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Begin. After the divisions overbright said Boris Johnson promises a one nation government following a historic election victory. And thousands of algerians take to the streets to protest against the victory of former Prime Minister Abdullah Majeed have been and their president ial election. We are as President Donald Trump has moved one step closer to being impeached the house of Representatives Judiciary Committee has voted to approve 2 challenges of abuse of power and obstruction of congress against the president hes accused of putting pressure on ukraines president to investigate his political rival the Democrat Joe Biden these charges will be voted on and likely approved by the democratic controlled house next week ahead of a full trial to take place in the senate. The house Judiciary Committee has voted articles of impeachment against the president for abuse of power and obstruction of congress the house will act expeditiously. So in terms of what happens next the 2 articles of impeachment stay in the house of representatives but will then go to a vote of all the members next week if that vote is successful a trial of sorts presided over by the chief justice of the Us Supreme Court no less than takes place in the senate a 2 thirds majority vote is needed in that 100. 00 Member Senate chamber to convict and remove a president a republican majority in the Current Senate are expected to reject impeachment is directly impeachments a rep out of 35 attempts on the 2 president s bill clinton one was and was was one of been impeached and ny that removed from office a 3rd president Richard Nixon resigned while proceedings was still under way in a moment well go to our White House Correspondent kimberly. Been following proceedings on capitol hill how important was this vote today and what does it mean for the president. America given how rare of this moment is in u. S. History you just laid it out there he clearly this was a momentum ok zhen that democrats wanted all of history to see and thats why they decided to hold this house Judiciary Committee vote in the broad daylight this morning they have a chance to do this vote hours prior yesterday there was a marathon 14 hour long debate session that could have ended with these the passage of these votes just before midnight or rather than do that and open themselves up to accusations that republicans have said that these proceedings had been secretive and happening in the dead of night democrats taking initiative to wait until this morning the forecast and those 2 historic votes and it is notable that they were strictly down partisan lines both articles of impeachment approved they are obstruction of congress and abuse of power both stemming from what democrats see as the misconduct of president. In asking ukraine for political investigations into his opponents while withholding u. S. Military aid and a white house visit to 4 ukraines president so now next week we know this sets up the scene for the full house to vote on these same impeachment articles and all indications are that democrats who have the majority will indeed pass those measures which would then officially impeach President Trump then with the new years when we expect the senate to take President Trump on this political trial and as we know republicans hold the majority in that Upper Chamber of congress and at this point there is very little indication that even one republican senator would vote to remove trump all right thanks very much from capitol hill hi joe castro i what house correspondent kimberly joins us now president about this yeah reacting almost immediately 1st with the statement by his White House Press secretary Stephanie Grisham calling the process a sham surely there after yet another visit by a foreign leader overshadowed in the oval office by domestic politics the u. S. President lashing out at his critics who have been involved in this process claiming no wrongdoing also arguing that this is a process that if his political rivals arent careful could eventually be weaponized against them as well. Its a witch hunt its a sham its a hoax nothing was done wrong 0 was done wrong i think its a horrible thing to be using the tool of impeachment which is supposed to be used in an emergency and it would seem many many many years apart to be using this for a perfect phone call where the president of that country said there was no pressure whatsoever didnt even know what we were talking about it was perfect the relationship is perfect ive done much more for them than obama did for them its a scam its something that shouldnt be allowed. Now we know that there will be the full vote vote in the house of representatives to impeach the president likely next week but the question becomes then in a senate trial how that trial might look 2 competing visions in terms of how that could go down and what are the indications based on the president s visible anger in the oval office and deciding here at the white house campus of his personal attorney Rudolph Giuliani that the president is very much in a war Like Fighting back type mood the president has long maintained that he wishes to call witnesses that he wishes to bring to the fore potentially even the former Vice President joe bidens son hunter biden who he says something alleged is alleging there may have even been corruption given the fact that he was on the board over Ukrainian Energy company at the time that the former Vice President was in office its clear this president is looking for revenge trying to still get dirt on a political opponent and trying to bring that to the fore in a senate trial but that is a competing vision with Mitch Mcconnell the republican leader on capitol hill in the u. S. Senate who is advocating despite Donald Trumps attempts to clear his name for a very speedy trial to acquit the president all right thank you very much with the latest from the white house can really help it of course on the other big stories from washington the trade will between the u. S. And china has perhaps slightly with a new agreement just before another set of tires would you to kick in some existing towers have been come back by the u. S. In 160000000000. 00 of new juices which would you to begin on saturday have now been canceled in return china has agreed to buy an unspecified amount of foreign goods the President Trump says that existing tariffs of 25 percent on 250000000000. 00 of chinese imports will remain in place katrina you is in the chinese city and says the move doesnt suggest the trade war is of a just yet. Well the top line here in china is that the u. S. Is going to begin to gradually roll back some of the tariff that have been imposed since the beginning of the trade war now we know that this agreement includes 9 different chapters covering things like the Exchange Rate and agreement on intellectual Property Rights and theyve also come to some sort of agreement on agriculture but we dont have any details yet except to know that china has agreed to buy more poor soybeans and chicken things that it needs now what does it mean well were here standing in chinas southeastern manufacturing belt and certainly factories and suppliers here are going to be pleased this is this is good news that the tariffs that were threatened to be imposed this weekend on not going to happen but what does it mean for the trade war well to put it mildly not much the trade war is still on and this is a pretty weak a pretty skinny deal we spoke just a analysts just this week and they told us that they expected this deal and they expected that a lot of things that would be mentioned in it im not going to be anything new but in fact china has already been moving on these things intellectual property the Exchange Rate these are all things that china ready said that it was going to do and weve got to remember the bottom line bottom line is President Trump started this trade will even the Playing Field for u. S. Companies in china and this phase one deal does not address any of those things. U. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson says its time to let the healing begin off his stunning victory in a divisive general election that was dominated by breaks it johnsons conservatives want to majority of 80 seats the partys biggest for 30 years and a clear mandate to take the u. K. Out of the European Union the main Opposition Labor Party lost dozens of seats but leader Jeremy Coleman says he will stand down but only after a successor has been chosen probably next year the leader of the liberal democrats joe swinson has already resigned after she lost his seat as an m. P. It was one of many that went to the Scottish National party fuelling leader nicholas sturgeons hopes that she could get another referendum on scotland breaking away from the u k. China angela reports. Boris johnson is welcomed back to downing street. After the conservatives radically reconfigured britains political map that biggest majority since 1000 into the 2nd i proud to say that members of our new one nation government a peoples government will set out from constituencies that have never returned a conservative m. P. For a 100 years and yes they will have been able i mean mandate from this election to get it done and we will honor that mandate by general the 31st striking a more grateful note johnson thank labor voters for swapping sides of his promise now to embrace all and deliver grex that i say thank you for the trust you have placed in us and in me. And we will work round the clock to repay your trust and to deliver on your priorities with a parliament that works for you by. A group of protesters gathered near downing street rejecting his vision angered by the outcome in which the conservative party took dozens of naked seats in the countrys industrial north americans i think it was i thank you very much for the labor leader Jeremy Corbin its a rejection of his vision for the party he says he will not stand in another general election i did everything i possibly could in order to bridge the divide between those that voted to leave and those that voted remained because at the end of the day. Theyre going to live in a country where were going to need that investment for the future were going to have if this government stays in office more homelessness more diversions and more a bigger gap between the richest and the poorest it was a bad result today for the program a liberal democrats their leader joe swinson unseated her constituency says she will step down immediately im proud that liberal democrats have been the unapologetic voice of remain in this election giving people the chance to choose to stop breaks that. Obviously it hasnt worked for Boris Johnson his brief time in office has been marred by repeated defeat to Parliament Legal interventions and desertions from his own party this result is better than he could have hoped for but his simplistic election promise to get bricks it done will now be put to the test with your post and lead the country through the most momentous transition since the 2nd world war charlie and to aljazeera and of course European Union leaders have been keeping a very close eye on developments here around the election it dominated discussions on day 2 of the brussels. Has more on that now from the belgian capital. There was a huge sense of relief in brussels as you leaders arrive for the last day of this summit that finally there was clarity over what the u. K. Wants after months of uncertainty all agreed that what was needed now was to get on with brakes it next steps stratify that would draw agreement which guarantees no hard border between north and south guarantees to protection the common travel area and also the fact that british and irish Citizens Rights will be protected around the election by telling everybody that he wants to deliver so now its time for delivery. Leaders discuss the u. K. Election results in a special session if the u. K. Parliament ratifies a Withdrawal Agreement britain could leave the e. U. On january 31st paving the way for a new round of negotiations between the e. U. And u. K. To reach a Free Trade Agreement the use brigs a negotiated Michaud Banja would direct the talks Boris Johnson says that he wants a u. K. Trade deal with the e. U. By the end of 2020 plus some a youth issues say that timetable is simply unrealistic and such an agreement could take years the timeframe ahead of us is very challenging we will get to have to work as soon as possible. We will be ready to get the most out of a short period of a level but for me it is important at this moment to say that the United Kingdom yes will become a search country but at the very end we will have an unprecedented partnership. Its been a while since leaders have been upbeat about the blocs relationship with the u. K. But the positive mood could be short lived if johnson asks for an extension to the trade negotiation talks could drag on for years taking up more time if johnson refuses an extension and fails to reach a trade deal by the end of 2020 it could lead to a no till breaks it an outcome that would be a failure for the e. U. Off the use of diplomatic efforts Natasha Butler aljazeera brussels. Well Andrea Simmons joins us now from outside number 10 downing street the Prime Ministers official residence and Boris Johnson has spoken about the nation now healing and he has made references to a one nation person what does he mean by the. World is a good question what does one nation mean because this election was billed as the biggest decision in a generation and now were faced with the division the biggest division most bitter of a really bad division between the country in many generations it is colossal colossal in the sense of the historic victory which is along the factual right proportions of 987. 00 and also in the huge defeat of the labor party yes Boris Johnson after the formality of going to Buckingham Palace considerable amount of time spent with the queen discussing confidential matters possibly the probing perhaps and how different it is now but plausibly the issue of bringing this to. Entry together can Boris Johnson do it a man who isnt trusted by that many people however the situation with a labor leader that has not been at all popular on the ground but the issues such as the n. H. S. Such as the whole issue of austerity this go goes back so long with the conservative party there are now standing as the biggest challenge for Boris Johnson he referred to the n. H. S. And he referred to for example the number of nurses that are being recruited wrongly again he used that figure that was incorrect he was files ins of nurses he claimed that 880000 nurses were being recruited when the figure is Something Like a quarter of that so that was wrong it was effectively a campaign lie and its been repeated he had corrected it but its been repeated again and so these sort of things are going to rattle many people but the bottom line is that is clarity right now clarity in terms of where this country is going on bracks it. And that was the key issue that down the way less election laws. And. Now really a very strong mandate for phil black said to him because of the scale of his victory but how easy will it be fame to achieve. I think difficult because you have the situation already with protests still going on outside downing street and parliament itself which will be in action again next week this time not paralyzed about cabinet being formed on monday on tuesday youll see action in parliament and then the queens speech on thursday and possibly then the signing off on the withdrawal bill but in terms of the actual. Trade deal that is going to take a lot longer than a year according to many people in the e. U. Johnson wants it all tied up inside that by december 2020 its going to take a lot longer and so you can expect more demonstrations no doubt whether or not there is total one nation unity over this is very hard to envisage thank you very much anderson. It was there i live from london much more still ahead we look at protests fighting against indias controversial citizenship law which the United Nations has called discriminatory. And what made this scottish politicians harvey pitt a sister and her dream of another referendum on scottish independence. How the weather remains very wet and windy across many parts if you have that last great down towards the southeast that isis out of the med its friday night over the next couple of days we see some very live feed outpolls some heavy showers rattling their way through western parts as well this was the scene in the northeast of spain yesterday where we had winds touching 144 Kilometers Per Hour that has been some significant damage here says as the past year said to the northeast they love the showers they will continue to rattle away in just around the bay of biscay a little clearer a little draw down towards us by and portugal but cloud never really too far away further north one celsius there in london 10 degrees in paris some wet weather some snow there over the irish mountains and possibly some snow too over the scottish mountains basin pieces of snow seeking the way for the south which in this is turning to rain as it pushes down towards the southeast as we go on through sunday there we go some showers around the eastern side of the med pushing up into your crying up into that western side of russia still looking rather unsettled more wet and windy weather piling interacting in across the northwest of here a further south is generally dry across northern parts of africa wanted to the showers around the central and eastern parts of the med was just great the way it was more than piles of libya and egypt. What was the last thing the president said to you about impeachment when you last spoke to him for all. Its not at all you. Know you dont really go should go to work only if you go too long how worried are you that the conditions are still roy for another i think they are right join me man of the house as i put up from questions to my special guests and challenge them to some straight talking political debate here on our jazeera. Come back and look at headlines now to impeachment charges of abuse of power and obstruction of congress against us president have been approved by the house of Representatives Judiciary Committee has responded calling it a sham. Has been a slight easing of the tribe war between the United States and china some tower of will be cut and a new set been counseled by President Trump in return for a purchase of farm goods by china. Arse johnson says its time for a person to start healing the brights that divide after he was returned as Prime Minister position needed Jeremy Corbyn says hell stand down after the labor party lost seats. Algerias former Prime Minister. Has been declared the winner of thursdays president ial election but its not been greeted well by the public tens of thousands of people already protesting saying the result just means the ruling elite stays in place. All its. It was an election the majority of algerians didnt want and an outcome it seems rejected by many. Tens of thousands rallied across the country as the results of the president ial election were announced. The birth of the much ado born received just over 4900000. 00 votes achieving a total of 58. 15 percent of the vote this. Abdel majid tbone is a former Prime Minister about shiria both men who held that position before and after him were found guilty of corruption he served during the 20 year rule of president Abdelaziz Bouteflika who resigned in the face of mass demonstrations in i am of course you know you are born with a nose he does not represent us neither do the other 4 candidates we said no to elections with all those who are part of the former regime i do not agree with what is happening there with your watch other than that i stretch my hand to the protesters to begin a serious dialogue for algeria i thank the protesters as they have helped to bring democracy back to the country. With less than 40 percent of the 24000000. 00 eligible voters turning out and millions describing the election as a sham the new leader will likely have a difficult job ahead of him one thing remains sure to one that is not going to have any true reagan in the religious writ legitimacy and this will put him and there are a lot of fresh air yesterday rob the people who had been this collating get in their demands and asking for more and more and pressure and their community to reach brought him to power. The military backed interim government was hoping the outcome would end months of protests demonstrators demanded widespread political were fooled with none in sight so far there are unlikely to accept the Election Results nicola gage aljazeera. The un has warned that indias new citizenship lore is fundamentally discriminatory by excluding muslims and has called for it to be reviewed meanwhile hundreds of University Students have clashed with police in indias capital over the contentious bill scores of demonstrators were dispersed by tear gas as Police Charged them with battens legislation off as a way to sit citizenship for 6 minority religious groups from neighboring countries but critics say its and 100 muslim and violates indias secular constitution. Japans Prime Minister is plans to travel to the state of assam and northeast india for a summit with his Indian Counterpart are under modi following violent protests that at least 2 people have been killed in the ongoing demonstrations as reports. Yesterday this entire area was full of war dogs and burnt litter on everywhere but today traffic is back on the streets some shops have also opened pharmacies open and people are queuing outside fuel stations hoping that fuel stations would open up to do and they will be able to pull up there we go to the authorities have eased the curfew in go on to the capital of assam for a few hours in the morning but the border situation in the state he didnt used to be tense. Nobody really knows how things are actually going to pan out Security Officials are still present on the streets here in the city in large numbers and a Students Union has also called for a protest. Of the. Movement against the citizenship amendment act. Or. Just accept any more refugees because the assamese are already in a minority in the state. Wall street journal is reporting that saudi arabia has been Holding Secret talks with iran in an attempt to quietly ease tensions between them unnamed saudi officials told the paper that the kingdom is trying to avoid additional risks to its Oil Dependent economy trying to tax on saudi aramco facilities in september temporarily knocked out half the countrys crude output saudi arabia the United States and european allies all said iran was behind the attacks. So more on the u. K. Election now and why its given a clear mandate for the country to leave the e. U. Its also reignited the possibility of scotland leaving the u. K. The pro independent Scottish National party made huge gains in the lead and now says Boris Johnson has no right to block another referendum from the scottish capital edinburgh id barbara points but its a lot of shes almost certainly the most popular politician north of the border now Scottish Nationalist party leader nicolas sturgeon is calling on Boris Johnson to grant scotland a referendum next year on breaking away from the u. K. So to the Prime Minister let me be very clear this is not simply a demand that i or the s. N. P. Are making it is the rate of the people of scotland and you as the leader of a defeated party in scotland have no rate to stand in the we. Are still g. s reaction is the s. N. P. To the seat of Joseph Wilson the liberal democrat leader with 48 of scotlands 59 seats in the Westminster Parliament they say the message to london could have been clearer. But in the scottish capital already home to the devolved parliament not everyone agrees that another independence vote is now more likely. Under left. So. I think youre i think you are quite on a still start punishing scotland. Referendum hopefully happens this time and. When scotland held a public vote on independence 5 years ago the result was a clear no but in 20 sixteens breaks it referendum 62 percent of scottish votes were for remain with a no deal breaks it at the end of next year is still a possibility the s. N. P. Says its fighting to protect scotlands economic interests she says shes got a clear mandate for a fresh independence referendum and nicolas sturgeons determined to make the most of her moment but just how much leverage will she have over Boris Johnson this expert says while in the short term little will change the direction of travel is clear the certainty would come after the Scottish Parliament elections in 2021 with the really difficult for a u. K. Government to continue insists a new referendum but i think it does show is a stark difference between scotland in england so Boris Johnsons conservative party lost m. P. s in scotland but gained them in england and i think it just highlights that stark difference between the political directions of 2 countries are going in. These are troubled times for the United Kingdom we still dont know how close a relationship it will have with the European Union Scottish Nationalists are hoping that some certainty will played to their homes with the aljazeera edinburgh. Was more in everything were covering right there a dot com has comments and analysis there and also life streaming. A recap of the headlines 2 impeachment charges against us President Donald Trump have been approved by the house of Representatives Judiciary Committee the charges of a piece of power and obstruction of congress will now be voted on unlikely approved by the full house next week but president thomas hit back calling the process a sham and also saying he wouldnt mind if the trial dragged on once approved the charges relating to trump electric pressure on the leader of ukraine will then go to the senate for trial. Its a witch hunt its a sham its a hoax nothing was done wrong 0 was done wrong i think its a horrible thing to be using the tool of impeachment which is supposed to be used in an emergency and it would seem many many many years apart to be using this for a perfect phone call where the president of that country said there was no pressure whatsoever didnt even know what we were talking about it was perfect the relationship is perfect ive done much more for them than obama did for them its a scam its something that shouldnt be allowed. Boris johnson says britain needs to start healing the bricks it divide after winning the countrys general election its conservative party want to majority of 80 seats giving him a clear mandate for the country to leave the e. U. The Opposition Labor Party lost seats and its leader Jeremy Corbyn says he will resign but only once a successor has been chosen meanwhile the leader of the liberal democrats has already stepped down after losing her seat as an m. P. To the probably dependents Scottish National party. And un investigators say that police and soldiers committed serious Human Rights Violations during recent protests including unlawful killings and torture a report suggests prosecutions should be sauce or other what it calls an alarmingly high number of injuries including more than 300 i injure rees which were caused by lead pellets that she lay in government has responded to these allegations saying that the report is based on inaccurate information these protests began in the middle of october off the hike in subway fare as but expanded to lodge a protest against the government up front with metaclass on is coming up next and the guests include the former president of colombia juan money el santos. Hes the Nobel Peace Prize winner whos also accused of covering up war crimes ill challenge former colombian president Juan Manuel Santos and well also discuss his fellow nobel peace laureate aung sang suu kyi whos been defending her government against accusations of genocide this week at that aig. One Manuel Santos former president of colombia thank you for joining me on up front your country is the latest in latin america to be the scene of antigovernment protests were now 3 weeks into these demonstrations where hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets the president even duquesne has declared the 1st curfew in bogota in nearly 4 decades he

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