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With all of your sports its been another dramatic day at golfs president s cup the internationals are ahead of tiger woods is a u. S. Team by 2 points heading into the final day. Now the corruption trial of saddams deposed president has ended with a guilty verdict a mother cher was sentenced to 2 years for illegally possessing and smuggling foreign currency the judge said the 75 year old will serve his sentence in a Reform Center because of his age the courtroom in the capital khartoum descended into chaos when that verdict was read out you can see those pictures there while out lets now go to khartoum with our correspondent have a morgan here but weve just been seeing those very vocal scenes in court and now she is going to spend these 2 years in a Reform Center rather than a prison talk us through what weve been hearing from the judge. Well the judge 1st of all outlined the charges against the president and the actions that will be taken once those verdicts are issued if hes found guilty he did indeed issue a guilty verdict against the former president on what it was here but before issuing that verdict he mentioned. That that is the name of a young man who was charged for illegal possession of foreign currency in 1989 by bush or his government when he came to power now upon mentioning him able to assure his defense team accused the judge of being biased and a basically leaning towards the forces of freedom and change for mission that is the coalition that has been leading antigovernment protests that eventually led to the ousting of president im going to shoes so the judges are very angry but they were not the only ones angry on both sides and to bashir there is an anger to be felt on the streets. Supporters came out demonstrating saying that the judge has been biased that the trial is a sham and that they also condemned the Transitional Government for dismantling the former ruling party 2 weeks ago meanwhile and he came out to assure protesters came out saying that this is not enough theyre saying that he should be charged for other crimes and even in this corruption trial he should be charged with he should be sentenced with a harsher verdict have i see that they tighten security on the streets in preparation for this fight it whats the mood like there amongst the huge crowds that we saw earlier and youre saying both sides are unhappy where do we go from here. Well what happens next comes down to the other trials that the former president bashir is facing just days ago he was summoned and into a gated over charges against over charges of his role during the 989 coup thats the coup that brought him to power after toppling the democratically elected government of Prime Minister saad the girl maddy is also charged with inciting and participating in the killing of protesters during the uprising that started a year ago and which more than 200. 00 people have been killed so lots of charges and those verdicts those hearings those trials in those 2 cases will be they want to determine how people in the streets continue to react right now there is cautious this industry fact that the fellow soldiers are on Army Headquarters after issuing statements that people should not approach the army has focused not just in the capital for them but various other states as well so people are being cautious and do waiting to see what comes next after this verdict they want to see if he will be tried for the other crimes as well such as incites weekly reports as he as well as the Western Region of darfur is a work crimes and crimes against humanity and the cylinder engines of the most. Have been morgan there on the streets of khartoum for us thank you very much deborah well as he was just saying saturdays trial was about corruption and the illegal possession of foreign funds but he also faces additional charges that remind you of what those are in 2009 the International Criminal court charged him with 2 counts of war crimes and 5 counts of crimes against humanity that was for his role in the war in darfur which started back in 2003 at least 300000 people were killed and another 3000000. 00 displaced a year later the same court in the hague brought 3 counts of genocide also relating to darfur and then in may this year after he was deposed sudans Public Prosecutor charged him with inciting and participating in the killing of protesters activists say at least 100. 00 people were killed and then in november. He and several of his aides would charge for planning and carrying out that 1989 crew that brought him to power in the 1st place well lets dig into this now with joshua massively whos the senior policy analyst for africa and the middle east at the Heritage Foundation thats a conservative u. S. Think tank he joins us now live from the die hard for him josh thanks for being with us that starts with this verdict they found him guilty but his 10 year sentence has been reduced to just 2 and a reform facility this feels very much like a political decision to try to appease both sides. Does feel like. It seems cosmetic in many ways and even trying him on these charges these are the least of his crimes in many ways so i think the protesters who brought this new government the power of 3 thats why theyve been out in the streets thats why theyve expressed their displeasure with this so the hard part is still to come when they try if they do indeed try to put him on trial for these more serious crimes that we much harder than this corruption trial and there is great political pressure on both sides of this question so its going to be very very difficult joshua saying that those anti bush and protesters came out into the streets but we did also see his supporters come out into the streets and we saw the socalled 1000000 man march take place in khartoum could we see accounts of movement to this transition from the former ruling party off to date. I think theres clearly there is hope for a Counter Movement among this the former ruling party the islamist factions that are associated with it who have been thoroughly marginalized by the civilian components of the new government and even the security elites who have to share in this new government all both sides of the new government have tried to marginalize the islamists who traditionally enjoyed power since 1009. 00 since this year is a sense. The presidency so clearly they want to get back into power and i think they dont have the capacity right now but in the future years the future months if the new government stumbles if it struggles with some of these very thorny questions i could leave an opening for the use of this well speaking of these really thorny questions it feels like theres this very fine balance to be struck him between the accountability that this Transitional Government has promised to these protesters and theyre not trying to create more chaos in the street so that the military then has an excuse to take on of us or if no ones happy which it seems is the case here does that make this verdict successful. Its i think frankly this verdict is a bit of a sideshow it hasnt satisfied anyone as you very rightly pointed out a key demand of the protesters the forces for freedom and change was accountability for this regime and they didnt mean accountability for corruption or possessing foreign currency what they really meant was accountability for the many crimes that the bashir regime has perpetrated over the decades in power so some of the people particularly the security elites who participated in some of those crimes are still in power theyre still on the Sovereignty Council that runs this country so thats where its going to get very difficult particularly for the civilian components of this government theyre really caught between a rock and a hard place as you said of not in taconite in the security elite so thoroughly that they tend to launch a coup of their own or they precipitate some sort of backlash and also satisfying the constituency that brought them to power a look into new watching that very fragile situation in sudan joshua massive either from the Heritage Foundation thank you for your analysis on out is there. Now anger over a controversial citizenship law has brought thousands of people onto the streets of indias capital new delhi a rally has been organized by the Main Opposition Congress party and there have already been protests in other parts of the country 2 people have died in the Northeastern State of us some now that law allows 6 minority religious groups from neighboring countries to apply for citizenship but excludes muslims so how raman is at the rally in new delhi and he says many demonstrators believe that indias constitution itself is under threat. Thousands of people have gathered a cross in india to protest the citizens here in new delhi really have gathered lots just here. But theyre making their way to the main area where they expect to hear political leaders and Civil Society denounce the j. P. Led government signed into law. The act as many see is discriminatory on many levels whether it be culturally socially or on religious grounds and for that reason Civil Society and the opposition led in this particular case by the all India Congress are suggesting to the public at large that if you do not agree with the secular india if you agree with a secular india then you have to come out onto the streets because our constitution is under threat thats the message that the opposition are trying to get out and that message is being replicated across states such as carola punjab and in west bengal the west bank or on sunday were expecting a very large gathering of Trinamool Congress supporters led by the banner g the chief minister that also denouncing what the Central Government in new delhi want to implement a soon as they possibly can for the moment it seems that the government may have a much longer fight on their hands and im sure for a reports now from the city of goma hatty thats the state of a. 17 year old musician was killed in Police Fighting in go hearty in the capital of assam where thousands have come out on the streets to protest against Indian Government citizenship Amendment Act his family is in tears they say while they have lost their son a nice become a martyr in the larger struggle to protect assamese culture that by ensuring that no more migrants get indian citizenship and settle down in our sam they dont want anybody else to protest the last all young men to stop the protests this incident has impacted the nature of protests in assam they have shifted from tire burning and rule blocking to more peaceful gatherings. So in the. Middle he was just 17 was he a criminal he was on his way back from the protest but then the shot him just like that why did they shoot him who gave them the right to shoot him these students are sitting on a day long Hunger Strike and such protests are going to become routine at least that seems to be the strategy of the biggest Students Union in assam thats behind the movement these students say that theyve been betrayed by these the more the that Hindu Nationalist Party and that they may have made a mistake by walking the party to follow up they feel that the policies of this party and this government is against their interests that government is not being given had to decimus people because did not have their own votes done so illegally migrants do it we dont want banks and they dont fit with caring about our sentiments our issues but thats what it would say that we didnt miss a beat up a gulf kept us in the dock to be treated as people are queuing up outside do stations and cash machines the government has relaxed the curfew as most shops in the city of gaudi have now reopened but the governments of the United States the United Kingdom and canada have issued a travel warning to their citizens against traveling to the region the internet in assam still remains suspended if people here on the ground say that while they want to go back to work and send their kids to school their resistance is only going to grow old. Well theres plenty more ahead for you this news hour including how the end may be in science for the trade war between the worlds top 2 economies. Dire conditions we meet the syrian struggling to barely escaping the last rebel held province. And sport Le Bron James shares hes still strong at 34 years old as the l. A. Lakers take on the miami heat will be here with all the action. Now french age group says 4 workers have been killed in nigeria action against hunger says they were among 6 staf who were kidnapped back in july near the town of dhamma sock thats in northeastern nigeria where boko haram fighters and other groups operate one humanitarian worker was killed in september and appeals are being made for the release of the one remaining hostage on asia as president obama has posed to miss lee awarded 71 soldiers killed in an attack on an army base on tuesday with a cross of courage the government has declared 3 days of mourning to commemorate the deadliest assault on asias military in living memory and i slinked group claimed responsibility for that attack on the remote basin and not is close to the mali border. Gillis is immense at this i have come here to express my feeling of revulsion on behalf of all my compatriots in the face of the war imposed on us by an enemy who has addressed us with nothing but aggression in a violent and treacherous manner descended he took 71. 00 of the nations dollars children now violence in new jersey and other neighboring countries in the sahara region has forced mali to launch a National Debate aimed at finding a solution malis lost control over large parts of its borders while the military stuff is repeated ambushes by armed groups as weve mentioned hundreds of soldiers have been killed in the region in recent weeks despite a french led operation with regional militaries to try to counter the attacks the so hell refers to that vast area covering west and Central Africa the military is a 5 countries in that region mauritania mali burkina faso and chad make up the sahara g 5 joint force it aims to maintain regional control against the fighters well for more on this lets go live to ahmed it rescues in mali is capital bamako for us about how those talks going there and what are they actually hoping to achieve. Well basically officially the talks are underway after the been declared open by the president to bring because kater the populace of peace was to bring maybe all functions in mali together to talk about peace rather than fighting the charter and that organizers of this summit believe will pave the way for a united front to try to what some of the shows described as external aggression remember the north of the country if to follow tile and that is violence in the center of the country due to Ethnic Violence now the torrent and approve it rebellion in the northeast still simmering and then the presence of international extremist groups the al qaida in the maghreb al qaeda 8 solve Islamic State as nomic states in west africa elements of the koran all these are warring things for d the government of mali and its been stated by some security sources that in fact the attackers who killed 71 measuring soldiers in the last 3 or 4 days way in fact people who crossed over from the border in mali to launch that particular attack so its what the the organizers of this companies are hopeful that the summit will just cause those issues dividing money and at so that they can put up a united front and as others have been to achieve anything concrete out of this i know that you know here at aljazeera and with you and the family been reporting on these multiple attacks in the region over the last few months and it really does feel like the situation there is the cherry thing. Well its difficult to say right now as we speak now some of the armed groups that been course in trouble in mali are actually not represented at the Opening Ceremony but the organizers hope that the message or the resolutions of the conference will reach them so that they can lay down their arms and peace is achieved in mali but looking at the wider context the whole region is chile burning they sent up tick of violence in most of the countries of the cell in all western countries affected by boko haram so experts are warning that in the next few months we may still see rising violence in this region whether or not the summit here in mali is able to deal with the problem in the north of the country in other parts of the country its a matter of time but in the rest of west africans are breaking with sea of violence has escalated in burkina faso in the 71. 00 soldiers were killed containing violence also in nigeria places like rule and shot up also with this uptick in violence in these regions so its difficult to say whether the soldiers in this country or the militaries of this countries will come together and overpower these now but especially now that were seeing more and more i see fighters dislodged from the middle east and parts of libya coming into the Center Region and into west africa to cost no harm and thats a region well continue to watch very closely on that interest there. Now north korea says its conducted another crucial test at its long range rocket facility state television released these pictures of the to kim jong un at the soham launching station thats near the border with china its the 2nd test at that site in just under a week the tests come ahead of a year end deadline that north korea has given the United States to drop its insistence on unilaterally. Now the taliban is claiming responsibility for an attack in afghanistan the Defense Ministry says 9 soldiers were killed on friday it happened in the car back to strict of gazan province several other attacks were also carried out there and the un mission in afghanistan says 10 civilians were killed and one of them malaysias Prime Minister says u. S. Sanctions on iran violate International Law speaking at the doha forum here in cata maje mohamad says theyve led to malaysia losing access to the Iranian Market washington reimpose theres a bashes on terror and after withdrawing from the 2015 new. Lives and many others loss a big market with the us asian is a ploy a gives iran. Does not support the imposition of the e. U. Need to say why the us it is. So. Clearly violet the United Nations. And in the. A bombardment of edward province by syrian army ontarian russian air strikes as displacing many people syrians who fled their homes in the last remaining rebel held area described the offensive as indiscriminate with shells hitting home and hospitals monitor has their story. And his family fled aleppo which was serious largest city and commercial capital 6 years ago now theyve been false purse cape again this time from the province syrias last remaining stronghold has been bombarded by to live fire and russian as strikes. We thought we were safe this time and we didnt have to flee again and then suddenly the bombs started falling we just escaped to save our souls their latest set of features the house on a makeshift company of the Turkish Border now theyre in relative safety his wife would lead a tough tension to the rest of us from. All our sets our family is not together some are in lebanon while some escaped by boat to germany and norway those in lebanon are suffering they have to renew their papers and the government keeps on turning them down there are literally will run comes near the Turkish Border so the new display such as the isle how we end family false will settle in unofficial comes with a deliveries of food and far between the rain and cold weather is making life was for the displaced in the nearby killing comrade the situation at the camp is miserable its beyond description it rains throughout the night and floods the teens water is also getting into the teens from the roof which means beating and blankets are all soaked and the winter is setting in temperatures dropping to below 0 and probably long periods of snow expected last winter at least 29. 00 children newborn babies died in subzero temperatures of the fleeing from villages in isnt syria controlled by eisel flight is many here are dreading a repeat of the extremely cold war with mohamed atta well just stumble. Protesters have rejected the result of algerias president ial election which was won by one by former Prime Minister many see. As part of a long running corrupt establishment but hes offering talks with demonstrators as not like a trip orts. It was an election the majority of algerians didnt want and an outcome it seems rejected by many. Tens of thousands rallied across the country is the results of the president ial election were announced i didnt measure it but abdul majid to born received just over 4900000. 00 votes achieving a total of 58. 15 percent of the vote this. Abdel majid tbone is a former Prime Minister of algeria both men who held that position before and after him were found guilty of corruption he served during the 20 year rule of president adel is beautifully who resigned in the face of mass demonstrations in i. Know you are born with a nose he does not represent us neither do the other 4 candidates we said no to elections with all those who are part of the former regime we do not agree with what is happening there was. I stretch my hand to the protesters to begin a serious dialogue for algeria i thank the protesters as they have helped to bring democracy as dashing to the country. With less than 40 percent of the 24000000. 00 eligible voters turning out and millions describing the election as a sham the new leader will likely have a difficult job ahead of him one thing remains sure to one that is not going to have any true in the religious legitimacy and this week with him and there are a lot of fresh air you mr robert the people who had been. In their demands and asking for more and more and pressure and the minute you reach it. Brought him to power. The military backed interim government was hoping the outcome would end months of protests demonstrators demanded widespread political were fooled with none in sight so far there are unlikely to accept the Election Results nicola gage al jazeera. Libyas foreign minister says the un backed government will never allow Khalifa Haftar to seize the capital the warlord who his forces have been fighting to capture tripoli since april announced a new offensive on the day heavy fighting has been reported near tripoli airport since them. After is still trying to accelerate his steps to invade tripoli our troops supporting the government of national called will never enable him to do so we are firm on the ground and the Main Objective is to protect the civilians tripoli with its 3000000 citizens is the capital city for all libyans and this is the reason behind our main goal which is to protect the civilians and prevent how from entering tripoli. Now u. N. Climate talks are continuing into the weekend in spain after negotiators failed to agree on major points talks at the top 25. 00 summit in madrid would usually wrap up on friday protesters gathered outside frustrated with the lack of progress leaders that remain deadlocked on emissions reduction targets and how much money poorer countries should receive to cope with the impact of Climate Change but our environment nick joins us now live from the dread nick it seems to be a very different mood there this year a far cry from the optimism of the paris talks back in 2015 talk us through whats happening behind the scenes that what or who is causing this hold up. Yes its very different from being of the feeling post agreement 2050 in the things of not moved on in fact you could say theyve gone backwards in the 4 years since that and basically what the situation weve got right now is the chilean president is presidency here is scrambling around trying to save these talks to get a press conference at 3 oclock which is in about 40 minutes time and we should glean more then but these souls are all about trying to get countries to patient to cut emissions in line with what science requires and so far any reference of that has been written out of the text of the n. G. O. S d here are just furious that a few media we can speak to one right now a soap whos from the Climate Action network so tell me just tell me whats been going on well i mean as you said its extremely outrageous that what we have on the table right now. Is taking us backward in fact to the point where some of it is weaker than what actually is included in the pan disagreement so we backsliding in a very back and you know in a tangible way. What we feel like is that our house is on fire. And it feels like the firefighters of the awesomeness were not happy at cross the constituencies as Civil Society we are outraged we dont believe that even in the last few hours of scrambling with negotiators time to get to language and they if they are will actually deliver the kind of ambitious outcome that we to quiet this cup so we unhappy right there are a lot of culprits here out there but i hear im hearing that its 3 in particular the United States japan and brazil is not the case but yes us particularly and what is even more outrageous is that they leaving the pad a suggestion but theyve been in the stork blocking all of the key ambitious issues that need to be resolved so on finance for example theyve been blocking that any ambitious actions for loss and damage to deal with the. Damage which they own citizens also suffering from theyve blocked so that your government is compensating people for actually what interest. Damage you know with the reuse compensation whatever language it is just a block on financing loss and damage so the us has not played a very constructive role in fact they have blocked and the thing is the United States are pulling out of the Paris Agreement exactly exactly and so that kind of evidence is the dearly outrages they have been one of the key blockers in this process of course brazil is the of the bloc that theyve come into this process wanting you know been trading to be sorted out and theyve just blocked Everything Else its gone so yeah well you guys have made your voices heard the small island states more vulnerable nations a very angry about this too theres still time theres still talking whats likely to happen well i think everybody really happy that the small island states and least developed countries are expressing their outrage as well this now needs to be negotiated and with not they can win those negotiations for the big issues that still get to be seen i think at this late stage were not going to get major shifts in the text or it will have to wait and see what does happen then it could be some of. So they have it and no major shifts in the text or maybe enough to karas through to next year well just have to wait and see but i well nick talk about it for us and i thank you nick. A strong strong as developing along the u. S. Eastern seaboard and with more on the impact has kept the star in the study if you take a look at the satellite image right now north of the clouds right here on the eastern seaboard we would call this a noreaster and what happens is it forms down here in the south normally and tracks up here towards the northeast and it gets stronger as it does bring a lot of wind as well as rain across much of the area only go closer and here is where the area of low pressure is located right now we could also possibly classify this as what we call a bomb cycle and now if this strengthens 24. 00 millibars as can be if it deepens 24. 00 millibars in 24 hours that that would make it a very powerful storm were going to be watching what happens as it makes its way up here towards the north the colors indicate how the storm is going to be getting stronger so as it makes its way into the canadian maritimes we do expect the storm to get very very strong a lot of winds out with the storm as well but in terms of the rain we have most of new england right now under some sort of flood watch or warning particular over here along the coastal areas that is where the storm is riding up so were going to be watching boston hartford as well as even down here towards new jersey for coastal flooding there for boston though it is going to be a bad day today flooding today tomorrow it is going to be the wind so if you have any flights in or out of boston you could be expecting delays back to you. Thanks care while still ahead on aljazeera the tough calls for justice and she lay off to the u. N. To choose a Security Forces of abusing protesters prides. An act of violence as a demonstration divides iraqs antigovernment protesters. And sports its a big day in the cup while cup here in doha as the champions of africa take on the champions of asia. Investigative journalism you are going to make sure in some way. The low blood sports and discussion we told you that a deal and you disagree with the deal this is the terrible twos the worst of all it was brought to us when were going to have stories from other and. Open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today you have to rethink pretty much everything thank you for talking to aljazeera liberal programs to inspire you on aljazeera to years of overgrazing the damage caused to the precious grasslands of chile is being reversed with one of the worlds biggest ever conservation projects. Theyre pretty emblematic of the patagonians there if theyre plentiful and theyre calm like this one is then you know that the system is going back and that they feel no threat its birds and thats what youre going for rewilding patagonia on aljazeera. Hello again on the study it. And remind of our top stories this hour saddams former president im al bashir has been found guilty of corruption and sentenced to 2 years in a Reform Center the trial centered around suitcases found in his home stuffed with notes of different currencies worth more than 130000000. 00. Students in the northeastern indian state of assam are on Hunger Strike in protest against a new citizenship door it allows 6 minority religious groups from neighboring countries to apply for citizenship but it excludes muslims anger over the no has led to protests across india. And mali has launched a National Debate on violence involving armed groups the government has lost control over large parts of its borders of the neighboring nations of both her lost soldiers and recent i say. Now u. S. House panel has recommended the impeachment of President Donald Trump its another crucial step in the process thats divided congress and the nation the full house of representatives is expected to vote in favor of impeachment at some point next week our White House Correspondent candy how cut reports from washington d. C. Another ford visit to the white house overshadowed by domestic politics as the president apparent why sat comfortably the oval office u. S. President donald trump railed against the democrats pushed to a peach of in congress for his dealings with ukraines president its a witch hunt its a sham its a hoax nothing was done wrong 0 was done wrong its a scam its something that shouldnt be allowed its a very bad thing for a country and youre trivializing impeachment and i tell you what some day there will be a democrat president and there will be a Republican House and i suspect theyre going to remember that objection the committees its. But democrats argue trump abused his president ial powers for political gain the House Judiciary Committee voted to approve 2 articles of impeachment against President Trump the Vote Along Party Lines allege trump withheld military aid in order to pressure ukraine to dig up dirt on a political rival former Vice President joe biden trumps also accused of obstructing congressional oversight into the matter for the 3rd time in a little over a century and a half the House Judiciary Committee has voted articles of impeachment against the president for abuse of power. And obstruction of congress a vote to officially of peach trump is expected next week in the house of representatives hell become just the 3rd president in u. S. History to be impeached tromped was visibly angry following approval of the charges against him lashing out at those he believes have done him wrong like the woman overseeing the impeachment House Speaker nancy pelosi is a liar and others a dishonest fake media horrible f. B. I. People crooked hillary a fighting mood morphing into strategy spotted on the white house campus on friday trucks personal attorney and ally Rudolph Giuliani its a signal trump is pushing to call witnesses and expand the impeachment process he says has been politically biased against him even as the republican leader Mitch Mcconnell is pushing for a swift trial in the senate i think theyre giving the signal that this is really just a show trial that senator mcconnell knows where the votes are and knows how this is going to come out and he wants to have a very short proceeding so that they can move past this quickly but for in a tory asli thinskinned president the personal humiliation of a looming impeachment in the house of representatives appears to have only intensified Donald Trumps desire to fight back in the u. S. Senate in an attempt to clear his name can really help get aljazeera the white house. Now just days before the u. S. China trade war was about to intensify the 2 economic giants have struck an interim deal the trumpet ministration has called off a new round of tariffs that was due to start on sunday and will instead reduce levies and return china has agreed to buy more American Farm products and also to ease roles on u. S. Companies accessing its markets katrina your reports on the likely affect on one chinese manufacturing hub. A Christmas Wonderland in southeast china bias from all over the world come to this market in. The Festive Season decorations. But this year its not all merry bright vendors here say the trade with the United States is bad for business theyre letting us know. Business is noise good as it used to be there are more and more sellers and fewer and fewer buyers i can barely make a living there oh. But christmas has arrived early for decent players with chinese and u. S. Negotiators announcing they will sign whats called a phase one deal soon delaying extra tariffs on 156000000000. 00 worth of chinese products including Christmas Trees tinsel and a range of other goods however want any agreement is only a temporary truce not an end to the trade war they might be able to reach a mild is small trade deal but in terms of the stuff really want the us really want china to get rid of in this drug policy are to create a leveling our playground for Foreign Companies this is not going to happen anytime soon to many chinese manufacturer is expected agreement is likely to be too little too late extra duties imposed earlier this year some as high as 25 percent have already forced many factories to scale down production and fires start these workers have been paid since the trade war began and with good reason. And the bicycle industry is one of the worst affected by an increase in tyrants and distracted the eyes on the narrative by it by the late good supplies bicycles to major u. S. Retailers including walmart and says a rise in tires has caused sales to drop by about 20 percent we are sold our 1st film this person must still see what we want to see how the person was going to do this year because this is a 1st year christmas with the for the purpose of. In order to keep going during difficult times this bicycle maker is relocating some production to cambodia and the asia back in many suppliers have already started moving their focus away from the u. S. Towards new markets in the middle east and africa when to last a few months the chinese exporters expect the children between beijing and washington to remain to 90 christmases to come between e. U. Aljazeera china. The deal falls well short of what donald trump wanted when the dispute began 2 years ago alan fischer is in washington d. C. And he explains why the president S Administration still sees this as a victory. The white house says that this is a significant and important agreement donald trump himself says its a phenomenal deal theyve been talking about this for a very long time you remember it was back at the beginning of last year that donald trump said that trade wars are good and easy too when there have been discussions which came almost came to a deal but then fell away no the United States says it has a 9 chapter 4 stage agreement with the chinese that covers important issues such as tech transfer intellectual property theft opening up chinas financial income see markets to outsiders namely the United States and also the seal of Agricultural Produce donald trump sees that as very important farmers have struggled a lot because of the talents that were imports but he sees the Farming Community of the center of the United States as very much his base his heartland and so as we approach an Election Year he is very keen to address their concerns the most important thing this deal deals with is the targets that were due to be imposed on sunday they know essentially go away but there are still tat of. Chinese goods coming into the United States about 25 percent on 250000000000. 00 worth of goods and 7. 5 percent or 120000000000. 00 worth of goods those type of will start to come off as china starts to meets the requirements that they have agreed to well the u. S. Supreme court has agreed to hear trumps appeals and cases relating to his finances trying to block the release of bank records tax returns and other documents being sought by democrats in congress as well as by a prosecutor in new york who is investigating allegations of corruption and trance real estate business say its just part of efforts to dig up tat on the president. Police in iraq have issued 2 arrest warrants following the killing of a teenager and baghdad leading shiite cleric ayatollah Ali Al Sistani is calling it a heinous crime from the capital. It was a gruesome development in iraqs mostly peaceful antigovernment protests a mob killed 17 year old math and then hung his body from a traffic light in baghdad as hundreds of people as well as Security Forces stood by the circumstances of thursdays killing remain unclear demonstrators accuse the teenager of shooting at them but a military spokesman said he didnt harm anyone neighbors say he simply wanted to protect his house from encroaching crowds. I think. He is the son of the neighborhood ive known him since childhood when i heard his name i was surprised hes just a child how can they accuse him of. Some protesters blame the killing on infiltrators refusing to accept the possibility that other demonstrators could be capable of such violence yes but i mean i think. It has affected us it has brought a Bad Reputation upon us we went to protest peacefully we would never kill and slaughter anyone like that is the parties who sent infiltrators. On friday crowds in baghdad to here square which has been the epicenter of months of antigovernment demonstrations are noticeably thin except for members of the sudras movement. The followers of shia cleric that assad or have discreetly manage security throughout the demonstrations but in an unusually public show of force they marched on Tahrir Square to make their position known that theyre not here we are human shield to protect peaceful demonstrators and refused a disgraceful act we expect those criminals who committed these awful crime to be punished and we are waiting for those oldest. A ministry of interior spokesman told al jazeera that an investigation is ongoing to arrest warrants have been issued so far no ones been detained thursdays brutal killing here in square is unprecedented and it signals something broader observers say its a dangerous sign of growing acceptance of violence and the breakdown of the states similar faltering aljazeera but. Now the leader of hezbollah hopes and new Prime Minister of lebanon is named on monday protestors continue to block roads and rally in the capital beirut and other cities weeks of demonstrations against poverty and corruption forced Prime Minister saad hariri to resign back in october hezbollah. Says that the next government must intrude all political factions to tackle the worst economic crisis in decades. Well. We hope the consultations take place on monday and we hope a Prime Minister is named based on a majority of votes however the government formation process would be easy weve lost a lot of time we have agreed on a name yet but we hope that next monday a Prime Minister will be named after that we can speak about the formation of the government. The un has accused chil a of seriously violating the human rights of antigovernment protesters investigators have detailed what they describe as unlawful killings torture sexual abuse and Excessive Force theyre urging the government to end the indiscriminate use of lead pellets and tear gas which have left about 350. 00 people with severe eye injuries says its still investigating and that the report is premature thousands of chileans are continuing their protests against the government despite the crackdown our last american editor used in human has more from a rally and santiago. This demonstration from the president ial palace is to protest against the shocking number of chileans who have been shot in the eyes of many cases reminded by riot police hit either by rubber pellets or by tear gas canisters and that is just run of the charges that clued in the latest human rights report issued by the United Nations the charges include rape sexual abuse illegal detention structure little list especially of excessive use of force by the riot police. They are going to present day knowing that their eyes will be the eyes of those who can no longer see. Brought policemen shot at me but directly to face a short range burst open my left eye today im struggling for a couple my life my mother take care of his blind and now we only have one good eye between the 2 of us. This is the 3rd human rights report against chile in less than one month this time the government was prepared just before the u. N. Report was released the director of the police announced the 4 Police Generals including the head of special forces and control a public order or cop as its called here were being let go sent into early retirement theyve announced a total restructuring of special forces new training new order cannon and tear gas trucks and now even a new name for the special forces. But the problem here is of the leadership and even active members of the police force and retired generals are saying that the time is well overdue to replace general mind your own house however the president is refusing to do it. Britains Prime Minister baraks johnson has visited areas of Northern England that backed his conservative party for the very 1st time after decades of continuous support for the Opposition Labor Party johnsons party was swept back into power and thursdays election with a large majority johnson has visited such failed thats a constituency previously held by former Prime Minister tony blair and the labor Party Boris Johnson promised people that his government would dilemma. We are the servants now we are the servants as all job is to serve the people of this country and to deliver on our priorities and theyre proud of our proteins in their approaches are the search getting but it is also delivering on our National Health service already cation safer streets better hospitals a Better Future for our country that is what we are going to deliver. Wolf tell ahead on out of there. This observation was a shot on the dog and have a look at what. Has the story and of course. Discover the world of al jazeera. The best films from across on network of channel 6 boys going to go but none of them have citizenship fresh perspectives and new insights to challenge and change the way we look at the world. Aljazeera. On aljazeera. With. From ancient emperors to come misleading. Age old philosophies and the rule of order remain central to the worlds oldest living civilization in the 2nd of the 2 series the big picture charts the rise of a 21st century superpower examines the challenges it now faces but the outside and from within. The china complex part 2 on aljazeera. And now its time for sports and he is going to tell us about some excitement in the gulf yet well its been a mixed day for tiger woods and his u. S. Team at the president s cup they staged a great comeback against internationals but patrick reids caddie has actually been thrown out of the tournament for fighting with a spectator david stokes for. Ports. He was unbeaten on days one and 2 but tiger woods still chose to bench himself on day 3 putting his trust in his u. S. Players including the underfire patrick reed. Have to being accused of cheating in his last tournament reids been taunted by the australian crowd all week the former masters champion lost his 3rd straight match and then things went from bad to worse his caddie and brother in law cast the corinne took exception to a comment from the galleries and shoved a spectator this video was taken just afterwards and corinne was subsequently thrown out of the tournament meaning reid now needs a new caddy for the final day the us were trailing by 4 points but pulled it back in the afternoon foursomes gary would lose to Dustin Johnson took the suppose in the 1st match then patrick can play in zambia shuffle i racked up another win and suddenly the gap was down to just 2 points but i. And it looked like closing even further Rickie Fowler and Justin Thomas were 5 up in their match. But they let it slip abraham answer and Mark Leishman fighting back pretty early winning 5 at the last 9 holes to tie. The internationals all set to fight back in the final match of the day walking nieman holding fist sleeping putts at the last hole to make sure of the half point i a day of twists and turns and no doubt more to follow in the 12 singles matches the internationals lead by 2 but the american civil he lost this tournament wanted 25 years and theyll have togo back in action on sunday hes picked himself to lead the comeback charge and much won david stokes out 0. 4 now to a big game at the Club World Cup here in doha a place in the semifinals is at stake a saudi arabias asian champions are allowed to take on africas champions esperance and while were joined live by Andy Richardson hes outside the stadium for us and the esperance have a point to prove in this tournament on. Yeah they do really a dominant force in african football at the moment theyve won 3 straight she is in Domestic League titles but its a black african cycles this is their 3rd appearance now in the Club World Cup in the previous 2 well theyve not gone well back in 2011 they were beaten by. The cats or seen where theyre playing and knights who are in the tournament that year is the asian champions went straight out of the silence and last year they were beaten by ally in the United Arab Emirates the same for their host nation representative so they desperate to get through to the semifinals for the 1st time worth remembering just the extraordinary where they got into this into this tournament in the 1st place the African Champions league final effectively decided in a court of law their final guess without casablanca ending in a farce when without walks off the pitch in a complaints about you guessed it very artful 3 months of legal wrangling before esperance finally finally turned up at this tournament so we declare champions of africa thats taking on our hill out of saudi arabia interesting quite a few quite a few 100. 00 full of fun should i say from saudi arabia here to watch that scene despite that ongoing blockade involving saudi which theyve imposed on qatar but a few fans are here for that ill have a lot of really good recent memories of this stadium in the semifinals of the asian Champions League that they went on so when they beat the local team here for one thats a pretty extraordinary tie they they lost the return game in riyadh 42 but clung on to go through it eventually beat so the Japanese Team were words in the in the final of that one up for grabs this game whoever goes through will play flamenco of brazil in the semifinals and you mentioned andy could tires team alcide what chances do you think they have of making it to the semis in the later game. Well lets go home suppose it will be a full stadium you expect tonight for that game thats coming up the playing months or of mexico who are the champions of north and Central America and also the last time they have paid in this tournament since once 11 is as asian champions they cost as far as the semifinals on that occasion before they were beaten by false alarm in that scene paul sloan its same was shoving and this is now the coach of it was an insult he plays what he saw and there were a preliminary game here against. A real wild card represents an r. C. On or a scene of imuss from New Caledonia nothing really was expected of them but they took that game into extra time before a house side eventually came through 31 but they had supply 30 minutes of additional time to get through not audial in this just. Right between between games so that one a big improvement coming up against. An all the teams involved so it will be very aware that no side outside of south america or europe has ever won this Club World Cup title all right andy outside the stadium there for us enjoy the game all enjoy the traffic on my right home from work well former french open tennis champion francesca just proved why she is the ultimate fighter the 39 year old says shes been official shes officially beaten cancer so the army retired in 2018 and coached former number one Caroline Wozniacki briefly at the start of this year she reached a career high ranking of number 4 in 2011 will test crickets return to pakistan has been rather anticlimactic after in more than a 10 year hiatus play was abandoned because of bad weather on day 4 and rival pindi between pakistan and sri lanka it follows just a few overs being bowled on thursday and friday the match hasnt progressed from the 1st any means with the visitors on to 82 for 6 this is the 1st test in pakistan since the attack on sri lankas team bus in 22009 in lahore. Well former south africa wicket keeper market has been appointed as their new National Head coach his 1st test series in charge will be against england which begins on boxing day in century and played 447. 00 tests and 2951 day internationals before retiring in 2012 due to an eye injury well to the n. B. A. And Le Bron James led the l. A. Lakers to their 6 straight win this time against his former team the miami heat well bron had 28 points and 12 assists including this one for Anthony Davis who scored a game high 33 points james was just one rebound short of a triple double so its a 13th straight road win for the lakers and its the 1st home defeat for this the heat. And how about this buzzer beater in the European League isnt it St Petersburg alex renfro silenced the Bayern Munich crowd with this spectacular shot all the way from the halfway line Something Like that should really be worth 4. Thats it for me has a record in this area thanks so much lamb well thats it for this news out of the back and just. What was the last thing the president said to you about impeachment when you last spoke to him for i. Saw you see its not a lot you. Dont really get it done that with all of you to go through how worried are you that the conditions are still like for another i think they are right join me man of the house and i put up from questions to my special guests and challenge them to some straight talking political debate here on out there. Across the United States indigenous families are searching for their loved ones for relatives of people who go missing finding closure is often impossible people are meeting here to raise money for the search efforts of the young woman advocates and family members have started to raise awareness about the high rates of violence that disproportionately impact indigenous communities most Tribal Police departments are understaffed and under resourced another factor is that tribes dont have jurisdiction over nonnative americans for all crimes there but a lot of concerns of the federal agencies dont respond that they dont take these crimes seriously a lack of evidence is the main reason federal officials give for declining to prosecute crimes on reservations that should be the end of the discussion. There should be then a ok lets see what went wrong in this case why the is no evidence or why the evidence isnt good enough and make sure that doesnt happen again. A bombarded city. Can be rebuilt. Its buildings restored. But can shattered lives be mended. Scars randy and traumas shaped minds children and survivors of mosul share their stories. I still tomorrow a witness documentary on aljazeera. Saddams former president im al bashir is sentenced to 2 years detention after being found guilty of corruption. And there again and this is al jazeera live from also coming up. Spreads in india over a controversial citizenship and what that excludes muslims. Still no agreement at this years u. N. Climate change meeting in madrid as leaders remain deadlocked. And the syrians still struggling to escaping from the last rebel held province

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