a lot of the people who live here the excuse is that there is going to be all of the of the explanation if you like is that there will be a referendum on the 26th of april which will last for size leigh that and that will be binding but a lot of people believe that they have the right to vote on that question and they are not going to have the right to do so and will given these discrepancies lucy and given the vagueness in the nonbinding nature of the police and parts of the country how will to mystical people and this could bring an end to the process. It wont really bring an end but it will it will its enough people vote and this is the whole point you would ask why bother to do it the whole point of this is to make it morally and politically binding if enough chileans come out voluntarily and vote on these matters and say what are they are 3 priorities whether they want a constitution or not that may give a push to the Political Parties which we have to say are moving very very slowly on this matter they cant agree on how to do it who should do it whether women should have equals it representation in a Constitutional Assembly in an eventual Constitutional Assembly or whether the indigenous communities should have a proportional representation just to give you some idea all of the things that are in dispute so it is important of course it will depend on how many people come out and vote today ok you see human life is in santiago thank you very much deeds well lets stay with this man as an academic folks in the university of cambridge she joins us now from london good to have you with us on the program just start by giving us your thoughts on this process which is taking place today in chile do you see this is a step forward. I think it is it is a very fascinating process the one that was taken and actually you see politics all over to live with the initiative to actually put some pressure on the government to ask the people what do they think about the new constitution what people think it should have and should contain the new constitution and the ways in which this should be. Prepared and actually voted ultimately in written so i think it is we will see hopefully the turnout will be large and it will show the need to course write a constitution the need to consult people on this factors and to invite people to parties. Said it is not binding but it is a very big expression of something that has been expected waited and decided by the chilean people for generations but but it its not binding and as we heard from the sierra there are many people here who arent getting a chance to to have their say a toll given that its confident are you that. People will accept the results of of what this vote delivers and certainly how will this move the process forward yes it 2 ways i think it in one way even will move the process forward we will it will mean a push in a symbolic way right in the in the end on the other hand in a very concrete way it depends on how many people go to vote today in symbolic terms because they do wield resend a letter of what people want to something very important that will happen will be happening this week which is the mechanism or the minimal mechanisms for the vote in next april and in next of talk when their idea of the referendum. Because dushan will happen in april and then if it wins in the next october 2020 below there will be another election regarding. Who will be taking part of the convention tried to new constitution so yes it is not binding but its a big push for something that is happening this week that will determine the outcome for the next real election in real binding election of april in which people will go to the polls and say ok we want a new constitution or no and if we want one we will want it in a 5050 percent of people and Representatives Parliament members of the parliament or handed percent of people elected in october 2020 so it is very symbolic this election of today all through the nation although it of course there are many flaws in this election us alysia was saying in 11. That you ok i have to leave it there thank you very much indeed for sharing your thoughts and analysis focus of encouragement joining us live from london. A constitutional crisis is looming in iraq former Prime Minister. Announced his resignation earlier this month president by himself now has until monday to nominate his replacement but the move has done little to come protesters who are demanding a complete overhaul of the sectarian political system also divide looks ahead to whats likely to unfold. From what we understand this is not going to help the situation at all and the main reason is because this that is the iraqi constitution is at the core of the problem the iraqi people the demonstrators that weve seen are saying that the reason theyre on happy with the system is that their government is based on a parliamentary system and they want a president ial one that means that they have a right to elect their own leadership now what is going to happen as of monday at midnight the president has to nominate a name for the next Prime Minister and then what will happen is that person will have 30 days to put together a cabinet which will then all go to a vote in parliament that is one of 30 days the parliament will decide whether or not to accept this nomination of the president as well as his cabinet but many of the analysts we spoke to here say that it is very unlikely that the demonstrators and people on the street who we happy with any kind of a name that is put forth because they want to be able to the sides on who leads their country and they are tired of trying to accommodate the other influences that are present in iraq mainly iran and the United States the iraqi people say that they want to be free of that in their own government for the time being the president is pushing his limit to the very last minute trying to come up with a name that will please all sides as well as the many people on the streets but it remains to be seen as if if that name actually exists at all. Syrians who fled the last remaining rebel held province say hoons and hospitals are being attacked indiscriminately 18000 people reportedly displaced from province in just 24 hours last week syrian artillery bombardments and russian airstrikes have intensified despite a cease fire many of the displaced are living in desperate conditions and camps near the Turkish Border well i mean outwards is the director of the middle east and North Africa Bureau for the u. N. Refugee agency and joins us now live from the doha forum a good to have you with us on the program at just stopped by outlining what youre hoping for from the doha forum what message are you bringing to people there. What we bring into people here in doha the whole issue of displacement the International Community needs for this possibility. To really transform many of the before you compact issued by the General Assembly last year its something more practical and thats why this year as of monday tomorrow 16 to one is a date you know to somebody in geneva to get over that you got for us to get a vote the grover of the votes for more conference or. Platform is basically to withdraw is for the whole concept of responsibility sharing burden sharing into an action that countries with lower income middle income really cope with the influx of refugees and displaced people today we have the highest number of people displaced ever 82000000 people displaced around the world of those that are 25000000 refugees of my geraghty lot in that we did of the world and that is the meetings and quote now there have been many calls for help and for burden sharing the responsibility sharing across several years now why do you think theres been so little action because this isnt the 1st time weve heard the pleas of desperate Syrian Refugees and displaced people around the world. And yet nothing seems to change. The platform of. Tomorrow when his day in geneva. Prepare itself to really are sort of this question what can the world do more to really go to good responsibly and better than the and share the burden of responsibility new commitment on the cation on health on other services on livelihood on protection on operating borders in allowing people to really flee to safety because a number of reviews of the space be roots reaching a big numbers and the world have to come to get that to solve it it cannot be solved by a few countries it can also be solved by a new dollars it has to be solved globally and hopefully the city days conference that we see in geneva in the next couple of days will bring these countries together and come up with new pledges a new commitment that hopefully everybody will stick to and well see a new beginning to how to handle refugee crisis and displacement crisis ok well have to leave it there but thank you very much indeed i mean our joining us there live from doha. Now a major earthquake has shaken the southern philippines in the same area struck by tremors in october the magnitude 6. 00 quake was in denser province and least one challenge for today after a wall collapse now the buildings are reports of crumbled strap in many people in the rubble well no tsunami warning was issued but electricity supplies have been disrupted and damage assessments are underway. But this new zealand confirms the 16th person has died from injuries sustained in mondays volcanic eruption specialists wearing protective clothing returned to white island on sunday but so far failed to find the lost sea missing bodies Scientists Say the possibility of a 2nd eruption has no receded but the island remains volatile. Everyone went out absolutely desperate to find bodies and return them to loved ones in terms of probability i. D. s we were we were probably thinking given that one was in the water that so i would tell you. But were always hopeful because we do this for a reason we want to make sure that we bring the right expertise to be it with regard to the task of pain size if you can find people in the in the. Police now been in have arrested 9 people over the collapse of buildings during last months earthquake 51 people died when the 6. 4 magnitude tremor hit the cities of tourists and suman the builders engineers and owners involved are accused of breaching construction regulations for the son of the king for 8 more suspects. Now thousands of people worldwide have joined the movement avoid flying its all to do with these awareness of air travels contributions to Climate Change and one inspired spike climate activists Christian Burke their norse is part of that growing movement to see the skies. And then i live in bristol and i choose not to fly i am a wood recycler we collect wood waste from whoever is throwing it away we bring it back to our yard we clean up from the cellar we make stuff out of the workshop. I dont fly because its probably the heaviest Carbon Footprint that we create as individuals Global Warming and our diversity loss are exacerbated by flying chosen to minimise by flying over the years i definitely feel passionate about not flying the journey im about to take a leave bristol tonight on a train from Bristol Temple meads to london ill travel across london stay with my brother in brixton tomorrow morning i will take a bus to london some pancras and ill get on the 540. 00 train to paris or change at paris to paris montparnasse ill get on the t. V. I will i will change at arsenal and i will go to or she and i arrive in the south of france at about 4 in the afternoon i dont have a problem with a long journey as long as its comfortable and definitely have a problem with a long journey hes on a plane. Flights are so cheap and that maddens me its so much cheaper to fly places than take the train i have some remorse about the fact that japan seems like a long way away. But these are. Products of a culture whereby we think its some kind of entitlement that we should be able to see all these places. More people are. Aligning with me i feel less alone than i did say year ago i also recognize that there is a bigger issue within society of no one wants to take a step forward unless everyone takes a step Forward Together the actions of individuals have impacts beyond what we might initially perceive. What do i travel very little. Still to come on aljazeera to reset the trackside the world cup in australia descend into chaos santa will have all the details fade after the short break. Our jersey. And. Where im from. Investigative journalism being heard in. The local experts and discussion 3 times youve got a deal and you disagree with that deal because of the terrible twos it was deliberate it was brets of alternative stories from other angles. Open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today you have to rethink pretty much everything thank you for talking to aljazeera the great programs to inspire you on aljazeera. News is happening faster than ever before from different places from different people and you need to be passive backs you need to be able to reach people wherever they are and that means being across all social media platforms this is where our audience lives as well as in front of a t. V. Theyre on the smartphone and theyre all mates have that theyre on their confusion. And thats the way aljazeera is a fall into a true media network. Its time now for this thank you very much to halloa tiger woods is celebrating another title when this time as a team captain the president s cup and australia the u. S. Became the 1st team in the events 25 year history to win the trophy off the training ahead of the final a day and its an ripples i began with his 15th major title victory is ending with more smiles and success to talk to woods this time for his country leading the usa to an 8th straight win at the president s cup but came here as a team. My teammates and my boys all played well the captains did an amazing job of just being there for every little detail. I could and i with all their help and. All my boys. They did it with oneill says International Team had a 10 a to advantage going into the final day for the United States Team Tiger Woods woods led from the frontal strain is royal melbourne course the 1st plane captain in 25 years was up against abraham ounce of mexico in the 1st of 12 singles matches he went on to secure a record 27th win in the event with a 3. 00 and 2. 00 victory. With on saturday patrick treats caddie was ejected from the event for fighting with a spectator was 24 hours later rate was winning a valuable point for the us at one stage tony finn i was 4 down against to see almost japan but he fought back to his my odds and win for australias Cameron Smith briefly gave confound some hope but when matt koocher rolled in this part. I. If the title was decided. With his 1st taste of Team Captaincy ending in a 1614. 00 when the internationals 2 decade wait for success goes on if you compare our the month paper was. You know in other sports. You would have laughed as out of the building. But we david ill never go and we came mightily close so knowing i was tiger in the u. S. Will be aiming for a 9th consecutive trophy win when they defend the title in North Carolina in 2 years time. And the richardson aljazeera. China has pulled that stunt to stick to the coverage of Sundays English Premier League game involving arsenal follows a common set made by arsenal player. Was a recently criticized the chinese governments treatment of muslims arsenal distanced itself from opinions of by maintaining the club but was always a political the Chinese Football Association said comments were unacceptable and some fans in the country arent happy either. I think it is very wrong as a sportsman his most important responsibility is to do his job well or to play good football i think he should be responsible for his career and we frame for making any comment raising an inciting anger in other nations to go younger when youve got one of those players like little no matter how much we used to like them for their excellent sporting skills we have our consistent stand that we will never make concessions because we are chinese citizens. South American Club football champions flamingo are stepping up their preparations for the semifinals of the Club World Cup the Brazilian Team have held their 1st Training Session in qatar ahead of tuesdays match with a hill out of saudi arabia. River plate and the couple of better daughters final to win the 1st continental title in almost 4 decades. On saturday beats African Champions esperance of 10 is yet to reach the last 4 french forward the buffett in the economist getting the winner for the asian champions to seal a one nil win. The summation of the difficult game against a difficult opponent. We have time for you we. Start to walk a ball. We know of course is a great club and a great player great kosher use a very good. Mexican side want to beat al said to set up the semifinal with european champions liverpool a 32. 00 win included this caller from ianal but you know any one terry are aiming to become the 1st team from outside europe to south america to win the title. The Dallas Mavericks face and nervous wait on the fitness of one of their star players raiding will kill to get a look or dont shake injured his ankle after less than 2 minutes of this game against the miami heat the mavericks i went on to do 122218 overtime on chick is averaging more than 30 points per game at this season the 3rd best record in the n. B. A. And quite a finish in the game between the San Antonio Spurs and the phoenix suns played in mexico city demat their assigned to pulled the spurs level in overtime and patty mills a went on to score the winning points all with no point 3 seconds left on the clock. Japan has officially unveiled the main stadium that will host next years tokyo lympics the 68000. 00 seater venue has cost 1400000000. 00 construction started in december 26th in about 14 months later than planned after the original design was scrapped juice to the high costs. For this National Stadium which will be the symbol of the tokyo 2020 olympic and Paralympic Games i know there must have been many difficulties in building it the design was changed during the process it is purely the result of hard work that we can finally celebrate today. And there was a huge crash at the track cycling world cup in australia the womens only in this crowd to race it descended into chaos as half of the field were wiped out in greece been home rider and at edmonton and managed to stay on the track and win gold. And thats it for me hyla thank you very much indeed sir not only that looks grim doesnt. Go away ill see you on the other side of the break with more of the very latest here in aljazeera. Our planet is warming as never before with profound consequences for all life on earth but the worlds leading Scientists Say there is still time to act planet s. O. F. Sets out the facts and the Science Behind the issues affecting our planet. And brings you what people across the globe are doing to turn the crisis around plan attacks on aljazeera. For over a year protesters across france have demanded Economic Justice police have responded with mass arrests im a true grade weapons to constrain the movement do you think he could have been mistaken between aiming at your head or all you access all those people in power has been implants to investigate the escalation of violence in darfur what this means for free speech and the democratic rights of its Citizens Police on trial on aljazeera across the United States indigenous families are searching for their loved ones for relatives of people who go missing finding closure is often impossible people are meeting here to raise money for the search efforts of the young woman advocates and family members have started to raise awareness about the high rates of violence that disproportionately impact indigenous communities most Tribal Police departments are understaffed and under resourced another factor is that tribes dont have jurisdiction over nonnative americans for all crimes there but a lot of concerns that the federal agencies dont respond that they dont take these crimes seriously a lack of evidence is the main reason federal officials are declining to prosecute crimes on reservations that shouldnt be the end of the discussion. There should be then a ok lets see what went wrong in this case why the is no evidence or why the evidence isnt good enough and make sure that doesnt happen to get. A deal has finally been done at the u. N. Climate summit spurred critics say it falls far short of expectations. About how much hed seen and this is out. 0 life in doha also coming up. A warning for the taliban as talks are put on hold again after an attack as an army base in afghanistan. After days of violent protests indias home minister says he is open to discussions on the controversial citizenship role of. Yemens city rebels call for International Help after a desert a tanker spills on oil into the red sea

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