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The u. K. Holds its 3rd election in less than 5 years viewed by many as the most important in a generation. Now bolivias deposed president you want out as has been granted Refugee Status in argentina he was granted political asylum in mexico when he fled there last month but alice was for start following mass protests and accusations that the president ial election of toba was returned to his abode has more from one us on it is and she says argentinas a close ties with figures in the new bolivian government has helped create a safe haven from what alice Cristina Fernandez de kirchner was precedent of argentina and while she was in office the relationship between argentina and bolivia was a very very close one and thats the. Why. This is coming here theres also a very large will Live Community here in in argentina he has lots of support in this country and its also in a way shed some light of what plans more lives has for the future right now the Current Administration interim administration in bolivia is preparing for elections in the near future probably april or may theyre selecting the members of the electrode to prove you know after the one that was in place was accused of committing fraud among many other things that it is expected that it will want to list could be the Campaign Manager of the Movement Towards Socialism Party that his party in bolivia so hes going to be participating actively in what happens in bolivia in the next months and thats why many say that from argentina hes going to be much closer to whats happening in his country. To other news now the u. S. House Judiciary Committee is holding its final debate on 2 articles of impeachment against donald trump the House Democrats the leading efforts to formally charge the president with the use of power and obstruction of Congress Trumps accused of withholding aid to ukraine to pressure ukraine and to investigating potential white house rival joe biden well in just a few items will go to our White House Correspondent Committee Health and but 1st lets bring in heidi show koster she is live for us on capitol hill and some thought i would as the Committee Considers the mend bones to the impeachment articles heidi. Thats right because today is a day with historical significance if these articles are passed out of the committee as fully expected it will be only the 3rd time in u. S. History that and it heats from proceeding against a president has come this far and indeed the stakes are very high and weve seen a lot of partisanship going into the debate today with republicans introducing the 1st significant amendment was she seeks to kill the 1st article altogether this is the article that alleges abuse of power along with the 2nd charge of obstruction of congress and republicans are pointing at democrats saying that its days who are guilty of abusing their power for launching this impeachment in the 1st place but of course democrats hold the majority on this committee as well as the full house and it is fully expected that by the end of the day we will have these impeachment articles passed out of the committee which then sets up for it next week when the full house will take up this issue and again very likely will be passing the articles which would at that point formally impeach President Trump then looking forward into the new year thats when this would move on to the senate which is a very different dynamic with the president s own party the republicans holding. The majority there and it is fully expected that republicans in the senate will the new move to acquit the president which begs the question from the American Public as well as observers why democrats are going on this impeachment in the 1st place if it is almost certainly ordained to fail to remove trump the answer from democratic leadership is that there is a duty bound by the constitution for congress to oversee the president and they say if they were not to press forward with this impeachment and they themselves would be complicit in what they view as the president s high crimes and misdemeanors heidi thank you for that lets bring in now our White House Correspondent Committee Held committee it sounds like the president has even more than usual to say about the proceedings. Yeah he has been tweeting and retreating feverish lay much of it one messages weve heard before essentially calling this process a sham and also really trying to discredit the process but whether or not the president was watching these proceedings seemed to be a bit of a question we went in to discuss that with the press office they wouldnt say but the president in the last hour or so has been instead not watching these proceedings on capitol hill but instead he has been advocating at an event for paid family leave something the United States lags behind significantly in terms of comparison to other developed nations to the president s message in the last hour has been one of look at what i have done as president for children and for families really distancing himself for whats happening on capitol hill letting those republican defenders do the work for him where there seems to be a bit of a court needed message that has come from the white house and that is something that the president has highlighted before hes always maintained no wrongdoing in these proceedings and we should note there has been a pointing out that the president has been accused of extortion of bribery of collusion the white house informally telling me that of course those are not listed in the articles of impeachment in fact even the obstruction of justice a very serious criminal charge is absent so this is something that the white house is trying to underscore and messaging that has been sent up to capitol hill well the president watches from the sidelines in between what he says is doing the work for the American People the voters who ultimately will have to decide in less than a years time whether or not to give him another 4 years in the White House Committee thank you for that White House Correspondent committee how could live washington d. C. Lets move on to other news now and thousands of algerians are protesting outside polling stations rejecting what they say is a sham president ial election protestors accuse all 5 candidates of being too close to the old regime a former president of the disease beautifully clear when he resigned in april following 20 years in power and months of unrest demanding change that smith has more. At this polling station in algiers there werent many voters but plenty of ballot papers should turnout pick up later in the day here in the Early Morning just a few ballots have been cast in algeria as president ial election at algeria and state t. V. Found a busy place to show its of us this is all around what the ocean any at the hip the presenters voiceover encourages people to get out and vote tells them there can be no reform without stability and says the people casting their ballots here were people who had recently been protesting the. But in the port city of b. J. Are protesters to all the ballot papers and rip them up they wanted to make it clear they think the election is a fast. Moving if you think that all 5 candidates running for president this is one of them as a dean he like the others has been approved by the state all of them the senior officials in the current regime that is if you win that you will get the algerian say they are aware that they need the massive popular legitimacy and thats why were noticing since this morning thousands of going to polling stations and this is a real answer did knows who are doubting that this day want realize what people hopefully and how did you protest began in algeria in february when Abdelaziz Bouteflika said hed stand for a 5th term as president he eventually backed down and resigned i feel but its not stopped tens sometimes hundreds of thousands of people taking to the streets in the last 10 months on election day there wasnt much tolerance from the police for protesters calling for a boycott but it was many algerians say this election wont get rid of. The group of businessmen politicians and military leaders who wield the real power behind the scenes this was i mean this guy is a for. Similar. They will all with both of you for. Far more pleasure i will vote if i vote or betray my country no elections with the gangs thats it my brother said. With a low turnout whoever wins will face questions of legitimacy before he even begins to tackle the challenges of a stagnant Oil Dependent economy high youth unemployment and rampant corruption. Bernat smith aljazeera. To indian our Security Forces have shot and killed at least 3 protesters in the Northeastern State of us some well thousands of people there are protesting against a bill that will allow citizenship to persecute minorities from pakistan bangladesh and of gunstar accept muslims protest as their fear that migrants from bangladesh remade citizens and that they will become economically and culturally marginalize both houses of parliament passed the bill that awaiting the president s approval to become law well our desires until war as in our salmon she says the protests have escalated. The voter fraud have been quite large. Really have now heard on the National Television and theyve also managed to check with some of our local contacts 3 people have been killed in a Fire Exchange of displaced with Indian Security officials details are still emerging we dont know what these deaths just places weve also learned that several people were rushed to a hospital and there are several injured people in a hospital in garage right now id like to give you an idea of whats really going on all through the day we saw shop shop fuel stations a shock school the shop every traffic light was a protest people defied curfew everybody involved and people were out on the streets and they were protesting they said theyre protesting because they want to preserve their identity because they think that over the years over the decades they have. Theyve had to give shelter to many refugees from bangladesh and and muslims and they think that if that cutoff date according to the citizenship of accepting bangladeshi hindus in this case would be december would be 2014 they would have to accept even more thats what they say theyre protesting against. Still ahead on the engine to resupply and home from new zealand we have the latest on the volcanic eruption and like in chinas capital smog is being blamed for stoning the campaign to clear the air. Hello again welcome back to International Weather forecast while here across the mediterranean we are watching a storm system bring some rain as well as snow across parts of turkey over here towards syria as well as into lebanon friday its going to be scattered showers in some winds but by the time we do get to saturday the rain really increases across much of this area and we are going to see some snow into the Higher Elevations of turkey as well aleppo at about 13 beirut at 19 and sunnier down towards jerusalem at about 14 degrees for you there what here across the gulf the possibility of some rain here on friday is going to be also in our forecast doha tempter few of 24. 00 degrees but plenty of rain in and around the area now look he too bad by the time we do go toward saturday and over here towards scott things are looking quite nice with sunny conditions 3 day forecast for doha it looks like this potential of friday rain here saturday better but by the time we do get to sunday in the tundra coming up but the rain is coming back into the forecast as we go down here across parts of Southern Africa the rain is also still a big problem across much of the southeast and that includes parts of durban as well as we go towards the front friday forecast we are looking at rain for durban a 24. 00 degrees in johannesburg possibly showers as well with a temperature of 25. 00. From the ounces in around london procon fantastic team special guests in conversation when your government is going after what do you do on trump day its. Uninterrupted we have a deep space in this teligent. Whatever they want. Whenever they want our trees color is nice low key black people for as long as weve been fighting have been labeled as terrorist studio unscripted on aljazeera. Hello again i dont have a problem and with the top stories this hour former bolivian president evo morales is in argentina where hes been granted Refugee Status but alice had been living in mexico after he was forced to a disputed election and mass protests the u. S. House Judiciary Committee has begun its final debate on articles of impeachment against President Trump is accused of withholding aid to ukraine to pressure its been investigated political rival joe biden and 3 people have been killed in protests the northeast of india against a controversial citizenship nor. Citizenship to certain religious minorities from pakistan bangladesh and. Excludes muslims protesters fear that they will be economically and culturally marginalize migrants from bangladesh given citizenship. Now voting is still underway in versions general election and 5 years breck said to add the future of the National Health service have dominated campaigning for whats been described as the most important election in a generation is that me back up from london. But democracy is about action you. Deadlock british voters back to the ballot box for the 3rd general election in 5 years. Leaving a polling station in london conservative leader Boris Johnson and one of his closest aides. Called the election to try and secure a parliamentary majority so he can press ahead with unopposed. From the opposition labor leader Jeremy Corbyn after he voted. On the future of Public Services including the countrys steamed National Health service. In scotland the nationalists s. N. P. Leader nicholas sturgeon was feeling upbeat. And shared by the liberal democrat leader. The policies defining policy is to remain firmly in the e. U. Its 96 years since britain last held an election in december and both of us up and down the country are braving hostile weather to cast their ballots theyre choosing 650 m. P. s to represent them politicians who will decide britains future either in or out of the European Union if several london constituencies large queues were seen outside polling stations this is partly in south london where a line of voters make down the street the elections are expected to be a close race everyone is very confused everyone is deeply divided. Families and friends and people riven in a way i dont think i have seen before in elections in my life i think its very tense the flow very upset on both sides of the argument polls close at 10 pm g. M. T. Exit polls we publish straight away with the 1st official results mode a few hours later the park aljazeera london. Now lawyers for the gambia have given their closing arguments in the International Court of justice as they push for myanmar to be tried for genocide against the rangar theyre providing testimony on allegations of mass murder and rape. Meanwhile on sun suchi told the court on wednesday that the accusations are an incomplete and misleading picture of the situation she added in the past hour the countrys military Justice System needed to be given the chance to work on your my requests the court to remove the case from its this in the alternative to reject the google requests for the indication of provisional measures submitted but again. This is a president and members of the court that concludes remarks observations. Lets bring in our correspondent wayne hay he is joining us live from the hague is a strong case and representative from the gambia weigh in whats happened in court today. Yes well we have now seen the end of the phase phase one really of what is potentially going to be a very long genocide case against me and we heard the closing arguments on thursday 1st from the gambia and now from me and bother me and my lawyers really spent most of the time during the closing arguments once again arguing legal technicalities whether this court has the jurisdiction to hear the case also looking at the interpretation of the Genocide Convention which me and is accused of violating and then it was the turn of state counsel of the leader of myanmar effectively and the leader of this defense team who closed the. Arguments and again didnt really address any of the specific allegations leveled against her country against her government and military certainly didnt issue any denials of the specific allegations that were leveled against me and. Spent her brief speech talking a lot as you mentioned about the need for the International Community to allow me and to deal with its own affairs specifically the military if there is found to be any wrongdoing by soldiers in Rakhine State then they should be allowed to investigate their own and deal with them through the Court Martial system which has already been done once and there is a Court Martial a 2nd Court Martial that is already underway and she also spoke about the dangers of any external interference in what is going on in myanmar that could reignite the violence in Rakhine States when thank you for that is wayne hay live in the hague now more than 700000 muslim or hang a fled to neighboring after the 27000 military crackdown Stephanie Decker is en coxs bizarre way ahead of refugees of following the proceedings in the hague closely these are the people who endured the. As horrendous atrocities at the hands of me and more as military these are the people who are being referred to when it comes to the case at the International Court of justice now many of them are aware of the hearing some of them have been able to get information on their mobile phones others dont know about it all some of the people weve been speaking to think that this could potentially be a 1st step into being able to go back home but many people also tell you that they dont understand the real legalities the details of what is happening there. That you will get justice since the whole world has now put them on trial i hope our situation will change as a result of that i hope the opportunity to hold peacefully people here been calling for justice for a very long time its been almost 2 and a half years since that offensive in august of 2017 was so hundreds of thousands of people flee here in the space of just a couple of weeks but these people also want to go home and many people will tell you that the ruling of the International Court of justice and that may take time will probably not be able to give that to them theres a lot of challenges ahead when it comes to seeing how theyll be able to go back home weve just been speaking to the head of the u. N. Refugee agency here in bangladesh and he said even if repatriation started tomorrow would it would take an incredibly long time until you process this amount of people this is a city of refugees equivalent to the population of some of the world cities but each of them has a story of her own does horrors tragedy and trauma. Now chile is congress has begun a debate which could lead to the impeachment of the countrys president opposition m. P. s a Sebastian Pinera failed to prevent who invites violations of our army and police at least 26. 00 people have been killed and thousands injured in a crackdown on protesters demonstrations began in a toy over all the social inequality that spiraled into. Of writing a latin america editor Lucien Newman has more from santiago theres really no indication right now as to which way it will go and the president has been increased unlucky in this case 1st of all yesterday his cousin the former interior minister was found guilty by the senate of having responsibility for having allowed gross Human Rights Violations to take place when a state of emergency had been declared here in chile right at the beginning of this crisis and then on human rights day which was on tuesday the president announced a whole series of measures which he said would defend human rights year ahead of whats happening right now and instead that very evening to protest were so badly injured by riot police that their lives are how you in the balance at this moment so things are not looking very good for the president right now now intense rain has been partly blamed for the collapse of a brazilian dam which killed more than 250. 00 people in january the dams operator says several factors including poor internal drainage led to the disaster which wiped out nearby iron mine the company says it had no warning that the dam was unstable and that no seismic activity in the area was recorded on the day. And the a Supreme Court has rejected all appeals to a ruling in favor of building a hindu temple on a disputed site muslim litigants say of your original decision was unfair the case revolves around a sign in the town of iowa the acclaimed by both muslims and hindus a centuries old mosque there was demolished by hindu activists in 1902 that led to riots which killed more than 2000 people the original court ruling gave muslims an alternative piece of land to build a new mosque. Now teams and special protective gear were trying to recover the bodies of those killed in a volcanic eruption in new zealand despite warnings that another one is imminent police say a mission to white highland all began at 1st light on friday the official death toll was 8 with 8 missing jessica washington of course. Its not how this is trailing tourist would have expected to be going home leaving new zealand on a stretcher suffering from severe burns the Israeli Defense forces flying out some patients who suffered horrific injuries when the white island volcano erupted to relieve the pressure on new zealand hospitals burns units have been operating at full capacity with surgeons working nonstop since mondays tragedy trying to save the lives of dozens of people the nature of the song is called one for the kids and in the rush. This is this is going to happen soon to treat the obvious. That is the usual kinds of. Things all of the survivors have been through at least one 3rd of their bodies surgeons here at the National Burn center and hospitals around the zealand have called in for skin donations from the us and australia theyre calling it an unprecedented medical emergency for new zealand days after the eruption a Recovery Mission to retrieve the bodies still on the island is said to begin that will go on to the island and i will make every effort to recover all of the bodies from the island and return them to the washington. And from there we will move those bodies back to the mine. I have to emphasize that the risk has not gone. The risk remains present authorities had been cautious due to the dangerous cocktail of gases on the island and a warning from seismologists of the likelihood of another eruption this is the most liked to get for whitehall and has been since 2016 and probably going back to quite a few years as well so it is really a high level of interest in this market men lost his brother in the disaster hes been calling for recovery crews to get to the island and is unhappy at the delays is not frustration that i can get on this more frustration that they havent gone to the on this dentist president to get out there. An american go on. Red tape ruckus the leadership has filed hes just one of many waiting for the bodies of their loved ones to be returned home. Just to washington aljazeera auckland new zealand. Rights group Amnesty International says the Philippine Government is literally getting away with murder the latest government figures show an estimated 5 and a half 1000 people have been killed since 2016 and president rather they go that there this socalled war on drugs but activists say that number could be as high as 27000 and being held accountable for the deaths. Now they desire to have a brand new home is being partly blamed for an increase an air pollution in china well steel and cement factories are producing small because they meet demand for a new infrastructure and housing bubble matheson reports from beijing. China produces about 20 percent of the worlds Carbon Emissions coal makes up around 59 percent of chinas Energy Consumption and thick smog can still hang over beijing in winter as people light a relatively cheaper coal fires to ward off the bitter chill. But in recent years coal mines have been closed and the building of new power plants has been restricted here heavily polluted areas. In the last couple of years you see smog almost every day in winter the pollution was very serious but since last year its getting much better the number of electric vehicles in china has been booming the amount of investment that trying has been making over the last 7 years in Renewable Energy has been significant and the pollution levels from its power stations has leveled off but despite that chinas emissions the hole for the 1st 6 months of 2019 rose by 4 percent chinas wealthy middle class is being blamed the surge in demand for new housing and infrastructure has meant more work for chinas steel and cement factories and a rise in pollution there result of that is overcapacity industry a lot of questionable. Infrastructure projects in other areas so thats the part where there is space to build what you actually need but. Stop building just because you want to create demand for more steel and cement and construction work china has argued for years that it shouldnt be criticised for using coal to power its remarkable transformation into the worlds 2nd largest economy i think china and. At that time some other developing countries believe that this is our rights to develop the course they recognize that yes its our rights to develop but on the other hand. Its also about our rights for you know peoples right to brave healthy air the skies above beijing may be clearer more often but chinas new middle class demand new homes chinese factories are likely to continue pumping out pollution rob matheson aljazeera beijing. Hello again all of this is the problem in doha with the headlines on aljazeera a former bolivian president evo morales is in argentina where hes been granted Refugee Status but alice had been living in mexico after he was forced to step down and leave bolivia following a disputed election and mass protests the u. S. House Judiciary Committee has begun its final debate on articles of impeachment against President Trump hes accused of withholding aid to ukraine to pressure it into investigating his political rival joe biden. 3 people have been killed in protests in northeastern india against a controversial citizenship bill and grant citizenship to certain religious minorities from pakistan bangladesh and you understand bart excludes muslims indigenous protesters in the northeast fear that large numbers of migrants from the day she will be made citizens thousands of algerians have been tearing up their ballot papers in protest against the countrys president ial election which is currently under way there in straight as ive been calling for a total boycott and turnout has been low around 20 percent protesters accuse all 5 candidates of being too close to the old regime a former president of the lizzies beautifully and voting is also under way in bushs 3rd general election in 5 years promise to bars johnson is hoping to secure another term against a labor leader Jeremy Corbyn lawyers for the gambia have given their closing arguments in the International Court of justice as they push for myanmar to be tried for genocide against the hunger theyre providing testimony on allegations of mass murder and rape now must lead to wrong on suchi told the court on wednesday that soldiers conducted a legitimate operation against armed groups chillies congress has begun a debate which could lead to be a peach meant of the countrys president opposition m. P. s say Sebastian Pinera failed to prevent Human Rights Violations by the army and police at least 26. 00 people have been killed thousands injured in a crackdown on protesters demonstrations began in october the social inequality that spiraled into weeks of writing. Well those are the headlines on have a news hour for you in just under 30 minutes but coming up next on inside story thank you for watching. As the world file the rohingya people 700000 fled a military crackdown in 27 but made by leader Aung San Suu Kyi denies claims of genocide why is this one time champion of human rights defending the obvious which kept her locked up for years this is inside story. Though a welcome to the program obstat gras 2 years ago military launched its crackdown on the rohingya after attacks on its soldiers by members of the by in the Muslim Minority now the un describes what happened next as a takes 2 kg sample of ethnic cleansing the army was accused of right torture and murder village

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