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A race against time to vaccinate children and some of the Pacific Island battles on these rules outbreak thats killed more than 60 people. The impeachment process against the u. S. President is shifting into high gear House Democrats have announced theyre drawing up formal charges on a rapid timetable the setting the stage for a vote before christmas and that could mean a senate trial showdown in january heidi jocasta reports now from washington d. C. Its official me that with confidence and humility with allegiance to our founders and in fact full of love for America Today im asking you to proceed with impeachment. Donald trump will become the 4th president in u. S. History to face formal impeachment charges that could remove him from office the facts are uncontested the president abused his power for his own personal political benefit at the expense of our National Security by withholding military aid and crucial Oval Office Meeting in exchange for an announcement of an investigation into his political rival the white house says democrats are abusing their power and lying to the American People are you referring to the right are usually fine when your legacy. Reza hoax its a hoax or big fat 0 now with the big question in washington is what these articles of impeachment will be a report by the House Intelligence Committee makes a case for abuse of power and of struction of congress stemming from the ukraine investigation but then there are still those lingering concerns from the earlier russia investigation. Into why special counsel Robert Muller told congress that while there was no evidence trump had colluded with russia to win the 2016 election there may be grounds that he obstructed justice and what about total exoneration if you actually totally exonerate the prez you know for mullers appearance had little impact and the very next day trump told the president of ukraine over the phone that muller had quote a poor performance then according to the call transcript trump asked for an investigation into his political rival constitutional scholars called by democrats have testified that trumps impeachable offenses go beyond the ukraine phone call call i think the way you need to ask about this is how does it fit into the pattern of behavior by the president republicans counter democrats have been trying to remove trump since the day he took office theyve always wanted to impeach the president. Watch him at their words watch him at their actions watching what they have done the democratic majority in the house will likely vote to impeach trent before christmas then the senate dominated by the president s own party will put trumps fate on trial in the new year hide your castro aljazeera washington. Indian police shot dead 4 men suspected of raping and killing a veterinarian in hyderabad in a case thats reignited nationwide protests over attacks on women they were taken to the crime scene as part of the investigation but police say they tried to escape and was shot. Crowds in hyderabad welcomed the killings hundreds of people gathered at the crime scene and chanting long live the police the victims family have also thanked officers. Id like to think in congratulate the telling god the Government Police and all those who supported me my daughters so now has. They have to live and this will be an example and nobody will even think of doing it. Is in new delhi she says the details are still unclear. The local Police Commissioner is on the spot and he said that an encounter took place and the 4 accused have been killed he confirmed that and said the details would be revealed shortly so an official more than not official details by the police have not yet been shared however what we have learnt is that the police were taking the 4 accused for the last 2 nights to the spot to reconstruct the event as a part of the investigation and then the police saying that these accused one of them tried to snatch the weapon and one of the Police Officers they got into a scuffle they tried to escape and that is when the policeman shot them down a retired Police Official list all the indian media that such incidents can be explained these incidents can happen in the heat of the moment in the police perhaps do not have the time to shoot. The queues in the leg and that is why the killings have taken place the family as you said have welcomed this and also the family of the victim who was killed back in december 2012 after which again there were many many protests that family has also welcomed this calling it justice and saying this is the right sort of punishment in this sentiment sami really emerges from the fact that justice is still delayed the processes are still very long there is also huge stigma attached to the victims themselves and that is why the popular sentiment here seems to be that this sort of up on this woman this sort of retribution of justice is the way to go forward of course there are lawyers and activists who are saying that law must be followed and that there are many questions still unanswered as far as this incident is concerned conveyed to krishnan is the secretary of the all India Progressive Womens Association she says its Unlikely Police who continue the investigation into the rape murder in hyderabad. According to the police the closing of that book you know they have done socalled justice and the problem i have and the way i think it is that i think that this kind of lynch mob sentiment is now no longer just a public sentiment but actually is deflected as a tool of government by those who govern us at the center in delhi as well as and state including polling done on other seats because these are governments that are unable to prevent him from buying bonds are like that she said if i am able to prevent him from being pilloried in court and from being told by the judge that all we agree that you said no but youre not with evil and a feeble no could mean i guess this kind of thing they are unable to change unable to protect and able to prevent and now they want us to accept this kind of lynch mob sentiment as justice and we have to place this in a larger matrix where the Central Government now and if he does and if the ruling party is encouraging a lynch mob incident to happen encouraging people to say just kill people from especially from minority communities and vulnerable communities and just kill them if you suspect them of anything and thats really if you come from a Vulnerable Community or youre a poor person its very easy to suspect you and if you do anything without any evidence whatsoever france is facing a 2nd day of disruption as hundreds of thousands strike overplan Pension Reforms Public Sector workers walked off the job 1st so transport throughout the country as many grounds to a home schools are closed and hospitals are understaffed its the biggest mass triton 2 decades. Massive demonstrations turned violent in some cities on thursday. Been speaking to Union Leaders in the capital. There were people from all walks of french life teaches students and lawyers joint transport and Health Workers in central paris part of a nationwide strike protesting against the governments plans to reform the Pension System they fear the changes would force them to work for more years and reduce their payouts if were here to try and preserve our Pension System which is one of the best in europe and we dont want to go backwards microns reforms are destroying french society. It looks like well have to retire even later but well have even less money in our pension so the demonstration was mainly peaceful but there was some clashes between police and socalled black bloc and a case protesters i think more than 6000. 00 Police Officers were deployed in the city this police Union Spokesperson said many of them would have wanted to join this joint a lot of them wanted to come. We are no day off today that was a load and also we do not have the right to go on strike so. Yes its difficult for force the strike caused major disruption across the city there was little public transport and most schools were shot even the eiffel tower was forced to close the french president says the Pension System needs to be streamlined to make it fairer and safe public money the strike zone a major test for emanuel mycroft because he made reforming the Pension System one of his Campaign Promises so if it gives in to the protesters and scrap this reform it will be a political failure the so far the french president is showing no sign of backing down this analyst says macko has a track record of controversial reforms since the begin. Of its mandate the government has passed several reforms that many would have believed would be almost impossible but they managed to push them through despite the challenges and risk. Michael may not want to make concessions but if the disruption continues he may have to rethink although most people are expected to return to work this week some transport workers say they wont give up their fight and will continue to strike the tasha butler ill just say were paralysed. Kenyas top prosecutor has ordered the arrest of the governor of nairobi he says theres enough evidence to detain mike song co who is the main suspect investigation into Money Laundering its one of the most high profile arrests since the government launched an Anti Corruption push. More than 30000 people in some hour have been vaccinated for measles in 2 days medical teams are going door to door attempting to hold the outbreak which has killed at least 60 people and many say the Initiative Comes too late Jessica Jessica washington reports from the summer when capital appear in this small village the Measles Outbreak has claimed 3 young lives from the same family the parents are still in shock struggling to come to terms with what happened i am very very. Sad for. Last of my 2 kids. Reading. Meeting this. Support groups are visiting communities like this bringing medical supplies and Offering Counseling lena chang is traveling around the country and has spent time with the poor family its not easy because you know ts are everywhere and the moment you Start Talking about it. Everybody and soon even as this community has experienced the devastation off the Measles Outbreak in this village 3 siblings under the age of 3 died they buried side by side in this shed across some our dozens of parents are mourning the loss of their children and it will take time for this small island nation to heal some or has been in lockdown with businesses and most Government Services shot and cars banned for the past few days to make it easier for medics to reach as many families as possible administering vaccines the outbreak isnt over but the government says the success of the mass vaccination programs means its unlikely a total shutdown will be needed again however its recognised things wont just suddenly get back to normal and the emotional toll from the loss of young lives will remain in a country like china with a and extent its just. A culture that everybody. So that no one should be left. Without help the poor family visit the graves of their loved ones every day it will take time for this family and the nation to recover jessica washington aljazeera. As bring you some breaking news coming in from the kenyan capital now where a 6 story apartment block has collapsed is just after midday there these are live pictures its in the east of nairobi and there are fears dozens of people are trapped rescue crews you can see them there as well as residents there trying to clear through the rubble at the scene local media reporting that fire crews and ambulances of had trouble getting into the area because of damage to roads caused by recent heavy rain and floods and firefighters are struggling to contain bushfires in circling australias largest city sydney is home to around 5000000 people the fire Service Commissioner says forces are stretched fighting nearly 150 fires 6 people have been killed more than 600 homes destroyed since the fire season began in september. Still ahead on aljazeera another no show from Boris Johnson in his own constituency will it cost him his seat in the elections. And we visit the mississippi communities struggling to hold on to their way of life changing landscape. Hello there plenty of rain across much of indonesia the good seasonal rays we see this time of year and the same kinds of rain farther to the south the rains finally making it that false education some rain showers in your forecast now a bit dry across the malaysian peninsula very widespread rains across much of sumatra and you can see everything really come missing entire region as we head off into sunday now from there down across into australia a very different story it is still about these a bushfire particularly in New South Wales you can see the direction the cloud is blowing that is also taking the smoke of course and this is what it looks like these are some huge fire theres 15 being named a mega place of the north of sydney 300000 hectares has is currently on fire and just look at this not surprisingly this smoke of course blowing right the way across sydney but also pushing right the way across the sea on into new zealand so as we go through saturday no rainfall calls it is warm 27 celsius the same across into perth a fair amount of cloud in the forecast little bit cooler on sunday these should be welcome temperatures it has of course been well above the average for the last several days but again sunday no change really across into New South Wales the winds coming from the interior it is dry it is still very warm and these are going to continue to burn for some time yet. The war on drugs in the philippines is pushing jake to a breaking point a Record Number of inmates languish behind bars for years awaiting trial while the philippines is locked up on aljazeera leak stories generate found headlines with different angles from different perspectives separate the spin from the facts. With the listening post on aljazeera. Come out here watching our time to recap our headlines. The u. S. House democrats are pushing for more impeachment charges against president setting the stage for a vote before christmas and the senate trial in january Indian Police shot dead 4 men suspected of raping and killing a veterinarian in Hyderabad Police say the men were killed when they tried to escape france is facing a 2nd day of this russian as hundreds of thousands strike over planned Pension Reforms transport schools and hospitals have all been affected. So the rabia state owned oil company says its share sale will be the biggest Public Offering in history saudi aramco is set to take in 25600000000. 00 for 3000000000. 00 of its shares that will surpass the previous record set by chinese online giant barber in 2014 theres still falls short of saudi arabias original target. The serious economics editor has been following the story he says the saudi government has refused to budge on the companys valuation lets have a look at this 2016 mohammed bin some man said you know i want to want to i want a company which is going to be worth 2 trillion dollars well he didnt get that he wanted to raise 100000000000. 00 he didnt get that and he wanted International Investors to buy into the company and he didnt get that but what you do have is a 1. 00 trillion Dollar Company he raised 25600000000. 00 is still going to be the biggest i. P. O. In history so there is some success there but the reason why International Investors werent interested in buying into the company because they didnt see the same value that the saudis did they thought the company was worth between 1 point one trillion 1. 5 trillion now the saudis wouldnt budge on that price the international festers wouldnt budge on the price that they saw that this was a fair value and so they decided not to invest and so the saudis went out and said ok well well sell this company to. 2 people inside arabia as well as the g c c now theyre going to make sure that this is a serious not only only to save face but to make sure that those small investors who are coming on board werent be underwater when this company floats later on in the month because youve got to remember that these small investors have taken out huge loans just to invest in the aramco talks between major Oil Exporting Nations will resume on friday discussions on production cuts went late into the light of quarters in vienna the oil cartels been cutting production for the past 3 years and further reductions are expected theres disagreement about how they should be shared out. Security forces in iraq are bracing for another wave of friday protests the 1st since the Prime Minister resigned Iraqs Parliament has passed a bill to reform it so actual commission protesters are demanding further change those are barring reports from baghdad. I chanting psystar new york the leader of the revolution they made their way to tell me of square i a chance refer to grand ayatollah Ali Al Sistani this shia leader who blames the government and Security Forces for the deaths of demonstrators the protesters keep from various other parts of baghdad but their message is the same as others who come here every day i dont know. We demand an end to the system we dont want to see still committed a nation of the Prime Minister is not enough we want to resignation of all of. The by live. We want the straighted to step down we dont want any promises from any of these political blocs at least 430 iraqis have been killed in 9 weeks of antigovernment protests among the demands of protesters more jobs less corruption you elections and changes to the electoral laws and the constitution there overall took into the Government Force Prime Minister i dont often make these who resigned is now urging the parliament to fulfill its duties ronaldo from. The moment were in the middle of an unprecedented situation but i think the legal and constitutional understanding of the situation is clear we understand the problems of our country and we hope the political powers will nominate and choose an alternative Prime Minister as soon as possible. But the political process in iraq is complicated by sectarian interests a major issue for many here they want more sane choosing their political leaders this is a makeshift memorial built to remember the protesters who were killed here but as the political wrangling continues behind the scenes many here say that they hope the protesters didnt die in vain but rather so that all iraqis can have a Better Future dorsetshire pari al jazeera baghdad. Britains Prime Minister baraks johnson has received a Political Boost just a week before the u. K. General election 4 members of the European Parliament have abandoned nigel farage is braggs it party to back the conservatives they say only a victory for johnson will ensure the u. K. Leaves the e. U. The main Opposition Labor Party is promising to hold the 2nd referendum if it wins briggss issue has dominated the election. Johnsons conservative Party Remains ahead in the polls but the Opposition Labor Party believes theres a possibility of unseating him johnson was nowhere to be seen this a Campaign Event in his own constituency on thursday on fear of force. Here it is democracy in action voters queuing in the cold and dark to hear what their would be member of parliament has to say problem is someones missing. They were used to boys not a very much aspirations. At the previous election he turned out for about 3 photo shoots or Something Like that had his photograph taken and then off he went again. Among the most irritated worthy environmental activists campaigning against the proposed massive expansion of Heathrow Airport just down the road johnson had promised to support them years ago but now i dont know id like to know why he has gone against the pledge he made in 25th day all seemingly thats what the manifesto is seeming to say when he actually could call the government for review right now and have him pace vote on it again. All through the campaign johnsons team have limited his appearances limited his ability to make mistakes and his dog debates with other policy leaders but not turning up to the only Campaign Event in your own constituency to the voters is Something Else again particularly when success isnt guaranteed. The constituency is an urban sprawl west of london rough around the edges and down on its luck Boris Johnsons majority is small enough that even as Prime Minister a win here isnt a given but secularly since there are a large number of students at the local university likely to support the label opposition as well as that there is much criticism of johnsons refusal to fully participate in this election. I think in a way present something of a crisis in british politics if someone a senior is a Prime Minister refuses to take part in what is normal Democratic Convention now of course debates a recent thing but interviews with senior journalists are not only the extent to which he seems to be dodging these would seem to present a problem in the longer term in the end johnsons place at the table was offered to independent candidates a comedy acts called counts been face he joined the other more serious politicians to discuss the airport expansion and Everything Else to a whole half empty because the most important politician come it all felt completely surreal. What johnson has in his favor is that people seem to like having a Prime Minister as their local m. P. And as well as that this constituency voted for bricks it and so johnson is their main cheerleader further than that though his plans for his constituency things like the airport will not be revealed before next weeks election lawrence lee al jazeera usually government leaders in mauritania say theyll investigate people Trafficking Networks after 63 migrants drowned off the coast more than 80 managed to swim ashore when their boat capsized they were described as being exhausted and starving is the largest loss of life along the western atlantic route to europe this year more heavy rain is expected in southeastern kenya or at least arent 30 people have died after 2 months of flooding a Tropical Storm off the somali coast is expected to make landfall this weekend the government says as many as 300000 residents have left their homes the rain the submerged villages and washed away livestock on the surveillance affected close to 2000000 people in east Africa Tanzania to ethiopia. In parts of the United States land is being lost to the sea at the rate of a football field every hour 10 years ago al jazeera is not clark visited southern louisiana where he saw the destruction caused by Oil Extraction and rising sea levels please return to find communities now living on the brink travels through the delta system of the great mississippi and southern louisiana and youll soon feel the precarious nature of existence here the gulf of mexico inexorably e. T. L. Where the roads fields and homes salt water killing biodiversity. 10 years ago there were 60 People Living just above sea level on a small strip of land that is ill to join shell today its 20 and 20 ling fast this community is slowly being returned to nature you know what we see here is repeated in many communities right across southern louisiana and the wetlands retreat fewer and fewer people want to take the risk of living here but many say that these decaying buildings a testament to the folly of what were doing to the planet. Just days after we filmed that this defective harken perry causing the total evacuation of the town locals film the subsequent devastation this used to be an occasional occurrence today it happens pretty much every year because theres less land theres more water and because theres more water now to surge from a storm caused greater damage you know in the area so you know its not as. Easy to live will be here. Take to the skies and you can clearly see whats happening at one time these waters were completely blanketed in green and natural defense against a warm surges through time deep channels were cut for Oil Pipelines throw in Climate Change and Sea Level Rise and you have a perilous mix. Phyllis melon song has lived here for nearly 60 years depending mainly on the bounty of the marshes now she knows the advancing sea spells the end whats your worst fear but my fear is that were going to have to leave one day and never return we wont be able to there was nothing left to return to and i see it. I see it very soon. My fear is this and next and megs big storm. For it is going to wipe us out thats what im afraid the next big storm will wipe us out. You leave here wondering how much longer the resilient people of the pa you will have any land to live their lives on before they become 1st World Climate refugees and al jazeera southern louisiana. And you can see more from nick clark on aljazeera as Environment Program planet has so i guess thats this saturday at 1730 g. M. T. But lets take you through some of the headlines now a 6 Story Building in kenya has collapsed there are fears dozens of people are trapped local media is reporting 5 crews and ambulances are having trouble getting into the area because of damage to roads caused by recent floods. Us House Democrats are pushing formal impeachment charges against the president theyre setting the stage for a vote before christmas and the senate trial in january i democracy is where does it take the president leads us no choice but to act because he is trying to corrupt once again the election for his own benefit the president has engaged in at this hour undermining our National Security and jeopardizing the integrity of our elections his actions in defiance of the vision of our founders and the oath of office that he takes to preserve protect and defend the constitution of the state Indian Police have shot dead 4 men suspected of rape and murder and high that are bad they were taken to the crime scene as part of the Investigation Police say they tried to escape the will shot the cases provoked outrage in the family of the victim welcomed the killings. Id like to think you congratulate the telling god the Government Police and all those who supported me my daughters soul now has. Now he may have to endure and i think this will be an example and nobody will even think of doing it. France is facing a 2nd day of disruption as hundreds of thousands strike over a planned Pension Reforms transport throughout the nearly has ground nearly to a halt schools are closed and hospitals are understaffed its the biggest mass strike in 2 decades saudi arabia state owned oil company says its share sale will be the biggest Public Offering in history saudi aramco is said to take in 25600000000. 00 for 3000000000. 00 of its shares but it still falls short of saudi arabias original target. The headline is the news continues after 101 east. The Prime Ministers. Mission is to defeat the british on the 31st of october and making this country the greatest place on a persons departure is delayed but for how long fellow who would drama of bricks it on aljazeera. In the philippines president bridge radio ditto site has declared a war on drugs thats left more than 12000 people dead. But theyre not the only victims its also left tens of thousands of people languishing in giles is caught struggle to process a Record Number of drug arrests but unloveable i thought where am i mean why am i here i shouldnt be here what is this place. Im on a one ace we investigate the shocking conditions inside the worlds most congested giles

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