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Royal drunk. Ill be telling you about a culture that has been. Inspire and he always has that waiting 20 kilograms heavier than his title rival and. Saudi arabia is getting ready to host a middle east 1st ever heavyweight championship fight. There arroyo. Our top story an attack by unidentified gunmen on protesters in iraqs capital baghdad has killed at least 20 people raising new security concerns the shootings happened square on friday more than 70 others were wounded iraqis are still awaiting news on the replacement Prime Minister which the top shia cleric says must be chosen without foreign interference we live in baghdad in a moment but 1st dorset. On how events unfolded. Panic among crowds as gunfire echoed around the square in central baghdad moments earlier gunmen had pulled up in cars and trucks at a building where protesters have base themselves since antigovernment rallies began in october medics struggle to treat the Dozens Injured theres been concerns that the rallies gathered around Tahrir Square could spiral into chaos i after supporters of how the shah prepare a military coalition flooded the area on thursday in a show of force they arrived in their thousands into their square carry pictures of the countrys top shia cleric grand ayatollah ali al sistani. The hushed initially backed iraqs government against the protests but switched to supporting the rallies after an intervention by grand ayatollah sistani. Just hours before the shootings the United States imposed sanctions on 3 leaders that xabi which is backed by iran. Were not meddling in iraq in all attacks we support iraqi sovereignty and part of this is a demonstration of our support for iraq itself during friday prayers just on his representative read a letter from the highest shia cleric in iraq calling on Iraqi Security to protect the peaceful protests and he stressed the need to form a new government without foreign interference amid the chaos after the shooting this protester asked where are the tribal elders or the religious authority to stop this madness many here in iraq continue to ask when or if they will be able to rely on their leaders to restore calm i for over 2 months demonstrators in cities across the country have been demanding for a change in the countrys electoral laws and an overhaul of the entire political system more than 4. A 100 people have been killed and thousands injured and in suing violence Prime Minister Abdullah Abdullah met the resigned last week but remains in a caretaker role a replacement is yet to be announced while the political wrangling goes on ordinary iraqis continue to pay the price with their lives. And also joins us live from Tahrir Square in dorset developments as we go on air with the news what else do we know. Weve just heard from various sources from the largest political bloc within parliament that there has been an attempt on the. Life of the cleric shia cleric several souther his compound in the holy city of najaf was apparently attacked by an armed drone overnight in that city you know we dont know if there were any injuries or casualties. In that compound and we dont know who could have been responsible for that attack but we have heard from various sources saying that there was an attempt on his life that is most other souther this shia cleric. Not just now this happened after many of those demonstrators who were attacked just behind me here. In the square overnight they were demanding protection from Government Forces and there were no there was no Government Security to protect these protesters and that is when most other us other called on has military wing of his party to come to the rescue of these protesters that is what theyve been telling various other and Media Outlets that they tried to rescue it to help the demonstrators and they lost many in that gunfight and now were hearing that there was an attempt by a car and thrown on the other compound in the holy city of najaf. For the moment thanks very much lets bring in zain. Hes here hes a researcher focusing on identity politics in iraq and the middle east. Will get into the drone attack his use in a moment but 1st as to the shootings last night and overnight what do they mean well the shootings that happened recently just reflects how the government is very desperate to switch this protest movement from a peaceful revolution to an armed rebellion coming from the. Protester aside the protesters for the past months have been very clear and straightforward regarding the continue to continue the civil disobedience to continue the peaceful element of the revolution and not to lead the country into a civil war before there were 2 actual events 2 events that actually happened before the recent shootings they sent actually some militias covered militias again. For the past i think 48 hours ago who stabbed some of the protests there is an alumna square in other areas and brother died to try to label it as an attack or a dispute that happened amongst the protests there is received very little attention and of course no one from the media on the ground or internationally believed it and thats why theyre trying to use different tactics to transform this revolution into a violent or an r. And dispute internally the attack that is happening or not at the southern is a way to pull him in into this protest movement and allow him to to be viewed or considered as the spiritual leader of this protest movement and the government and the militias or the pro uranium militias in iraq are very aware that this is one of the main things that the protests there is where again since the early stages of the revolution they refused having any of the old faces whether they are in the government or in the ethnic sectarian kota which most of the southern was himself a part of since the early stages of the invasion so they are trying to use every single political and strategic tactic to break up the protest movement to weaken it and to make it to turn it into a political issue amongst different parties instead of an issue of people calling for their rights and a better country against the government and its militias how do you think it will react to this because clearly one of the key questions that the demonstrators have been asking over the past several weeks is is there an axis between. The star me because in the run up to the Prime Minister saying ok i will go and then he in and. In predictable ways said i will tender my resignation to the parliament not to the president so that kind of puts up a little bit of a red flag of oh were in uncharted territory here people have been asking is there an axis between those 2 men there is nothing of the axis between those 2 men there is an axis between every single political faction in iraq whether its internally within each sectarian group or even amongst them there is even axis between the kurdish leaders and the socalled sunni and shia leaders so there is definitely access and a strong platform where. A faction and the process address faction can communicate with each other there is even there is even a stronger communication platform between iran and the sudras faction despite the sudras faction claiming to be anti iran and more in favor of only iraqi interests you could only know the upcoming actions of other depending on whatever the interests of his faction would be on the streets today if he feels like that he could survive with cooperating with the protest Movement Today and survive without any support from the process than a faction in this case or without iran or without the support of other political factions in the parliament or outside the parliament then he would go for it if he feels like he is not if hes not powerful enough to be with them and to face the future of iraqi politics after that then he might not take it despite his anti iran sentiment that has been going on for years we saw his visit to iran a few weeks ago and i just shows that he plays along whatever. Interest goes towards his own faction in iraqi politics ok when it comes to his relationship with iran and what he says about iran so many of the protesters that weve been talking to here on aljazeera they want iranian influence iranian proxies out of the real picture of iraq and also out of the political picture. How likely is that because the politicians dont seem to either want to or that they dont seem to be capable of delivering on what the protestors are you the voters iraqis want its not about what the politicians are capable of its what the politician want the iranian government today is the major regional proxy player that supports the ethnic sectarian kotor in iraq yes it is very true that the Ukrainian Government didnt establish that i think it was the us led invasion the that in the early stages of the invasion starting from 2003 but it is a Regional Power players and in particular it the iranian government that played a major role in maintaining that that ethnic sectarian quota in iraq whether it be through the Political Parties in iraq or even through other kurdish and sunni Political Parties that had great common interest with the reigning government the reigning government today has a major influence over Iraqi Society over iraqi politics over iraqi economics iraq which which is a country rich of Natural Resources is not capable of selling its own foods and vegetables in the iraqi market they are in one way or another pressured to buy the iranian products and sell it on the streets. Ok we have to leave it there is it on all can only thank you thank you very much. Ok more on one of our big stories in india a rape victim who was doused in petrol and set on fire has now died of her injuries the 23 year old was attacked on thursday whilst on her way to court to give evidence against her alleged assailants she told the police 5 men beat and stabbed her before setting on fire in the Northern State it will top pradesh families demanding similar treatment for her attackers as the accused in another high profile rape case well 4 suspects accused of rape and murder in hyderabad were shot dead by the police on friday a court has directed the police to preserve the bodies in order to properly investigate the killings the Police Shooting is being condemned by human rights activists but praised by many people across india live now to new delhi and our correspondent shall border and shell generally speaking is the public reaction sort of maintaining that timber of anger that we became aware of yesterday. Well yes it is speed people are very angry there are several protests that have been organized in several cities across the country have you seen the similar similar protests back in december 2012 when a girl was raped in a bus and then later she died of her injuries then the government had made the law most stringent but now the people are demanding an even more stringent law and even the family of the girl is saying that all the accused must be hanged and that must be done quickly that reflects how people have sort of lost faith in the Justice System there been many delays back then the government has said that many fast track courts would be set up the justice is done quickly somewhat but not as many as promised and certainly not as many would need it but peter now the scary part is that the conversation has moved from following the legal procedure to obtain justice to justice anyhow and that comes in the killings of the 4 accused in hyderabad by the police many people including even the family of the girl who died last night the family from with the police there saying that either you hang the accused and do it quickly or even if the police shoot them down that fine with us and that is what is worrying many human rights activists because once that starts once that is public sanction for police to go out and kill people then where does that stop that doesnt sound like justice that sounds like vigilanteism. Well yes but there are many people who are now supporting it and thats what has many even womens rights activists were radar many of the parliamentarian speech have also spoken about it and most of them including women parliamentarians are not only supporting Capital Punishment but all saw or backing what happened in hyderabad so what we are now witnessing some of the activists and analysts have been speaking to they say is sort of a public sanction for Police Action so you go the shoot down the accused that would be accepted by people because theyre frustrated because of that. The delays in Justice System but then whos going to stop the police and that is what has many people here worried so many questions few ounces at the moment multiple multiple inquiries at what point do we think we will get to those questions. Well thats a very very significant question peterboro i think anyone has an answer to that the Indian Government can come up with an even more stringent laws many parliamentarians are saying that they must be Capital Punishment but activist legal experts say that has not proved to deter rape that has not proved to deduct crime against women but the bigger question really here is how do we deal with it as a societal problem now what is the governments plan as far as that is concerned experts say that even this government which is of course now many of its parliamentarians are saying that they must be a hotshot law many parliamentarian some cells have been accused of harassing women no word on them how do you deal with the truckie what is the governments policy in many states ruled by the cover current government or any other government between are pretty hopeful norms are all the way to be and women are stigmatized so how does this government or any government plan on dealing with that issue are they going to let go or ward Bank Politics because thats i would but politics is run are they going to stand up and speak to the men or whoever in these case of course men are also victims of Sexual Violence not to say thats not the case but how do they intend to deal with this as a societal problem no one on that no thoughts no ideas that. Will return to this story im sure in the coming days here on the news that in the meantime many thanks a lot more still to come for you here on aljazeera including a Saudi Air Force officer training as a u. S. Naval base. 3 classmates. A changing climate subjecting the half a 1000000000. 00 fishing industry in maine in the states and in the sports news tiger woods is making a move. Up the leaderboard at his latest one. The. Taliban and u. S. Negotiators have resumed talks aimed at ending the war in afghanistan the u. S. Delegation says renewed discussions in cattle will focus on the reduction of violence that leads to intra afghan negotiations and a ceasefire in September Donald trump abruptly stopped talks just as both sides appeared close to signing a deal thousands of afghan workers and refugees are leaving iran each week because of the dire Economic Situation caused by u. S. Sanctions for some afghans the desperation for work now outweighs the dangers they once ran away from Tony Berkeley reports now from the islam colored Border Crossing between iran and afghanistan. Getting a job in iran provided a lifeline for many afghans crossing the border was both and a skate from fighting between taliban and Government Forces as well as from u. S. Airstrikes but the afghans couldnt escape the u. S. Sanctions which have crippled the iranian economy many have left because of hyperinflation. Prices for food have doubled and its hard for us to find the jobs its hard living in iran because our wages lost so much value in the price of basic things increased a lot and its difficult to survive here. At the iran afghanistan Border Crossing point at islam color really 500000 afghans are returned so far this year adding further to the overstretched resources of aid organizations coping with the countrys internally displaced one point it was an estimated 3000000. 00 afghans in iran half of them illegally those who are caught without identification documents are deported even unaccompanied children. They denied. A pension for your families and for you this stuff they did 40 of. Them in our area and you are an economist trying. Those without papers could be treated harshly. The police hit me with an electric rod and i fell into a ditch i was not able to move my leg but there are no jobs in afghanistan so i will try and go back when my leg is better but can ali is one of the desperate he is heading to iran even though times there are hard but he is the sole bread winner for 12 family members and something is better than nothing. Really going to the bone is like a bit habit i know it is expensive in iran but if i understand it is hardly any job. Only a few dollars a day thats not enough prominent family afghans are having to make stark and often life changing choices. Afghans may have been suffering economically but at least they were safe in iran theyre now returning to a country that is dangerous and highly unpredictable and once again their futures are far from certain tony berty out a 0 islam call a Border Crossing between iran and afghanistan. The king of saudi arabia has offered his condolences to the victims of a shooting at a naval base in the United States a force officer on a Training Course killed 3 fellow students in florida before he was shot dead by sheriffs there detectives are investigating the motive mike hanna is in washington. Naval air station pensacola was immediately placed in a state of lockdown as were the surrounding neighborhoods where many of the 16000 personnel at the base live along with some 7000 civilians who work there each day. And maybe spokesman confirmed it was a Saudi National training at the base who opened fire in a classroom we have the International Training syllabus we have students from from several Different Countries that come here to learn and aviation they become naval aviators while theyre here floridas governor was quickly on the scene and while briefing President Trump on the phone raise the question of reparations one of the things that i talk to the president about is given that this was a Foreign National in the employ of a Foreign Service is an o. B. Time to do this but obviously the government of saudi arabia needs to to make make things better for these victims and i think that they they are going to owe a debt here the saudi king contacted President Trump to express his nations condolences thinking that the saudi people have made me angry by the actions of the shooter and that this person in no way shape or form represents the feelings of the saudi people who love the American People so much the base is very much part of the local community which is now beginning to come to terms with the loss of their grieving mothers and fathers today who will never recover from this day the f. B. I. Is assisting local Law Enforcement officials in the investigation the primary toss to establish an exact motive and to find out how the Saudi National got through the extensive vetting process that all Foreign Nationals attending training and to go mike hanna aljazeera washington. The leaders of the u. K. Has 2 main parties have had a face off in a final t. V. Debate before next weeks election brocks it and the National Health service were among the key issues being discussed aljazeera as paul brennan was there. A week from today one of these 2 men will be britains new Prime Minister a month since the Campaign Began and with just days until it finishes this t. V. Debate was the last chance for voters to compare and contrast these 2 leaders side by side predictably dominated the Early Exchange of mr johnson will spend at least 7 years ago shaping the usa on access to our Public Services on the price of medicines in britain on the access to our National Health service and so what he will do is walk out of a relationship with the go into a relationship with nobody everybody on the labor front bench is campaigning to remain apart from mr goldman whos who is neutral on the matter who is going to secure this deal how can you get a deal a new deal from brussels for brets it if you dont actually believe in it it was a fast paced encounter skipping swiftly from their rival plans for the National Health service how the parties intend to pay for their election promises and even a question about socialism vs capitalism johnson tackle corgan on labours alleged anti semitism problem corp in challenge johnson on fake news and misleading slogans on campaign busses and at the end both men addressed the audience directly. The future really is ours to make together we can tackle the Climate Emergency and Child Poverty and properly fund our National Health service on thursday you can choose hope and vote for real change we can get threats done get out of neutral and get a parliament that works for you and on your priorities the n. H. S. The cost of living 20000. 00 more police more cash for our schools lets get it done on the basis of this t. V. Debate though with just 5 campaigning days left before polling day there are no signs of a shift in gear from either of the 2 main parties on labor got a vast offering and cold in the mix supposedly is relatively popular so its definitely important for labor to try and branch out but the conservatives it is all about getting back to the government minister and. Shadow minister i think argument that in the spin room here backstage at the t. V. Debates and its indicative i think of just how divisive this Election Campaign has been the t. V. Debate really only serving to emphasize the stark choices that voters face when they go to the polling booths next thursday britain is a divided country polarized by political tribalism and these 2 main contenders for Prime Minister both have very different ideas about how to address that paul brennan aljazeera makes them. The israeli army accusing the occupied west bank most Prestigious University beers it being a Recruitment Center of what it calls terrorism dozens of students are currently in israeli jails the university denies the accusations but has told aljazeera its fearing more raids imran khan reports not from the occupied west bank. A 1st glance at present university looks like an ordinary campus that could be anywhere in the world thats because it is the university in the occupied west bank goes about its daily business but the Israeli Army Says its far from ordinary and that this campus is a Recruitment Center for what it calls a terrorism and incitement to violence according to his latest video. Since the beginning of 2964. 00 students have been arrested in total 80 students are in jail the vast majority have yet to be convicted this video from march 2018 shows Israeli Special forces arresting a student on campus at gunpoint the students currently awaiting trial on charges of activities relating to the hamas islamic bloc which is the student wing of the Political Party the University Fairs more israeli incursions and more students arrests from our long. Experience with Israeli Occupation whenever they launch a campaign. Of this information about the university it means that they are preparing for a campaign awful pressure and increasing going to stick sions on the education process in the palestinian territories especially because it university. Because it does pride itself in encouraging students to take part in political life and fight the occupation by israel using the old means. Because a university has been subject to harassment and raids by the israeli army for decades now because of the occupation is very difficult the visiting lecturer is the come and give classes here and the faculties own stuff have been subject to harassment and arrest also however its the students the bad the brunt of the israeli armys actions Abdul Rahman Hamdan is a student here hes been arrested 4 times serving a total of 3 years in prison he was only charged twice but being a member of the hamas islamic blog the other times he was held without charge for a total of 10 months. I was supposed to have graduated 3 years ago but i keep getting arrested for political activity ive had to change my major from engineering to accountancy because i lost so much time it was impossible to keep up with something as difficult as engineering. Membership of them are students political block is not illegal under palestinian law nor does it Contravene University policy but palestinians in the occupied west bank come under Israeli Military rule and Israel Considers the group a terrorist organization but its not just how much students when thats in the sights of the israeli army shouldnt have been arrested for membership of a variety of groups and for Terrorism Financing according to the israelis the israeli army video is being seen as a warning here and once again students and staff are bracing themselves for more raids and more arrests Imran Khan Al Jazeera because it university the occupied west bank. Now several new signs in australia have combined into a single socalled mega fire strong winds are stoking the blaze north of sydney and orange haze has caused breathing difficulties for some people several weekend sports games have been cancelled more than 100 fires are burning across the state of New South Wales emergency Officials Say they need flooding rains to put them out. In a few moments well have the World Weather for you with evident facts but also still to come here on aljazeera where in the mountains of mean mom secret clinics for heroin addicts are proving to be controversial also ahead how solar energy is being switched on to ease fuel shortages caused by the war in yemen. And in the sports news an american skier is airlifted to hospital after this fall to downhill event in canada santa santa well have the details when we come back. Hi im afraid there is no sign of any right in the forecast that is to sort of australia over the next couple of days but we do have something of a brief respite in conditions conditions have improved slightly as far as the bushfires are conservatives going away and for more of a south easterly direction its going to stay very hazy and smoky as we go on through the coming days because theres no sign of any rain in that forecast and High Pressure very much in charge with the winds coming in from the say thats been helping to lower the temperatures and thats were going to see over the next couple of days but next week they will ramp up once again to make a father peter was talking about that is about the size of the sydney metropolitan area it is absolutely huge as you can see for the temperatures 26 celsius there in sydney on sunday afternoon but this is our next wave of hot weather coming through the South Australia already adelaide at around 30. Degrees celcius italys its way into melbourne as we go on into monday not going up on the temperatures there force in the united as we go on into the early part of the week to 26 on sunday 28 on monday for sydney and then this 33 on shoes day kristie critical conditions ramping up once again then theres a said no sign of any rain in the forecast over the next couple of days and a similar picture the queensland. Good weather sponsored by catherine was. The shocking treatment of disabled people in Eastern European state run cabs in this case you can not have access to toilets or water and the bureaucratic indifference to their plight she has his hands and his fates tied to the bed 5 years after fast highlighting such abuses people in power returns with a 2 part investigation to continuing mistreatment and neglect europes recurring shame hard won on aljazeera when the news breaks. When people need to be hurt. And the story needs to be told. 145000 prisoners under its care with exclusive interviews. And indepth reports you think im going out i think im aljazeera has teams on the ground and thats a story the thing right here to bring you more Award Winning documentaries and life means. Welcome back youre watching the aljazeera news hour on peach itll be in the chair this hour for a mind of our top stories so far today the home of the iraqi shia leader. Has been reportedly hit by a drone in not just problems it comes off the unidentified gunman shot dead at least 20 protesters in baghdad overnight Security Forces deny any involvement. In india a rape victim who was set on fire has died of injuries the 23 year old was attacked on thursday last on my way to court to give evidence against her alleged assailants in the Northern State it was up for the. Taliban and u. S. Negotiators have resumed talks in doha aimed at ending the war in afghanistan in september trump abruptly stops talks just as both sides did appear close to signing a deal. Millions of people have been displaced by the conflict in yemen now into its 5th year many live in camps or abandoned buildings with no electricity or proper sanitation fuel imports are restricted or banned making their hardship even worse as mohamed other top reports now from summer many people are now turning to solar power to try to ease their suffering. And his family fled their home in the course of the city of her data to ski the fighting and the strikes by the saudi youre a qualification they have been living in an abandoned house on the outskirts of the capital sanaa there is no electricity but jimmy is hoping this solar panel will help brighten up their dark nights. I could hardly earn a living to provide enough food to feed my family aboard the solar panel because we have lived for months in darkness jimmy the sun journal is delighted with his fathers appears. But would have liked a more powerful system. Im happy but i hope one day we can watch t. V. Like any kids around the world. Its not just families like the more shirts that are improving conversations for themselves with the help of solar power farmers too are reaping the benefits but as with so many things in yemen restraint turns on imports mean set backs are never far away but lennon and. Because of the saudi intimate ban on fuel and the current brutal war weve been forced to buy solar panels now we have been told importers cant bring such alternative sources of power we wonder if it might be a direct war against us who are not affiliated to any group. I will carry molly relies on our electric wheelchair to get around but has found it difficult to keep it formally charged now he has the answer carroll gave again and the only breadwinner from a big family before i installed the solar panel i used to stay for hours at some of the shops to recharge my welchers battery the situation is better for me now. He really has now become one of the largest importers of solar panels the environmentally friendly power system providing some comfort for families devastated by years of fighting between the saudi you. And your theories prior to our technology cant bring isnt and to the war which most yemenis want be on everything else. Barb does it or so on are now going to zation of Petroleum Exporting countries has once again agreed to cut oil output the idea is that less supplies the market will stabilize the prices but raising prices may not be that simple osama bin jabez is in vienna. The world oil markets move on decisions made by ministers at the headquarters of opec for the last 3 years saudi arabia has led opec nations in reducing oil output by 1200000 barrels a day that was supposed to keep the demand supply ratio in check and Keep Oil Prices between 50. 00 to 65. 00 per barrel saudi arabia has announced additional cuts beyond its opec quota but with oversupply from nano pick sources further cuts might be easier said than done as you know there are quite a few moments. Each way. Including Economic Growth including issue is countries like russia also play an Important Role being part of a wider Opec Plus Group but getting all they wanted one analyst told aljazeera christmas came early for the russian delegation. We have come to the conclusion that splitting crude oil and condensate is more transparent and basically does not lead to any changes in the quota russias quota before todays agreement is put in 228. 00 barrels a day with or without condoms so there are no changes to the quota. Production cuts are also meant to keep prices low enough so that u. S. Shale Oil Producers cant make large profits which has helped the u. S. In becoming the worlds leading oil producer cuts in the oil output of iran and venezuela because of u. S. Sanctions meant it was relatively easier for opec to reduce production in 29000. 00 Going Forward might not be that easy option a is watch while prices collapse nobody wants to see that again option b. Is to again do the difficult work a signal into the market credible production cuts and thats the challenge for them here today is to make credible not just paper but credible production cuts. The bigger question is how will they get noncompliant nations to abide by the cuts countries need Higher Oil Prices and also the ability to sell the volume of oil required to support their budgets not paradoxes meant Oil Producers such as iraq agreed to output cuts but in reality that doesnt always happen in the car if you will hand over 250000. 00 per day to a storm or a marketing gas will market that oil and therefore iraq and the minister of oil will be in a position im in a much better position for a company license. When opec was formed it was all about oil growth but with opec producers coming into the market bridging the demand supply gap the cartel of influence has dwindled and with a sharper focus on renewables as well as decreasing oil demand in the current Global Economy oil does not seem to have a guaranteed future summer job with aljazeera at the opec headquarters yet several world powers have been pressuring iran to stop pulling back from its commitments the 2050 Nuclear Deal France germany Britain China and russia all trying to keep the deal from collapsing after the u. S. Pulled out representatives met in vienna but didnt decide on whether to bring the case to the u. N. Security council for whether to reimpose sanctions. Algeria has held its 1st and only televised president ial debate before next weeks election earlier tens of thousands of people held their last friday protest before the vote which they are rejecting as meaningless many demonstrators say they wont vote until old ruling elite is removed burnet smith now reports. 5 men lined up for a television 1st in algeria i debate between candidates in next weeks president ial election all of them have either supported or served in the government of president Abdelaziz Bouteflika before he was forced to resign in april when confronted by mass protests this africa at the sort of all formal constitutions in algeria have served the heads of state but the constitution must serve the people was why i will start an inclusive debate and seek help from constitutional experts in all political classes that will result in a National Referendum that will lead us to a constitution worthy of the algerian people. Aware libyan if it. The constitution is the mother of. The 1st step and change the algerian people have demanded change we all demand change and change will not happen without the law and 1st and foremost the amendment of the constitution. But all of them seem to represent algerias old guard is what leading calls for a boycott of the polls. Thousands of protestors were out again in towns and cities across the country earlier for the 42nd successive friday protests many of them say the election is pointless and they wont vote analysts predict a voter turnout of just 12 to 15 percent i dont think there would be an open in of political system what is happening in a moment is some sort of inertia it gives the impression that something is happening that so many multiparty system exists or look president ial elections will take place next to the and so on and so forth but in the unity knotting changes. The army says thursdays election is the only way to end the standoff with the opposition. Amnesty International Says algeria Security Forces have escalated a crackdown on the protests ahead of the december 12 election the Human Rights Group says theres been a wave of arbitrary arrests and imprisonment of dozens of peaceful like to. Burn its made out easier. The government of some more says nearly 90 percent of the population there have not been vaccinated against measles a Compulsory Program was rolled out after an outbreak 6 weeks ago 65 people have died mainly children and more than 4500 people have been infected a curfew has now been lifted the Health Ministry said 103 new cases have been reported since friday. At least 7 Kenyan Police officers have been killed after a bus was attacked near the somali border gunman from the Armed Group Alshabaab stopped the vehicle on a remote road which in the terms of wood and mandela in june 8 Police Officers were killed in a similar attack in a county. Governments in Southeast Asia more Regional Cooperation is required to tackle a growing drug problem much of the methamphetamine and opium comes from me and mom where armed groups use drug money to fund their wars against the government but as wayne hay explains one of those armies says its anti drugs and is stepping up its fight against addiction. In this part of me and armed rebels are in control and they make the rules if youre addicted to drugs and get caught youre detained and put to work even those who arent from this area are subject to the arbitrary laws of the tar National Liberation army. T. N. L. A have checkpoints and they stop people who pass through their territory they tested by your own and i didnt pass and then they brought me here i didnt have a chance to defend myself when they ordered me to come here i had to follow. The t. L. A. Is a relatively small but active rebel army based in shan state which is one of me and miles main drag growing and manufacturing areas its involved in regular fights with the me and my military and other ethnic minority militias that are allied with Government Forces the say they dont want independence but autonomy they also say theyre not involved in the drug trade but like other rebel groups theyve been accused of human rights abuses including kidnapping and forcing people to join their ranks critics say the Drug Rehabilitation Centers are also illegal addicts are taken to remote secret locations with are held for 3 months the methods often result in injuries but the t. N. L. A say they work and theyre essential to combat the growing use of methamphetamine and heroin young when the army road villages the addicts run away and hide and i dont arrest anyone so we worry that people who live here will become drug addicts little destroy the future for the tongue people so we arrest all addicts and dealers regardless of where they come from there are many legacies of me and miles long running civil wars and almost 50 years of military rule areas like this have been left behind through a lack of development and opportunity which is help to provide space for armed groups to operate with impunity wayne hay al jazeera. Throw drums or burundi are considered sacred and a symbol of unity Catherine Sawyer reports from the shura on how Young Children are being taught the ritual dance to keep the african culture alive. These are some of these best dramas they leave english our home to the famous royal drums and a culture of drumming that dates back centuries the ritual of the royal drugs is now in the can last call heritage laced. Lead drama he tells us this compound in the heart you are entering is significant and is ancient king came here seeking refuge when belgian colonizers wanted to kill him at the time of the 19th century he later surrendered but the drumming he loved stayed on to mark the bravery of those who helped him. When people heard he was here they brought him a gift of. He slaughtered them for a feast and used to make 2 roll drums which exist to date in this century. This is a special hardware the most important drums are kept including this too we are told there are about 100 years or conserving the culture is important to everyone here. Every time the drums beat shara the whole neighborhood comes out this surgery is one of the countrys main Tourist Attractions and a source of livelihood for most people here. Says she once has the tradition women are not allowed to be dramas. Every thursday after school my son comes here to learn from the older dramas teaching the young generation will keep the culture alive. So twice every week young boys come here for training sessions lining there are. Affecting their moves. I started drumming when i was very little my father and grandfather were drummers im hoping one day ill be able to beat the tribes in other countries its a. Royal drumming is not only allowed in official functions the government says this is to avoid commercializing the culture the showstoppers in functions like this president ial events are often the children through these future dramas catherine said. Barricades have been set on fire near the u. S. Embassy in haiti. Protesters in Port Au Prince accuse the u. S. Of propping up what they say he is the corrupt government of the president. Hes resisted 2 months of demands for his resignation as fuel and Food Shortages intensify in what is the western hemispheres poorest country. Now the gulf of maine on the u. S. East coast is warming foster than the rest of the worlds oceans on the path a 1000000000. 00 local fishing industry is struggling to adapt to a loss of some species such as shrimp say kristen salumi reports now from port clyde in maine. Justin libby is whats known as a ground fisherman just like his father before him but in his home base support clyde maine he could be one of a dying breed declining fish stocks and tougher regulations are making it harder for ground fishermen to make a living traditionally boat like this would go around fishing for the summer months usually. May june 2 november then you do is state water scollop being. November december and if you go shrimping from december to. May its not really surprising but regulators have made what little shrimp are left in these coastal areas off limits to fishermen taking away libbys winter catch they blame warming waters for shrimps decline here the gulf of maine has warmed faster than just about any other place in the ocean over the last 30 years weve warned it 4 times the global ocean average its not a coincidence that we started seeing signs of stress in the shrimp population right around 2012 which was the marine heat wave year that we had here in the gulf i mean we had temperatures that were 3 degrees celsius above normal main seafood is a half 1000000000. 00 industry not only is it crucial to the states economy its part of its cultural identity for fishermen who live in villages like this its a way of life thats getting harder and harder to sustain. Justin has seen shrimp go from about 40 percent of his business to 0. Scientists predict that other ground fish species he catches like cod and had it will also see substantial declines ive been forced. Im younger and i can do Something Else but for a lot of the older generation there isnt really any option for them theyve invested their whole lives and their money. And while worming waters have been a boon for other species like lobster. Even maines most lucrative seafood could eventually suffer if Warming Trends continue theres going to be opportunity that comes with Climate Change we just need to be able to understand it and we need to be able to mitigate for it and we need to be taking steps to slow it and adjust and adapt. The main coastal Fishermens Association is calling for more and better data to better prepare for what could be a sea change and preserve a bedrock of the states economy. Christian salumi aljazeera. And you can see most orders like that so on aljazeera Environment Program planet so west that goes to it on saturday at 730 g. M. T. Then you can find it again through the website. Still to come here on the news are in the news with sound i will hear from formula one World Champion Lewis Hamilton whos just got his hands on this trophy for a 6th time. Until now the coverage of latin america and most of the world was about covering khuda todds tragedy was quakes and that was it but not how people feel how they look how they think and thats what we do we go anyway 5 and a half months of demanding it going to Education System that was introduced. In latin America Aljazeera has come to fill a void that needed to be stilled. Time for sports news is thank you very much peter i will and do is is living up to his status as a heavyweight champion hes put on 7 kilograms of for his rematch with britains Antony Joshua the Mexican American no waiting at a huge 128 kilograms ahead of saturdays fight in saudi arabia is the 2nd highest weight in heavyweight championship history and contrast joshua is at his lightest at weight since 2014 who is pulled off a one of the biggest upsets in recent boxing history when he beat joshua in june to claim his 3 title belt. And become noticeable where you lose more weight because very small i mean i dont think that the short sleeve shirt then you probably need a heavier you better point be complete 8 you know ok well you cannot stand to be overweight and then again its easy to get up. Well the clash of the junes as its being cold is the 1st ever world heavyweight title fight to be held in the middle east 15000. 00 fans that will be watching the fight in that they are at a temporary venue built up for the bout only 3 times in the 127 year history of this championship pacifies who regained the belt in a directory match. While both fighters are 30 years of age at the mexican is the shorter of the 2 at 1. 87 meters compared to the britains height of 1. 98 meters junior has set a 3 wins to his name knocking out 22 of his opponents just one have 22 victories 21 of those coming by a knockout both men have on the been defeated once in the korea joshuas last coming against the man he faces on saturday. British boxing right take care davis says says another win the fairways will send him to box in oblivion he needs to do nothing of the day and your reason that hes fulfilled what he wanted to do everything he does from here is about us people expects and city joshua so when if he loses on saturday night theres no big 70000000 pound fights for him coming up in the future ease back on the heap fighting be listers rebuilding his career with everyone saying you got beaten by that chubby little fat kid as and you hes called himself he passed away with this for redemption his trainer saying it is promote a savior he said get inside his head because i believe he lost the 1st hour and it was a mystery in many ways something was rights but he probably didnt skate and see ruiz seriously in the 1st flights hes had 6 months to think about this guy if he can put it right if he can show that he has the boxing capability the now its the fighting i. Q. To defeat this guy all is forgiven. Chris smalling and put on a show of solidarity before and after the native game in italys top Football League the pair have had how to italian newspaper. Sports who described the match between into milan and roma as that friday the game itself in is to end a nail nail draw with intestinal leading the title race and the cockle said the headline was fueling racism smalling is on a loan at roma from majesty not to end their manager also slammed the newspaper when you see you see the paper you say wow i really thought possible if it its theyre worth. From bates ive ever seen to be and of course weve been in touch with chris. Just so he knows that we all will back him and we support him and would roam the room as well. But yeah its i dont work in in your line of business but while. The bron james and antony davis a combined for 70 points in the latest window for the l. A. Lakers the lakers that beat in the fortune trailblazers 136113 is the teams 11th straight win on the road davis scored 39 points while the bronson is with 31 the lakers share the best record in the n. B. A. With the walk ebooks. Tiger woods has moved within 2 shots of the lead at the hero world challenge in the bahamas woods hit a 3rd round of 67. 00 and is inside to of Gary Woodland whos at the top of the Overall Standings 2nd round leader patrick reed dropped down the field after being giving to a stroke penalty for illegally improving his lie in the bunker on the 11th hole. Formula one World Champion Lewis Hamilton has described 2900 as the best season of his life hamilton collected the winner as a trophy for the 6th time a ceremony in paris on friday the briton secured the championship with 2 race to spare says his rivals have work to do if theyre to close the gap on his mercy this team. An american skier was airlifted to hospital after suffering a heavy fall during a womens downhill event in canada competitors were having to deal with heavy snow fall jan and the race and make louise teenager her to crush just 15 seconds into the on the 19 year old that had to be airlifted off the course taken together very very for further inspection of a suspected injury. And thats it for me peter many thanks we will see you later im sure lots more news on the websites algae or dot com is the address you need for shelled is here with half an hour about story world news on the other side of the break i will see you soon. Join me many often as i put the upfront questions to my special guests and challenge them to some straight talking political debate here on out. To choose their own we were told to get to that between ration has this been addressed by took a listen what is the proposal of a spin for a couple on your. We meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter is there a. Part of this conviction that everyone has a deep reservoir of Thomas Realty and if you can give them the opportunity wonderful things start to happen sometimes the simplest situations are the most impactful that is you. Know. The main things that sets out 0 apart from other news organizations is that a lot of our reporting is about real people not about ideas or politicians or what they may want to do but how policy and how events affect real people is something its ok something. A little more complicated operations probably if this is not an act of creation i mean i dont know if the office of the work youre doing here is amazing but there are so many fossils and it feels like this is just a day and what was your relationship with joe not normal or ok. Because in this job isnt just about whats on a script or a piece of paper its about whats happening right now. Hold on. One. More gunshots in baghdad and attack on the house of a influential shia cleric tensions shoot out at a rock after a night of violence. Im Richelle Carey this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up a 2nd woman has raped sparked outrage in india has died after enduring peace. Thousands of afghans are forced to return from iran as u. S. Sanctions bite and the work runs out plus. Im Catherine Sawyer the home of the royal drawings. Ill be telling you about a culture that has been for centuries

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